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Show - 4 H t; such women, are his wives, his acts introducing, treat Qw, or d Vrfiog bictself towards tbemas oneb, shJ, unless nbutted, be sufficiQt io sustair the prosecution: and in ah Caps iu whicbi womau is' accused, tbe same roles of esideuce shall apply to her afcts aud admissions. Sec. IA Andie It further enacted. That .sny man in Said Territory, w ho frball after til's act goes iuto effect, live or cohabit with ot.e womau or moie, other than his Dw.ul wife,' ns his wife nr wive, 'shall be adjudged guilty of tbe crime of coocnbin-aejan- d npon couv(ctuu thereof, shall bi punished by fine not- exceeding one thousand dolUre, and by imprisonment in tbe peniUutinry at hard labor, not exceeding five years, and lu all prosecutions for tbe violation of this section the aflegod the accused shall be competent witnesses to establish . or disprove ' the made charge: ZVoridt,Tbat no statement used shall be aiich witnesses against by auy admitted, or allowed to effect them ia oy manner in any case whatsoever, and an indictment charging said crime to have been .committed, with, more, than one woman, will Je sustained by proofi showing tbe same to have been committed with one only or more. Sec. 15, And Ue it further enacted. That the statutes of limitations shall not bar a prosecution for any of the crimes pecl tied in this act, nor for the crime of bigs hereafter my. conoubinage, or adultery,, ' ' Ban Firancisco, 6. Th telegraph etlll congiuCt no jopentorVf in tjhe iuUcrupoon j jowtver t are ConCJent thekaat igeinen Jt of I la mci ore-Wi- re the and wirtbelione. the! ) ou the 27th of Aogoti eaoght TEURHDAVi&esiaariAttUAUY 6. AStWM?a WWf Tf the or Citr,Conntr ilfoitM nttd' ffeJUltted 3 '. HALLY.' ?? States - t GRAND o !u.. w Our young sleter Wyoi mania for ouUlripplng ml) I tort Ineictatidlogthe dom to Use gteatwt humtLft9 or lees, has evidently outstripped herself as Uie following extract from her recently booked feminine law E f ei jr ' wnffih81iCwTt'fcif(!TtTlUSr Tts U'lxW o(Ut of worqan .having attained the age of Co-rinm- o evar-siaetlo- y- -- n -- hnUdiagtfiJo. bnKrrrf y people of nuuexation to ItUbo. Tbe Territory fcaye ariHlbo -- their lnWresUt(od;Ud)iehfss is n Influence of regardless all-powerf- ul, or condition,-ncconipllshmcnts- circumstances,, may, without any jpreviops jvsjdenccl resirjejuatitmtl ftcanons br ntclll-gencc property Tills Is prob"rtmt htr vote. ably all right nud, all ,wc could exited Trom sister. Wyoming In her virgin efforts to do Homethlng pretty' - 1 n whit I. , ..- iCTficarrt i : .V ' ' -, - the sXj XiaCityyt their on6e, and seema to nave fhfmed a very Dvj compclleci to accede nt mands. official tivorhlo opinion. A the lint Judge Haulerorr of Uiq Supreme -- 4 of thut people in their new hcjnsV. Cotlrtlias resigned. transhis hHtratlou is worthy of being Heliable intelligence from the admifaw Tracer "scribed.eetWg swai"eigsils gold- - diggings recently discovered in Peace Hi ver county, says ss wy proceed : are Mc Tichcst and most exten-idv- e 'Pefore reaching Great Balt Lika City yet struck. I bad learned from various sources that extensive vein of bituminous An Mormon tnoeti tTnwiMness was'feitby the has coal been discovered on tbe line fcomtnnnUy atmy iaotieipated coming K. R., and Oregon California of the would told that was they hmopjgpaetn. I e Chlcor-Thvein Is never PprtaitXTfyjXlJieir faulty 28 miles above frimi 80 ftwt thick iand free to be model whfiw tl. whj sulphur. that If I persevered in attempting to carry The'discovery is regarded of gtest it on, my life would not be safe. Utterly Imiortance, being the first ever disregarding, indeed not yvhjjMbq. least made in that section. crcdCfrMd ihere losona.nojarY al ouco "New York. 6. Irene Logan, a noeallettm Brigham y oUsithe 'pre i torious female connected with) the . 