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Show DESERET EVENING CHILDS T06UE SHOWS IflNER M TUESDAY NEWS PRIVATE DANNY Oil IRE IN FRANCE ACTIVE Chapter Ul, .. If cross, feverish, sick, bili WEU we done it and were back. big raid' te all over and she ; ous, give .fruit laxative was a. great success sad somewhere . back ta eur bull pea we got 14 German at once. ' - To Avert Fuel Famine and Meet Need of War it Will Continue -- prlsoaera. 1 doat want te do too much brag' Every mother realises- - after giving old this chapter - bull if the of .California her children Syrup NauonaJ Army 'of Freedom -- dldnt their Jdettl laxative, make FlgC" that- thla tho when she went ovqr good because they love its pleasant 'taste an her first, big raid last algbt and It thoroughly cleanses the tender lop to resign from the then I'm tnr.e stomach,' liver and boyrels with- army and going go os 1 back. Jto my. old ? in out 1919. the lob 1, typewriter ribbon factory griplnr.. Until April 5 When lyoei Irritabe. feverish or out in Chicago. there was a little paof all First breath la bad .stomacn sour, look at trol tho night and rnepked early If MotherI coated,, give shoved some toaS InT gae thstongua. filled fruit with explosive under thopipeGerman '. WASHINGTON- - Sept 30. To avert a, teaspoonful of this harmless in a hours the few and all' . a laxative, hack this' wire. KubiMitg yrom a coal famine this winter and also foul, constipated waste.' sour bile and distance was tha fuss 11 ready meet all the need of the War pro- undigested food passes out of the long to be lit Then, exactly at ,3:tS our art llery gram; Fuel Administrator Garfield 'to- bowels, and you have. a. well,, playful the German front line opened' child Its When little n system again. produo-liothrew. day launched a drive for eoal while other gun trenebea. stomachhas full throat Is of sore, cold, pri tsotiLP eon cyi suortwe AntRe. and gas into tbs Hnn which la to continue until April U -ache. colic high1 explosive indigestion,cleana-tordiarjiioea. so two and a hand grenade-o- r to their down guna gun nautrallag pits s In a formal proclamation to opera.) remember, a good "inside was left .would walk thry couldn't oped up on un- the artil- them birds that should always be the first and- - miners alike, the fuel "Kamared:". well five minutes, after out shouting calls upon All to enlist Iq Intent given. lery started we went ' over the top 'Ths whole Job, after we hit their Millions or mothers keep "Callfo- -' while some of our 'guns laid down a front a detailed program tb .produce 13,-- 1 trench didnt take us more others laid than " line about -- twenty mlnuiee or wo 234.0V0 tons' rtf bituminous coal and nlafiyrtp of Fligf hendyi they know barrage in front. of US andback of the We -- moved dawn a t a child aeeoaj on through thrlr second cartage saves a sick anthracite every ot .tons today teaspoonful 2,020,000 rccon.i lines trenches so that ! a German and went, through their dugouts week, i This tonnage, he promises. torfforrow. . Ask your druggist for of no support cot Id come pup to them ltne and rounded end up our prisoners need.! of "California Syrup bottle will give the country all the coal and the men Ik tha first two lines ws went on home, with the ed this winter. It represents a weekly Figs, Which has directions for babies couldn't "get out. Atl this time of then wonus s with artillery protecting course certain guns were peundlng derful increase ot UI 3 1.000 tons of bitnmi-- 1 children of all, ages and grown-u- p barrage. . trenehea driving all .the right on the I lost Sandy an during 'the: attack nous and 11,000 tons of anthracite printed on the bottler Bewarebeof coun-iwto. their dugoot. fooled, Dutchmen sold here, so don't didn't see him until I and the weekly production averages i terfett Before our lines reached- the Hun own wire. Then the genuine, made by "California of the corresponding period of a year!'1 In going through our off the explosive wire Advertisehim tbeyset marching along with two seen Syrup Company."blew- - big boles In ths and ago. The increase iii bituminous pro- Fig the He pipes In front of him. duction caUed for. la approximately ment... right big .Germans wire so that our men could and grinning and he laughing 3 on through. And you'' should bars was 1 W per cent and in anthraeita had a grensds In hit hand ail ready " lias come when there nest be a farther seen them btrrtv go without a quiver. to