OCR Text |
Show T .c v Xiosato llAiatircM.A few daja ago. IttfoftMd,. Mormon, otit of the toftdiog pillar of jtha peon Ha institution," entered . . aew anloco in Ogden. Mcli at that time was not quite finished , no Uhorti4, traveling agent land had neither collect bar to the iu duo opened thmpaper. , diu I public nor procured a licetvi; and naked Division, r simethiu to drink." The Gentile C. . It. ll.Mlt had hot opened proprietor stated that, -- December 6, 16C9. yet, and had no lieenre to tfo 9. Table Time sell; Las! night,' ju war- our wearied limbs were abbur to glve way, through the exert ion of fiAeen hoar's herd labor, the boys genial friend land social adriser dropped u, holding in bis baud a strengthening plaster, coated with gifts. - Tis needless to add, that drooping spirits were revived ke 1 All kinds of !.' ' A- - , f I lalnter, operator, and ticket agent. baggie J. & Watson, agent. OILMEB AND SAOXJantJftV'a fr wholesale fi't orijn of cased t A full assortment - k Bro., Proprietors. Ad, Knhn - . C.rinn 2 50 to-43g- the Cmim!.Vf j Jamfk CAwrtirt.TH Snpt. Salt Liko Division. Fn u. California Dried tu, (ItiCiigo Flooiiug and Fnrn- win r.. i.!un' lum)i-- i just received at Hone A gansokoff j ill 5 OttlOf, s- - T'ic ' 3 Sslc. tin A 1t:) cfjircuth 1 do Cirpft. abnut fifteen yards, apply in .t tbt-- i I'tlH i. 1 tl.risrui n p tsied off quietly, peacefully with us Coriunethinns. heard of no imnsnal disturbance, no dix.igreealde feelings generated by undne , or anything of indulgence In that sort, but every oue had a kind word of cheer a Christinas greeting for his This was as it should be on nVighlior. such occasions. There were. several so-ci-d githering where friends met friends, aud all went merry as a marriage bell. In the eveulng several of the yonths the future City Council, Aldermen and Judges of Corinne, amused themselves with bonfires, elc. !U1 We pla..utly egg-uog- g, fire-cracke- ' - dlHtf on ChtuttniiH Eve, given by Mcie.rK, Ptiaraou k Spictr, of the Uintah JlM.-iC- , w UK well nt tended, and paesed fl to (be at infliction tf all, we believe, who were fortauwte enough to be participnuts on that occueinn. The music was g'KHl and the lioys done their level best to dr-uc- rtMi.T n .i 1 v: . i . i Montana Strtet, bel. Third k Fourth , COIUNNE, U. T. V r, can .ml tl offer better advMit.K' buyer, than .njr other Hoiiao ia thi. v.Uy, ta a a Christmas and New Year. has the beet stock of Wises , Liquors for the holidays. 18 , tf . .ttentiou ttlvea to order, by mail. flood. forWiirdi'd umo d.jr order, .re received We deliver Oho Js free of vh.ro to tin city . nolM-t- f end .1 the depot. - - CLU ! If yo,want durablt Furniture!, go to J. WrLeher, as he is a workman and puts up his work in a substantial manner, just above the Repostes office. . de2-t- f . Kuhnscorner Marble Front 4th and Ad. of Clothing Palaoe, Mon-tan- a streets, is the place to get the latest styles Hats, Cap and Furnishing Good. d2-- tf ,, . ,f Li , Onr dispatches aononnes the people in the Bed River settlement hart issued a proclamation declaratory of their purpose to establish a Provision si Government The document' ia "quite voluminous, and sets forth that where no government exists the people have the right to adopt what eer form they see fit They hold that they have submitted to the government of a set of adventurers known as the Hudson Bay Company, long enough, and that their only security now U U self proteo-tio- n. Lively times are iu anticipation in Ut region soon, and ws look for furthsr developments. . 