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Show 4' ' .A mm We are doing a lot to keep thi townawake.-"- " Sev4rt!)rMn1' o! our alarms rtrf e every mornma 15. tiire to Rtt altiTon-piw iWf ( mi up nil to sort. 1 t R nn tune V ilay UnvSl iirr mVI otu "' Leu 1. 0 j CATARRH OF THE STOMACH ! Gould Hardly Eat. Gradually 1 Grew Worse. Relieved Peruna Mr'. c .salt lake un si & liiah , of uot Happiness often cont-Mting the things, we don't want Iowa, lington, writes: "I had ca? tarrh of tha btouiach y tines There is a first, second, thifcl and sometimes a fourtk crop of Japan Teas picked each year. The first crop has the rick, fragrknt flavor and went to a number of doctors and I nX i Jj5K got no relief, and finally one of said they could do nothi- ware in Every Package. ng- for said who comes theonly man be m.ule td Progress' 4 y met had I cancer of the Inches, apart and the plants stomach and there was no cure. 1 alhet iiinehea apaitAllie rows When most thought the same, for my breath these distances ate obsened it re- w as 'offensive and I could not eat anything without great misery, and gradquires H.OOO plants for one acre '1 he st i aw berry has few i neuiiim ually grew worse. the w a of Insert pesls or fun'gousTlIs-ax- i Finally I concluded to try Peruna, .nt tht fait should never load and I found relief and a cure or that h du.t readful disease, catarrh. I took five the gi(wi r to bo unmindful t he at all tunes nrenariil to meet any bottles of Peruna andJtw)fManaUn, ti outiles that inuy come to hun from and I now feel like a new man. There1 - J&juaiolkl;ig better than Peruna, and these ,bouices keep a bottle of It In my house all the B Mulched. Plants Mutt " Is1 a time Mulching strawberry - plants sucessenllul trt tl)e glowers All Fpols Day. t prtme and for several trnportaht reaWhen freakish April lifts the latch sons One of IhoHe, tho clean fruit all wits uud wags cohsider themselves which good mulching Insure. Nothing free to- ent their nonsense upon the' Is more distasteful or more unsightly iletlms whom they would fool by their than eandy. gritty strawberries, and links The gay JFrlslan calls such the nuui'who puls that sort of fruit on April flhh.'Ztntiontrte Scotland on the market willhave qnly himself that day they, make merry hunting blibmo ir ho fliTHs helsdosing his trade. the gowk," whilst In England ahd this Olean finlt,xwcll ripened and carefully country a man keeps a sharp lookout packed In Wes, is Just as appetizing lent ho be caught at a disadvantage by as It looks,- and the average man would the Joker who glories In his smartness rather pay 23 cents for quart of such If he only can make pome one look fruit than to pay ten cents for the in- ridiculous But it Is just as well not 1 A Single Stem of tha Kellogg fontwl uvm h ii ff so frequently ferior The boomerang has smart. too bo Plant to a Prize Variety, Pedigreed the Inal kets a wicked habit of coming hack. Silly Which Hat Produced at the Rate of FiUit should be bo clean as It lie on as All Fools' day custom may seem to 12,000 Quart Per Acre. ' the straw that no cleaning proeoas the solemn, It has. an ancient ancestry. 2 Pisti Hate, or Female Blossoms. should ever he required. As to ma- Its 'origin .is obscure, but pomewbere 3 or Male Bloteomt. terials. any kind of straw will produce fiom tlie far off times when those old Patch of Pedigreed Plant Four the desired results, but my first choice Romans felt the lilt o tho vernal equl-noMonthf From Setting. is wheat straw; the second choice Is and went on the spree accordoat straw However, shredded corn ingly, comes this rollick which still BrGood Example of Row Planting. Stalks, sorghum pomace, course grass, trills forth Its merry ditty .In our Early Otago Grown In New York. marsh hay. or any other material pos- streets. Deeper tlllr the calm, con6 Indiana Raises Woman $160 f sessing the qualities found In --..these templative Hindu,' for some reason or Worth of Strawberries From will servu the purpose Atlantic coast i Acre. ther, from time Immemorial has gone 1H people use sea weed with success. a fooling on the first of April. It was pacted so that the plants may rest ly prepared and your plants In hand, the south, where freolng and thawing