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Show : ,1 r i 1 ' v v iIO .Th Cltb Trl- T HtTWWt akp Satpupat, TrifepAt, ruB T aw Sp54p Wp "J; 1 4a or SUBSCRIPTION. TKKMS T4 k 3 tt 4tfe TfJtll W. 4 tt- ! S fia .FA U Amm ' -- t n t t f? ? . A 4 ,, jt 47 O'i L ii 7 L .i. ktff te f- - . t I I ( I'f H Ui f SM Yu,. i ,J- cri - i A njlyonj .( ,sh? 4 . mi m i4 V j U'U f"T!V ft gu Mouth.. rrr f4rfW J Week, X " IS VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. rS J . T, i r. 2,r . ; 1A .i.. f " From 3 the 1 Vc .,0 r . .jC a a a ,; 1 7 5 m. B. - I j,- 13 18 11 B- ,, 84 A "W 2 !: ? 14 21 4 Bi. 1J. . iis-fa- l - )- 2'-- uru u j; 24- - T 0fi 4 V a 9 ' WEEKLY.'4 4 aa 6180 i 30 tf 333 180 ta to b paid for TrMwicnt advertisement VW od-- dUon MPt iVTfS.. MltorialXotke, t ..ouraboro Long then still their f7HttCinSF1 to lead tbs Aia g5ipU'V4er fore 5 Si sSo ten cents per Uno of thlatyp 1 f , tlielr name and fame Only they saved are ours ipKMf J. DENNIS TOOIIV, (1U XX.K.?P2A3nT. A' - - Wfllt- koov-- rti r f.nM ,H , l j i tVf .'. r 1 iv -- A - . iUl i promptly attended to. oct-3- iL ;I '' 1 .i,j I ' i I I J ! Keep coustantlyou baud a good assort-- ' men! for tbe jobbing trade. Orders by mail will receive prompt mud ' U . -i i. .n careful attention.' " , Goods shipped east aud west , on tbe line of tbe Railroad tbe same day orders . u fre reoeived. t? :M ,, Jol3tf J . i' . 1 ze Y t f . , i M i . s ? ( ., 'j A rit i i i . 4 ; . i iHtxrMox:! H f.xtiv tv, ATTORSKV " -- I- AKU f . soimHok tx vh i.V :. r. 'J I'Tjnr, farin' .l.!i):ri'j U-- pH t. A. .-- H. IIUMPH f2ABt auwi.y,r.rVU. fnlfrtt fTairoU';t ) ! r ini Itoi ttxxntrri M.SfWi'li nfiaUH'a How, u.wk w m vi ftlaliv tin V. ,1. ,,;j. ti n . t f, 'j nt f1 J-- t - . hHj N.NJ'i, fl.TA H. I , ,1 w " f -- t i i Moo (a lift r of ilh, tohl rOHiNN '! i'-IITaIi;1' Wholesale i mt lb tail ? , p 4 O GISTS. 17 IMoiitiia Street, j ? V', Pealeys In .tn j s- - ft and Ferry's Of mwh6 earliest Came? Of? Buinbridgoa PlTROr?lCE CODE INDUSTRY. r ' "Sm HOtJSB, i; i.' ,? nk4 fame ,r noA-t- , Thera should be no mistake ahont the matter , this time, and there should , he particular care that the hill, as adopted, shall be practical and feasible, and shall have an actual sad positive bearing upon tha order of thing eeubliabed under Mormoniam. Clitriiiaal Qautttf, fteeca JFVtmf f almualkLQjr n,IfTAIl WAGON 8)1 aiatent with a cartaiu , dzree of civilization, this Folyga iJiwmntially barbar-ou- a and ettsrty o?Ped tbe aroa idea of home. Hallowed by law among ourelves, it would apeedily be overthrown ? ik TOWN. IP iivodtot to. tie IMt v.unvi j. - qENIlY.LEIWES, v Tf . 1' :t 7 ' U. U ,! ftmHtJLl to -- , hivaim oar snr- - 4 , NiMiitbinlbcLiJa)kaffCao the Ken i am t a awn kef of Bor CCly mraai Post 1 ana Xtinfctca(UsMni rulygamy, Alts ,Ami TOBACCO.' J aadea tt tAcS lttwariaYfaeshwtD type um. tnlr biiimif ' repudiate t!r Udrmon ' DCMOCfitiAii AQglAtf ..Nf, revHatioos. t J,oni$ - il 4 I U V . la mail. UAIlBKIt ( , to f . - ? , I 4 i i ;y j (. i j ! 