OCR Text |
Show ) Kkm&. ra MuribBMi. t inxy'Bfr ash Wwfi, wrsw. .ill 1 f f t f hj jpa A&ft k4k,Jiry W yrrmtmwrr ar,tfr mg- - , ;f !.& 4 '- - d!, !v:UaW YJKMvr - iHT! & r ,lf ? if Thar exist a falsa AsHency u4 bride amount-hv-ar ateoe to pcadery, tn ragard to consulting . Tba medical physician tn ooriafc .palaLaa the (Scatty raoognim A,aaM ekizb. Those of and u acknowledge tba troth It, public Tba prorun of tbia circular la ! if : j aaaeswbtoh hav baaa neglected or improperly f ,'s' f ..( '1 .. df ! I I: 1 t ? r i ' f ( , fvs .'.i J 1 1-- jo i i- . d? 1 J .a 2SfST whkhuM nu. h a 8a a a I W it nn if t hi r ,1 u'l 1; yi ill 5 ff-- ,E 11' e f ' ; , iij ti i? -- -- ! ( f - i efunH'l fm ? ' i i jl'ihi , i in. 1) 1 l . ,- i- iiw! in1 V t I 5 i I e tha ateap, and falluiw of all from tba month durin soon followa. Fima thto sUrs T i 'i -- 'til mi ti f I KtHI ; fazariisL Sckr j i i , i rltUofit," or uQtrrupukul IttasL and aftar havtnf been swindled f their anatkar. bava abandotiad hope monay by on and And pronounced themaalvaa Incurable. w" "Of-. , 0 M biiJtifi ini' H 4 k I If fi Jf i ? HJTAO. - : . - t . i J i , ! v ' TmiOUOII 1m' ,'U S J f idaiio TEitummi : I ., , ,,! 'i". , AKD j OF EVERY, DESCRIPTION .- 1. Neb. -- is OK '? ' 6am; Arrive at Fillmore City Saturday and Wad- -, neaday by 8 p m. 16613 From' FID more City to Deseret, 30 miles ?. - and back, once a week. Leave Fillmore City Monday at 8 a nt; Arrive at Deseret by 4 p tn j Leave Deseret Tuesday at 8 mi Arrive at Fillmore City by 4 p tu. 16613 From Cedar City, by Kannsrsvtllo. Belle-ruToquervllls, Uarrtsbureh and Washington, to 81 Georgs, 6fi mile and bark, twice a week. - Leave Cedar City Monday and Thursday at . ( e, EXECUTED AT weawermw Ii whmsv ilU r.ui inUiltt iikj I irr IV0r.rX01i2 , rorw si. BlSf ,Wrur$T, at Tin: 1 2, Cash Frices. P fu 0 v AT HltlRTO, r i'' i J ! r tL y is . f J rWaM, as a il tXn - fi " ,t- -T e- - I COUNSELORS AT PATENT LV, f ft (18 years experience aa aolicitore of Patent,) r AVffiRlktoiiU. L'XJ- no6 .crr- - t GET TOE BEST. 4 rrws t $( M tokt usaaUy errS tin. FaQ Kt O Fa r3 X.leM oca pfs.:3 r, xjzs g-- sn IdgOolAJ are qmJtoU-C- I -- T Lavcrv, ' soRd Pro-- Jalea Levers. Regulated and U aiw.w- -a wjjjg faSTJ:3SW HSWSf z - r 4 X , B'Aafi rn AJlribntury of Salmon River. lKTYlTAfTlIQNS u 1 4 J S 4 -- - s5 jn 4 I . 1 i , s Is-i- j ii . . i r,;- - Uxtaaa, ttwv 1 r (craakscr) noll-t- r . i P - itiS 1 t t 33 ; , i, ..f Jt ,, , e-- V ' ' t t tt ? i 1? iK.-i-t- ?,; ,4!-- o - . 4, i t- n , .V ut - 1 . . ,,f 4tt 'S , dlji ' .. ' i ot f . T!m callTijd cSaictJDbrfe It f - , V. V - f X '! i? f . , - t 5rf( .. !a? II hj5i I rvuia mmwh f 1 i Vv " 2 4, .I33...,,,fi) 40nw riAIICY, ; ! ea - - - Leava Salt Lake City daily, except Sunday, at 8am i Artivaat Provo OKy by 11 p to; Leave Provo City daily, .except 8unoay, nB! ..VI j h 'TvvpriaUw u Leave Salt Lake City Thnraday at 6 a m ; Arrtva at Hstrimaa by 13 Leave Bawiaaa Thursday a 1 pm; t Antra at Ban Lake C6ty by f p m. tt i ; t f 1 '?' o 'f t v , i Leave Fairfield 1 uomIsj at p m Arrive St Lehl City by 6 pm. f i m 1C.IJ21 Friun Beaver, by AdaninvUle. filiucraviuo, and Panac-a-, to Qicti, 163 miles and back, i , once a week. t, . Heaver Monday at .3 a m ; Arrive at llle Wednesday bv 6 p ui ; ' . Leave Hioo Tlmrsday tifiam; Arrive at Beaver Saturday by 6 p in ; PropoMala to cud at Miueraville, 20 miles, f invited.- 16623 Fmm Indian Creek, (Utah,) by Boise City, , ' Martinavllln, Emmltsviilc. Middleton, Welaer Bauch, (Idaho.) Express Ranch, Un Auburn, Baker City, North Powder, Ion, La Grande, Orodell, Caynce, Mitch-ell- s Station, Walls Walla, WaUnla, and Umatilla, to The Dalles, (Oregon,) 763 . miles and back, six times a week. f Bidder to propose schedule. . . (Idaho,) Proposals to. end at Boise City, . 280 mllea. Invited. 