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Show n X V, f i - I'tah Trl 'hTjyi KA11H.IV. im'AT. iKnS455fc. a lie t .t i.r 11 '' f a 7 7T 5 timKPvim TKU.MS OF SUIISCIIIPTIOX. ' jU A w OF : 1 , j f Y k M 'f,; i I - . u I ; KuW'W.......t.. AO in advanck. 1. . isn't o aid sinhfl3. Fuxtuer It eduction or tmk Asst etl All of the Or-PO8X- is on a - as r' " UNION BAKERY, L. HILl.t C. J. HUPPED, ENUY ISAACSON. VV. A TinnSKV AT LA us (towers ol the prestboodmay PflllPE j iu-jpCc- , , , Mr.'Greely and Mr. Bechet are at logMr. Greet gerhead. Mr. Beecbecsays Richerdson-McFarland invited him to perform tbe marriage ceremony, and Mr. Greeley say he didn't Mr. Beecher alludes to a letter written him by Mr. Greeley in proof of ' his ' statement and Mr. Bring Greeley shouts' ' triumphantly, forth the letter! 81yoldfox! He knows the letter cant be read Poor Beecher I a, -i UTAIU DHUGG' step-daught- FURNITUEE - , M i j vmit oauiNtJi; ec73m 7jki wfifl ;f UJT- - 1 li , - 5 EC Ip AW mY L LH "coktiifiE, ImfffvHJin turnUhM SI oc7-3- m T;1 f t i. r I -- -- Slr"t- - BLacatxp ,1 i.) (: ww, , n-o- nt COIUNNE, THK ONLY WAOON utxti. SIIOo i ' " J Dsslsr te ' Orwc.iMV-cadV'lli-ari'- ... - ! , ;: mi. VsteltA n f.r-x- -. do aks as d'TobXcco. i 1 -- . 8st,a Mr, : .?Wha-wh-wWfc- . be ftrT dunno!; t v ft. s i . went toon bom agin rpefihf'tbotfjbt An dc be bora a white man. next limsU bep2bt a wood many uiggera alibe ww like dat old Demos, but, dey 11 alien be eiggers, V ; ativhow . t u -- k , s t ,4 ir - i . , naliler. ' - i ' . ' - - ntw on say point Collrfttena I lilted States. r In (hr coin am uou) Dtsr Bouiiir. ,1 . hours from Ortlce 9 a. M. to 4 f. M. j k PLA I LI) AICL, Correspondents! WUou theyenna, ,, , Ftrst Katlouit, uuiaha. WeaU-rBavlngs tnautute, Rt, famU. P. 8. i f , - vl Tho Akios Piano is the iiKvn.tr n , adi.k, nqu're h , and doeuot get out of order, it U . tnm Henry Orecnhanm A t o., Chicago. ' . Hnsaey, Dahler k Co., Halt Lake City. Dahlcr k Co., Helena, Montana. Iluaacy, Dabler k C. , Virginia Montane, Alllani-- Bonk, lyuidon. La Touche, Dublin. Bank of California, Hnn Vranelaro. Ocean National ljauk, Kew York tHty, 01. Draw eCbauge on principal cities of the world. Time Checks bought. ' ; ap2(Mf Ate J e l. LnrffOMt Htoelc In Toi ttl , XOIiTJI SIDE MOXTAXA STItKKT, ! . i i It ' ' t 4 t - CORINNE, In 1857 the AmeHcnn Inelituto l'uir of Kesv York, after a "b.luiUold ft tat against t iuas , Chlikerlng and irany oilier Iiiiio-- , award' U tho Patent Arin tho Hrnt Bretuiitm Writo for aflldaviia, iwinphlct-am- l lirtniar, and atVe in w hat Paper you shw tli - doitiH, , nicnt. w t A (J E. TS- TAX TlX ;tr ! UTAH i i ac22-l- ; x Em P.KIEIC -- LIQUORS, , (of the best brands) t 'Of cigars end glassware. f. gMW0lt0ff Wiarolkcw, Tlie flae.t Watches new masnfactnred. Montana Street.f i " HALSH k CREEJW ILD, Proprietor. - GKVSIt I. !i ,r. i 1 v , bra ted - Alee Be in la A Co., and Porter. East side, Ole V - ? HOLT, v t SSxAum nl STJTIOfflY.fflS 1 . v 'roAojutilJSunjing,' tlTAII. CORINSTO ta no4-t- f f Q3gg0D4'gAU).0ffi MONTANA - I , ,1-jv- r.I CORINNE,, : STREET, . '.r LKU rt , t, .HI it t The finest Imported Liquor. Ooldeu and Peart Crown Cigars, Tom k Jerry, Hot Punches, etc.. - always on hand. ' : : Call and ee ua. and Day. K'ght Open 49 notMf ; ' 1 4 ? t f J 1 v ' tMDeMnanca in tba cowntry. t MoBAME, A HEATH, to ... w permiae4oi, Refer, by it-- O. Smwwlu 8. 