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Show TUESDAY OCTOBER DESERET EVENING NEWS Utah Batteries in England En Route to Battle Front (SpwUl 'Co4T2t.dn.) LONSQUARE, 1. Brtgadtor Bspt. EICE8TER DON, 1 tsM. Owml Richard W. ! of ths 141th (1st Utah) at In On looked health, Ellery, located--eav( conveniently JgoUl Rubena Buckingham Palace, and very Cloee to American headquarter and tba American Embaaey, Oroevenor Gardens). The proprietor ot the Re City, ) bene had often etdted Balt and 'eonld not do too much or the V comfort of your :Utah penaraL f .Everyone from Utah will find the latch string out here" the proprietor bnt caution etvtl-lan- e remark ed today; khaki ed officer can i that only ( be taken now, per govenunsnt ortv der." ta hy Two very bwy day war General Young, who made neoeeeary etc, in London visited parch Belprave Maori ooo, talked with Gen-erBlddle, the Amertoan Commander Army Portree in England. (who , coma from bttatlin Detroit); lour- viewed Major Wade, of Philadelphia, J and Barnaa from New Borland. With ' mtphty HtUe time to call npon frtonds, he had ne opportnalty of a visit out to "Old Deeeret," preatly to the eU denf d laappotn Unsnt, who would have f r -- I pt ar Q ' 0tren the fighting Philippine war-- x Her a moat enthualaatio reception. The ocean voyape' pleasant and a eventful to General Tounp and party, who have now departed to the ao-ttve front in Prance. The general may be communicated with, care U. S. Headquarters, American Expedition- vi ' v- ary Forces, France. , . President Brtpham H. Roberts, of the First Council of Seventies, dellr- ered an address at Durham House, Llverpnel. As a chaplain In the U. S, army ha expressed dellpht at vtaitlnr Enpland, hi native country, and was pleased to most British Mission President Oeonre F. Richards and .the elders of the Liverpool conference. Brest. Roberta pave an account of his into th eeldlsrs' entry ranks. and de- -, Ilphted the audiences assembled by telllnp of the determination of the Americans, to win this war, no met- ter if five or even- ten millions will have to con re across the - Atlantic. General Tounp lunched at Durham House, with President Richards, when en route to London. Artillery Boys Arrive. v . " - Seaman and Lieut. Rldpeway Huiah advise me of tbs arrival, at a certain port, of a fine lot of braves, comprising a part of the One Hun- -. dred and Forty-fift- h Utah artillery. BLOOD AND NERVES. MED U Mt EmbIU OMbiMtloa mt Atom U B REV. L MAN KILLED S. HELROV, JR v- - tree- - lack lmpura Hnproverteked, ing blood snd weak, nostendjcombinnerves fora a ation of ailments that ts mAst suc- , Hoed e Bates-They are la finest condition, and have cessfully treated Iron. and. pspt enjoyed splendid voyape across the party) In conjunction. one berora briny; "no sickness la the battalion; 'Takeaand ths twe sting mrdlctnre olhsr after, I hres sac all wsQ, and lonptnp to commence great Supplsiaant A aped Stan whfc just before be died Utah's sugar record 1 sTtwhopup , yrork t tbs (iphllnp centeri". They are othsv, and form, tbs most economical tor rats his asm ae Prs.net s Boreal, as rsmarkabjy well according to afoed polnp rapidly to the active field, and treatment Hood a H,sprtll from catarrh, Mrs- - nearly 4t could bs jntsrprsted from sdmlnl will be heard from very coon. They scrofula rheuroillsm. that tirsd were hurried forward, many hardly pasyi. dtsd soon afur , Wari.gto he today andof deaJJfcg w ith ''kyrsnt the i tlon Is wot yet reported and nothtng pn untry. wnndxhLurilos pettlnp time 'to write home, and miss4. being strock by as Inbound Wanda- e statement previously printed, howis known as to how th