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Show - I . ' KAYSVfLLE UTAH THE UTAH t i BUDGET - HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY QUIT THEIR WORK. - TWO Sheep shearing has commenced In ' Iron county. , ia to Cedar City li,1e tac.yp show houses costing '$12,000 each, if plans go through. Ogden city streets areto be graced with new rubbish cans Bimllar to those used- in the large eastern itie Six slot machines confiscated by officers In Hntr Lake as gambling devices, and wlmh were, worth, ' $300 each, were destroyed Monday. Slot machines wfii not be permitted in Salt Lake City after April 20, the supreme court liaing decided that slot machines are gambling de- ' J to-d- ate ,r 3t tfa 5 THREE" SHOTS FIRED AT SPAN ISH MONARCH IN STREETS OF THE CAPITAL BY NATIVE. ' i if Escape to Hi Own Courage and Skilled Horseman-hip- . Prevent Mob Soldier From Lynching Assailant. King Owes His tv Brussels The gr,efs'rlke of work ingmen in IVelgium to Tone tiie goveminent to grant manhood suffrage began quietly Monday, and at nightfall It was estimated that 200,000 men ' . vices. throughout the count rjhad quit work Feeling that the law creating the This number is at least Joo, 000 short state board of burlier examiners is un of thp socialist lonVand the predict constitutional, barbers of Utah are or- clerical Is beginning to call the press ganizing to test the validity of the moiement a pitiable fiasco" V bUtute. Nevertheless the strike has shown Caleb, A. Inlow, alleged s'ayer of greater strength than was expected by Thomas ("Eddie") White, a public impartial observers. chadfeur, of Halt Lake.wlli cnniMa The si r K e t h i.is... far habeenu n trial before a Jury in the district marked. by' disturbances or any special court April 21 inconveniences to the general publbv Contract for the Installation of the The gas. electric and street cleaning Mount Pleasant electric power plant services, and the street cars- and railand line fay stem, together with the roads are In operational qsiial, but t ho old d I a tr b u i ion s jsLe m , Urusselw merPhants'liay-rradeK am O has teen awarded standstill. JTbe factory district is full lilds for ,the erection of the Car- of jiytdien' of the provincial strikers, negie library at Cedar City were op who are being cared for by the famieened last w pek Each w as Jiey omi lies of liberal?. ened last. week Each wasbeyond The onTy act of 'sabotage occurred each was tabled indefinitely. . in a suburb, where three p ig machines With the exeltement occasioned by In a leather factory weie damaged, This picture shows Pope Piux X. the recent bla kniall case barely subBrussels Is not an industrial center. sided conies the announcement that There are about 50,000 workmen here, office, escorted by Vatican guards on hookworm lias been of whom less than 20,000 are out. the dreaded found In' Ogden, a family of twelve MORGAN LAID AT REST. CAUCUS VOTES FOR FRE having been quarantined The word has gone out to the of Financier Finds Resting Place SUGAR IN THREE YEARS JiKdcn. IhaL count et felt $1 BodyIn In Connecticut plot Family silver pieces are being placed fn.ctr Hartford, Conn. The body of J. P. culation The coins aie Bald to IHc made In a skillful man net and It takes Morgan is at rest. It was buried Monan ex pert to detect them. day on the crest of Cedar Hill cem Louisiana Men Routed in' Their Effort to Secure Protection foe the. llyrum Peterson, 30 years od.ot etery, tho wlxth of the house of Morto there. Ills gan places find, m resting Sugar Interest!. Jfi ebnry.co milted Butd.ila.aU..hls home April 14 lie shot himself grave is to the west of the great through the temple, lie had been monument of red granite that' marks drinking for several days, lie leaves the family plot To the east lies bis President Wilson won father.Junluk Spencer Moigan; his hisWashington a wife and two children. for ultimate free raky sugar fight itfothe and a brother who died in in ' Mrs. the' Itemocratic caucus on Saturday Mary Hoyle, who was shot Iji the head by her former husband, s boyhood. To the north are the graves by a 4 to 1 vote The Louisiana men df hts grandparents, Joseph and Sar- were still abve at In Salt Lkq routed in their effort to secure and hopes are entertained for her re ah. Like, the others, the graves of the protection for the sugar Interests. The newcomer will be marked by a small bill will lie sent to the senate with A covery. Her assailant is in prison Jiirown headstone, - Inscribed: "John 25 and Is rapidlyrejcoverlng front his per cent- reduction on the present Plerpont Morgan, I83ff tJlS." wounds. duties, with free sugar at the end ofx Hartford, the nanciers birthplace, three A question discussed by the Daiigh , yeais ters