4 . .i Go to T. Ollier for Whisky, CUPBOARDS, warranted at KITCHEN SAFES, Missouri Catawba Wine, llaisins aud Candy, at Goldbergs. BREAKFAST and i to J. If yon want cheap Furniture go de2-tf DINING TABLES. W. Leeher, on Colorado street MOSS PILLOWS, Buckwheat Flock at Creighton & Mund!8tf ... : ; A t and Smoking at Gold Chewing Tobacco 18tf bergs. The finest brands of r?' ti COMFORTS,yj . (,! X u -- jij- BEDSPREADS, ETC. j ! at wholesale, only. fot fiD . tt , gftrs, !. i'' for Go to Golden 'The Marble Fron Clothing Thread Goldberg CiewnC;Tobacc Palace, corner of 4th and M "Paua streets, Golden Crown Cigar.i ri v b8t cled stock of ivl.fi 18-- tf - .&:? Ityal k.Dda cf 0oo',, Candy: Honey, V rTobacco, JR. d25--U t.a 'k t ? ! otTaror Furniture dl8tf N ew lot just received at Howe A Bwge. non T. Ollier has the best assort-ci- r , . t, ment of groceries,' liquors, provisions, shoes, gars and tobaccos, bats, caps, boots, wholeand clothing, in the monntaink, at P - - i 18if Oat Meal at Creighton. k Macro's. . i I Furxil- Qualify ,n b foonflatHowe tn,irkelc,in A Bargees. sale, only. mH,f of ud ft GEO. L. HOLT, i ft f K DKXLCa wsmiiintiEivs t l I u7rj. POfKET fDTLKBT 3b PATTnu, AND OF ALL KINDS NOTIONS 1 - I v , Tost 7 Office yl Huildinj, CORINNE, UTAH. llrtWf ' .2c fiOo runs., j p ft bioon: i 00.5 ' w 33c FLOUR. 100 lb 00 J with Chicago and Northwestern, Chicago, Rock .Island and Pacific and M. Joseph and Council ltluffs Railroads, and ltivcr Line of Packets , to and from all priocl. pal eastern and south ora Cities. i Mis-aou- ri CHEYENNE, 130 6 00 BROOMS. ...fl 00 $2(o 2 30 BRYAN, $16(123 miscellaneous advts. vlthUltagea forJthe grist Sweetwater Mint.ig " . District, H I ntr,ii,i!Tii. & MiiMto, . &) doz., Co.MMIShlOY tfe HOUSES a - 1 o 1 4 00 Coi'iimo, 450 W . : 1 23 C. O. HAMMOND, Oen'l Hup't, Um ah. J. BUDD, Oen'l Ticket Ajehtfc Omtha, 111 413 1 STA6E & EXPRESS - ....3,0 .So I1AMH. j 28c J HAT. $23633 00 i LUMBF.B. Keep constantly on baml a gooff assortment for the julilmig trade. Orders by mail will receive prompt and cAroful uttention. Goods shipped east and west on the jjne Df the Railroad the same day orders are received. . no!3tf ...10c . .7 A ,....,$fi t. f. " BOPwm 00 $3f(7 ' 0Q 30c 23 - $2(i00 10 00 x a s s 3 00 4 00 4 00 a a - MILL FFED. Bran aud Shorts, mixed, Y ton MATCH kh. esse Tilcgrapli, A $40 00 HELErjA and $lo fij 50c Durham... NAILS. .1 fts 4s Y IW Ids I I I... '"I 12 ......i , . Y $300 25 r ..2 J 3 60 OYSTERS. rfik Fields atefivaed RcMnrry k Go. a lies. , rt. ran ..... .. $8 w V ........ g 7 60 i ONIONS. 1 CARRYING THE ,5 ' ( foot? gal....'. Nest ? S (M Oil. Coal Y can of figaL Unnced V gal Ierd V K- f roziT BnrjTon. $3 30 0 00 8 30 ... L SM JMauufactnred by. T vinoiriiAr.ciTY, MUSTARD. English TO- coxmjxra, , ... - -- A LK4UORH. WhUkey Y gal Brandy Gin, lloisnd port wine, imported D jLRjriE, 8c ' Linn. V ) j -- GLASS. Prime Canvassed V ft. $20 Si LlSlIliltVS & 13 50 $7(f8 00 Sherry....- Lilli II 30(9 35c ' '. ft , Asst GcU'l Sup'L 2,5 $2 39 j y 0 W. MEADE, ..126? 14c . j In cans Y t UW For through rstos on freight to Montana, Sweetwater Miucs and other points, apply to II. BROWN SON. Qauerai Freight Agent, Omaha. XJtiLli. 