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Show ?: i; ( !- , 1 ; ; !j i i- s, -t . t tf . , HOME PAPERS. Communicated; rr V 8 ATU UDlF'ticft a te uaporar lea term Jt, of i f 1 1 ST J. II. BXIDLX. tf S our ro- t IIOTIOE 1 r Now that the long mooted, quesj y m. Patwo tho wlt a of Junction tion Thermal and Chemical. let cific railways has been decided, rivers of Utnb, Next to the us see if we can appreciate the real the thermal and siukiug' chemical apriags constiare position of Corinne os an Important tute a remarkable feature.of- They Territhe almost found iu every part business point. the road from :rr JJfte TeHegiraijDllii 1 i vj ifcG,1 fcOV.? 27. !.Itui vexrd question,-- o. conmE-oct- T ASSOCIATED PBXSS DISPATCH ZS RXPOBTXD XXPSXSSLT TOR THE BXPOSTEJU; La A ef j . 0.14 j 1 Torhe proper. no27-3- ' r. I 4iWr their destination thnn at Ogden. From which it .ueccssn-rll- y com peW. the consumer to pay from $20 Wj$3d, per, ton more for goods than If they werosh loped directly to Corinne by one company. i'AVe can harttiy think the managers of theae great corporations would knowingly ""and wilfully ..subject their patrons'jo such inconvenience and expense If they thoroughly the matter; There is evidently something behlml this Junc-to tion question which Is not policy hst'; everybody know, There Is a mile ' un-deTsto- txl t : do the raiiford board that novices arc not supposed to fully comprehend, and they dont either. W are not gojng, to chargo the parties to the compact with double dealing till we are quite sure they deserve it. Men are not likely to deal from the bottom when their own interests are sacrificed thereby, Influenced to part xiorainthfe$-&anrecklessly with whatrhas cost them so much to obtain os it has the U. P. 11. R. Company to build the last 509, miles ofthelr road to this, point. to'Cievery threshold- 0 tUalr chief support and then abandon it. It makes but very little difference to us In Corinne where the Junction is so long as we continue to do the Montana business., But when we y ' K 'I Lr - 1 -- Vi Intoconsideratioh the advantages offered here, being the point of departure as It Isfof everything destined tothe northeun territories, the repeating ofllce of tho Western Union Telegraph Company,, the ' headqqarUhi 6f ' Uie stage, '.express and mail business, the head of linv igatloii of the only navigable waters Jn the mountains, the chief point ' of supply for all timber and building material to be used, by the companies; and the best "agricultural .country, between, Omaha and tho Pacific slop,' we ar 6f tho opinion there might have lxen a more convenient 'and Judicious location of Uo Junction, aud one far superior arid more popular than the site reported selected. We shall nqt ered . it nil wehearfof; the present atxnit th hr Junction buslnesaj the transaction is shrouded in "mastery ns yet; and from all wocan learn Is likely, to be for somo time. Temporary accommodations ora being erected at Ogden for tho transfer of pas ' sengers, freight, Ac., and there will probably be the headquarters of tho companies ilurlngthe'wlntcr. There has iben nothing authorltlvcly promulgated yet as to where the Junction rwill be made, or Anything to define tho companies actions and Intentions In withdraw Ing from, .the Promontory. We ehall wait and see. Make ' - jvr-itiane- f 1 " . , r...laauiiiTinx. nt way there neither Is toll-gat- e no23-l- LC5IBER, LIME, LATI1, A itSHINGLES, i j , o carricd fof (cm than a mill per pound, and the time required docs not exceed two hours! Compare these items, reader, and draw your own conclusions. The lienefits that are to flow into our city from lakonml river navigathreq-fourf- h S DOORS AND. BLINDS. i of all Kinds,. Heuldlsgs and Dressed Building Material CO. i n t I and V r i CORNER MONTANA AND SIXTH STREETS, J Ware-Hous- e Sales-Room- I jj N Corinne, N KMfjrJET'S P. EDW. CONNOR, JAMES McNASakR, STEPHEN REYNOLDS. By P, Edw. Connor, his Attorney in fact. Ii. HOLT, ! !j. AM M O M f - . , FUntllTURE Atld CABIHET WARE III GnEAT VARIETY EVS I Moiitmui i ' ,Cotinn i s coniNNK, ua,vn. i 4 T i .j H u? room: nr THE LARGEST AND FINEST PITTED THE MOUNTAINS. - t , 1 ! 