OCR Text |
Show " rJ! x.,- -c ,t. j ;. A .Of fse x. jwr Wf- ; I jh ; wvHiMy-acsts- r. :fsy fi I tt6i.yfoo.TiAK' r recortry of TIlAXfiPOllTATION. V7I7uCE0JItr' Slarket Report. - no ,ttwu, trTlla, ' ,eci ' -- .rt.,r oqip oauJu atKl ttrik. tAgittVr: j I 'tf r'W.'lJm.rt.b,liu,lrl- ('onrc. 0 T7EEKLY. H t wwA ,f ,u at ti IN UTAH '.'..'.'fTnE'GufeAt.,:; TEI-T7BBEL- Y Tti Eri, 2L K. t taen' I Wa ilaaru tbt, bill, whether it , ; pwM or A M Interest of Gentiles to the ftou Wh.nc. ril .tU flow) not, of great Report?: vhCfri.fo. pjjim. l WitiuieeUweiUie-srdLlrsa.,,0-1J ?ibL b y qniekiy Utah. Although it is not all we coaid iMngor.tJtb.MOD which I BL Williamson a favorable' J J J obar8 .ofJ. mott to the State and Dlvlklon. of affaire confollowed report we verV shall the sgent Bd is the snd H by wish, it good, Philadelphia weavers, C. l K circles. The week has been one commercial wagoa mater, lMt spring. - Th evidence New I1 England factory girls (bless their eladefheMUicatf' n rf itoqSatarday, ., t M7. hwed that Williamson did boring a. dear Uttle la every braaoe. Though we could nmt T.W A W notactivity .71 equal righb, eouU) and numer- a expect holiday rush like many of the older from Oorinne ous other .organisations of moreor lea : Poml-VKATCoa fcSt v The f I and quality larger cl U, the trade has been good with a ture in the market A8 can be found at Howe Vaakuown note daf1i8 p8t most bound .. east.'1 the ,n the ..; . .... latter, principally supply equal to the demand. Merchant have A Bnrgess. !terExpreaa. dl8tf n Mt ot wblob I the every reeeou for etlefietlon wlih the past and 1. prop- .picuous of which was the 8panib guno. yn 'Na x atiaodo . ilklmed I boats for Madrid the American Ccnqres-- - I If J011 want cbeP Faiilnre go to J. conhieMe In therMsTkW J 11 So a-- - J So. a, rtvignL w Lesber. on MonUna street de2 tf hae subsided, bJ L5?an tba employed Williamson tnen and Senators tor their' homes, to IIOCW WfclT.J ' I the holiday; Pierre Hjaciuthe for I b(Ulumson) notkaMe spend oo rM? Imager f b Va ? in parcel, I af. CJldbrg a. eer J .Various par j the Ecumesiicsi TTe j for teken week. the Harrison A y . f place during Gca)bf g., a,l W . Western j Hgbl and liberty in Utah ; the ChHstmat Candies.Go to T. arrua. California Olliers for your Christmas candies at CfPn ga In q IW '.' rKr-fri- jy . u d (5en!a'Kh ikirhJ ? i J 1 y! I t si' t ? .? I - f PLATTuV. JDlreCbtify,. Corona : ... .. . i J ProPrty inrnWed in ,V .1'whero - -T , lection lhi above ' r.nm If, V., was DUKhriwd hv 1 ... ? ,, ell(. for I ir. -- w y- J - full assortment of cased and canned Goods at IUnsohoff A Co. numtn. A , I Pfld y I I V Kfflil) G xi " t I MrteSi i f )( MStt SgHVI - c .fcjJAcoxT;- p b ... Ststee s iA 1 t - v L. Painter, operator; . j. 8, WsUoo, baggage agent - - one Luman Cf oxuaai, io; atVM0'Ve r; carrying the U, 8l Atrtntsna etsee lin mails and Wellp. FaTw A Co. s evprees w ni . . t viupauMuvvi bua tnai jvis j on sll polnles&ve.cx ; ygbsequently, iu i i L I . k 1 other n I B, .depots alry fsilr ''' u.bM ebl' I ' f I f f 1 , . I i. Yiifn-imu'4tlhn- ( o.cr.i.v'e0n'arerabi. tsfest it thlrfcb nmuuity, though the w..wp ' t . M nurih 4 V;;.r Wm-to- , . i 1 S i, n 1 ; pear as. witnesses I .. ioeft founded.