OCR Text |
Show rN J Magas tUahjrrl- - a Ilep or Ur t ;.uv n r r i v ? A4 I 2 r. HA- V 1 .H ' x to tnrtidtery, In rerd-t- consulting a The medical physician lu ceitatu maladies. arc Thre ffi Aho ylumb. yeeogTiiJL.iid faculty tt"Uth Of It, Mill ttBl-'ackhowtedg'" I public suffer in alienee. The province of this circular la to present the subject Wit tme tight year by die-- a Hundred of Uvea are lost every Which have lva neglected we Improperly treated. In Uo cut of young men there acema no aruiogy, an.l yet In tuauv isso Urey attempt to cure themselves with vile nostrum, and tn tlw ffiwrte their Uye. Md tJiUiribte tetnhant of exUUned Vith their blood lillvd with the poison of .a stiffed, but not cured disease, which must Inevitably Uistrsusmltted generations. to the tliinl and fourththi-roseems aoiue ext use, With young women eouaaal the nnd yat thetr utmost sccrvsy will not who waikr facta, i Any Intelligent pbylda the among ladjrs, by tluse streets can rveognU known toldm, and of certain lafat'tble tokens which the sufferer are often totally Ignorant, the rat ages of that white spread a jourgo, tho whites. Any iatrlllgtttt, physician can point pul lu Ms nii dally walks wr6rfs"ofthlif atid kindred of which pliduta. In liotlt sexes, the existence' hr caonot Ignore. The educated sufferer knows tho physician can detect this. The know that tte sufferer knows It, aiut vet, tn line rases out of ten the afflicted Individual falls to consult tho man whom he knows Is cog. and the means of nixaut, both of the complaint and imre. KnowLeg that health can bo restored, s who can restore It. they deliberately allow to become mere wrocks of humanity, and o alme-a- V' J I ty S4' ;v ; ' t-- , r i' ' i '"' ,?!'! ! o k, I d J; ; . hi! ; f' '. - A i 4 Jr u - h j r:I ifiiJ. J ' ' V' i .'l-- t U u f 1'!' ' A k1 trtiuit to rtlsraiwJ omatltirUoua uiidsnt.- - - f ' i; i i . Frem JlXF. ,nd signed ' t::a c' "if - i ,u . ;f M JlOTJlTXI STREET, tirihi' U UTAH CtWEINNE, I'.i :t rr u ) , I f fl . - e ,V : . L I f IDAHO TERRITOUY 'aii' v, i w J t - : once. t.J f . ! ! ? I S - Y '"V 'hS - : . iii EVEET DESCRIPTION OF KA8TKIIN ft :t-'- f r I, r i 4 it' . PART, a i M fi II q M M - il 1 -- i- - PATENT OFFICE: TonIC f -- lriccs. : - a i r a f 9 ; , Proprietor. e. 1 ' J . ipjek-- "t- .t - ! ( $20. r e. A r.- .V isH -- ' I . : : - .1- r I i, i r i f. I - , t - ,'v- ; i Ik,-- t '. . .!, i . i . i t t , ; L a , j il;?j , i 1 a. K ff w . 'f 1 make the an The proprietor ' beg leave nounoemont that theybave opaaed thrir new Re. Meal ataurant, and aro prepared to aerve a choice eexl-l,s . in a true epicurean etjle.' 1 ; ; ' c' i M !; f f i I: 't ? AND - , rs .. ' f i i filf- y. I i n f . - HINTING i , v ; . will be received at the Contract Office of this J. I 1 J v i J i - v . f. Jc- x m 3 ns e - v t. ' 1 - I ft , CALL ADD EXAU157G CCD CPHCILIXT is. v . xtt h V 'r ' l e2-dJ- m. Mtrp, 9 I iAt' and Frida at 8 am; ? V; Fillmore City, Wedoesdiy, Fri- .Arrive at day and Sunday by ft am; - y : . . wioe-a-we- .k ; . i riUmorfdty, , j . f TJ i ' t : and Friday at 11 p m; Arrive at Provo City, Tuesday Friday and Sunday by 11 vy Leava Salt Lake...... pin; City dally, except Sunday, at (amt. Arrive at Provo City by II pm; ; funday, Leave Provo tClty d Ulj, -- ' m v seSauwl1"1'' Arrive at Salt Lake City by 11 p m. 16602 From Salt Lake City, by .West Jordan, to HerrisaMk, 9 .aaito; and baokg eoor Ii week, i h il leave fisHl dirTbrnday i 9 W m Arrive at Herriman by 12 m; Leava owrlesarThiradar atTpln ; Arrfre at Shit taka C.fy tf 7 p td. 16903 From Oriritimyaty bp WeLwrUlsi Ikrt-dls- e, llyTum, KlUViBe, Providence, 1 and , (j 1 Loginf Jlydej Patfij, J&AUhfleli, ' ' WchWibtul, to FratnUlnTfiS miles and back, twice a week. Leave Brigham 'City Tuesday and Friday Xrrivv at Vrandiii) Vlet da iy jp ; , 1 J c I si ' ' , -- ' -- Time. 1 days 938 100. - ... ;v JOHN HAILEY, - -i rfrietci ....... - -' 1'. Monday, WenewJay, dcpt fi d eomiH-naatio- . i y I tli-b- r atl-wt- ; J 8 " ? Ia-nv- e gr-und- , . , , i f - - . t . - 1 ) r- , a - . dtfl-ren- t her-vic- 1 ar-fa- t - -- , ' j,,-- vi: 1 - , - , ; - , ? ' - i r . twice--wee- k t . - . , 1 . bidder,-tenderin- g - : , -- Centre-vUle,Tan- pro-pos- , In-ra- m I . ' - . Portlaed,- j. A dt .a J I , V'!: r.rr I . t( k ' 1 i , lGdSr Hod fealiLak City, by Big Cbt tow wood .American Fork, Union, Draper, Lebi Pleasant Grcve, Provo City, SpringvlUe, Payrpns Rantaqnlwr Mena.T SU difcie Creek,1' Rodhd Vilify. rfe H1 den.1 tt FlU mor' Crty , rl m and hack, six timee a week to Provo City, V , three times a week the rvaidne. r. .Leave Provo city MondfiT' 'Wednesday, Leave ' 1 .1 . 