terms of the ed stopping fur a day or two In Lon. whsra thr Is blltpusnoes mere car st 1 99 thfs afternoon an 'ln.pse Utah alone wuuld show , tbst ever, Dick then or dbnsttpstton don. General t Hood's PHI Tounp, rive J Eight East and First South streets. Bulgarian surrender have affected ths' error. increase in beet acreage f.b ocemst eeii.f aoia hr all Aragsleta German people, if they have been perwas crovstnw the street from the Colonel,! advised m to join in the The entire crop vtuayap and Sad clfefeC tn car- treeke mitted to know..the terma army, and pave ms come fine advice Advsrtissrosn btales i eettntstedndril.lvS.SOh aa astmoblle dashed doyn I by' street United -Just before I enUetd"'-roUnu- sd tons as against and 90.9i9 titnr f wirfrom The old east. the -- gentleman, Lieut. Hntoh. tons 4q191i. However, th Serbian Troops ing. evldentlv, that he would be struck 4 921.294 conditloh A jolly tar on on of our largest of pie erop on, Aug. 1, by th automobile, stepped beritvarda general men-ow- ar on to th car track, dtreptly Is front of wed 4,4 as simulat e tea year average ships. Is Beaman Walsh, Defeat Bulgarians a bright young Utahn, who saved th oncoming e treat ear He wee borne of 91., TheColorhdo orop tor 491! ts wheels estimated fit 1,499,044 ahoTt tons as down by th fender and th lorn of lives lately by discovering a , 997,000 tons ef last year, LONDON, Oct. I. In tb region pasted over hie body. He weA- taken to eg submarine in cloee proximity to his east ot Vole Serbian troops Sunday th nearby residence of H - Tuckett, from hiuh 994,202 ton of auger were ship. Now he anticipates his "leave" Colorado las; year sup-tri944 east fclrb South street, where hejjuuracted defeated th severely Bulgarians near which occurs In a few Osya whilst tlj to give hie asm and than died J plied So 9 per cent of Hie nations Charevo. six miles from th Bulgarian California produced He we apparently about I! year old sugar beet erop. ship will bs dry docked-" frontier. Th Serbian official state- and no further identtflcetlon of him had 27,2 per cent or 1,141,949 tons, while mant of Monday report that th Bui- From Utah's Congressmen. been obtained at a let hour. It le un- this year Its crop ia estimated as i.441,-90will produce this derstood that he lived near Tenth Sooth lona Michigan garian forces wsr cut Into two part. H. Welling, Jd!Ho Congressmen 9 and State scree la year about ISr.Oim tons a against sad Junes 1L Maya of Utah, kindly th tons last year. In Ohio erop send me th following meesagua trom this year, will jump to 929, 9v9 tons as Place de ta 219.131 tons In 1917. Utah will Aeeordtng to a bulletin received this the Hotel da OrtUon, Deseret against New morning by Cent F. V. Fits GsralA Increase, it is expected, from 742.929 Concords, Paris for The in toas tons last year to 1,693,000 These p enttomon are veer active mem- draft executive officer of Utah, from ' 1919. "Special Congressional - Provost Marshal Gvn. Enoch H. Crow-de- r. ber of th on th peals of per centagea. Ganged Wsr PrybCommittee. InveUlpaunp i tbs anpolnttnent nf men from civil - TVwtlny of Man Patriarch John M. however, the beet crop condition is estimated aa 90 against Ilf tn eommtosions on tno Staff UChli.lr. writ sddreee a moating of Colorado Tour -mi. London! 