0. Xuwrt, Jas. McIjumi. K. P. Joaowf, V. 9mou r, C. B. i t e ' . Ont. Htciacl((1,000) by a ' l (C1KC 0 i i Morl- - & ft i.'t -- 1 i ! Cheap! Cheaper! ' Front Street. ' " hivi, COHINNE,-UTAII- , . 01 , -.USBOltX, I rPUeiar. ; t ' I Corner Montana and Fourth Streets, j( ' i 111 , , ? Dow . i: 'i - . : , of , s! , DEALERS IN, -- CLOTHING, -- drO-t- f ; 5 r Lund Giant roin! tnt ret-- i met t . t tlu-i- ji , Dealers iia noxerwmem HeturUi- etc. corinne! :utaii;.!; .'' ,fJ vnrr B. BRADD, rj. ClRPEfrrfiR . 1WD it i lo '' ' 1? V I JOirTER ( A CmtlMNE.: UTAH, seTlm ? V cashed. 4 r t - . Bought and Hold on Cotnmis-tloonly. Arcounta recMvcd and Inff ret allowed on da'iy balances, subject to Check at sight. t nO-t- 8 took n f rt ; '.S fa f . , e m P iy . f 13 . . rt . - rt d.,j ' TO THE WORKING CTASS We arc n v prepared to furnish all c'aasea with conatvnt employment at home, the wholo cf the time or for tho .pare rumnenta. Buftlne.v, new. jUhl amt profitable. Persons of rillur c euily arn from BOo. to 5 per eva'nj, and a proj oHion' sum ly devoting th-- ir wlio e' time ta thc bn-- lBoys sml girls earn nearly a moth tneuL That til who aeo tha may .end their we ru-address, and tf t the Lniiu ne. no-ic- Dont am iLUul-f&rallele- ko nt d well raUnCf'd.' offer; To such aa an' to pay for the trouble of wiltmg. wowillaend Full partlcnlare, a valuable aampo, whli Ji va Jil TAdo to commenco-woion; and act-iyoone cf tbe largest ISojtlt's Literary t And best faiuilyvticw.rt tnrs pjibbdied all 01; free by maiL Ufu.lt r if you kant iern.nn-t- . re 4 Ik C. 1 1. 7 N k (V profitable work, add ' ' ncS ' - Augusta, Ma'ue. tl f k - 1 1 I. 1. BAKERY, (trocf-rtes-sut- lj cult ine,,elsewhere, hsl t'l'i Wr.l. LORir.TER, BAKHEK fc. ST. LOIIIS BRIBER Midi. IIAIlinUESSKlt, - Mantana Strcif, r - ) r Corinue, Utnli. e im i , s v s5y3eerwt$2Yt9-fs rt, . o J f t . 1S JUaT REOKIVF.U a fiuo elo. k t,f. and family etry vaijdy i 1 lilrUv to a heavy rt tall buaihesa; an t tho t y ; nerve to up goody H lu'ir aroalwjyson hand foraet to, am! ex- customers with neatness acil diepUca before ,) ft f jMr We have eoneUr.tly ou piircliatincr ' 4' no25tf freeh Oysters, received daily by lit press, :uut ar. prepared to reccivo orders to ship Uu n 2 , and otbef places. 4 .Fourth! Street, .i Union and CnliaW.i8e It. R. FlrKt?JirtcMn' lkmda Bought and Hold. D. ft. Bonds Bought Hold and Lxchknge.1. Gold Bought and gold at Market rate.- - Coupon- and in fact everything that ran he railed f r in bis line, all of which ho (ff-rto the pub.ic ' at the most rtaautlc rates. 