OCR Text |
Show .wo ''I 4 t.M I TjtJ0 W, tfhr m. - - IDAHO AUO OnSGOIl in' J it J v , i .. These I flN" 4 ealetaalse deiDaayafid tobdioABum&U log time at to prndery, In reward Consulting physician In certain maladies. The medical faculty recognise It, and are dumb. Iboae of the it, and public afflicted acknowledge the truth ofcircular suffer In alienee. The province of this is to present the subject In Its true light Hundreds of lives are lost every year by diseases which have been neglected or Improperly treated. .In the caee of young men there seems no apology, and yet in many cases they to cure the cr selves with vile nostrums, attempt 'consequence shorten their lives, and pass tbs miserable remnant of existence with their blood filled with the poison of a stifled, but not cured disease, wfcfakwari Inevitably be tranemitted . to the third and fourth generation. With young women there seems some excuse, and yet their utmost secresy will not conceal the facta. Any intelligent physician who walks these etesetoea reoogntts 'staong the lodje, by of erttia4aMlbis tokens . known tin which the sufferer are often totally Ignorant, the ravages of that white spread scourge, the whites. poll Any Intelligent physician can dally walks scores of this " and kindred com Uinta, in both sexes, the existence of which The educated sufferer they cannot ignore. I can detect this. The pby- knows the physician , . 0 i i 'i . V . ' . ' ft ' 1 t V' 1 7 U I it -- if i' S . i j 1 t . A , , ; i rt I t .it.. t J 1 .J j 1 ; t ll Jl J . , , on!1!! U AH' kfs. T J naf I. ...it ;.i 7 J -- i. i. i 1 , Li A H - .('ll - , r.l 7L i .i -- 1 s ? IS 2 , -- j '5 it v .7 l . it. ji i-- 'XOXJ RTII es i 8TREKT, 7. .1-- - r f v 7 To and tfrom th t r i ' J , , r t To Married readies. 11 li - 't i it . p t ' r OF EVERT, DESCRIPTION If. ft4 fI rr ? J ' & i ; - i- a :r - rr t i C ilf dT V !. f fa j , 7 AT KEETON, 'i . U . r - t i i i ,v7 . i v m i f I Fj!M 7I DR. JARIE8, ! t'fi i.u.is.il 1 . '!' ' x w ; z t t 1 . ., f, ',hi , A.1, ti if i to the 7 7'f f ssUNeings, 4 medical colleges, and generally. Those the by and be cored at to, him, afflicted ashould apply w Vw , ti i oaee. A treatise pa Bpermatorrhea, Syphilis, and other diseases of hi speclaity. sent jnecaleden Du. Jambs, P. O. Drawer K63, velopee. Address by professors of me&sl pcoftoelori 'J t i - . ChtoegtS - f 0kI UYCiy : u j !5 f. ; t I p&y A-ma- m niLLEn, : neno; ;Jtfolan4 Sind, lM J , 1 isi 1 FOR THE PROMPT EXECUTION OF u rr 1 1 i J f $ a A da Ol Ed M If r i'Mm A I J- 44 J i f Tet ' j 4 i It r J 4es. It I 4s. f .it I 1 I JL 1 i i I - ( v f i ; t li i I t 1 a ' i;v .if'.'!, ? T X ! & 'i it U J. t z - DRAKE, , f I H f . i, : fv X .if " '5 Jp ' f w. - ! i 'i i 4 ; 1 1 1 FAKE (cpuRtsc?) AND TIME. V 17 1 it., ? i s E .fit fi i c I J l.f f Vu' 0 - ' , , 'k ti. f1)!. -- J - brjJ u . . , t ti , f, UTAH.' ' tadiaa Creek loprletor. " ( "Mi Hitt . I v 4 a 'Jt 4 r .3 J J1 J i tE wsb f I fs u- - J t! ? 1 $ n Lt vtlt S 1 it U s 1 ... 1 s ,,. :. '? 4 a t 4Vi r- - OJER-e- a J -- ll je2-dJb- 1 Ctr,fk Baker CityL- - bo! tJbtontowh, WailaWaUfc. Umatilla, I , SO.' zV. J Jidxyv M 3 " -3 M 8JJ M....,,3J'" 4 90...., .4 " ti i.' JOIINJ1AILKY, i u i . 0 a ffgrand, I I A CALL AND EXAUINE OUR SPECIMENS. ! u; , t -- . ? llpin' ,eb T ,Cy "" ra: Arrive at Franklin, next days, hy at r'prietor I 1, s 12 2 p ir 1 4 . - 5 im . 1 From Indian Crock, (Utah,) by Bolo City, Martinsville, Einmitsvlile, Mid !k ton, 7 T Welscr Rarwh, (Idaho, V Eaprcuis Ranch, - . Auburn, Baker 1iy. North Powder, Urn ion. La Grande, Orodell, Cayuco, Mitch- eU's Station, Walla Walla, Wullnlz,, snd UmaUlla, to The 'Dalles, (OrrimnJ 76 miles and back, six times a wreck, . schedule. J Bidders to topropose end at Boise City, (Idaho,) Proposals 280 miles. Invited. 