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Show 1 . 4 NI KG 1 1918 UESDAY OCTOBER CITY UTAH SALT LAKE SIXTY-NINT- Broken Engagements SOLDIERS E STUDENT Get lcethcr Wtth Tour Bona . and Dvl$e T(W Pay Omk hn Two PW ft and War tatian SUmL- - YEAR H a CU1S HATCH - faSA TOM-the irpa5gnWana!rerLar8T ArmyTrainingCorpsat University of Utah Is In Several Countie. Report Big ducted Into Service With Oversubscribed Fitting Ceremony. in Tabernacle. - Meeting -- at bdnarter Ta following " 4.207 700. Jfsslt Ik 111 Individual wbecribers I0- r at the University of Utah was . I, gK lake CUT endtiste, S, dlT. 1 8E Student Army Training corps to According Be InTestig&ied by War Garden' artd"Gdvera- ment Exhibits Cause of Special Committee and Submitted to State LegisFavorable Comment lature for Final Action. Making Awards. Will - J. Manager iTATE cam paid WbartT Pavid Larson, of the tmtlook the that report Loan dr!v lot the- - Fourth I very tlstac data th throughout baa a Jon t&j, and while th date ita quota way to o before it reache point to f jiJ.S78.t08, Indication Jw A message an early from Walter Filch. th. TJutic didric i, of Jr, chairman subscrlp-t- o reporta on tho the extent of $17.009 Sm day of the campaign. This Mr. double the quota of that district, t itch eye tho people of that eectloo Inducted Into the Service this morning? Between 1,200 and 1,490 students and drafted men took the oath of allegiance. Colt Edmond & 'Wright, commandant, administered the following oath, which thrall the men repeated: "We pledge allegiance to our flag and to the repubho for which It stands one nation indlvle-abl- e, wtth liberty and Justice for alb The ceremony was viewed by a large crowd. Including a number prominent in the city and state. Bishop Joseph 8. Glass of' the Catholic Church offered the invocation. The detachment band played The Btar Spangled Ban' ner while the flag was, being raised. Message from President. Colonel Wright then read order received from' various offices of the war department, the acting secretary of war and Gen. March. The last order read was a telegram received from President Woodrow - Wilson. He greeted the men in the step they had taken, and told of the necessity of preparation i nd thorough training to fight the nations battles President John A. Widtsoe gave a short address. He spoke of the surrender of Bulgaria and of the great work yet to be accomplished by the Alien. He also commented on the great service which the university la per- Preparation for Big Meeting. Indications point to the fact that a majority of the counties will be over -- In the loan by Saturday night. The relative positions, of the counties In then over subscription will be announced at the "On ta Victory" pa triotic rally to be held in the taborrarie next Saturday night. Horn Vt.b- a member of the advisory ' r J. Grant, board of the Twelfth Federal distnow Is considering the allotrict, . r ment of honor Gaga Mr. Larson emphasizes the fact that no figures are considered by the federal reserve bank entll the money has been, deposited In the banka Counties are therefore being urged to see that their subscriptions arc being 'placed In the baeks and re- ports made immediately wo that the , stats will have early recognition. Preparations are going forward for the big mass meeting which will be beld in the tabernacle Saturday evening U is planned to make it a celebration ef the progress made tn the campaign by announcing totals from all pans of th state and also giving the mines of the town and counties which have gone over the top. Eloquent Speaker , ' la addition to Captain. Dewlersblcki, member of the French high commission, Cel John T. Irish of San Francises will address the meeting. Col. Irish Is one of San Francisco's best known public men and of ' speaker unusual eloquence. . . . , Dewterebicki Capt ha recently come from the French front and wHl speak ss his experiences there and on the. present attitude of the French nation toward the war. Both addresses will be designed to emphasize the importance of the fourth Liberty loan. Tomur-o... .afternoon at women s Jazz band, under the direction of Hue Evans of the Song Shop, will play to front of the Women's