Show TILIE THE STATE f AI MPG JUDGES S 5 y 1st I st I Modal for flit thou HIGH PATENT I 1st lit I si I bid Millin I Ifor for your our Straight Grade I al for linked from H US I e 14 S Hour Flour Hourn F Iou r n by II Mi Mui hl I 1 A 1 I l t So Su The Tho Bust Bint Doctor nev n Ite II C Sulphur springs T Juh 11 I 1 have hIVe used u In III n tny my m Snow Liniment anti and Jorel v I up and they 1110 li have ve certainly Th The thai in nt I II Ic this the b jest bell t WI w hn hs ever r r for tor or anti ami II nil paint pains The cough syrup ty ru 11 has hAil been l en our doctor fur for the Iho last lut eight rear Bo Ik We lOc 1 Sold lold old by 11 Z 7 C M I Drug Dept I I EVER ER HAVE IT ITou If II You ou Hive the ol ot This Salt lake Lalit City Man hn Will win You have hae a I own pain In the baak ok okIn In the lilt small mall right evet I the hIps That K lit lie hump home of O lt Its caused hy by h tick sick why oan Pills Pilla cure It II Halt all Lake City nty people endow this Read Head n R of at It Mr Mrs Robert Hobert C Irl of ot It n ItC nC ItC C Kirkwood I engineer oh the Short Line Une railroad 44 It S vm act th South Sonth curs An Ati advertisement In a 0 Salt Lake City CIl about Deans Doona Tills Pills so BO Impressed me toe that I ticked Mr Ir Kirkwood to 10 call at nt the I P J mil lull Drug To rON os store slon t ri for tor a n box I wanted to 0 to MO tWO If It It II would act as nB other medicines had acted In tn the Ihl past nut or perform what It II promised MIr A i IT oin n attack of oC the grip rIp my m n M were lIre and easily affected II lTee I The me pain centered In mh Ih small of at the th hark bark and nii was rl severe rendering stooping or the till nit art of or lifting any anythIng thing hut but M My i h 11 Irian III mar It Man MAs kidney trouble trou b I fo co o that I h had bird d iu t th the Ihl slightest doubt hut but that a remedy for tor the kidneys It If n a remedy at al nil elI should have h vt mint corps off effect cot upon linen those thoa organs I rill Pills certainly did mo me n a world of or I will be bf only ani too I to In recommend the medicine when opportunities pre lIre pent hem hei For Per MI bv by nil sti daly 1 Ie Price SO O 0 orcier Oo a Buffalo N V V sole cob nu ntH for or the inc United UniTed 01 tHai till the I no I 1158 I I 68 8 nm nna Ilm m nm Thie express l trains train leave J Chicago every eer day ow tho Ihl thorle Kris Erl Railroad for tOI New Nell Yorka thousand miles bliss of ot road op operated rated by i onn ons company between the two greatest l titles dUll on the continent No change o ot or cars oarl anti and lowel rules rates rill at all nil tUnes times EXCURSIONS EAST Via Virt Oregon Short Line Lino HI Mt Louis Loula and return I IS SO Chicago and return reI urn 1110 Chicago and return via vii St Nt Louis St 81 Louis Loud and ml return via Chicago Through Pullman sleeper every everT ever day via vii ho the Union Pacific awl all Wabash W abash line lilies Tickets on Kile Ille Tuesdays and Fri days day pooh each week Hee Hei agent nl for tOI par r City CIt Ticket office Main St SI WORLDS PAIR FAIR PAI EXCURSIONS tow Low Bait Denver r it t Rio Hlo rando at t touts and Chicago mInd And saturn return mao Chicago and return via St SI Louis Loul t tNt fit Nt Louis Loule an return via Chicago Tickets on sate Halo ov every ry lu and Final limit M ISO daya Transit limit 10 in day daya da In sick each direction II I overt avers allowed Through to St SI SIL 1 Louis Loula L ul without Chilli Choice of or rout routes WORKS B or ot History I 1175 Ui O The hospel Tl It ua 1150 suo itO New WIllie Tor for hod 1160 SUO ILSO M alon In the dency got jOi Me GOc and 1 11 of ot Lz 2 Missouri l r MA tI Doctrine V of Deity DU 1100 LOll auth Deseret News nook look Hull Huh Lake Uke City it 1 1 I It l M I Wi e es S WI r q r 4 1 J F FAMOUS jOOS ORs FURS I iIii t Tho Ith Most Tins W WI Tho I II in iii Furs FUlS I iii 1 t FOI SKINS FUR FOil FL VORK I I K FURS FOL S FUI S FOiS FOI SI THOUSAND VISITED OUli OUI 1 t i Did D d you call c ll lle f e I VE YOU OU RECEIVED FASHION F IIO BOOK Y The Furrier er HOTEL t I J LI u t g gRange Range Reliability f NI i J t c Every Even Acorn corn Range h is is ish I IP guaranteed to 10 give git entire sat satisfaction at i Xo No range could 0 more Xo No Housewife could conk expect moro J with the Acorn Hot Blast firebox they arc unequalled for cleanliness cle and economy Xo other Range will iII pro produce t I f duce successful baking ng and aliI I i S Sit cooking results with the j l fr I same sanie amount of fuel a I it r When you tott look for fo 1 a I ru 4 f J Range c look through our 33 L t Acorn fl line Ii Ill they tell their I 0 C 1 l story tor truthfully rn L Ld d CALL AND GET CETAN GETAN AN f ACORN 1 COOK COOKBOOK FREE BOOK II Ir H j jt ji jr I This Beautiful Among the new ar arrivals r t i rivals are many hand handsome rh r h 4 Pedestal some pieces worth wortIS J Ji S i For One Week I making a special visit U 0 I to see Brass Beds I I I Parlor Furniture Hall 1 Ii I One of ulie most attractive c i worthy w rth specials vc ye have ever of offered Trees Fancy Rockers 71 j I dI and d a prize for everybody and Chairs Center ri enough nough to get out on of h hI Tables and Pedestals I I Il l Fail lM Pedestal in hi design in grand variety of 0 e I at h in m Golden exclusive designs 1 Weathered W i i iOk pt or adorn our spacious 0 Ok V 10 36 Jf in in liei height toj f display rooms show showing I I 12 l 1 inch base 14 in and leg 4 hl 1 j jill in ill diameter be a b I ing all the accessories m I i aln at ill tins this I It III week it 4 f ties ries to the Modern i I Home Beautiful Call Callon I 51 1 n I on Us While the New f 2 25 r 11 Stock is Complete fi lt V i fiM it l ii 1 A M The Furniture S Co w jj v g iii MODERN HOUSE Jj WEST VET THIRD 5 J j j 1 OUTFITTERS SOUTH STREET i t IJ I 1 I tv 5 jr r 1 I |