16623 From Fagle Valley, (local.) to Tanaej, miles and bark, once a week. r Leave Eagle Vtlley Ttmrsday at 12 Arrive at Panaca by 7 p 111 ; Leave Panaca Friday at 8 a mt r 1 ui Arriv at Eagle Valley bj 3 parn 16624 From Pinto to Panaca, CJ miles and back, once a week. , Leave Pinto Mondas at 0 a mj Arrivo at Panaca next day by 3 p m ; , Lea vo Panaca Wednesday at 6 a tnj Arrive at Unto next dvy by 5 pm. ; I j 16625 From Provo CHjq by Midway, Hclief, Kamas, Peoa, Rock port. Wan ship, and ' to Echo City, 85 miles and tJoidvlUe, ' beck, once a week, t 1GC22 4 , - , . . Ig'ave Iyovo Arrive at Echo Echo City Wednesday at l p w , Arrive at Provo City Friday by 6 p raj servico Invited. Proposals for 1CC26 Froth Tooele to Qrantsville, ll miles snd back, one a week. S Leave Tooele Thursday at 1 p tn ; Arrive at Grantsvllle by 4 p in ; Leave Grantsvllle Thursday at 4.30 pm; Ai rive at Tooelo by 7 p m. 16617 From Franklin, by Fish Haven, Ft Charles, Bloomington. Paris and Liberty, to Bennington, CO miles snd back, onco a week. Leave Franklin Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Bennington next day by 6 p m ; Leave lh nningtou Wedneskay at 6 a m ; Arrive at Franklin text day by 6 p m. Proposals to extent service to Montpelier, twlco-a-we- Leave Provo City Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 a m ; Arrive at Fillmore CHyi Wednesday, Friday and Sunday by 8 a tn i Leave Fillmore City, Monday,' Werfnvaday, and Friday at ll p no j Arrive at Provo City, Tuesday, Friday and . t Sunday by 11 pm Leave 8slt Lake City daily, exeoptSonday.1 . at gam: - f Arrive at Provo City by ll p m; Leave Provo City daily, except Sunday, at sam: 7 Arrive at Salt Lake City by p m, 1C6D3 From 8H LakeCily, by West Jordan, to vl Uerriiuppi,, 2Q,iaiUj4, and .back,, one a Wftk 'i j l It Leave SaK Lake City Thursday at 6 am ' Arrive at Herrlman by J2 pa; i Leake Herriman Thursday at ; Arrive nkSaHXak jdty.bX I J BV'j 1 ' 16603 From prighap aty by WeLavUle. para-- , Mfllvdlo, Providence, Hfrum, , Hyde Park! RmliUfield, t and ond., to, .Franklin, 83 mile and twice week.4' ve Brigham .Tuesday an Friday ! f tn. If. i !, .li !T,1' i J I ! la ikxnnoas manner la IMS. Of roqms WRU Bfths, water. JJ- 1- i i 4 f iu-iNo- ij (ijarwlfioono , 4 AWDS5WSWSSrSB , tt , s the wS V. i T r.'f.I I ri n I J ( i a 1 H Csrorttcat'Dcuqp,' HmJJoS i 1 i ithwWeet. - - Ll i v 11 1 4, ' ". fe-- t ' ,i.uH r & f 1 4 i Oopinub, - XT tit lieaep81tn piri6Htio!1 !- -J I I 4b 4 From Salt Lake City, by Big Cottonwood Union, Draper, LehlClt, American Fork, Fleasant Grove, Provo City, Springville, Payton, Pantaqtiim, Mona, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Round Talley, and Hoi den, to Fillmore City, 150 milea and , back, six times a week to Provo City, t three times a week the rtsidue. 16601 1 f 4 I ' , will be received at the Contract Office of this Department until 3 p. m. of March 1. 1870, for conveying the mails of the UnlteJ States from July 1, 1870, to Jane 30, 1874, tn the Terrltoiy of Utah, on the routes and by the schedules of de and arrivals herein specified. Decisions announced by March 14, 1870. I i i t ; I f J i !' ' AND V. f f-- ; - Mit, ? runA! It 1 1 Washington, Sept. 80, Us M ft V V c d i rv t Post O rncx Dipabtufxt, ) 1H09. f i e ,.7 , 'Prop. fi i'j FE0P0SALS tr dhkek 1 ' -1 1 4 ) tributary of Salmon IUrer. A HATES OF STACIE J ir 14 O C.J t .OlfttiN df CO United States Mails .! 4 ) U! m ' s IIS rf n 73 " T a d 4.4 . 1- c. 11.7 tie. Eldorado on Loon Creek, ' I IU t ze (hH-al.- ) 1 ; ek ' miles, invited. 16628 From Salt Lake City, by Stoker, Centre - ville, and Farmington, to Uintah, 29 miles and back, ' six times a week, with ' ide supply to Kaysvtlle twice a week . on mere, in due connection. ,, J Leave Balt Lake City daily, except, Sunday, , at 7 a m ; . Arrive at Uintah by 4.80 pm; Leavo Uintah daily.exo pt Sunday, at 7 am; 'Arrive at Halt Lake City by 4.30 p tn. 10623 From Salt Luke City, by Tooele, to Stock- ton, 40 miles and pack, twice a week, j Leave Salt Lake City Tuesday and Friday at 0 a m ; , , , An lye at Stock ton. by i Tpm; Leave Stocklo AVkdnesd 17 and lahirday 6 . 5 . -- attdl 11 at 6 In , !. Arrive at Salt Lake City by 7 p nv .. 