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Show N - X V MISCELLANEOUS A DU M I8CELLANEOUS ADU "Oow UeNMMr ot Koto Okmm awn Ewaor. Wa had L Cull Tri-VfesDepcrleri Connor, tiora.Oapt. spasm choonsr Bastsr hodSalt Daks take alittla, spin around town jester- - j on the eastern froutier are evidtntlgeU v navigation , notoriety, r,basT r rgone from day tQ gee .srbat the rnovinof tha ting considerably interested in therevoln-onctio- n COU1MKX. U. T Novesuwji lp69. fcov. fn. uorniko. batubday among us, but for boar long we cant ML to at or pear Oden bad npon I tion rf jhe j:a prying trade to the Nrw H We bade nice little piece-writteou the Of course it hurts our to liogs to NoKTBirkftiL kiA Oboriftn. Uti Paha Wholesale Il&rket. w; hro no anthortxed traveling agent fife I and i half but out with S . a make in a 23d Captains V experience Utal, a t int. j report of thing M they reallyre, Herald of the to eolioct debt due this papf f ? the devil lost tha copy whileen route lecanaa vre cant report vfhefit different, I column leader on the anbject of which tyk I B1ILB0.I0 UNION I ,At th tAgUlnfnc of Us wek the toaryekW to the compositor. was we lie extract but t coVuaa tell must the truth if i 71 a short it the jealously following ewe and rvpoHe C.P.I H Salt Lake Division. watching a dark and rolling eya that lawsuit Its just as easy lor us to tell the I The attention of the reader of this aIntittle (averttoah oVer tbe thoueaad , tbe Junction. Many, changing regard' I Las was her een to the tbe i for orders a we east, when truth (or as it lor paying that Reporter up heavy respects P? it, get paiJ Tralaa 4mo at I Kew Time TakUe b aitated fit sending them off till tbe Junction boys at the time which accounts for it. byprocrite w h.r., Ccriane at falltwi I Eight matt r was settled. A pretty heavy but mUccP Tbeae devil are always' iu love with month since, where we now write, wa a the Uutou PJinu and Coriune, Iroeotts Jem and sprang up during tbe week whh b Omaha, bound east. ! Yes the pioneer navigator of bowling ildernes, so to spealt. , Sage, Sooner than was expected by ourselves, it bad a ten tency to dispot all (ears of having to ail 09 Aalfa somebody Eipftlli y. t ' i a the M of Great Sea Dead Of America left ehas fowls reui field and assumiug ituntlSlStprshape and piftctical carry goods over, , Jtat a few vry large tuvoioe brash, the beari of the a. M. us to form. fixed tact, aud p,e arrived The a la ts So! . Freight... . Maautactarcr thing u the air and Bear River were undisputed regret bis absence, but not Cleft during tbe week, end they (bond reedy are head inoeuilfie by paratiofis f tuakiug took WEST BOUND place--v . s' v sale. No Important charge without a guide to stear by during Us masters of die situation where now stands of the a j enterprise wntefi wilt tuaugniate Arnica. 00 I M. F absence. ......mi.mIS Oft A The parting words of the this beautiful, ' thrifty and enlerprising this trails Hi . the earliest ipeuiug uf . the Green V lb., pmMit'T So. 8,sle tt Kipreea.. ,20C na season. Messrs. EitearU, Maurice Dried V1h..v. A g, Freight.. .........0 00 f. li. Captain was, My boy, there' Is just as little city. How is it now A,clty, out- business . cirrTKn. own our ana and of 8i. Graham, Louis, much difference in folks at anybody. ranking hi commercial importance any it) ..ACKiMc TbiM Ho. I, a and 0 ra dolly. r it . t millionaire, Edward Creigbtou, are the ft Keg lb J AS. CAM PELL, Dir 8upt Some mountains. bacon. will with aome aud the the Salt sovereign men wbo Lave uudeitakcu this revolution Lake, stay you now, Wa are offartn((Nrale, at baatumarka4 prlfl. 