thrW. per cent. call was transmitted Intensification .of effort on the part ot Nobody etoped but they kept' atright 7 Garfield's Mr. he was otta throw this t you." all -aytention to every district production manager, all ua Ip fact, I beliove that the on. not paying no what I otfa do shells'-tharay tagbirds"That's who In consultation with their mine time hss come for a definite allotment to soma German or even a was war but this you started couple Torn to drop apportion a of individual responsibility. production committees, will alnt going to- - finirh it. Ray, aint at them. guns popple "If each one of us will get under the pf machine weekly quota for toeach mine. Carrying Ton better say. yea you big ef hundred a was right? There ebupie'of concluits logical load, voluntarily carrying bis. portion us the quota idea heed. Beat it." square with the raid- be no. difficulty in altogether Intacked sion, each miner will be asked to as- of it, there-.wil- l that Randy get np close And the trenches spread out- and sen sume personal responsibility for a reaching our goal. and kind of swung free with It behind corns to would and an are essential everytltns "Ths mines part off hand tha weekly coa) production representing his right .foot. Td say he didn't surrender v Dutchman It his equitable proportion of- the mine's of the nation's battle Una- - U ia only would he raised the big one shout sigh let -- him- have It. Then we'd teenr mines onr objectives allotment. the attaintng by offn ground. Inches right and throw on the te dutours District production" managers will that we can attain. completely our ob- move taka steps to arouse patrlotlo senti- jectives elsewhere. ment In various coal mining communl- -' "I hare therefore requested the dities and thus enlist local interest and rector of production,' la consultation In a to the miners as the district managers, production stimulus with pride their struggle to maintain their week- committees, miners, and operators, to alx figurs out and establish weekly proly quota throughout the remaining for each individual duction quotae months of the production year. -- whteh.- added mtne-ijootogether. The Proclamation. For The Dew ret He m by H. A(idtnrtrm us ths .coal needed this Ill all give .Mr. Garfields proclamation says; . winter. "The growing requirements of the These Iqnotas esn he sssured snly esare brought, back to health when nation's military program and thecom-inthe definite pledging of each miner hv ff by wounded, the doctors and nurses who sential domestic demands for thsa to assume his equitable portion of his to see the you urge met care for them, the' T. M. C. A. and largo mines allotment only by winter can ba Salvation Increase in the average weekly producforces war film. America's Answer, will "It Army workers who fare greatly months eix tion of coal during the next abroad to learn that every miner has very first opportunity. forth with them on the great crusads ns compared with the coal mined dur- volunteered to carry out hie part in . and much more you It will give you a clearer Idea than all this ing the corresponding period a year this definite program and has per"America's Answer." a you can possibly have gained from ece inwill for assumed sonally responsibility thrill you artd It will enIt tonnage between weekly coal production representing The bituminous all your previous reading of the size lighten you. Tou will understand as now and March 31 next must arerage toindividual contribution his proper of the lob Uncle Sam has undertaken never-befor1334.000 .tons per week and the. an- ward the winning of the war.". why France is so gratetons per , In France and the' thoroughness with ful for the .coming of America Into thracite tonnage t.020,000 week. During the same period last which Uncle Sam Is tackling it. the war and' why Germany has thereyear Uis weekly production of bit Tou have. read, of courpe, of the by been plunged Into deserved despair. Bernstorf f. Marooned none was 11,303.009 tons, and anti who have men a and. half million you will definitely know how rite 1.009,000 tons. In Constantinople sailed from America, and the vast theAnd billions of dollars raised in Amer"I recognise, as you know, that your patrlotlo efforts ths proquantities of war munitions that have ica for war purposes have been spent through of coal during the past three duction WASHINGTON, Sept been shipped from America, to aid In billions have