99 Call fomla Percyval, ten th for "To Percy year average: now psrmlsslbla Certs I a restric Mutual Improvement w year Intermountaia readers our neighborsto tttons are placed upon tit appointments, Farmers' ward chapel at 7.10 tonight average, Michigan aa 19, against 4 pastor of th Presbyterian church at and relatives, may be interested will bm, "Th Origin and for tho ten year average; Idaho as 99, Whit HI Anver-lea- n subject men L in class the Sulphur Spring, W, Vs, who them that from among being hear, we are returning on the earns yearly basis; married against 91 Mloo Allot Wilson in th line tn group A, or those who would be placed Destiny nf SIn." front, 'along the fightingIrom 91. Illinois as 92, 94; Indiana against tiro tn this classification except an IndusI B. H Stewart Improving Becy. Fr note Found our boji Men. 94, against 99. Whit planning to .Wisconsin 19; sralnst 90, VMtorn u.te in lino upirtw nad a year, ta Japan to de mltaloit-rj- r trial or agricultural grounds, must first Btswart of the Utah Woolgrtrwsr' as- Minnesota, 96 against. 97; Iowa 97. Mr. May sociation is abl to b out today, after against 91; Nebraska, 90, against of wrlr victory. wdrit, fin be Inducted Into the service; qualified two weeks-illnesfrom blood poison- Kansas 94, against 91; Montana 94, hunted up one son, in aviation, in limited service, desigtn field 99, agsinst IS; registrants th son. (Continued front page an). ing caused by e scratch on his right against 11; Wyoming health; 94. Th total combe nated as 43, class J, group 0, may Washington against hand. v artillery, could not arrange to locate named ten states last of ths erop for serious time will resolutely gather ' missioned the 'civil from life through and vie ft, these boys Inquired Seek larger Quarterns Tho offices shove I estimated at 479 990 Ions, ap and give their blood snd ' ms around home' a th and usual papers, letter as well 'home procedure, qualified tho National Woolgrowere1 associa- against 972 939 ton In 1977. wealth until th last breath for the and seemed delighted to meet Utahns. registrant in deferred clamlfteattaa on of front ths moved boon tion have eighth defense of tbs fatherland againift tha being done for rroved of dependency, Th ages nf 19 floor of ths McIntyre bulldlhg to more Everything possible IsUtah shameful enemy plana." contingent. to 4! ere applicable to all tasea Named Sergeant Major. the comfort of the M and 191 commodious win Such a unanimous resolve to exist to like beaver Classified Immediately, All are working will and must, with Gods help, sucThose who apply for commissions iloComlck building. this tesrtfto struggle All our congresW7T1 lew G Barton Wat appotntsd ceed In breaking th enemy will to Red and Black to ho Issued Rod sional committee seem deeply impress- but whs hue not yet been classified war and secure for th fatherland ths mejor of the First Infantry. be classified at one Boards hev and Black, student paper of the Sait sergeant ed with the magnitude of preparation. will t U.- - N. O. Bessel been ordered ts eleeeify at Ones regisFreeman Colonel it ia worthy of among tha peoby to th issued bs" will pesos schools lake high Dinner With Gem. Pershing. trant seeking commissions and those student tomorrow, Monday evening... the hlghaet ple Dt th world.- - , "W were kfndly entertained ardln-na- r seeking induction Into the navy army, officer In the regiment. All Kvldem e mint be Hnarings at MsrysvuiOr Judge eonvmtss toned at Gen. Pershing's house, and end marine --eorpe. offtser will be appointed W traveresd presented by th registrant the! he has Joshua Greenwood,' president sf th by the governor found him optimistic, wtthin two weeks British Belgian th and channel applied of through commission proper Utah, utilities battle-fron- t' near fthelms was tn the busipublic from Burton Maj, ths before he will be rlasalfled ot the com- Sergt. olsrk Harold Barn ness mens 8, camp. to Sotaaona German shells are burstForces training Make Progress Inquiries should be mads To th chief to Marysvuia