1 , - BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, - - rillh i f t J a J. MONTANA STREET 4 i f- - Boots acd Onocs, v .. FANCY AND STAPLE 1 ' DRY GOODS: AND CLOTniNG, - f .. nl ' ita t j .t: .. , DRY GOODS, L.,REGGEL&;1CO., s ; Itali. tmiUOTII STOClt 1 - t. H - HAS JUST OPENED IIW of work. at prepared to do all kinds mud freight-er- a wiU find It to thoif iutoreat to give me a vail , , before going esewhere. " e SdT Don't forget the phic.r M f.'S.! iu -- Corltitic-- , t I ' 1 J MEYER. M. i . - Y- BEpEM&Bto Hie Place. Dont forgot ' . in 'J t. ' t I'.OP LAND. erection thereot. The Compauy m-titfor their fac nnl alt lauds yoU(, by tltoui. HUES. PURLV.S AM) t i m I ACRES M e . . . ; -- I am f , CAM)irS, Ue very lowest prices. Teamsters 1 noe-tuK- M CR0Q:unY,0LAS0VMnE, ggg L-- , , . ift Ijitthri Thunstlll Oil! ; tat'h. rrtnl art forjhe conetructioii or opura'ion tlunof, or for thetiack,a yard, depot ground,' tnllding., or W WISE!, t ) M - to(h (Serinn I UTAII. Tbe undaraigued win recaive stock for a winter C3TVC37: AJ t m rctaur noTicrta or au, tunca It, i . . , T. THOMAS. TlJlftite. (Jotywit JiitfiJs lkilug all thu L.uivt- ukiilj the Iuum Pacttl ; Rail rood Company nvw haw or aliuil lx r r.rt r t acxiuiro from Uu United Hate., the land which arc cr .hall lo .included in the Railroad ami fidcgiaph Line of said Company, 'or mwul L1I1ES - BLACKSMITH SHOP 4th and tkh Street. KANADKY, 7 pur cunt, uul ny HltKsl I exi-en- i !!!, MONTANA iu Beet of Winee, Uqonra and Cigare In great variety. Walk rlght In, and help yourselves, uo2-t- f gentlemen. IN - J r m ITRKET, beUoeen , I MTS, COCO UTAH. ' .... COllINNE, UTAII. B. V - i i BT8 Sjecial attention given to orders by matt. A large stock alwaya on hand Goods shipped same day orders are received. KEG SAl.OOh MONTANA 1 Fit FITS, ji 1 I I r ltun iO se21-t- f 5 RiFFERTTS 0 v J S UAL 0,000.000. 1 j DRIF.II Wl) CA1 1 Agent for Brewer, nol-t- f t't. Hi!" il M CORINNE, .1' WINES, LIQUORS & CIGAItS comiBsioti r.iEnciifliirs lw A i MONTANA STREET. $ l1 rUj do!n la Ho XUCKuLUS OLD STA XV, 1 V - i fI - t , : t i H Fruit veil pueketl for flvuntaln trade, H Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu" A i1 STREET o-l- y AT I I Who i the agmt T.r th- t rediu-era- i freni him will Saenuiunm. AH- ait ales er.ti-m- t bo put up whr- growu, thus bii ft . ah and fur nibbed at prod tirera pHro. : S. L. TIBBALS, i ' i BUTTER, DRY GOODS & CLOTniNG. BaGE and Boots mill Shofs. COURITRIT PRODUCE, Montana. Street. CORINNE, UTAII.' ' - ' Oo. I ritt.y tMpibr in aj.i. rt rommiiou Merrha.j 2111 A Railroad VI - SACRAMENTO GRAIN MILL FEED, PJULEUO IN ' f No. i t S - r v FLOUR, v 1 .f--- - ' t noi-t- f store. ip nu; i Ge ieral ts AND J- A - MERCHANT. d V GJWUrBOHC? LftMB IJ. P. ALF. H. CUMMINGS, "ro innssio.v 1 DAVIS & COIIN, ' .ec7-S- -i UCTC. 1 V J , . f P it i it Wholesale and Retail , tea market pflctj r.il , at i J. W. GUTHRIE,' UTAH. ti y eg- - Uetairing carefully done, and satis faction apTJ-l- y , guaranteed. -- o- WHOLESALE t tin i Now York - ti i Grant-Bonds- . We are v.iUr ng Also Howard and Waltham Walclies ; , m Mmm (E0., f ' 1 Um It- IIDTIIL. up-pile- t & Land! RAILROAD' 1 , u i f This FIR$T CLASS NEW IIOTKL Is now opno to tha pubtlo. The rooms are neatly and comfortably fumtahed. Tbe tables are alwaya a with the bent the market affords. Frcah Oysters alwaya on hand etui served up lit any sty e ou tliort notice. The Bar la stocked with the finest Wines, CORINNE, UTAH. J, w. LESHER. 