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Show T A ' zx. OF SPECIAL NOTICE SCHOOL DOIID FARMINGTON THE ROSE CITY. Coonty ml et rich ind Itrtln Darla coontj. Hona at Iha Millar floral ELECTION III DAVIS C0UI1TY, company, lb larpaai of hot booaa flowers lo the country. InciUoii of the ftmone Lapoon rMhrt, Uaa Water Works aod Electric Lltrhla. A Bne place forrealdenee. Form UTAH. SCHOOL DISTRICT. , -- Charles Stevenson,- - U. S. mail carrier, has sold out and will engage in ranching in Cache valley. Who will be his successor is an unsettled question. - QUESTION: Shall the Board of Ediiciitioii of Dutis Cotinty Schbol District of the State of Utah be authorized to issue and in the amount ;of One sell bonds, of the said district Hundred and Ninety Thousand - ($11)0, 000.00) in the denomination, of $1,000.00 hearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum to run for the period of-enty yt ars with the option of paying $9.7, 000.00 thereof or any part thereoj at any tifne after ten years, lor the purpose of raising money for purchasing school sites, for building or purchasing selimd houses and supply-jng-th- e - -- lr, and Mrs. Lawrence4urn-ham- , formerly of Bountiful;, are now Farmington residents. Mrs. H trnham is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Palmer. 1 -- Htreetr Supervisor Walker is doing a nice piece of work tearing a road through the rock hill in front of the school house. Th having the work furniture and peecssary apparatus, and for improving the grounds for said school district. Dolls will be open on said day and date at 7 o'clock 'A. Mr and remain open until 7 oclock 1. M. of Naid day. same-with eity-officialsr- are done. Dolling places in each rejrcscutatU.cpreeinet vjll be as heredesignated, and the persons herein named are the judges to conduct, the bond election at such lolling places respectively: John T REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT NO. Polling place at South Bountiful AmusemenfHall. Judges of election therefor: Ilyrum Hogan, .(leoige Hatch, Hy I II Eldredge. latch, Polling place at Centerville Young Mens HalL Judges of eleetion therefor, Hen Brown, Joseph' Ford, I'arri-sb- K. It. REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT NO. 2. ' Polling place at Bountiful Light & Power Co. of eleetion therefor, Jyseph T. Mabey, Dailey F. WilJudges H. ley, Frank Smedley. Polling place at Midgley Ioe Cream Parlor. Judges'of election therefof, Sam. Sessions. Iniin Hiirningluim, REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT NO. 3 Polling place at County Court House. Judges of eleetion therefor, Nephi Dalmer, James II. Wilcox, Frank H Steed. . N. Hlood. REPRESENTATIVE PRECINCT NO. 4. ,1 Polling place at Farmers' Union Halil Layton. -U of eleetion Philo S. IIF Dibble, Judges therefor, Nalder, David Polling place at Clearfield School House. Charles Clark, Jesse H. Harlow, Judges of eleetion therefor, ' : L. Mnbcyr Joseph Polling place at South Weber Amusement Hall. Judges of eleetion therefor, (loorge W. Kendall, Adolph Fern-litiAngus Bowman. - REPRESENTATIVE Dli EC4 NVTNO.T., ' Polling place at West Point School House. Judges of eleetion therefor, John W. Dah W.' S. Flinders, tlebrge RFBennett. -- - s, Polling place at Syracuse High School Building. Aaron Call, F. Judges iC eleetion therefor, ' F. Robinson. . . -- - A. terville nursery. A considerable number of prizes were awarded about one dozen being awarded to those cultiating large .rose Substantial evidence gardens. was shown that the appelation of Rose City was a deserved title. The Clean Up committee of three years ago added this title to the T original name of the town. The city furnished teams - to haul away all the gathered rubbish and a good healthy clean up was consummated. The commit tee modestly request that their names be not published. Oviatt, Polling place at the Kaysville Opera