'L 2 1 y.M i I J ? ' De- ef Eterfh 1 'r 1870, for partment aetfl F p; the maili of Ihetlnltoa 8tstes from July 1. mu. to Jane 30.i874,;ktnieTYfritdnr of Utah, in the routes and by the schedules of departures ; and arrival bre4n: aped'fled. Decisions announced by Marth 14, 1870. I . J t . Indian Creek to. bote City, . j - . PROPOSALS y iliff ; From .t.i- .'m'.iI ' - . - T:ri'i 1 '' U K O f! Post Ornc Depabtkent. .! Washington, Sept. SO, 1869. ', I M-- - 1l i t i i v: . , con-veyl- Mnmo .? il and the public generally. The lables will oonatMiUy.be, supplied, with, iTiw American ever) ,uxury the fiasriMtgffioN Exchange Coach, with Red Lights, will be at the f V . i: , . . (Extending Jjropi Ascramsnte sttcj Halleck at.) been recent renovated and pewly Having makes It thothoklAititet, rwnigurtlcal and comfortable FAMILY HOTKL In the State. RATES OF 8TA0E ' FARE (ctmacnCYl AND TIME. 2 v i y- Ix-av- e General Produce lU.ii !!V' f , ' . . , .4 , r Wr t y GAR I) I . . 41 . Proprietor. if - Atribntftry of Salmon River. I i A. ff rr y M t,l7??ymCT United StatesKilS , f f f a D- t it! 9 t i - i GP. r - . I - ! t.- , New Eldora do (on Loon Creek, . I i fHTITAf lOIS . r sU-um- Americium Exchange Hotel, V ,T ;!:' f " i ' i f - ; t . ivtli-ou- . 9 J i ' . . I Sh v 1 Proprietor. ..... U ! t ' M v f i if it it--- f. M , -; A co., props, '! !; .1 i - : ; 4 M : . in-il- COMMISSION MERCHANT, HOT SPRINGS, UTAH. f ; Franeiscr y.. to th S 1 i . t - r k":-- t $ bufisa : ; 1. ' , f 4 8 a. - 'jfi.Mf " ' ) e , Uun-avUl- e Orders received by4 Mall and Telegraph ; I lioll.tf promptly filled.; t j - 4 4 i IF : I V IBSAILB' They are all the best make, Unntlnff Cases, finely rhaeed; look and wear like fine gold, and are equal la appearance to the best gold watches usually costing SIM. Full Jeweled Levers, dent's and Ladles' sizes, at tlS each. OUR DOUBLE EXTRA REFINED Solid Oro. ids Gold Hunting Case. Fall Jeweled Levers, are equal to 200 Gold Watches; Regulated and Ouvrantccd to keep correct time, and wear and not tarnish, with Extra Fine Caaee, at f M each. NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED IN ADVANCE We send by Express anywhere within the United States, payable to agent on delivery, with tha privilege to open and examine before paid for, and If not satisfactory returned, by paying the mall aa Express chargee. Ooode win be cent by cash la Registered Package, prepaid, by tending - advance ; An Agent sending for six Watches gets an extra Watch freo Making seven $13 Watches for ft, or seven IM Watche for HW. OROIDE GOLD CHAINS, AIO ELEGANT et eoaiiy etytea, foe Ladiea and ef la ear end GcnUenlen. frowr 1ft to 0 Inches long, at ft, ti, S. and $8 each, eeat with wratchea at loweet wholesale prices. State kind and eixe of watch onlyfrvm required, ar. d order THF. OROIDE WATCn CO., 1ft 113 Fulton Street, New York. ! or 3m c; ' h . Jlto. ILIDRAKE, : t. H ! TOR T1IK PROMPT EXECUTION OF A Is I , - I e. v . 0 ' ! i WATCH COMPANY. .. 