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Show "' V Utah Trl-NYfe- TUESDAY MORNING. DEC. 28. Tlte OFFICIAL. PAPER the City, County Ter-iilor-jv and the United ;Slntn. TO COHIUPOXDKNTK. the extraordinary events taking place In Halt Lake, and the anticipated early, downfall of Brigham's mle in Utah, we want a good rellahle eonwiamdent in Salt Lake City, to whom a BIktuI compensation will he paid. All communleat'ons should Ihj adCuiisfliiering dressed to - . Co., 'Phi.vtkuk' Prnf.iKiiiNci - Corinne, Utah. run, n.r.811 ayd roui.. With this issue of the Ukfoiitku we recommence the publication of Mr. BeadleH Home Palters" on Ctali. The present minder of these papers Is ft very Important as well as interesting one, and cannot lie too carefully studied by those Interested in Utah In particular and the great basin in general. We shall continue the publication of these papers from this forward until the entire n$hiber is exhausted. CBRISTfltf. winters of thus giving encouragement that there will be an abundance of water for mining purposes next spring. The quartz Interests of the Territory' lmvb assumed a very important and productive position, yielding immensely to the owners, and adding mil lions of dollars to tlio4 country's wealth. Xor Is this branch of enterprise and industry likely to decrease, but with the improvements In machinery iind the further development of the mineral deposits, Increase ten fold each year. The agricultural resources of the valleys bid fair to lieeome n distinguishing feature, and are nlrcadyupplylng the entire demand of the jieoplc in the way of hreadstuffs and vegetables. Combining all her natural wealth, the energy and enterprise of her citizens, her vast and undeveloped resources, her healthy and salubrious climate, where can the capitalist or emigrant, outside of Utah Territory, And a more desirable field for the exertion of his energies? The high cost of the necessities of life have heretofore exerted a very salutary Influence against the increase of population, but since the completion of the(lrca Pacific "Railroads, unj avenue- - has been ojicncd which nflbrds safe, cheap and rapid transportation, not only to the traveler, but for all kinds of freight ami machinery. Already the merchants- of Montana have seen the advantages to he derived fioni obtaining their goods and supplies Iy tills, new route, and next year o wilt Wo Corinne commanding the entire and immense trade to the North. Already the most 'GS-'- Reporter. kly . &b Since the Star of Bethlehem led fthe liumhle shephiirds to the lowly manger In which Christ was Isirn, Decern her nearly nineteen centuries have marked the march of jtiine. What changes have taken place in our world since that eventful day? ThemImlof man cannot conceive, and history 1ms failed to record more than the most not lea hie features. Empires, Kingdoms and Republics have crumbled Into noth bigness : kings and crowns mve been dethroned, and the map of the orld undergone n thousand transformations. The power of Imperial Rome, sitting on her seven hills and ruling the world,1 tottered and fell by .her own hand. The whole earth has been convulsed and changed ft thousand times by revo lution and war, yet during all these changes of time, nations and people, the new revelation of Christ -, unity whhh had its birth" on the ever ineniorabDlKth, has lioen surety aud rapidly 'spreading its moral ami idyllizing influence to every country ami to every people alt low yie knee in meek submission and reverence to the Trinity. With eaeli return of the 25th of December, may wg' meet it with gladness, feeling .that during the Interim we have at least filled a part of our destiny have lived to lie of usefulness to to progress ami to our feltqw-maour country. 