4 1, A 'J j , ' 1 . I, , (fS t a J ' t ' - s -' 1 - c cu ino Aims, i , FEED, ' . K i EXTTTDn, i k i I J C1-- , 4 ' 7 i f r - f ')'?. s all Itiiuls H i 4 ; and tbs very low price. Teamster 4 v ra will find It to their interest to gtv me. a call j ; M before going 'ebCTv f COHIW . axNE, Mnm f ,v kW-t-f jaft Don't fqrget tb plac. , -- f f' to eatinar lH 1 J If htJittil ' Mtaamun , bynL.itotalat m . -- , winter IS Th nndarrtgtwd will weeivatack for no-l- ? j I r joiheii 1 'MStV-r-l ; -- - ? to. ; , ; j 1 wi - ' ft ; ... b 1 ecawes, - . J.lvf . . ,tiu,,, .j . " 5 , keep euhrtabtly bn hapd' a larg flf I ".4 ! V J' fc.i .A ly. V ? -- -- V I J, ytt h,$,i 1 : ! , 11 f Ud CtSirfa'a V In rn?IW4if 4174 Wf t -- j s!- - 2sCITY Meatf Market. J. ffrrm, ; j fti.i si t ,! .I i D. Prop, - i ' J . , - of Quit nottf , ln 'r .fc (Sfmf, J? V oru Pngltffa xlucncif bf A couiitne; utAh: rsaces ft (Tiers, PrcpTMer. 1 , , 1 ' J ' Wf' , This Boom I a new two atorj brick fitted iwttllf artta. and la ' betef l4f upfae firm ela got. , bj- g 4 Mwe j to - 1 f 5 , J p J p p JJ p, TO' THE WOEXINO fT.kgB. Wo are now praparal to fomlah all ciaaaM with constaut ent whoto of tk time or for ploymentat home, tbeDnstneae ihmara Pomona of either aox nw, tight and easily tarn profitable. tt proportional front 60. to per evening, J5 ! . r . I 1 p JS ; fnmn. t f . ; Ware, - . ad mwa r n.fri i m . , - - b, iliktri frd, RetibA Tree, Crcrgiftt foeo; CrRfita instil by IDs test trrlitn ici Jni Icimsi ateU, Tre3t fifirln; Kirch a&4 Brt-Ct- b ifi cesitry . Iau UiBtfi rl for fi.00: prepaid b mail, Flanta, Bulbas 31 th new Potato, kc prepaid by malU 4Ib Eary ltaa Potato, pnaiu, torfil.fifi. Oooovet'a Odoeael Aajxuragua, is per 10; 3fi per loco, prepaid. Xew hardy frgran evertkxn i n Japan Honey- anckU,iCa, aulk. pmnald. Tro Cap Cod. CraeberTy, far upland or lowland culture, $1,00 per 108, paapaid, with dirertona. FrtoedCata- logue tomryadirea, gvstief ahm trad Hat Seed 35 Boft of either Alao Mian . Pnttta. i . t their who. time to, tbo bust, earn neirly ' rnwclt as tkia notice may send their addre, attest the bnslneea, w make thi, ur paralleled Vffters To such aa ar not wHt ealiaRvd, we wiu send IF to pay for Uf troebic of writing. FnB pnrtlcnlars, a valuable sample, which will do to eomtnenc work' on, 'and acopyoC TA c f the largest iVsefa1 Liltrarg Companm-o- no and beet family newrpfp ra publiha all acta i fmahy alk ISmderlf you want permanent, profitable work, addre., Y. C, ALLEX k CO., Anguata, Ifatneu . ),,' nofi-J- and rU - . - m d it f ' at, - f Alwaya on hand th ylwtucit Meal, all kind, Duttor, Bgg. eto. " m I iC' f ' ' ... cashed. ; ,.r 4 ,i, in Ooverument