120,-00- 0, br-gha- I - ac-ooo- f thy - u, 1 t4 -- u. - ur Wo Want to i know uponwhat the, above axMertiqn ; tmi I aaeil ? J udge Thoniaa J. Drake, for six years A'MOcinto Justice of tlic Judicial I)lstrlct of Utah, Halt a careful statlsticiun and one of tfie nu-thor- ity ob-jo- writes that Russia lias seized some of the northern Islands of the Japand I he people over whom he presided anese Em pi re, and the belief prevails that It is.tiie intention of the had been very much, disturbed and that tbe Goveinmeut should send Czar. to ultimately absorb the pntlr out a party into, tlieir eouutry so soon country. alLr they bad made their settlement; Philadelphia, 5. Yesterday the t tint W had best J of tbj roni mUL toq pf JohuwnsMaxson & Bon.at tli As tcfllhiJ slheo it4 utitKeV totally destroyed and that the whole comma-mt- y ManayUnk were extremely nnxions as to what by fire. Loss, $50, 000; insured. Providence, It. I., 5. John lit. could be thB design of thGoyeriunent iu such krrooSiai ntA . It Appealvd, lew, that Eintnik,' leading "Odd Fellow, died their slarm bad bee u increased bv the last nlgt very suddenly In Odd Fel- xppduiAncred,thrtt he duliioff beKitsteTo asJinitflWth he s eur-pti-ie- d ! vim AxivswErrmsABTs. Music' "Tbe Mormon WalU. ' . 'J , ' Willittb II. Jr., mse ami WdJ bcstpostcd nien on' Utah outside of that tlie t Ao Fisher, A tbibgs' wer)r opisil the .tithing ofllce, iKsitlvely wife was very different from a sweet heart, and backs . hie a.siwVtioH.'Witli aod as a uril thing . the latter was .to Ho regretted that fils' own facta and figures from Mdnnon cena wis-- t hearts wr not present, and wives sus takers themselves, that there are hut the rg m wan limited. Mr. Fisher hot 75,000 human leings in Utali to- f hot! .defended ptdJltaniy rcild eloqneiply bUsmy. .trigsmiyi Vn4tvuM day, nor wns there ever tlint number hsahigwwl vo gone fmterinhis reckless career Is a at any one time. Judge trakc Imd not the Presideut checked him by manias cWer yone k no Ws th a t k hows hitting him in the eye with n champagne him at all, to be relied upon; onp cork. riiilt. Post dc-cla- ret r ,l! A of the Tew Federal appointments In this Territory that always maintained the dignity of hlft'oflUyJaiifl the only IT.H. Judtre that cvct'n mained In ofilccaml in tin Territory for the full 'term that he whs np-- 1 k n ted , reg! i r d lci of t h ej Tears arid hierarchy. , The ns- tlattcry' of-tsertlon also that the cost of irrigating, making canals; fcc. during the last year was $S, 247, 0d.) Ustill farther from tfie truth than the population f r ? r 5 n. r; J i BY s i. figures. We conscientiously regret to state,, ns before, that there Is not that amount of money hi the Terrinor was there ever that tory nnnWni fttf.any, onjf neither tiio and Would all Irrigating public to-da- y, thf Improvements, male by the Mor- mons since they first landed in" the Territory, amount to that sum. Of eoursc It would Illy show-In- g become tis mnk of public improvements alfid population In our adopted Territory If such were not the facts. is such a profound humbug that the fears of enthusiast le -I- xyiUcf Mien tvTUUiictorhilkipg it up are, that they will not exaggerate it enough for instance, such as .Madam Adouard, who told an intelligent audience In Xew York thatn Siut' Lake City contained a populu-tblof ts,o,K the old 8, tWU being tlnliks. AYe(m(gJit produce a thousand IfistamHH of this same sort where the virtue, wealth nml enterprise of Mormon Lin was exaggera-te- d in a like manner, hut the above Is 'AifilcleiMf fnhoVrd'to sufllcti at ' IO present. I; one-ha- lf . Mor-monis- m r t Ui r - I . j . fioF. ur.V lot. Our very uuwwthy coteinporury tli6Salt I take Tvlfffraph has passed ' 111 its chcvksp In pother words, has falltni, suspended j busted, repiidlaWd its contracts, defrauded (hcredltors - -- , i nolxsly except those tliarpiUd advanoe for aubscrlytlous, course? C Jn atlvcr-tlsemen- ts, U. DU IDLE. i 1 r,ILTILi:SlX he i r. XIII. 1 iif i HOME PAPERS. t UTAH. ' I t- - 4 etc., will regret the failure, 'and' oven they might as well lioantaintcr in this region, who hair been rojoloo at tholr good