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Show J Wi JkJiL L. XZSm mm V i i V ' ' - 1 ' Fl& ' ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER? K- ' ,, A K tZ ' V A . - v A - -- , ,t ' i' S .3! T 6C 9f9999f9f99 - FJST S II not, please notice the gen dj eral $ Then appearance of, the paper. observe that the news J; service Is unsurpassed. Sub- - H scribe today; why delay? T J j S i . , 4 V I (, REACHES EVERY NOOK AND CQRNER "OF, DAVIS COUNTY "7TEN PACES KAYSVILLE AND FARMINGTON IITAH. s VOLUME IX. CLASS JOB PRINTING'! Xt living prices. Let us hart F. IC T Is Till' RSI) AY., , - V 5?, JI9U:: AP1UEJ7 'y , f your neit order. Prompt deHr ecy Keflex rnous .with printing la synony art. and efficiency. X Uoth' telephones. Jir- u r . V f-- A NUMBER 30 4-' FUNERAL OF MRS. ZILLAH faithful wife as he had know n to her. She hail just CROCKET LINFORD . on and would vvobome - p.issi d t ' The funeral of Mr Zillah her loved ones in the Ipuise of her Crockett Linford viuhcld from father .pist as naturally as she the Kaysville, meetmvhouM on had m t Iusvn orld HrTymiTrdeit h tisba ml .AimC t lie Sund.n. April Heti vy tshop niuou made h re mf earth vvitli ry H. Bloodbeing in charge. j .it the request of .lames II Ills lov i d one w rhAperfei t and vv as Linford, husband A the deceased, made ior, tinny-- ml eternity and the bishop at the opening of the would be taken up agciin (oii exercises, announced that at one the other side whcio she awaited time, for hioie than lh veins Mr. lnm. Attil ,1 selei t loll b ' c t llOir Lintord had been superintendent of tlu Sunday school and that t lie bem do tutu was pronounced. during that time ilelur Sliefliebl bvSt;rke Clerk .loltn .1 Smith. The pall 'he;trets vtere William. and Willi anij lood h;bl .been lus Blood. Heber I. Sbeffuld. ami counselors, and it was fus .desire A"' mu h be. , .r i Boitd: Question - 2 i 4' 1 1 Jfc. A - V- ; k AD a V 1 t a mei'tntg ol lie Bp, d 0- proper buildings IbivK, isniiiif vh and equipment fort the prepara- hist Monday, it .fs'dei b j to' t i.oiitit'M ho young people for lifes submit tin responsibilities. "I John the first speakers. y be 1 pm pi W"l ' I .1 IB l , . t.r Apnl LJth. llll' 1- The services n ere opened by the eloir whieh sang Abide -- With M ertAa ffc r ' w fiieh I fisITo .John (i. Wood of Clearfield ward 1 1 made the opening was lollnwod mgDear Us ' prayer,--v- huh v the eliuif sing Sister Thou Hast, Left b 11 Heller .). Slit ffield was the F t oL rof his with tln husband of the d eeeased, when Ills eoilonselor in the Sunday school jears before and A lie deceased had in taken the work and how she xwla.s ever, puilctual with her children on every Sundav . He set forth the fact that she had reared a large "family and" had brought them up to lead upright .llbriAmn-livcs- . a m Hb at Abe n obtx band of sons and daughters she leaves would ever bless her mem. ory. M i r s t s p c a k tuiuu the-intere- Partiareh Williattr BloUd testified til at lie badkuovv n t hedeceased and bore strong testimony as to her work in the church particular! as a ward teacher, in which service she was ever faithful, serving in that capacity AorA went y years. He had known her as a faith ful wife and true mother, and he knew that she was sure of the reward promised in the gospel. She was patient under affliction and great blessings had come to her and her family- and that her posterity would never end. Christopher K. .Layton, of Downey, Idaho, a former resident of Kaysville, was thy next shaker and explained that it was with great difficulty that lie spoke. He had known the deceased through his boyhood days and remembered the many kindnesses she had be: stowed on him. lie was sure that she had gone to the. reward whicli comes true-Latt- er -- BayAsaint-and that if those who were left behind remained steadfast they would meet her again beyond thegra ve, Miss Malzie Sims and Miss Vina Nance, accompanied on the piano by Mi$s Myrtle Jones, sang" ome Where, Some Day. , President J. II. (Jrant spoke words of sympathy and en to bereaved the couragcment huiy hand and children of the departc lie Avas thankful, for .'such live as she hail lived and told of th good deeds she had performed ir - lie-pred- icted . lo-A- he Jthe. uame that such pf-A- Lord. he women would be especially hles.sml and reminded the people that Christ spoke first to Mary after