5 . Bf-s- iron or with sulphur, some twenty in number, and nit rising witMn a few feet of each other. Three springs, the flrel very hot utid sulphurous, the second moderately warm and tasting of iron, the third of cohl pure water, rise within n space of fliteen feet. The waters, all flows mix nt ing iuto the same channel, once, bntruu sppnn ntlv in separate strut i for severnl hundred yartls, the hot metahe water often running under the cold clear water; nor is it until the sudihm Ircnds in 11)5 channel have thrown the streams tiolautly fiom side to hide, tlmt they mingle in a fluid of uniform temperature. South of Sat Like City, along the Jordun. srs found hot pools which send out. vet y little water, and iu otlu r places uio chalybente springs, coating the earth nnd rocks with oxiile of Iron. There iire'nlso chemical springs on one or two ot the islands in the lake. The great unit bds of the Bisin are in Nevada, but i southern Utah is a peak known ns the Silt Mountain, from wldeh that mineral can tie cut in solid blocks, iu its pure crystal-izc- il state. Of the mnil fi is, unpreptmt d with noaU. ot the alkali dvvisits, there is a decided surplus' particularly as man has been nusble to ntiy Use for iu that such a quantity of thosT eheuii.-alshape. It is thought the presence of alkali increases thecld. nor does it seem osnible to eradicate it fioni the soil. A slight admixture is thought to be kenefl cial to vegetation, but wherever there is enough to U wer out njoi the surface it is, death to all vegebitiuU, even the Saltpetre is found, hardy s.tge-bruathough rarely ; sulphur is rather tm common; borax is found iu moderate amount; in petroleum has lately been discovered and the native alum tying p quantities," was analyzed and good by Dr, Ode, From his report 100 grammes of the frosbly crysUlizrd salt gave : drnt tion south of us will rapiilly suggest themselves to' every man; but wc must call attention to tlie already vmt lumlier trade of Bear river to the North. 'Millions of ties, and immense rafts of construction tint lcr for the railroads, including the Utah Central, have been carried liitheron tills great river. The forests above the Falls of Bear river will intake Corinne the grand lumlier iqart of tho Pacific slojic; and surely ns tlicso words aro written the cities and towns, osjsvcll ns railroads, lake and river, will ......7509 henceforth need all that our mills, Watr ; Protoxide t maugtiHHM ,..08 can mauufacturand Jes Alumni. .040 markets, jg-Sulphuric add.... supply. Of the vast chemical wealth of the terrij This Is only a hasty glanco at our tory but little ii known, ami next to present situation,: intending to nothing has bceu utulized, bht iu a gendraw tho attention of; ourj fellow-citize- eral Jview the entire Ciu seems a vat of nature, where all the prirui to the prospect brightening laboratory tive processes have leen carried out on i in tho new fuUire for the city found- scale so extensive ns to make man's doed and built by ourselves. It Is our minions, at first right, seem .forever im possible. Home. The railroad companies have probTux Omaha Heeaxd The Junction ably considered It to their interest Corinne Tub Nmitiiebn Business. We and convenience to form a Junction JIf mid of tbe 24lk lost, Dri the from at Ogden. We have wished it oth- clip Miller's erwise, but the disappointment we tion : ; opiuiou of Coriune ami the juncfell is not sufficient to stay for a sine s lhle -- - . SASH, S h. ns 4 long-pendin- a p t! kt j ( t-S- ; , iJith. Line, The proprietor lin spnred no pnlns nor expense in ranking this tin two at the great Nutiomd niot