4. I - ono-fourt- . ! ILLINOIS. different Moors." the aliortrat nm) teat direct route I 1 rfrin no6 If Oroide Gold Watches, i f . t ' ' .It, j(i biu-elo- u J. A. OLEARY, r i Facilities Poooeos Unequalled - , and l.lquoi. '."I- f i r 1 b Exsmliuflonr lnthe Pktent Office freo of charge, and no Individual fee asked lu any case, unless a Patent is allowed.' Charges aa reasonable as any other "reliable r Agency." r"';. - Kend for CircuJar Of Term, lnetructlona and , IlUV THE ONLY OEXUINE.1MPROVED ( i i "i Ml 4 ; : S - J Paper OARKFCLl.Y PREPARED, and Patent sectvwl WITHOUTi DFAAY. "a f ( 'J 4 Tliig in " ; m WITHOUT jfffi" j o- I J , as We s One of Atwood's improved passenger Klvp rs has been introduced for conveying gi eats to the f f Washington f ' f One ef the largest am! Wist lion la iu the West Rebuilt, mnotUed, aud refurnished iu the richest aud moat luxurious manner lu HUM. j. Numerous suits of r.oma with Hatha, water, i I k , , b RjlA years experience as solicitors of Patents, V.O SETF-NTI- I STREET, oppllheratent Ofhce, I). L K all wholesale and aud grocery CHICAGO,. , M AND TI1K OllOIDE accretions of bowels, atoniach Tremont House, Forty miles west of Promontory. r; -A I I .; G. FniacH, AD REST, CGI ID EAST AT KEETON, V . EUROPEAN TATENjl'M (Manufactured byj Blood very Agreeable Drink NOBODY V'V - A j , r ' dim-on- - I) IRS! Crorerlri; Wine r tvw - ' KH1 f .Uj( , . :o: i ' , n A A a,.r - - 409, 410. 418 A 418 Olay st.V.Han w.. . 1 . , TAYLOR A BF.NDEL, Role Aginta, And Wholesale Dealers in l tfj ' (ET , aud arrivals. j,.-rods from a station or landing. Propo,! From Alpine City to American Fork, 9 eighty be submitted by the companies for the per-- , may tulle and back, once wek. formance of all other aide service -t- hat la, for ' Leave Alpine City Thursday at 1 p m ; office over eighty rods fivm a station or landtng. ' Arrive at American Fork by 3 p m ; will be "way biil', 'prepared by inmi-There 8i30 at Fork Leave Amerioaa sate-a- , Thnraday or other agent of the Department, to n1' acoompany.the mails conveyed on railroads and J A&e;aAlplnecityby pW steamers, specifying the number and deatinatiou of thi several bags. Oa other priori pal routes, 10910 From Salt Creek, by Spanish Ford Canyon, likewise, receipt will be required and way bills , , Fountain Green. Falndew, Moroni, Mk and forwariUd) the latter to be examined by the sevpieMant, Springtown.87 'Ephraim, ? Mantl, to Gunnison, mllea and back, eral postmaster,, to' insure regularity In the de' ' twice week. t livery of mak. ,f 4; hdpsy w4irfi made-foSalt Creek Monday and Wednesday trip ttot perform-- it i.Leave, - M r ed t and for each of atxch- ommhwten,' not ga ' Arrive at Gnnnlson next days. by p ralfX explained, three times the pay of the Leave Gonnison Wednesday and Friday at trip will be deducted. For arrivals so far behind y o time as Aom break oouneetlon with depending ) i da an iuiM1 t. Arrive at 8lt Creek neat days by 9 p m, j malls, and. notsufficlently excused, i of tho comptnaation for the trip It subject to for1C911 From FUbaore City, by Meadow, Raoocb, feiture. For repeated delinquencies of the kind l Beaver, Paragonab, Parorvan, and Sum- 124 miles And back, heroin specified, enlarged penalties,proportioned Impm-taucof the twice a week. p to the nature theroof, and' the fl t .y . . mall, andThurs-maybemade,. Leave Fillmore City Monday ' 6 For leaving behind or throwing off the malls day at 9 ni i andSatur-- I or soy portion of thetn fw1 the ad to lesion of pa7 , Arrive at Cedar City Wednesday ' aeogers, or for being concrurd in setting up or day by R p ml lu Leave Cedar City Thursday and Monday at running an express conveylug intelligence bodethe mail, quarter's pay may ef ' Cam;!' 7 I n;i ducted. '.rn'v' Wed-,'fu and Arrive at Fillmore City Saturday 8, tine will be Impofcd.uuleaaUiedclIiiqneu. f .nesday jy. R, ey be yromptlF nd aatisfactorily; explained by HMU2 From .Fill in ore City to Deseret, 30 mllos certificates oi postmasters hr tha affidavits of ' (; week. ' andbk,once. other credible forfailiug or arrive in Wave FtUmpxp City Monday at 8 iu ; i j contract tkne; persona, to take the mail for neglecting Arrive at Deaeret by 4 p m ; or deliver It Into, a post office j fur siifTV from, ' Leave Deseret Tuesday at 8am; It to be wet, injured, destroyed, robbid, or lo; Arrive at Fillmore City by 4 p m. and for refusing, after demand, to convey lest; 1C013 From Cert a Clrir, by KanuaravUle, Bolle-vu- e, the mall aa frequently as the controrior raua, or . j TOiiuervllle, llarriaburgh and Wash-- - la concerned iu running, a coach, csr, or ; T' ingtoa;- to St George,1 68 miles and bat'k, boat on a route. ; 7. The Postmaeter Gewertl may a? iiul the con- twice a week., i ' ' Leave Cedar "i City Monday and Thursday at tract for repeated failures, to run agre ably to . contract; for violating the post office laws, or .i Caw; . 