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Show X I"r t. ' i v DESERET-EVENIN- YEWS -- TUESDAY OCTOBER break off all' trade relations with Germany, FOUND OUT. IheNJVaghington government has been firm in ' a rn4m obtained from us should m insisting that nothing r T Knur ! lwt)i Tempi m4 Uth-Tempi For Tb Dcmt New by Ir. Frank Cywqe. tinin any way diverted to the benefit of our v U . Pelt Lk Cur. enemy, of be used to supply a home need to 11 HUUDtM ittormr O ,KMir And ao you thing wry wrongdoer ought release similar Danish products for such sale J nnii .ii KI fa.SC I'. i IT ION PWCE. to b punished f. Do you realfie whip that have been long-draTh or negotiations export. ' JS u Htllr.. pwNew. per . mean? ' T j out, but the ffcastm for this la that the !;ianrtr J. For human affair are so arranged, not ;Ml-KM- r. per peer to the to as i had satisfied be United States lrr Furcga pMiM that aU those who Violet th law ar punH aclualthe minimum requirements of Denished, but only those who are Found Out. ? eamml--t;- ; $$ MMrm all t 'And what If you and I and everybody THE MXERET ; mark for her own needs, and alad as to the ili Lk Cuy. were Found Out, and aU gf u got the hidTtiffqunt of supplies that could be spared with- -, - Cerrmpmmn ing that ii du ust J5SL demands our allies and to Of our out the injury Then not only Willy, who waa caught Mueuua ko.e be ddrel t th fieutral customers, who have as good a claim banded dealing the slat pencil, tut Archt-bal- d CtrruUtlo' Bor Member Astfll the Good, who waa defter and more on Aur consideration as Denmark hai. J . MeKlppcy. ahlllful In camouflage, would have to WF1MI a e ,, MwYrh follows Th 1 the form .V"V-greement closely Offie. Ii South V.yh.Cb of similar agreements already conoluded'wittr More than that The i al crime fiasTn-th-e the P0'0 Entered tmatter 1 i Sweden and Norway; and If The Netherlands Our t will and Intent, and all tnoee who aewdia i.rend cU should now( find It possible to follow me exam. wanted to break over, but were afraid, should be rpanked by the equal hand of J no19- - ple sat by the Scandinavian nations, the closed SALT LAKE CITE, tice. In that caa tb only oaf procedure circle toleraround would a Germany present Is, j would J for . the teacher to flog them all, ably solid front Holland, however, is perhaps k a part of th morning ritual. - alignment or f antagonists. - What If everybody were Found Out? " still too much exposed to the vengeance Of her --i y! , The teacher herself would then not go 1 savage neighbor to warrant an open and final f;C XCEPT for the efcant to R picture esosed homo oawhipped, for behind her serene sir too break7Bot at the present rate of Allied from Bulrxri of perfecUon tbers has surged many a deby the wfthdnwalof contend!!: progress, that menace should soon-beg- in, to sire to murder the wayward Willy and to "fighting lists, the'sligtanent of tbs be diminish; and then tjie blockade, io far as bite mischievous Maggie. the oalooking cations of lhe earth ;od ' And the Superintendent, ' and the .Board is be would abuttination concerned, 1 ail, presentment. ter summarized in of Education, would likewise have to takf populs-tCo- ns and but unanimous. Itombiced , J Nineteen naUonj with eojete their place In tbe dunce's copier, and pertoo cause of UtSoe.O'X) sre fi?ht'n for haps be soundly paddled upon their digniELIMINATING DLL1 ERIES. oa popola-Uofied understandings. five others, with total tof liberty, and I1J5WWW, And the Grocer, would he not be -comhave severed diplommercantile fraternity will do well to of about pelled to say, I lied, to you about- the takw advantage of the patriotic impulse European group. atic relations with the Centralinclude cheese, and I swindled you on tbe price of Buluntil which this year will urge their patrons to do sugar, and I told you I had --no apple. This croup Includes or did .1 Mof While really I am saving some for better their Christmas shopping early and carry home Airis withdrew) s combined population and their parcels, hy To the whipping-pos- t with customers? leadership German once off and for all accepting kilting if00,000, alt him! , " , goren-Vme&- L of some of