to ing ever our lines, whlls our brave of oorp or chief of the department for mission, have gone on motor stage boy are fiercely shelling the German the army; to tho mobilisation division conduct, hearings HARVE.Mondafy, Sept, 94. BflgJa flank from the direction of Mareoing. for th nvy rates between various southern' UtahL lines. Our tr OP pa u naf r aid and deter- bureau f navigation, and to th headquarters of the United and Bellen-gtls- e and British forces under command of "Between Bellieourt points. mined. We vlnltsd poor Quentin Rooeetthe enemy thrust forward- over King Albert continued today to make Nephl In no case should Jmira Will Tice Intore Elder House be the canal. We brought him to a stand- good progress and reached th velt'o grave, ard followed the entire corps sent to the provost marshal Inquiries wil lecture the Fugar Jenssn general. of, Rotliers and crossed-. Voro In Chateau Thierry The resignation nf Henry Sweet, ed still tine of battle the evening erf the lisa "formed ward chapel at 7:42. thw evening, hi Rdulers-Ment- n road. The off!ltor of the Utah Labor Newa, and nom- by the northern border of Bellieourt the to present posicion. Noted cities In and The Destiny Origin being, subject statement of the Belgian war ofinated recently on the Balt Lake coun- and the western border of Joncourt rial ruins and much desolation a sad UTAH Man." ,, of , tha force have fice that British says IS TWELFTH IN are returning. ty Rebuhllcan legislative' ticket, was and Lilaueourt Regiments north of sight. Indeed. Refugees ' It's a Girl Prof, and Mrs. Lon J. received W are going to Belgian front next. by the Republican Grteourt, which had warded off all atyesterday , ton to Werricq. Haddock ar reeejvlng the congratu- county committee. A rlause in the tacks had to withdraw ther wing to Ware Our western boys go about their tasks -Tbs number of prisoner was fur- -, lation of friend on the arrival at constitution of the labor News for- LHaeourt in the evening it nibliw no difference how arduous been not but It Hag increased, ther nine-thetr home this morning of a bids aqy employee of the publication , German Race Hare. they become with a determination, possible to count them. pound girt Mother and baby ar - re- from being a candidate forpublic ofwhich bespeaks victory Too much .In the great successful conclusion fice. Mr- - Sweet rernin mended -- J. B. ported to be doing well. prtiM ft&onot bo ivo them, froiti th of yesterday' heavy righting troops Howell as bis possible successor. people at -hotaa In Anditorinnv In the lecture of, every German race took an equal f PITRCT PERCTYAL. a lecture will be given tonight The British bought their local part. Bait Lake tn W. Samuel Republican primaries at 9 oclock by Judge successes with very- - heavy and sanheld will and b be Ctty precincts C. county will 8; His subject Oreene, losses. inf.nl lams a Testerday afternoon' TILLS' CIPT. evening for th purpose of select, guinary Armies of the crown prine and at 775 Tenth avenue, funeral service a With a view tn getting a line es .the Principles of Christian Science," and this Mr, tng delegates to the state and - conIs Invited to attend. forced the were held over tbe body of Hopo, infant von The GallWIts: public results of the physical examinations Green Is ft member of the board of lec- gressional conventions to be held Fri- Ge. our newslinb on tha daughter of Mr. sod Mra John H. In4. Changes ia polling places hie way toward held by tbs Various local boards sf Oct. who died Sei. It. Bishop David man. at day, church tvw n took prisonruaitoi canal. tureship of ward wo tn charge tbs stats, under th selective serric