been needed, and months has far exceeded our earlier ex- Bernstorf f. former ambassador from freeing the world from the German why more billiona will be needed. why reGermany to the United Staten. Is pectations.will recognlre the urgency of Tou peetilehce. "The practical 'rtsponse you hare ported to bt marooned In ConstantinoBut until you see these war pictures, the first three Liberty loans, and made to the argent appeals of our pro- ple no a result of Bulirnrfao sorroodor duction director, James B. Nalle, has to the Allien. . Bemstorff lately hno America's Answer. you cannot ap- tha new loan, ta which you will have been' particularly- gratifying because boon roprosonttnf Berlin nt tho port. preciate sis you- should what feds act- an i opportunity to subscribe during In view of the possibility ef Torkry ually been done. They will be a reve- the next throe weeks. th number ot miners and the faoilities restrict- followlnsr tho oTnmplo of Bnlarnrin, lation to you. as they wqre to me available have naturally been Uncle Cam's Job In France, rememed by other war. sftlvltlea. Count Bemstorffs position In na om-- b when I saw them recently in Boston. ber, Is your Job. It Is not finished yet, nnd bin only npparont or nr on now 'Tnder (he circumstances your. InTon will sc miles of docks and rail- though splendidly begun. Tou have Is to cross the Block crease to date has been splendid, but way of escape Tou must the figures now show that If all neces- Pen to Odessa nnd then reach Germany way- lines under construction, ware- helped In the beginning. houses heaped mountainouely with go on helping if it is to bt finished . sary demands are to be met the time through Roaaia. . foodstuffs and clothing, giant refrig- right , erator plants. American locomotives Evsry dollar you Invest la the new being assembled by skilled American Liberty loan, the Fighting Loan.- - will craftsmen. American loggers at work count as a real help in ths finishing in the 'forests of France, monstm of this wondtrful Job, which has for American bakeries In opc ration. its ultimata aim the building of ' Ton will see America's soldiers leav- world-wid- e structure of freedom; Jusing home, yon will see them landing tice. and democracy. Buy Liberty in France, yon will See- them on bonds, I beg you, to the limit of your at their meals, serving as couri- buying power. 7Nt Contents 15 Fluid Prieto ers under fire, end in battle advance. (Copyright 113. by the Associated - .Tou will see the hospitals in which .. Newspapers) fact that troops will have ta be sent the For Infanta and Children lanaTrom. the west front, where PRESS SIY! they are so bitterly needed. Its sister publication, the Essen Ailgemfine Zit nng, speaks of "bad news corafng thick and fast," and repeats its previous, assertion that the Germane must be stronger. Later on. In its editorial, the Essen Journal fells into bitter abuse of "blaspheming Wilson and hi mob of lynehera WHS NEVER RREITER Pro-Jgra- m 1 : T ' -- up-oni , ad-in- g" treat-intnisira- . . , er we-wa- e nc t s at-ih- e Uncle Sams Job . tn, r,' harl' . We will win this & war rr ate t Nothing else really matters until we do! M & Vi It . v - . . . ' The Flavor Lasts e. GH Mothers. Know That Hats tor Children, Girls, Young Castoria- ALCOHQL-- 3 1 PBS CENT AVcldbleRn AMSTERDAM. Sept. 33. (By the AsThe German press t hysterically emphasising that ths need for cool heads never wss greater than how. Ths possibility, never before entertained or visualised. Is beginning to dawn on tho people that Germany may loss War; and ths zoddcnnes of thla realization has had a bewilder, ,. ing effect. The Zeitang Ammlttag entirely approve as wholly appropriate to tho imilatin$lfceiwS sociated l&ifitfe5iadiis3oiB(Jud5 I sSTSknnconT Ih4feyProntinItterti Cheerftlncss wi BdUHfOphim.Morpblflek' In Use find Fevcristeiess - igafltfintftmftoaunagyfaednaiic Stjnatwe.0 S' gOamwCouFArt ' jbmy? TfDHL-- i For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. II1- - iv HAS f Women and Matrons MADE ft WELL Smart, Conservative, Practical and Economical. This is a wondrooa place fDled with all the latest crea H jj- - tions. MRS. MARY C. GiLLETT Prices in accordance with War Tunes." dr . - Till Salt Lake College of Cbiropractic that This College affords many advantages to students CTO. schools. No, this bottle 'of Tan lac la not for me. but I am going to sent) it to my daughter at Saltair who has stomach trouble, for I am sure