luck In iipt get- engaged in tkJudiaa trade hero aud the bead Lvkdof he1 JflssoQil and ting victimized fmbfoV Thc has- long 'been considered a Colombia since 1819, t Early in 1849 Gen. dead beat, laud Its' failure ouly a jtyiyo nywly, appoiatdIodiAi Agent matter of time, and that tlmo only for California, p issed through Salt Lake a sloH' ftoy, aud' fate the City, a Jongjasltho managers could the employees ind putthem ame year Captain Howard Stanabury, of eaunorulo the U. H. ToJOgraphical Engineers, i rfth off I 4 , np-o- u Tt.'t-flkt- S ph - tle-tv- iv ; 4 with-promise- s. treached the city and ..remained tilt the itppllos to employees ks.pUier credl -i tifrxt Mar. This with' his assist- . officer,5 ore they are In bigdwk to; getting , !. I. ii 1 ' aet ont from utennut Li Gnunison, ant, rwholo bouirsi . the soonl so df off onMxe 31t of May outfit of press, Xype and material 1 Leavenworth, Kunsas,' tbe Bine River to its consecrated, so tliey have no cliauco 1849; traveling npover to the . . - i i Platte and of realizing any tkiag on. their hartl head, lie crossed followed the main emigrant route as farsa earnings. 'Tlk well.'however.that lAt Bridget, Tbac he f esnfpredto tle begl lining-o- ilUo euu -- e f U .fCotalng even tscssAUiel rsli adows.1 A repetition of Mormon enterprUc(?) In KlrUand, Far West and Nauvoo : tier : The dwnfbofthp .? oo-Pw- ra tlvo dwindle, the fihtef the tHUves ruoro (Wrect rente j of Uia.on9 than the Iike nsnally followed, tfiA wlSibo, MAclf required a northing? of nearly twdsgreca. In he followed pnrsnat)(e cif his intention to road"' Bear Mormon tbe et River, northstream, downjhat tbeneqllqwed Mediciaeto miles BuUe, from ward, sit which he sought a ronte dne west, bat ohlicsd lo turu MitLJto, jjifi jqpth I'Fcl mwa!8ss CekTliy slon of the leftlsrtti and Uie hanging oHrighamto Tlille , -- iij One BcaroelyWhovJ whether to wonder more at jtlie .singular ideas of the tLe 11 unto ess with which a Gov- i i j lu ernmeui otlicer acknowledges that he could not carry out apahhe work without their conseut. He nckuowldg-- s the courtesy" and assistunreof tho Morruous, as soon as the ffpu olgect ofthe expedition was nudrsto d. ' His party were 'probably the fiiitCTeii tiles whoever spent more thi)t)ji uiQuU,cr twoht Balt Lake Mor-mons- I , foTWulteryresjie i ri-da- reduced prices.- - . from tW VMlsyand 5 r only, retarded ( n r At tlni sale of pews inwBeecherfl f " 000 was rechurch last night, alized. The Western Union Telegraph operators struck yesterday afternoon nearly ult leaving tbvjr work. The company say there is no ground for he strike, that no salaries have been reduced, but they will not permit any organization to dictate to theni who, or how many men tlieyd shall 'employ for the transaction of their business, The operators last card to their night Addressed, brethren throughout the Union asking united action. $-5- ; i 4 41mt CoNonuss, 11. IDE IX im'E It. 2d Behmion., GOG. RErRESEmTIVE. OF DWEMBtn It-- ad -- j l6y. t a' -. 1 t' ; ru.i PUANI8HING GOODS'; r - it ? i. frti 5 : . i I. t i,., West .o,,thi! Alissouri lliyei - - f i fa 1 -- r . 14 t. tf i .. la J iln i i ll - t, Ntoulana ,r. 21, 18(59. ;l ii to (be Couiuiiitco ou tbs TviuturuH, ami ordered to bo prtuted. . ' t Cult Mr. m, folloaiubul: on Je.ivo, iatrodaced tbe Ami bs U ftuturtvtded. That tbe said first judicial district tluill embrace tbe couuties uf iltll.ird, Sauptte Sevier, Piute, Reaver, Iron, Washington, Rio Virgin, nud Kane, aud that tbe regulsr terms of tbe court thereof shall be held ut the city of Beaver, iu , SaidL oOUAiy of Beaver, commeuciug ou tbe first Monday of Jaue iu enob year;,-- That the suid secoud judicial district shall embruce tbe con u ties of Tooele, Balt Lake, Utah, .Mrul JuatAsAad tbst the regular terms thereof shall be held at Balt Luke City, commeuciug ou the first Moudays 'or February, --May, vud Beptember, in each year; That the third judicial district shall embrace': the tebofitics of Davis, Morgan, Summit, Boxelder, Cash, Weber and Highland,' trad Ikstrvenkwterme n Bsc.. 10. ' ' - . I -- 1 . - . 