16623 From Eagle Taney," (local.) to Panaoa, 30 . . miles and back, once a week. Leave Eagle Valley Thursday at 12 m ; i i Arrive at Pauses by I p in; Leave Pauses Friday at 8 a m; Arrive at Eagle Valley by 3 p m. 16621 From Pinto to Pause, 62 miles and back,' c . once a waeto Leave Pinto Mondaa at 6 a m ; Arrive at Panaca next day by fi p m ; Leave Panaoa Wednesday at 6 a Arrive at Plato next day by S p m. , ICO 23 From Provo City," by Midway, Hsber, . Kama, Peoa, Rockpcrt, Wan ship,, and Coalvllla. to Echo City, 85 mile and back, once a week. 4 Leave Provo CltT Monday at 4 k m Arrive at Echo City Wednesday by 12 m ; Leave Echo City Wednesday at 1 m ; '1 - Arrive at Provo City Friday by 6 pp m. Proposals for twicer week acrvice invited. 16626 From Tooele to GrantsvUls, 11 miles and back-o, a week. tj . Leave Tooele Thnraday at . , , Arrive at Grantavllla by 4 pm; Leave Oran tuville at 4.90 pm; - , :. At rive al Tooele Thursday ; by 7 p m. ICC 17 From Franklin, by Flah Haven, St. Charles, Bloomington, Parle and Liberty, to 151 1 .J - . . - n; 1 ne 4 , Bennington, 60 miles and back, once , week. , Leave Franklin Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Bennington next day by 6 p m ; Leave Ikunlngton Wedneskar at 6 a m ; Arrive at Franklin next day by 4 p m. Proposals to extent service to Montpelier, are cuut.oncd to to ill 11. 1 llu-i- r -- - pr- pi lime to reach the Depaittrcid l aud hour named, (Up m.,.Muhl. hr. bid rcceivi d after that time if id wt hr im'uhint In com petition with a bid of rcaoou.di'o auminu rcct-iv- i d in time. Nettlier can bids b ctitimihr-ei which are without the guar tee riqni.-chy law aud a certificate of the sutficieiuy of guarantee. 12. Bidders should find prop ae fir according to the thpn, if they desire, seet raWy for dffti rnt wre! fc sod it the rrgular bid by tin- lowuit off) for the advertised service, the other propitien n;r r may Ih comddcml. IA There should be but one route bid fur in a Consolidated or combination hi I proposal. ( iwiioaiiig one aura fur two or more rout-- "f rid. are forbidden by la wj and cannot lie II. Tho route, the tbe yearly pv, th J i uaiuo aud reaidcitce of the (that U, hi b a usual poat office addre a.) and the nam of i member of a firm, where a company oH n. A should lie diatiuctly statod. l far 15. Bid em are requested to use, t ty practicable, the printed pro)Ksala furtiUtud the Department, to wilte out lo full the auui"i a their bids, and to retain copies of them. h Altered bid should not be should bid once submitted bo withdrawn. awithdrawal of a bidder or giurantor will Ik f llowed unless tha withdrawal is dated and recrlV rY r ed before the last day for receiving proposal. Eauh bid must ba guaranteed by two persona. Tbe bid and guarantee houll be aigned' plainly with tbe full name of each a! in ilu-il- d d ly mii-Ktrtct- an-- advii-PM-mcn- i V - 1 bi-ld-- aul-mtUc- A e respnu-albl- ;vr-aon- .t - . Tb Department reserve tbe right to npt any bid which may be deemed extravagant, anl also tod iaregard. the Mils of fating contrartur and bidders. (Act of J uly 2, 1 836, auction 21 ) 16. Tha bid should be seeled,, auperacnbm " "Mail Proposals, Territory of dressed Second Assistant Postmxatf r Ck tm ri, Contract Offloe, and sent by mali.' not by f to an agent; and postmasters will not inclose proposals (or letters of any kind) ia their quarter f returns. 