comfortable, place to "pass away nn hour or . O Game. j Gohleti Crown Cigars, ittul the best of Ales, Wines and Llqimrij. always on hand, , 1. AND President for annexation. and District , Collector! Crlnncll nnd PIcrjKmt, BupervNor Attorney naval oillcir of the iort, held a pri- COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' vate confertmentthe Custom house to recent reference in the Montana Strut, htt. Third & Fourth , yesterday 1 i . J. C. . , frauds, ami to fix Upon a time nnd NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. method byjwhich to institute pro U. T, COltINNi:, ceedings egainst tho defaulting parties. 1 1 was decided there should bo FTTR1TITTIRE I secret com promises.' Chicago, 20. New York specials of Wells, Fargo & say the meetingstock-holdeCo.s Express yester1 am receiving and up a rge assort-meday was quite exciting. An injunc- A LARGE STOtCONSUMTLY OM as of luruituie, tion was served on the new otllcera on complaint of Eugene Kelly, re- CIIAIUS, In great varieties. straining them from the issuing of WOOD. new stock.! CANE. party refused to vote; . OFFICE. 538 consequently the ballot stood. BTC. ROCKERS. In favor of increase of cupital and can W and offor do better S3advantages purchase of the Pacific Express Co., to cs-- h buyers than any other -- AS 1 fa REDSTKADS of all ktmla, ami 344 against. The matter, was n sg-- Houee in this va.b-y- . CHIBS. LOUNGES, fiiC. not fully decided; there will probaattention given to order by maiL 8pecial be another meeting soon. bly Qoode forwarded same day orders are received. OUREAlTSe new in"The Eric fight Nothing Goods free of chartre in the elty Fisk remains in his oflicc, around andWeatdeliver nol8-t- f the depot. , i which is la strong guard, who perWASH, and DRESS, mit no one to enter until properly STANDS. , L1UUT vouched for. It fllElllinON & muxro; Impossible to serve papers upon him. CUPBOARDS, . t Raymond, Commissioner oh Mln- . KITCHEN SAFES, Ing, has returned from his summer WholoRale and "Retail tour through California, Nevada and Colorado,1 His report will show the BREAKFAST and i yield of gold and sllvef bullion this k' DINING TABLES. year to b about ten millions less than lastl MOSS PILLOWS. The census will le taken next Juno by, deputy commissioners anil AND C03I FORTS, such persons as they engage In various towns nnd cities to assist them. BEDSPREADS, ETC. . London, 20. Tho completion of tlie Suez Canal is already having the effect of seriously depreciating Commission w . I ' freight tu India and China Around the Cape of Good Hope. Washington 20. The question Corner Moutana find Gtli Sts th has arlsen.whether n girl with i SALE ROOMS: blood can attend public negro COLORADO STREET, schools,' and is creating mucfi con' been has to referred It ikvarly back of the Uintah Houee, troversy. the , Corporation Attorney for his ' ' fCOKINNE, UTAH. opinion. Richmond, 20. After tho wltlr J. W. USHER. .! tlrawal of a tiortlon of tho momlters of tho Republican Btate Convention Inst night, tho Convention elected lVirtof Chairman of tho BtAte Ceil General Eroduco trnl Committee. RcNolutiona wore adopted asking AKI tlie General Government to extend aid, to tho colored tnen during the Keep conriantlf ou hand a gooi! assort COMMISSION MERCHANT, present severe winter. Adjourned incut fr tbe jobbing traded. i sine die. Orders by mat! will HOT SPRINGS, UTAH. prompt and lop. )r MISCKI.I.AN'Eors MlV'IS V CIIJIHI SALISHilVS' IS. rs 1 ni STAGE & EXPRESS X Tim-Kell- pjEjrm f -- 9 V I -- TO V conmrjE, vznGznzA city, f . V HELENA and 1 ; .. . L ; rOET BENTON. CARRYING THE Mercuants, H one-eigh- , e e 1 I Corinne, TJt. AND . WELLS, FARGO & COS f iK-ssi- J. A. OLEARY, rm-,-iv- Philadelphia, 2U. The trial of Ed ward Bmith for the murder of John Hughes on Chestnut street bridge a few weeks ago, resulted In a verdict of murder iu the second degree. or r.. i GEJO. convoyed