of Utah Pioneers for six years had Its flags at half mast under fu-a led Underwood the fight against seven-ca.was settled last week at the aniual lowering sky when the Bioassard to save the president's cpm manned with g crew that neral encampment of the order at Salt had train, Mr. pi omUie plan and the vote was decisoperate Morgans special ive. Broussard Lake, when the 400 odd members presented in his oriIn his iifetlme, arrived shortly voted to extend the pioneering period trains a reduction in the ginal proposition alter 2 o'clock. from 1853 to 1809 tariff on riw sugar to $1.42 per Experiments with regard to Retain jounds loading to free raw sugar POPE RALLIES FROM RELAPSE. for young fish having In nine years, Ing ponds lie was defeated in worked out successfully, lafit year, Danger Point Paeeed and jly Father the caucus, 85 to 15, He followed this Fred V. Chambers, state yflsh and with amendments gradually reducing Will Recover, game commissioner, intends to estab tax on sugar, but always elimithe Rome The pope has rallied Hk a llsh a complete Jhain "o these renated term under which the three-yea- r atttainers in every large river of the wonderful manner from the serious should free This be admitted ack from which he suffered Sunday state. to Wilson's oompromise 1 tm-a xrr bo red to Hr hepot nt Clean-uday was generally observed death 'pea meet thsngar planters of Louisiana. bu the Sunday night, physicians' throughout Ogden on 'April 14 School Representative Hardwlca of Georgia, indicates that the danger point, children were given a holiday to im- report who the Investigation wab'chatrtpan for the present- at least, has been prove conditions around their homes trusKJed the fight for im ofjhasugr and many of the business houses and passed. mediate free raw sgar. .He was de older- - people- - took l he opportunity -- of U tea ted Introduced. to62 x cleaning up their back yards and rear - Washington a cer that Providing j alleys. tain $300,000 of lta total shall not he LEGISLATION IRRITATESxJAPS. Two men were fanot but used seriously for Sherman law prosecution of Embassador tally hurt at Hingham when a large farmers' Instructed to Protns organizations or lump of coal weighing several hun labor unions, the sundry civil approAgainst Action of California. dred pounds was pished oft the priation hill was reintroduced Monday Tokto Viscount Chtndar' Japanese "the nuyivnlatn from the floor of the house" Former embassador and, rolling-dowto the United States, has side, crashed into a gang of laborers President Taft vetoed the bill in the been instructed by the foreign office working for the Phoenix Construction last hours of his office, because of that to make formal repretAmtations at company. proviso, which he characterized as Washington regarding fhe JohmJVVebber, who confessed to "class legislation of the most vicious of Calistate oLthe legislation killing a railroad detective, has now sort " The bill also carried appro- fornia. adnute.d to the herift oj Utah county priations for various branches of the Irritation oyer the .California land that"hisStorrw as fato AVeMu-- ts govei nmentT totaIing' $ I fil 00 11,0001 legislation is increasing throughout the believed to be msane, end will be Alt the political parties have sent back to Denver in eh irge of his Stoppage Partial. sent to the iwcmiernnd deputations father, who will placo him under medTourtim. Belgium The stoppage of to the foreign minister asking them ical treatment woik here was only partial in the to adopt measures to preserve JapAitu.il work is to begin this week qnarrtes and coal mines At the anese treaty rights in America on the voW projoit of reclaiming the nearly the full complement, of area of land between wotkers went into the immeriSe shops Dumping Ground for Meats the Jord.yn-rA.- er and VJrert xUn'ess rad 1 ca Washington. an of too squire Gram Dealer Admits Forgery. are ia the meat inspecpiade changes is propdbJto reiiaim t L s miles, St'l-ouiArthur RUhardson. for- tion laws of this country, the free vast area by the svSh niet Imd of mer head of the Richardson HJ.ra.in meat clause of the present tariff bill . company, pleaded guilty to forgery in will make the United States the Representatives of the recently or- - the circuit court here Monday and was disof world the for ground dumping gajitzed Utah 'Fruitgrowers associa sentenced to five years' imprisonment eased meats, in the opinion of memtion fro (n the principal frmtgrow ng x . have had the matter caller who bers sections, of the state; 'and officers of Stajf Four Children and Himself. .attention thlsyr tp Contrary to genthe Utah" Ffuftexchanger faiIetro Fitchburg, Mass Ernest Mosrhnor, eral our under belief, present laws reach any