4 00 " AND EATiNU MkRCIIANTS, Iultnisn's Pslar nnl Nlrriiing Cura accompany all trains. Corner Montana nnil Gtli Sts. 123 1 CLASS HOTFIdt convenient points on the line. x 75c lb 100 Like pst. er FIRST f 22c 130 FLOUR. for Heh iia, Virginia City, imd all In Montana. AND ftc f California V 3 0 20.00 fine- They are all the beat make. Hunting Cases, re and fine wear like and look gold ly chased; best gold watches eqnaHn appearance to the nsnoffy cost'ng $150. Full Jewe'ed Levers, Qenta and Idlea sixes, at 18 esrh. Rolhl Q OUR DOUBLE EXTRA REFINED id Gold Hunting Cases. Full Jsweled Lever, are equal to 20OOold Watches; Regulated and Guaranteed to keep correct time, and wear an not famish, with Extra Finn Coses. at $20 earn. NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED In ADVANtjE We send by Express anywhere within the United States, parable to agent on delivery, with the .privilege to open and examine before paid for, and if not satisfactory returned, by paying the mall a- Express charge. Goods will be sent by cash in Registered Package, prepaid, by sending Jan sending for six Watches gMs extra Watch free Making seven $15 Watches for $90, or seven $20 Watc'ues for $122. ALSO ELEGANT OROIDE GOLDr CHAINS, of latest and most coa ly styles, for Ladles and Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 Inches long, at $2. $4, each, sent with watchea at lowest SUcs lth HOC eiM3 , mil THE ORLY OKNUINEClMPROVF-- CORINNE, Wholesale and Retail EGCir. in) R. R. for Salt Lake and Southern - lr Utah, 1th U. C. w 20(2Ac 23c ..................... J V box OGDEN, I igo gjo 123 .. . . ; CHAIN. ..,.,$12.' 7 X with Stages for Denver, Central Cily, Santa Fr, aud points in Colorado and New Mexico. PAILS. 35 Wheat Y 100 lhs Oats V ft lUrhy p. ft..... ,.h t 13c BUTTER. '' DRUGS. Common Y loo lh st 1 t Peaches, Ralt Lake Y ft. Ground Cherries 1 lb.. Pescl es, pealed........ 1 4c ft POTATOES. ft o n CD .i'j PUTTY. AND - X Cj a B WELLS, 12; FAHG0 & COS V 1(5 I ft 12 xHAIRONS 560 o V boda. I J j j I Babbits per case jo J. I Cbf Hiicfei Clltilfil e t , ' BALT. a af efk $$ - moa W ' j LrtfitlV6S $800 63c fiktka - . 1 $2 00 10 W) aOaaeaea BUG AIL 15c Pfitfifit N w Orteiufi Ho M Crtuitint 4 Itfilcher'i A V $ !!) e02Aj BYRtNP. ffil HelchfiF 0 QoMaq mTgn Y evae I 1 a e 00 , 123 j apsues W$ ft TEA. ft vs 1 ft 1itasfucr Trains IkMU ways ou lUe U. P. Railroad. $24 00 X ft Oolong Gunpowder w SO 8ARDINEA. V. Young Hyson ,Y Bern is a V.V.V.V.ir.V.V.ir.V. Imperial Y I Leave Corinne daily for Virginia Cily, ' and on alternate days for Heltua Helena and Fott Renton. i t - Connect with J 04o llo Extra C firai-cU- V ....13fl N v PACIFIC STABLES. t Direct Comiecttoua tnailo at N 7 guijkNlivrr f. ti- - . num opium....., I pi. ao Powder..,.. loatje p0la.iinmX fit it T Avciding the fnngera of tlic Pea 3tl P piece..... 00 00 H Gum.. Arabic G,m TraRmi.utu Flake yi .5 3 30 50 H JJJ , vi I ltv. a was street; f In Less fflinii Four Day! CO piece 8 00 10 00 11 00 Gum (mphor j store for them. 30c .23c 33c 1 Through to 8au Fraud -- ro .... 3tc ...... ....... TUBS. 00 9 00 11 00 7 00 V wb g0(k Eagr llonx reflned. Halt v , iAOIFIO COAST ..3310 i Each, best 30 0 22 14 7 a 6 1 ( 302 0 Good Htoclf, New Coac Ilf's - 80&3 00 and-- ' 1 00 OOdtl 73 ... ji. .13 00$2-3- ' Fine cut per lb. Ordinary grades V Navy V lh.... ft $1 Quick 'Time. f r TIM HENDERSON, AGENT, TOBACCO ES. k Abbott. Natural Leaf.J ft Paper secured WITHOUT DKL.VY. Office free of TINEOAB. Examlnationr in the Patentasked In any case. per fee Individual no and charge, gal.. 1 r Unless a Patent allowed." , f Troops "reliable Charge as reasonable as any other ASend for Circular of Terms, instructions and TEA ST POWtoEBS. no reference. Preston k Merrills Y doa. 20 1011 00 ' nol.8-t- f .....706i80e 63i70c CORINNE. MAKE II0S1E BEAUTIFUL ! ; Iff SUNDRIES. (0((idifutal glffitautant. Red Lead Y ft Shot Y bag... Ureeufleld Starch Y ft. I...; 90 v' epicurean W u Something for every HOME, that cill icia a place In every heart. U1TJTAH MOUSE .