to tho Astor House nnd is not exiiected to recover. dealer in McFarland has lieeit nrreste! Cincinnati, 2H. H6race$PliUlips HOOKS. SMTIOMY, shot R. II, Leonard at half past seven last night, while accompanying Mary (ummings, a young widow, WALL FATER, from the.Theatre. Cause-jealo- usy. am New York, 20. Richardson Is in Ionurr iiiTLcnr t 1 a critical condition tills morning, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Tho ball tired by McFarland lias been found; it passed' through the Post OJlre BuMnj, , stomach and lodged below the kidneys, near the spinal column. The no4-t- f ball Inis been extracted, ClorlAle of rodlant ..............0 8052 Bciiator is stated ..................... that It Cole, mscnosis csJduoj .(.levs Judge OSullivan and Wm. Hollisansoltoff Si 0Cfl., Stt hta Of lime, of Nevf Yorfc,l- had an Inter, c. terview with the President yesterSillua on matters relating to Bt; day; WHOLESALE WHStU ' Domingo. Judge OBulilvan, who The most noted nrdnem! springs are lias iioen familiar with the affairs of City, the Island forsome years, explained seveuty miles north of palt Like River to the President the condition of near the north crossing' ol r they are hot nnd cold. Impregnated with the Island,! nnd tin desire of the . , t" FLOUR,- CRAIM AMD PRODUCE; DAKftlY, . nor side of 4 IN THE CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore extetfng tctween the undersigned under the firm name of McNassm A Co., Is Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. All Indebtedness due th con cern must be paid to P. Ldwab Comtoa. Cor lone, V, T., Novembei 22, 1869. neih-borlioo- vapors, immediately over the spring is almost stifling. Gazing into the small pool formed by tho tuning, tho eye is charmedv by tl variety of fanciful growths, the cortfrtrne on the rocky bottom. Every conceivable form of vegetntion is to be ieeu'; leaves, plants, flowes nnd fern-ik- e stems, nil of the purest emendd. . But all sre deceptions, mere imitations of dants farincAl by the chemical in iterialon he points of stone. The temperature of this! spring is 128 degrees ; its spedtio parity 10130, sud one hundred parts divided, acyield solid contents cording to Dr. Gale, as fAillows ; I V NOTICE I r o 4 (DBmmn88wm JUST RECEIVED a fine stock of fancy and family Orocvrie with every variety r quleite to a heavy rttali bueineea; and the hoys are always on band te serve up goods to their customers with neatneee and dtepatch. SE W have constantly on hand the finest of fresh Oysters, received daily by Express, and are reparedto receive orders to ship to M oaten ad other places. 1 -- .r. - AS vh-tu- is amnsing, not to ssj lodierou, to Vnitfo tbefaro of r Immaginstion upon -p4kwdwlndring minds ?Wfi could Dotioa ths full fores of this potWj ruling ponton, so to ipV, in oar city who g difference between or the The ynUrtlay. Kotbut what everybody f builders the moment nxr gle PuCitlo Union 1'nciflo and she 4o work 1 bad plenty to do. Tbs cause a nail to remain undrlven. Railway concerning the Central 59 nnlra of the merchants were doing an exoellent bui-ns- s Ours Is nn American city. line eut of Promoutory has been finally a nancasj amount of heights This portion of the line was turniVinafcaiidJed relations with the U. P. and nettled. Our t- over ed tbe transaction Were company yesterday, ; heavy been and AasUtant Central have here Its always the agents Meade will the rich, were on; Knperinttndent of , all klnda going cor- meet Huperintcndnt Tovtue of the Cenbid a we as them the and unfortunate f and tbstbrumate poor; pleasant, tral at Ogden, oil Friday next, to arrange we are sure of good treat- all dial good, tbe tid. Urn .fancy.aod all bands adieu, ardetails. The change Littiga the tenui-nuso- f More passengers were out In force. from our iron step-fathhereafter ment tbe roads to Ogden instead of Prom and rail both stage, by Y rived and