Liberty Loan bank, at Second South and A musical novelty of . Prime interest is promised. . - - ..li.iin w Take Colored Men Back -To Answer for Forgery B V. Ayres and. J J. Johnson,' colored. under arrest at Helper since about flays ago, oa charges ef in deer., dvTanils Mo7 forgery r, t0 ftndir entradltle -- Or-- the U." After completing their physical ex- is the same test as emanation, which that given in the other branchee of the array the men are sent to the unidetachment headquarter versity Each man is riven papers which he take to his local draft board, Asking the board to Induct him ,1b the students army training corpa- - After he has been properly released by his board and certain papers have been signed, he returns to the university to take studies prescribed by the government. Coart Not Ready For West Cache Sugar Case Though counsel for the plaintiff appcourt this morning and announced readiness for trial, the case of the West Cache Sugar 'tompany J. A. Hendrickson and 'Lorenzo against N. stohl a suit to recover $287,207.88, Set for this morning, was not called. Delay' of the entire September term calendar is responsible. Attorney Jobs Jensen dt the law firm of Cheney. dansee and Holman, made the appearance for tne plaintiff, before Judge P. C. Evans of the Third district court: Counsel was informed that the case Is yet to be, assigned, as is true with regard to ail other cases of the September term with a few exfor ceptions where reaort,haa existed such as the immediate disposition, claim of the draft upon litigant Otherwise, the five divisions of the court are occupied with catching up on disr cases from the June posing of - " calendar. eared-In lefb-ove- i Island Park Manager t . Is Salt LakeJVisitot hr ll Martin Gsrn. manager of the Island of Utah, The Park, n of El H. Ida, &properties 4 to 1 in town Connor! Con- W. Eccle and strucneB - He Harri-man 7 7r which they wsre today. says "Neither Mr Averlll Hnrrimaa have visited thm n K- - the pnor tax Cl?? f?A.,"hln too are season; this busy ark tbey amounts.1 reao4 tsa totaling end Carl back east, though Mr. Guggenheim was rTMUI lo. f Vrnvtr Ml,ch'l detee- - there for a brief visit. The stream of ItM force, came City to Salt Lake for the automobiles through ths park to ths YelloWstone, was almosl.conttnuous between June it and SepCTt. nt the rate ef t8 cars n day. The bears have been troublesome In the Tellowstone, and a e been killed. Guns number of them ate sealed, to be sure, on entrance Into the Yellowstone park, but there Is nothing-t- o prevent a Iran defending himself Or his property. But ns good e s syringe thing to do, is to discharge loaded srtth strong ammonia at the bear. That wlfl ftx them every time." Mr. Gam reports enormous crops all s&XTZS-Jckon d - over that part of Idab but n scarcity 17 Tears old. were ar- - ef help.- - There is sacked grain waiting rwted . many a field from which- it-- can not, nd "Weal Tem- - In be moved for lack of transportation. 1t'nlht by Police Ser- - r U s Hiu-de- sortrtt of ud the fiea-tfeim- Har-rima- Ks Syr bruke E,,? A" the sueP'clon that room Of Charles .1"' "Ihhts ago and stole a Aecordto apparel ,7? ,'h Poilee th boys have Music end Refreshments af " Reception Next Saturday rtiule Republican women of the city and state will be guests of e Women's Republican- - club 'and state committee at a reception next Saturday afternoon at the Hofei Utah, The regular meet? Ing of the club win -- be --held at $ o'clock and the reception will be from 4 to 7 A program of musie and brief addresses will begin nt S oclock.' Refreshments will bs served. All nom-hieon th Republican ticket have1 been Invited and L opportbnlty win be afforded for the women to become A special inwith them. acquainted vitation Is extended ts Visitor from out of town, many of whom will be In the city In connection wtth conference amt tbs stale lair. . , ymrnu . severed, 1 bavebeen re- - burglaries - Were tot night. ,jg 4,44 uth StaU streit, bad stolen a f? rhl? tmobile while It Stond Ws I of hie residenca Jron he ease drem. ZZZ ww-- s couple - of stile reported Blneh.2, reported um at ; -- Petty- - S'.TSJU."' ?? sstsaslofsrs-- s jewel. quantity wet VYr. fiv-.i-T-- " rirt ?