16630 From Corinne, by Bear River, and Portage (Utah), Maljdo City, Fort Hall, Eagle ; Rock. Knak River Kerrv, Sturgis, a d Junction Ranch, local. Idaho Ter.,) to Virginia City, I Mont Ter.,) 330 ihiks and back, three times a week. a i.f Li'v OotiniMM Monday; Wed isaeday, and ' , r f t Friday at 8 a ms v tArrive at Virginia City third day "by 8pm) a City Mopday, Wednesday, f' ) un 1 ( .auddridnyiatgamtf Arrive at Coriniui third day by fl b in : . ; Wrlnter schedule flye ' day.' Proposals to ey'end service to Helens, Ud. (Mop iTer.,) 435 miles f uri lor,-1n16631 From tirlgbam City, by Willard City, to Hot Springs, 16 miles and ba!k, Clinic a w eek. fi a ' - -- - Leave-Virgini- ... - . g dejn-ndie- 111 -- ar-i- other-credib- le u- -j -- 1 te 1, 1 1 1 (Vtauvuiit. (9((irtentat u i t 'i ,11 vty-dA- w , duffieldg . 17!' ; f. - Tha proprietors bog. leave if ntnake, the announcement that they have cpiued their new and are prepared to serve a choice Meal In a true epicurean style.,, .7 f .s21-li- Neiv fc Mgli ief the it- Wc Fossess Unequalled Facilities tr, i Tboy are all the best ntska. Hunting rms, finely chiaodj look and wear like fine gold, and arc the best gold w.tohrs equal in' appearance to, usually costing .$150,- - Full.Jewo'cd Lexers. Ocnia and Ladha sizes, at 315 each.' ; OU& DOUBLE EX1BA DEFINED Solid Oroide Gold Hunting Cases, , Full Jiwolcd Levers, are equal to 3200 Gold watches; Regulated and Guarauteod to keen correct tlaxc, and wear and not tarnish , with Extra Fine Cases, at $20 each, NO MONEY IS REQUIRED IN ADVANCE' We scud hy F.xpress anywhere whhiu the Uuitod States, paable td agent on delivery, with th privilege to open1 ant exatuibb Warn paid for. and if not satisfactory reinrned.'by pajlng Ihe Express charges. Goods will be sent by mail as Registered package, prepaid, by sending cash in advance. An Agent sending fof.aic WkMhes g ts an extra Watch free Making 6ven. $lfi. Watches for $90, or seven 320 Watches for $IT). ALSU, ELEGANT .OROIDE .GOLD CHAINS, of la'est and most coe.ly styles, for Ladies ami Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 Inches long, at $2, $4, $C, and ,$8 each, sent with iwatclie at lywcst wholesale prices. SUte kind and sizA of wstch required, si d order onlyfronj ,i l; THE OROIDE WATCH CO., s 148 Fulton Street,' Now York ' V N 1 J ttlpm. t - u. Arrive at Springdale bv 5 p nu Leave Springdale baturday st 8 a m; Arrive at I wpiervU'e by 5 p tn. , , 7; 1CC16 FrOfli Nepbi. by B vtfre Va'lry (1 eal) and Sort (iUnnioon, lin nl ) to Kt George 423 tnlFs snd buck, once a wtek t I cave N kbinday st 7 A m r ? x ; , t - , , Afrlve at et. (ivorc Friday hr 7 p 1 rove St George Monday at a inq , A vo at N epbi Friday by 7 p in. ' ,l 16617 X'rom Lngan to Dx'ord, local,) 25 ml ha and back, OnoawMk. pfiv.t ! Leave Loguit Monday at 7 a hi; t ? ' Arrive at iKford ly 3 pm; J.tavo Oxfoid W rtm'vday ut 7 u iu : Arrive t 1 argot by 5 p m. j f 1C618 Frt.m Hunts Ue lo B nujngtui, 29 ml e .1 r and l.uk, v not a week 7 Leave linii'svUlf MsmLy at 6 a tu; , ; Arrive at Bennington b lim; j . flave Brmiinhtou Moiiilay Arrive at'llimtnviHe by 7 p iu. j M S 10619 From Logan to Wcxfon (loeaf,) 23 mlli r : and back, one a week. i 7a m; , , , Leave Logan Monday " J Arrive at Wextonby3 p hr; lavp Vc xfcrn Tncailay at 7 a ui; f Arrive at iArgan by & p in. 16620 From Lehi City, by telar Valby, to Fair! fi Id, 15 mih-- and bvck dnee a week. - I Leave Labi City Tuesday a 7 a iu; ' , Arrive st Fatrliehl by 12 ui; m Leave Fairfield Tiusslay at l'y ; . Arrive at Lehi City by 6 p m. , , 16621 From Beaver, by AcLmsville, MinorsvlPe, and Panaca, to Uico, 193 miles and Latk, . s, ' once a wreck. , ' . ' Leave Beaver at 5 a ro ; Monday ' Arrive aj Hie t Wc dnesilay b' 6 p ro ; Leave Hieo Thursday st 6 a tn ; . Saturday .by p.m; , .J Arrive at Beaver to end w( Mherwvllle,'2J miles, ' Proposals i invited. 1 d o Dun-can- , - 1 tyvlee-a-wtv- , ; , eomee invited,, k tor s tfif.lS From ToqucrvdU', by Virgin City. Retreat, Grafton, end Bo hvil,g, to ' Springdale, 25 miles snd b t k, cncv a t 1 - I . a-- - "' Did sorting the mails; but oil railroad j ,u.a;r boat routes there lt'to be no nKre delay th suffklent for an exchange of ibe juiail p, ,M id. U ratjroad and Steamboat lines. tul ,8 rootca whfre the mode of convey auetS adn.u,5 t f: it, the social age tit of Ihe'Podf Offl 0 , ment, alo poet allies 'blank, mail ba, and ktys, are to be oonveyed without t1!rt i I ehaTge 3. 