agreement on the future &Red 35, murdered hts four children , u ' and t h cn" k iiTc d h i nvsel f b v sli iki ti n g , handling of the crop come Into this country practically held in Ogden at his home on Rollstone street. Conwithout inspection. An election was- held Saturday in tinued ill health made the man tera- Vv 4 V, . V) r0 Madrid For the third time .in his reign. King Afonso on Sunday narrowly escaped being the victim of an anarchistic attempt against his life. Three shots were fired at the king In the streets of the capital by a na tive of 'Barcelona, Rafael Sanchez Al. over legro, who was immediately powered King Alfonso owes his escape to and his own courage, quickness skilled horsemanship. Accompanied by his staff he was riding along the the Calle" tre"AlealareturnTngTrom ceremony of swearing in recruits SHUTS DOWN SUGAR PLANT. when a man sprang from the sidewalk and seized the bridle of the Spreckles Announced That He Wat kings horse with one hand, present Going Fishing When Strike ing a revolver jointtHank wfth-t; Order WaS tssued z J ( w ,1 V u n f U - h m2rV: ar n y- - A n & -- rJ u I 'hr-''- .4 ' X-- U n Yonkers7"N. Y.LoiiisSpreckle8," of the Federal Sugar superintendent rapidity dug this spurs Refinery here, one of the largest in into his horse, which reared violently. the his closed desk world, Tuesday His quickness saved his life. The and announced he was that morning bullet, Onstead of burying Itself in the not did and know when going fishing So king's breas struck the horse. close was the range that the king's he would return. He left no address left glove was blackened by the pow- behind him. This ws his answer to a strike order issued Monday to the der discharge. The crowds made a determined at unskilled laborers in the plant. The whistle cal.ing the men to work wat tempt to lynch Allegro, who was rushed into a house and kept there silent Tuesday, and employees who until an automobile ambulance, , es- congregated at the gates were turned corted by mounted police, transferred away. In all about 1,200- men are affected. him to police headquarters. KingAlfonso was forced to tell of WOULD BAR JAPANESE. r The king, realizing r -- hun-dre- d Sr p 'f bv-1- 56 Sunday-Civil-Bil- High-Line- n anti-Japanes- e r fac-toile- ia s 1 s s under-drainag- e f " A - - -- the Jordan si.hod. district to ousiderj porardytnsaqe. ( a bond issue of $125 000 for the eiec-tioof a bish sihool ReMiltx show" a majority of 90 votes in favor of the Issue, and as a consequence t)ic board has decided to use from, $so 000 to $100,000 for ,the construction of the " school. . Unable to keep the, 'promise he 3nade tbat-hsto? dTrokyntr and make every efforTTo provide for his wifei and children, John G. aged 34. a machin.st. committed euicide at his home in Salt Ike. fir Jlng & buITet .into his bratn , The Information received through h Oakland, Cal , police from South Africa, to uie effect that "Sir Harry Westwood cooper lias been sentenced to eighteen months in a Durban recalls the fact that one if the jail ear llest, arrests, in- Cooper's potorious areer. was jnade inOgden. n e -- X' Bib-rel- l. - V i Timely Discovery of Bomb. New York A bomb thrown on Will Succeed Loeb. steps of a moving picture Hank L..Polk, a Now Washington York lawyer and Former-- chairman of theatre ort Fourteenth street late Satthe New York civil Service, commis- urday night was discovered just in sion, has formally accepted President the nick of time to prevent a panic Wilson's offer to become collector of and possible disaster to 2,000 persons " who crowded the theatre. custom? at New York. si TJn de rwoodo n UnderWashihgton -- Represbntat:v wood of Alabama, chairman of the ' house ways and means committee and Democratic floor leader, was conned to his bed Monday 'ks the result of an attack of acute indigestion. Sxk-'XT- JobnB HendersoiT-Dead'.- - John Brooks Hender- Washington son. former United r from Missouri and author of the thirteenth amendment to tho "United States con-- , stitution. died Saturday.- He was 86 . years ohl, States-senato- - vj Fatal Strik'ajtioL Troops Withdrawn. , Mamaroneck, N Y, Ojie man was Buffalo, N Y A court order"W'as shot and killed, one .was', piortally signed Saturday morning directing the wounded and several others Injured in withdrawal dt the 3,000 'state militia a clash between-th- e police and severa! leaned" here in connection with the hundred sinking track laborers strke of the c1vm W 4ine'wJBa the New Haven ran ttonal Railway company. ..v VN t the situation with lightning 4 J in the full ecclesiastical robes of his his way to attend the consistory. MEXICAN OFFICIALS 8 he other SLAY mer-chantE.