20c A. R.TOWNE, GenlSupT. ' ; tha in the cnrriug trade ol the western tetii-torie- States V lb s.. ' . roaster of the mountkfu trade, yield JOHN OuRRINO, Aaet Oenl Bnpt will run away, only to beg back and be re BEANS. - , . rehouurable are aud able, They He les white rival of to a instated in the affections of Corinne. California, but unavoidably oadptek.,..,r;;..... T Ut p BOOTS & ana. ; " 3 We eaaayed to reprove the Captain, a than 0ne7orth'th her age. Salt Lake City sponsible. ru-- n Corinne Directory. drt s Hens Brogan ttdsa, i , Itlftt f; Lfl-v'KMV i o ceee.. it m i WaXIOt trifle we GilAflT BOHOS boots Connne for as ft hie untimely advice, twenty-twonly p lbs. California apple fer Iloya 2,000 ypar old ; (Ki v. t. a. . uiah division. OftM ee McU'l fir; kip immImII 4ie bSTy WAUK. DATED P A SIEVEK ' a'e e e S4K47S UK thought, but aaya he, I tell you, go sod about six months M. Yet Girinne does ale cheap for oafth at Klliottki . Mi nr tiaiM b e at MMHse . , 71 as 00 a VE. W, Weed, Superintendent ; bend i French kipbeevydoapleeete,,. iuveat every cent you can rake and scrape mors bnsiuess, and pays more taxes to the AT-' 7ftitS7 00 French calf, tap sole... 7.. 7..'. in delivered of Good tbe qaarters nt Wasatch. , any part We 64 00 Salt Lake doe!. Men's, Buffalo Fur lined, boots r U T. B. Morris, Engineer ; headquarters right here in or about Corinne, end in Government thau city, free of charge, by Luting your ladles' calf, heavy doupte sole, V dux. Wv-2- 00 t i has bow Corinne willnow toitell are thousand three i you t going CLOCKS, &c Groceries at Creighton A Muuru. years it psy yoiva AneaoWod shoes, V dos...... 24(OOUO et Wintcbr'lfl 4 do f' i . I WATCHES, V 4 noll-tmade was ; The COFFEE. the since back f cent. showed baa junction , gone per Captain counts .45o Java 7 lb at or near Ogden.-- Remember Cor-inn- e Frank Bnh. freight and ticket agent. himself on more than one occasion a ......Wc Itio choi s. Co. A Ranaoboff Crown Fearl at Cigar, 27c ! J. S. Watson, baggage agent ' is only six months old, and that shrewd land and town speculator, and an In Ordinary MetMiMiiiM seeeaftees-a4LurtJCHt m r V CHISHXr r r r t J Tainter, telegraph operator. excellent judge oL human nature, so we there is only a boat 150 buildings of all The ymaha Journar of Commerce of the Slates V lb. A. 4, i , r ...I.'. .2H OILMER AKO SAUUSBUBTS f CANDIda.took his advice and acted accordingly. classes, in course of construction to be is numbered the 23d, pleased THAT AM07KT IN ALL TO among ..................... 9 50 SOUTH SIDK HO STAS A STHrJ.T. Montana atage'Unea, carrying the U. S. The finest Its fearful - to tbiok of, nevertheless its progressive. In speaking of the. north- Star per box. ...... some owns the of Captain CBEAXI TAItTAB. mail and Welle, Fargo A Co.a express ; f of true. And a we are supposed to ; be western freight question it says : Col. B lb leaves daily for Virginia City, Montana, property in Denver, but he has a sort CUACKEItS. (between 4th and 5th) at 5r,M. every weakness for Corinne and vicinity, and guardians of truth aud justice, we are Hammond has given tbe Corinne and and intermediate v .to tb Soda HeavDiamond the City, we sbonld not be surprised any time to bound to tell the truth though other day for Helena, .ICo Montana transportation companies such Butter V lb Vf ' Black f oot and Deer Lodge ; Tim Header have his em. ..... 15c d .face gracing Co ens fall ; and to back np what we say, rates as to aciudlljf 'preclude tie possibility W ster H lb... CASED GOODS. " near It. Offlfe It, depot. CqRINKEf sou, agent. fW rinne again. The .Captain has been will give a few facts aud figures to ,make of freighting good into Montana via the FtaBtattoe Bitters V vase .Tf. L J 'a f11 Run i20 Ycnrti and pay 7 per cent. 