2-it- -- l- -- S r self-destructi- m-tnr- e - largest business Arms of Montana have completed arrange- incuts whereby they will he plied regularly witli nil the goods they demand from Corinne. The peculiar advantages of this place Over allot hers as a supply point, Is apparent-teveryone. Not only is tills city Du nearest and natural distributing centre for the Loon creek mines, Northern Idaho and Montana, hut-- we. a No possess resources within our own Territory to the north, the south and the west, both hi mines and agriculture, that ere long will command marked attention, and will naturallydrnwn large Increase to. our present population. Their demands must. le supplied, and they will look to us to All their orders. Virtually, the Missouri river as a channel of supply for the New North-WesIsuhaudoned,and will revert to its 'old inhabitants the Indians. o -- t" j 1 HOME PAPERS. BY RETK'iSfECTTE Wli FRO'- - PEC11VF.. Cheering news reaches us dally from our Northern neigh lKirs-g- ir commercial friofds, ami to them ' we look with confidence for a vastly increased trade tin cunning spring. Heretofore the great mineral sections," embracing, northern Idaho and Montana have obtained their supplies almost'exelusively by the long, tedious ami perilous route by steamers up the Missouri river. It is apparent to everyone, at all famil- - ; ri X 4 iar with mercantile transactions, that the greater risk, the longer goods are in transit, and the necessity of laying In a years supply in advance, thereby adding compound Interest to ' capital Invested, the more exorbitant must In? the prices demanded to cover probable losses. Such has jbeen the caso since the ilrst. opening of mines In Montana, and to that cause alone may lie. attributed the slow development of a large section; perhaps the richest in minerals and natural advantages of world. Her gold any in and silver ledges, in number and richness" arc without parallel; the placers have yielded millions In gold, and scm almost inexhaustible; while new, rich, and extensive dis- covcries are being made almost dally. At tho present time the wildest mining excitement and stampede that has ever aggitateil the people of that Territory Is in motion to a recent discovery in the Missoula Valley. The towns mid camps in Deer Iodge amf neighboring counties threaten to lie depopulated, for a time, in consequence of the pew discovery; nor docs It "appear that the excitement U without good foundation." Cedar creek promises to rival either Alder or Last Chance gulches in their palmiest days, and give employment and rieli remuneration to thousands. For the past two or three years the mining inter est of Montana have suffered greatly . from a scarcity of water. Uich claims In many gulches havo been 'abandoned; lilgli bars and placers that are known to contain millions in treasure, have remained uiidls turlieil on account of tho lack of water to work them; f What is tho prospect for the future? The present whiter, Jso fur, has been, mere favorable than the nmHIte full of snow t wo prow' Is g ruder already than of the entire , the-know- n j 4 1 ; , IA The New Yor Would, the ahteat DcruorraUe The New Yerk WvkId, Ihc lxt the ixjutiiH'ut. I soiuloi lu'.ly thlnp. . Tho New YtV. ' , r'a' Xmm dl-I-H- l, a.ti IdidhI 1st tho ji ! . i I ronDuiH f OOmSJNB; ti - i s r . i UT &H. H a! ff i v . ns A ;- -J n-, - V -- r houe.