Boston. No admission wil be charged. Were yesterday announced as follows ers hero In successful forcfleld fight- R. Lyon of Ensignasd was on of the ' sendees of the 819 98 N. District Fifth Residence, ' law, Capt. W. Brown Ewing, it. c, th other; being Elder ing. , Claims to Bo First Q. R Thomp- West, speakers, Alsne medical aide to the governor, has Isthe and Alma J. Larkin Between A. Detikera Rider the Sulppe nard District 40 Residence, 1322 W. Sev- the son, chief clerk for local draft board This Is a war of discoveries, coord sued u bulletin asking for weekly re- No. 4, Balt Lake City, claims for that enth South. French, continued their hitter at- - and Elder Denkers offered th opeatng Inrsspsotlvsly. prayers eloaing and Americans against big to Capt Frank Edwards of th 14th port on this work from ths local board th distinction of being the first E. tacks as did the of 1258 District 108 Residence, in th etty cemetery, th the Argonne for- terment was dedicated the eastern border of regis- First South. Lyon. Royal Fusilier, who addressed Ub boarda A not appended to th bulle- to complete .classification by Bishop est and farther east towasd th Meuse. gravs being erty ley ft Workers at ths Cbnwnsrelal tin carried th information that Utah's trants between the ages of 19 and 99, enemy yesterday brought several Balt Lake county . Democrats wilt The. slab .luncheon today, Capt, Edwards rejections at tnohllliation camps for Inclusive, who registered Bopt. 12 last. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. , divisions In th field. hold their legislative convention in the newBetween fronL the, period from Feb. 19 to was for four years on ths western dteoov-ertdThe wes Auebrive and Sotnme-P- y Reunion Beptm Woolley Family " thia at theatre He said that in 1111, Germany evening I 49 per cent. Th general average for Woolley family reunion will be held in Hippodrome repulsed often repeated attacks K 94. TATLO machine guns; in 1114, tanks : ln C. C. Richards will be tem- w tt CO, 7.80. we and northwest of ,Somm-P- y allied the nation in th same period was 7 I the Potest Dais amusement hall poraryJudge 1911, 1917, Amerlaa; and in names Beven have chairman. FETTER A 2, DIRCCTOBh, unified sotion He described th flags per cent Oct, 9, beginning at d p m. been suggested for th senate, Walter stopped assaults which xrere repotted Thursday, This ia a higher general average for A special program will be rendered et the allied nations, which he termed F7 E. Morris. Allen T. nine times. Farther east Manre and I . the nation than for the preceding ihs Flage of the Commerce Keeping and year, and refreshments will be served at 9 Perry Klrksev, In th enemy's W. J. alas a was rsmarksd Was. 1A Sanford, McKinney, all of Balt Ard still remained Fheae Hie. address Ration for alightly - Relatives Shd Intimate friend higher average ls after the In ths pm.evening hands. upon as being most able and lmpres- - Utah, but thisLhstate for th later period are invited to, attend. T&kS Wanda-me- re Lake; A. F. Rundquiet of Weett Jorof th enemy nr stood on the ranked twelf In th list of 41 statea dan and D. W. Moffat of Murray. Mra car to Ashton avenue. North Dakota In th same period had line north of Ardeuil north of Boohault Elizabeth Hayward J.S4 . CARL FDOTTfCrrOW A CO, cent men of Its sen! heck per oaly and Bouconville. th woman. from th mobilisation camps en acFUNERAL PtRKCTORA. Urge Baring of Fruit Fit A tele- by Fourteen y Finished. count , American fqrces also stormed with are after honor Reading the been received AND ' IMT NIGHT. ; of has , aspirants by locej OFJ6N, physical defecta while gram include: especial force against the eastern borPhone Hr at. Georgia bed 12.49 per cent. Idaho's rec- Red Cross urging that all fruit pits in th lower hou'se. They against our "Without development of airy how ord wes )6 per jienU-NevaH. 