$2 73 2oc $300 18c Cbmer , Montana and Ffth Stretts, H0EITI1TG CORINNE, UTAH. rEiSOI k rraprUtor. Intend to make this department of onr i I an- - I paper a speciality, and shall revise it from day The proprietor beg- - Veavq $ make the as Important changes occur. Partiea out kW This House 1 a new two story brick that nonneement j of the city aendlng prdswa, can? rely .upon these fcuildh they hstsopued enmoe Meal a recently erected, and is beingnol-t-fitted serve to are prepared etonrant, and gTtrffB hetsg correct In the main. HotcL f up for a first-clastyle. In a true ;C. U. bOHESt A.GO., Props. r 30 Salt Lake, best. P Cali or n la p 100 1b 4C ..$10 ... 33c MU' IT. CAN dozen t SUtes I f 8 75 Arrow n0 4 j4n,r BsUam Copaivn-.........- .. . -- , COAL. a, AjtIin p ft ia Our old friend aud former townsman, John Davies, dropped in on ILL.. aiPH-d-.',order only fmm ..I .... o, JA '04 r ns late yesterday evening with an invitarequired, THE OROIDE WATCH CO.. tion to a New Years eve ball to be given 148 Fulton street. New York. ROOMS: oclfi 3m SALE at the White House, Ogden, Dec. 31st, COLORADO of the outgoing year. We have omitted nearly baok of th Uintah Bona,. .' to mention heretofore that John has sucCORINNE, UTAH. ceeded to the proprietorship of the White noM-l, 'J. W. USHER. House, !o Ogden recently, and proposes to keep a chits boose in every particular. AMERICAN k EUROPEAN PATENTS We can say this much; that John ia capable of aooomplisliiog whatever be undertakes, and he can rest assured that oar the abmre The noderalgaed having purchaad a LIVLRT best wishes will always accompany him property, are prepared to do a 8ALIC boalsee. and con We advise all who wish to put in the The beet of ttaddt and Carriage et ckrates. 450 8 EVEN TII STREET, npp. tbepstent Office. reasonable at hire and for band on sociable and etantly New Years eve in a pleasant , AIsj a Good Wnter Ranch. corner VnsllllKOI, U. x Montana the White House on OAea and 8table a. south-eaway, to repair-tFiDh Wrte, Cortnn. Utah. or before the prescribed time, and then and HOLLAKD. nofidf .. . and there partake of the happy feast in CAREFULLY PREPARED, and Patent Called. o wholesale and retail, at m 18 uoldberga. - - l,-- . .. WJ - k , - ros. p V TIIK unoioifii WATCH COMPANY. , -- CAN FRUIT. 1 THK fiET THE BEST. , WASH, and ..i..,UJtc box P ft p ft iu rolls. GOODS. ; caao f gES5?S .- .....x Oroide Gold Watches, EIGHT STANDS. i POTATOES. .24o .ft Te A COIIINNE, UTAH. RDY Rail Route to falifornia AH BEANS. s p caae..... .......... , PRINTERS' PUBLISHING fO. $15. t and Ld Domestic p ft.. California while and pink a eeeeeeeeeeees 423 I.. 27c Boker e Bourbon Whiskey Cocktail................ Brandy Cocktail.. Old Trill U In, fine common ... iClareL Catawba Wiue, Missouri Vintage. Schiedam Schuaprs............ suijerior - Five Copies to one address X)Y -- proof. I I ? 11 Angoetnr. Xulliwliel A 23c .....SOe A'orn. . Blackberries I 72l , .... DRESS, 0C((7S 00 00 ,0(f K7 00 34 00 1 Hoi 24 00 24(t3fi 00 lb eeee.eeee 33 Ten Copies, to one address 4H.OO Fifteen Copies, to one address.... Twenty Copies, to oue address........... OJ hi ft ton... And Copy extra to getter up of Club. IN jADVtMCF..- Flooring V fot a i TERM mINVARIABLY A i iVinmon " iVMirs, each Hash Y pair. - ' R TE8 x' i 83 Tomatoes... Htrawbcrrb. Crsutierries. ...14c iJc 'I FURNITURE ........ U 00 s.eeeeeeeeeeseseseee.eseseess.seeetl R) iPlanUtion Bitters Red Jacket, I per annum ' ,lt mouths WEIKLY, per annum t i. $1.75 per gallon v it iffera TERMHs - ROUTE now completed and running daily'passenger trains, forming in connection with the Central pacific Railroad an I lv s( HiHt-l.- l 42.14 I CREAM TARTAR. CASED It will contain ita ahare of general news from all parts of thn world and will be Jut aucb a aa should be on the table of every home paH-- y Goldberg sod Gill both east and west Am an advertising medium advantages. V5 I mii eeeeee.eseeee CHEESE. r Ai" j 50c AYlttf ii?,J!SE5Sil lands and the beautiful ON Ceraimnys of the Conits Un- a- the great natural pastures ' '1 " tinent. ' HAND., 21(a2fi 00 3t 00 Butter V lb. - LARGE STOCK CONSTANTLY VALLEY i DRIED EKUrr. p ft . V2m ( -- Peach cn Pine Apples. CRACKERS. ROdl - ' MHOtS. CAN07.ES. 2, Star per bos ' and western Utah. aoiithern D will mark the development of the silver pe Dlalr ct, the regions of White Pine and rich Gold mines or weet Water, the Oil and Coal regions of Dear River. ld well as the vast Coal and Iron field along the Rue of the Union Pacific Railr.d, not u gleet ng c A N & ffiSfSKSa.' COMMISSION . HERCHAII TS , -- 3 Ulaukberrh'w f i P ft.... ..... ssi t and Wikklv Repobteb from . The Family this on will be conducted es a firat-claUavlhg recenUy changed band.. I Newepaper. been remodeled aud enlarged, it now offers ad- vanugea that no other peper In the Mountains other matters of in- does, or ia likey to. Among of Brig- tercet it will contain a correct-historhara Young and tha Mormons." giving selections I ,rora aermous Balt Lake; al.o an account of their doing 1 private lives It iI public, and scenealrom theirfoliles and Crimea will contain a history of tlielr of the past and present so far a. light and time I 1 rt veal them. 1 It will give the rise and mppra o nhe Oen-Dies" in Uuh. and of rorin coming GUI ji . . . . 4jigo of the Great salt Lake Basin, AND it A Cnnrnmpih lrunc v p ft ...lie MIIIMII - Hlatce Read It pleasoevery one. The eopper was served I am receiving and setting np a Urge assort np in a style that would do honor to of furuitui,AS ment Dehnonico, himself, and no paius were spared to make it the dauce of the season. CIIAIUS, in great varieties, WOOD, While giving credit to whom it ia due, we ; OANE, must not forget the floor' m.vuager, Mr. (,..x . V' OFFICE, Mnnro. This gentleman deserves, nnd in , ROCKERS, ETC, fact has, the thanks of all who participaJ1EDSTKADS of all kinds, ted, for the courteous and affable manner CRIBS. LOUNGES, AC. in which he conducted affairs, as we be" ' lieve every person in' the flail will testify. o. BUREAUSa ;; Cbeiohton k MuNfto have reduced the retail price of California Floor to (5 per hundred. Let os have bread. dl8tf ' ti y i choice........ lUo And Evcrylnnly ! Should WHOLESALE . 1IFANK. r k Mcrri , 27 c isva p ft MtetHMtMMMet Ordinary Preetoti BACON. I Thi-Week- PLATTE TEA ST POVTDEIlS 4 f CUPFEE. Jo:- - i , W'uuthil 2ufonn.iti'n of the t A M oi .Bulges', Atlantic Bro F , of.l. iim, i ct is aauti ,CVy, Svj tv iter district, i Clergymen read It.' & 1400 Babbit.. ..40(r 35o P ft . J. W,L s1ipt has the largest aswortment und UMt qnitlity of Furniture ever opened U2 tf in Utah Territory. Go til T. Olllci A, the lurgent hmiM for your r.lothiug. in dlllt 1 -- of - s.wi t ' doa. se.tsee.ee.A.ee. Men's Brogan Boyab'xK. Y ease....... Men'. heavv kip V cu Miners, nailed. .. ... French kip. heavy donplesoie..,.a... Krouoh caf, tap sole Men's. Buffalo Par lined, boots....,.., Ladles' calf, heavy douple sole, p doc. T do fine sewed shoee.'p dos d2-t- f ; 'si 33!jo SODA. ftUTTKB. BOOTS t Uhi tab House. THE GREAT 33 60 iet er'. OeMen fid...... finenr Iionse V gUn APn.KSL white and ptuk Coiiffressinen read it. , MAILlEOAltt Jfj1 T fTftuVs." 