House. Judges of eleetion therefor, James (riddle, llebor J. Sheffield, Jr., Wm, MR8FM. JFHINMA1T DEAD Irs. M. J. llinman f Cardston, Canada, died at the L. D. S. hobjii-ta- l, Sunday April 13th, at 6 :30 P. M. Mrs. Hinnian was an old time resident of Farmington and sister to .S.. E. audJolm 5. White - of thirf place. She went to on the 7th, and was operated on the following Wednesday for serious complications. While the operation was successfully done, t he pat ient. grew Averse f rom,. the first, until deatR came. - At her bed side was her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Call and . Mrs. Katie lvnowlton. -- H. -- - Nahler, John - - - the-hospita- Polling place at Clinton Amusement Hall. Judges of eleetion therefor, Thomas Parker. Myron H. Child, Alex Dattorson, urdcr .jif - ..- tL V1uh1 44'. Da vis -- (Anility District,, made aU a lawful meeting theieof held at Farmington, ltah, on Monday the 14th day of April, A. D. 1013 Attests - Suit Sale Here is y ouor opportunity to secure fiobby garments at great reductions. We place on sale to morrow and continue ifl week, 150 suits all spring weights all high grade cloths Suits for men, worthm ned-i-.tr-t- lft Suits for men, worth up to $17.50 . a graduate century the usual fee in physic was about J2 50, though he usually asked twice that amount. Old Sawbones, who was only a licensed physician, couldnt very well expect more than $1 66, though he usually had hopes of getting $?50 ayls!tA the finesrhome-bake- ' i ?! v ' v - M a f 323-4-- 5 Building. Salt Lake And it costs lessuoney, too. Particular "on Quality -- AVV-use only premium quality ingredients in its making. Ordinary market flours and other component parts would never do. Of eouPse we eouTd savFTnoney by using them. But it would be a sacrifice of quality. Aud it is our opinion that! i$ the' quality thing. It is the big distinguishing difference between THIS loaf and others bakers bread. Successful Irrigation Sti to reality when vou are able apply water to the soil fin the right amount and at the right time. To he able to do this, you should control your own- water supply for irrigating purposes. You can obtain water from str earns, lakes, ponds, springs and wells, but to have absolute control over the water supply, you should use an I H oil and gas engine to do the pumping. By doing so you also reduce the cost of pump ing water to the minimum. t I H C Oil and Gas Engines TabSSteeN BREAD furnish cheap, dependable power for all farm purposes and to operate all kinds of farm Tn ach i n es ere am separators," teed grinders, wood saws, etc. They operate on gas, gaso-lin- e, naphtha, kerosene, distillate, or alcohol. They are thoroughly tested before leaving the factory and made to develop 10 to 30 percent above rated horse power. They are built in many styles stationary, portable, skidded; water-coolevertical, horizontal, and in 1 to sizes. I H C oil power tractors are built iff 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45 and power sizes. They furnish economical power for plowing, disking, seeding, harvest- ing, threshing, and for all kinds of belt power and drawbar work. There are satisfied users of I H C oil and gas engines for pumping purposes wherever irriga tion is practiced. See the I H C local dealer. Get our catalogue on irrigation from him or write -- Jhe Best Bread Dahq3? And It Certainly - air-cool- 50-hor- . d; ed, se UO-hor- se . J ? International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) Salt Lake City Utah - mumumsmwnmhms When You Want the Best Eat LICENSES Bread and Blue Ribbon Bread Sold by your grocer. ROYAL - BAKING 'CO. N SALT LAKE For sale by M.W. PHILUPSfKaysville, ,L. H. OVIATT & CO., Farmington, and CLEAKFIELD MERC. CO " 4- t - LAWYERS Kearns loaf. d - c WHITAKER, Phone Wasatch 467 Home-Deljg- ht VA, -- Have your grocer supply you daily with fresh Royal Table Queen Bread. This