Heeurltioa, , PhUadu!ph!a . iii i Stock Donght and Bold on Connarfanion ouly. Accounts reoeived and Interest allowed on daily, n'3-tbalance, subject to Cheek at sight. t 9 l'vfootiEN,:vrAn.r;':- 4- y it t Uuton and Central Hadis )t. , IL find, kforigac . . Bond Bought and Bold. U. H. Bond Boagbt, Bold and Exchanged. Gold Boqgbt and Bold at Market rate. Coupon M f If S Thla FIRfflP CTASS NEW HOTEL la now open to (bo public. Th room ar neatly and torn fortabJy fnrnUhed. Th table are alwaya mtp-pwith tbe beat the mark afford. Freah Oyatev alwaya on hand andaerved up tn node. any aty' on abort Th Bat 1 Mocked with ;the Anfet,Wtnea, . not-t- f , Llcuora, and Clgara. I - and o4affer totter advaat ttHyiflPrtiwwt t J tidUOE k GAITKIIS UirJTAM Cbmer Montana and Pflh BOOTS, S IIO ICS -- f s ( IIOTKI if , 2 i I f . COBlfsiVEf - UTAH. BALSa Ji CSjroW ILD, rrprletrf f - - , K - . t- i Between Third and Fcnrth Streets ! i alllnadaatdd by them.. f ,r?! . s (81,000) Mort First m, about .gage ! - WEIES, , monana- Otroet, .1 Iina! J Oof 77uf Mud inch, mot ar Being all tbe Lauda which theT'ulojj Faciffc it) road Company now .hav or a hall hereafter mire from the United Htatea, except the lands Inch are or ahall be included lu the Kailroad and Telegraph Una of said Company, or for the eonalruction or operation thereof, or for the track. yarda, depot ground, building, or erection thereof. i Tbe Company receive their Land Grata Bunds for their face aud accrued lofareat In pay ftt of 4: - v v , , srcvml bifa tf .r5 - md f MRTR0P0L1TAK , 4 . turn.-- . AAD 4 3 r ' K j aekewdalfft l ,.J.- I bit tarn ;; Uondx 1 Doiit forget Hie.i IMiiff. e3t.!f iA, ;,-- saloon, ; , '"'H l ' rtrRLES f 77,y (iff Cbaea I :T8,,,V . per cent. pay 7 I 1 i , J 14,000,000 OF LAlVD. . ' ' A CHICS ; - 1 INTEREST! tM, u . Whiwij r: , i t i L . . CAADirS, 4, S AiA Hthoffn Fwrth abd FlflhlHrtH$, l l JU. " .. n f?u pt,cV'( , mt WjLaTRRkT: 1 ? A , UTAII rc. .u iack ajardi. ;;RAFFaTT?s -:ffE ' V . 5 4 4 t , . BOOTS; SHOES 1HD H1ITEKS, . mrmicii I! mj frth"Shrttt, 1 20 Yeaiwainl llnii frhnl LtdES t ;,) - htifdV'&.ti tS&,4',W.4BrBRApD, freight-- l. AITS, and Wholesale ami Retail Dealer 4 v ui .. . tn ; , . ..h j rwT:,T TOBACCO, CIO AltS und OLAS8WAKE. ' COttlNNE, UTAH, d ' .4 . COCOA . JAPQB.mAUSS, Wholesvl aad Betall ' -- t. . ! 3 DRIED HU ITS '. OOHINNE, UTAH. I ! h. I LESHER. VICTOR CORDELLA, ut UAI. , IN Aid. TO AIO.OOO.OOO. ' it) He alitoAlealwlii MOCKS : i ' I 4 f . nearly back of the Uintah lluuse, i,1 ii if-1- ' 5 ' '4 4 7 k JUnL'Mlil Vf 1 . fr 4M COLORADO ST RLE 7, . m ! f I ' J . ! SALE ROOMS: ffpeclat attenUou given ta order by ntalL A Utk stock alwsy on hand. Good shipped same day order ar received. . . noie tf . , ae33-l- i ' ' ' - Deak-tf- k - I : 1' ' 4 a In trade Frnlt welliw packed far J.ldaunt ' t fc'rant .Street, f n 1 s U. P. Railroad Oo. . ; i ' 'ii ; 4 : ', f.'