it will relieve her likw it has me, fpld Mrs. Mary C. Oil lett of 344 Quince street, Bakt Lake City, while In the Schramm Johnson drug store, where she had gone the other day to get another bottle of her favorite medicine. "I know what Tanlae will do for, a person in trouble,; she continued "for I have tried It myself and It has certainly made awell woman of me. For the last eight or ten years I had a miserable time of it with rheumatism and other, troubles that pit Hod me down so that at times I was hardly able to walk. My feet and legs wer;e swollen aa. though thpy would burst, and they ached 1 so terribly that. I became too nervous to sleep hardly at alL , Then, mf back ailhed- - o bad that T went about half bent over nearly all the time, and my kidneys gave .me no end of worry. My heart yaa weak and kept ms uneasy for .fear something would happen, to ms, my clrenlation was poor and I was so awultr rundown that for years I wasnt able to do my little house-wer- tha sensational editorial printed In Vorwaerts last week, dealing with what would happen should sn enemy eueeeed invading the' fatherland. It makes an assertion Remarkable for this newspaper, saying: "Our government thronghouf this terrible war has sedulously avoided hinting -at this and the other possibility. war the be that namely,lost it may everybody and everything are hot unlt-ein the utmost effort. The government hss thus Itself contributed to veiling ths real gravity of our position daring these four yours of viif' the newspaper contlnuea. It has preferred to lead the Button In 73 danger to bur bllnkera past ths abyss ' optional ltfSL. ' The Rhlensrh Westphalian Gasette the shuddertngly contemplates Bulgarian situation, "ths last and highest wavs," and suspect that the Bulgarians, after having got the Dobra dj a, have no further use for Germany. The Frankfort Zeitung expressed rethe government- failed to Imgret that press on friend and foe with truth." that Germany did wot go into tho war out of lost for power., This newspaper freely admits that ths Bulgarians are and thinks Justified In feeling war-tire-d the Bulgarian people will stand with Premier Malinoff. Finally, the Frank-fo- r Zeitang begs the government to male (or peaea. "unequivocally, and sincerely. The Dueaaeldorf Nachrlchtea bewails LEARN TO BE A CHIROPRACTOR AT cannot be found in the largest EasU 1 students may take day or evening courses or both. JIany of earliest stndents are work mg at their usual professions and are mastering the Art of Chiropractic every evening. Students may enroJl at any time. Rates very reasonable.;'' ' DIL i 41 No. State St, Phone Wasu 557, SaK Lake Oty. .... IT ay . & lessor Sleep td-d- x4 Mineral. Not Xahgotw - Press) Mi VA.NEIN,JW7T;J'- - -- hood-win- k yen Into believing you' are-- goipg to get something or nothing. ut preciseThey are not a charitable Institution ly the revefneT-an-y thing to get your money aod many time absolutely ruin your eyes. The beet le always the cheapest In the long ran in . ' , - , - 4i- lp any--thin- g.' Russell W.Young,Oph.M. k. I tried rubbing with liniments of different kind and taking all: , sorts of medicines,.- but got. no help from any of them. Then I kept hearing so much, about; Tanlac tbal..onelzI told my son I was bound to try: It. for If, it- had helped others It certainly ought to help me, too. .1 shall be thankful the longest day I Mve that I did so, for since taking It my kidneys don't trouble ne at ail. that rheumatism la ail gone from nty system and my limbs never swell or pain me in the least. Why,' I feel Just like I have a new back. for I can fo about as straight ts anybody and it never hurts me now. In fact Tanlac has given me such wonderful relief that I think It Is the finest medicine I ever saw nod wish I could get every -sufferer to- - tryit-'- See that the name of 3. F. Willis And the Cooper Medicine company Is on each carton. Sold only by Schramm-Johnso- n Drug .Stores, 'Salt lake CitX. ITlah. J dvrtlaenianC Optician Cut-Ra- te Dont let the faker , t I Beware of the OrTOMETRlW Ain 5LI NTFA CTCRIXG OPTICIAN. DK RfSSFIIi ST- - S&Vt JAKK ..J. YOCXa dTV, I W SOUTH MAIX IF ITS NLEOnUOAI KkHDIJ-- LKT When Your Tire i ij Blows Out fl the Yoa DO' IT. r Eardley Go. EveryUilhg had better blow-int- Osborne Auto Href & Supply Co. The Goodyear Servlee Statloa.' r IW Eloutrlcky.' 37 East First so. rbooo WaA 3 TO. Vf. i Sad Noise. 24 East So. Taaple. rhooe Was. 154C I - i- , - |