17. The contract are to be executed and re turned to tbe Department by or before tb "I day of July, 1870; but tha service must be begun . , on that day, or on tba mail day next after . . whether tha contracts ba executed or not. coTransfer of contracts, or of lntereat in ntracts, ara forbidden by law, and consequently cannot b aUowed. Bidder wlU therefore take tn notice that they will be expected to performterm nervto aooepted to them through the whole j pf1the contract. A Postmaster at offieed on or near nllroat, bat mars than eighty rods from a elation, wiu, next, rep immediately after the 1st of March 5 their exact distance from the nearest station, enable the Postmaster General to direct a let of July next. messenger supply from the 19. Section eighteen of an set of Coat res apfe -- - ... itb-o- ' cer-Ulnt- , prr-rio- tt 1 1 vritb-ou- a-- Idaho Tr.)to Vlrglnl City, (Mont Ter.,) 320 mllea and baok. three ttfsea h weak. t T XAeve Oorlnns Monday. Wadnaady, and Friday at Sam Arrtvara Vlffftate Cttt third day by 8 tf m i Leave Yirstoik Otty 'Moodayv Wednesday, and Friday at 8 a m : Junction n -- 4 i ach-'(- lo n Jirtlai kiddsrs,garxantoru and aaretiee arc distloct-lnotified ta( on a faQnre to enter r y InUM-rpr-for- (h eocnaetofdr Oik aervlce propoi' j. . h rSl r, in-su- re f in tba aeaeptoi fefida, tbetv legal UabiUma will pafeeeed against them.-4- ; 33 JTeaenl eoedractore. and person krot A the Doperthrat, xaugt tqtuaiy with otiu r. 1 -WeChAiSa PnU b C2y by cure guaran tort and eetnl cah-- e of tbeir imfllriffi1 ' -vn cy. anbetanttaby In the fonua abovofttven ! oerti fleet e ermifiicicncy moat i tnie iKd7 WervieeifePua, to mil IS Id extend to. FraakRa, and a or by a badge of a court of rl',''ru postnaaster; tnvlted. r mlira 10 (lan.TMA,) farther; m Vrlday 13431 Item Brtghraa CUy. by 'tAiliard City, to Nq cdh? will be.dmv.v. Tuesday ' kM i 2 Aii 4,4 i 'Hll Hot Barings, 18 mil lf JNO. A. J. CHFbWtW- rai (Ij Arrive at Fraaldla,etft4a$3, i . week. ' . a'cy ; nni-.'- bM eootracta proved March 3, 1848, provide shall be let, in the transportation of the mall aum-cilowest to tendering case bidder, tbe every a toee vrfonnance, faithful p fjg guaran other reference to the mode of auchtran-porta-forl tlmn ion . . , 6 mile, invited. may be nisseaary to provideeucli 'rf uf eortatnty and security 16628 From Balt Lake City, by 8tokcr. Centre-vill- ,- thO doe eatsritv, Uader tats law bide tbet protrunaportattos.'4 39 to Uintah, and Pennington, ceieritT, pose to transportihe mails with . mllea and back, aix times a weak, with been decided to be and having security," - aide a week as peovlfft ng supply to RaysviUa twice the only Iml bids, are eonetrned aad or more. In do eonuection. whatever enure mafl, however lasge, the for Leave Salt Lake City dally, except 8anday, piae be the mod of conveyance necessary to ' , at 7 a m ; Its "celerity, certainty , and emit it r, and ! t Arrive at Uintah by A90 pn; the preference over all others, and no otb. have exorU Sunday.at 7 am; era are Leave Uintah daily, con-i- d red. r m F Lake Salt Arrive at CltyZ 30. A modification of a bid in any of it csstn-tia- l Stockto Tooeia, 16629 From Balt Lake OL of term la tantamoont to a new bid and cana week. ton, 40 mile 'd back, twiceand not be received, eo an to Interfere with regular Friday coaupetitlosu Leave Salt Lake City Tuesday Making a new bid, with guaran te r. fl.j a and certificate, la the only way to' modify on by 7 nm; : i a bid. ' and Stockton Leave Saturday Wednesday to ccrilQ not are careful to be 2L Joatmtstera m 6 a ; st t ilia aaOcflener of gnarrattw. or-- auretiee. Arrive at Salt Lake City by 7 ptd sufficirot nt aro that persons knowing they 16630 i'rora Corinne, by Bear River, and Po riu6 thla lnatnu-tl(Utah), Maiada City, Fort Hall, Eagle rtiponrib!iiiy;Maaiarenrd,et of their oath of is ttouCra postaaastere by d River Rock, ,Snakai Ferry fitanria, Tlrrr ttisna to immediate rrmovai.-Al- l nr 13 yJig. ' fei1 f ZK -- I.