-- GRANT BOIIP LAMD 1 DINLMi TAI1LLS. MOSS PILLOWS, CO, M POUTS, , Hll BKDSiMiKADS ETC, UTAH. 'to . 4,r KITCHKX SA I'llS, 11HHAKUAST j - - I be it market prlo riu for ' '(5 sTiu:irr 5T,u .1 , 4 u r! ,i 5 1 O r - 13. the 1'ro lutvr 1 tho only 4it Haeruineftfo. All arLele viM rt-- from him will bo pnt up where itrtmn, thiurMn fumUhod at prodnevr prien, , t, t J HUDSTKAUS of - 3 OH THE 1 AVJiol - ' CANE. ; . OFFICE. ROCKERS, ETC. 8 C M NACIIAMKNTO; nunort. - in grout varieties, WOOD. n , $ ..Vyi ,t i r a. , WASH, and l)Iii:SS, LIGHT STANDS. ? AT 1 6 i 4V . (Jeneral Commixion Merfhaiil, UCUKAIS. 7 f fX i i , 1 - 4 Wo re off ALF. H. CUMMINGS, ; ' ! No, t- PAVIPIC RAILROAD - iyo , roc IvinR and m'ttiiijf up a Itrvmeat of iamltnre, t . ;j AIOINTANA GROCERIES. DLflotionmi; shop . i , CHI IIS. JtoOUNtiKh, taC. : ftep81m v . FURNITURE! s. 1 1 - carefully done, and atisfuvtlou . ap'hMy ' Sf ... Land Grant Bonds ; York i mil i4 e COHINNE, iM ' the UR O 1 v , not al- York. i , " lMJowry,New & - 1 H7 11 r AND Also I ! - : 4, a i 1. r i I , n 4 , f X California Fruits t , j, MONTANA STREET, ' f sCorinne, Ufnlu 1 J Hir A'N-T- . i . J IIAIUDUESSEH, Montana Wrtef, . - t A CII AIUS, XUCKuI.L'S OLD STAXD, v '.c ; n t - 55' Oflh'. No.65t Broadway, AVnoroonit and i Sen (I j oin Oriler f ' ;?;i ii r i u - 11 I ; j vy v t Nttvv - A ,1 r J u - f .I and BOOS it ,hjutu if oouriTO.Tr pzxouuoe, f f If . LORIKJER, 5 . wv t BuiltliW, Ofiici iU - il H - J)'- , . - i ! I g iu-t-u-. n , f -- cd;i3cerB,:' U ..ItoJ1' to touuiu i a. - . 4 baavffd' that Folyga a55SS2SB!KS.vb1? pnrety religfooa sect ie con tmwl Moubtua, COKUBHf Till ONLY 1 , We t - ii t gn.trsntitod. oxuxixr ,n ' CORINNE,r)UTAH - M t I T 4 1 M'( ' v in every City and Town where wa hav i ready appended them. BNI0. 1 f -- COVSXZi dt.CO. . 1.' I l.ave tha id I . COMMISSIO.V IK ll NEWS t m j 4 ) ,1 y'V J f ir.t.vrED . ACEXTti 47 - . . . if ' 1 ( .!i .1) r;ch NOTIONS' OF ALL KINDS. ! Mnn 0 ;cyjs?ouiTii r STMUBItY; rorKET CilTLm MD A bi 11 ha already been introduce into e1-3- ro ' 4 v.y r Fxoxrn, ' .ervry. gAPnn, 1 ',roH Wrtrt, 4 , i j ' , tha Senate providing for the execution of Pwprtateof the - I f , 1 the aw s gainst polygamy in Utah. Tide special law for the suppression of polyg,hia been for a long time on the atat . . amy 'M t lot ut book but U has always been a dead COHtKKK, UTAll.i ; lettsr. Several attampta wera mads at the laid session to secure its enforcement, the hot they were Jd! failures. ..Nona ofwere tha foe purpose f drw! furnished at tha hmX in satires proposed sttch m we could altofether approve. Pri' 4 J . I if . . 