'Jt UNION TELEGRAm L 1000 A. Red Jacket of W. Mr. I Ini' it more nil Taylor, western the INTEREST binding. Missouri is The speculations through any louger. following 00 22 Angostura Repeating Oifiee,- corpfcr Montana and utiil exciti-ineuts- , ' but he I IS 00 ........ an extract of a leugthy article on this Doker's Buyer, will do well to axamln. my stock before Hays be never the Oriental Powder Co., of Bouton, , , PHI til eta. e Nowhere. lioe Bourbon (JociUil purvhaslutr IIIMMIMMMM Wulrtty saw anything to equal our locality fur a putting ip one of the most substantial great move : . Oonwuy, 11 00 New styles sliver sets, solid gold chains, rlnjrs. CorktftlL ................. Brandy 11 00 Geo. F. Brown, chief operator. pins, sleeve buttons, .to. Messrs. Graham, Miturice A Co., of Old Ti iu Oln, bne. ............... Tipi are Coupon JloiuU of One Tboueuiut huge spueuUli ju iu it short time, ltut bmldiugs in this country, as a headqurters 10 00 common. W II. Ulaw.ott, caaLh r and rec.-irc- r. Dollar ($1,000) each, and are " whole Helena, Montana, have received letters Claret. for this atvd store to beitulilu his forwarding'honse the 00 liai 9 gone Captu.u It. O. lratt, L. S. Wjht, Frank ilnisrUt, seemrd byak from the leading merchants ol Montaua Catawba Wine, Missouri Ylutage 1000 t Kimlwr un 1 1 Kemev, operator. home on the pi dui ulu score of trieuds interior busiuevs. v Mr. Hyram House is 00 It Race .on nbouf M Mitts them their undivided support, Hchiedam Hchuapya JEWELRY! AGATE MOSS C.VN FUCIT. y,w. hturt, l.ittry man and rcpulrer. ami u Losing family r.wun, Lis cciu.ug, building an immense ice house that will Itroiui ing stated that Col. Hammond has V thousands of tons. Mr. House will made such terms with the altove firm as reaches case ........................... $8 to roi isnk post umc., uer? about to drop r. tr j,r nt hi part Pine Apple ly7 00 M 00 ... ...... t,, heta'oen Fifth iicd'FiXti: J iug, but F&y he, Cheer, ap my boy, put the congealed article tip in such quantities rosy hereafter preclude steainbout freight- Tmatoa 14,000,000 .ACRES caao ................ 850 bl rawbi-rrieing to that territory. aa to make Corinne headquarters, tLorge L Holt, io-- Mut-,r- Ast nud aoath yon kuow, LLav. tbe In variety. .... great $7 50&950 Cranberries M iiN nrrivo from the OP LAND 1 ' 9 00 FrieuSs must part, lie has alao added 100 feet to his, saw mill Room to Rent at the llUckbi-rrieweal, J.10 a. m.j i 2 p. Lodging thj ft 4 wll. Aim! foutt hesrui sever, A CO I ' SOLE iCE.'ICT of tbe celebrated . fi.itn ih inrU. H 50, .l ui. but Ill forget Uta Htioaiaa never, no and machine shops, within a few days, Uintah House. ton. $12 00 Bitter Creek never. Matts clom f.r eKt Hid south. 8 30 a. which makes them fery spacious srd conBeing all the Lead s wbfcti (be Ufefoo Pacific ' Bit tV.S. l road Com panr now have or shell hereafter Ri Boc. V H).. for the, uct, 3.30 p. in.; tor the And with that he planked an X to make venient.'. Mr. II. has-als....ba.U.tl 1 35 put up one of . I. X. L. Aloe Goldeii the Furo at lb. Uodi f trcnlr fn ol tb vsitsl 8tfce( Syrup 111 Ac Alum 4 1 1 OJSw which are or shall bo tachuled In 4ho Railroad north, 30 p. in. MttttlS)MMSlMM it more binding aud apply on his sub- the fittest n23 If 55c ltovt dwellings iu Corinne. Bakery. Arrow Jaiu, MiTiittiiM r ed and Telegraph Line of said Company . 25 BaUim Coiilvt or for or scription. The Captain is a 'genius of A geutlciuau recently from Missouri baa the for oporalWWi thereof, instruction . . . 22o feeuA liioftfb A M. to Bauk Go J. or Co., the Langsdorf track, buildings, yards, gmunda, salt depot Blrne and water GPC fresh . . first the The Toledo water, settled over near Mr. Houses, and intends a IVTilX r?fin6ll . b water, rtkljr1 f Tbe finest watchea now manafacturod. Also I errcton- - thereof. u20-t- f for. your furniture. 