'On railroad and steam boat lines the r,,ut the Departmeut, also the RntHkatj seoto Canada mails, whenoiforctL and the sOiiek.' corn pmnying them,, are, to, be conveyed aiq,,,, of the United .swt, , charge; and tot the' nap,.or agent a com jn odious car, part of a car, p porly lighted; wanned and fttrubhvd, and aii t. ed to the eonve&ieni aeparatinn and due sfcure; of the mails, 4 to.be provided by thevwravtr under the dWvction of the Deptsearteftfe lUirt-ooand sbamboat com pan. r are reqn,-eto take the mail front; and dutiver it into, o t ppst office at the beginning andiWdend of more tlu-- j rtmtee, and to and front all cilices eightyIhirods from a statiot; or Uinling. fur1ropoiu.i tin. u snbrn Dtd by the companies way formaneb of air other tide wnrler that- 1j, f r offices over eighty rods from a station or lamlfij., be way bills 'prepared by- j,,,... masto'B, or other agents or the DepartmcLt, i t aeootspimy.iha mails otmrvynl'on railroad -j steamers, spevifyipg the mimlnj ajul dernu-- u a of the several hags. Op Other principal rout,, likewise, receipts will be roqulrod and wav t;., forwarded ; .the latter to be exaiulituil by t!.V w to Insure r gulamy.ui the 4. oral posluuo-tors- , u. livery' of mails; ' - . ; A No pay will be mad for tripe not p rforiu. edi and for each of such ommJiins, not ratir- factorily expialued, three turns tlc jay of ((0 deducted. For arrival 0 far Ik IiM trip will be time as to break oonnection aim in alia, aialnot sulUoicnlly txium-J- . of the compensation fox the trip t to For repeated delinquency of the kind herein specified, enlarged puAme,piMqMu t,. i j to th nature thereof, and the tmpoi lance ef tlt' mail, may be made. , 5. For leaving behlnd.or throw ing off the uia!,, the for adm1winof p4,. or any port.ou of them, si'ogi rs, or for bciug conctru d iu seiuug nj,r running an express conveying inttlUgfiiec mi. vanpo of the mail, aquaik-rjay may bsi. du ted. 6. Fines will be itnpofed, unless fbe delinq.i, v cy bo promptly and aaliafactoiUV xpla,n 4 it Ut iu. ,'j cot t i tics tt ot pttmHters or the ( si, jicrBOL a, for failing or contract time; for neglecting to take tl,i Lom, or dt liver it luto, a p.iat ollle ;i for mVt ingittobe wet. Injured, destroy ctl. lest; and for refusing, after dcuiaud, t 74? the mail as frequency aa the coutrodtor rrintr r Is concerned iu rnuuing, a' coach, ear, or uam ' ' lioat on a route. 7. The. Postmaster Gem-rt- l inay at nul jin tract for rejwjated failures to ti n agrc.aVy to contract; foe vioDtirg the.poat office l.m or ,!. olx ying the instructions of tlii jh paritionf;f r refuMug to duchargj a turrit r win n r qn.,--. ii y the IVjrtmeut to tlo eo; lor runnhig tu sj r aa afertAhl: or for truuspeitliif lMgrou 0. jack ages convey i g uialLble mstt r out of tl e m m 8, The post master (toiierl my or,i. r j.i-rrease of acuvlcu 0:1 a r- tit 0 ly ahow iuc !.jir j ,r ou the cvntrai t par. II. IMdJ a pioraUt inert-aschange schedules of (b- artnris tout arm m all east s, and partlcttlarly t male them conform to connection vvlih railroad, without nor of pay, provided P'-- runqtng tiiii-in- - na.acid. asd. The twitjnaaivr Genwral may altso tinne or cytrtftii service,, iu whole j.r lo'j.ir, in order t'o place on the tout super .or ai ,.r whenever Uo putdie iuf te-j- . In bis jn igt 1 aball require u h 41 cot.umia :e or m in- - aty oLhcr cauae; l.e allow iug a X tl u. t xtia p v nlty to cofi'ractor onu niot.th wl h, un.. e amount of svtlcn tdajvi rtq i t rofuiicnratUni for lbs ritt:,;. n u 1. and toi timv d. , a , Manufactured by - t 1. JJ1 tt r TbU.ia tbe,aLoric8t and moat direct roots . TrrTMdnhfbf i smA THE ONLY GENUINE IiifltOVKD t ft I ii $20. i 7 Si? ? . 4 1 t eon-tagio- ut r- - west of, Pronontory, Foriymlles i , I , i, 1 4 Oroide Goldn Watclics, COIXA CIST MD WEST, . 