their own troublesome chickens which Also tb fashionable and proper Mrs. Fits 'fcxbting for the autocratic principle with the German Kaiser as supreme in recent year havq come home to rOosL To Wright, if she were Found Out, what a ' record of envy," jealousy; vindictiveness, - world autocrat. the merchants themselves is due the excessive, of foolish and extremefy deception, and what not would be revealed! i costly practice of unnecTwoty4wo nations with jmpulatlons The saintly Brother Snook ums, too, supermaintained a essary and multiplied deliveries. Competition' thus Jar 152j0OtMX3O.bsve about intendent of the Sabbsth School snd leader---i- n t l in the past has led to a mad race in offering Neutral attitude, while Bnsaia, today all reforms ah! if you were Found Out! of Night before last do you remember? Too superfluities of service and accommodation, irwnknowu factor, has. fa the neighborhood ely dog, you covered up your trucks welt and these abuses have almost attained tbe people. f3;00M0 But come, take your caning! Forty stripe to whether at nations and of tofee fixed customs. Among A roll call of the sanctity well laid on, for you! , autocratic or the them, none. is more reprehensible than the And the Musical Composer, what If it Oriy favored the democratic were Found Out that he stole this phrase of government would evoke the answer delivery evil referred to; and the department from one place and that from another? IfTor liberty- - from the representative of mtt stores and retailers should welcome most the Author, think of his pllferings and And the earth, gratefully vthe relief which is fti sight from rj per cent of the inhabitant of . pretensions! ! to obedience the rule that deliveries And even the Bishop whst ot toe gay while only I per cent would answer "nay." about of little psrty when you laiyrhed anj. sang ft t of the estimated world population to an - absolute minimum. be reduced Is scarcely e Their customers are and ogled the girls incognito. Make way to acquiesce ,700,000,000 human beings, there prepared for my Lord Bishop on, the paddll&g affected by the la - the -- rule, and not materially fa the which fewer exceptions group bench!' ,. worid-eonvuj present conflict. Hence it U the merchants make to It, the less trouble they And all th Good and Froper and Wla standards of will bave in establishing it as a fixture for all folk, who insist on Bad and Improper and irg struggle In which all former ! Is Naughty-folk it discarded getting their Just deserts" been have to come. time yyonomic strength its if we get oum! heaven help of but 5 forces, and Thoughtless and Selfish people, snobs tjnly a war; not alone of military What a mighty sound of thrashing and will doubtless continue to expect ; jvery man, woman and ehOd of the nations, such-lik- e, pounding and beating would ascend from - all over the earth! involved and of the entire globe bee idea. business ss usual in these respects, and may If it wers in would fine, What happen, xt indulge m haughty threats about transferring THE BfLGAR. Found Out that cribbed the title of this TERMS f ' their patronage elsewhere if they do not get t . j; article from Thackeray? Bul-! such all they ask for. But it is obvious that Come, tkelwi said th better, and if ! the cunning and calculating king of - ' you won'tell, I won't. , garia finds hnnseir mneh mistrusted by the threats will be vain if all iherehants establish no same shiftiness to rule and and and the' adhere play own Frank his by greed Crane.) has (Copyright, 118, fXiies, he only favorites." The grpat majority ..of patrons, He entered the vrSr fa an to blame for selfish spirit and having shown no however, are too reasonable to insist upon the 1 as TWENTY YEARS AGO. mercy, be has little right to expect any. Hir delivery of packages which They can just to need will be few as and well not; therefore very now likely k carry f 'willingness to quit From the Files of The Deseret News . ! regarded, not as a sigp of true repentance, but more than a s!hl suggestion to remind then) for-A fact matter. The his J in the of the proprieties Iran symptom of regretaide-th-that be cast' OCTOBER I, .1898. Is, the