30 Building, Caid kor Uniu....iMM.M....M I aii j U and we h"p we may hoou jclaiui hitu us establishing a very large sash factory. He Tha Company VocHvotbotrljand Grant Bonds , Paper Of the inauiiuoth W.ckly .. 55c Cream Tl trtift purftu a...aas. I their face aud accrued Interest to paymset of now published, tha Toleuo Blauk, the n Coriuuetbtau. HOo .. Best s White Glue, aa. In the J meantime the is going to bridge the river at that point aif uud. aotd by them. A Co. IIo Watcucs Waltham Kunsofioff ward ana Crushed ui Sugar ranks Mw&tou 35c V, Petroleum of Uov, 4 Naaby, Olup, organ DK UAVKN A BltOr maiutaius there is just us much also, and make it a free bridge, which will tftc OutQ Ai Ahic Dealers in Government Securities. umatig the best Ita eighi broad pages Captain 2 23 z .. Beet. So do make it of incalculable benefit to us in PhlUdvlpLio. A are tilled with the choicest readiug mat d.ffereuce iu folks as anybody. ' 1 HO like a.aa.... a . II ur- Oum Trtpauanth IMMita Iiowe Everythin and in Ol) tar. and aa typograpliksiil appearance time. Capt. Sam. Ilowes palatial resi- ge s.' & Cos Union and Central Paclfio It It First Mortgage Hie O um Opium 4 50 cheaper and Powder Bonds Bought and Bold. no25-t- f general character it has model a the looms iu dence PiIciom. distance, 6 50 ... up Iodide PotAAxium . cheapest. U. 8. Bonds Bought Sold and Exchanged. An immeuse stock of good at T. Olliers few eUala ..... . v Oold Bought and sold at Market rate. Coupon of comfort and elegance, aud a striking Quicksilver..., The rich and racy letters of Petroleum ounce.. 275 V cashed. Quinine air Repairing carefully done, aud satisfaction Mulsh X Green wald, of the Mctropoli illustration of m bat enterprise and good ... .V Naaby arc written "expressly for ha DJMZO. Yl.Vlt. ., w ap29-l- y Stocks Bought and Sold on. Commission - i Z WLX, gnsrsnteed. UOiUc Accounts reoeivod and Interest allowed on llhiOK, .aud always appear first in its tan, have got the best uppoiutcd llotcl In judgment can accomplish in a abort rime. Peaches, Salt Lake V !b no2-t- f ..2U(iv25e Oround Cherrlea Tfl lb balances, subject to Check at sight column, Nothing in the line of (minor - the country. Ibis side of the back 23c Turning gfck, e pealed rcacl.es, the ever attained has pooik t EGOS. CORINNE. V. T.,s Novrusra 26., 18). we are soon into the buriness centerof tbe pularity of theae letter. ..... 6065e X. L. Bakery. I. at Tldox Fresh Oysters with Mr. lasby is now encaged on aborigitown. We find thing all agio r. NVpsUUKtib FroprUtor, n23-t- f FLoun. ; t nal novel, which will be published dn the too lt $0 50 as and energy. Ad. Kuhn is Califnnile itaiMliVM y Market. faith, pluck dm) Family JljSFsa Montana Street, Halt Ldo Biaoe dur ng the coming year. Tlicae, aeeseasieeersssseesese 4 25 X sr iTiw hnd variety putting thv finishing touches to one of the Assortment loaige with ether rare attraction in - course of Sash-Doormz.s at of Btirgo of GRAIN iiowe, of mercantile most preTEA. UTAH. complete temples preparulion. ought to largely increase its no2o if e $2 50 Gos. $2(I250 WYicat 1! 100 It) a eminence that has greeted our eye for Imperial T ib enormous circniatiou. a- - -X. C Oati V j esssssaases COFFEE. x.' 0 We will furnish the WV.txt.T ItcvonTa 33c lUr it y (( lb.... .... O a ions. Grain and Produce, at Gold tunny n, day. But tbero is uotbiug like Rio choica Lavers of good INgrr Beer will find ths very GLASS. SUGARS. no23df and the Bi.aik odo ycir for $0. The berg. leather, so r:js a conscientious prognosquality dtsiws'd lo thethlr?ty, at Wiii-c- h type oo box A 9 lh ..................... ' 22(.t .Nc Belcher Free lunch will be served roustantly and i ella. BEronTxa and the .Blade ticator of tbe period, and our 9 IIAMS. ' sc9 lm ah aroluvlbhl to attend. sYuurs. v 2 30c lh 60 Cauvassed Golden