5 ry u . 'i- ' V 1 . i itOgn'-City.i- . Corf line, Utah. j It. Preprleter ' HART1X, 'r To t-- din-tan- co Mp.-ct-- iit IS FRED & HOUEirS Billiard Table always ' in good order. ,k firat-clai- A -". A .... .... A.... , oc7-3- ; uT;','! na'YAN; .fr .i; q. B. LOIIEN A f orals more. Colli . ..ii ; t ..Mi.nniit ft ' .j a s' ,j iyotict: -' - js,. .isWii .. i f ,ia . PAnPEirrTfifi .ri ; if ; Ait'iii . ' -- ii 'uTiritf.' a ' LditHrs.-OefTIDniTV- f: . ,f AJ0 CUiiaEOtT. Jtt. .. at' -- Or OsllsXrom.th to. 1 rtr If i t tmderthensi la the Livery uvaji. sen tori e dlssolWl - Iorter. - I- vms&&nn; - wtmwfcaKm"' v ,ucn2ssfc?pm. 1 roii, bfflee Biil h)i kiv j, CltVaiNNEr.'tJTAl1 notrit V M rC 20ritme ! -- i m i As nadenignod will receiveatstorkl there-1- . J oxlsttng Herd, on sad nftsr this date, ft Ita waA oTlrrd, iflfth thstmtthecoonut. :kilU; sttMU '-'- :Mc . ( rurva ymu? b (he pcmnl- -, R. G. Cxmmu, O. HOLLAND. - ; : - in this dty. on the 1st nay of the nanllVoeponslSiUUes wlH hs contUned by DeBOsaYoT. ICX. The ths seLi tstv rest i- --.r - CC028, SFfiTwnrBRYr fiB f , , i... tex oPAtenreasgi iredef-lta- - ,! (- DZALEU IN sUeoded country promptly oeeo-t- DIC30LUTIOITITOTIOI1 r . ' ? i .4 i Walker A MeKutfauDnig Sore, V :4nd: jciheq 'fnirtk Omlr s - , FXrtTftCUkl - Ojfice Q. BUBOX8S, (the Oa) -- . Ale And bra fed i.;-1-: v GEO. L. HOLT, ., w V7BriHC3AG)E; Oil Hf 1 ufor Brewer, BemU nol-t- f expla-wuio- .i ' r Agent v r , Retail Dealer b ! sopT-t- f -t ,(- -- w k loleaalaud , 4a r; CO., Prop - The publio are notified, that Jon Rimmoxb, at ' 041 ' 4T a .sf. W i i ,' .4V:vi the Railroad frtktlon, Ogden, k( pa the BERT v DO FllERU erpendeA upon tits yaTERSi RIQH FECT k ka Call r.Tnere has been hut MThfrr-U ro?aruK iifiiMujvii.edit consider- Jatl Win bell's Gev) aud try them? , nbls dne from cUisms tbst timed saabec-iptio- n Jan4-t- t , maintain s Jail and recently, to rUabliih and col here. Mr, Sowell baa alrea-lpolleeloro lected fMOO 00 on thOMbCrfpBo, for which be ot Tbo eitfcnno ask ref eee te gtvo any oooomrt n of this ' matter, .and .reqoeot all so those they i . plat iatloa of wh . . ; s' of, he wiu or otietM. .!i f ot books old end balancing WHO PAID, qmZKX jTtZ WbekoepUonbfe7 flrfeisde new eet I The sbove le false si to iks fmonnt eotlected Address, A. B.,' Krromixm Omen, Corinns. deaft-a? 8. Q., SEWELL. or expended; CoegsjBfoeuhr 4 It Li i e2l-4- . ft' Wk CUNQUITIIS, ft ,?! -- I i .it'd jJ . wiqbbbbs i. ( - . heretofore existing .the and known ss tbs firm of Hows, , Renatas A Co, Is this dsy dissolved by mutual eansanL by ths withdrawal of i. Q. Bcnoasa of BohUn, Indiana, of his enttrs interest la ths firm. . AU debts and coll actions of ths firm will be settled by the new firm of Hows k Bmorw. , Ttwcb-- make Tbo proprietors beg leave nounceaifut rbavtbey have opued a elo1'., ,, atauranC wnd are prepSred toeervw 1 , In a tme epienrean style. Keep constantly on hand fine wattchessud Jewelry, guns, pistols, and - amts unttton. of; air flne yaars, tobacco, and all ftnok. kinds. Alao, era' artlch-s- . Repairing done in thr beat workmanlike tnanner, and all work warranted. t DisSoittrioif J S !H 9 oobENUTXn, J. W, BOOTH. ,rS - thd-U-- 6a s: ,? JEVElEno have partnerabio. Any drbta due said Arm will be ooilected by me. EF.T UTW The finest Imported LlquorK. Crown CiKare. Tom k Jerry, Hot always on hand-Ca-ll and see na.' W A T C U M A KE R; S, dt-TR- T. TUV'H . I com:::. PARPEN OOHSQGL, iu m .Jl t M0.TANXSTK t " t ; OSCEOLA SAIiOOK - i IH jit q Meats on. arrival of all Trains. - Warm Ucotr. A9- u i ; ir.v. BT.i.swonrri,'if prop. -- N. K.VNADEY, P. It. R. EATING IIORE V. v ft tiJlIntaiia Omt, COHINNK, UTAH, I .. V i and Shoes. llooti r p ..I,..,, . . ; , 1 FHED TAYLOR. HOMER HEWINS IN DHYtGOODS & CLOTHING ; chare of nubile patronage aolicttrd. Come and ace ns. Boy, if you wut a good game, a good drink, or a song. . COII Y, M ' A; ; Band. LUNCH ALWAYS ON I HEREBY rOBBID ALL TER SON H, OWING the late firm of BOOTH k 'O, ' of Bonneville, tvr aditrm. toJTfCHar-mai- . pajtB gaily aa we . dUaolrea in ell prosecutions for bigamy It sheU trot tTneeary 'to prove either the first or eitAeqaiAt mfnUgee, by tbe rewnlwer. :wifc, his declsratioue and admisetoostbat neat fivallly of XVlnes, Liquors und Cigars o nitaailyon band fIH J It UOTIOBIf: frra&rkTt or adultery, STOllE.: hi ! ; fij, OKALKUM '- jani-4- w Vf' itoTibE! -- f u ri- - DAVIS ; TUEODORK U. AUERBACH. 