losing a great many who never would have thought times with the wrong have an as great The Twenty-fourt- h of having their purchases delivered J Vide and wants to save himself,-tinfantry arrived to resume to Lake their Balt the quarters at Fort it habit of the full consequences the allowing through fallen into extent as be ean,from Douglas after gallant conduct to the famous no now, under will Allies be query, The ,And salesmans stereotyped own his folly. fig battle' of the San Juan. Thousands lined where shall we send" it?" Jhis ip kstock ; Temptation to repay him in kind for the inbuthe streets to welcome the returning heroes and the day was .devoted to n general lfaanraess and brutality with wfcicb bis.cam-- f phrase which clerks can not too soon' be in their honor. Rumanians taught to forget. It will be juite sufficient, for and the Serbians the against ifnigns the thank of olher hand, tetter received from 'George Back-ma- n, on a &n the courtesy, but tp In the purposes been, conducted; l and customer in a modest and sincere sort of .w by his brother. City Recorder G. H. to be forgive will required they jrjilber Backman, the writer told of conditions to - i all bis'mLsbebaviar unUl he shhave and hand over her parcel with her change! forget Manila and quoted General Greene as sayj I f some measure atoned for it, and least of all concerning the conduct of the Utah ing TO FARTHER THE FALL, HIGH, Morhad left the d If batteries. ' voll they be.Justified in giving him special (LIMBED . Manila bave taken would mons own slone, they of m their, at the 'consideration fjpense been built upon Teutonic victory themselves. Fblkan friends whom he has so unconscionably HAVING Franco-Prusslwar, fh German The duck bunting season opened and hun- not to He is be and plundered. old. Few f, wronged empire Of today is only 17. years dreds of Sait Lake sportsmen spent ths day he the but war, so with begun , fast nations in history have grown great hating ft larged At the lakes and sloughs adjacent to th for nr have played.. within so shprt a time,, so , icn not escape, the distinct respon?ibiljly city, whue somel eftt as far as Bear Lake and 'Other outage points to add to - their 1 having very injuriously prolonged jt. A mo' prominent a part ip world affairs. Except for lirp-n- t reputations as crack, shots. It was pot only s reflection will eonvinee the most gCn- -l the insanity of .its ruling classes four or five a disagreeable day for the ducks, hot For th have : !erous peacemaker that the war would years ago, it might .have gone on during the hunters as well, as it was snowtnr and : beefi over tong since had not Bulgapa taken next half century to vastly greater triumphs raining. ' advantage of her' strategic position to strike --in industrial and commercial expansion, and . . Correspondence to Ths News From Faro wan. Utah, told ot A drunken brawl by a j Serb is fa the reap, pen to the Central empires attained,, a dominance in world affairs quite I number of Indians, who had tscurod a suptieir pathway to the andrush Rumania beyond the fondest dreams of its most .extravply of Dixie wln'and were making life I visionaries. Talk about a i tj t ec--0 the upper and thonether millstones. agant Miltel-Eurofor residents. They disagreeable rather U)e Ralkan Pru.i- in an adversary therV-'t?e- . had it place in the sunr Germany surely were finally nested and on divulging ths ! mn" has itot d id in'iojh M J'm f for any-o- f nkmes of tt0ee who gave therq the liquor, every important section of the glober and sh were relinked and th responsible parties the qualities that call fopeonideratwn from a was riot at all delicate about shouldering her arrested-anfined. toher that coveted XI, victorious jeeftied place! way into other -1 of erfheWC it will hdtbe jlhe'part Net announced that the Lehi factory perhaps sunnier because previously occupied ofJhe Utah Sugar company' had turned out Allies to lay .down terms that by a trade rival. Probably her rulers felt at ijdnn forjne harsh. 