9 . California Fruits 4 - . , CORINNE, nearly bsck of the Uintsh Uouae, t fr lour Orders Seiut of the celebrated SOLE AGE1CY Between Third nud Fourth Streets, 8 ALE. ROOMS: COLORADO ST R LET, r GO,, 6$. Lave the 1 t Liquors, amt Cigars. no23 tf COVSLL t ,i! , 7 MOSS AQATE JEWELRY! In great variety. , c have Wa r. room amt OflW, Kn. 5'4 Proadway, k 1 s- - ItoworV, MeW York. Mannfartory, - ootld-a- Buyers will do well to examlnu my stock be for purchasing elsewhere New ntyles atlver seta, aolld gold chains, ring, ' pins, sleeve buttons, etor ' , , - - iu Vfry City and Town wt et1 ready appointed them. L Prop. V irm: ti t in, r -- .llWiiO.V ElEllVilDIH r i coMi-ttnun- THE STANDARD PAKO. 1 (between 4th and Othl . .' ' 4 , ; t , METROPOLITAN BEDSPREADS, ETC vToiin-w- b, 1 T AT COMFORTS, -- i . ;i ! i tobacco, i dWT bora again.? - vioyehs rorR smpui in paievp' ' u MeritMmket. - yfoad benMo HOOKS, meetin Susdar yoh'd beerd do preacher 1 teed ho Itiggir Demhs" wanted to . be syWSMgWCTWKjM Welr. - ! 'KITCHEN SAFES, r BREAKFAST and DINING TABLES. MOSS PILLOWS, -jl 3 -- tWaslHMlwaAd! TNx)iof C5ou)arn . t 'M I S ' 1 II. Wll.llOIt, i "j k tf ,, tf vOITY CUPBOARDS, - a is dar 'duVplace'ifi'de Bible ekr 5?1 irSI uHod penwt wSeHtfoCd?w xqVTN ElVIlYIsE I VV ES, - j' ff win;es, , X-l-d- 4 GROOERTES. Elgin, A n ,hS; j Jewelry, i Wholesale and Retail m f' : x t M, I SIL , Ell VIOTOB CORDELLA, , Men a? womeflFcflnt keep a secret. It Montana Street, bet 77frd A Fourth, is ust ine , revjersewomen can, men t :i : i f f t cant. Women cafry with them secrets i t that would kill any man. Woman never CORINNE,. U. T. doe. f yuan, always tells; OjnwjtiJeH 1 r and dies aJan. sblabe , and i fives. I t i i ' cannot keep a secret ; woman cannot Ot t make it known: What H sport to the man is death to , the . woman. t Adam was a i ' A sneak. Eve uohld have kept the apple a secret. Be jrv faith fob 1 W bp ever heard A URGE STOCK COUSTAHTLY ON a woman talk about her lover fiascos 7 r HAND. "I ' ; ' ' Everybody has heard a man gossip. Man . w4 H . ; delights In tehing of his illicit conquests woman would cut her tongue out first. talk Men are coarse in their clob-oo4 t ) : n t, I n i v i t nj t'.i jlorquvwea-tion- . r , i .. t 'i t rqfiofdJnM yrpmfnWho 'fin ever heard of a woman s tellvl J i SI. 1 ' f t. , 1 .I t ing of her krviers? Who has not listened 4GT 3Ve can and do otter better advantage to the dissipation of the menf Men boast; - jar to h buyer iban, any other "t women dont. Women never tell tales out jar House la tula vsaley. & .. ... of school; men are always blabbing. So Special attention (Ives to orders by maiL down with another dd ' adage. AVomen same day orders are received. can keep a secret, and her ability to do 7 Goods forwarded We detlrer (kerb free of charge la tbe city so is proved' by a St. JoKVs (NewfoundnolS-t- f and st tbe depot r I ( land) girl, who did not tell her lover she whs worth four millions in her own right until after tbe marriage. 1 o- sfwsgr f- i I ,d o-- vccon fi ll I , j -- liV .i I .CORINNE, UTAH, LIGHT STANDS. ( io - AUBIMDM, m Si.1 i ZIZOZlTOItf, ' - 1 i ' 4 Always oa baud tbe chotacat Meata,' Game of all kind. Butter, gga, etc. to4tf -- tbs low. ft f ,i OGDEN, UTAII. . or i DIAMONIIS. 