-CArNi- cet the Weekly the-vario- tithing I ' forward promptly, .liberally' and jlimlly. Do not ask the question, I Wliat is done witli my money, my laljor, my sweat and blood That is none of vour business, suppose you have n large family to supiort, what.of that? theiinmneulatc Brig- ham aml his ajKJstles will take care of them for you(?); question them not as to the disposition of your money. The following on (lit from MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. qho New York Sun accounts for a London, Dec, 27. The Times toportion of your hard labor aml blind day lias uii) article on the Alabama adherence to a despot' command ; sfelaims and charges Fish with arguBrigham Young, Jr., it said to bo inthat England should apply dif terested in zoology, nud it is allegfd bat ing ferent,, principles to Anierjca'than hi efforts to subdue tbe tiger while iu nation that GfeatBritNew York cost hi flu around thousand. anyother aiaoliould have let the Unlon hnd arms and denied them to and Th liikat quotations in the Orovilh should hhv legislated, rif rebels, h'eessary, m. diimoui.il maikot, s.iys tho Jeconl, are: against the latter, if tho Union arriiy Marriagea scarce and depreascil ; engnpe-n- u were unable to repress the rebels at nti dull, aud but fuw mnmig forward ; home, f j i ,f courthbips loop and lingering ; mercautile Syracuse, 27. A most destructive business dull ; scandal market over.Seven stocked ; beaux, supplies light, stock in- fire occurred here ferior. and in good demand : discarded largo brick stores on Salina street, lovers plenty, . and stock Accumulating; owned 4y Giflortl, Hamlet and othrttt royett ers, were,! tattling, a good assort metit 'plout 000. " Iiisureu for $4 )0, Ijn tills Territory we might classiSun Francisco, 27. Midnight fyMhc imuket into two gratis: Tlve steamship-China- , l.Vings 3,000 First silk ; market womts cards good (Gentile) eggs from Chiiia and for, Japan Jjyons, France, via plenty of offers, equal numlter of Pacific R. New York. and R; takers (in prosjiective.)" Secomi An earthquake last night was felt class (Mormon stock) - greatly shock throughout Nevada. The ' v ' of the late continued all night A dowii train on the Carson road action of Congress. Holders of was thrown .from the track down n to as wives much perplexed many ' lf embankment how to tlisposo yf the overplus on steep Flour quiet at $4.12J and $V(50. 1 -- JKSH dell-tf ' House in Corinne: JHIowe 'Market, $22-j,(XM- s, ! 4 , f VI5KKX tub n-- Internal ionn t I IlC UCdtlt I Oi Attorney General tho Supreme Brigham Chiiul ai:tl ii " 'paper, Mouldings aud Dressed Building Material of all Kinds. ft f 4 FURHITURE AMD CABIIIET WARE III GREAT VARIETY S S' Ara ! and re-iLIoii- fo Salcs-Eoom- , rOBNEIt illONTANA AND SIXTH STREETS, of Nt-wYot- nou-resnln- ts nriqtvrtspng each A'eek FaiiuHTOhil r " f Woihl, - Fild.tv - SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. publish d Tnesday and Friday, is a large pub quarto sheet, containing nil tire news tite lishhtfa thR Daily Would, uol Jcn Reports as rny be of of no interest to m ax full as (ity. ofItx itDuk, t rt'x,rtsjand t (how the Daily edition, latstdcu t rein- - is a carefully compiled summary ol the news of each week. It IS made so complete that do ooe who reads i. csn fail ofUing.weil posted duall tbe important news of the (lay, Semi-Week- ly V LUMBER, LIME, LATH & SHINGLES,' served for family reading matter, deluding Original aud selected stories; ifa,of,bumqrrtwA4txtmcts x poeuiH, from booltjt and peiodicRla., Parti calar attention will be given to this department during the year 1870. A special feuture of the Weekly World The A - " A portion of tbe Weekly WorUd is 5. IN'. FLOUR, CRAIN AWD, PRODUCE; literary, nnq a fu'i tejent - f KUWEIT'S ft. . the-- t l f Arrived Steamships Remington and Nareosjte, fro pi N. S., W. Sailt d Tit Daily 'Wen lP ' d t.e tl t Rrudvforp Liverpool." Sir COti(tnx,?a ibtj Alcock left for Shanglur. run lM(bt.HiuF;by ir attd lh'gi-4Tlie French Minbtyr is.alxo about from all p.o of ,!JiC wtuhi.'afd liar uj;i of di'.cttS'.iuns cf ail tij (J iiiMram taking his leave. 