bread is far better than - who-hpe- VANE STRINGFELOW- & - 25. Utah Kaisfllle, blood-lettin- him Law. - , on MARRIAGE at surgeons fee riVas'aApiarter a mile, whether the Journey w er far or near, and to that charge he added a quarter and if the patient for wanted his arm or leg-- cut off It cost r M Peters Its no longer necessary to fuss and bother about baking bread at home. i F O I b 0 OO tr-irr-e and Tillie Brandt, 21, both of ' ' Eureka. Beautiful Nerve. Yeast According to a Berlin nerve April 12. Frank Kilepease, 21, specl&hftt knitting in bed I an. ex- and Anna tell Roberts, 19, both of j cellent antidote for tired, nerves.' Til send one pj tdytu Lake Salt, v I should City. Crimsonbeak Well, ay 'But will he want to come in here! that the fellow 12. Charles E, ChatelaiApril Oh.es; the one ni send you has knitting in bed would hav a anytime ne,-28, butlft and Kate ften been- ln jail Briera, 20, both MTV. oL Ogden. s i Get First Choice THE FINEST BREAD es That Kir.d. And do you want to empiov yer? asked the Jail ke p r "Yes, In replied the i 116.5 0 1 i $113.5 Come Early b H ' Mens Suits worth from $20.00 to $27.50. -- pro-one- 9.5 . Mens Suits, $17.50 to - $22.50 values .. . he ner nm-at- 1 te up-to-da- delicate-brown-thi- hla friends of unwelcome facts or tells them unpleasant iiuths is sure to be liked aud when a man of Mich, a turn conies to old age he is almost sure to helTcat eil-It Is true, u need that we should swot dissemble oi tt.pwr in company, bui a man may be Very agreeable strictlj consistent with truth and & pnuitut silence where he cannot concur, and a. pleasant, assent where he, can ' Now and then uni meet with a person so extveiH formed- to please that he will gam upt n eveijone who bear or In holds him, this disposition t but frequently merely a gut the effect of much knowledge of 'the Tin fan you be meaning Sitan" askUd w oi Id and xiveLthe pae-. . sions KrequenMj that which is cafled the astonished clerk vetxJAait!'1 she Fer she Ter candor is merely malice til1' 1 century,1 Mrs. llinman was the-wi- fe of Is Good President. Henry L. llinman, formerly of this place. She was (50 years of The i rust of Royal Table and is survived by her hus- Queen Bread is a age Aid to Memory. band and seven children, five and crisp. Sally Swti,e. was ifion.cd to and two girls. ' Isit tlalway twin chi., wetk in. or-t- boys' The center Us fine; grained, hut She lias ever been a promimnt r to get nny thing famlight and flaky as snow. ily Th.gl. (,he could uMlur read, figure in goeietyand also church A rrd' it TTas al IF"deTIghF ti-i fnvgor ir, of work, Loth here and in her pres- ful. with which fv ,! had ent hpme county and her, god Intrusted ht r But onre, how .er, he' charAc!ecand-lovahle-disHsitia aution we ask vou to m rttiorv-- fa vt c rt h er S h e 'Tx-Tc c h or: be sure won that the bread you buy have for her a circle of dered by me of the fa.n.iy to ku is liniited only .by isgefluim Royal Table .Queen. yard of some tolor of sat.u The ac friends that has It those places where she was not customed woid slipped bet n.iiid Bu many imitators, so be on she was not to.be baffled by that little known. . ) your guard against them. word Sho w .ilked, Ino a d;y good The body was removed from stote near at hand, still thmking hard the. hospital to the undertaking She asked of one id ibe deiks where it will he prepared parlors, tsay nntstrr. what is'TT you call de for when shipment to Cardston, Canada it aint d,il you say to dull, Genial Companion. man1 who never lemiiuls A - . mlddl of th raven; writ Ros M. BrtdA ley In the English House wife, forks were luxury,. treated rather toys, elegant, with Jeweled handles, wherewith the ladles might pick daintily at their sweetmeats." Before the earring fork waa introduced paper covers were placed over those portions of the meat which had to be grasped with the band. The paper frills some times teen