- i From Balt Lake Citr. by Big Cottonwood Union, Draper, Lett! City, American Fork, Pleasant Grrve, Pro Oily,' Bprlngvllls, Fey on, Santaqnlm, Mona, Salt Creak, Cbickeo Crsak. Round Vallsy, and Uol den, to FlUmor City, 180 miles and s treek to Provo City, back, three times a weak tha reaidna.1 U tArrivu at pelt Lekf City byllpm. , 1CC03 From Balt Lake City, by West Jordan, to Herriman, 30 miles and back, once a 4.5, i ,v. c lpm; Leave Provp Monday, Wednesday, - --ay atCity a am: FlUmora City, Wednesday, FYi-- t day and 8unday by. 8 a m ; Leave TOlmor City.Mondsy, Wednesday, ' i ad Friday at 11 p m t r Arrlv at Provo City, Tuesday, Friday and , n , d n; ,, Ixa , V : Sdudaybvllptn;'' t ir; i . . . . ; , wt .1 a-- ob-tri- n- 4 " AND s ivr. it r v i. 41.. , V' ; toMC . ej - - if , if r (4 i . ,1 by Mall fand Telegraph at tha Contract Office of this De- slx-tfin- ' , m !f, 9 i a I 3 RATES OF STAGE FARE i TIME. . - PACIFIC STABLES1 .H.rAK'i --frrrfr:n:r"' & itow t . , ' irT2o: .aiUH y ! - partment until 3 p. m. of March 1, 1870, for tha mails of tha United States from July 1, 1870, to June 90, 1874, la tha Territory of Utah, cn tha route and by tha schedules of departures and arrivals herein aped fled. Decisions announced by March 14, 1870. l 4 - . watch oo.; InUea Ahmet, aw Tart. Ui (hnisj eeraar - .- i PROPOSALS , n - 1 - tf . - XhcXii , w-- fl T 4 J-- -- s tu- - AND I H 4 y', - . oeAM t ! v , ti i : , will ba received eaLotoetoey trammed, by pvtng th nkar:a Goods wCl be seat ay rnatl aa : , S 4 ! r1.. ... tin-m- -i N PrwTOrVtne DxtanTWRjrr, I Washington, Sept. 80, I860, f . t i 1 f K f f k eon-veyi- ng i i f I ' an. A h -.ued Ia-av- a United States HiUIs TJTJA.H. Wit . i i one-fourt- a! , - v ! p ae dtf rma F SI reoent'y renovated and newly Having bean makes it the most quiet, economic al and comfortable FAMILY HOTEL In the State. Being centrally located, it offers every inducement for business men and tha public generally, Tha tabled will constantly be supplied with ever) .usury tba market afford. Tba American Exchange Coach, with Red Lights, will be at th wharves end depots, to convey passengers to the Hotel free, , JanlH-l- y TIMOTHY SARGENT, Proprietor. CFOILTIIK'PHOMPT KX'KOIJTION OF V OOOIOS WATCH COMPANY amka. Hunting Cases, fiiA They are all tha bast wear like fin gold, and are sad chased; bequal oa to gold watchea la Jaoralad -- Bad Francisco, STREET, . . . . i (Extending from Sacramento st to Halleck at) No Jn f TILES - 'I. SAIVSOVE 1.. a ma pfaaafaeturad byj ,, f t- - J, tU - m aer-er- N-pl- -- American Exchange Hole, 'r This is thenboileM am! iohltlirecl looie New Kldorado oicLoon Creek, - ;V Orcido Gold .Uotchea, . -- $20. j 1 promptly " r grt-ah- f . CflMMISSiqN f MERCHANT, UlIIOTj' sphings, UTAH; . Poasesa Unequalled Facilities . 1Dre A. tf only nr.sriNE improved buy the r ( E- a. I. A.! $15. I t4 4t AND i If". sc ar. o lSTi reference. ' 7 ,)(, i '( , lo ? , 1 - - Papara CAREFtTLLT PREPARED, and Patent secured WITHOUT DELAY. Xaamiaationr la tha Patent Office free of charge, sad no individual fee asked' lu any caaef? ua-ta Patrat M aiowad.. U Obargasaa reasonable ss any irthcr 'reliable or CircuUr of Terms, Instruction and J received tdr Orders filled. ' ST , 460 SEVENTH STREET, opp. the Patent O' flee. I ' 't AND i'.' I ;o;- - ,0P S i charge, . Oa rail agenta of the Department, also the British stiff Canada mails, when oCared. aud tha agents them, are to be conveyed. without charge; and far the use of the United Ktau--s agenta commodious ear, nr part of a isr, property lighted, warutad and tm tut bed, and adapt, rd to tb ooavenlaut aepMaU'in and due security of the mails, ia to be nrovided by tbe contractor, under the direction of the Departmaut. ltaiiroad and steamboat comnsn.es are required to taka tha mall from, and deliver it into, tb post offices at the beginning and end of tlu-iroutes, and to and from all office not more than eighty rode from a station or landing.forProposals the may be submitted by the companies of aQ other1 aide service that ia, for offices avar eighty rode friun a station or landing, Thera