8. McCann, der of Argonne wood and s 4 10, and nut sheila be saved and gathered Frank R. Newmaq wood and th the between New front which had J. born Mrs. con was Jersey, resumed and an ot to Anna as th there features, hearing ae quickly as possible previously secretary C. gn.VER. Their aaeauit eompietely col per cent, jumped to US, Wy- urgent eluded this morning la tbs tnvsstlgs under 2had demand for th same. .. Re- Plercy. Mrs- Gould B. Biakaly and DfI M cues. On -PERCT Tho Undertaker, both side of the Air val- i 99 per cent rejections, rorom- - lapsed. are Z. toho tlon of etty commission Into the chargee oming 9 of Grace in Stratton front are Airey. Bo. placed Main. Was IT9.-- and !42 and Colorado ceptacle Col, Ith 9, California th enemy- Apre-momade against C. J. Heeding, superinten- 9 mended byXthe Woman's Democratic ley w took from bad cut her high mark C. M L, Auerbachs, Montrebeau of wood the dent of the fir and police alarm sys- of49. Alabama Tatter-sognd G. C. .6. C. school 29 9 W, Tasnpls Richard, Joa Wa Taylor, Club; par cant down to 10 29 per snd other stores, and in every nearly more tem, regarding hts use of city ma- cent,. Utah loading undertaker and os- Ri L. Currie, John Henry Evans, and throw the Americana back building:' terials in ipetalUi .. the alarm sysbalxior Sendee eed quality goodn th D A. than a kilometer P. Thomas D. Fsge. Skeen, J tem at the Fort I ouglaa prison We shot down 48 enemy airplane beat. Prleee at yoar "Interest tn Bond Driver General Cain cm tie, A. E Harvey and Rich auitlng. W. 841 The commission's decision barrack Manager H. V. Platt of thsOregon ard W. Toung, Jr.' yesterda: will probably not be published until OW.TO-AXUNDERTAKERS (short Line has returned- from JBut . delay i occasioned bv 7 pert weektorThe Sontk West and embalmnrs. Hum fpreyesellea ef Ihs J Francises He yx the all eltnatlon eeoreirfty Tsmplo Et Jnrlya David Morris of St George Work To Cane in Cattfornbr 1 easing op. and IKefglS transcript of testimony which will be eucrnsa: htuieulf nv by was .nominated a noliuUL,luilftgmis4aion'a report. interest in the Liberty bond COMPLETION stirring Mr . Platt J&eUeyes aH delegatee from the Fifth Judicial dlsHONOLULU. T. H , Bept. 90, Three LAWN WASATCH CXM7CTBHT. convention during hundrrpr'TiYa'"Tsrpsjiese passed TVnudtint stale states will subscribe their quota to the I Democratic Cira, kill At Was. 2144 In th Qrpheutn theaher on to their loan. Rains have fallen in California the noon recces The recently way throhgh district is comFLORIST." Remodeling of th Deseret gymna- which prove a relief, although they tre yesterday. Iron, Juab, Millard Peru, where they ara under contract to sium t fast nearing completion; Bry- may have somewhat unfavorable ef- posed of Beaver, counties work In Peruvian can field for ons . and Washington KTNO CQ FLORAL onFLORAL the'bdan crop. ant g. Hinckley will be com- fect E. 2nd Ao.Tat. Waa 4il. year. Tfiey wnib "pald7icent a Oversubscribed at Kenilworth Ofpleted about Oct. 19, N AMERICAS ENTRY INTO TIT?; day. AMERICAN FLORISTS diFLORAL Th large locker room ficials of tbe Independent Coal and J. Tanaka, representing the Mori-ok- a for overy eeaslon. Xxprooo ' WORLD WAR. vided late twe compertmenti(.Tha up- Coke company are Jubilant over the Immigration company of Toklo, designs eh argas pstd on comof the of of employee distribution of the Amsrlcan'Tbestra. per floor will be for the use ot the patriotiera aa 1477. erdoga