1 t yUunfactory, octl-3- Howard and Waltham Watches 1 liKNEItAI. tl k a f Tit finest Watches now niaimfuctnrcd. ' ' fh -u f . J t i v bclidse haw mild f I Cele-::br- n 1 ' " r t v V t - I GEO. Ii. HOLT, ,4n a TAXM i : 1 i' n n 4VUole4ulfp.il : . -- fj andtatiu ment. , t 4 t I . v e ,(, Jn.1461 the American Institute .Fair of New York, after a "blind fold trial against Stein way, and' many other llano, awarded Chickering the Patent Arion tbe First Preraiunt.!r ' ' Writ for affidavit. Pamphlet and Circular, wht Paper you saw this advertise. EVERYBODY ! - g JLt21iii WiktYYliow. n J. W. GUL'IIRIE, 1 BOOKS, Maks raadyalltf 4 Room hr the Admiral! : , Come, Stewart, teU us of the wars i - . y truT tleml A Co.r Agent for llrewer, Al a4 PUr. pr i If OITT-I- ( 3 Btfll bMk 1149 oppeoklaf ecla COKIANfc,UTAIf. 1 ? T!f BALS, x d Utv skyey flig.hoX many scars ? A - to?N P tci Who win the glory and the scars? V HAND - poi-tffTfi- cries; ' better advantage to cash buyer than any oUter a a 3 AH f i n- - , . V t 9 4 r . wins,UQiion0ii ! er Welcome, ? Special attention given to orders by Goods forwarded same day order are received. We deliver Good free of chare In the city and at tho depot. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In ?, ,nVithcroaUacaiititheirey: olA comrade," Lawrence WARIt, fc I ( 4 Wo can and do offer t- - -- Montana Street, XI. . rs. 1 THE, STANDARD PIANd.1 . 1 of tbe felebrated ILEIfY - SOI E . ; 4i t The proprietors beg. leave s mass the an nouocetnent ibai they nave opined their tiew Ite a choice Meal tsurant, and are prepared to serve tn a true epicurean style. era! 2.iooS. - - IARQE STOCK CONSTANTLY. .ON ,r ,, Lay him gently The clamor of the town , Will not break tho slumbers deep, the beautiful ripe sleep , Of this lion of the wAvei t in his Vjll not trouble the dd Admiral , ' ttM rpar-Wh- . (M v; ; iftPPKH AXh j, hdown 5 Ilartlwart, Iron NoINi Stores, f i . . t A f - - " ..s' M UTAH. . f W In great variety. j A Fonrfli, - , (Dfditcntul gcisttuunnt. . Is rst. Hia ghost tlponv tbe shadowy quarter stands - yX , Nearing tbe deathless lands. There all hli martial mates, renewed and strong, KllLES (iEiUUSH . ,141) 1 The finest lnijorted fJquors.Goldon And Pearl Crown Cigars, Tom Jerry, - Hot Punches, etc., fathers i x H - 1 , :,v '.'1 Us A1 . ttaek the far XL Tbe ifilands 61 Where no turbulent bUlowa 7 1 -7 t t. rnou CORINNE, Uethiuka bia stately ohaile On Ihe shadow of it great ship leaves Ihe shore; " vr ' BUSINESS CARDS. ! 1 r . i tTAH. it - f f I flIONTANA STREKT, Kart It to etuth.hU dust la laid, 4a3S2U'3 f s i T ; F TJTAII. t. i . - MOSS AOATE JEWELRY 11.' I, ' k Srett.i, HURLDUTDROS,, . 3 '"5 ' , t t' COIUNNK, !!. T. , . j 4 I J i' ir; - i f J ATTRiNTlOX m f- - ap3Mf tf HI, I ,Ai t 1 - I I . M. Third E'tvtet, . t U ' lrrt(, w n . OSCEOLA SALOON t 1 irt)fvFrbedutn find "iH ln 1)1 ... 