- val- - r i. I , iili close fof ewkt sod Hontb., 8.30 a m ; fur the, westi.;?.30 p m; lor the in- - ,vwvaaww . vn, P , ,, i,.,, Mieyeuire-- r mw F J 1 Iooby .f5?r , J I bUHtuesa involving bavjug coukidvratle E illroad travel : will do well ; ' to observe the Mlowing J 1 I neat dwelling house, in a desirable j port' of the city. Tor sale or rent. For NOTICEI i r "ht Hoffman s Taylor apply r. particulars it 'p; it a I ''.?i ian43t Montana stroetV V nune and 1 romoulory will be cur. 2 00 shop, -,. 1, 1 25 Oorione and Woe Creek... . ... .V MtssissippL-T- he latest Bjey.,ni A i1 j i 1 I : , Pn. V Clmiuno toGgden By . . .. j, . ...... ... . order ofithe (kimpany. j -- i , ... ability , and he is considerable ! of po I vrithsl. lie was Butlers chief Quarter- master at New Orleans, , and knows con-- I siderable about military inatters, not with-- 1 Ktsbdlriu his aertices were hot .exactly in r . O.ue : ' V j i 3 t 3 ; . l'rtvh Oysters ami leiiious tf Moutana lrcT Kuhns. ; jl-t- . Dried Apples, at Ytirk State A Co. ltanHO-hof- ; f The flt.cst brand of T. ODier 75 I .v beans. lb California whit and pink I ? iac i Smoking at , l.Vs I . I ! . . r 'a n' . . Gnin Opium. Iplfto Puwdffr Iodide PoiemIuiu 50 I QnickllYF I PAHA yuinin. i w m A s,-&- a Viaoo V ., yy , . rw X 6 50 X XX1 I 2 75 UtKa v EOO. 100 lbs 501 55c f ruovsL 14c 'iSc 25c es75 e . ). lh 00 Ibi Wheat lt Oats l5$cU y ja th 50 It, Ami Everybody should sessss .. .. s ha . aude .... U , , . ' tr Kuhns : want a r Aiv ? tf' d L-' t-Co- '52,1 cf,r ; j- 4 J i n r OIIIre to -- O t., . .. . - V. sux2& iT.-'ttl- l ; 1 1 . - IXJcgpfrvnt vjrj. LOninEj?, " 1 , , ( .Corinii, d-3-- tr 1 ssaasf-- . irtCVS-f'-- rtj & Ji MoM Lak. and 'fir ,, Dtab,''t 'i aiUerii r-t-. tf CGRirAHE, ? AS es j t Pair, " - ? , ' . ... ,v . i 4 . cim v. advantages. ? rJ, : , S t. sumi)',s f. :o:- - STABE & EXPRESS tf' X TEIIMH; i a. & per annnra.. .....$PJ.0i six months... . .......... 7.00 AOO WEEKLY, per annum. v . one R 8to CLUB ATE- FI Copies address $20.00 TRI-WEEKL- Ten Copies, to one address.............. .. 33 00 48.00 Fifteen Copies, tooneaddreaa....;., 00.00 Twenty Copies, to one address......-,...- , And Copy extra to getter np of Club. TERMS INVARIABLY IN ADVANCES. ' BY TIIE i e a 7 k oonxnrjn, ri j1 M - ? V T VmtitTTIA' PRINTERS PUBLISHING CO. COR1NNE, UTAH. ;.fe , e M r. A w TO 7 ! 'PubflNliod s r C 3 OZTIT, nDXJriAri'i md u s .1 rr fv--r- i fr foot rransoiT; v '. r Hi . ' t s L ? (r i i ; OAKBI1NG TIIE i. it i t "-- - . 1- i ) -- .. 'J AND , , iit ..: . i - , . 3 V. ( '?vt y-- tt l r it- t L WELLS, FAR(i0; ... 4. t i. . . S -&-CO- - 'S 1 . rt .ik ni 'jut-va.t !'. ' f t 77 -- i e ArJi ;?. o ' ; AJU ! $ .' i ; se'.'J---- ' Av.-- , rl r 'rTvTJr .rt r' ji.vrv iiuiojiv ,... it 7 U iflpSV-- ACJ 4' , '.. yr.-'- tk4r 'T ' V, ?t. t. r Ltave , (kaiwt. tUA Si.. XiigShi' Git y. 7 uiL 4Sf aUeniat day ter Helen t ,: il vrrn i bii ts i'i i OobsmI wit 777A .Tliiseacn'TrsiB w sa- - ,- - trays X - v-- .'