Show AND Alfr Shoots nit Ills Wife for fOl Aliened New Nell York Oct he had lIten deceived dl by his hIli wife Alfred Altred fry fryer r er manager or of ot a I hay produce com flIn shot her fatally early Irly today In their heir homo at t N J Fryer frer then thon turned tho revolver on and blew bit out his hili brains his hili bod ody foiling of at hh wife Tho only on daughter of ot the couple 9 0 vi old was Ila In III nn nil ng nil room roo nt at the the tragedy oo currod Awakened a ened by tho shots hc hl Into the room only to see lee her father tather fall IIII dead Mrs was still when tho Iho H lleo arrived but loon oon after she sho shot reached t the The little girl ran In III her night cloth ng to a neighbors house hou for tor aid ald her father who tf t ny H II Hold old ohl lul remained up litter lter writing letters Mrs Fryer Pryer was shot M U the hl slept from l eI were wre found Ae c an unnamed yount man of or wrecking his hi horn home The couple were ere well willi lulOn In New Nw NewYork York society and nd occupied a hom |