probably from France, whence, all In a firm and close fitting garment of and we have reached the Important op- never occur, tho needles of the plilo vivacious come, that Europe got as mulch.' things are very earth. While it Is true that the roots eration of setting out the plants the unruly ltdh for turning this day of plants must have air, it glsa la..trua. lu not thorn latitudes uiako tha Into a comedy of errors.. tho opening ti P'dltiTi three too much roots not must be In mulch from two to four Inches deep the Boil and to close over the iofplfilillateaybetwee&xthWjjatth"ey given as pollen will ajr An(j quigga the loose, coarse sand or of the wo rows of If between the rows, and anywhere from do would as Just you Thrifty Scot plants, be .easily carried over several rows of gajidy loam is compacted cab- one half Inch to an Inch over the plants a or either a tomato by John Carr was at GlasSir When you weije setting plants. As pistillate varieties fre- rolling or floating, the roots will be bage plant, and the work will be done themselves xjn the spring Htmply part gow, In the year 1807,he wai asked quently are the heaviest of yielders. over supplied with air. However, roll- neatly and with dispatch. tho mulch fromover the plants, adding tiy the magistrates to give hia advice Let us consider at the outset the ing never is done if the soil Is at all It to the mulching already between th as soon as should Cultivation concerning the inscriptlon to be begin matter of soil, and let It be under- wet. To do so means the caking of the freeaa good first the after placed on Nelsons monument, then possible (after be plants ureseLin.lhe rowsMulch stood that strawberries wtl'grow succe- surfacewhlch-i- s recomfrom the one qf the things In and the mulching fgll, part land this should be repeated just completed. The knight grpqnd, as great a vartetjrof ways to be avoided. ssfully-under real soon s as over spring If record: tha brief Glasgow thl mended ten plants thereafter or days conditions as will potatoes or turnips Just the reverse treatment Is true everjelgit to Nelson1--weathep-ieinainclear. Whenever weather comes on. the com the of other or WORK or cabbage, any of clay soil so far as compacting goes, it ORNAMENTAL IRON for the second crop should be in True," said the others, "and as Preparation you ralnyiiowever, ' monest sorts of vegetables or grains.-I- for It Is the nature of clay to com after attention Is the town or Nelson near us, receive soil should directly soon OF EVEKY'DESCRIPTIOTT there bb as field a word, your soli Is just the kind pact Itself, and Instead, therefore, of yourstrawberry harteen we might add, Glasgow to Nelson entirely condition render It possible to do so. tho first crop has soil in which io grow strawberries rolling the soil, we need to pulverize of mow to is do to The It vested before first Works soil thing & ut never cultivate the mllej, bo that the column might whether It be sand, sandy loam, clay It thoroughly, before the plants are se This for'' the milestone and a monn the to crown.. close Soil off the disturbed when ,PrVe plants crumble will or.vol-c&nlClr. Vtak .ll loam, clay, black prairld soiL and stir It frequently while plantSdre machine ment." alwayB should determine the may be doneifwlth sijnowlng ash. j growing In order that the process of time of cultivation. One thing that or a scythe, r Th Soil a Feeding Trough Good Idea, PERdecay of the vegetable matter in the never Bhould be neglected Is the tenA POSITIVE. When the field has Deen entirely. a to likened be mav be normaUVrtialntalned soil noil FOR the CUKE low taxes, leris lower the may tire to whether As Here Indeed, crust. CENT j a refuse of to form matter, cleared the soli of the 4eediBg-Treugb; IttloBnt. make any Therefore, cultlvatronshould be deep- dency are some of the desirable results of It be burned over or raked off. take a indirect taxes for example, that tax upr and dltterence'wliether you feed the hogs er In clay than ln,sandy,soili,A8 a, cultivation' Cultivation prevents tha breaking plow and . .throw a furrow million dollars-- year that tuber Ions roaa an oak trough or a pine troughs ruler cultivation Bhould be at least crust from forming on the soil's