- - 0Y e 4 i 1 v j -- 0 London A Vienna dispatch to the Chronicle says that the relationsbe-tweenServia and Bulgaria are becomServia strained. ing' TTucreasingly claims for herself Egri Palanka, Kratova, Veles, Usknp and Okbrida, in to tal disregard for the treaty concluded before th ar between Servia and Bulgaria, under which most of these towns would go to Bugaria. .The di puted territory comprises 25,000 square miles -- The Neue Freie Presse, the dispatch adds, learns that suspects her allies of purposely delaying the conclusion peace in order td retain the Bulgarian army at Tehatalja as long as possible while Servia concern, trate? her army along the Vardar"" river, and Greece her forces near Sa- lomWa. Bulgaria, now is preparing to. divert all available troopB from Adrian-opland Tehatalja to Macedonia, v ; Strike Hat Shown Greater Strength Than Wae Expected by Impartial Observers, Although Clerical Cali it a Pitiable Fiasco. ' 8ervia Claiming Territory in Disregard of Treaty With Bulgaria and Relations Are Strained. TWO AMERICAN SEAMEN what hd" lightly called the incident, Tragedy Reeult of Street Fight in to Queen Victoria and the dowager Guaymae. Chief of Police Being queen.Ma'rld Christina, who were Accused of th ShootingThe tfing smilingly greatly alarmed allayed their fears. s - OJEDA Guaymas, Sonora, Met The killing here of Seamen 'J. C. Klestrow and W. W. Corrie and wounding of three sailors from the United States cruisei California, resulted Tlday in a re quest from Americans at' Mazatlan that a cruiser.be detailed to the Pacific iKvrt. feeling is said tp have resulted at other points down the west coast, and as well to have occasioned the fight between American sailors and police here. TV shooting was done by the chiel of police of Guaymas, and as Ameri- can sailors going ashore In a foreign country invariably go unarmed, oftL dais a tW ash in ghmwill " Insist Jhat the circumstances pf the slaying be probed to the bottom If the Mexlcaiv authorities are unabfo to show that there was provoca- tion for the attack by the armed police; serious consequences may ensue is pomted oar thatrthr double "km-"- ; ing might be taken as an indication of the inadequacy of the prenent gov- ernment and have an Influence when the United Slates gives further consideration to the question of recogni- Anti-Americ- j - j ! Withholding of Official Recognition by United States Serious for Federals. Mextco City. That' the withholding of official by the United States materially has weakened the iS .tbe 0pi?:?n gen; H:t,np0lernn3rnt. erally expressed bv the public and privately admitted. in Tertain Mexican official circles. The. new rebel n'oyement .h.as. made greater progress than has the ional government in suppressing insur- geticy and it no longer is a secret that the condition of the treasury is such as ill not' permit the continuation of miliary operations much longer. This has been publicly admitted by. the Mexican minister of the interior, Gar cia Granados Land Ownership Measure Passet the California Assembly. Sacramento,- Cal An bill, designed primarily tc prevent Japanese from acquiring title to real property within the state, but so worded as to prohibit any alien from owning land more than one year v except upon a declaration of his in tention to become a citizen, was passed Tuesday by the lowerxhouse 0 the legislature by a vote of sixty to" , fifteen. ' - anti-alie- n p Will Fight White Slavery. Denver, Colo. The .first step in e launching a world-widslavery campaign was taken here Tuesday-byth- e chartering of the Ine ternational Slave association. The constitutional object of the organization Is the suppression of "national and international traffic In girls and the enactment and enforce ment of adequate laws. anti-whit- e Anti-Whit- Industrial Workers Sent to Jail. Denver, COlo. About one hundred Industrial- - Workers of the World-moof whom had been arrested as vagrants immediately upon their arrival Monday night, were tried in court Tuesday. Practically air the visitors were given fines of 12G and costs, equivalent to sixty-on- e dayi " in jail. st police Frost Found. Not Guilty. jChfcago. AlbefL. C. Frost, former president and promoter of the Alaska Huerta-governm- ent HUERTA RULE WEAKENING. Mexlcan Commander Surrenders United States Troop. Naco, Ariz General Pedro 'Ojeda, commanding the remnants of his federal garrison of 300 troopers at Naco, Sonora, surrendered to the United States troops on border patrol here Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, after having withstood a seige of - state troops which lasted for five days,' and in which more thaif half his troopers were killed. ' The surrender was hastened by the attack upon the federal garrison by hand of Yaqui Indians der ,eneraY3varo