departed, Central Tho CalIftrnia. of the Uniou Pacific retiring m good time a prefor ontory, one long la any day order in accordance with tbe original inwas weervtkh Pacific is welcome to Corinne. tention. ' r , droUl all wiuua f: ecpbwlmmagtealioos ; Since writing the above we have - The question in, what effect a ill this be worse, and ' aweet anything learned , tho Interesting fact that change have open Corinne? YCau any nod jrtooe bow had time t turn from The Corinne, Idaho and Montana arrangement the two companies luay hate they t!v a cement ItFCrb to epssk It wsswo-- f Fast Freight Transportation Com- made be ao carried out as to deprive Corlktii inne tbebeoefit of Its natural advantages sour and disasresaws. sitremely have perfected a contract as the beat point of access ridsaoes pany to Montana and n ba in with the Union and Central Baoiflo Idaho ?. r i , otv-iw- ta ; cf MoeyritV, avy thing " seemed roods for tho We are Inclined to the opinion that all daCs el lrraAGinri freight Corinne will be the shipmentof && all , this was for leading shipping point the North and Northwest direct to the territories which in any case. This will transfer. be ao for tbe present, at least, and probe- -, eertelo pbl-xss- at to i this city .without r that, nothisg U so bly for the future, becanoe neither abippera but hi the Dor freighter ran afford to haul good bad. are' roallly, es Oar sorry 23 xetisogs' sy they oxkes It so. 'Com junction was not mads at Ooriane.' They thirty tniles by wagou in tbe direction of Corinne over a bod road, while by receivthink ll too big a triumph far Brigham, ing them at tbe latter point they will be tTZOb ths .Wa doa'Ubfok BrighAm had anything to saved this distance and the crossing of hia o&aktod i crs tln Bear River besides." e ha did he with wkh will and he do if P, i t ' j r i j V in less than six months. . hadn't c bok23 stswythteg ' and Valley, ta Octteu throrsh A wst , Raneoboff St. Co. deliver Qocdi In the Lumber, 1o suit purchasers, at Howe, tad reoeaber thers 1 ESoygess. & Co's, o25 tf i city and at the depot fmo cf oharge. s Bflvei y Insist tsvry p It . M a ferry, itt being on the went the river. Malad creek Is crossed by a good free bridge eight miles Y above tho city. , Granting then that tho junction of tho railroad Is permanently fixed at Ogden, Jt cannot follow that all, or any, freights for the North are to be delivered there by eastern shlp-per- s. Wq have already shown thnt, by Corinne to Idaho and Montana, thirty mUrt oT bad wagon road Is avoided, and thus a clear saving made of two days time, to say nothing of all other attendant expenses. The difference In cost of transportation by tho ' two -- mods may be readily ascertained by a the railway tariff. By Ogden to Corinne, merchandise is -- peed j. taylor,the J. M. WALLACE 1. I. X. lawver, McFarland, Sulphuretted hydrogen. has whom existed for some there 0 073000 Carbonate ot lime an caused time ' past estrangement, roKDeU..................M)22770 .04HI&700 I'lorUle of calcium formof the the alleged Intimacy ly with tho latters wife. McFar................... of Sulphur! er Chloride of aodlnm land, who seems to have had an enMW0K7 tree to tho Tribune, was standing The nsnal temperntnre Is 104 degrees. bold ml the counter in tho business Tlme miles uoitli of the city the Hot department, in conversation with Spring boils oat from n rock at the foot one of the employees when Mr, of tho mountain, forming a bot pool two Richardson entered, and going up u tin to the counter begun a conversation or three rods in circumfrrunce, brauch rnus westward and forms tbe llot with a young man who In the Spring Lake, a body of tmlphimns wuU r habit f working for him. A few some! two ltng mul idstiit liulf us nlnutos alter Richardsons entrance. wide.j having an outlrt iu the Jordan. At McFarland walked over to him, and sa voral pliO'cs aionnd tin m.iryiii of