17c j 1 i t TEAS loc p legit,.. ...U Ktate. p it, J (California, I ts at A llama & lUcIunoiids Fruit dv28 Iw of tli Atrm ltsme. M.mmi f nr simplifying known to th f till' i M nt; niia : tt'1 tkl otli . Jijil, jply Wm.f. kinli All iy rilr if 1 -- - Olliers. ' Pearl Crown Cigars, at Ransohoff kj Co pB Lodging Rooms to Rent at the n , 1 f - ........... " I If you want a good ' i lt Green 1 lh,...V Dried V lh....i Senators read it. imported Brandy,! at $3G per case,, go to T. ', . Presidents rend it. ing Goods at the Marble Front Clothing Palace, corner of 4th and Montana sts, A fj 1 Friends patterns 'UNION, PACIFIC 1SC9. , 7 CANDLES, rpeeild. daring the week by many thousand dol- late. Merchant, who thought they had laid in 8Ur atiteka to last Ml winter, ere very agreeably eur- - Morrell A IUitneey ? lb.. prleed to find them giving ont before the boll I CaetUe p lb... dig-.MATCHES. N. I '1 But few change., bav taken place. Telegraph pbos., 8. fUnMjhoff k Co. quote a. fullowe: Domestic do 'i t J .e '1I uanUlyUvge'W,d3Cht,r,wlng to the teSieci prtncipks, of sot margin, sod vholeMle deale.rTlai shipment, eseeedod tbs I Rend it nnd ncnd it to your ! i 4. DacExtBxa 34, y, fr FOR 1870. is All theWinter and latest styles of Clothing and Furnish : for-tieke- i-- t Subscribe for it I T OHier has the largest stock in the city at wholesale, only. t ) . tr to-da- Rts Floub at Creighton k Munros. if ' 9llt Kt f Wfl TRANSPORTATION. I Botail Family? Harket. i Utak -- i. a VnoletKlfe riarket- - CJBtNXE.U. T., Rtporttr: ft ku j impc,ai p .'rbe btudne of th. week ending COETEE.' y Urn .Hand even more tbui could be expected I Rio choice p ft................. COAL. st ibis e.wa of the year. Order, from the .d- - J I V.tou. Jient town. exceeded ny week for the SUOARS. two mouths. The tnde with Ogden has been I , . . . - :o: 1 ? t T. at 1 f : I -- Office - PROSPECTUS f J- v If 4 i and canned Goods at IUnsoboff k Co. Groceries. Go to T. Ollier's fur fine groceries, in theorigiual packages on- - a - 1 5 I UTAII.A r.fr-- . .rrn :o: in charge, marched him before a Mormon tribune, and had him fined the Ransohoff k Co. deliver Goods in the anng sum of $G0. "This la manliness ; this ia city aud at the depot free of charge. is returning ft von with a vengeance ; this the high-tone- d ter, Eggs, Onions, Grain, Hut spirit that ie taught from Raaerkraut. and genuine Holland Herthe pulpit, not only in this case but in all r ' 18-- tf st Goldberg9. ' their transactions with thoee not in.the rings Dried Anptes, at Ransofaith. Out upon such cokrardly, sneaking hoffYork State" : no!8-t- f . Co., j . mond. ! . your only. v r ' MouUna sUue, lines, carrying tne U. 8. Prw mails and Well. Fargo City, Montana, D0eADDeSe leases daily for Virginia c and intermediate ootnts at 5 p. u.l every City, other day for Helena, Diamond RichTurkeys at Adams it,de28-2Ulaekfoot and Deer Lodge ; Tim Hender-so- n, t R. near Office R, f depot agent Go to Ad. Killings . Marble WESTERN ONION TELEOBAPH . Front 4th and Montana Store, corner-o- f Montana and Ilepeating Office, corner for Winter streets, d2tf your Clothing. ' Sixth at. . Kilvrard Conway, manager. Business Rooms to Rent at the ? Uintah House. Geo. F. Brown, chief operator, W, II. Glascolt, cashier and receiver. Crashed Sugar at Rnnsohoff dr Co. , 11. Pratt, L. 8. Wild, Frank Knight, ,fcani