will be way bffla prepared by post, maeteia, or other agents of th Department,-taeoompany tha naaila conveyed on railroad sad st samara, specifying the nnmbar and destination of the aavarwl bags. Oa - other 'principal routes, likewise, receipt will bo required and way biff forwarded; tha latter to ba examined by the p natma at ara. to insure regularity in tha de. livery of maMa. A No pay erlfl be made fbr tripe not perform, ed ; and for ebeh of such am mission, not natls factortly axiualnad, three times the pay of the trip will be deducted. For arrivals so far behind Urns aa to break connection with depending mails, and not sufficiently excused, of tba compensation for tha trip is subject to forfeiture. For repeated delinquencies of tha kind herein specified, enlarged peualttea, proportioned to the nature thereof, and tha Importance ef the mall, may bemad. A For leaving behind or throwing off the mails or any portion of them, for the admission i pus. aengera, or for being concerned in aettiug up or intelligence, a a.), running an express conveying vane of tbe mail, a quarter a pay may h- - u. ,, ducted. 6. Ftnea will be Imposed, unlesa tbe dpliuqurn-cba promptly and satisfactorily explained l.y certificates ot postmasters or tbe affidavits of other credible person a for failing or arrlrc in contract time; for neglecting to take the mail from, or deliver it into, a post office; for sutler, ing It to be wet, injured, destroyed, robbed, or lest; and for refusing, after demand, to convey the mall as frequently as the controctor runn, oils concerned In running, a coach, car, nr sttam-boa- t on a route. 7. Tbe Postmaster Gencrtl may aruuj xhe con. tract for repeated failure to i un agreeably hi cou tract; for violating the pnat office lawa, or dm. obeying the instruction of the Department; fr refusing to discharge a carrier when nqmn-- hy the Department to do ac; for running au express as aforesaid ; or for transporting peraona or p convcyl g mailable matter out of the mail. . 8. Tbs Foatmastor General may order an in. crease of set vice on a route by allowing tfit n (or on the contract pay. He may a pro rata Inm-aachange aehodiilo of departures aud arrlvta lit all casta, and particularly to make them conform to connections with railroads, without incr s of pay, provided the naming time be not aliridr-ed- . Tlie Postmaster General may also distiiir?' tiyue or curtail the service, iu whole or in part, to order to place on tbe route sum rior a r W, or whenever the pvibllc intereats, in-- his Judguipu. shall require aneh dlacontinnance or curtulmnit for any other cause; h allowing u full luduu-uilto contractor one month's efttra pay un Dm amount of service alsiH'nscd with, amt a y im compensation fur the amount of r e Li-a- , and back, oneo week. L'gin Moudav al" a Arrive at .VVexton by fi p W ; Leave Wext'n Tuemiay at 7 am; , Arrive at latgan by fi p m. 16620 From Lohf City, by Cedar Valley, to Fair Held, 13 mill and back. once a week., Leave Lebi City Tuesday at 7 a m ; irl1,OIS. s and best Hotels In the West J., A; OLEAHV, '! !QnoraM?rodtiee ii .MKtrffp Forty mi!js west of Prorcontory. UN , vi-n.- -d Proprietor. i e-- 4 d a .INO. II. IJHAKK7 H1 Mu sol 17 5c BOUClTor.s or r.r. 5; f f EATEN AMEinOAtTt EtJROKAX , ivsrm .uzrt OFFICE. kint bny-- Alexander js t e 4 - - . 5 i i a 6ecn . a , i .... : ' .v , ,r f ij ?9yaro aulm-- (A minulek each intermediate cfll w, wbeu not otherwise specified, for assorting tha maile btit &u raflraad and steam boat routes there is to be no more delay than is sufficient for an exchange of the mail pooches. 3, On railroad and steamboat lines, and other rofltea a here tb mode of conveyance admits o( It, tba special agenta of tha Poet Office Department, aUo poet office blanks, mall bags, lock and keys, are to be onroyed without extra ' - 1. r ? Trrtricc t' IV V - ' Iwt.