4! i . FRAMING) IM dne us at Troy. Alabama, must be settled with SI ; f y, Two ,J ; d pr-imr- I ETC" coiunni; ttaii. drtfrtf Invt ineata that ran be prornml tbe Territory, Ordt-r- a at who'.oMalo and retail f om a and i rumptlj att ndrd to mab a ' di3ifrtf h JHISIfJLDL-- A j l.orillM,,; ( CROCKChY, GU5SW1KF, Montana s n: ei; r, tho bov- - wi ll Viiown market, nviug opeiiMt turnih I am tlie Uri-e-t variety and in issx. I r Soots and Shoes, (ktrner Fifth and Montana Streets, BmEIWniP heretofore exltln between the under igned under the firm ot F. Acebs-ck Baos. has tbla day been dissolved faevamnial eoyweft . AU accoanM and notes due he eettkd1rtU t' e m ufthla Twttenry new him efQft twmlen ft EMi., frod all doi.U - i. dealers! in DRY, ROODS AND CO-P- A - - L. REGGEL&CO .i' CITY MARKET. Dissolution notice! w ' V ( MISCELLANEOUS ADVTK. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .o... jani-l- .. . - , r ' , . ; dt30-l- m THE , The proprietor lias spared no pains rior expense iu making1. this the most eomfortuble place to jmims away an hour or two at tliegreatNatiouiI Game;. Golden Crown Cigars, and the best of .Ales, Wines uml'I.iUr-- , always oii hand. no4 3m .). C. JiUMiY, Prop. - -- ?' : i - .,- p w-ssttsts- s. t t,f 1 ; Vo-alc- ii, e THE LARGEST AND FINEST PITTED UP ROOM IK - v ' ' ' ' : MOUNTAINS. THE ' a purposes. -- i-t- pm-mm- Iu aid of the ext'cutiou of the laws in tbo : IVrritorv oftUtuhaml for other . I ' s ' f I , m: ! they shall be I lawfully discharged from .i custody. ! n Sec. 18. Ami be it farther enacted. That, if tbe Uuited States marshal or any of liix deputies bhall be resisted or threatened witn resistance, (n the execution of, apy writ,' order, vptoceH.Vjudtaeut, or decree, of auy court o judge of said Territorjv suid marshsl or either of bis deputies, may, if iu their, judgment, assistance is necessary, apply to tbe commander, or prsou iu charge, . of any .'military-camor post of the United States in said Territory, or to noy one having charge of troops of tbe Uuiied States thertin, for n potm to aid sneb officer; and upon hucIi Applicatiou .being made, t ttiocoujmauder, or persdu iu efiarge of camp, post, or .troops, is hereby authorized and directed to detirtl ft huITc eit uiltular of men taeuforce ih writ or other process whatever it nluy bef which is btiug. or is threnttued t be resisted. - And said uitr-slm- t, or either of bin may make friich asMHtHuee when for application to anppreKH any uiob; rior, or otlier diHturlMiice of tho peace. ' Six. 19. And be it further enacted. That it KhAli be tbe duty of the governor ot Haid Territory, so .often as it shall ftpenr or eanae tojlw Jupec-ted- , the jails and other prixon in suid are Territory, and the foanne'r held, treated, and imprisoned therein. And the governor shall make rules for the regulation and povernmeut of said, jails and prisons; and he is hereby empowered to remove the wardens and keepers ot all jails and prisons or other officers conncc ted therewith, and a ppoint other j a their stead as often as in, his opinion the publio ' good shall require. pec-nHftAf- ; - t ( f twici-- , ufem-i- l CM n'- A. 1 E. P. r ,w i v! ; H- - Jnassnr, D. htumx.J f fir. - f ar CAPS, DOOTS, AVAREIIATS, AND shoes,-clothing- ait t.