& - Old Social Hail Under New. . con-t-nu- ed Ftveral examining doctor were added td .the examiners . Mondays examinations were conducted by Dr. L. W. Snow, Lieut. Thomas A. Grace, Lieut. R. Leigh and Dr. W. R. Tyndale. Accommodations fpr the full membership are still lacking but at least 200 to 400 of them will be quartered nt Auspices A fmoet interesting and highly praiseworthy . avent was that which was celebrated af ths 'eld Social ball last night. Alter mouths of Recent bulletin s from tbe non-wrenovation, re seating, and reconstruction section of the prioritise division of the war Industries board, decorating, the historic eld building which Included farm bnlldlAgs, silo was opened to the public one more, and stmHar structures along with as a theatr nearly IS years after church theatres, and the like, s; the first theatrical performance with' are modified under a la its walls took place. The telegram received by Arch M. Thuroccurred under the auspices of man, secretary of the .state council of the "Varsity Flayer" under the didefense. Maude May Babcock, It was feared the bulletin was going rection of Misv Maurice introducing Mr., and Air to Interfere wtth the campaign of tbe Browne of noted as the exChicago, food administration for the 'construcof "The Little Theatre ponents tion silos In Utah this win- idea. ter and next spring. The new teleThd bill was 'Barries delightful "The gram, however, which Is from D. R. oomedy Love Professor's conMcLennan. chief of the non-win here Story presented unforgetstruction section. , permits the . con- table fashion over 29 years ago by E. struction of new fsrm projects of S. Willard. Mr. Browne filled his role, which the cost is not to exceed and Mr Browne, whose stage name Is Von Volkenberg, played the pert of the $1,999 and of which tbe purposes are sister, while the remainder of the x purely agricultural east was made up of university force The campaign of education for the past and present. The oomedy was of state new tn silos the construction preceded by a brief sketch of the house Is to start soon after the state fair. A given by Prof. L. E. Toung of the U. survey ts in progress now, under the of U. faculty, and while the play did auspices ef the Utah Agricultural not commence until 9 oclock owing college end of the state, to ascertain, to the parade. It was followed with where alio const ruction would be most keen Interest to the close. All Voted beneficial It 1m understood that corn that the presentation was a charming tor ensilage Js more Certain of reachthroughout. Mr. Browne as ing proper maturity In the valleys success than it ta a In districts where the early the absent mtnded author, showed frostwsre-llkety'islunt deyelopmetitfhmwrtf a fintebed artist ln' lhia V peclal kind of comedy, while - Mis Von Volkenberg presented the part of the sister with care and feeling. Helen one of Alisa Spencer William Babcock's former graduate made a sweet and effective Lucy. Mr Kiser, who la no stranger to the boards, filled the role of the dowager In good style. Three comedy bits which stood out were the Scottish trio of Mtse Irma Smoot, Mr. Rasmussen and Mr. Foulger. Louise Hill made a pretty young aristocrat, and the other parte are the hands of Mr. Muuhr, Mr. Axel in letter Interesting rad and Mr- - Allen were capably fill- ceived from members of UfahrjfliaTtmerr, R. M. The scenery, lighting effect and western Franc SpangCorp, came from the all the ler ef this clttv who arrived tn France hands ofappointments forces under the university Aug. 20, writes of his examination of direction of Miss Babcock, who at the the ancient city of Vannes record in- close was warmly congratulated upon ought to prove an cluding s hand written history of Na- the opening of what eacoessful efforts important step, not only in the depoleon,. and of his U. of UVbut In the to learn French- .