-k- ..... 7) I ,' Dvgtmai may dm Dif r i -- it fid oeyal. . nl l.iquori, ft - i cunttOtiti tm jirvjirr, mX- - f One of the largest Rebuilt, reroodlod, atiJ refurnished in the richest and most luxurious nmnuer In 1868. Numerous anit of roms with Bstha, water, ke. i , One of Atwoo.1 a improved passengerj,Flex at' rs has been introduced for conveying gi esta to the u .... dlffVrent floi re. i I it i:U! INSTRUCTION k TO BIHDLRS AND ' MASTERS. ' , I t iTremont'House, 'l . i pm. d CHICAGO. 1 Sunday .,1,0 ll y - Hi i , a-- , And Wholesale Dealers In i 'TCInp t ' W.; 10, 413 U mCUf e la-av- ; , Fkjm.u, pfiprietor.,', - 4TAYIX)H A BtNDKL 8le Agi tits' . Ix-av- - Jrtf 4 nu f . WITHOUT IT' NOBODY SHOULD. - f . U e s i .4 ; day by 6 pm. From Cedar i.ltr, by Plnlo, Pino Valley, and Harney, to St, (korgo, bt) -mikw and , back, one a week. Cedar City Mouday at 8 a m ; Arrie at St. George Wednesday ly 6 p tu Leave 81 George Thunday at 8 a m ; l l Arrive at Cedar City by 6 l in ; eck service lot itod. Bid for twloe-a- . liuilfi Toiuorville, by Virgin City, Dun Grafton,. and Itockvll'e, to (ta'i Retreat,26mila and b ck, om-- a Springdale, I weik. Txpu-rAlll, Friday at 8 a in ; Arrive at Hprlngdal bv fi p m : Lvov e Springdale Saturday a t H a tu ; 4 tid Arrive at ToquerviUe by 3 p in. 1. Payments will le made by citli Uutlafom,, Val-Severe (loHkllf. From Neplil, (local.) by or draffti on, postmasters, or oihf rwi-.- -, ait.-- thr cal) ami Fort Gimuiaon. local ) to Ht. expiration of tali quart. r say in N.. Gvorgo. 423 mile and Imek. om-- a w i k. Feliniaty, May and August. ' e Iff. The distances arc givn occnrdii-Mdnday at 7 a ru : , r inlt ' Art iva at 7 in ; H by vill-allom best in Friday information;, but py a 7 r at eave St bo l than d should they tNorge lloixJay cr:ii lu; if tlic points to le supp i d are corn . tlv tt I .i , . Arrive at N phi Friday by 7 p m. Hidiltii Mr ft inforat thrrif If tim punt uni 1imU7 From lagan to Oxlord; (local,) 25 initea also In refer lice to the wilglt, iff uh1 back, once a wu-kof loads, Jiiii.t, sin anis, .Vi , an I ... , lento . Lt'gaUjM''lAJ(ttt Lain:, 5, icn- - of any tin! toil briiigci , fcrrli s, or Arrive at Ulrd ly fi p iu , mliv 1m' incurred NiiiUiiu by vvl ich exp me IwnU-Leave IKIo.d W. ilnemluj-a- t 7 a mj on aipdi pruund, can forndlttioual (sy, ..i tlv e vt Logan ly ? l' m. hldered ; lior for sll gil iuihi.tki u- - nr.i. to lit unlngtou, 2:) lull 3 nr In lMil8 IrVom HmitKvil.c n ahm as to the wn'i-- i : tier ir , onn a vv eck. and " urutu-feyr! sdiscuiitimird, atrojed. lrldgisd M at Leave liuu'sville inl.vy , 6a)i(. olistniitions iruiuii---12 Airive at Bennington by m; iifii-'curr-nt) nHrsct ike hrm. during jtwtMousy at I p m. mh1hslu-ifti r this silverM non is Arrive at ltutivllle by 7 nv tutH. ntra tterm,vin toW rturirtgihee 10615 From lAU.in to Wcxton, (loca) 23 mile . mt extra jxvy, if the ihsu-te b luff Isicr ' X - . ,4 TH E aSHORT , 1 cublw-iOoi- i - - e eeuA.jbtiMsre-w4NHimw- Mt J iTfc. dniiy i J HUMS Sfr-f- Arrive at Bant Clara Wednesday and Hatur--da- y by.fi pm; Leave Haute Clara Monday and Thursday at 6 a m Arrive at Cedar City Wednesday and Satur- - . A very Agreeable Drink 1 Unaurpassod for acting surely but gently, on the ,eoeretlon of the stomach and kindueys, Irawt-UOliver! . I ,4- m and retail For sale stall whoU-sal. li;iior, drug and grocery stores TRY IT! J f dlb (ami , . - - Hl f i f ' - . Arrive at Salt Creek next day by p m, , From Fillmore City, by Meadow, Kanocb, Bosver, Paragoaab, Parorvan, and 8um- m it to Ctxlar city, 136 . xnilsa and back, twice a week. ' Leave Fillmore City Monday and Thursday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Cedar City Wednesday and Sstnr-day by 8 p 10 1 Leave Cedar City Thursday and Monday at . - 1 v 5 best Purifier of the Blood Ee A Pleasant Turtle '' OKKGON, s 1 at 6 am; Arrive at Gunaiaon next day by Leeve Gvtutisou Wednesday rand ' it : ' . - . 