.art 1 .7 , a- ; till r ,; ...? '4a boflk Tt. HAllroart. ' r,..t . in ,vr Good StetTy New CcnehcH ti'fCsd QulskfTicie.' r 4,7 5 hh.D-- 5 IV :it ly - - f f 4. 8a.aa Mrouuv 3 and Wckklv Uxfobtcu from The a firt-cthis on will be conductad FamPy Having recently changed hand, V Newspaper. been remodeled and enlarged, it now offers advantage 1 that no other paper is Mw MannutnIn- wi li Stsges for Helens, Virginia City, and all of doe, or tlkaiy to. aAmong otbaWmatter point la Uonuna,.; i .A a Brigter. It will contain Dproect hlatwry-o- f a y , tf th and ham Young Mormon, gtrlagariectloa -j .0 ronj their correepondono. pubUc pche. and at aermon delivered in the Great Tabernacle Salt Lake; also an account of their dolnga 1 their prlratc live. It public, and aacenea from will contain history of their follies and crimes of the past and present 0 far a, light aud time - MUST CLAVS HOTEL4! AND K VTiNO itvealtnem. Geu-tilHOUSES of tbe and tbo line, . at convenient points-orise It will give tbs progress ' ' v r In Utah, and of Corinno the corn lug.Chi u. A Drawing-rPHllmaas e go of tb lireat Sail Lake Baetn. Sleeplua oom Cars aooompauy alilralus. It will also contain a full and correct history of the Gold. 8ilver. Iron end Copp r Mines of Sevier River, Cottonwood and Egan Canons in Mr Tor through rates on freight to Montana, Sweetwater Min? and other points, apply to southern and western Utah. It will mark the developement of the silver ''''-''3- 7 7 7 ir; imowNHON. regions of White Pine and the Cope District, the ; General Oil or Mweet Water, the and Freight Ag mt, Omaha.' rich Gold mines 0. W. MKUJK, Cori regions of Bear River, and Bitter Creek, as ' r' Ass't OonT SOp't. well aw the vast pool and Irou fields along the line of the Union Pacific Railroad, not ngiect ng . , il. HAMMOND, the rapid, sole and act'ement of the lull road Genl Knpt, Omaha. Compnnys lauds aud the beautiful valleys along J. '7 BCDD. OsuI Conof tbo it liue the great natural pastures ,Tlckt A gent, Omaha. , tinent. It will contain it share of general news from all porta of. th World and will be just soch a & Taper a should be on tbe table of every home both east and west As an advertising medium It offer superior ; , TV, 9m ;j. lttiiet p.v..f..2 .l ..l 0eesa.i " ! . ,$.jii,t fAV' - . . ..... . - n . . .t .a , ' 1 phi-emtio- os ; the nrvat Awtwt.rLMJulu r with H. ;C. R Mt ot-' a.! fS t.fi. ..... .... .. , s liJ BnyArj, t . vHU.8Utfa-ft- .... a.. .3 ..... limb-raputat- ed J - j :o: ! jC ; A a. v fX 50 ...as Mkriiunts. .' at wtiu stages for Denver? Cenlral Clty, Santa CfTand potet i Colonlo and 'w Me vice. UAA1H k5SS3SShte , , , , OMEVGnrjE, ; 415 400 41 lotof PaPornitiire .I ' . . . H) 95 80 5 50 - , Cftlifornfa Salt Liki Oommou 1 AUd 3So X h.p t 1aX6i " , 'J. tllttt4tMt4 Pcflct ci) I'tdlfd 7 doz I Q2o ;fiPo y 1 80 . ,w ! ? J M nrr A IBCfl " DRIED FRUIT. lb PoAcbt'fi, fin It L$ko Uroniul ChorrlN V tb Gold-burg- s. bit I 1: :A', , 'Jii h ; 'n' I ..! v 1000 630 '.