'The arrival of Minister .Lane wax UH'nliTKIt. M The World Ahui.ii n for ISaO. for. anxioikly ltMket! AI.MAN Vtr for IS70 tV nn; VOniO Russell Co., Oliphnnt Cables vast tpiuitity of political will contain. nml other Amei ican Anns jit Shan; to c wry. votn, land tl of ol luii, publish ueunl tlcmnuiciiig (eu. information can be htnuud n no li n hh charactir Mu ("UltOIl Kieniuii letter to the N. Y. 11 erIn it .Mill bn punted imblhMfion.'i Mliet aid na unwiirruntcri aml Inmlcrou, ofiuial of full lvtiirns every Hoar and aml charge inKicrnnn witha.sleaving jo iSfiP; the coe of New Vok State the country Iteiiig elecrion dhrictf, and .f OmnceticiU by debt, and bj Btuc!;. m la tter1 than a common loafer rutm-and votv of each tbu towna; while there. enelt brant! of flu Ncj "Vork s, MO T Rutli-erfor- 31 t . inb-uxt- H 7J if IZL1 (Tit A trj 60'' Corifl n5. I AI on ist un lit-- . enn-did.t- U lr Jr" t.o inl.,tmv;list ot mcrnbeis of the Unit'd of R- proseiita-tivea- ; Staten Senate nn.J H-t- w bat ofimpoit-an- t aiul record obituary !' - gicwgitlvfvtidrmfnri. Japan Earihquake. ETC,, i npimirgcss ; -- ", ii-- l , GENERAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL abroad. , A very full report of tbe proceedings of the Farmers Club of the American Institute is printed in each issue of the Weekly World, the day after the mrtling of the CluV. By this arrnnee-,V- i ment the report aopeat a in the Weekly "World one! week in ndvaoce of its publication in any other weekly , ' - lUHl-ATel- f j jj to-da- y. 4 Careful attention to orders by mail. Goods shinned the daya"tua Sr orders ore received. The only exclusive Wholesale 4 - I GOODS, Went of, tliovMiasouri River. the New; York Countht Produce aud General Produce Markets of the country; nnd full ret ports of tbe New York Money Mar-ret- - Each"of these reports are com-- piled with great cure, aud contain tbe latest quotations that can be obtained . to tbe time of putting the paper ;' up to press, 2. Its Agricultc ral Department, which ' contaiuaeacb week articles oupracti- eavaljy.luixe gouein pursuit, and scientific farming that are of BoSton'2k A young rough got . cal great value to American farmers. A into a quarrel wjth an, Irish woman special feature of tbia depaitmeut is about Arc cents and stabbed hbr in a weekly summary of tha condition tho throat, killing lien,, . of. the, Hop Mabkets at home and fr n t i es era are making their regular rounds, we adviso allgood Mormons to come J ASSORTMENT OF BST TIIE LARGEST AND FUNIHING 4 cation and otlief privileges provided them, and Jure well eon tented, Cheyenne, 20. Last night two mcn llo .Denver taRO 15 mile frdhi here, containing the driver and two passongeb, all un- armed; the robbers after firing sev- erel shots took tlio stage, team aud nUi!s aml ,,rov0 ofl leaving the oaswllerH to waIU to Cheyenne. Sixty . n SHOES, CLOTHING AND Ht-c- lax-gathe- t would, us jNow that I VrIIYES, CiHOCEIUES, XncVlSIONS, Gll-S, GLASS, 1IAKD- CIGARS, PAINTS, WARE, HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, -- Mining and grwzii'g are tbe only productive interests in which Gentiles can profitably engage aft present in Utah. Of thefotmer wh shall preentl' treat; for the latter facilities nro ample, practically unlmnuded. ! The valleys supply j lenti-fpasturage in winter, and ax spring advances and the .mow line recedes np the hills, cattle will find freRh past nr , Ip the valley-o- f Green, Grand and Colorado rivers nro many thousand square miles of tbe finest country in tbe world for on all the mountain slopes west of Ilenr River grass grows luxuriantly, and the higher portions of Sevier Valley con-tni- n millions of acres of grazing land, the natural home of the Merino sheep and