eje is line shoe one year fur $12. boot and J man, Strauss, put- Beid ers . Literaht. Mr. Geo. L. Holt, our gal.........,j.... BAT. I Hugar House iiunk-nsgal,..........,.....,.....2U0 for of his bouse a which means refuge ting up CANDLES. eseeses4eeeseeessseeeeeeest 23(R 33 04 enterprising I. ,M., $1 lOA LCMUKR. For want of room, we are compelled to esseeeeeeeessee ...S3Hc place ns under obi gationg nguin stock, that must sstouish the' natives. SUr lh.. 10c SO AT. i foot Flooring MormonrJ3chism omit the today. It fur a choice .selection of the latest publi Struu.ss will be iu the now house next Morrell A Rumicj I lii 50 e e 25c (VUIIilOQ (K will all appear in good time, however, and catious, including all the priuefpal weekMira, I) sse Monday, Pasriug down Montana street, CuUlll sse4sessMjg$pF ' OQ Naali UATCIlSe $57 pair breach hmhhmmhi we mtice another immense structure ; prove very lnteroting.ra tha lies, monthlie.and illustrated productioua LAUD. Front Street, 5r lox Tfkf(riih 27 Sf 30c 'i lb widens. tv i of the day. We havent had much time rearing its irrepressible bead Heaven- Bom ca Go do e 12,1 Xn cans ttODAs t. CO It IN N K, UTA II, UQroiiH. , All V Vf to go through em yet ; except a few of wards, and npon pausing for inquiry, was Babbits see sees Wllihkf 25e gale J seeVeeeeeesaeeeeesseseeeess OMlOU.V VrrptUlot. 0 00 IIowiS Burgess' Co. are agents the more prominent. '.The magazines for told tbat our chubby friend Louis Reggie, BraUtly eeesseseweeeeeeseeeeee TEAST POWDERS. f V 00 4 Ho'land for the Itocky Mountain Coal Company Utn, Merri ls ,box rreston k will there in from 8alt alao 33q as Aery establish Lake, are (H) 4 December interesting, Port wine, iinjNirtct! in Coriune; also, for the celebrated Smith DRIED FRUIT. 4 00 be .as... I am now prepared to,lo all kinds of work, at . no25 tf tlie almanacs of the leading publish- about ten days. Louis is one of the old Currents V lh mine of Coalville. " ..30c 8hCrry.ee. MILL FI ED. the very low st prices. Teannders and freight,U5c 78 such when and of lb fellows Prune Salt mm Lake, vu ers. Mr. Holt has a full liue" of late time too. 1 40 00 and Bran 8bortat ers noixd, ,10 will find It to their Interest to give me a call Wholesale and Retail 33c lh Blackberries V before going e'eewhere. and original reading matter, so those loug (mercantile) tailed rats a he begin Batter, Egg. .and Oulona, at r, CAN Kit U XT. se2D-t. . aitsvL$li k Xi" Dbu't fofget tfio place. , ....... ........50c Telegraph, a7 cm?wUUBTAUD. V can bergii. t" r . f j...;. wishing for something spicy and interest- to deset the ship, its prima faciat evidence Peacbea t j g 5 J j 75 UKXERAI. COMMISSION Pine Applea 63 soon and make ahe's going down. We continue our Tomatoes.., 50 Engllah Durham One hundred yards f French Ingrain ing will do well to call NAILS. 50 Strawberries course down Montana street, till our at- Cranberries 60 Carpeting for aale cheap.' Apply at this selections ere their freshness departs. 100 $1100 4a 1 50 tention is arrested on either side, and we Com .... 60 Of . ....... ........ office. , I SO 10 60 Sasli of every Size st Iiowe, are brought to a stand still by the elegance Blackberries..........BEANS. 10 00 )0fl no2tf of the Metropolitan Hotel on one aide, Domes tio th. Mr. Beadles Hows Pirns No. III., ip Burgess Cos. 10 00 . IN 15c 121 $ OIU D. J. lleyfron. Prop. found and white California be will very .,..1...... I b pink and Elliota and Dr. Grahams on the Uepobtir, t '' ' f Coal ft ean of 5gaL............r ...