() - til . LIQUORS OROCEttlES. PnOVISIONS. WrNES, HARDCIGARS, PAINTS, OIL,. GLASS, V nec-esrta- , brtehT,OifhWst through the head wlth-- i1- I U psrtrfiraafs astssJs " . , ion :io 6. The ..r. i THE LAEOEST ANfr BEST ASSOirrMENT, OF -- . to-da- ST the dVebenFrpm T 1 y d br ufCl ew.X?rk Tbi;ef of other mercantile failures The Cunard packet left y' solely on tbe contract of the parties, folwithout the mail. lowed by cohabitation, there being no Bt. LotAS, fitK-t- h'e extensive forn,i manner, ft. rewmoitA) prescribed wholesale drug houso of Doenk A by the lews of aaid Territory for tbe Co. Is now burning, with fair prosof this important relation ia pect of , total .destruction.. The 2 stock Is valued at $00,000; insurance ff m. X 5 ay r AW Vl, H on. i UTAH. . i -- . J, . -- ftf ; r(vvT -- !3. to-d- fTG C trw' 1 j - 2 If V COHII'TI'TE, ... f follow-ing?l- thereof shill' be held 6.-H- ' t bibttdui tbe'ltamtblr&sf wpfNe tfomtiffeaced-litlocr said county of Boxelder, and shall commence on the first Moudays of Jauuary and June lu each year: but the time of commencing said regular Ur mi of said several couits may be changed by Lbe ASSOCIATED PKEKH DlMPATCHJ.S 1IKCOBTK1) when, it aha 1 appear to him governor, BY TK W. V. T. COMPANY. a different time would accommodate that t the judge aud tbe people of tbe .said several districts letter. v VV. U. T. Co. Bsc. 11. A nd be Ufudher enacted, That iu crimiuai cases Isith tbe prosecution and the accused shall have the right aud Strikoff4hc Employees. privilege to challenge, for cause, the array and polls, both of the grand aud Fearful ;r:f Tragedy. and in all prosecutions for petit jury, amt the crimes specified in this bigamy, New Gold Diggings. act, no persou frball beconipcttut to serve, eifiiVrYj gr kn dor JtiCu'iurW hV believes iu, advocates, or practices bigamy 'or polygamy, and upon that fact a peuring bynuimtiomoa vokipre qf qltmrwise, rXIueh f.eMoe skidt hot be pemiifioU td serve KTtZ-ETf. us a juro., Aud, Ju all criminal irials eucl of the porties'shali hare tfierfght tocbal lenge peremptonl) six of the petit ju.ors. Bza )i. And be it further enacted. That Wm. I.. Riclimond, V,, in ail prosecutions for. bigamy or adultery, former member of Zoggln, Congress from Virginia, and the Whig can- - the lawful wife of the accosed shall be a competeut witness to prove both tbe first of audaubaequenaeriageor uo wtberqitfrpose. lambasA arc rumors 5, -- . or w' perren.-wharccfimi- iscou-s-queali- Ac. v That section the last sentence in the tblrty-firfc- t JiAi. wt ! a.w . J .iu. rt . I of an actdf'tbe legtstotree ofUtabren-to orders by mtUl., Goods shlimed tlie .dnytitled An act in relation to crimes and IioT Careful attciitjon received. are The orders jonly' exclusive Axliolesale TtiS Pu u Corlnue In dell-tHouse f teen huuurea and fiflyTwo, which IS In U1 on ,the cqppUint of the kuHWud or wie, be. aud the same is hereby, disapproved lows llnli, and 5.' Demorepealed. i And (that the residue of N. The Concord, II,, cratic State Convention which meets said section, which in the words kits Every here y promises to lie the largsaafl' be' punished est held for years.' John ltedell will the crime Of adalttiy not exceeding twenty by imprisoument for Govundoubtedly be nominated than uor three lean, years, or by fiue yearn ernor and Gen. M. T. Donahue for cue dollars nand cxccOdiug thopsau npt itailroad Commissioner. not less than throe huudred, dollars, or by atthediHcre New York, 5. Another strange both fine and impriHmiment. and the same is be, court,trngedy occurred,, in this cityjthis tionoftbe and any nud .enacted, Sbth on near 6th aveiiuo, hereby .adopted morning tlie fourtremo ol fejatSbh tbisSfNfWif; In one street. oftlie most elegant act, ana ihd nct,gfifo,d mansions in that quarter. A young tjn ttefh of this be may charged in neparate coiints man, Jas. B. - Pell,' son of it. L. bigamy wbirh iqdtrtiaent Pell, committed suicide by cutting iifthOBiiktltwliCtnaent, ede fltiity ally iigsitnt tle his throat from ear to car with a made and roidd. frUQh csv-razor. The alleged cause of this sUtutcin 17." Atd oeUfurtfur'enacteJt.fhat, drcatlful deed isTbe death of a fa- iu Baa' cases-o- r ail proceeiugs ifwhere imprivorite 0 brother iid(MtI)C ft frJtther sonment may be there be no