surf- from each side of the row Into the cen miosis levlce In Missouri. St. Louis In. either four inches the result would jefcp. ace and destroys alt weed seed while ter, leaving the plants about six inches; Republic, W kwv medium a In perfect condiIs r soil soli The case. only Havlng.your City Lk. ST1TL1E JJ4 WrSMtk Twtk Slr. Sk they are In the germinating stage. wide In the rows. Then go along the their receive for red whieb out-ththe essential FRIENDS HELP. Is thenext big ob tion, plants through plants rows with a hoe and thin Continuous, vigorous growth If foo Paul P?rk Incident 20 laches to plants. developed perfectly from are St the hills 1LLCSTKAT-Edigestive organs until the talned only when OUR LATEST the Important thing for you have purchased plants of a high of the plant are in a healthy condition apart, being careful to remove tho fta LU CA f ALOUUE. S3 Explain. Tbeefore, 11 L, how we teach barber trade in After drinking coffee for breakfast the grower to do Is to see that his. quality from a reputable source, you To keep the digestive organs In a weakest appearing plants. n or wHte eieht week. felt languid and dull, having ( MOLES feARBER COLLEGE Y toll, whatever its nature, is properly may with confidence go forward with healthy condition we must keep bacbe should flvVtooth always cultivutor "A SALT LAKE Cl . 13 Commercial btreet supplied with the elements necessary your work, and It Is Important that teria active. To keep bacteria active used to level back tq. place the ridges no ambition to get to my morning the feeding and growth of the you make all the conditions comfort- - we must supply them with an abund- which the plow has made between the duties. Then In abgut an hour or so KODAK FINISHING to hqugbtabie for the plants and as encouraging- ance of air; and to supply alrwe must rows Be careful to see that the soil a weak, nervous derangement of the piants. Once we get this Mail order, tfven prompt .ttention come over In clearly ofju, productiveness as It Is possible to cultivate. Cultivation forms a dust Is drawn all around .the roots of the heart and Stomach would Complete s10011 of Photo 8uhh1, to would VeroiS production is simplified, and each a0 I one Phot Bupotv of frequently force the such with me Important things mulch, a dust mulch retains moisture, plants which are allowed to remain, 10 Rfl Write tor catalogue.grower may be confident that his soil Lthis end Is the removal of all buds and moisture dissolves plant .food, plant and be sure to cover the crowns light have to He down. will do just as welF as anybody elseB 'blossoms .from each plant during the food makes active roots, active roots Tea is just as harmful, because It - Some Job. ly with soil, doing the latter work condition for firsr season of Us growth. Whqn this build Dontalrss soil ifjt he in caffejne, the Bame.drug found. 'big foliage with a hoe or gardeJirae up a blg foliage,-A good wife is the safety deposit In coffee. ? the sustenance and development of is done all of the strength of the groW makes perfect digespon,- - and perfect a ThhTvTiir aid the plants toform the conscience; I had severe headof her husband's life. bud At Ylms other fruit a Ing plant goes Into which plant heavy root system, digestlondevelopa newandvigorous affects and crown systems, bosk bn which he hangs bis mistake Barnyard manure Is one of the Of massive-roo- ts and keeps up a continuous, will develop Just above the' old roots aches; stomach finally became system This-- . diof valuable I that custodian most so Tnd follies; the and upon these depend the quality and vigorous growth ed impaired ahd grower's digestion strawberry and . and below the crown. Cultivation of advertisement and should Therehe1 the chronic living give of fruit the dyspepsia character had serious assets. Therefore, yield. gestion; Over. When the Seaton hoeing should proceed exactly as in -A lady, fqr many year his income; his steering gear on the great attention to conserving this fer- - fore be sure to check the plant's ten- constipation. new-se- t Permit should of the bed. the T:ase grower Let us add that the his C- T. ti.. straight and narrow path, and tility and Seeing to it that It Is prop- dency to fruit while It Is yet