Obregon, commanding state trooPs daybreak burst Pn the liule garrison across the r er an The fought viciously. ea on have been esti at 200, and the fortifications at ao. Boora,- - are -- eri table slaughter bout the buildings are strewn pens' m0re than 1()0 bod,e8' shk cut and v ft-- the- - LINE. - - tronof FORCED TO CROSS Central railroad, and his four George M., Seward, Pierre G. Beach, Frank Watson and George C Ball, all interested in the develop- f tbe i met ,road' were fo,md not court here- Sun- T'fIUy ,t0 obUin iLlegally millions CO8?racy worth of coal lands in the - Matanuska Alaska. - I Valdez Chosen President. San - Domingo. JoseBarda Valder-waelected by congress Sunday a president of the republic to succeed Archbishop Nouel, who resigned reA gencently because of eral election will be called within a y ear. -- provis-countr- s Rubber Company Fails. Th New York Commer- !cial company, importers of crude rub-the Ax. Getting Ready to - Swing ber wfth connections all over the President Wilson ajid orid. filed a petition" in voluntary Washington Postmaster General Burleson had a bankruptcy Saturday. Its liabilities brief conference on postmasters Fri- - are $5,023,000, and assets as nothFng day, but made little headway into the Flood at Omaha before big list of recommendations them, Mr. Burleson said he had no - Omaha, The Missouri - river announcements to make as yet. but at the foot'd the city overran its f "banksgunday andrendered a frequently ip the next few days ?o,.aa Jowland dwellers homeless. to prepare number of fiomina- - Houses were washed loose from their ttons for the senate next week. foundations and many are under ater. Buffalo Strike Settled. Missing Millionaire Murdered. Buffalo. N. Y" The strike of motor-meLondon The Scotland Yard authand conductors of the International Railway company, which began orities: are convinced that Joseph last Sunday, was settled Friday Martin, the millionaire cotthrough the mediation ef Mayor Fuhr-man- ton king of Memphis, was murdered Both sides made' concessions. and his body thrown in the Thames. "Seven Excursionists Killed. Friedmann Revealing Secret. I.KT" Montreal. Seven persons are dead Trovidence. Three Rhode Island physicians who have been se- - and ftfieen were injured as the result cted by Dr. F. F. Friedmann to share iof the derailment of an excursion .train some of the secrets of his treatment on Sunday near gt- Lambert. On the for. tuberculosis were gLen their. first branch 'd the Cen instruction- - Friday. tral Vermont railways Blow 'at Alleged TrustSteamer Strike Rock. Shoe machinery,, now Washington Juneau, Alaska ThosanadiaafSi tae4-Jon v hich- -a re per cenL-an- d duetton to 25 per cent was proposed hCVCiTt ? rdered t)t Sentinel Island Sunday morning. transited to the free l.st Friday by A large hole wasom in theort s de the Democratic caucus of the house. of the- steamers bovt. New York 0'. , I I , j nnm-beup- n Wil-terfor- n, - - Montre-al-Chambl- - . Cause for Washington. Qn behalf of the city of Dayton a petition declarilif ' the re cent flood was due largely to the failure, of the federal government properly to protect the channel of th" Miami river against the encroach ments of bridge piers and other ob structions was presented Tuesday b) Senator Pomerene. Dayton-Flood- Steriization Veto Upheld. The state house oj representatives has sustainedAh governors veto on the Heasly bilj pfovid ing for the sterilization of criminals Lincoln Neb. and mental incompetents. The senate repassed the j)ill over the veto, but the friends vf' the measure in the house were able to marshal but thirty-fivvotes to fifty-fivagainst the measure e e Opposed to Secession Ernesto Fernandes y Arteaga, who recently resigned as Mexican minister to. Honduras, said here Tuesday that the revolutionists of Coahui'a, Sonora and other Mexican border states are not separatists.-He sajd that neither Governor nor any of his lieutenant? favored, the idea of secession. New Orleans. -- -- Car-ran- z Men Higher Up Must Answer. Bridgeport, Conn. Bench warrants for President Charles S. Mellen and E. H. McHenry of the New Haven railroad were issued Tuesday by Judge Green. They charge gross negligence and manslaughter in connection with the Wfestport wreck last October, in w hich' (several liys were lost; Vice-Preside- Fight Duel to Death. Birmingham, Ala Roland Shucart a lawyer, yas' killed and his brother-- , Haynes More, .was fatally wounded in a pistof fight on a street in the northern part of the city early Tuesday. in-la- - - 5 - . ;V tros Ar.derson Finishes Brown. Aiigtles, Cal. Bud Anderson . -- Brown of New York Tuesday) nisht by a clean knockout injhe fifteenth round of their scheduled twenty-round l'gbtweitht bait . V: J |