ordered, Investigations may develope otlier jail or prison ifi Whjfdi Alii person - or reasons. be be imprit-ouecull with aafi-tThe telegraph ojierators of thirty-fou- r kept, tothe'eourt such ordr oy umy judge of the principal cities are now of persons confined in any milion a otrike.on account of the alleged person tary prison or oamp of the United Biates reduction .of. wages of two operators inr surd Territory; and the officer or per in Ban Francisco. Nearly all tho soaiu command ,of .such, prison or, camp operators in this city, both male is hereby snthrvd and Required, on the und femule, have Joined the strike. order'of the court or judge, to Veeelve and .The business, however, is not stop-pip- rifely keep such person or persons until t ut , itH f rvx Ol 1 till ilk" f pr New York, thirteen Spanish gunboats lying below in the frcblngon. bay registration c ctitileate turner, o5 other jr ' tbb iiavajid left a. rendezvous of to tbe the 0uen Hole, long '.J T" A. 8. 8hreveport,,Xa., :6ai.-T-L- t. Kortknecb DanQoespnqr.rw izrfant of U. son A B, C. of 8. Colby, prove a other cases, and Colby its fine range for etoek ia winter. From of the Treasury Department, sul proof pf oqbahitrHoaby the ecosedwith c,U Pl rtibdi fcy ibMtiejiblcssU ktfiretbao - oea wcs55i ae. kssbandtaod AH the latwsl' paUications at'EUMts sk thif iJCiwe.bqrpl a hledS , 4 tfA ' f 7, thtuA eriy, evident ur-po- se Mis-Hour- For two years nfter settling iu Utah the seem tothsvtr'hsd'ftr ilk. Monnoirf Iheir 1 W w 4 .wr own way ; if there were Gcutiies resident iu Silt Like City before lSPJ. they were brivea . before history iimkes uo .mention ot them. Of course there were trappers nud monntniuvera who fw occ.ioaidly vitejl tho. cjty ,aid An sakl'llud Wiiy 'parties Ofcmigbmt's before the great rush of 49 Lieutenant Itnxum's LiIj ill the Far Went" giea ho count of a visit to the uew city, which is both amusing nml romantic, and M. ViA-k-- t, the French chief aiuoug the Sho-li- o iiHK, v ieit el I hh Jftkmou' e ttleuie n t s soon Miter their eatablishment. For three Mormons all devoted tbe their enyears t ergies delitsngjtUa rouutry Uid getting ready to live; theirextreme poverty nreveuted th-- ir being either very enter- t .5. if i S , prtiug in rcncuiug out towards their neighbors or particularly anxious to encroach on an Oie.1 Quifa $ Humber of Gentiles had met with them in various , on the piaius and accompanied places hew some distance; but Col. Thos, L. Ks e, who made most of tho journey with them andwitaeased their. early ef-i- ll .r,i f i ri I forts, baa left tbe only account approaching to exactness of these early yeurs. The gruat rush of gold hunters iu 1849 was coeval with a 'seusorf df 'plentlfaf ctApg,J mid the association seems to have leeu mutually beneticial toMormnud Pioneers, " but none, of the ,attcr apear to have halted iu zeal." They were in too eager baste to gairUuew Eldorado. Aae irly ns IS 4(5 a f w emigrants passed this way to the Psfcrffid Coat, and the latter part of that year one Hastings led a party by a nevJ route south of the L ike, since known as Hastings Cut-off- ," It ia estimated by those liviug at various. military postf,9U tbevarjiyulroute that from five to ten thousand emigrants from the United States hnjorgsaed ;tostbeiPi-cifi- o coast before tbe discovery of gold. Fort Bridger had been' occupied several - w ". 8c.d&Jl,uiti,ttyMrenaded, to-da- United States to expel the lauds which they occupied, ntid ihd he wouhl do so if he thought proper. The Mansions very eadilywmposed froih such a declaration that there must1 ho some understanding or connection between Gen. Wiisoji.iind myself,, and that the arrival of the two parties so nearly together wits the result of a conceited and combined moveimhtfor the ulterior of breaking up atid destroying their colony. Tho impression was that a survey wnsito bfr ni:tde of their chantry in the same manner that other public lauds are surveyed, for the u , os of dividing it into townships un i sections, and of thna