7 I CMK HAMMOND, Ocnl Sup't, Omaha , BUDD, Ocn'l Ticket Agctit, Omaha. GET TIIE BEST. BUY j Xe'htd v. t I .f t 1 V 3 r Formerly of James Docrilosnttal.'Custom House 1W0) forth Street, New Orleans, last eight years located In Chicago, and celsbrat- f ", ed throughout the eon u try In the snceeeaful t treatment Of FTUVATB DISBAMM, a be con fidentlally consulted at his office and parlors, 01 and 03 Randolph Street, corner of Dearborn , Street, Chicago, 11L, or by letter, enclosing stamp -Office Drawer answer. Post fi M63, for return I ' '1 ' Ckioagii, HI. Dr. Janx treats CArtmic, Merxnirial, SyphOitie, Mood end Skin Dittcutt, and oil ditorder of t rmerral Cntc(tr, which he cures with nut the vie of mercury. Iodide Nof potass!, ar acute, or any poison, but with his xvtiuluei, blood po leans. , H paeltir cur for all burners and Organie Weaknttt, such as Semin&t Ireaknett, Apchtrnal omd Diurnal JTmittiont, brought on by abuse of the organa, early Indiscretions, excesses, or entailed bereditartly, causing loee of o , V memory, confusion, depression, dimness vteloa, and afUnttmm IssaMr, with a deplora uymptoma, treated and radio-- . tie train of mehec saving time ally eared by AlltufhUlhle. method, to diseases peculiar the sexual and expense. radically aad permanently cured. Rsecsss of the most horrible class, wnere eaooese1 poisoned.' producing ll' J I I tt (g on the race, sUAll watery btlste re, pains la the head amt boo, nloerated throe end aoea, seres oh (he limbs and body, scrofula, to V I 1 i r - traiua, filr For through ratra cn freight to Montand, Sweetwater Miiu a and other points, apply ty . , ' U. , j BhOWNSON, ! , Ooucral FrcIghtlAgent,' Omaha.' i.1 r 1GC11 . accompany . I Ml if Amveoat Santa Clara We dm slay and Satur, day by 6 p m ; Leave Banu Clara Monday andlbnrsdsy ' , . at 6 a m ; . Cedar at Arrive City Weli)csday and Satur7 day by 6 pm. Cedar From City, by Pluto, Hue Valley, to milea and ami Barney, t 8t Qvorge, ' back, ouce a week. ! 0 8 Leave Cvdar City Monday at a m; Arrive at St. Gem go Wednesday by 0pm; Ia ave St George Thur day at 8, a m ; Arrive at Cedar City by 6 pin, 1 ILowest Prices. (Cash 7 rr a, - J: j - 4 TIIK OllOIDK WATCH COMPANY. a guw -- 7. J 74 A AND AT TIIE 4 0 h.wmi n'r A J, num i A 6a m; Pullman's Palace and Sleeping Cara all ' ' ni.' e, r 'FIRST C1LaS nOTELS AND F. ISO HOUSEd at convenient points on the line. J 1 p -- t. . 8 7V 1. Seven nymugsase ap.ov pI lo n. 1 ihti-Sdiato olft r, tun.Ti&t t th Tvrme sproiiu j, rf ,, a From Fillmore City to Deseret, 30 miles and back, once a week. Leave Fillmore City Monday at 8 a m; Arrive at Drseret by 4 p m ; Leave Deseret Tuesday at 8 a m ; i Arrive at Fillmoro CHy by 4 p m. From Cedar city, by Kannaravillo, Bclle-vuToqucrville, Harriabnrgh and Wash-- " and bark, ington, to Bl George, 63 mile ' twice a week.' and Thursday at Leave Cedar City Monday - 1CC13 l . SIS; f 93 vvW at 6 am; at Cedar City Wednesday and Satur8 m by day ' Leave Cedarp City Thursday and Monday at 6 a ns; Arrivo at Fillmoro City Saturday and Wed16612 1 THE SHORTEST NOTICE 77 Xii.V f twice a week. Leave Fillmore City Monday and Thors-- , nesday by rrny7 Hi 1h m In-u- dsy : Arrive , i -- i x i i P h '4 tj ' ."i the ZA jdif Jin,: one-fourt- 1 PROWIONTORY, Mukingdftily connectfoD with jO tJEICAQO, ILLS. e v Uni si .l iNDOLiPII STREET, i ; . . : week, EXECUTED AT 1 ( fc l ! 1511 From' Fillmore City, by Meadow, Kanocli, Boaver, Paragomah, Parorvan, and Buxu-ni- lt to Cedar City. 123 miles and back, with Central Pacific , BaUroad for Whlto Pine Silver Mines, Sacramento, San Francisco, and principal cltii a in Califotnla, Nevada and Idaho. 5 OF 'OREGON, PART KASTKRN tl 'Qr.JJames 91 . Ixave Texpioranie Fi id ay at 8 a m ; ji i 1 v . mi J. i'll! Arrive at Salt Creek mxt days i6p m. , 4 .iu;( ii. I 4 i' ! 