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. 1 23 Artiir ThresdlChvinc , sw CoiiiuThsmei; F a.'. p a. soo 18C belt Gam TnftCflutli I 4t44tMv ' Piece ,...,-70- ...1 S3 Qlufl) COlUmOtt I rs-ulhi- 1 '.' Soa. with Chicago and Northweatern, Chicago, Uock I aland and Pacific sad HE Juaeith aud Connell Bluff XUilroada. and kti- trourl River Lino of Packets h u t; i to knd from all prlnel- , jal cat urn and aonth ?;'h ? ; cm Cities. vtb m tj fisl'F j v U cgmm ' ic ' w J Diroct ConueclkuM made Senators read It. Tki-Wlek- -- , -. A -- : - .. S t ph r,w!.C .1 Avoldiatbe dangera.uf Uto JT.;'. l" li ' ... . voo BicarbYiod Eng........ Borax refined. Camphor Oum;.,..,.Jl..j I TUBS D 00 W 00 IS 00 it 00 e lX)Cl tdlil CAU JSSnuCopsivs Mr. T. U. H Stenbouse, : . J f Av IL., v .J; - 8cboipe,., Aloes 800. V lb Alum 'p lb 1 90 10 30 , ,Hc one of the GIA88. saintliest' of Brighams saints, aud the 00 (t bOX MtlMKIMXMHtMtillMKTtrM editor of the .Suit Lake Trie-graThe grape-vi- n Palace, corner of 4th nud Moutana Tiik Junction Aoain. to, terrifyiug HAMS. from Eaat tbe , arrived yesterday . 2Sc lh has been working admirably for the has tbe largest and lieat selected atock of morning, regaled himself with Prime Cauvaaaed a.: ten and Goods HAT. Gent Clothing . Furnishing oclock lunch at the Wyoming, smiled ; lari few days. The junction question, it in the mountains.' l too d2-t- f . f 23 33 00 I Commission - appears, is not settled jet.saud the quid LUMBER. b JOc toot FlooriQff - nuncH are on tbe qulvive again in all their Silts, Cnndy, atHoney, the fruitful, embrace Fruit, of dozen half bis 5c Cctntuou all kiuJs and of . Tobacco, Charfclorj. Orders were lvaucd, dAy before Sh 4iH4i H 00 OmaAa Republican. Otiori, caeh better halves. d25-t- f 5ff 7 0Q p Gtlt Sts. bAsli ptilf Yesterday, to stop all work at Ogden, to leys. Montana and Corner XAHI ; i ('' work-uiau- V) .25 8- 30c lh T. Olliers for Whisky, , In can a put three days rations in their (the Goto matter Tbe best assortment of J LIQUORS. huversbedawk, and; hold them in Corinu'e pan lb i found at Elliots, nud at 1.75per gallon war runted proof. X . d Od jfal WhUkcy JKiit 1 0 00 readiness to march at the lick of will le sold' st one-ha-lf Go to Goldbergs for Golden the former price. 3( Glnv HalUiul. TcKicco18-t- f. and the iurirumeut telegraphic. ,3, Gentlemen 4 Poriwlut! liuportcdi Golden Crown Cigars. w ho Were 4 oo ; Information Wanted. We have reSherry present and witnessed tbe effect MILL FKEU. i f these 3precm'ptory .orders, describe the ceived a letter of, inquiry from Mr. John Oat Meal at Creighton & Monro's. 18tf Brau aud Short, mixed. It ton,.... ...... 140 00 Meiie us one bordering ;on !cspcration. Eoas Newark, Ohio, asking if it is true 1 "V MATCH KH . case jf 10 5 J Tklejra jhg Th clear calm nky of the- - juuctiouites that a man by the name of Jas. Manly rectivtd at Howe A Barges. t r dl8tf MUMTAnn jnri was' abruptly oveibiit; ,witbJttomiuious was killed in his city in June last. We .. 