young never fall, at the last . cultivation in ' these plants to make runner. until all State President of the W. the at soil. been heaven, to off the stalk. into had each .nd, greatly ben- fruiting erly applied by pinching passport down the vacant spaces In the rbws are Hold me sh.e furrow w narrow run so who IheialLto woman g After the manure Is spread comes One man jrlll easily do this work on quitting ' coffee and using says a the spaces between the filled For the second cropr I advise eflted by she the center-owas troubled for years ' double-hedgthe breaking up of the soil. In doing one acre In half a day. Poslum; far has refused to he any so that all surplus water frdbi either tjie hill system or the rows, see reto that of She said it was no every careful there is the be Then with asthma necessity this work passport. row for ajl varieties. rains or melting snojxs. tny heavy w orked up and is when jne found soil coffee bard runners.! of By to cross surplus Suit surplus moving partlqle Sometimes plants In the' spring indiaway. Wake this furrow 'as Faulty Abstract. have ..dellclQua aacould she Into as mellow a state as It Is pos- runners ve mean those young plants quickly d;aln r Whereex-to five inches deep. Jack of vitality. four a' from cate -- The married to who 'which formed have It. after depth afxTcIeasPostum. sible to get that develop How about that girl you' vise The use o Some grgwers. liri-f- tjQ....culllyata.-thisOCCTirs't'-aAnother lady who had been trou-- . one should plow depends upon the a a your syatem.-I- f your system la the the Duke? stirtiui. of Others for the hill system. purpose soda the by theTTplants pf wfll for years, entercd.su llj SlfigTe hedge 'row, tEenyou permit better resuits bled with chronic dyspepsia -tture;andiorm and - still the plants single-hedgrow, the like ; one d a; tail grow-anwill Is go relief to ?J' may runner found Immediate ceasing cof-two deep Where the plants, Ford: indicate There double-hedg- e row autumn your In plants the If the another that as deeply as eight Inches, but in shal- layertbem directly in line with the others, a good fee and using Postum, Still, was No; against the company a should not ex- mother plant. If you have adopted the are sort growers who Btlll continue to lessened vitality give them manure PoBtum that told the soils friend Pittsburg 'me depth title. hislower stable narrow-matteguaranteed row, dressing of the by alplants grow Inches. will troubles six heart to having system,' you' Godsend, her ceed from four doublehedgerow Post Is something I never advise Just before the mulching Js applied. been relieved after leaving off Coffee For our present purpose we shall low each mother plant to mature four but this the of his mr stimulating consider way third should The The grower common most Sassy. . runner plants, and these runner plant i. consider the three soils to draw and taking on Postum. 1 when plants Is, In the early spring, center of .So many such cases came to my the world ever, namely, those in which will be layered X fashion, the mother etnear a etn8j)ut implants. trade the Lady Why, you naughty hoy, mulching away from the is large the since X. of the Or those center the having notice that 1 concluded coffee was the language hedrd forming such, never arpjant clay predominates, ultivatp. Is willing to pay fancy prices for the that J black to the and of my trouble and J quit and cause by desire yolir grow plants you nature, jf safady day-- 1 work- - should be done after all is no doubt but the This there fruit, no fancy allow of will matter then mere spose furnishing hill yoii the took up Postum. I am more than s'oil. In system, Smatl Boy Yes. .mum; from frost Is past, but this culresults will be secured-frodanger methods to di but the soils largest cussin' to say that my days of trouwhatever form, to runner of deal these food plants plant dere wux ,a good f ones plot, Is limited tivation never' should be done while pleased hill rthe . system, encour-themall of will for do will j he mother plant itself ble have disappeared. 1 am well .and we bays referred to bj day you wuz born. all the work Is to be plants are blooming, unless the soil is and " size to as sys-of mechanical a to point the great fruiting but frdm develop agei from happy. dust mo'W'to we advise prevent 7 setting a with sufficiently hoe, done Deduction.