this a word without a pistol tired saying of hot wutt-- boil Ami wounded singn'lur lak small Richardson iu the abjt d up with great fort-- ; the uir iu the domen. man was wounded The and in loaded witl the 4 of this city. V The old emigrant route to Montana from Ogden ran ly the villages of Willow Creek and Box Elder, to the upper crossing of Bear river, a distance of ,48 miles, there joining the Idaho and Montana roads in Malm! valley Freighters' and stage nen remcmlwr that route, especially lat portion of It In the soft and boggy lowlands, near Ogden, as one seldom. fit for travel.- - The railroads have relieve I the traveler and his stock from the hardships of that distressing journey? and now the freighter brings his train to Corinne for all goods of northern destination. Bo also of the mall, .passenger and express coaches to all points in Idaho and Montana. 'HProlnlhtscltjr to tho Mnlatl valley, (as represented abovo) the distance is only eighteen miles, with a road as straight ns a rule, and high and dry at all seasons of the year. On eveiy sldo nutriclous pasturage and pure water abound, whilst on the GENERAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL J tleompajica Iwo-liard- - . no2Mm MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. New Ynik, 2G.Th shooling of A. D. the topic of conver- Richardson ha ben sation and comment Tho hll is not yqt extracted, but Mr. Richurdaon is much easier. London, 25.- - Tbe Times oonsiders Roc h forts election to tbe Oorpe Lecisla tiff of very little imporUnoe, France is not consklered quite ripe enough : for a general revolution yet Good men are aait to be elected ta moat of the districts. Napoleon in his opening speech desired the broadest and most absolute freedom. Cincinnati, 26. Borne incendiaries set fire to a building at Connersville last night, used, for winter quartern for Es pauuh'a menagerie. , By order of tbe su- Krintendont all tbe animals were turned proved useless; as tbe fire was arrested before destroying the build-ingTbe lions killed several sheep on tbe fair grounds, and had an, encounter with a bull, which they also ki!1c A) the animals were eventually aecored. . AjJ-Orda- i . : a, . -- t . 4 This FIRST CLASS NEW HOTEL If apmx to the public. The room are neatly and furnished. The tebl-- e are alweye top. piled with the be4 the market afford a Frwh Oyatera alwaya on hand and served up in anv sty eon hort nuttee. The Bar la stocked with th finest Wines, nol-t- f Liquors, and Cigar., outs-fortab- WM. LORI LIE R, 0. IIAlROUSSBH, 'Montana Str.ftt, ' Cajrlnoe, Utah. ' I T r- - ) , : day1 io r Ileut Tlrun v.ay oa Ihb U. 1. R i. b'li 1 h t I (;ool Slock. 'V TIM HEKDERSON, r AGENT, ! .'OKISSt -- nolgtf - roarhfv nnil Quick Time.. k DILI GOODS,'1 CLOTHING, ..,1 and Pas-M'DfC- FANCY AIHl STAPLE I- ulirtrafc Cjomna't wjlu "i Of- - ly i ' and HAS JUST OFENED HIS Dimira-stoc- ' -- Leava Cprimir vbrilj. tor Yiu 4 Corinne, Utali. - UTAH. (.UiXJWU.D, Prcprlrlora. UAKBKU f Pvrntf ifonlan, i and Fourth Streets,' Between Third and Fourth Streets, A Uwil-t- f SLYER. iVL.. r.Io'utana Street, mi.Ha , Cheap! Cheaper jiiiTaiiPiiym niwi. COItlNNK, , re" - a --- D e t ' careful ntteutiou. ' roccavtxl by Mill and .Good shipped feut and west ou tbe , . liue of tle Railroad tbe same day orders pruiupUy filled. arc rtcciu'd. nolfllf to-da- y. pacific iicusn, . t MAIN STHEKT. BOOTS A SHOES, HITS A CAPS, . ' and In everything that can be cajted ter In hla IP, a or wlcb he off-- re to the public , , at tk.moet naeonohle raigw. . f ' SALT LAKE CITY, . v , V fa1 I cltowhrre . V) . -- ep8Ii 5 r HEICH, Proprietor. I Oood hoard and lodging, and a rr Dont fortet to cirti and ex comfortable ' ..a fj home for traveler. 