11. ,7 ijl . Jl i ; Stages leave on arrival of Union Pacific for Salt Bake City and Southern Utah, - U if 'I? f r f 7 77 4LMD tt , DIHEASES. J t rsi.A7 f , 1 V t ) fit ,t i r I Chicago, Itock l ' Stagee for Ilelena. Virginia City, and all points s In Montana. ' t. St i I f Fountain Green, Falrview, Mo roul. Sit. 1 1 CORINNE, 1 CHRONIC gr UINTAH, t r,t I IDAHO . TEUIUTOR V Tenth Street, (ap stairs. Rooms, Noe. and 3,) between Douglas and Farnham, O maha. Feb. Ff 0. Olase Do 108. setT ly - I i with Stages for;the groat Sweetwater Mining ' . District. i DR. 8TODDARI), . f to s- ,, Pleasant, bpringtown. Ephraim, and 'Mantf, td' Gunnison, 87 mile and back ns a uf' twie aaveek,, Leave Balt Crock Monday and Wednesday ftii 0 JU J i ti jltCj7U a Gunnison next day by 6 pm: ,, Arrive Gunnison t W'cdnesdxy aful Friday Leave - with Stages for Denver, Central City, Santa Fs, and points in Colorado and New eice. . -- - - I BRYAN, 1 813 '.610 7! , ! 'if CHEYENNE, t i! -- 1 'j . J Vr I i at Alpine Arrive I tpadu ut I r " and Northwestern, tii.i1 Cily y 6 p m. f t f From gait CreCk.by SpaufshTord Canyon,' : ? TlIltQCGU. fn j There are 'ladies who, from delicate constltu Hone, Indigent circumstance, or an already numerous offspring, de net wish to become mothers. To such is offered a aafe and sure remedy against conception. Success warranted in every case; guaranteed as containing no Ingredients in t the least Injurious to the feeblest temperament Leueborrhae, or . Whites, positively and per v maaenUy cured. Caeca of standing, how must yield to this remedy. eter aggravated, - Dr. Stoddard has also infallible monthly pills for restoring disordered or irregular periods of ,menstruation- Bent by mail, secure from ob. . , serration. Price, $5 per box. TVeee are no patent medicines or other hnm. I but tcarenUly prepared compound, from ' bags, formulae la nse by the most distinguished and physicians in this country, and which have "never been advertised before,' All medicines warranted to give satisfaction . or money refunded. Strictest secresy observed. All letters promptly answered. Call on or, ad-- . press ? i - X and arrivals. 1 fn.ti to Americau ork,. Fronv.Alpinei Olty once a week, milea and back, f '7 Leave Alpine City Tbumlay atlppif t?f at American Forkky Spw; t1,1 2 ' Arrive Leave Americkn Fork Thursday at 3:30 j!7 ra !. Wk, once a week. , ,, . f Leave Wellavflla Monday at 9 a m ; AfrtVeatMeudon by 13 mtl t I , uu Mend ifiva'-nMonday r ,! Arrive at Wellsvillo 4 at.l p m; ' by pm. , lCCOSTrom Franklin to Soda '6prings,i'83 nsPcw f and batc, enoe week. , j,. 1Bidder to projiosO sthedule bf departuresj . i lfiCOf t.t i'i 7v - , - 1 i i i Island and Pacific and 8t. Joseph and r Council Bluffs Railroads, and Atls--' sour! lUvfr Line of Packets ,k' t to and from all prinot- and south , pal - eastern ern Cities. ' : ' ! . ,i , V P. R. R. O. I , i & i IJ- i f , t i so-call- . . i u V , ,i i s ( Jt - O dVE j&JSJEZLijSs.,' with Chicago u rj UTAH ;t- o 4 D)MiNNTB; (! Direct Connection 1 In every community there are vast numbers men afflictot with seminal weakness, .Boelmnxst eralsslous, lassitude, debility, and (ha ether attendant symptoms of secret disorder, 'Undermining the constitution amt- - totally de-- t stroying Its vlcUra, mentally and physically, sooner er later. The disease is progressive, and If not checked, dizziness, loss of memory, eon trollable procrastination In business, pains In the bask, aide and' knee, yellowish drool from the month during deep, and failure of all physical energy, soon follows. From this stage Is a series of short steps to an early grave, xr the --confinement of a lunatic asylum. Many of these young men have responded 'advertisements of benevolent Asuo wlatlana,' or nnecrupnlons quacks in. distant cities, and after having been swindled of their money by one and another, have abandon edhope and pronohneed themselves Incurable, . Dr. Stoddard practices on the "no cure, no pey" principle, and proposes to forfeit $ 1,000 and aU feea If he fails to ears any case of seminal where hie treatment and directions are followed. . He uses no secret rexuodi'-- s none bat vegetable mediciaoe, and bla peculiar treat, meet mast receive the endorsement of aa,who 4a tetli gently pursue it. t f l.i- ip) - and Friday at Cir Tuesday City by 3 p nu lCi07'Wom Wrllavllle to Mendoa,: fi mflea knd ijl-'ilM- VI M , "of young !uui r .