the erusifixion and that lie had been speaking to women ever since. Elder Charles Cottrell! of Salt Lake, in his remarks referred to the fact that the departed was the last of the numerous. Crockett family who embraced the faith of the Latter ts while in their yet English home, lie pointed out the fact that the converts from over the seas proved the bulwark of the church at a time when ts .members wer fallingjnvajranj they had bee factor in the uplmildii church ever since. Tilly had demonstrated that the gosptl as taught by the church wasth T l.ving truth. John IL Uarms spoke wprds of consolation and sympathy and told of his long acquaintance wit! the deceased. He rejoiced in the .a-stro- ng ! , t and Mt i - iicli I M prteebs-Aii-eitage-- ....LAY-TO- Improvements UsuaIly' , county school districts, .Si'ioin h i, J Bo B- In siiliiiut t - o-f - 1 Bu,,r ( - J.J.-- f- -- 1 - 1 rj.-r-- .1 ! M vv t T. McCLURK PE ITUS this issue wf The lu'flex vv e comim lice the pi.liln at ion ol short stories from tin p n ol T. M Clint- Peters, the high education (vaysvilb' attorney. Mr. Pyti'rs, is g. nt Most of these stones mmciil s and lias traveled laic ly iit ci lbi - R s I i 4 bmr jHi 1 It j ii j 11 poR.JLuadcU-appears in this issue and is a storv of the experience ol tin author inf.Xovia Scotia Watch fm best- - stoiros Iioiu week to week. The fact tlmtAhev" ari' writtm t a tit. hi so well known to . most.nf flic, people in. Davis cmj uty should add mtiu'sl . , 1 I 111 a scries ot - ,1 al-at- ta . 1 I 1 . -- VV I mA-liem- N - 1 one, the pass to faithful and beloved their reward, honored and rev eared bv all who vveie privileged to know them, sure of tludr reward for the deeds perform! d on this earlli. The memoiv of such wives and mothers ts the most hat" ts left Au inortal. v Made I one bv . mg to (lie pm pt,;s iA Vio Abir to Dav is" s. county-- , . are I'm, miiinj .ig.iui hetUi A mil Bunting up Aheir schools by Last Saturday the A suth'U londi'ng. imgt lie lssiiame Vif jWoplc m hiinl bniiiK. the Board of Ldiii a Jordon district voted Boil b.is 110 deuro to umbilv pi . C4Vlds t n the amount of $A2.',U0U. tin- n .i high school purposes. That upon In- count v". Til tb, f. 1, Tn Ti.-tlut tn uTp 'hstrnt was already bonded, for s T" In-t ,o4A- a inrr"ort the t Hita lute distm t is bonded for I'M B ji Man li w ,is int de ishjv -- .Tftt.tKM), I 1! lu inniiVy has been t bat Ins a ppt here as nt m the sfs one erci lionVqwttl cquip-ii- h wav m whiAi tin Board onl. nl of h lolllil detenu Itn wb.it buildings iivvhieh their people lif Idrcn 1v.1l v wantid and (bat w is to may he truqjigd until tluv In bavre graduated from high lore aga.111 plai i the qutstinn veliool. trie voters. The nei ssit.v loflbis Boxebler distriit has voted a A mu w gs made more t .1 bv an fill! JHK), tor and high sehoAl ea mm. it ion ol the returns, whuli rude t llldleat id bat tell ot tin- Bill ell buildings. Tlurt district is polling places returned uu jni also working on the principle that a of her young people hil itie.s in favor of tlu bonds,, 1 tr e fmf'Hq osiiToh Ami Ht be" Tov iduT vvitli up to lii'pisliie to the votus that were date si Itool facilities Imtli in the, lav oralile, as Well as in justne vi ades and. in high schools. ( a lie district has recently to th e opolielits ol tile proposl s hi k) nr bomls. voted t been ileelloii new has" Only a tiorr.'llie t im- Amo t heir schoolswen" off Ire It th.e called tigre is hope Board that Hie calm judgement consolidated and they proceeded of the people will he recorded at at once to make improvements. In tin proposed bvml issue of tin polls on the JlMli. and that it 000.00 for tin erection of MIX), will he shown that a substantial school t JimldingH n Davis county, majo ntT of hr prop! r of j M. we are ill be foumr oil tin side placing oiirsilves on recem'ihty-the districts mentioned with iiiid "ailv niicoiiient. It ord, of be1ihTi above and many others, for imwould' unfavorable re flee schools and better turn fu t be community if the vote proved slioulDsbovv that most of Davis Buddies for training our childVouiiiys voters were opposed to ren. sentiment , There is a universal to' proVidtng school laeilities ad childthat of needs the the tft greatest responsibility the; equal? ren it is their duty to train and that rests upon any communityT" it is to provide training for its And, conversely, of this young people. Onejstate ranks would show that part one for higher than another, and Utnir is irAlevfraleb fdam indianranks than if the people county higher in this are other, just proportion .as cate by tlmir votes that they is put into practice. neees sentiment means the devote to willing . And tlms. ' p ,,1,,1-mS.