- He says a young velopment of the woman took him la charge, teaching social life of th community. him the language so that be now can Many features of Interest last night talk qalte fluently. The scenery Is all were not on the bill. First, the presveteran Le Grande Toung, rural with frequent windmills and Old ence e who as a boy saw "The lady of chateaux. Dinner at the Hotel da Commerce cost ,t franc but was real food. Lyons within the same walls ChristThe corporal say "tbs way to learn mas Eve, 1S52, rendered by a company of plhyer 'all of whom hare French is to give your Instructor one now. made James their final exit and fan while take swap another, book, Ferguson, father of Mrs. David Keith, sentence"-- was the Claude, Mrs. Wbeelock the The command was transferred from K. Whitney, her fathVannes to Nsnte noted in history for Paulin Horace Its famous Edict, known as the charter er. Air Al. G. Clawson her mother, of Hncgenot liberties, but. which, was David jCandland. the Beauseant, Mrs revoked by Louis XIV tn 15Si. The Sarah Cook The Mdow, 'and John on T. Caine tbe Glavw.v Second, the boys slept to a livery stable there, beboards laid on cobble stone, after presence of Prof. C. J. Thomas and ing fed chocolate and sandwiches by Prof. Careless, the first leaden of the the Red Croan. In the morning, it was omelet Snd chocolate, after which they orchestra In, the Salt Lake theatre, 19 entrained for Bordeaux, where trucks yean after - the Social Hall opening. out to a big artillery They reeaH- the many social function hmnled camp where they are receiving more given in the old hall in which Presischooling. The men say they can sleep dent Brigham Toung look 'a leading now on solid Ice or cement, but ere part, when hp himself led the co annoyed by cooties a species of sand tillion Prof. Careless said the orbite Is unpleasant, and must flea whose ' i chestra vwhiqh played for the dances picked off the clothing. P-Lieut. Kendall eon of - M. Randall In-t- he early $0' --comprised Share of this city, writes that ths first camp Olson a violinist, William Foster with was in a park In England, whose coun- the a'ccordeqn., John Toons cellist, scenery is very pleasant. He says try Carrie e prompter. ever 100 men were seasick In crossing with James Other old tlmen recalled that the the English channel. The first French wss pear a camp of German pris- first 10 or 12 yesra .of Its life, the hall ejimp oners who appeared satisfied wtth their was lighted with tallow candles exlot. The next move was tivo days and clusively. Otben said the banquets In box cars to a village 1.48 given by Gollghtly In the basement nights old. Is climate The much like years great feature that of CSlifOrnla. and the local people were All took keen enjoyment In recallare as fb ter eating study with their Tbs lieutenant says bs Is ing the glories ef the departed days quaint wayFrsseb and all admixed th DOW arrangements very fast. learning T SAYS UtTESTTELEGRAM ar -- 00 ar of-th- -- -- the-me- -- es ' apec-laol- lively current song about the which were greatly, applauded. Physical Examinations. . Physical examinations which were begun Monday afternoon were today. It Is expected that all & A.T. C. members now registered at the school will have had physical f- , will continue to chair-wiaA wire from C. R- - Marcueen of Carbon county, state that the than over subscribed t county with $484,990, while their quota is S3l 040. Peter Nielson, of Emery county, show a substantial forming. President-Emeritus George A Adams, chairman of San T. Joseph that that county Joan county, reports Kingsbury spoke briefly on the giant Is over subscribed and a bond sold struggle and the Issues involved. to every family in the entire county, The detachment boys then struck up county, patriotic Daniel Heiner, Morgan songs, in which all joined. subsover has his county JT wires that The detachment quartet sang some -, cribed. -- T the re gular .October sessions Auctions or atet fair ffl- - - dial that teJsy saendanc of the state board of land comwill break all record bid fair missioners, which' start today, to prove correct. Visitors be-t- o the beginning pf the end of the enter the grounds aa soon ae Ratchtown project Is to come with the tea were open this morning and receipt by the laud board of claims of settlers under tbe former project, and by noon time a fair sized crowd bad tbe appointment of a committee to gathered. The various exhibit are -attracting general attention and the investigate these claims, and to work of the to reach a Just