50c XnizliKli Darliam at Apples, wholesale ;and?7 retail,! NAILH. clouds thirstening obscurity and j pande-monin- m know nothing of any' such incident, nor 19U Goldbergs. 70 50 4a y 1 00 lha . . quite in kseping with the age we do we know ofTTiny man by ttbat name 9 Oik 0i$ H 50 Ms es-since Grathe here live.; Great expectations,; ower;lips and cllher living or dying t i J Wi are in form eVihatAh Pingi Dr.; corner l6t dropped something below zero Ublishment ' of, Coriuoe., If. any of our hams patient, ,?g Ke.p eonrtimtij o goonort I r , first Chinaman ment for trade. In tjie jobbing Ameriquicker than a dowh east Yankee could citizen or subscribers esn give any infor-matthai ever had a oil Orders by mail will receive prompt and Oo.1V can of 5 gal.. .................... ..3 00 a re-- 1 or.where-i to a fair mouth well the n life,'deatb, a7t"erftVon. in and his Jack with is ... . ca way 95 caVal t Itobison, Liuwd regarding doing gsl jyr 50 I opcuJ 0ne more uofortunate,, who had bout s of tho mau reportej to have been eover if the superstition of his country- - J Goods shipped east aud west on tbe II Lird. fnfixtj(alUP crsl . 3 50 iWl i Pit gSt of the Builroad the mime day orders ovhterh. recently4tmigrated!(hsnee sndrpqt out killed here, they wiU confer a favor upon men dont, Interfere. VTJr h a peculiar- - hue y.h no!3if are received 5V Klidd'l CZA. f 48 UP some $2,500 in tbe3 kncced soil- and im- us and his distressed relatives at Newark,-Ohio. ity about ;Chinfs' superstition, particu-lari- y k Oo,g Ixn! Y nnio.. im.mV. f- 7 50 UcMnrrj as regards accidents or death, and if ".v ONIQNH. provements, offered to Jratwfcr hi enihu-siaKti- e i : f f r . 4c ' lh wirti mat t more dread one . for is the same there title and to the thing they , right any Kfi. POTATO tWoltoff aud delivered, No. 1 Coal; weighed rit is to pass away in install: insignificant Yamc c lh i;;o for , $12.00; ber- ton, at Howe fc than another, - true that Dr.; Graham that be runt. end it. t. menta, It hed wasnt fair,; currency, jrtn4-3. 7 , jf ',3'; 12c lh irargesa WHOLESALE waa4ha first to dismember China in Amer--nam- e split the3differenco ou jwhatoverVss of-f-e RXCK j j assortT. Ollier Man the 1A red. . will go down ta future t ' i? slyly Mn t ed .t hs ( th e grest C$rolln$$ yk lh . ci ment provirions, . oLgroceries, 12 liquors hlfik lh Conwith 6t terrible junction- - that bos1 already made linked thkt shoes, BAIAON&. gars nud toboooos, hats, caps, bootn, whole- fucious. 7 box ws in the mountains; at. 4. ; mpfa; paupers tbam' U ; will ever j.mhe and (5 50 , , F. . , clothing, HODA jr J piedlers is, about to pick Op'jts bed and 00 Babbit ptF csho. . walk back to the Promontory . II ent-bod- y Ad. Marble Go to HALT. and All ,.theWEtttef latest', styles Clothing and Furnish- Front Score,, corner of, 4th and Montana 10 wants it here it will.be irell W fhrew patterns of et ,y rt 55i M'bt.i.t.if ' d2-t- t Clothing. streets, Froot Winter, Uarbls tbe Goods at Clothing fpyqur; MEI1CHAI1 a e ing COMMISSION 00 - when it c th trackH ? , , approaches corner pf 4ih and ' Montana ts, fo Bent at the kf .rrvTl k Rnaiy&r hcK..l. 12 00 GuslneseItoms' and Tbs.' grapetinc ' .boys. hate fPiriace, d2-t1 f (. hetuic&J Krwlivfl, . 