4 1 t t i , IAUT t i i rk i4 'tl i KASTKItX cis? vJ pm; CELEBRATED 1 - 1061 1 Mi I . i. I i i I, ,, 4,. 4pm; ,u ' Arrive at Plain City by T pm; . Leave Plain City Tuesday ana Friday at Urn; r t Arrive at Ogden ity by 3 p m From Wcllavilla to Hendon back, once a weak. ' Leave Wellsvill Monday at 9 a tu; Arrive at Mehdon by 13 ml Leave Hendon Monday at. 1 p m; Arrive at WallsriUa by 4 p tu. From' Franklin to 8od Springs, 83 miles ! ad back, once a weak. , of schedule Hidden to propose departures and arrivals. ' From Alpine City, to American Fork, 6 . miles and back, onca a week. , Leave Alpine City Thursday at 1 p m Arrtowaa American Fork by pmj at 3:30 Leave American - Forku3iThursday ' 4 ArrivaatAlpina atybyOpm. 16010 From Salt Creak, by Spanish Ford Canyon, Fountain Oreen, Furrlcw, Moronl, Mt H t pleasant, Bpringtowu. Xpbraim, and 87 miles and back, to Gunnison. ManU. 1' i ' twioa a week. Leave Balt Creak Monday and Wednesday 1 1 a, i , nsmiicii'iiim:! 1 H amt HHaa Jos. i; potasalar-acni- o U, . 1 . . IMW HCl7 iftSSSTWSi U. tilas llox 106. -- Br. HiirelaiidV :(-i sw-res- Xlt. ST01)IAKI)tl 16009 , T d-re- i i iv.f , 1 I , w ,l llf ! -4 i- ... -- 3 n f 16008 I j ' ; out the use of mercury. Iodide of or any potson, but with hie Mktrnuuzca, a positive cur for all humors and Mood poisons. Organic Weaknatt, such as dtanfnol IfeaJmew, Xoctumal and Diurnal XmUtians, brought oa by abuse of tbs orgspa, early tsdiaorettoma escaa-- , or entailed hereditarily, causing loss of no err. confusion, tfopm ity, w tie train of other symptoma, treated and radio- ally cured by au infallible method, saving time and expense. All diseases peculiar to tba sexual organs radically and permanently cored. ' ' Old disease of the moat horrible class, where the blood has become poisoned, producing blotches on the face, small watery blister, pains in tba head and bonea, ulcerated throot and nose, sores on tba limbs and body, scrofula, together with an endless number of sufferings. effectually and permanently cured. Dr. James la recommended by the pres or the country, by profeseofi of medical college, and by the medical profession generally. Those afflicted should apply to him, and be cured at once. 4 a treatise on Spermatorrhea, Syphilis, and other diseases of bis specialty, sent in sealed enfit 63, velopes. Address Da. Jamkm. P. O. Drawer vty-dk. , , Chicago, i n J ' bars navar boon advertis'dtoKsfom. ivc All. medicines warrantHl y ..bsrru.t. strict-refunded r moj,cy n or Call answered. Ail Mteprpcomptiy r " r r a , V . t va ajffdswra! sssss sctentlhc phyatoiana in thla "Vx t eon-tagio- vi . " ( are no patent medicines or lher hum- wKeaa J 14 t 4 ' Chicago, III Db. Jakis treata Ckrvmie, itrcrial, gypl Uilie, Bloed and Skin Ditrattt, and all diionltrt of Venertai Character, which ba cures with- . '' ' 'IX nona from td u ' 10007 ILLS. ?'!, . " Is . 1 if i.7 4 jit. LaTor nra I y .. ; ..f i n House Formerly of Jamas Lock Hospital "Custom Htreet, Hew Orleans, (estabilaht d I860) for tha isst eight years located ln Chieago. and celebrated throughout the country in tba successful treatment of PRIVATE DISZASXS, oaa ba ooo ftdentially consulted at big oOoo and parlors, 01 and 03 Randolph Street, corner of Dearborn 8 tree t, Chicago, 111, or by latter, ancloatag sump for return answer. - Post Office Drawer 0863, To and fmm the C. P. R. i Ri - I Mfhltaa, poaitlvsly and vr- f '. f hmg ataud-ng- , curei. Caaea manantly must yield to thla rouicdy.k monlbiytdUs rw.Sddad haa alao InfalUble or Irregular period of- imdl, mSruati" tout per by box. eervatton. Price, - I j M M - mrnuToastwlna. do uH wish to bocoma moth-- ! a aafe and sum remedy! rrT .udh uVffetd warranted lu every Htuceaa aasinat conception. in caaa i guaranteed aa containing no ingrwilicnt to ilia feeblest lemtrtiuut. - ! i iy !' ' r ; i i 1 Dili JAMEH, delhiat conatltu-- ; Thara va Udteo wbo, froiu or au already nu-- j meuncea, circa indigent ; li t ' and his peculiar tha ,nk rasraeut nf ell u ho lnteUintly ponma it. 1 , CHICAGO; I ? ' is I f. I 11-- i.I 4 I 4 i DAILY LINE OF CtfACItES . l'- - , , I : nd,.