settlement wtth Judges is progressing in quick time. Lots of prize award ribthe 'Claimant bons be in will evidence on the various The presentation fallow displays before night. action taken at the last meeting of the A band concert on th main avenue board when a commit lee of- - Hatch-tow- n wa the center of attraction at noon this was foliuwtid by a free vaudecontract holders was present to and ville show. At intervttis during the make a last despairing appeal for the afternoon there will bn' daylight fire c'onaitructlon of the dam. Thl the sLate works and the race began at 2:30. land board says is virtually Impos- The vaudeville entertainment will be following the races and there sible. owing to the difficulty of find- resumed will be a band concert between 7 and ing a suitable dam site on the npper S o'clock Una evening. Between 8 and 10 oclock tonight Sevier basin. Agreement wax then reached ax to the procedure to be fol- there AU1 be a gland firework dise, the big war lowed. aftep which the state land play, introducing "A Call to the Color This board sent out a letter to all tbe con Is said to be one of the most spectract holders pf record on the land tacular pyrotechnic productions of the board's book notifying them of the day. I Ally. Gfcneral Dan IB. Shields t action taken, asking them! to file their scheduled to speak on the Liberty loan claims and suggesting that they be at the National League of Women's made ax- fair and reasonable ae the service bungalow at 4:39 o'clock this afterdoon and musical selections will merits of the same will permit be rendered by the Hawaiian Ukulele Some of the Claims. club between I and $ o'clock. In response to the last suggestion War Garden Display. some of the contract holders have In The war garden display is the cans; dlcated their willingness td accept of much favorable comment. lt is a merely the actual money they in striking Illustration of what may be in the vacant lot snd back vested In tbe project as payments for produced yard. In this exhibit are several featn state land, together with interest tures of unusual lntereut, chief among from the date of payment to the date which, perhap is the work of W. C. of settlement One man, somewhat A. 8mooL 2179 south Eleventh East Mr. Smoot, 71 years old and TUBERCULAR CATTLE ruefully. It Is true, writes that he etreyt. on of the 'ew surviving 'members of appreciates the attitude taken by the the "original band state administration- - ta the matter, and has on exhibition aof Utah pioneer broom whieh he le willing to offer the trials and trlbn made and specimens of the latlone he endured on the project dur himself broom corn he made it. from which ing a couple of sojourns aggregating a sample of com meal about two year ax bis contribution to Also he has by htmself with grater made the development of the stat of which ground Tbe state live stock board will meet he has by himself. The workmanship is exsince become a citlxcn in an cellent. . Thursday morning at a session at which other locality than Hatchtown. The work with the federal expenses Incurred at that tlm he Farm tractor Exhibit. government promisee to be the Impor- say he will charge up to experience. An Innovation, attempted for tbe pay- first time this year is the demonstratant matter of business. Tbe state Is Another man wants his initial acre for ment back, plus $$i per now working with the United States tion of farm tractors. Five acres of the alfalfa land under the project, ground have been obtained serous the biological survey, of tbe department and tile cultivated an for $$7 yre Jordan river to the west of tbe fair of agriculture, in the campaign against land not sown' to alfalfa. Thl to- grounds where ft machinery houses The animal agreepresent predatory with charges for $500 hone exhibiting are demonstrating the ment was due to be renewed last June, gether some fence ditches and outbuildof tractor but bas not been renewed as yet. The ings brings his total claim to mors working mines rescue car The are proposing than $7,000. The records seem to attracts government government officials wide attention, aa doe also some addition and Dr. A W Kelson, indicate that he paid the state a total