Show tm Al r SH fW M Broke Droke All Previous Records in Ulster historY of Utah State Stale Attendance I MORE 20 r p Gmt Crowds In Splendid did Style and Not ot a Serious Ac Accident A WitS Vas t l W AI only the dAY dY of his IhlA yeAr Ir but tho the t day tny in Iii the titor of oC the D I A Al Ak AM k M l P i ty t I for lor It CL l litre over oer peo pw peon tt liI n I sr r Oil the fair All m during the diy dilY a evening g It was wall a fl 1 Chicago d nt me Ih worlds sir fair of M 93 3 and II nm nil n a 1 St LoUI I 11 nt lit the n a nr 1 r RIP And this attendance Include who c m gnu dl M i J tir t the thi th gates free freo Of o Charge Cing It iM day II o flu lilt nil All childhood ill it luke Loke City 1111 out In lr immense III number jUrt lIart R The ft ore are Out Today wan WU WUn not n t t to tn i Iw mentioned with Urn song long ng Ti KM IW Art nrc o Out t Today Toda a UI tul o oem exem m d Bt lit the th fair ground NI he The was wa broken In that the tha roc roe HI t f day IIA of oC last year al 18 IS 1 an i i 4 ITt I rt ft behind til lid hid Th ml T p wore omnipresent they m 1 Thoy Tho chin beti Into In to and over or pot g ot OI In SAy KY y Ml f II nil all ver nIr one another pretty prelly tor raf Ml Jit the Ihl th tank tunk that tie the living diving tr 4 imp drol Ir I Crowded tr onto the tho rare t P t the police pollet hall hail work In t rr pr PilI children wore were ore lost jy h y th Ih they made 1119 tho the Midway Im II the tile lunch and ind nd Hie tt Ih restaurant trove drove the Ihl th merry man min frantic and made him f for r n B rest loaded th lift wheel alm t repair rushed the ther r pip p corn corll cr mid and peanut vendor In to tha pint r If f and worn sor In gen son oral eral In III olt that grown peo pee plo III who IIO were ero nt at the fair will never forget orgel them I ii a CH on Oil Splendid Id Array in itt Let noone Jr and am W V Casey euy aay of o Snit Sat Lake 1111 the Judge of ot III till lie fruit tiIt and OM tAIJI exhibit t con eon concluded their with the result thet tile tho following ing awards ro announced N II It Johnson Prove County Pint prizes for or meat finest quality of o apples In III display of ot not less than three url vurl ettea thirty of ot a n kind for lor finest fint ity It of ot pears for Cor largest variety Arlel b beat bIMI t quality duality of pears Second for or of ot ono on variety at of pears neara for tor and anti bent beit quality of pl U I Ii sUt I Ik ak County t on largest and beat j t quality of or o Second on aim of or alto alec on last Of nf one Olle variety Arll of ot nl deC o on OIl finelt t quality I II I of or prune new ml on ht I t dis display dl 11 play of at o fruit of nil all kinds kind ll by Ity ex IX exhibitor exhibitor W V II Hrat rt on all bed teft be of or one variety of o applet II I Wither Jr Mill greek Halt take bake County prize for lineaL Oneill I of 1 MCh not len leu than thin lire JIm for or variety 0 heat bl 1 quality of ot a lime acme on no anti fin IMPS on III bell beet of or fruit of ot all aIr kinde raised rained by exhibitor p S W V View Weber teber V County Co PhiL prize for tor variety and beat bai quality of ot plum nl iao for for tor torOne One t of o plume Second I for or limpet finest of o not nIl lei lees leithAn titan thAn throe three kinds kInd 30 SO of or a 1 kind tot for 01 and heat boat quality of for variety anti and heat beat quality of prune Mra Mr Thomas Thomaa Undue View County for beat III M ao purl Ih Iho a of o lilY any one on variety Arlt William Yo Ione 10 It H K I D n I No 1 t 4 Handy Pelt Halt L LAke k Coun County ty orize for tor hell bent 30 iwar ArB any variety Second for Cor lineaL fluent l Hy fly It of M Dears not le lees a titan thAn thre