Thia pamphlet contains President has charge tothe ths allotment variouw sugar immigrants women. While the lower floor wltKb pany at Kenilworth; their Famous War Wilson's The wa Message; the Fourth Liberty bond loan of Peru. He said while a Designs plantation Mexico used for the mens looker room. TH (or Resolution of Cengress: The- - Presi- here 9 Mai a.rryciALTT. they subscribed Waa liL and South American Evans Floral that two large handball court have been 918,400, whereas Roosedent's Theodore Proclamation: to hear more , from, with yet made into one, and will be ucl.. as a republics are th only sountrie open " ERNEST - J AMHOUR.HE. President velt Poincare's Comment; RaLT for ofadded and women. The Immigration private gymnasium for Priva Go Up Local bakers say the Presid.nt Wilson's Reply to that Japanese leading norls. new atora. fice desk will be removed to a center milk there are now 15.000 Japanese In take's design of Message, Increased eur Dsoora-tlo- n the dealers price sineiailty womGeorge. COO location and the entrance to tho King in Argentine, 400 in Chtli, Brazil, 2 a 1 South Main Won lilt. - . en s department will be. on the south whipped cream toddy, from 85 to 85 DESERET NEWS BOOK STORE. 800 in Holyia and 700 In Peru. end th exit on th north New show- cent per qbrt and that consequently, MONUMENTS, er rooms end modem equipment have all cream gooBa will go up proportionbeen added, snd when completely ately. LIEUT. COL G: WOODWARD - Life of David P. Kimball. ALT LAKE MARB1.B AND MONU-srun'the Deseret gymnasium will be Work C. Jshnson. Prop. Ill Kirnbalf in Town Qulney ons of the best equipped In th west. Tt Quincy M g reet. , will be able to accommodate twice the K. Kira bail member of the last legisTh communication from following number of both women and men tt did Wldt-eo- e, In hi to home from up A Widtsoe, president of the Dr John before The whole Interior- be been re- lature, BCSINEg OPPORTUNITIES 5 for the. fair abd confervpc seaReinforced University of Utah, speak for itself. painted and repleatered j - Bept. 16. 1918. hold tb upper floor in place. son. AGENCT OR POSITION AS REPRE-seetativ- o pillars In fact, an entire new, Boor has been Solomon F, Kimball wanted; exclusively for New Dries Funnily Meeting1 The Bp t added. Cityt meritorious goods. - Here Dear Brother: I found time the York cle surname genealogical society wiib bert references and odes Donahue. othqr day to read with some car your ?0t Madison Vveniie. meet Friday, DU. 4. at 8 p m. In the New Tork Cltyv David of "Life P. Kimball of room It the committee public gave More Testimony In large ' -. mo a most delightful hour; and I CUT FLOWERS. library. All who have Eccles ancestry came out of it spiritually refreshed. H olmes-Bransfor- d Case are requested to be present. book The contains much SKRFHA E BKARD1HALL D, C Interesting Rabbit Men ta Meet A- - meeting of Palmer graduate, 418 E. Ird South. ApL-history, and Is betide, of high In tb case' of Susans B Holmes rabbit breeders will be held Wednes1 Hours 2 to 8 Phine Hy. 1449 M power, t XgStnst Wallaee M,' Branaford,. an ac- day evening au 8 otlock In th city I the you upon congratulate work, visitor to FOR SALE. .hd hope that many may aval them-sdlvtion f or a share tn the estate left Mr. anil county building and in Interested 2he rabthe enjoyment that Jt offers. Brantford by bis wife, ths late Louise th City who are invited it FOR NEW PALE FATING Bust- be to are present industry Grace-..Em- ery nso Good Opportunity for man and Sincerely ycurs, Jrensford, adopted bit conot Fehr Indianapolis, John . JinIgs JOHhi A. WIDTSOE. wife with some money snd . Bunt ness (Signed) the proceed! sidered daughter of Mre Holmea on of the best authorities on k-- N WA- - Thla work'ts richly illustrated and expert enesoAddreas-ings this tpor,fing before JudpeH M Stevens of th Third district court con- rabbits In - the United States, will b,ouftd. 