the war exhibit. The fair this year chief of tho survey, will be here from qf $6(0, approximately, for the land. paid special attention to government out that un the face of exhibits and It is evident that no misVashington Thursday, to discuss these It It ts pointed to be this claim appears hardly take has been made tn this respect. proposed changes In detail, be seems to ask as be Inasmuch - Tbe state board niembers will also just. They are the talk of the fair. tog for hls initial payments back as fixed several At a tints yet go over the new forms of agreement well as the value of the land if It stock and chicken ' of prize specimens of as the animal bureau with were under water today. indpatry are to be sold at the fair grounds tor regards Inthe campaign against tuberJust what the land board "will con- th benefit of the Red Cross. Th culosis cattle. This proposed agree- sider on the matter has not Red, Cross bungalow Is another cenbo to Just ment bae not submitted, but under ter of attraction. A, beautiful display tbe new law passed recently by Con- been Indicated. Some members have payment with of women's Work tor this moot worthy ths gress department has sent on an suggested the original outline of tbe main features of such perhaps This display per eent Interest Cstmple, of causes 1s shown. agreement One Important change, af- not compounded as some of the claims will no doubt' go far In the enlistment. all dairy oaltle owner is in bav been putitin) and an allowance of additional workers for the Red fecting to reimbursement1 for animal for the permanent Improvements Cros regard In . tuberculosis Inspection destroyed work- - As now proposed by the gov- placed on the land. 1, In any event, no matter what the ths farmer would get the ernment, board may recommend, the last Red Cross to Conduct salvage value of tohie animal which forIs land decision tests with the legislature. pass inspection frequently able beef . Big Linen Shower It is expected that quite a large pertetetw-ik- ai centage- f Hise lain ante -- will, have of his their value end The appraised value.stljut A feature planned by the Red Cross before the land boaTd animal from the government and an- at theanswers present session of that body. Is a linen shower, which wilt last toe other third from the state. Thus all was a week, comihenclng Oct. 20. Utahns reported the lobs that the dairy cow owner Yesterday the number of said to be well over 50 per cent will be given aa opportunity to show wosld curtain would-b- e the difference between th salvage val- already, with the ' incoming towel thilr patriotlimMky contributing ue and the appraised value of the ani- heavy with additional claim napkins, handkerchiefs andbesheets to hv mal for used These Cron Red will ' the I Under the prevent arrangement, the win be hospitals in Franc Th shower state claims the salvage value of the Sworn Statements Are durnation conducted th throughout animal and pays ths owner a flat rate ing this week. Tbe linen must comply the appraised value of th of No Longer Necessary with tbe following regulations: The animal Red Crpss has been asked to supply 1 Hew New Law Wtrka , 2.509 bath towel It by 38 Inches; 399 28 by 1$ Inches; 2J04 Swovp statements from members of haedkerchlef Th way It works out, may be seen finished: $.809 lOPjachea. in the hypothetical ease ef an animal esmpanfts of Tiwllan War Veteran 'sheet $4 by 18 towel hand by 39 Inches;14$99 napkin ae a appraised dairy animal at $188. such ae were required by the United Inch 14 by hpproxlmately. which will produce from the packer a Under the pret- States bureau of pensions before the $7 The articles must be view or tieerty so, salvage value of Jl he erit system, the farmer would get 550 companies were recognized by tile com- and of strong70materialX They rhouldRed east South Tempi delivered to for bis diseased animal, the state pay- mission following th Investigation Cross headquarter worker will eook ing that much, and the state reimburs- by Henry B. Floyd, chief of the Indian Red Cross ing Itself frora the J48 salvage, suffer- Wart wection, are still coming lacom-to sndLocal eerv during state fair Week at thA AL Mr E. Coben, Utah pensions a nvtloes