'V1 );if i.omViv eui.-8tuy-,Kthe instructions of the Deiartment ; for Arrive at Santa Clara Wodm aday and i " 'I refusing to discharge a carrier when rt quin d by' daybydpmt lire Department todoeoffor running an express , ; Leave Saute Clara- Monday and Thursday ' a aforesaid; or fur transporting pvraons or park-at 9 a in; Arrive at Cedar City Wednesday and Satur-daagea convey I g mailable matter out of the mail. ( 8. The PoMtroaatcr General In ay order an by 9pm. t :,v crease of nervice ou a route by allowing therefor ine l lCCli Fyoin Cedar city, by Pinto, Valley, lucreaw! 6n the con trai t pay. He may and Barney, to St. George, 80 mlloa and a pro rata , t change schedules of dopartarva and srrlv. s iii f , back, once week, f all casi a, and particularly to make them conform Cedar City Mofiday at 8 a m; lave Arrive at St, Oebrge Wednesday by 9 p m j; to connections with railroad, without ifien of pay,- provided the rtmulng time be not abridgL ave St George Thur day at 8 am; ' u ed. The i oHtinasttrGenerul may alrd Arrive at Cedar City by 9pm: tlnne or curtail ti e service, tn whole or iu iart, Bids for t acrvjco invited. , ; lu order to place on the route superior m rvii-e- , or 10613 From TcxpierviUe, by Virgin City, Puii whenever the public Intetei ta, lu hia jn.lgiiHiif, , Hetn-atto and can's Grafton, Rorkvll'e, shall require uchdiMonUnuuncf orcurtmlhit nt . g fo any . , Springdale, ,23 mUea and other cause; he albiwing as: full tnd week. to contractor one month's extra nay moths LeaVo ToqnerAllle Friday at 8 a ml ' amount of service oliqx-nnewith, and a pro rain i . . Arrive at sprlugdale bvSpin; fur the an ouut cf service n iaaml ' Leave Springdale Saturday at 8 a hi; . ; androi tinned. Arrive at Toqtiervlkeby 3 p m. 9. Payments will tic made by co lections from, or dmltabn, poatmssU rs, or o berw'be, .aft r tins 10010 From Xepbl, (local,) by S'vero Va'ley (k tn JC oven. Her, and Fort Gunnison, local ) to 81. explratloif of eali qi;irU.r--sacal) f and Augutt. George 428 miles and buck, once a wi ck. Febrnaiy,-Ma10. Th distances are glveii Leave Nephl Monday st 7 a m; Arrive at rt. George Friday by 7 p ni information; but na In rcnHiql) pay ii h Leave 8t. GeovgMowdsy at 7 a in ; than ad r'id, ahculd'they l greater, , m. ; If the iii,ta to b h 1 are correctly s.! 1. . 4 Arrive at N eplii Friday by 7 tip liidder wmt injtrm Utemtelrrs tut t! it point, and 10617 From Ixguu. to OxiorJ, (local.) 25 mill aso tn refer m o to tlio weigl t of llm maP.ihe ' and back, one a werz; eoudit on oC ioada, bids,.streams, Arc., atnl ail Lgan Monday at 7 a in; toll brldgef , fevri a, or obatrec of irny kind ' l.:.r Arrive ai Oxfrd by 5 p in ; 'which rxp n e max" be Im urn d. No churn ixavi Oxford W dueauay at 7 a m i ' su- li for additional pay, ; Airlve at Logan byfi p u.: . rising alb ged .tuotaki s or inisap-- '' nor for cjiisldcrcd; 10618 From HmiUvile to Ih nnlngtoi), . 2l ml ea nr lieuaiou'cs to the i vict j, itor mr Pegri e of and hi!-k- oik e a week. t her d Btroj ed, ferrli s dmccptiii.iuil,'bridges nt a 9 Ia ave m; Momlay oliBtrnctlons jneW'HStug iiintaiiee' i f ex: mil-- , 12 Atrlve at ios by diirlt g the cmirart b'l iu. (iltlimoHiti- r Ix'ave Benulngton Monr'ay at 1 p tn. Uahed ifti r this advert)-mn is is ;unljdm. Arrive at llnntsytUo by.7 l t the c ntrai t term, re ti Ih visited during Liman io Wxton, (local.) 23 mile extra pay, if tire di'Biic tint Inereaseil. ltiiy Fmin 11. 