Cashmere goat, the climate and elevation nre ex vtly suitable for the production of the finest wools; nil the facilities for exist along the lower course of the mountain streams, and tbe day will come when the finest of shawls and other fabrics will be produced in Utah, rivaling the most famous' productions from the highlands of P. rsia snd Ilindocstan. Of fur,' fin and fcatbtr" the Great Basin is rather deficient in nn economical viewr. There ore miuks, ermines, American badgers wolverines, woodchucks, musk rats, beavers and otters, the last two rare in olhef parts but still found in such plenty on the tipper tributaries of Dear Rivjjr as to make trapping profitable.' The are tho congar, cat-- o principal mountain, large and small wolf, and t variety of foxes. Of, tbe ruminants we fiud the antelope, deer, elk and Rocky Mountain sheep. The buffalo is seldom found west of Laramie plains; not st all in the Great Basin, though the Indians have a tradition that they were once very numerous even to the Sierra - Neradas, and old hunters aud travelers speak of finding traces of their former existence here. Tbe Sbosbotiees give the following : ' When tho account of their banishment . buffaloes herded in great numbers in these valleys, tbe crickets were less in number than now, but being tbe weakest of all tbe animals they bad tho ear of the Great Spirit when oppressed. The baffaloes, in crowding to the rivers to drink, tram pled upon the crickets and did uot bee their cries, upon1 which the latter com plained to the Great Spirit, who by a sweeping decree' changed oil the buffaloes to a small race of rrlckets, leaving noth ing of tho buffilo but tbe. miff L It is a singular fact that the c iekete found in the btsin contain a "milt,er'spkm., ex octly similar in shape to that of. tho o genus. Of game bird there are sev eral varieties; quail or partridges; two varieties . of gionae, the most common called tho sage-hen- ; the mallard dock Is bo-vin- (S'- n; 1 i- Sentinel. -iyhe 15 fc iff l f Wcr chant, stroot. (Commission pptr Iu ptH'4 e - ) AND :i Th leading Democratic journal Inthieoan-try- , and able as it la ruiiuuit, the New York Trareller, Would. 1 1 4 ASHOCIATr.B , -- jonruel iu the United State. Cincinnati Timet. a, lrldi-AnierLui- FISH, FI ESI I AM) FOWL. ( :T. J ' WJHMML IE S A1LIB (Ao.) Herald,- (. i( e- TEiEGHAPH. ug Mtoo. 1 IN. tnan-nfactnri- regard It thft ablest Deinocntle aewipofnr - - 1 J. II. Uf iDLE. g; We 1i C. uvt,in-flu-UttaWv..ii, iL' tM ly ttr. I'iDkh t.JtlVs tills numler with a large morning jump prevcutaiUjrurkiug JbtticVJyjamong J, ef passengers orirjr and heavy cargo, most- - oesHjWpcr v1 '7 . i Imtrai'liinua. " i It rsftiftd on ihw highest . now J Jr Wufit d Tire lyteu. Nvw York World. Trtr, vi, - W and d yt st ridges, h rnttonxed on th 2tl- - The Times rejoices bcjiMJiJ queatluU list lnt tw jrtlhJl. tuXl London, j'f Kit.it k A., Nlw Yurk I'.tj jelly Kke nn alligator, its buck is thickly over the 1 bavin i:i.W;.. . 23, IS 'J. . t rt i Ktaddod ydth homy pi nts s Iwut aspf abandoiusl the scheme of forcibly We Rlwnys rest Tl WoatD with hrrty r.I. it y.iuutiiiUn of ait filch. Ill n'Rrputillelh Brlnlaml niirailuii I with wmt tifita aupei lor ability, lvo oi.umonioaJl.ntnmH.'wiftlj iaw.teir.l. mtvljc an.l. wW. tlie ncupto.lo i iuti-.J ulure.l it tuly eiirtjiu ulrx Ideas of . up Republlcauisnii. Keen ing (JazetU. uieutn. Hurx-.Of Horncnts tluro -ure 20. Lieut. C. S. SjKar St. Louis, -f few K.mkea and swamp; adders, thoee who wan a Uetn'icritlc pat er will flud anil w 0 iiinUlxty iterpre- - Tna Woblo, on the wh lo, the omarteat, tu at otlimall very me Tbfishca ore ngent for the Southern Uto Indians. entertainluK. terf and complete uew.pai r ott that Vnr. Fu. X. V. percbj pike, boasq