10 50 Ad. iKuhn A JBro. j Proprietors. ) ,. Uintah Jloose. K. 7 7 27o fK?cbr ?y-thpaatilc at Ogden: "operator Montana Street, M. Thirtl A Vtmrth, A Co. wood !", Eansohoff .SUGAR. at ImportCrushed Sogar 3Ifiyeu TeiriW times tbesiei . d,V j ed Brat.dy,i at ,$3G?. per cas go to T. ' Patent Iai - r 73 n l-Co. dcliycr Goods in the RansoholTA N !j i' . 1 He OrUZiii "'-f if lx t; i IT. T. Cni$li$d , .23c COKINiNE, Until furtbef notice, wewttl sell 'the V,1 city and at the depot Deo of charge. 1 2 4c Pbwdffd . roV b: C igar, atltansohoff & Co . i?e ar C A Bfllchcf lh. 'i ,I2o in Grain Gutter, Eggs, Onions, t Extra 8i )gC at tbs reduced price of .Holland HerNeil Howie, formerly fiauarkraaC.-augenuine Personal. 8TKUP 18-t- f 4 3SiKHTr the that Iklcher'i GoMii called on us rings st Goldbergs. ou U wJ!LB'01t 1 50 objected to u; HuAtr Htmae V the dJiah?fcP A East tf Monro's. on his while way Rrs Flctuu at Creighton 25 .naOTUng1 to the utber evening gal SABDIXES. Colonel The burinevs. Governments on J, HoTKL--Fro- m the Me- - I A- - LARGE STOCK COWSTAMTLY ON I 00 i teas. speaU very favorably oftbeprcwpects io the we followibg 'tropolitanregtetef glean Imperial 602 MopUna the cQffliag summer, and thinks lat arrivals : Maj. Geo. Jss. : A. Hardee, 1 600100 i Yeung ft Bytoft lb.; the flU striri Coriune Y 00 .. place , of all other lor Japaoe W a. U. S. A.; ,LL John'S. Bishop, do; P. H. . 1 00l$l 23 Ootoog W lb Northern business.1 f ' 60 1 00-ti B. Hampton, Salt R.... Ofl&povdw ff Coyne, C, hy to ycfwug men of cur TOBACCO E8. to hw called riwr.VEfkq Socials. Corn-foti- ht . T. Its All the leading" Eastern 'and Western Lake; & Vt. Spencer, 'do; Betal Leaf, t lb $1 101 20 Abbott, Nriarml Promote social intercourse by I Flueent . ............... CoL Neil Howie, Mon... 1 00 tb. ; better offer per do eao Cheyenne g and W at Elliotts advaptege sod weekly newspapers daily -- fc 70H0o other Ordtuiry than giidtc to any cub and Martin buyer lh o o o o o o 000 o a tana; E. W. Mooro, dojiMrs. o at half pricey., , ; ? ooo o554$79C SlTJ s Houm la thl valley, B. TIKZOABo Glick ik HsoIey,..Tkeasnn r and B. F. 8. Q. Dr.' J. do; do; daughter ! p4T fftl, fiN? t ssosssosssooooosossossa 90 .1 BroukSscretary, ,.,Tbe.ExecatiTs Com; t Waite, E. O. UacUy, do; O. Speciri atteatton given to orders by tnoiL f do; Lindsav, floe tor . i r . sr i. the officers of the Olab cigars, Go T. received, Goods forwarded mm day order JJJfy, 2 : , .. do. , - '? the dtp j ia of chant free Goods 7 W ru7deliver , r hlrniiSity- ca $10 "pcsasid.bf TEAST POWDERS , at th and ; depot. feud sch.peobcr to de- - If you wtnt durable Furniture, go to Merriil Prerion the k at Tlcot to ft dox....;.............$2 79 BoomS; TvBg J. W. Lezher. si be; Is .s workman and SUNDSXEa. . Hooas. ir Uintah; .;i A " up hie jswtk its substantial 1manner, l.A.t too ,f Bed Lead $ .m i de2-tf oflos. 