( j J 1 Au vinil!)Di. Arrive at Ogden l 1 Francisco L-- MT Mpi ' Leave Plain J -- Cf topHatfwcf contract to - proper, - 1 A dangers of fits Sea. .7 11 i i ii a K't sr t n Is t To Vounsr Mcjii.f r.' 'V .. OF COACHES 'I i A v ' ii'iJii ( Rs4. rr, 7 p m v I,1 4 i7atii V x, A i to Through : i t Avoiding lhA j a? ; ? I ( ti i - i 1 .if i Less Tliniie 'Fonr Dnys ! lii' it 7rt, 4.M :) , K t't DAILY LIM I J fl f'ffjff ' . nlzant, both of the complaint and the means of core. Knowing that health can be restored, and' who can restore It, they deliberately allow them-selvto become mere wrecks of humanity, and to transmit diseased constitutions to the is dee, hdanta, I Mn. .ti aad.ths ,W' i I Jl ts COASti FAOIFIQ J 7 !; m V V i it 4 'tt -- the:. trader inf f"i. ! JjlE'ItiBEAt Pt J4'S jujt I It il t ' 5 tat OSSTRUCIIONS TO BIDDERS AND p,x. MASTEHB. t a n.'j tJnedffUl.rttu a. j ilcn. non J Rail , Roalelo .CalirorBia Ail ux S 4C' - t i f" 1 vi I ft ,ij j V . Dot Springs urttty, t , ?" iu; liSi'JiUJp'iVi if. m-- 'SHsaMftJvHtou-v,Arrive st Bnguam City by -- j'ccoi Fxm Ogden City to North OgdtU, T tnlJr 1 v j s.w .1 iT,.. andbauki twice a wsak.f , f and Thufsday Slotiday Leave City. Ogden , S 3 I ft IA Si f ' jd j 3 j y North mi by p Ogden Arrivp at, Leave North Ogden Monday' and Thursday 1 ' f a roji' n.i 1 City at : Ogden by i. 4 Ari?v? r, .1; ICOOd From Ogden City, by ,Ljnne knd Slab re R j viHe," to Ptnin t'tt.i, lo tniles and back,' . , , .1 twice a. week. . fi Xeave Ogden City Tuesday and Fiiday at 1 ' Us j fn I ff .Arrive at plain City by 7 Pm j its ,J .fV' J f i vLuit i v virLt 'll Is now completed and running dally passenger trains, forming in connectloo'wlth"' an , f Iff 7 :!- - lif toe Central Pacific faLfoad 1 1 1 rrm.iod after, JOE lit I .s Sfl tn 111 j I ? vtt . sv h)! 5iii 171 a'.tj i H ! m nin n,U :,'s t J i I 5 V I fii " letv d.d?' tSi'gffVSSUr'fni li ,day rtfiam? fui f if f rPLATTE, ;,YiLtEIr;ftQUTE I j .j " j4 t?vi v-- f I a i f,- ft ti fcf H .,! X i 11. a hla,ud r 4 - i til) 1 ' !' J V I rk ll) I a i ' r,. Anivaat Brigham City next daya by Spin, from Ogden City to HniktAvUle, .18 tni xlU ' it ru ' f ? i 1 5 v v 1 t ,.fi , i ir? t iik ii U 1 t ,.v . ' ! , I ui x .7 5 if 7 fi t) fl" ,d' '.i i i ( pacific l! It riftmyioiN it ifil . p'.f ft.IT Ufi.llti fr .! .t I 1 ' s' M J .. I , i wbI--IIo-- to It n 0 i t I t i ffi to in ,1pi M2 nut 'u t . t J ihtSt' fU v. tr -- ' - ilfi tt r, - .1 1 I - - jit it sCXESi WPQTillT TDCflfil T7 si MISCELLANEOUS ADVTS. 1 ,Ml(EliLANEOUAt)r; t 't( kv , V. r rrrrrotmv ry. xccPt S.I4I Leave BrighanX City f Arrive at Hot Springs Vjj 12 w; liMBkUa' WaineMtay .had Setnrdeg; f Ai'teuW J vi 2 t I-- ar-etu- will Tmi;hta 1) lye made by A h f live, m. off ri- - . ir rt on,iga'm')efer, or V of es1i aay tu St.t.t Ur, quirt tpirttlii Ftbildtry, l.y,,nd di.gurt IU, 'i lmdiV'Shcui ail xncu .vc, r1 g tc ' Or drofi 1 , r' th ?, ; . tv 'ilf i;et ititortuaiiim : but ail )wriljd"oniU tto'yl e greui-ir the jrtrd to l ipp i d ef rr r ' I'V fit Holder mtt nfrm, t enwhi on tnitjun,', aro itfer tire-tt- the v.ri'P j ofritfn cofd.t fnl rf rine's, sirtui,,, , ' .i4 m-i- , n r 1, 1 f 11 1 .1 o.rili f y s, or c ririi-fSr ,U by widen Jxpciwb ' Wi7ivt i if fornd 1 tiOMt piy, lao-- ' ii ru b fur nil g. Ijoi t (u'Sid lid; n V wl i tli. iu l4;ir pr- )n'ii.nj bii-.'ti d Htr- - f f (j PbstrriLthnnr InoiVs-Stn- j tr 1 (Mu , J t iirri)g(lnri 1 )) dvvm.inn l bo r . to n 1 1 ll. ft r tol ntra. t toru; tu - to I Vi I during tyd laridgrd. ftrri n-ii- 1 f ur - s bx. li-li- t!e out extra pay, i t,!eut rtift . bvn-'ll- ! biff'. ern aW unt.nicd ' tl'i ; al in 'imi t r aeh tii arii. 7 j r 1 ' M and hour named, (3 p m.f M n 1. bide d afu-- tht tinn u'i I hi.t h ffMilr V a!ll- u t iu compctitiuM W.tH fi bid d d in Uitin. Ns thi r i'mi hi. - b HU C'f- ?i o. j hr edwhhh are without Lw and a of tin- siilfi. n?y . f 'ui . , t gitaranteo. 