1,390 bags of sugar in 2 hours, which exJt will h a great day last that she had acquire git she could a?e needssly ceeded by 240 bugs the highest previous Allied when rms -tor and ;f r Allfel dipromary expert without fighting for ifca .conclusion record. Control of the Balkars eorrtes into their hands. which the rest of the civilucd world may ulU- -' Mrs Elizabeth' Harris Ball Borum Vtiih that situation achieved. etecially., .if mately thank them for taking, inasmuch as the a pioneer of 184?. died at the real--. followed by the control of Rtf5ia s bariA other nations were thus relieved of. the ;s-idence of her daughter, Mrs Susan E. Burton. 330 west Second cutft street. Salt Lake dyar via. the Black Pea fwhirh would be tn unpleasant necessity of taking the initiative. City, at the age of 9? yean. She was a i'Jnsequenee of Turkey s taking the hinLfrorn now how pitiful is the course of But tive of Ohio, and with her husband .was one tnilh-fdll- y war the action?, miphtj-erher! is rytimniTWainst events that Nearly fiilgana's of the first ettlera of ClmHrnatL ' be said to hate entered upon its final every nation on the earth has some just claim, Colorado Springs 'was visited hy a dis. . . able to not a tithe of which will shwever-hphase. astrous fire which for fonr hours threatened of such claims the business district The wind REsotmoV - nil denm rk. liquidate?to There arereriiugb was blowing at' ths rats of 4 3 miles an hour engulf the empires entire possesralready t and when ths fir waa brought under cony a mminerfial--' agreement concluded two sion and commerce. Starting upon a crazy trol. it had damaged prepay to the amount trad e relations . between the career of world conquest, she ha played fast week of nearly a million dollars. .Epited ?lates and Denmark, suspended about a and loose with law and right and civilization, genenil and has deliberately drawn upon herself the yar snsce; have ..bien.,.resumeh,,-tand it 4 hut it ripariytbrqi the possibilities; !, ex ecTatlonTTmanttadrFfi rTfanpTrra?-meconditions being that Jhe latter counlry will hate world-citiz- en does Sn4t allow any of the supplies obtained from us a course of unscrupulous and brutal presents a prospect which a not to like even in case an the of contemplate, ffad ibelr waydifWtly or through a third adventure asswildly a If she never contemoutlawed! and detested fnemf,- - k which Gen! with demands of the or defeat rit empires .nttton inlo the plated the possibility and of an outraged world for reparation. The loss A CAPTAIN CONFIDENT.' areal war, and that she releases to us ton'--ittF of life caused by her fit of feenzy of course jf)te Allies an additional amount of Danish Captain McDevitt, an Irish captain of Irish the' last cln never be restored; but for the rest (here I jut about reac-sinc- n. said to hi company: Ye spalpeens, ve're icirgo .left American shores for Denmark, and "must be restitution so far as such a tbing is bqy. and the hardest up apamsrJhfrbiFgeat that lime the eonditoa Of the .primary possible. Tbejlogical Conclusion from her work of ydjr in os. Ye've got to meet days the ' (j Cinish industries has gone from bad to worse, .nabdity to pay war indemnities is the transfer Prooehian Guards face to face. , What : is will ye fight or will yrf run?" lining to the lack of raw material, cattle toeds. of her territory to the. adjacent nations that to know The boys with one voice shouted, We Genuine sympathy has been felt with the have suffered from 'her depredations; and the will! ar .. V consequence of this would be the destruction The captain answered, Ye will whal?" 'jdfetms in the little kmcdom caud hy Back came the cry that rent the welkin, the political ef 'the proud empire whoe marvelously rapid of the embargo. . M commercial position of the .country has growth and greatness the Kaiser hrmelf killed We will not! ye, bo"r exclaimed tbe captain, S fully appreciated. And' while there was. by. undertaking feverishly to stimulator and in a-"Thank - voice trembling with emotion. "I knew poitm on our part to compel Denmark force 1L , Such a thing as this may not happen, ye would!" Philadelphia Public Ledger. DESERET 1-1- 013 NEWS EVENING hi " - j G: Ft AMERICAN Bo3nyn GrezlBrzzx id BEX EEACOS 1,1 -- wn I" I Fr the , ca uriI toer. : Time piuces. NIGHTS SSo, 50c, 75c. 1.00. Wed. fiaC. Mata, 25c and a Scats Now selling, tall W. 6881. Itoortrvo Early. . GaQ Waa. 5887 . ii.iMiUtaad8i.BWiIhd.iiif, RIA MILL DAZIE & CO. In a daadcal and Popular1 it , A Dance Review KENNEDY A ROONEY WILLIE SOLAR . on Kaiser the beast of ff 'fn v in Fri. Ocl. 4, 8:15 p.m. ' 25c and 50c ths Firesof Youth1 Distinguished Tenor. VVIIJJAM8 DENAHY OOLE MAOK I GILBERT & FRIESLAND ANDERSON AND VAX, PAUL to PARTY. the Rongianda Favorlto Writers Eve.. 14c, 9to, 84c, 71c, Mat, 14c. 98c, iOe. Tickets on sale at box office. 