5 tbsTost tMv Shot ft bag $60 oaooaoaoa. Oried . f 4 All kinds ef CuUfsrnia . I IfSakl Starch ft lb a m ! I80 FroU atACacsffCinicfficionds. n AIlDEfl riIAIIlDIlESflEn, Green Adi 'T Wtat a dollar pracfintJoa ben fa, to mob onr of thl Wtaead deportment and Monearner j Martians flhreef, Corinno. Will tocat cf our i$h a petlity, and hal rovl It from day Palace, Clothing paper yonng men tana streets, is the place to ext the latent assortment J. W. Lesbsr hasths iMges isvsr rv4U,' fctep to the front and cmVmce the Goods. and Fttlfifebit best Furoitar and oppor- style opened flats, Cap pf quality ruo 1 dek-t- f tuuiiy?. Xow the tim. , in .Utah Tsfrltory. ; floldlergs. 3iv cr S (Jlcrsyniiii read tock ? iou... ,a Bitter , Freslt Oysters and lenkons .1 at Goldberg. Tlie Marble Front Clothing tree jl n Tobacco Clicvv'ing 1 I Days . Ics4 Than Four ., . - 3()C ) : nol8-t- f j ttosshns U nssii I Cbeiouton A Munbo retail price of California Flour, (o $5 per hundred.' Let us have bread. dl8tf Buckwheat FibuB st Creighton A Mondl8tf ros. has the ? largest stock in tbe city at wholesale, only. 3 I" ; p.g,on. ' ha vo reduced the iy- - ss wuiibwu., WllllltJ 8cblot,u,in ,85e -- - homeitlo an.Groceries, grocri.., inlh.origin.l - All Kinds of Furs bought at Ad. . f I been more pleasing 10 the people of the butter. ......COc Territories,, but .we .believe the General fubitt roUs...;.! eoos. hss never asked thepositlon and probably I .....'...COo bis Wends have hevr brged it for him to 71 dozcD................ baoon. extent The Mormons will find ......Me shifter able to hold his own where any: state, v ;Lake -bet fi.. 100......f,..J.-- f -450 -- - j- - 20(3 - rMbirrlM. Blackberries..... Go to T. Ollier's for loads of merchandise, etc, A single weigh 50 cents, empty return 25 cents. of the; ' celebrated .Arbni Fmn'vs, MawnerV four si.nplil'ying jiateiits; one i'if the lloiurt, known to the ; trade. Apply at thin office.;-;;'- Iuu Sale. : I ib.............v..; e . lllirse IIay SrnK. now in order for wtluhi. glue beavieKt arellH Jamkm Campbell, r 8upt. Sub Luke Division. ..30c ..Me Sbofftsr U a man of ptn6 Apple ucuteueaa, besides t i 50 2 50 . . 1 Fiiends!Ittoyonr v Brandy CocktaiL...... old TcinOin, tine.,...; v common......... Claret.. Catawbs wine. MlMOurl Vlntag I ......r33';c rCMiirs y I Ech, bett t!iiune to Bonneville. 4 1 it tl - Presidents reatl It. aU?C H40 TtmXfilAy'H' Planuu.w Biller lied Jacket Aouostuts Dokct't DOtirbOf) ' I i .t ', . 13c , 'ud I onr cmzeus I a good appoiutiuoote I IHaui when von wautV something nice. v w w f , .pTelcrranb.W box..,.matches., frint mvivwww . f . - J ; ' . ... j ,llur TjcKitra By the subjulnvd notice j for dcieudant. due it will I v be Keeu that a cohsiderablv.n I N CV (xOOdi I - (xood . Goo , , ; tr)o Ini lfvtF ttiotlo in LUUroiid furtti re J I Fine. Goods SIS bfltn I.. Tib- ccuUy Ulweeurinne, 'Ohdeu' and the ttnd Filth ts. of Muutsns comer 1 roiuoctqry, if parties will avuil them- - j bals, jg DOW receiving a large stock 3of. Wines, selves of- - ths opportunity offered q buy J Liquors aud Cigars,1 from tbe east. Also brands ot California AVinea. j Go to dickets befhre entering the cars.3 ' Any of i4 . ; 'The , r . 