of $10. ingUnder the fair grounds. Red Gross shop-ethe propoaed system as at pres- missioner. to be forwarded to Mr. coxy room tea oocuptea a prominent Cohen, of course,, ent understood.vtbe fanner woeld get Floyd. thMr statement exhibit anf Cross Red in the but says that place the salvage value of $40. plus will he served to visitor tt Is lunches such affidavit are now of the remainder of the appraised vain Zoo .received a Th Red Cross of $20. from the government and a like unnecessary for any vetran or widow addition yesterday when a coop recognition under' the Indian come ameant from the f tat or a tot ! of $ts, claiming five barred xPlymouth Rock chicken pension act to make further rep- of. thua sustaining a lots of $29. The state ware The chickens wall be donated, to th bureau of pensions was would coffer 538 of he loss and the resentations to add to tbe mercy cause fund. Sold unless in response to direct inquiry government $29 , IVhat disposition would he made ef from that office. This has been the case since the (7 la registered stock le a question that were formally recognized I,t not fully determined, though s net companies however, to the 1 or J the government would does not spply. thought that Which were not recognised stand for a higher appraised value than companies ere still before the secretary of the maximum sow allowed by tbe and , th treasury. stat JJ99 COMMITTEES TO MEET n to-b- e tn one-thi- rd one-ha- lf -- w for-wsr- usleas one-thi- rd r I lt-l- . Will Address Bonneville. Dr. Woods Hutchinson of New Tork. a 'prominent authority 'on hygienic matter le announced as th speaker at the first Bonneville dinner of the sea- eon, at the Hotel Utah, os 4be evening Ih JL! 7Lh. , ? oci!l'L h part an educational from message the bring west- - front where he made special studv of health conditions In the armies of the Allle. Calvin Congratulates Shot f Line Employees , Tbs following message..' congratulation wa received Monday from Federal Director FE.Celvin at Omah by Chairman Carl Stradiey of the Liberty loan committee ef the" Oregon Short Line; 's, "I desire to congratulate yourself, staff and employees of the Short Line en th excellent showing so far made on the fourth Liberty loan drive. ven per eent of the total number of your employ ee subscribing during the first two days of thy drive Is certainly very gesturing 'and indicate ycu will easily go ever th top wtth'iqo , p4r cent subscriptions." Mf. BtiWdley announces that' the report fnrSNopday oft the fourtlr Liberty loxn ehow 1.81 subscribers in Utah. $1$ 2,550. The third Liberty loan total $Hi,-30in Utah wa 3,12$ subscriber Thirty-se- old tlalL It seats only 290 but the chairs are roomy and comfortable, especially compared wtth- th backless ' benches of $$ years ago.The present interior la finished In grey and red with a quiet effect and artistry which speaks highly of the taste of tboee who had charge of th arrangement The production at the Social Hall It was stated this morning that al-11 theatr will be alternate week th departments of the Bhort Lina had next to occur Oct. 14, in four eent. with ready scored their 10ta per ass bonv Vetkenberg-imau- y Mias Von lee eurptoree yet play taring of tbe 9. on-a- . ' i ct The mqtor transportation committee of the stale council of defence Will meet .with the mocor trsnsportatlee chairmen and others of the various, count; councils ef defense at the Commercial club tomorrow morning at 19 o'clock. At that time It ta thought definite action will be taken toward outlining the program ef establishing rural th ihotor express service, throughout State, to bring farm products -to th railroad arid the market. tt In 'announced that toparticular the getting has been given products of th Ctnta basin to market. So nearly completed is the rad from Duchesne to Helper and CaUewtw be an that it is thought the state will all winter to keep the highway any to motor truck transportation. - At ts an- attempted, rate, this will-broad commission, pounced hr the state at I!! which will keep a be. tI"?keP scene elf w inter. If 11 WM ho. I" e I11?, pen highway , Ted tho rlrb agricultural I of tho beat win be- mod aou the outside market- ori e ' Kf nd 1 V' 2 |