6 Frwjrletnr of ths . COHINNE, Ufith Ter, In dealt-- r WATCHES, CLOCKS, FOURTH 8TREET, ! Uli ! u O IL LUBBES, Proprietor. . i HI IIOTOE, Msnnfscturer and (J Fiiie Gold ' D. IjT llryfivn, HEHSTEAUS of all kinds, CHI HS. LOUNGES. kC. IJUIIBAUS, DKKSS, WASH, and - PATR9?tl?2.pSHWJTO . at Charleston, f a t f ft ! J EAT MARKET, PJ ROCKERS,1 ETC. iideirnraThe eriodical published this mooted .treata thns 1 M9Daiju Street, . Of i f ; to; 0tln 0FnCE,:i t y 2 ., j f t t (if, P. . CANE, ! ,!. e-- BANKING HOUSE U t s er i 1 t. n V- -. . xv-o-f . .f J MISCELLANEOUS , , It is stated that Miss Romaine Godard, of Admiral Dalhlgren, is to be shortly led to, the, by menial .altar by Mr. Overbeck, Austrian Consul at Uong Kong,. and that the bridal trip, will be to that far atyay place, via Europe. , , GISTS. . ....I........,,, . ....... J Month., - a. Blngte tv v j. Ci.vo lr.vtK. I Ivc t t) one nddfCMi Tell e .pier, one Mu .. INVARIABLY IN AUVtNU. KCHO CITT. t , Particular attention paid to Retail custom. co-ope- ra T Month..... Six 1 ) , i , S va-let- j tj .Woman Cax'a Y4V-....V- W. D. MOliTON, ,wuOKf WXLSORJ brains till they fairly ached in trying to r of the lcat Xleata, Always on, band a ' fresh Butter, ugar cured llama. Bacon, etc. decipher bis goose tracks. tt' tf Moesigtratiotr tj : . 1 7-- is powerless.1 We can vouch for the correctness of the last statement for t we have puzzled our a ir AD ij CHKTXSKK. J, itnda. Also, fine ctKars, tobacco, and all aiuok. era' articles. Repairing done In tho beet work. manlike manner, and ait work warranted. ; i CaJl ornia Htoro. , p 1 ce roll ' a . ( - i r ta coil P08XT a. I B0E8SEL, , r J. toMrtw. , -xjr, I 1 ! n it 1 U-- , the children of men In nuy degree f ASU beheld tbo;beavens with-duCUAXCr.HV SoUClTyR IS J N tbettMelvej.tbfe spirit of the Lord t . is a lr.A he' err is grieved. Then nmen to the priesthood 'j , th.tr, j . 1 1 r t or authority 5f ttidt mao.! ; 1 1 Indue tune such a spirit as this will puis If. HKMPHUCAP, burst assuuder. tba bonds of priestcraft, and melt the shackles that so long have I AUd bound the souls of men in slavish igno-tanUnited Stale Attorney for UUh. 'and fear, Tbe light of Zinn shall r Tl VTA ir. S. 1 1. T A HE shine forth purely and brightly through ortWert iud f Uttl'svItaw, 2d NoUht., out this and all nations, until, by tbe lulf hlH-- we.t ol Main. brmdtb and depth of her principles, all .1 artie and isms shall, be absorbed, and J V. iLILUlAMV dl. I)., i(otry nud superstition knowu pnly as . OFFICII, things of the post, Another article by Mr. Tullidge, who t th JMitrMd $h1 Strrfh t'om ri is one of the prophets of tbe chare li, underCs S II, takes to vindicate tbe utter freedom 6t e7 tr Mortnoni.sui, audits readiness to' welcome all tbe elemeutssf civilization. This parWll.KEtf A .lIeYUTT, agraph, though it may be 'hry falseJu its hopes, is yet very significant in its predicm iiotcsals and llctall tions Its hostility to Brigham Young and bis policy of theocratic absolutism," as Mr. Tullidge calls it, is at least quite Citrnfr of 4 th, tout Montana ikrrcti, plaio. The dissutisfaction with tbe IN NK, UTAIi; IV tive stores is also coming more decidedly atiStlm to tbe surface. Mr. Jenuings, the great Mormon merchant and capitalmt, who was obliged to put his store into HURLBUT BROS., has couie into opposition to Young On