- R tq "n '.TlKTrn-rsSTTe- - 1 .s 1 - tovrn in UjuitULul lau fAe t Xi 1U lit I tic pfodu-tiothiiI lHtnirjr Holler VIHm, O. h L Hy.luit j'irt n mjdHetl tilt1, couuimkIhim do ol. Oih d point for IliORe huIui ban hi cia ReoAiitK lorlmltnud voge A hhly IlelA- - uk bibii j. I rotrtmf hmI UiAixe nit h unlk, Han Simpiv p Int The Trotting Moose fr fttneen TrrnAYiggiirAias purchased an Excelsior motorcycle , -- By T. McClure Peters. Yes - 'Saul Will observed Arbor DaV bj Ive heerCil all of that Nnvia Scotia vvonian tell ston lln s. closing vvliat ketchod moose calves and I The daughter of Mrs. IV 111 reckon Ive hcred of that Clyde Paige is down with measels. s 10 ciua ke r vv b a t s na re t I iv old Mrs. Robert Birkin visited rel- bull, but did any of them blue noses drive a growiiAnoose in haratives in Bountiful Tuesday. ness like a horse, and win trottiiq The pond uf the old tithing races with him in the states? yard is being dmncilyi'y it.is.a-menane- eabulate-Jm- t p leastways JPsdA di to the liealtli of the never lieern on it. eoniimmity . We were trapping marten and Mrs .Plioebe and lynx, saple anil lucifee as Will W$rrin Alta of Salt Lake daughter City called them, on the northwest the fore of the week branch of the 'Mirimuclii. We spent part had curried our pipes to bed with with Mrs. Will I," Layton. us, whither we had crept, rather Thednldren x dance last Sat- for warmth- - than-sle- ep .it'Tud f urday for th pupils of the Weit after seven in the evening, ami Layton primary was largely at- lay under our blankets, beneath s tended. The dance in the our spl i teed a ea n :t ( w a t d ill g alsarvvell "patronized. the fire shooting up its sparks Tin general sales manager for and lighting a small' wintry foreUtah," Idaho and Nevada of the ground of snow and balsam, whili a Comfortable glow reflectJolm, Deere compafiy eallAl upon feeling S. M. Kershaw and spehlTsome-tmiejookin- g ed en us from our sloping roof. I saw that Will, inspired Jy over the local iield.'. my recapitulation of the achieve i)oc Heath reports the com-- 1 ments of the aforementioned Ifamous Dluenoses, was primed ih unity distressingly healthy. Robert, Ilikrin appeared in re- - Ifor his nightly , gaseonadc, and cital in Salt Lake City last week composed-myselto listen. A little Hashingat the studio of John T. Hands -eyed rendered Three mi m tiers Anafi ' of not 'd iTore tlia n one hundred and fifteen pounds The .Ellison Ranching company in weight, Will had a voice of delivered 300 head of beef steers the volume, if not of the sweetto San Francisco April 10th, and ness of a famous basso, and his will deliver 300 more the 18th. conversation and narrative were They brought close to 70 per invariably conducted as though ' head.' some hundred- - yards of space -- The farmers are all very busy separated us. He was a sufficiently interest1 with spring planting. Up to date awake stars sold and there will at least be every night, many over the of the 4,000 pmniIsfof the total, enough passed giant top to plant GOO acres. The farmers pine, lonely survivor oD the are going in for the beets strong primeval forest, which loomed up black against the sky. this year. - DLl you do . that?. Tasked, Miss Nettie Stevenson enterT always that a moose tained in honor of Elder Joseph mid not hethought broken to harness. layne, lately returnee? from a No more they ,ean, he replied, mission to California. The af- J unless yfii go about it the Tight fair was informal, the evening be- way and 11 dont believe anyone1 ing spend in playing games, ffter else knovys what that is. which delicious lunch wa Me and Nicholas Prisque, the rved. best Indian in New Brunswick, got hipi in that mountainous place above . the traps we . rounded La ton -- 1 1 rj even-ing-wa- f black-bearde- -- He-he- ld Day-Sain- t fneS W. Hailey, lugli i. M. I , i rues. oil n ,1s W William II. Blood and Ilfthi i tAT Bui ton of the Sev cut ies.Tlie floral triluii-were beaiitrfiil, and were curried bv t om oimg ladies clad in white. , great liuinbtf of tbe people iP'i'oiupjuieilAJui i'i..nf.,i ifis- to. their last rest mo"jbn eAn the Kavsville wTTs eem fe7Cw In re the giai'e ( dedicated by lirisloplier" Burton, I pro-vjd- vv I that 1 Jih at mu ) .a-v- fry 1 , to the and there we bog t red him and canoed him down to my farm at Batblmrsk 1 ktqiB sol e ,n f' T rc bi iuilyrb usy all tin ttmc, after that, getting browse for the critter You dassn 't turn him opt now here cause Jm'd stej right ner-jinTehee I e.Ver , iItid 'if Toll roped him out be yvas pretty,, damned elite aboiU anangin for sHu-idand muimTn himself alt ort s of ways from the middle. 