7 ticH .4 . .' .42o s e J - J iteart foutdeiis. i .t i I Merrill Tbox Preetuuk the nominations flDLDfeakioc of other dbied fiujit. I Current "P lb Denver Tributtx says 7 ntu-I ? pm.. fiS'aiims'tfuisl At 'the,'rresidentil0n)i-Wilnou Shaffer of lUiuoia, to be J BUcbbrrcf Vwix 1 Ileal 4 .i . V J. i. I. VYbiicIbm '".Through toe.MSan i f C : w.U 4Zr.V fxr- - ; w . 4nl on : I - ,t Qj. -- L I 9 vl ri i-if "b$T I PAOmPZO'; fV- - C UKfcKC. 4U ,il I I V :o.T5a b.ilW'.uayep.4.; Fml .nA siitu; v,uu.U hmt Jp naner. I (Jeorge WZ.5 q 12c U-a- It ! r ve h a tt & V ss ..lie .... (MMitM(ltt.ltttM Java A lb A Ulo clint6 Imperial H !h and review the propertyof MrEves, but forwbatwe have done.,M. If without claim by of them."After Was noi aVovel strike and one; in deAd Wo choice lb.. aeeeeesaeseeeeee 33! , ...bw tryf.spTt COAU Wiinaihson,H of and corner MonUna; 'flight'ths'actfoti replevin earnest loo, thefl, we dont know what Ifc lifneatiiig Office, 00 i tOQ ' I ' wM instituted bjf Lumau,: Tbe caso baa you call . it ; The consequence WW t s3 . Sixth sts, (jMt 'V bvoaMn fall- -' I iwlvf 16 tried w on. before the! first ben P: Conway: care the with juriesi : r ipment i . , Sr-"''"F.Ti-T- before a 4 -- Dll ooU.n reMiwr.; logw lo gre. Ttt jnron, fblrwby Jiulv.rJiot .Ddoo--1 W il. (IlMODll, .........aoo v 8. Wild; frank KnighV ftia flowing bow at I sugar Uouss gaL. jury commenced pulh 30th uf Dec., (j. , .Pratt L. P1 H;'iff CAMDLXM ... - .. . I ,...,1 I.L . 4 corrxK. 1 :,3 XL ubcrtbe for . .l'V Me ............ ....... and Offioenear msi. 1870. :o; Men Droftana p do..... ....ItlMOO S4 flO hoy boots IS rase. 47Ai St 00 case M sc s heavy kip M4V7H 00 Miner a. sralieA. 71SM 00 French kip. beavydouple aole. 70(t S7 00 French caif,fc tap aole. N 00 Men'a, Buffalo Fur lined, boot. Ladle calf, heavy douple o!e. V do. ltH? 24 00 do .fine awed ho9PKdoS.... 949S00 fw-Virg- Blackfoot son, agent 41 - !6oors Tdr nrons . 21st of up jQr! Conp Decembrlii; and J met4 WUliam800, i with II however, they agreed upon that, and an- ''h111 constantly and publlcly associ- - nounced their verdict as follows : That until the 26thjvhen tbs latter sud- - J ws will tti0g ih no. Verdict ; that we will I 'Mi M 8, ... r -- we flml moat novel of all strikes. Alter n long and tedious trial . . i ;n0llTE . mw eeeeeeeeeesweeeeeceeeeeeeV'j eseeseeeeseeeeeeeeeaeeeeeseaeeeeeeXTO nE4rVt 1 5 jd Caltfscnta. ublTs akt ymeee e leaves-daUy. v.. MiIwaukBottled I p. j - '.i- -- tbonty to J J 1 0r' 11. -- . 1 m - .1'' l .n tS.l-.- -t: . .- : V-- .3 -i 7:1 . - - s- -- t .t - .?! v'- -7 - si3; aciot, .'tiu . w- " nol$4X iv.r. .. t f.i i l a w V . ; CCX2INNE. - .1 '& r m&an" ccrj;ncTnruL i?v'f to. . o:..1;-- " Something far eoery 210 ME, that unit trm ) mfuMmmjA.h-.. A uomnuo prayer, Cmo-LtV-rtrESarCEatrnii- ng n U$ Hrt v- praoOMtX ZliEM 111' "Mai i lr - 4. .. Cood stemp for Oe$iniiXCSk V2T - ? -- . ort-I-q for iKtart ur l " EStMSr. B.a.nurrC3.Csa 13, ;.", near Aik your Picture Dealer for 1 Chicago. it, 416$ y S 1 |