1,111. )ltTJGGIHT8. ; ' t") V itrit , - 1 , - AND ,dfy(tiaq ', . always on hand. Lay him Jn tlmgromwl Let him rest where' the aucient riv r ' T 48" ' Cpeu N ight and Pay, "tf a 4' roils; ...,. W ...i. it ud 'eliadow beneath the him Let sleep - tboiwmnd ti i Of tho Wit whose proctafuattouJ ns it f-- . b"-f "ytMllv C. D. liOItEN b COn Propa. jr. r tho-gt- fk WALRKIt 1 Mftntana y. KIN.VPKY, ' t t - J ! - nclatUI- j t r1 if c i '.1 g 1 . ' ' I .(.' .i OBINNK, - f . 'hs then Still tqaV their eutmoiy now ' they sjsjke; i, Still tloatsour unstruck bauuer ilrom the " mast ' ' As iu he stormy Fast. . , , , , HAM, .1. I.v A a- li(.eiT tf ' t V' i s f t Jfj 6thV ' , t COMMISSI Oil MERCHANTS Jltiois and Shoes,. iS J- - u4 V 5!tJ 1 I 1W 4 ..I . Y .... - t . . ' our hiwiteel, t i.iUglin.y that wldftrrtved, 'Whether of. Iron or of oak The ships we uurshal nt our country's 1 Hastes sa lM :r If Mt" . DRY GOODS &;OLOTHINO. Vt-.iriet- :i DKALEttS IK ! . f LA IV 4T l, t i i ! ' 1 il A j- - Buyera will tie well. tu exaiutue uty ntock befor . pnrchaalns etowb-jNew style sllrer acts, solid gold chants, nags, , pins, sleeve buttons, etc. i tt : y i.' ? ! ? - ) 1 ' i i i ' fc, COHINWK, I WHOLESALE i 4th and (letween 'S U .!,) ' . i I Corresnontlenfst - tit I i a. n !.( ; .j, If y ; ! ' r Tto t, DA VIS &. COHN 1 Hf f. ,f Neitbtfr foe replying more. AH in eilepce,. when jtbe night-breeA 1, . ' ? cleared tbe air, j rested ' Old Ironsides there, Locked i in between tbo . twain, uud f drenched w.ib blood. . Tbeu homeward, liliO Hn eagle with her prey 1 O, it waangtdUut fray. That fight in Riscay liny 1 tlmTIptaln RlSBdriri his yftuth. r YfMl f pit nirtlibbod ;? H tltbu boldest jen them all, Yi Oar brave old Admiral! - i. f s (fun '.t xrrio 4 e. m. r rmirrs s i ,f ., P. 8. Wllaou i.heyenne.' Y First Xattouat. OKtaha. . i Y Western Savings InaUtute, Ht. Louis. , - f ' A uv. Chicago, t' Henry Oreenbaum Hussey. Dahler M Co., Halt Lake City. , , , ' , t Hussey, Dahler k Co., Helena, Montana. Huaaey, Dahler k Co., Vtrgbua Monts ns. . Alliance Dank, London. ' , . P. La Touche, Pubiln. Oalifotnla, Sea Frandaco. tntr ofNational Bank. New Ywk City. . , Ocean r Praw exeUang on principal citios of tha , worhL Tim Cfiteekf bought. . 4 I i jh i 1 i l (), f 2 4 Ranoltoff'&V0. f w FRWttli i WAHK, 1 ' f 4 e M - hour front XOUTlt SWK MOXTAXA STUKEt, I J , S i g I Htoolc in Town Luitrcet . ' . 1 0I.B DfST BOttiHT ti jttf. (, INI i J J ,i I 1 I 1 1 - m h - 1- . irnfl fi-ru- throughont, nxtatiM the sweetness of the old wood Bridge, and onraina tho aolidiiy of the Mmi Agraffe, without its owacniwu P.ank Patent Oompoand WVest v e uhkJi hoida U Tuning Pina, la six layers o rmv ruKt Map!, uuix. ynnaiag differently p ' '"' v vj 4 xtvamrn,'1 r . 4 4. "f ' j )a T JPiuNwt Full Irpn Fratn t Jw 4,J t eoncentrale ui pno:rr.of the Taalug Flu, that herstnfor daaoaging Imu (which In other Pianos bartfuily .eurrounss the Tuning Pins j and butta into th front edge of the Plank and resists tho Nwenty tooa" straia.1 sj Patent Plagonat C '4 and next to, Iron of the parallel withFrame, lart ihe steel etrtaga UXPEH TUB OVKU8TIU7NU . 