the question of a dividend upon bis WhleasU ami Itr tall capital so invested. Ho says that after mouey and TT :A 1 bring swindled out of biswas bound to be months, weittug eight Mon f ana Street,; v have some tuterest in return. Young took that any shareholder - - - UTAII. fire and declaredimmediate rollINNK, Mm 'who demanded paytneut of bis divideud must be looked upon ns haviug lost the spirit of the Lord, and on the BUSINESS CAUDS. verge of epostaoy. iThi and otbr indio cations go to show, what had already been i UJ i' is a failure, predicted, that & MILES (iERHISH tnen theniostAotiveand cnpsble that and n J. tr among the Mormons are (loudly, hostile to it. Auother leading Mormon merchant, Lawrence, .who . sympathises, , tho NaiU, -- Stores Henry Ilardirarf, Iron, unobtrusive in an way,, with Godbe and Ut.fsfA U 51,: Kelsey, is reported to baVe 'alsdtendered ) .1 f j 1 am reeHrtng nd setting up a Urge assort couffired upon us it is true; but when we tuent of furniture, undertake to cover our sins, to gratify onr pride or ambition, or to exercise. do- CIIAIIIS in great : minion or compulsion! over the houIh of ",l ' WOOD. H r , MlSCULLANEOUfci ed B. BOBEUTSON, Torr .I , diid ? of uiivitiriOhi. TKlOla ; ,, ! ,i j n.-:-- : for moie tcotrpH which cannot le granted. HAXF A BRECHT, Prop. I beg, tiieriforet youT earuest attention to this matte-- , that Congress may be Montanat Street, to not to diminish the militHry shment any further, becante of the 07? AH.' great xtent of oar conntty, the nusettl d chaiactrr of a region, measured noith and south, fust ami west, by thousands f Keep ttSutUutty on luiul fresh Hjre six! sit mika. The nomsde characUr of the In btharkinda of lfrrst. ALo sn sssrttuent t our Hue. Cuaiotners dittos who inhabit this region, and t e ther arttelra oc7-3growing uecessittes of affordiug greater promptly attended to. protection 'to the raiW that traverse this region, and the mining and agricultural interests therein, .While the nation t if 1. J Urge fa at peace, a kUteof quasi war b. f I H existed, and The troops, therein are exi R 0 Dd posed Atf4 labors, marches, . fights ., WatclimaUers, uangera fhat amoant to war. Were the troopj withdrawn or largely diminished in Texas tha Indian country, ' in Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho oir Alaska, JEWELERS & GUNSMITHS, as well os in some parts ot one Southern States, I believe a condition of, things OGDEN, iUTAII. would result amounting to anarchy Gen, 'ou band fine wstrhea and Keep oonUnUy ShermaHs Papers. , . , ., , owelry,, guns, pistols and ammunition of all - - .(j f No. '2rt - P. II MISCELLANEOUS ADS. , iWofti am-'bijo- BUSINESS CARtS. COEINNE, e of thA missionaries of tbo church, 3.1RW u r , ins(.iun n:v-u-t Three- es-ta- bl has thrown up bis appointment and 1W 105 angedx bfeuoelf 'Fquarely witbr Morhm. and otberk They Uodbo,Kelaey,Tullidge Transient advertisements to b paid for in are carrying on tbe battle fiercely in tbe oVbli church,' refarfntftofeo dttt lakutnV, ink r tea deed, toi be the true re preach titeS of-- Mor- ba No standing adverUenient,tast4.te monism) and charging Young with Introcontract. Weekly edition except upon special mattar. and ducing pretensions to authority, and an acta reading Editorial Notice, exercise of power, utterlxfQtOgoiiistio to InSrtrdod local of editorial jT tbeo7rit and Hu for first luaertlaa, pAUyita example of the fathers, and M a I itll.mat IlmflJA !'