1 Id.'er aro.eaut.i.ucd to ij.hII their 'pmpi-and back, once a wee. In lure to reach the Department by il.eilx Leave Logan Monday at7 a m;- v IV Arrive at IVexIon by 8 p m ; ' anil hour named, (Up m., 'jlsTi. fm1 i lAave Wexf'n Tuesday at 7 a m ; bids reieivcd after that time will not hr ronsolfiKl - Arrive at in competition with a bid of reasonable anmiKit Logan by 8 p m. received time. Neither cati blda'ba ronanli to 10620 From Lelil City, by Cedar Valh y, Fair ed which lu are without (hoguurat tee required by. field, IS mth a and back: once a week, cert-flea te of the suffirieiiey of .iiirrr and law '"Leave LM City Tiiesday at 7 a m; guarantee. . Arrive at Fairfield by 12 tn ; 12. Bidders should first prop" re f r a rue Leave Fairfield Tuesday at 1 p m ; according to the advcrt winud, and 1 strictly . m. 0 at Lelil Arrive City by p theu, if they desire, $cjniratrly for and if the regular bid by the low e t offered 10621 From Beaver, by Adaniaville, MIuctsvHIc, ailvertlsed service, the other propoMtlotand Panaca, to lllco, 193 miles and back, for the i may bo consklcred. once a week. , 13. There ahouhl be but one route bid for iu a Leave Braver Monday at 8 a m; Consolidated or combination'--bipropora). Arrive at 111c Wednesday b 6 p ni ; ' ( proposing one turn for two or more route") Hico Thursday at 6 a m ; aro firbldden by law, aud cannot Ixx ('.maiden J. , Arrive at Buaver 8aturday by 6pm; ; 14. The route, tbe service, tire yearly pay, ti e ' to 20 at end Minorsville, miles, name Proposals and residence of the bidder, (that is, hia ., invited. usual post office addrere.) and tire name of each 10022 From Indian Creek, (Utah,) by Boise City,' member of a firm, where a company;' offer, . , Martinsville,'- - Kramitsviile. Middle tou, should bo dhtluctly stated. ) i a Weiser Banch, (Idaho,) Express llanch, 15. Bid 'era are reqin-stcto use, ' N Baker Un orth by furnUhrit Powder, Auburn, City, practicable, the printed protasis ion, La Grande. Orodell, Cayuce, Mitch- the Department, to write out in full the sufii oi .1 i i Walla aud ell's. Station,' their bids, and to retain copies of them,. ; Walla, Wallnla, A Altered: bids should not be, submitted; nor Umatilla, to The Dalles, (Oregon,) 763 miles and back, six time a week, i should bids once submitted bo withdrawn- - : ' r A; 17 withdrawal of a bidder br guarantor will te aBidder to piopoee achedule.V, at to llowed end lloiae nolcsa the withdrawal is dated and receivCity, (Idaho,) Proposals 28U mile, invited. ed before the laat day for receiving proposal. Eacll bid must be guaranteed by two 16923 From Eagle Valley, (local.) to Panaca, 20 persona. The bid and guarantee should l) mile and back once a week, r "signed" plainly with the full name of each per; : Leave Kaglt Valley Thnraday at 12 m ; on. v. Arrive at Pauses by 7 p m r Leave Panaca Friday at 8 a m ; The Department reserves,. the right to reject any bid which may be deemed extravagant, and V. t O.i .I to disregard Hie (bids of- fallsg eentra: lra also 10621 From Pinto to Panaca, 02 mllea and back, and bidders. (Act of July 3, 1836, section 24 ) once a week. 16. bid The should be sealed, superscribed'l- 1 1 f; Meudaa at 0 ' "Mail Froposals, Territory of Hi I tdavq Pint ," i r Aixlve 1 Panaca next day by,5 p m I'ttecond Assistant postmaster General, dressed a 6 Ldato Pahaca Wednesday at m; Contract Office," and sent by "malt,, not by or Arrive at Pinto-next. day by 8 p m. to an agent; and postmasters will not inclose pr-- 7 10628, From i Provo City, by Midway, .Heber, posala (or letters of ' any kffid) la their quarteEy; .7- , Kama, Peoa, Rockport, Wanahlp, and .rctutra." v Coalville, to, Echo -city, 88 miles - and I'lT.'Theeorrtreettiiroto be execute ff and re' turned to the Department by or before tlrej'lft back; once 4 week. but the aerriobuiaat Lu 1k11!1 ' fiF Ct Jtly, 1420;. Leave Provo City Monday atftam; the- mail day next, after H. on or 00 that day, 12 at Echo Arrlvo m; Clty.Wedneadaj by r whether the contract be exeouted or not, 77 i Lam DM City Wednesday at 1pm;1 of contracts or of interest In con. TfnIer -at PrawoCltyIriday.br I pm, fT) hlo, Arrive AT forbidden tract, by lawj and consequently aervicpdnYliqdProposal for cannot be allowed. u Bidders will therefore take 10620 From Tooele to GjrantrviUe, 11 miles and notice that they will be.expected to perform the back, one a week.