'just Mr. and Mrs. Wesley France, kept him shut tip III a tvvelve have Keen who tvvelve shed in clmeked and ly h willow .and rouse reeu, ilorgan county, are pb nty of ! rmrml w obdfAi nd a little white J.' T. Barber is lomodoling his staying with C. E, France. tVf .worms.' Ylay,-li- house. sPru,,e to keep Th? Cannon Real Estate didnt tliink'inueh ttf, it was acre plot new C. A. etern a dry f if irii as lie Streepcr hasJjuilLa Mr Salt of Smith' Lake, and shed. drank precious little water. . barn and buggy acre three another plot to Mr.' After Ld bad him a. while hed been has Howells CannonL Mattie manager of (leorgeM. let me govin tu him, hutYiovv ami week. this here the company. then Id get hiii)iii.stilte(l at and me for something lKycTgo Ford purchased a new some lively, l tell ouA it wits im t Albert ,!al il hie antom'obile last weekKuysville seemsT to be satisfied . in him that little joke lighting with her electric lighi contract. shed. Hed liist-onof those Wrn. Dalton has gone to Idaho forrard hoofs of libs About three to look after his farm interests feet above where his. horns was there. going to be and down it would' v , A surprise jiarty was given for come like a auL sharp enough tee cut dry jimiper. Mrs. Win. Barber on her 04th However, to make a long story birthday. j short, afore lie was full antlered I the have Butlers from moved, had hiniso that in his good Wm. Rose to Crofts place days hed run me jibout in a two old wheeled cart I oiade for him after residence. lu got clem- ugly, 1 - Ntpis-wnpiit- I 11 cdu-catc- . si-e- home-makin- g I liYing-in-JJounU--air- T'T -- I e - to I tda. 1 visit-uigArDn- ds e V trip-hamme- -- - . fashion. About that titne- - up comes senator Jones from New Jersey, lor the salmon fishing, andjio has He might have done well enough at cod fishing, if hed - been trainetl early, but Lord it would have made your heart sick to see him a. , mess them !i!iVeaceii-A!iat- - salmon. Fred Waltons place as he intends Lake City , moving to Salt I John August Blackmans He ' OGDEN fam- ily. were released from quarantine on Friday.'- - The annual Relief Society conmust ference of Davis stake will be arnt THEATER is Jfoiysale heliFhereApriL 23rd. JBIg.VauMa Ids - stiff from looking up to him, Mr. Shepherd, who married Ivy after all the salmon in t lie .pools has just returned from Boswas watching his wabbly flies and Ford, a holding of their, sides for laughing, so be began. a building of himself up by allowing to me vvliat a blue heller he was with horses. He told' me that he had a terrible fine lot of ujobils. He he said all bad -- ton, where he ias music. been-s- t inlying Thursday Night Friday Night Saturday Night . Saturday Matinee Rich and family have moved from Salt Lake City here. They are living in' the Walton . Fred bungalovv.-- ' Change Every Week x A, . of t hoX--' wTi o hal spoken li to the fact that the refered and deceased had early in life resolved to become a true desciple of Christ. He. told of her work intiT Ramona and Whitesides'; the Sunday school and declared itation, bee. By Ray o life Sti m 0 ny Night Prices: 15, 25, 50 and, 75 cents Matinee Prices: 1 5, 25 and 50 cents i. all the yearlings from here friends and make a pile of mon Ben FRieh .of, the Eastern Stathe es Amssjoay who on em. WiH, to' the Tobfque and entering thfm that her from' was, worthy je turnedeonfer-enceTh-of know to in e the races about New York. emulation. He cited holy Writ any NewTDYork for general sgys mrpif you Have you subscribed to the "and made clear to all the, great led himwith rope" entertainment was giv-e- n about his neck, to choke him when inued on inside page.). rewards in store for the patient, ball park fund f by the Mutdal associations. 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