- Look In pkgs. for the famons tlttl view the 'treatment will be quite teni. Tbe fewer runner .plants the T5 Inches aart This flying. 1 repeat that the looking after Tet ' sfeesa ' suffragette "The Road to WellvAle. " book, more., vigorous the mother plant mill plants different. ln.thlb way gives a double, the acre 4 w A the plants plants tj) tk 27,7p0 of ' as the kv tbe of Soils. production cllsjor courSe, Em be, How 'to Treat Sandy In the growing of Whyr. success and of TWy t ti44 assurance are extensive m fw fields Where the, cream Mftu tree aad fell t kseM She passed right by the lc r pitlMt In the ease of soils where the sandy runner plants draws Heavily upon Z , Is to cultivate ' v 1th the strawberries. ' the a boiled grower mother and1 took of tbe resources surface plant. the .counter Iatrc4t, dfleaki an predominates ISIS, by C, M. 8hulta) , . quality right, - horse, rows for the hllfsystem should tCw) cornFre Save the Now thoroughDetroit ground you rditmer 'for her lunck. should b rolled and thoroughly GREAT many person vybo are try ing to grow strawberries do not know that there is a question of sex in the plants. This U also true of mauy nurserymen, Free to any address. and score of growers are disappointed every year because' the plants they X a little macuztne This buy do not bear fruit. JO Hunk ater the new story The male plant in strawberries of Wi ker Building Brothers Bankers, with eighteen what as the stamlnate or bipictures of exterior ami interior ;lli;:: iJ a sexual, flowering plant. The perfect and other view si including one of ttrst home of hank, occupied by it ' female plant is known as the pistillate, in tiVi. SUM and unless it is planted alone with ilia., for copied call on or write male plant, so that they can be pollenized they will yield no fruit. In the illustration' it w ill be seen' that in the center of the bi sexual Salt Lake City flowers the,, pistils are surrounded by - Travel broadens some, but others anthers, or hulb like protrusions, which a're filled with the flower like can remain at homeat get fat, y ' aubstance called pollen, whichks carried to other pistils all over the patch, and this fertilizes them and thus every blossom becomes a berry. The illustration .shows that none of those an- -' thers appear on the pistillate flowers . We explain this matter fully so that every ope may understand how necesYoirian buy a really finem mo""' n sary it is that one always should set ment from us for the or even les than the usual poorly plants, and that where the cut monument costs. Booklet Free! pistillate varieties also are chosen Otu booklet they should be so arranged that the ,le rl lng of pollen of the bi sexuals will reach the range deMgns fa youra for the bloom of the pistillate plants. In orasking Witte der that complete polle nation may be for it Today. Also write tor secured, we advise the 'settingof pisI K F M anlla tillate varieties between rowsof biCatalogue. sexuals of the Bame season. Or, one -- set the Elias Morris & Sons Co. pistillate varieties bemay St.. Salt Laka Cay W. S. -J :i-of an earlier and a tween Monuments Marble Work season. later Mantle Tit Wor- kIn arranging the plants, if you desire to do so, you may set one row of or two rows, or as many as out ahead inajawsmLis. theiawyer V Ch a g o, and 1 met the same fate They Coupons for Rogers Fine. Silver Sometimes m y sent doctors me to Are First Crop Teas'' - of I years. Hewletts Teas - for a number i - intea Which are You Using? Sc ' and small strength which Tea dripkeis enjoy. . J M. 31, West Bun W.HBURKE get- s A. Ikerd, Box 1 1 tfe.t.-ib-iii- of-bu- t 1 Walker Brothers rSJj' Bankers 0 - - T 335 - Bargains in Fine Monuments i l A fc. One-hal- T- fl - s, gcnr-aUy-eipkye- d t-- 1 ( - &1- -; 1 s - i Iron rager Wire ton-dition- J.k s c " -- a -- . -- - !" ber-rles- is e 1 a kL ' 1 -- f - c. "sit'Lk - - the-prop- - -- -- -- er a - I , - . I good-lookin- f e - " , , adon-GOh- e-' e vorce-so'eoo- n -- - well-rotte- d d I -- so-call- was-bor- I- , m I Tid-Bit- s. , ill by5 s' , tha-physlc- - Press. - i rni Wtl !. ' cV fvS |