--, service accepted to them through the whole tern, 7 y ' . : Leive Tooele Thnraday the contract. 4 atlpm; ' , , of18. . Arrive at Postmasters at offices on or near railroads, ft Grantylllby 4 pm;at 4.30 t i'i Lave GranUrrUle Thursday pm; but niore than eighty rod from a station, will, immediately attar, the letof March next, report , 16017 From Franklin, by Fish Haven, Ft Charb their exact distance from tha nearest station, to r Bloomington. 'Paris and Liberty, to daabte lhe Poetmasae Geublhl 4o 'Street e msile, , i p. Bennlagtoa, OQ miles and back, ouce a 19. Section Mghfeett bf tor het Of CXn res ? March 3 t43 enwate at kat contrecta foi CHt Leave mnklln Monday at 8 a m; ' ion f ue nal) .shall be Jet, "in 8 p m; j the next transports at Arrive day by Bennington r soffl- J every easel the Nriteet Leave B) nnlngton Wedneakay at 8 a m ; , cleat guarsateegf r faithAU perferraaice, with;i,J7.'Arriv at Fraakha a ext day by 6 pm.out other reference to the mode, of such tram Proposals to extent Berries to Montpelier, ' " ' thu nu) be MMeuey to peovtcJe for portatton tuvfted. miles, the due .celerity, certainty and security pf such d 16938 From salt Lake CHty, by Stoker. e Under7 thl law' bids that 99 transponatlcn. Farmington, toa Uintah,with to oer. the BsOwilk transport uWriertty, miles acd baric, aix time week, and security," having been 'decided to be a week talnty, aldeeuppiyt o'Eajmrilleutsrie the oady legal Mde, are doueteued as': providing . or more, in due connection. ( entire for tha mall, however tette d Whatever iu. i Leave7 Balt Lake Citytedally, except- Sunday. may be the mode of conveyance necessary to J? at amt. j Its 01 rity,'oitamiy, and eessutty.v ami Ut Arrive at Uintah by 4.30 pm; z)d no 9th-er- a preference over all others, A " Leavq Uintah 4tadly,eet Bunday.at Tam; :r' are com ld red. m. 4.30 - , p Arrive at Salt Lake CUj by 20. A modification oPa bid in any of it cast n- 19829 From Salt Lake City. b Tooele, to Stock-".- .. a ton, 40 mftes ana back, twice week with rfffular Leave Salt Lake City Tuesday, and Friday Making a bew 'bid,' wlth guarantr e 'i;-competition. . ' 4 ' V ' " st8am; nd certiftcals the only xyay to modify pre- . at Stockton by 7 pm;,. " Anive Leave Stockton Wednesday and Saturday 211 Post master are to be cscsfiilaot tl rtrilfy 1 " o the aufficiency of guaranto, r luyettos, . Arrive at 8H Lake City by 7 p m. t likdonioiviiittilknt 16630 From Cortnne, byDear River, and Portage out knowtug that ; "a disregard Qt thte instruction responaibillty Mated. Hall,, Eagle afeiFort is ,uj,fUtah). Rock. Snake River Ferry-- Etunri, rvd by postmasters te a violation of their oath of of- eVMibtetlar fibam' to irhibsdlM removal. J fioodon ' SsMteh, (loeL Idano Ter,r AU bUders, gurraators. sad auratlea are dhtlad; Vtrglete Xty C4at..Ta..)r32 kteUe ly notified that on a failure td enter Into or )M and beck, three times a week. the' contract for the service proposed for Leave Oorinoe Mooday, Wedneaday, and te the acoepted bids, theft' legal liabilities will be Friday at 8 a m ; ; r. . o.a . against them. Arrive, at FlrrlnUXUty third 4yby8 pm; enforeed y 1 N 22. known arid' Present tree 000 persons Leave tor, Wadi Crty Mondxy, i DHdlfi fOtara. and frlteyalttuu cor rvshtMrltemfiteta of their suffii na at Corlnne third day by 8 m p Ylhontlkiry ' lol a 16ft ffi a ' above prescriir,l i tf T )iWtM'euktetai4tvedtyi.t.i'iT The Cvrtlfioato 'of aufficiency must be stguod lr to to Helen a, extend . servle Propoeate a or by a Judge of a court of ac1!-- ' postmaster, 123 miles further, Invited. (llon. Tvr.,1 r 16931 From Brigham City, by .Willard City, fo h UuylladipfttoiL; LU' Hot (tpriega, 1 tnflea and back, gilmea . f CR18W A. J. ) JM),. a week. r f,urrsl. , , '- i. sale i I TEST NOTICE Lowest Cash $15. 4 in--- "' on Mukiug'ilnily comieelioti wilh e" I THE BEST. - s - i -- ; EXECUTED AT rrxxi: w vly-d&- Tho w i wfcrences. 