nows days on cutlet bones tre said by the author to be a survival of fhe old custom. After smarting under foreign criticism on' their table turned ' to manners, Englishmen French Rules of Civility, and others were compiled in England., Readers were warned not to wipe knife or fork on bread or the cloth, but on napkins. Theywere also requested not tcuplek their teeth at the table with knife or fbrk. Lady Richs Closet of Raretles, published fnl52, begs each gentlewoman to observe to keep her body straight, and elbow,, nor by ravenous gesture dis. cover a voracious appetite. Nor must she talk with her mouth full of meat nor smack like a pig. not eat spoon meat so hot that the It is very tears stand In her eyes. uncomely. the author adds, to drink so large a draft that your breath Is almost gone and your are forced to recover yourself. Throwing down your liquor as into a funnel la an action fitter for a Juggler than a gentle- - HENRY H. BLOOD, WM. 0. SEARS. Clerk. (Scan -- - "Until th tenth The rose sdle and hand concert under the direction of the Clean Up committee, held near the Court house Arbor Day, drew a big crowd of enthusiastic citizens of all ages. The entire stock of roses was disposed of and orders for many were taken to be supplied from Smith .Brothers Cen- Ed L. Hansen. I.. H. Amusing. shay. The bodies ciple of thp were made to last, and gear running Hon. John L. Smith of Oakley, and these old Broadway friends seem Idaho is a Farmington visitor for to have been as widely scattered over a few days.. He gives an inter- the world as were later the locomoesting description of the Oakley tives of the elevated railroads. W reservoir, which is just complete have memoranda of two Broadway ib It is seven miles long; annile stages utlitrunning In Peru in the flrst wide and 140 feet deep and is cal yeartxof this century. In the early 80g one was .encountered in suburban ciliated to irrigate 3,8,0(10 acres.) service at'Tgpe Town with the Wall ' street ferry inscription still discernible under coats Lijater palntNew ROSE SALE A SUCCESS York Press. A. . Polling place at Farmington Opera House. Judges of eleetion therefor, George A. Welling, Arthur Hess. . T. IWeClure rum S. Salter. 1. 0 f Civility for th Kngllth of Seventeenth Cntury Ar "RuIm 2356 to 65 Washington Ave. Ogden. Bigler is foreman of t ho eonstru etion ga ngJwliQ are woman the new electric line bebuilding tween Salt Lake City and Day Stage Built to Last. son. Lyman Hess is also an asDoctors Fees of Old. The old stages were a triumph of Doctors nowadays dont get so sistant Railroad builder and both the wagon maker's art; most of them of them arc temporary Salt Lake were built by John Stephenson of this much more than they used to get. At the beginning of the eighteenth city, and all were built on the prinAttorney and Gooncelor residents. one hosa to in Polling place at West Bountiful Amusement Hall. Judges of election therefor, Israel Harlow, Jr., J. OLD OF ETIQUETTE tnler-mooot- Thejeounty jail is ?a&ain empty, the four boarders of ten days, af.Notice is hereby given to the registered voters of the respecter giving the Court house trees F tive representative, preciiicUt41avi8-4WntySvlHKd-Distri- et of' a good trimming, left for parts un the State of Utah, 'wh'fcAiliiilDhavo''. paid . therein known. in' the year preceding the election, that, in accordance with a Miss Helen Sted 'came near resolution of tbpHbard of Education of said school district, a being severely hurt Tuesday by special eleetion Twill be held at the Killing places designated hereunder in. the respective- - representative precincts in said Davis being thepwn from a horse she County School . District on Tuesday the-2r)-th day of April, A. I).n: was riding m;North Farmingtop. 1D1 following-questio- A, at whiehelcrtitm tbcrewiH be submitted-t- he Although'quite badly bruised she is able to be about. $ TABLE r ' 3 |