chub,' monntftln fpout, deny the statement of ajinrcliemled aide of the trouble and Utcs the with aud li specif s of salmon "Wattwhich Ajmches. a J4rc ou and hunt, been naud j irve iqwcimeuit thirty caught, I reservation. dont refusrtcji goourn There are vciy few mull iihch, p riwiukleH j quarto sheet, 'printed throughout fo this efleetjoriginated fularge TJjc report type aud pnblixbed every Wedneslarge or kh ails; wc heard much Home time ngo j througli jealousy of tlic leople of monimg,s haa now tbe largest circulaof a proj-c- t t, pl.int oysters inSdt Like New Mexico who wish the agency day tion of any weekly newspaper in the In estabColorado broken. up aud, at river United Staten,-with- , months, poaaiWy; a single exi ' . , c luttbc Mexico New lished in "V (lint features are; ite they jprominent Among Hfbrms ception. pi have been alrdaloOf 4. may derive the benefit arising from 1, Its yYnt rvLL and .aocxjiatk market the from the government appropri-ntions.'TheUtI'vfcpoaTfi, embracing the Live Stock P.iV lOIR TmillGS. are peaceable and of New York, Albany, Brigh- markets manifest a desire to cultivate" ettCi- ton,' Cambridge, and Philadelphia; rthe hand. wool-growin- avurld u beyond question, fbOr of ) the Sent,. In tbe to-da- y; nl The ( n, jiomvi ,1870 on f 1hry-uoroiu- i , 1870. 4..THE WORLD. fotiud fu great plenty on the lower part I ory of E. M. Stanton, and. sympa-- 1 of lkur Hirer and Jordan.fanA ie'pnrtkrn-- 1 thyfor lls famjy Cincinnati, 27. There was a ter-- 1 larly abundant on the Suvb-- ;"irbtle. brant, of rlble quarrel at th$ village in curlew, plover and rrlldgeee nro much Went family wood last night, resulting more nnmeroos than the appearance tho fatal wounding of the wife and the country would indfeate. Of us.less of tho husband. animals and reptiles there .r quite .Washing ton, 22S. Lost Thursday animated to ta givo variety morning the office of the Southern enough j That Huntington, purely western American Express Company at two men who entered whs Teiin, by ludf fond," lrdfMliz.ud, knocked tho pbetiomeaoiC down and roli-K- hI agent or known as the lurnd f locally the safe of. thirty-si- x ;ltun-dre- d j runkhd "sandy toad, acintlttu!ly dollars; robbers' escaped. i fouuiL on all tha hirfli by San Francisco, 2tk Thosteainsiiip plains. It scaly, body nnd inability t China arrived from Hong Kong NOTICE! ETO MAS OF THOROUGH BUSINESS a flrat clara arcouLtant and ia b airona ot an angageuitnt oti very rcaaonatle hitnaetf o wtitina up terms; nr, ho a ill ud baUnciug old bxla of arenuot, opLUiug new a ta, Jte. IUferrfifM nnorcvptionahle. A. P., UrroaTKR Orncz, Oorinnt. AddrcH- -, A THE LARGEST AND FINEST FITTED UP ROOK IN THE MOUNTAINS v I events inlSCOuud complete sum the past eventa of during mnry jxhtical year. As n .compact political' manual it will have uo equal. IDU-catJo- z- - Terms by 31nil. WEEKLY WORLD. n, , " One copy rn ycr, . Chicago, 20. Washington specials Four rop er, ouejear, separately addeta-s-d- . thNMiie nor. no in Tlic lias say tho Government has Instituted making expense spared pains 7.00 proprietor .i...i- - .....iZ, measures to bring bout a treaty be,i. to pass away nn hour or two at the great National most 15.00 comfortable separately place Ten year, eopleSrCre 18TO, thrambor 27, Cohinsk, ! tween all m ara time nations on the Ana an extra c py to getter up of cub. Game. 25.00 r Twenty cojles, one year, to one address.. subject of ocean cables. Instrue-- i - 1 1- . - n Crown Golden Cigars, nnd tiie best of Ales, Whies aud Liquor,' it And en extts vojijr to getter up f club.. tlons on the subject have been sent C; It, H, 'EATING IIOlihE, Twenty y on hand. car o pics, one j always to our Ministers in England, Franco, 27.00 no4 3m, J. C. KUNEY, Prop. . T., BR