9 beat purifier of the TRY Pleasant IT I Unsurpass'xl for acting' ' surely but the the gently aud kindneya, TRY Forliver! at retail store IT! liquor, drug c v JiroT'!' f' SHOULD BE OK' OltUliON, i r t '; :;r-Charge. 3. On railroad and steamboat lines tb route agents of the Department, also the British and Canada malls, when offered, and the agent acto be conveyed without companying them, are-uao of the United Kutea charge;a and for the agents commodious oar, or part of a car, properly lighted, wanned and fum'ahed, and adapted to the outivrnlent aeparsttai aud due aiciirity of tli malls, la to be provided by the t ontracUr, under the direction or the Department. Railroad and ateiulbarcbmpanea aro riijutr. ed to take the mail from, and df liver it into, the and end of thrir post offices at tha liegiunlngfflees not more than routes, and to and from all " y ' . i i A . , . ni ola.ii X--X AC. -- 1 CELEBRATED n . . i . . K-,, f . X1-- . i 4si J. COUNSELORS AT PATENT LAV, .- -) r7 rrrr T" I u .. i ) f f SWISS I AMr.IJICAN T 'H 'i;ti ! . AMD . a . ! - ng boat routes' there li to be no more delay than is sufficient for an exchange of the mall po.:clu-a2. On railroad and steamboat Hues, and other routes v here the mode of conveyance admits of it, the special agents of the l'ost Office Depart-mea- t, sluo. past office blanks, mail bags, lock and keys, are to be conveyed without extra . ILLS. Chicago, i n ,i r. ' ' AND AT THE OF : i 1 ! ,lpni . treatise on 8permatorrl)a, Syphilis, and other diseases of his specialty, sent In sealed envelopes. Address Dn. James, p, O. Drawer 5 03, .( . v : 24 i 1. Seven minutes are allowed to eU lnterme-diat- o e effi e, when not specified, fur the malls; but on railroad and steamoth-Twia- ' twice week, Leave Ogden City Tuesday and Friday at ' ... , , ,fl. Arrfre at Plain City by 7 p m ; Leave Plain City Tuesday and Friday at 12 n: ' ' Arrive at Ogden City by 3 p m. 1CC07 From WellavUl to Mendoo, 6 mUea and back, once a week. Leave Wellsvllle Monday atOam; ' -- .m ArriveatMendon by 13 m; . Leave Mcndon Monday at 1 p rn; ; ' ' " Arrl ve at Wdlavtllo by 4 p m. ICOOd From Franklin to Sod Springs, S3 mi'e and back, once a week. ' Ridden to propose schedule of departures . i : ' : . f II Ii r: V fiOLKTTORA Dltjiy .. ; Ifffnu lAUdctcF) wnlCB, ttUtl WlO out tbe nee of mercury,' iodide of pokasal, ar senio or any po'aoc, but with hia NiirrnAMznn, a positive cure fag 11 hanpora and blood noisous. Organic n'ealtru, such aa am(iaf JraaJbu'JS, Xoctutiial and ZHurylal Enietiofti, brought on by abuse of the orgene, eerly indiscretions, excesses, or nulled hereditarily, causing loss of kavmdrdonftdfiOn, dcprisaien, 'dlmhesg ,o vision, and of ten times insanity, with a deplore ble train of other symptoms, treated and radio-allcured by an infallible method, saving time dlseaeec peculiar to the sexual and expense,-"Alorgans radically and permanently cured. . Old disease of the most horribJ where the blood, has become poisoned;elk, producing blotches on the face, small watery blisters, pains in Abe bead and bones, ulcerated throes and nose, sores on the limbs and body, 'scrofula, together with an endleaa number of sufferings. effectua ly and permanently cured. Dr. Jams la retoniQiCude by the pr$ss of the f medical eeUrgaa, and cmintryy.tfy ytrofkbsor by tbetoedlcarqjrofvmmn genkrsllyr Those afflicted should apply to him, and bo cured at ) ' ...... Alexander,uk .&5Inxoii, t .4 4 TtXfft&Ut rr : frfm-i'- TRAIX8 y , y , r j rt tt . Ia; 1 delicate oonstitn-flon- s, Ihore arc ladhs who, from or an already rirccmstaifces, Indigent become mothto wish not dc offspring, sure remedy aud a safe offend is such ers. To : In every against conception.a Ktt.wess warranted containing ho Ingredlenta ln; mum; ; guaranteed the least Injurious to the feeblest temperament. beuchorrlisr, or Whilce, ptmlUvely andhow-evcured. Caca of long atindlng. must y hid to this remedy. monthly pills l)r, Stoddard baa also lufalliblo jwrtods of for restoring disordered or Irregular l by mail, svwurs from ob- menstruation. -- ervatloo. . Trice, $3 per box. Xheso are ud patent medlcluea