- !'" d&ructve;t6 jUitiigbU of in fcvhl.w.f 'altah(jkr dividu&le and to the permanence of tie for every insertion. church. These articles are conceived and advert their chango Yearly ad vertiaera may with tha atdlttonal charge of ottered in good temper, but at pleasure, yet are fear-leJ5rn.uiia-ai.ure- , paly proaldad Uiay,roJn in tone and cannot fail, we should ' ttu original apace occupied- think, to make an impression and receive sympathy among all the more intelligent classes of the Territory. One of these U ritOFEHIOKAL OAXtH articles fointA oeft vgry effectively 4 fie al- -i hi fdy; of OS aei too nxiu tempoWl 7 F. JMI) matters, citing numerous cases of failure in material enterprises which he has set United fttatea Cotamlaaloner, at Law, on foot, and forced the capitalists and 1 Attorney and workingmen of tbe Territory to engage in. . Bepnly United Statee Attorney for Utah. Then they array every variety of Mormon CQMXXE, UTAH TEH. and historical autborties.as well as reason and Scripture, against Brigham Youngs tUbdrj ur, hhcodtUaGd ?(4Fdlenldriaud inkist vith grearfordethdt tber pHesthotd DKMT5I5- - JTOOIIY,-can command acquiescence among tbe Attorney and Counsellor at Law,, disciples, only so far as the inner light of umXTAXA STHET, rotiLWSfi'Jrf '(bwdttyiplty'g tbemselVebrtfce the prpprie. ty and tbe wlndoin'of Its behests. We quote some of tbe more significant para graphs of a recent article by Mr. Uodbe : For tbe same authority (Joseph L A XV , Su.itu) tells us, inhigh A T T O It N KV AT speakiug of certain men the priesthood, that Ubey ftlVfr.K r.inlj. Ldohiot learn iu, that Ihfej fight of; the priestA 3in la Uintah If ohm- hood ure inseparably connected with tbe t r j. jsiweis of heaven, and that tbe powers of i - I f v i 0. ' . Al u(-peal- and In tbeif arguments aguiost hU policy of temporal absolutism.! Other promiueut nod ib tUo cbnrcb bira tnken sides with and iotn tbeir protests with tbe Vbarnl of rebels. W. II. 8beai tf - SATURDAY. it H Si Walv1 rent ! TUESDAY. DECEMBER .US,; 1809. OOBENISrK, U. T.. -- 4 I ' , army duty. The Recalcitrant Romans -- Coil be and this moment we have not a single TnllMe on the Prerogatives of that may be said to be in reserve. All are on duty, and I have constant calls Young. From 1 wamx ni;pou'n:if. M utah - j-- sao-cce-d- Solicitor In Chancery, Salt Laka City, Utah 5 i 5 tba Spring Arid Il public o, baa Yount? uo menna litigbaiu by in craMbiug out tb iucipietil rebellion ntnou the elders of bi eburcb. Tbe Utah Mnrjazlut is still publmbe.l; sud its edtiors stid proprietor- - grow twor pointed , in tbe rebake of bis authority, tJl.lAVJA3!3aii and V'lii ) y regi-meti- L R' .X TnE FanTr.RS' ,, r Vo 20 je 7 8 '' ,i ft Rates of Advertising. c : ill 1 j'rf . col INVARIABLY j..'!-- f vk bthe Curler,).,.... m-r .i'l , '$ - Yar miMixitlrV oua jUI.tfl On rrH k i,.y rl 4 V! .OTtiL f 7 !acSlm , se23 II, W, P, SPHNCF.lt, Montana Wtrcot, liraneh at Vi ah lm ( it I Hon?.) i |