14 am-t-o 14 p.m. daUy - OF BERLIN tin vasty Ruth Clifford URL JORN - TABERNACLE .CONCERT THE GEEZER BEGINNING WED. EVE , --r- rai ODE ON First Ron to Salt Lake, 5 AND 10c CENTS. ALL SEATS. AH DANCING TONIGHT AUSTRALIA KHonsluia, Suva, NswZsslsad ituisiu rniRiusm botu rail use Largest, Newest. Best Equipped ls- fr COMING O TRIFLE FEATURE PROGRAM 'lja y Biggest in Utah. Ctiie South' Famoa American Tbeotre (MhUi. HELP THE BOYS W HO ARE FIGHTING FOR YOC BUT A BONDI San Francisco war -- rR AMERICAN; ADDED ATTRACTIONS: MISS ZENNA MORRIS, lyrto soprano who soonea, God Be With greatest song sings tonight John McCormack's w" OorlSoyfl Tpalirbt.N , SCENIC VIEWS AND OFFICIAL ALLIED WAR REVIEW. " Thrilling war scenes. Released by Committee on PabUo Information. OnU Solos by Mr. Henry SpUler. In Spectid SeiecgionA fef "Thoroughly Anvwlrau timely, Xrl piling, captivating. The boot wm bora to year at dollar 1yj1 TUt ( bold, Laughing BUT Hyde tg a reguiu Box Beach hero. Strong, ha gos ths limit for the pal bo iova human, devil --may-car, Ha is like millions of other Americans challenging danger and BiU Hyds meeting It like g MAN when put to the test. "Laughing to th first of a sris of six ilex Beach plays to be shown at ths Left Behind -- ' BiU Hyde WITHWILLROGERS The Man They Pr PJ 'prions. Redtrjia Laughing :lt at ITU A METROFQLITAN CAST. , ,v fl - Mata, THE FLAY OF THE HOUR.I Vt 4'tbr r at a JO; Ewmtogs mm. I- , T . yr ........1 - i ' Bin Now Flaying Headed by TemptationMAW OTHER BIG - BIG JAZZ BAND - Admission 50c For' fares and saiUnga apply to Rafl-roa- d or steamship agents or te general Extra Ladles agent, 444 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B. C. lie ACTS. tomorrow SINGERS MIDGETS SHE No Seats Reserved for the Week. en-ilir- eiy ( LANDES & COMPANY o , oele-brati- iive r N kz X Paramonnl-Empre- ss i Business a Usual Try and Get In. -- Eit i na ' , itas -- STATE FAIR; IAST TIMES TOD IT. and Dainty Littlo an Charming Marguerite.CIark X - In Her New Picture, Modem Essential - Machinery Outof aClear Sky Th AVERY TRACTORS Hilarious Rotund Comedian FattyArbuckIe X Supported by Buster Keaton. of Al St. John and a Big Cast Funmaker in - THE COOK At the Evening Showa, Our Soldiers and The Home Papers SUE SINGERS St picked voices in patriotic songs. THE SAVA j e. - .1 e !Wde Sg. h -- ' j , j Jr . - , f -- 77 - s BROADWAY , Today and Wednesday Douglas Fairbanks x with BESSIE LOVE In The Good . The Associated press wires from London an appeal to Americana to send the soldiers in the camps and hospitals of Franca and England, more home papers. They say this is the great burden of the cry that goes up from the soldiers everywhere. . Bad-Ma- n Obmtng Thursday THEDA BARA to ! -- A lY)Ol, THERE WAA ' , AUDITORIUM EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING. f , DANCING. f The Deseret News is pleased to annoanca that the government postage regulations permit the mailing of news- - paper to the soldiers at the same rates as those charged in - this country. It is not recommended that daily papers be sent, beeanae they not only take np valuable space, bat so many addresses are constantly changing that the chances News are that deliveries will often fafl. The ' containing the cream of all the home daUy news is the ideal 'paper to Send abroad. The.. Saturday" News, whose many special features arer of tntemt to the soldiers, is another valuable edition. The special rates accorded soldiers fit home x hr abroad far these editions are 0 per year for either or for tie twa IS.00 Semi-Week- ly 51-5- pyer AUDITORIUM THE SEL3-1- V IMLlf iil jSCrc;t Ccrztry Kgnspapef r T. . f |