1100, at th Price, neatly th be under will stituted further submission by plaintiff speaks Uorfk M M E Hi U' vrtNTEto. Store, New gene ret News of evidence looking to the establishauspices- of tha local chapter of th t Main 8t. Advertisement. ment of bubnormul mentality In- - the National Breeders and Fanciers BRIGHT J you.no mar under j -; tats Mra Rransford Reading of the soclatlon. yesn of eg to learn Vallpsper and deposition of Mis flare folborne, forGood onoortunity for buslnesa ' pa'nt mer' principal of Rowland Hall, while IVriaro Dividends The Deseret Glass advarmcnt Apply td SrJt Lake Grace Emery was a pupil there was Savings bank 'directors today declared , . .,.1; Jio. Pnat concluded! end taking of testimony of a OF On cent of dividend J' per regular Mr Ida Munroe, the tutor a be a. the WANTED TTY ABOrrill TEAR capital stock, or 914,000 Tha Desi old. girl was living in Washington, was be- the . Teqp. SALT-LA-liqj Bywator A Crop, , L4L JNeret National bank directors declared gun P1.' Th testimony In both Instances wet a regular quarterly dividend Of I per 48to th effect that th girl was below cent, or 815,090; both dividend paya' . TROM PLOW BOY TO EV2PHF1 normal. in mentality. , ble immediately. Are Turned On Our Newv ' By Win. A. Most. '.Thlx Interesting llttl Granulated Eyelids, pork'J infiemrd by expo- beep sdoptsd for mm iVTtoBary Cf Sdn O Department of the . furetaSrit.Dstlard Rim Us Ghun-hTT relieved by MdfJst W hev gone to David F Park Tn a local hospital, ye Brctf JyLN o Smsmrg uleut. Cel. 0. Wocdward has ben edition atitl r prepared At David F Park, 47 year old, of Granger, Eye Comfort. der for hipmnt died Sunday. Fnnoral nsrvleos worn ppsifrtd by Great Britain at Tour Druggists or by mail 60c Pf Bottle. bald DESERET NEWS afternoon In tha Orangar f ths mlntotfy f to. uprunnwtgtto ' Ml ward Tuesday uea For Beak M Nm Lyt frv writs bo wa Intarauat moating tbs Km Crosk esmetery. Marta I, tlywfhf - ' I l v t, ; silt I tld'll -- tl7 -- ed t 9, . 924.-19- - oe-- -- 1 d con-fido- nt s but-onot- - A quart,'. -- and a, ' 1 Ami-itorlu- BIBBS DED CROSS ZOO TO BE 'e F Oise-Ato- n'J "Tt -- , - Nexl- - Friday th famous local Red Crete toe, which each day has been added to by various contributions of -Nvsstook. will be auctioned at ths fair .gApunda In fron( of Ihs grand stand. t pmAU funds will go t.ths Red Following is s list of th Crqe society. snlmsis which will do their bit tbs wants of th contributors. . On a Jersey bull, donated hy Dr W T Cannon; a heifer calf, donated by R M. Jones; a Hereford beef, donated by Winterton Brother of Charleston. Utah- - two prise winning sheep; a coop of Plymouth Rocha, two goats, donated bv 1 H. Venderflsld, and game chickens, the contributor of which havo hon announced befora All of th animals and birds are of high grade. Ion-pou- - V , M1-2SS EM .Hearing ' -- da Wzman Fined $50. ' Hilda Marshall was today convicted of having been found with Intoxicating liquor in her possession and was fined tse by Judge W H, Wilkins. M. rvsA4rqn-andJln- rt ,Wlek, convicted ef drunkennees. wrrfnac'l50' ch Frank Trustt was fined 15 for haring ylolated tho trsf - Ari-ao- nt Kelth-OBrie- n, 11-- It wr BllMiEJJlJS in O. 199-22- -- IN& Field. icrasnaiEi,' drire-i-ss-her- ; it X teift - Yben floral S5,-Oa- o, X X, a al -- - ' !? 1 No -- . lit - ,.) THE EYES; - ff hs II . yes? pdl Ota pn - ,, , ... - - . , . |