1LL88 . .. . The AkioK Plano is the csfcarKsT, most nrn asue, xxahT comi'EJcatkd. rebuilt , less tuning out of order, it is ud dot not0 get lit- , j " dire. 4 Ji j any POM w j a COIN Il,ATi:i) A. i.i f 4 ratant. Refers 4 Wooie Aerate Brtdg .t , . t.'v L -- v r taxed State. v t 7 r U - f )la A- , a variety of the beat Meats, Always ou hand A f to i j ft ' . - fi i ti( &c OI.OOKN, WATCHES, u i 9rJ'i " FOURTH :STREET, , , , t' M fI t rfjI ? t DIAMON ;j SII.VKIt t,. lle LUBBCS; Proprietor. , 1 ii I , , i i t H j'v' (elicrtlaw imA ' t , . ' t I f1 9 01 IJJ8 t, .i j iOda: rtn v I i s tit IH Caals le n1' ooitrN NE; Until 4ilU5 in F. A: - . i. 4 I TSamne AT nn c A OTf irv I .. nn I y Ivl CA ivlMKliU t r 4 ; - COltl N N Ea UTAH J ; '! i (Y i 1 ! , Keep cooata&tly on hand freah llye and all l other kloda of Dread. Alao an aaaortment of other article pertaining to our iln. Customer - f i( 4 , - i Staaufactnrer and f f ,! i 1 0J i 1 5 j il f n a 5 i tU'aWr &V' 3 ,n . f W f.ttoit t. II.('(!('( . 1 - l4 i u i (I il J i , . ' .' , j il - Y-- . i . vJ - f! I v-- l taOtVSQXJ, nmias - .1 C. Y ; , 1 rij ;l Comer Montana And 4Otli Sta. Pine , Goldi.U Je welry , Xr f T t i 'I.' j tJ !ndl ' V i Y7X&SOXX " 4,!j V r t t 1 i EiLLECftECBT, . i fit j . .t -- . ' 1 fO 'vi?? tilr i'tt ',? 4in,ur4ii. fr i , H II, liOHEHTSOX, 4i - V" 4 u& MEmjtNEOD8' r..f, ,ijjv0frr,irT BAirKmO HOUOE t v tt; t f I !r tf 20; ? icWBtfcartt.ji ,t;iAKU:At t.vJ? V.U Tbe4aatbfal, fresh Butter, sugar cured Hama, Bacon, eta WbLLN 9W Particular attention paid to Retail Custom. moons light t.iOunaer the fair desperaterug t i sel-t- f V J j. ! left to Tbe frigate squared, and yawed I- - A W A Y N K T , "? It TO A;i and right, . Every broadside swept to death aseort rolUXXK UTAH. SWRB.' SIS" played her guns and well, til aus-UnOftu la l ialah Hoaae. Roundly t eir fiery ensigns fell, - .ri.' N i CORINlfE, UTAH., ! A Is t j Montana Street 4f J u ' T 4 and what j A ,, 1r.f ' to ou addreea. ADVT8. M 3.00 36 rtwxv t. v -;- ? fc ,k I ' was fifty years ago, Upon the Gallic Soo, lie bore tbe banner of the free. And fongbt tbe fight whereof oar children U-- MnSTAXA STltET, nr v WA'l -- I'd ( 1 It Lav a ittorney and Caonttflor . 4 bunes3;cabd8.; w ?rt thitgfc . it . copU-- t. ...... Ten coplea, one addrew, 36. IXTAftUBLY IX ABVAXCE. ADah$tM - -, 4,. lUtse.lIv CiXU 3,00 ,r,. ,. i, Single Copies.. ' la! 3lsdELm,NEOU8 , , f, .i ... ait,IA.... sC'WKaox; $Aoo Vooth Three It oothi . fUx I 4 '; i , pro BAKERY , Coriiino, Utah. Jf C, BMP L. Praps U scroU, Jfr JPowersJ r i I- , t i- 4i, . . - i , to .. their advertise-I-S And pa dd heroic brats. cento per wasre, provided they .retain only t decupled. . 