or other hum. prepared ooaipoiiu.Js, frotn bugs, but incarefully uso by the meet distinguished and ftwiuulaa scientific physicians in this country;, and which V huvfl "Holer bPOB EUwrilioil Iwfore All medicines warranted to give sailsfactien or money refuado-l- . Kir'cte.t ',ry e 'bsrved. or answered, tali All fc tiers ircF ' , Formerly of Jamea Look HeertteVCtatom House Htreet, New Orleans, (establish) d 160) for the last eight years located In Chicago, and celebrated throughout the country in the sueoeeaful treatmeat of PRIVATE DISEASES, can be rcnsiUied at bis office and parlors, 01 and U3 Randolph Street, corner of Dearborn Street, Cbioag o, UL, or by letirr,eaalengtTnp for return answer. Post Office Drawer .... 3303, .... . ). Chicago, I1L Dn. Jakes treats Chronic, Mercurial, Syphilitic, THROUGH s i M.-y- ; y lCGOti y y ! ... a & Dll. JAMEH, yi r.'i't - f- .U and H2 Tculh'8Uvel fup stairs, Rooms Kos. O 1,) between Douglas and Faruham, aelt-l-maha, eb. F. O, titass liqxlt). Si i k V f ; ? . 1CC09 U1L KTODDA UOi! f: 'i li i ' 1 1 r1 ; promptly 91 Jame, l :: DAILY LINE OF COACHES -H Si:; M I fi m-prw- p m.1 T m -- . r : u if ; "MASTEltS. , atm condition to be incorporated in the Containing , contract to the txlcnt ih Jhjxirtwrnl may dom " " ". I '! ' jwojwr;..;. V 1 er r I . ! ' i 11 per-maneht- ly : i j . (he under It, will rim a nfler at Ogden City by to bidders asd rcr. iNSTiiucnoNS From Ogden City to North Ogden, 7 miles and back, twice a week, Leave Ogdcn City Monday and Thursday i ;? atSpm;';si"v.-';-'Arrive at North Ogden by 5 p tn ; Leave North Ogden Monday and Thursday ' . at II am; Artivo at Ogden City by 1 p ie.' From Ogden City, by Lynne and fUatcrs-- ,, mile aud back, ville, to Plain 10G03 CHICAGO, To MarriedV.Ladles. ' Arrive J J I- To and from the : ... . numbers In oonltoUnUy there hf young men anilcte with seminal weakness, noctunial emlasloua, lasaitnde, debl Uy, and the - ' .1.-- Ilf To Youiiy: Men. purneiw : ; ' : s.hI u'?s Iniolhgcnily 1 . other attendant symptoms cf secret disorder, and totally wuderndniiig tha cenatU'Ulott it vlcttniy iricfttullf End )byiiclly, sooner or laUfl Th.f disease la progressive, land If not chocked, dwslncss, loss ef memory, procrastination la bualneaa, pains In the back, aide ami knees, yebowlsh drool ef all from the mouth during sleep, and failure From IL is stags physical energy soon Mow,. Is a series of abort steps to an early grave, er the i oonfinethatitwf a Iwusllc asylum. Many of tneso young meu have responded advertisemsnis of atvcalisd llenevolent "Amo; quacks in. distant clatlons,' or unscrupulotui of their sitlea, and after having been swindled mouey by one and another, have abandoned hope awd pronounced theoiselvea tpcurable. no Dr. Htoddsrd practices ou tha no cure, aud 11,000 print pie, and proposes to forfeit aU fseaif ho falls lo cure auy ease of seminal weakness where his treatment and directions none are followed, lls uses no secret reniedha treatbut vegetable inedlcinea, aut his peculiar ment must receive the endorsement f H who . , ; LeaveHeiEyrfoge daily, except ' Stmdsf: ; Arrive ti Brighfifn City byV p m. '..-t.-- r.v f It ANDOLPII CTHPBT,; .,. ara-va- i? i ---- r V-- CiV- ' Vi.1' I pi n ? f de ,tlil e. t, blfi pm; : til 'Arrive atDrighbM ttty est da a by 0 Citjrto IfenievilKt 18mil4 and back. twice a week.. Leave Ogdtn City Wodteoedvy and 8eur t i ; dayataam; v,. it Arrive at UuntsvlYle by lx mi Leave UuntaviUe Wedneaday aud Saturday r at 1 pm; n 4 r- 1 T3 jv them-st-lve- to f i C : n phy-Muo- r -- )a i :,((( - un t:) STAGE, LINE. j-- o- 'a f CHRONIC f DISEA8KS. lx;. i: -- u vt k Tlrera etlli a falsa delicacy au4 bride t v . f u'1 virif v.s i .1 ' amount-tu- ' -- t ,(!fifyk4 Eorday .i fa? tsi rmrrr at UofSprlngs by 13 m Arrive jarrBt Fnalla Leave , k T '' JVl i . . V OQEGOII; tv IDAHO AUD rym JL kA Ji a XL ik v I tfeM UIPOUTAHT TO DOTH SEXES! .... ... r'" ' MISCELLANEOUS ADS. :MIS02XLANEOUS AmrJ tI n $ I & ; ' . - i- -.'f t6m; - with-the- fj u 1 Vtri 1 tbaJrrr?o, i t- - - ,U , pw-tmsvt- i - . y |