1' Board and Lodging $10 per wee f amine, before pure hating ho23lf . i aug7-E- m r 1 i i ' I ) i V . t 1 V A If , Tiit6i7rH - p:- W a TH COPARTNERSHIP heretofore exletlng between Wm. Touuid and Faso t. Tatum, in th town of Corinne, UUh Territory, was this day, November 24. A.D. 1969, dlseolved by mutual by tbe withdrawal of the eid Taylor, of hie entire interest in the bowa lease of lot, and the buslne e doing therein and on. AU debts due the late firm will he paid to Wm. Toijiso A Co , who 1 alone authorised to orlleot the same; and all claims against the same will be prrsentod to Wm. Tolaxd A Co. for payment. , Corinne, U. T., Nov. 24, 1869. WM. TOLtND, . . it 0len a of over ' the freight of the U. I. It. It. that come thU aide, of the Sweetwater 4Utritjar. unloaded, at .Corinne., Those that ore; not tned.here or arc not for Corinne directly, are thirty ifr DISSOLUTION NOTICE I m. mhihV - s H RUFUS W. HENRY. t ' : y , pre-empti- on , Hikf i . IBnnirgess U, i at of tho last nine ue The-experie- i ! ,v k TO JOSEPH L. PBOCTOK. SAMUEL. R1DOXJT and alt others interested? You are hereby aeti Dtt I wilt appear at the D. S. Lnd Offlw 8ait Lake City, Utah, brfore the Register and Receiver thereof, on the 30th day of December, A, n. 1869, to prove my right to eater under the the act, of September provide of 4, 1841, the eoath-eaquarter of section 14. townat which time and ship 1 north, range 2 wi at, con tee t, tf you ace place you can appear and tory, but principally Along Custom House Conference! Salt Lake City northward.' All along tbe eligible jwint Ithsn months has proven, beyond a doubt, foothills of the Promontory runge. iu the permanent tliat we occupy that central position mountains southwest of Uuh Lnke, and the Froqio'n tory. 1 for Express Troubles Bear River are founand the between tho two i gTOHt'Paclfic city Junction or whjch Jtas often been truthfully tains of strong brine, discharging iu iu.my eettlcd; tbr called, jtSTTmt- eemr to be Fiik Fortified. The Gateway of the great instances large volumes of water. there the present at 'least,' ' What ' the North. Situated In the center of are sulphurous pools at the southern exl t A. of Stilt Lake Valley j on one of termfWrro'TTmttnTnrfbr toenttng the the richest in Bui; and most extensive val- tremity iu thelke are springs of every $10,000,000 Decrease islands the this1 late at day Junction Iion. ley, of Utah, and on the bank of the character,' and in places along the Wasatch rf;'weirekrt,nllp.;!y ,lii the dark only navigable stream In the Terri-toryBe- ar hot, cold and chalybeate, are fonnd side Menagerie Loose. side..' First iu fame, and probably in to gueseioorway oita beU we can. will be sceu by it Klvcr, i in medical value, are tbe Warm Springs To men acquainted with this coun- that whatever advantages , the rail- Salt volume in Luke large City. Issuing Spanish Gunboats. try, the law of supply and demand, way junction might be to Corinne, from tbe mountain side, tbe water Is conthe rights of those who support the had ittjeen located here, the benefits veyed in pipes to a regular bnthiug house ETC.. ETC. on tbe l the jnodteHglbhaaiul of that circumstance' to such a on one sith. and to ainplunge-poothe our opinion, constituting, natural locations for ntwra mortal! n place ns Ogden will be of trivial Im- other, m Upraise worthy of Mormon institutions. New York, 25. Albert D. RichThe following analysis is by Dr., Gale,1 ardson, formerly war correspondent, the heavy shippers, It la a puxzle to portance. . That town stands upon ever a of Captain Stan bury, in J850. and long attached to the New York near the Assistant hnowWhy and low bottom, marshy of the water, whose Oue hnmbed was shot thought fatally agreed upon Ogden as a point of mouth of Weber Canyon, and twenty-se- apecitlG gravityparts vvts gave solid Tribune, wounded this morning, by Paul divided as follows ; . contents of JuuctJon. It Is gcnerallyunderatood ven miles south of south-ea- st n between msUlltigJup-ofrm$JTOor- l ltd D. Richardson Shot in N 4 Mw9 dwrtiistmrntis. gnv . I f X I I |