-- , s' i rw0r - -- Woddard pmetusaa Ha use no secret remedi--a 'll ' tfO . i t3 4 tM t' T i It ANDO LI II STHKKT; f i . if. t, L f Im assESsffiSS ,U l'& 98, f) - , , coufinMnent of a InnaUe aryl urn. ara foUowad. 1 M k I . . cimmNm,- sssoopmsssB i ilnmcs ', f ' 4 v t tfftt'l full;t x'ti ' t i ? il'OIJJtTH WTltEET,: ii , In avoir cwuunidly thr are' vast number of vouna mao sOots wUb aaminat weakness, and I ho nocturnal amUatona, latitude, debl.ity. t dUorder, of ecp-attendant aymptome otbar and totally denndeTWmiug tha confutation and roeuUllv physically, stroying its victim, Ataeaaa is progwaaive, and sooner or tatcr. Tha gry . ; vl . ,v - 1 I - i , . 1 - j . 13 Urigha-affly.b- n 1 i , Jli'M'. 6l,fn4 bill .fun Bd - Tr o 'Trvtak3rni. y-rjr- '' -- ; tmvi tu tutfki by .except 7.. - f - ! Arrive at . - 1- .i - akeopt Sunday; i 1 ttufiJ loIitoH , i- - ' ' iO t - Ujtf uiV tutitrp. Js?-kJ ti ,1. M CHRONICa DINKASES. ? I .y4V ,siiiU ; ; rx . u k rr - i, Vi1-- fci ' t, cog-niaaa- ilfjt Leave 'FrasiSa Wtdnasday aod SailiVday sj ftttpmt mi 2t Arrive at Drigbam Oity ncx days by 6 pm. ' ' if Hit' 1C0M From utv. . hydra "City to Hunt.nne, 28mOea f, u Hi t Jlni I . rtfa e .gif . .i--i tend bach, twice a weed' 1 Leave Ogden pity Wednesday ahd.'Satur. ' 11 d us day at earn; J il littw u a , at 1 Arrtye to it siti' ti .j.f, ,' by ;U lAava HuntaviUa Wednesday and Saturday i it- 4f , " - - at 1 4 'aU i t.'i (p .d 41. ji'tA pa;itJi'l i at Arrive by p m. T Ogdcu . , , t Oty fc. ,4.sv K'OS Iom Ogden City to North ftgdi-n- tj7 ipilri . i d H i'll' r ,ki.t and bock, iwiewb-weeki m. I . , and Leave ; t .. i , . Monday ,tfi i Emrsday Ogdaa. City i .mi, at 3 p m ; .. d . Arrive at North Ogden by A p m: j..i ,U sod Thursday leave North Ogden Monday '' i .5 A f is. 4 , j I I j 'll . at II a ruj a J n. 4 v Arrive at Ogden City by pm-- ,! i( i, , 10006 From Ogden City. by. Lyana and latera-villDi-to Plain Cit) , lu miles and back; . t . , ; t six twice a week.' J,.o. ,!i. rj.iand Fi i Jay at Leave City Tuesday, Ogden t 4 4 MISCELLANEOUS 'ADVTS. a i,-- p : , -, Hr, J P - o. , ti '3.j J- fi j i j ? firiuT - both sex, the exMenea of which tThri idncaaadirffbrM saanoi know tha pbyaklaa caa detect tbi. Thapby-itcia- a know that the aufferar know it, and ret, the afflicted Individual taidnaoaaaa out of-tia folia to consult tha man whom he knows both of tha complaint and the moansandf enre. Snowing that health au ba restored,them-elva- a who can reatora it, they dillteraMy allow and to beconaa mera wrecks of hnmanltr, to tlwiedea-endan- t. to transmit dlaaewedeonetituthm . EU k-- r. tiilJ-vd- T . 1 a 1 n, - !J J ere I " ',.1,0 ij ,wt !'( r- -j - I.i. i tba white. ravases of that wbita epraad acmdKa. out la hta AnvinWdUaan pbyiiaian oaa Mini kindred com-iend aeowa this of walks dauy i; t i . r li V ea. u.i S JUU "to Kcrvf! i H.'i !U 1 IT 'f fvf? iDfli:3ibfi:.SGon--- -- f.tf , i 77 w STAblfc-WNE- ; ' J' i IH.. ii' ; ; ,n 'i ',11 t 1 h;ur conceal tba aad ret tbair ataaoat boersay will not who walk facta. Aar intelligent physician I i f 'aajaa aotna excuse, s ; 1 1 ! 1erl'o t''1 f - - ad'oiifio" .? Ksq aj J1 w b'' i rile w'jnt tiN Sitl i"j 1 ties ? aji id f tto-bto-od )( .. !--: t( SuaSabla ramnrat af wiray etM o 1 . p 4 , f fT t ! -- t it ' ' . 2ffl3fsra55liEa v fh 'j --ite inu. , vrt i r I ieTTv w .iM 1 ) t i "si I V,ix - -- V.' a UuSSJuKY? Vo-lnm'- , |