Kiraber and P. Kearney, operators. ' J. Frost, artist, who has been Geo. Stoart, battery man and repairer. engaged In this section for the last week in doing COB1MNB POST OFFICE, Montana st, between Fifth and Sixth ;) elegant tracery and ' frost work 'on wiu I J0w pains, got disgusted with his occupa George L. Holt, Post Master. I liR. reUrcd for a time, 4 from the north, 8.50 a., m. ,Km.'Tfae Sheds, proprietors of Mails close for east and south, 8.30 a. I I the famous for the 3.30 Kiyns" drinking house, No. w ; for the west, p. ' m.; 1 m. 4.30 3, Wood street, IlelenA, Montana, sends north, p. ' ; ns one of tbo neatest little advertising Bur 1 icketh. By the subjoined notice cards printed at the Gazette office, Helena, it will J seen that a considerable reduc- - J has been our good fortune to note tiou has be.n made In Railroad fares re for a lopg time. 11 K. & Tbeo. Shed, I the between nd Corlnne, Ogden jfently pjoprietorg Qf the beat odvertised- saloon Protuoc lory, if partiea will avail them- - jntbe raountrins, have not only , made selves of the opportunity offered to buy I loou famous but have made a before entering the cars. Any of thne besidea :Tbeae are the men tha onr citizen having buaiuesa involving J make a town; by their ecterpriae ronalderable Railroad travel will do well I rajymake their town known abroad its tey to observe the following : minnte peculiarities known at home. The NOTICE! Sheds deserve more than a passing notice Hereafter the Ticke.t rates between Co-- and - we shall give it to them some day rinne and Promontory will be cur. $2 00 we are not when quite o busy. Of course ,1 25 Coriuuo and Blue Creek. the 1 Comma and Bonneville 00J they will commence to advertise-it 75 RErouTEtt In a few days, and we slxmU cnxnucTnn'H batix hold. not be surprised to hear of them ndver i .$ 3 00 C rinn to Promontory in the London , Aries aud Paris 2 00 tising tNiiiima to Blmt Crewk ' Marseille jr ere Iona. . 1 50 ihm t Itonnfvillo , I v l i to Christmas Candies.Oo Christmas candies Ollifr's 7 bar-keep- er lake division. COBINNt OrriCK. i I 1 . halt - . r do28-2- t, 18-t- 1 o. r. ft, ; COftINNE, U. T., Dscxmbkb 24. 1S69. NEWSPAPER GENTILE s r MiUvniikre Ilottlrd Lngei Ilcer at Goldbergs. 1 Cornne Directory l nf fM The Only at A (In ms Groceries lUchinond'i. fc Market Report IBIarket Report I WEEKLY. & Y" I pou the samt remarked that it a "an 0 I A. morning, and it would be con- I BOUND "F.AHT. , I sidered a ' great favor if he would let hiui " A lie I Differ Pik hare a drop, any way. The gentlemanly proprietor passed him, a bottle of the in vigorotiig fluid, and told the needy individual to help himself; refusing totake w r Me i 14 iriu &trvnaef ...T..a 90 A. M. pay. The follower of the Prophet helped jij.fi. rrtwgbl himself1 to a doable dose and departed, only. jio.. 3 run Thursday Hatnroay's only. apparently a thankful man. Imagine JA8 CAMFRLL.Div fiupt.the astonUbroent of the kind hearted A. !. TUWJCB. OcntHrtp'tGeti'l Bnpt. I JOHN O'HNINO, Asa't host when, a few minute after, the suiut returned with a policeman who took the 1 m TRI-WEEKL- nnd work continued with increased vigor. The first letterof our benefit tor's name s HaruUb. JtjC 1 tak grpartfr, - ss A Chromo-Lithograp- h PEAYE,H after the charming ori- ginal by John Phillips. . Preaa and People unite in pronouncing it the most desirable Picture for Home adornment ever Published." Send stamp for illnatrated Circular to E. H. TRAFTON, Publisher, - sriCEft, , I aw Ask your Picture Dealer Box 73, Chicago, for It. dmt |