YAN, And an exira c py to gettvr up of club. other countries. Germany, Spain and addrsia;.... co.oo Fifty copies, ovia year, Th one The Government asks no exclusive ? tPJ f. ELLS WORTH; P,6p:; M ISCE LLANEOU SAD VT S. one year, to get- NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. the "And concessions be given uny party: no ter up of club. i i Flftv copies, one year, separately addresgovernment shall have the right to MtO sed Cables shall 4- Warm Meals cn arrival of all Tral exnmitio telegrams; the & CO., And the 8eml Weekly, oie year, to get de .H tf have nil tho rights of neutrality; ter up of club- -, Do kPhdrfdcople,na yav. 0e oddreiw 100.00 tlielr destruction in time of war will DEALERS IN And the ptliy, r: yea, ,to getter up, 0 to treated as nn net of piracy. ! NOTICE or club. . Tiie death of Stautou lias led some DRY GOODS f m - - it one year, s parstely tv One hundred 110.00 s to believe that .Hoar may now bo There ho been but $35 09 e xpended upon tbe address-- d copies, -J J i , , sl ; And the Daily,' ope year, to getter up confirmed as Associate Justice. fail (Wiiia he Pa Cv ). 1 here is still corlder-aM- e Dooto and Oboes, due from citiaena that alined a subao iptiot of club. Wholesale and Retail Dealer Their idea is to have Hoar appoint- - recently, to e tabtiah and maintain a .jail, and WORLD. etc. ciioKtEnY, ed to tho northern circuit, but it is pyiee jerr hero. , Hr. Sewell hu already eel. . 7, .1. I4.C0 r.4 copy, poe yesr.,....--.S...- . 0(1 on the not probable, hdweve: r, jliat this iccted for which he One MONTANA STREET, one j ear, separately addressed 10.00 J eocouut of. , Tbe citizena uk Four copies, one year, 20.00 j. to one addres, will succed, nslennsy 1 Vftilift Will rra,, AND GAITERS, SHOES BOOTS, n expla'tlon of tliia matter, ant retjueat all Ten copies, club. of to . extra en And up getter copy vaj fur the those that have not paid to withhold tl t amount present Judge Strong 22 00 f copies, one yea r, separately addressed , till 31 makes at ex- Ten And Mon ta na Street, cancy causetlby the death of Justice they nbacribed. to getter up of club. an extra copy been what dona has of with the planation money Stanton. DAILY WORLD. ; i tween Fourth and Fifth Street i. Generals Banlcs and Burnside left are'dy collected. MANY tTTIZfcN8 WHO PAID, ;kW. one One copy, year for their homes yesterday In the The above is fa.f e as to the amount collected One copy, ppe year, with 8tuday edition. 13 00 CTA3. CCaUES, e - r adil-ess- ei - - ; - - addres-ltd.,.- sepa-atel- 1 o -- Semt-Weekl- y U pi,, , . ARD-CLdTRI- ? , , Sj SEMI-WEEKL- -- . ! .a Y Buh-crlptl- 1 L: REGGEt JACOB STRAUSS, K-- - tihtyam, 1 coiiixne; ?utah. deO-t- Mr.-Sewe- t 4 10-0- 0 A steamer Cuba. ... ij , tU ! J THE WORLD ALMANAC8.H. O. SEWELL. or'xpendtd. 1870 ) J8G0. asp New York, 27.' The last Spaulsli (ros lf6, 10 single copies...... ...... Price, gunlsiat sailed yesterday. 1 00 Seven paid copies, post Brigham Young, Jr., did not adPEBXenON.. dress the Germans at Williamsburg 01 Clubs to may be mads at any time Additions ns advertised, having yesterday above Club raise. at the the in year been called to Philadelphia to perof Changes in Club Lists made only on request suade iris third wifo, who had left tating date of persons receiving auk packages, Subscription, edition. Post office and state to I him, to return to his seraglio, which which it has previously been sent, and cneloidog she refuses to do. cents to pay for trouble of the Front Street. to address, separata change Rev. Henry Ward Beecher tl : advance. Send tn Cash r Tn Edwin MStantonMn Ids disCOIUNNE, UTAir, Money order, Bank Dealt or 'Registered Letter. course at Plymouth. Church yester RUle sent by .Mall will be at the risk