kind kinde 30 of or a Il html killel for tor largest lr variety anti and bout quality of o Deere pearn for tor lineaL quality of ot plume John Judd St t II orrI prize on 00 t quality of ot for Cor largs t variety and be beet t quality of o l and 1111 prize for or host beat of ot figs for Cor and amid of oC In III Iw buee ea fur lor belt beat tl II Mia nl In boxen for or hell heel 2 pounds HUH eun dried peeled pe che for Cor n Pounds pound evaporated peeled fur for o best beat display of or nun inn dried driel frulla fruIte tot for boat bOlt II 25 l Per PerIan Ian IIAn for tor Jell best n II pound poun elicIted also allo l o fund hll Id for lineaL and In variety of flute Hw Net ond prize on 01 bent baa or of tJI lOrRI frolic rull air Ir JM JUdd Hl o 7 Z c M MI I 1 for t best bUI l dl lIR of o J 5 pound of o dried fruits fruit II J 1 I Stay May Mill IIII Creek reek Mull Malt Lake County Second prise on ott fluent fluted qua II Iv of or grappa not lena ieee than ihn hr ah eh ahoI own ow mu Jamen King Kut Mill Crork Suit Salt all IHk IMke for din die dl play of ot l best ent IS 23 anti nn IIII dried up III plea plen Peaches 1 peara prices for raili vii of ot bent 25 pound pure pearl plume pluma olI rasi berries and Aud for tor or hen heat nf of evaporated Second for till bent beat collection collee I Ion t f und H ni ft or 11 i l itt t 1 of gun dried The fhe Salt SaIL Lake loRke Ie ke County Y I I it kit I I u un I 1 orlet wa Will wee awarded Irl p fur for l I t I of or o frulla fruita of at nil and am exhibited runt not ruined by h nOMI I The ul of o f fruit tut It In Jinn Jilt ju I a nf of J Jit flue and jet I tea und l ui HC more prominent titan than at lit any ally 1111 fair IIII fluid and the lied had an en 1 III In awarding no to rut hue be tn ni I I tout Tho p holl Ii V over r lr were pretty Irell evenly l the th Ih Following Hr art the winners of or first Mra Ir 0 O C on Ik Ill Ily For brat and nt variety nf if t sweet Mra I Da hi lug ilK luet Hl display d Idle fit 1 t f tK H e H I I I elan II ten I te n It I for fur heat bent tile ut y mid ut u 1 variety nf of fruit in lit Jove Jura for or b h het t l of and atul In III jure Second prize for or sweet Mra V C 1 Station MIA lion Halt SeIt Uke pill for tor st et display and Ancl variety nf of o II Second on nil canned peaches on und cud rat eat for or heel and larK larg lit eat variety of ot In jars jam Mr I flat Bal Icy ley If Kino alamo III vIna 7 Z i 1 M Al 1 I t ton I on In lit jars jara Mrs Mra II I I Salt lilt Lake Uke City Second Secant Prizes on Oil ami on out anti and Jell jellies leg John K It cox ox Salt Ball Uke luka end ond prize on out of at small finite In lit Jar jars 1 John Judd of It St 81 George Ceorge l county oUt one out of ot th the lineal fittest tile playa nl oX 1 Dixie fruits ever eer exhibited Itt at atthe t the th elate fall fair having II It varieties of or KiMpen U 11 a II large collection of o He lit alao and 1111 walnuts showed a fine collection and great grent var Sar variety tr lety let of and stun lIun un dried All AR It his tUlLe were put hIlt up nut In Ire Ivr I commercial packages tint butt were vere for fot their I eu IIII ex cx I I Jamen M 1 hahn I hl Jr lr r T r Mill 1111 t r h It led 1111 tin th t ii i t i Ill uy In Ii I the he th t i of i the Ih lending leading it h 1 Ills 1111 exhibit I e 11 t u Ill I la ia II of ot 21 i r f I Il urn i p nu tIu 14 ii of o nt if rf 33 a of nf f ta and amid one ont of lIec annie Ih Th i r I pf It Handy wa Ifred of or ape pe Iii m t i i 1 the Ihl variety arlel and 1 nf of n th jiu lilt uli shown und and Its Ho lIt a total of ot Mount fO of fruit amon the be lung vart tUM of potted straw Itral ante In lit fruit hull aa so well na tea It my I rr |