12. liiders should ftrft n ( pr.j s vnn. .ni strictly acrordtug to the alv-rthen', itlhey desiro, sffutrutr.p lor l.lh tvnv'Hf vice; and if Ihe rrguUtr bid b. ll. Iu M t .T. 1.' for the udvei Um d service, the ot!u r pr. ' , , may be cpusideroit, j ( in 13. There shmdd be but ote nhtu bit! i b lidalej or coutbh abou jrof at j Co:im ' ( jrpoing one sum for two or mie rout'1 are ft rldddeti l law, ami cjuuoI ! c mddt rt.h. 14. Tho route, the the p.'j,. t' , Off l I" nnifie bud ri Wets:e of Ue Id usual pot office tttdiv s ) and the Mini f mend'or f 'firm, 'Av here a ,cuuip:Tiy e!loshould 10 dl. tun Py state i. 15. lilt era are fi dusted to ure, n fa tkfalle, ihn printod pr. the Departiot lit. to Witte out in full tin' Mitu- "I tbei bids, and to retain ri'piea of them. Alb rod bid should tot le suluiUUd; rcr sbould bid once submitted bewithirnwn wMbdrawsl ef a bidder or guarantor wilt bu lowed .untos tbo withdrawal is datod aud Ife'rtr e the la- -t day frtr Ir cnivlng vropofuilH. .!f Each bid must' bo .guaranteed by two rt Bible (tersons. 3 he bid and guarantee sbould to 'sigfM'd' plslny with the full name of each prf ' son. J 4 . 1, 'The Department the rfghl t rji-.- . any bid which may le du wul evtruvjgnnt, an! also to (Uurvgard the bi.l of fid Ixig ooUUtv bidders. ( tci of 3, lnkl, section 24 ) - 16. Tito bid shouldJuly bo sealed, il i 'Mail Irojosa!s, Territory of ," " dreased riecond Assistant Pivstin aster (iUiir. Cont a t Office,' sml sent bf nJail,M t to an agent; amf jostmn.torB will not Indnsi fto jkmiiU (or letters or any kind) iu tludr u'luror rvfturrs. , . 17. The Contrset are to1 bq executed and i 1 to the .mrtin on t by or le for) 1 day of July, 1870; but the service htimI on that day, or on tho mail day neit aT r , whether the contracts be executed or not. Transfers of contracts, or of inb rori in o f tracts, are forbidden by law, and eon" tpi 't cannot be allowed. Bidders will then f re notice that they will le oxweted to j. rf"i service a cepted to thorp through tlio wlult i' r -- 1- . r th-jfnI'-a cert-flcat- - e . t ri fr Ult-r- 1 jvry U - bf 1 ! rjrc enj-or- a- - . t- -a i- -' of the contract. 18. Postmasters at oflWs on or mar rafff0J-vbut more than cigh'y rods from a st5i. n after the 1st of Martli weit, rd their exact distance from the ncan- -t enable the Postmaster General to diri tl samessenger supidy from the 1st of July ?' 19. Section eighteen of &n act of Om r r proved March 3, 1845, provides that contrs t the transDcrtaiion of (lie mail sliail be 14, every case to the lowest bidder, iemUrifg cient guarantees fjr faithful performance, ont other reference to the mode of siiiMrry portat ion than may be necessaiy to pr '!' UlS the due celerity, certainty and security 'f I11 that bids law trantpor.aUon." Under this pose to transport the mails with VelentJ. talnty, and security, having been c.eohtl the only legal bids, are con-tr- u d a I r" ' for the entire mail, however large, and w may be the mode of conveyance ncecH-arsure its celerity, certaiuty; and sicuiD o-K h've the preferenco ov r ali oth -rs, and r.o J ners are'eon-idrre. 2J. A, modification of a bid iu any of ltfr rB. tial term i Untamountrio a m wr bid j not be received, ai as to interfere wl.U jrompeUUon, Makings new bid, wlibg1'" and certiflole, is the ony way to niotd'Jvloustid. ; .br,i it 21. Postmasters are to be car ful ' t the sufficiency of guaranto's, r surttuw. ' Out knowing that tby are pron oj a disregard o responsibility,; ,f ofy postmasters !s a violation or ru ir subjecting, tpem. to iuuucdsuo f All bidders, gyrrsntor, and sureiies are tHr. ty notified that on a faitnro to c filer in w service rii form thfi cpuvracU for the in thfi aocepted bid; thei - legal Ibibl if ' . enforced arahist fUetq: 1 n i 22 Present contractors, aMlri11111? ,7 must tqltaffy w R( cure gu i ran tors and et rlftcat s of tin ir ey substantial'y in t lie f onus six ' l'n."to' b The certificate of euTtt.jrney must be jj fi postruasteri fcr.by a Judge o( a couit of ' , No other will to admitted. J JNO A. J. i -- - 't- ii-- B d. 1 - 1 V r' - 1 - ! v - f t e i t ( '' I f t I 1 i |