ot the ODnoRN,' A CO . "Proprietor. tender. da morning. .. . We have no travelling agents. Sp rimen copies, . In many of the I churches? yesier . .. Ac., sent free of charge, wherever and posters. let day sermons were preached urging tbeI am now prepared to do all kinds of work, at whenever deairt d.r Addres all i rders and . very loweet prices. Teamsters aud freighttrrs f abstinence fronvliitoxfoutlhg bever ers will s flud it to their interest to give me a call . f a THE WOIt LD, ' ages on New Years dajv-sj- y before going a'sewhere. w Geo; Francis Train delivered one 35 Park liowNcw York. St" Don't Toilet the place."" of Iris characteristic harangucs at " L i Tammany Hall last evening. TTT! DlSOLUTiOM NOTICE Providence, 28. Gen Frank P. I DI830LUXI0H .ITfiYJCB ! r. " i' Blair has connected himself with a it i. t, heretofore exlaMng prominent Insurance ipoinpAny of THE THE known as tbe Arm ef Howe, ImtaiAOe, EES5SF I hegofwt SKtsttf thia City and w II r soon establish his am is thia day dissoived . hp motnat oosmeoL by the under the name end Erin M'lfsLufD'A But residence here, kbfm otty, was withdrawal of J. Q. Bvnons of Dublin, Jmktxna, UTxmXwthg Ifllnry? ksiatnom MJ nisnormQ on the 1st ,4 l ol mutnal )?., ... - . de21-4- w ' post-pai- d, V MONTANA DLIMSniTIISllOP u un i . , . , - ; - - i pj-v-- t'- , I m r v r-- v eeW-t- f - - tt 1 J CO-PAE- Ta lin'wcitluJofl of th firm will be jnttanr,2-i- held at noon toiiay, settled by tbe new Arm of Heri k Iciwfw.' Corinne, December 13, 1 MU. Mayor? BiusI) presiding, at rvhieli 4 - t . t ,tn SAirn HOWE.' tfas?2sas eulogies .were pronounced and resolutions rend in respect for the mom- - - , , of . i U oaitehs WMMftr Ckm aad CtStreti Ware, i . " e ' 4 ttMftrra.i i , M. T. BUHGE8S, J. Q. BUBO ESS, (the Co.) b) coosent, day December, 1889 Thbculaesa will be continued at the old stand, comer of Montana and Fifth strrats, by the axnifraedrheJiMliif muekaaed the enure interest of Me sXv flivAtln the premJOHN HOLLAND. . ise. ded-l- m cant ; j e s than aay other hdfcaa waat of the Mia cox) 4t e . & " x ; ' . . . i f . f ; : I .1 ' t f .' Gtrtfn, Klsvrer, Frct, Ue;k. v Hli Everfreea Tree, tfersh dtrecOea fer ectlcre, ernaU by riU, Frec9i u4 kli, . J i K UTAH. -3, Call Mid im pa- - nrCpu ike eert tecTktafidhsiihsuiiort itait Vfulet. 25 Sorta of attkar for paapald Alao am all Fruita, plaxtta, Bulba, all w (T' C ITT?" 4 The ftnestlm ported Liquors, tl olden and Prsrl Crown, Cigars. Tom A Jerry, Hot Bunches,, etc, 7. always on band., Bestka (be eeeetri i T. THOMAS. KOKTATfA' CTtlEET, U. CASH BUYERS,. , . J OSCEOLA SALOON, t and can offer better advantage , - X. XANADK7, " t CORIISNE, UTAH. , , aa71m . t .TOMER. AWD Fourth Street, . & kind, locladinf, 1 , irJ . -- v -- P y A at.ckpf - l - i , , boots: shoes Foat-ofH- ie ' CARPEMTER . keep eonsteatly m hand a Urge and wall elected twetty-flv- e culo-qiste- u f - (Xoritme by mail. tha new X-0- - tnj. !5iolt lJaril. j 4 i fV-L-iLF b . PoUtoca. kc., prepaid by malt ilha Early Boae Ocluaaal Potato, prepaid, tor f 1.00, Conover The undersigned artll reoeive stock for s Kapamgna, H par M; par lOSQ, pmpaUL Herd, .on and after thia date, at tbe Pa Ifle Haw hardy Intrant avarbkXMuing Japan Foney f MriiaMfeiMCrAHatawli returned avckla, 59 oania, aach, prepaid, Trna Cap Cod first of May, or sooner Tf ordered. -- We w lowland enltnm. f l,oo- Ott usual reapottatbmtian at tarders, and bT Cranberry, for with dlreckma. Priced Cata109, preprtl. per : maw. iogna to any addrem, - gratia; alao trade Hat Seeds . s on Cootm lartoo.. B. M.WAT80S. ild. Colooy Knraerles tnd E.- F. Jonxaox, D. SnoaT, C. U. Oxt! Seed Warehouse, Ply mouth, Maas. Fatablished U3-t- f aofl-lin 1541 " - ttt rmsl ; w' WW.1" lb,FgffiIa i aSfi&sr?wsa.. - m R |