1 vv ( tbe ordinal spsc lie was Ihe bne Whom Death bad spared alone PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Of all tbe captains of that iasty age, Who sought tbe Joe man where he 1lay -. - . tv sox, On sea or sheltering bay, f t cr. p.; jobs W& i Is vNor till the jptiz Vasjtheirs ? repressed United State Cominla doner, , Attorney at Aowf IQtl .$ They are gooe all gone pepoty United States Attorney for Utah.They rest with glory and tbe undying OHttXXZ' VTMUTKn: !'? 1 iaiiaititwii?rataito;.H ;isys5SfS3SH . - t Itrnt MISCELLAWEOUr AtTA ..... Xt 1 -1 -- s v tihues.-PkaP- oie. tbe stars, J3ymbdlt7 0bs that are no mom c -1- -': -- m- U'? r t Carries tbe Union, with Us aiare and fSIrt?4rtSSt mot dun dEIttkNEpUS ApVTS.f,f. j haand -- glory-rol- l 4 tJl f t ' f4t i5'5 (rttkA 1870. v(ut4t ifi vii'f b i -- v . 1 Lyrja'j " !? 1 ( r v- -. , iti '4l O' ui 4 a aioB J r i u 4 a of btsckgnard nlospbemy, and that njss ' Wholesale ;ind Retail Its praclittv begins by ebcmtraglng tboe j which j 44 ? J ni . ,, r deserving very v4 system appetites ! J t to W called ti,Kngiruhas' begnh by de "n 4'a5j social and suceiWrtl every Jptdity nylna, Chi forced to Itself x sJ' ;'4. " A f ... , . cago Tost t s ,lM- - So .landing . Xtf J impostuS,UhaUWiAtfienceis The morhsted noontide of tbe batloO AUke he knew, nor yet ontiiTed bis Ii . ;fame 1 t; bts fainal , Ob, not outlived iy wtioser keryice TbOdaan(leaiatea guards ' TTriWol.to(lliUf;ot,bU Weekly f re bly f?!Y5 earn; ygm- ti "... L Jl 1 1 .that its .Rdd is kst, , J , We expect little Ifom Cocre how till llie bdhdays. ,We sfe glad ,to see after , it that Js diposed ty like' some active! 2Frotn anbiblf generation, tneAsoresfor the suppression of.MormonA simpler age, to oars Old Ironsides ' 160 1041M 31 S - 1 8 &$t:1: C. UTKDUAK. ! : ?v.T wet v'tifiuwjTiVlii . . t , .U.: OP., 'TlHC'P'RBIiA:Tfji:.i, "JiAJSn.OlA.RY.-Gi r, nll tivtit H of bravo old hero of tbe past! His spirit bus a second birtb, Ati Qukaowo and, gruoder life ; AH tf,Uio that was eartb, ; ' Lies mute and ccld, ' f , Like a wrinkled sbeath and old Tbtowtf 6ff dbHveFfnlai tkelabMnibt-iiii, T)it hau Qoodwntranca made e,orio ,trif- - J - Ooue at 4. - f rf,. fii f 1 T rAViToVfc'i Mirh'dist luiiis Vp tbetw jaassoo t K. Frt ? t ISTiISTilb, CJCR !. January U ataxy. - TUB . .. ytTBl-WKYKLX- tfi ? of Advertising. Bates " AmW3 'to vA'UhII ,l 'rtArtf f f sfi of n.'i! 1 mi i ijCkOTursoAnri iiu? gfli mtiit lw?Rrt ? riia l mj'& uit jww i v .1 .. j. u it ti. . .C, j , i 141 0 it mar pvblcszb i pjiJM44 141 altlBl tif mw i r-- (fs iiTAq,y7KaiY.tcs?cnTEtf. ,, iiH & .4it iUl 4 , f , ill i:isy- a tTrtT jv ium WOsOw tw'L, iai. ttVti tuM toB f af t f ?,i. Jf t, Jl . vtlTo ou it! A IJi;. , 1 i; ! ! ,1 I 14 rii- - iiiTni'a-il'i- t i:-rdJ- do i4 If k ,I-.- i - Ufci,) J 1 .isnt tj fn- Ht4 eJ-- y' to B. St. WATBOX. 014 Oulnoj Xursarfo iud Seed Wsrrltonao, Plymouth, Maaa, ' 1 Uhh3Md In 113. , |