establishing and recording the cl Urns of the Government to it, aud thereby sny claim tho - Mormona might from thiir previous occnpalion. Kemp owever nnreasou&bie such a suspicion may be- - conpideredyet It must be tbnSUies people 4r4Zfsper-ute- d und rendered utmost desperate by the wrongs and neisecutions they had f; previously suffered iu Illinois and thut they had left the confines of civilization aud fled to these far distsut wilds that tley might enjoy .uudisturbed the religious liberty which had been pmc-tical- ly denied them, and that now they d up sopjKMibd, thnisclvpsto be wftl 'GOvJrumeiif ttfe General by ayiew of driving them out of even this solitary spot. Upon nil these points I Gov. Young, to his eutira ratisfaction. I was induced to pursue this coneili itmy odfe lo tbe Aiovem-meu- ti cvqrfrf)ii4A eqly but nlso bt cause I knew from the peculiar organization of this singular community, that unless the Fiesideuf whs d o fully satisfied that uo evil w. s iub-utut to ot his people it tetudd tant to curry out my instructions. He waa not only civil governor, but the pies-ideof the whole cliuich of Saiuts ujmju the earth, their plophet and their priest, cceiving, as they all firmly brlievi d, direct revelatious of th Divine wilt, which, according to their creed, y fortif tbt lawwif tbe -- churclw ? He and all, vveft.Lby pfcpiiuHy OHsrsHs unbounded influence oi d almost unlimited juneer. I did not anticipate opeu resistance, but I was fully uware that if the Presideut continued to view the expedition with distrust, uothing could be more natural than that every possible obstruction should be thrown in Proour way bv a miiKterty inactivity. visions would not be furnished; information would not be afforded; latsir could not be procured, aod no means would be to lef untried, shoit of opn .oppositi-nisuccess oTw measure them by prifetit the deenved f.vbit to their iuterest aud safety, . t JVffer chant. j (Commission ts n, 0 - BffijEIl - - -- Ywuhed .t. AND I- , mi a 'ou itk wiytJClif('rnis.li4d cently' given LiPlilladelphla.aniong tthe city a few days before I arrived. Tins many others the following toast was us I nmletstooil had declared resK)iidct. to in tlie. subjoined openly that Gen. Wilson had cotue cltlnd ; tbp witlsuthoritj irooi thethiPiitciioJ unique style Sloriuons from ouR f4 I y-nk- o frOAr-'For- t pc, of coo-cibines- ilentwishe llorui ett QbHch aKijtlov-- e 12th street murder recently, was h i iu r noPOf f cooemuswsitft hr t stMrtt wl him shot through tho heart til is morning woattLJtad heardAjKl a rough known as Jerry th vm(s cXthMevewMoeulf i ctiug ly notorious alias llawksliaw. asDunn, au e acd survey . of 1 1 saiiimW&the wcreSft o& o The Worlds Japan correspondent Utnui Territory Uui4 She i :m igl tit attract attfiiUqn, lion ttj.OUO square milts; population, Bnmbo and the poor about how JJut not 5,000 of wbotn are Gentiles; lias white trash male?. Ought this uuder cultivation W5,tXW Tien1 of land 2 000 in 80,000 acre are Irt not to be called unequal rights so far 200 (In the 7,000 it) rjt,criqn, us1 uiVfortv ate taWspul I ri bs nf( southern section) ' W cottoh;'WO in ap!e as 7V in grape. 193. conc'erned, when wo have to renisin orchards, 1,000 in in currant a,' and 30.000 iu meitd w. They out iuAhe.cvhr Uiree yeanylqiger look upon cotton aa , success for their thousand acre than our more amiable equals? own Ninety-fowere irrigat'd at coat, daring. th past indincreet aud tot lly nnautborized boastAt the city reporters banquet re- ing of an aWtcht of Geu.-- . Wilson, whose year, lomakiog canals, etc,, of $8,247 (00. n txcbsuge frays ; Coanv.wil deto -- -t- nml countrymen iu Idaho. WJ hi eighteen years, residing in this Ter - at hold td.iHeSPlfci fl.i tf AML Hloryt-a- y cn under tliedaws thereof, Ckt her Meeting tbU , evening, WTfw 0 P& voWJ-- -' This plainly. apadftca. that Gaston) tto8 cverywomnn, black, white, or Finh n? ? J0' copper color, having reached that cxprsicy Jo Idaho iel it rffl. n WHIiBSAL ii- - j i ; |