$050 potatoes r Finest Teas in town at the I. X. L. other. To enter into an explanation ol 00 CORNER MONTANA AND; FIFTH STREETS. interesting, as they treat upon subjects Unseed gal n23 2 50 tf i KA Ierd . about which little or nothing ha been Bakery. BUTTER.1 tbe cost, convenience and' commendable N eat fot gal. .... .......................3 50 ' COc eeeWessees e e Always on band tha choiscst Meats, Game of known heretofore. The numerous cheat Mon-tan- a OYSTERS. these of buildings, particularly :The appearance no4tf or Sale Ileut. FOGS. alt For khd. Butter, Eggs, etc. can $8 5. leal springs that bubble up or flow out 60c Field's steamed Barber 8bop, a good substantial the Metripolitan, would consume, too V doton... 7 75 rau McMnrry A Ct.a best BACON. and greet the eye at almost every turn are frame, sbinrie roofed building, 12 feef much of our time and space. We will ONIONS. Z7ZIiZ. ST. LOUIS BARB E) It SHOP. 8tates V lb V 4 J IKt features of Utah ; and as their prop- froDt, 20 deep. Enquire at the premises make mention of a few names that FLOUR. just 2 w noll-Pi'TATOLS. . 50 II. W. P. SPENCEIl, erties are nearly a numerous as the Laks, lwat, V lOOlB,. are interested in improving their property, 8alt Us BTTTTBrt, 00 CalKoruia UOO lb PUTTY. J Oil f pringa themselves, the subject will bear and people cun go and sea fotf themselves. Thats What W Intend to Have. I' BROOMS. HtPUOt, tttlll 20c tb a careful perusal. $1 OO ,..! The Idaho Statesman, of the 20tlf iosb, Mr. Ollier, upon arriving with his new Each, beat......,.. BOOH at Uintah Itoote.) ' .r. . RICE. (tlranck TUBS. se23 Ira ...... to ......... the to be ever lh. the Carolina It ............20 stock probably gratifying largest so brought ought says; fi $2r$2 piece lh,...................-....-..13i1China Choice Mackerel at the L XL Bakery. PAILS. people of Idaho and eastern Oregon and to this country found his building ; and n23-t- f RAISON. HENRY LEI. eWES, . , , 25 V $11 50 piece..,. ISSSSI4MMI too small by half. lie, too, ie Washington Territory, tbai such a man as 8 to ,..A.i.,.i...ii$t Ikr, a f."I.-t - ..... -t , Dealer In , . SODA. ATt is located ou the railroad patting up an addition to his already spaEllsworth Harry 00 case. .$9 neat durable and Babbits of per Patinfi Doors at Kelton. ' In this remark we; do not cious building, at will be an ornament , . SALT. Liqnors, styles, at Howe, Burgeas A Coa. SUCKuLL'S OLD STAND, ... ST. MARK'S, , . . 65 ck 10 Wholesale and Retail. claim that he is doing mors than many to the city, and an accommodation long .f r SOAP. t AND TOBACCO. $9 00 CKIAIIS k Ramsey's per box MONTANA STREET Apple by the thousand, at Goldberg a other men would do to favor this section wanted. Mr. Silver is putting up a very 12 00 no20-t- f Erastive...., . of the country, but we do say the circum commodious restaurant on Montana above SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Chemical 4th street, corner' of Montana,' Corinne. 30o Castile. U i v aagl5-t- f ; : J ' i j' f ' 4 - UTAH. stance have thrown It in his way to be of Fifth. , Mr. Conrad has recently erected SUOAR. ; CORINNE, -- We under are plveetl OstjoATtoNa. Lost .......28c ...J Patent fit to ns. anl having thcoppor a large furniture warehouse, near Creighgreat Lem Third Year. New Or lea tie. . ................. .............2ic obligations to Messrs. Frcuch A MgKxn. tmnity, ho is improving it to the best ad- ton A Monros. E. P. Johnson is jnsf ............... .24c Crushed 9 st oc!oc on tb, Opens Monday, September ............... .... ..24c Powdered Month 3d 2d a. and Main st. general Insurance ngeota, Om?ha,- - Neb., understood between M., i dt, should be a residence that any might copy street, by finishing it .23 A Belchers Ib. New rooms truiture snd mail. ta r order throughput. attention by 8leelal for late lustiraueo ruonitoiv, guide mu given 22o .......... ci'pbi Letc that Coriur.e j.us all along after with profit. Mr. Gto. Brand i doFuitoOrps'of teachers,' under tbe 'immediate Extra C... A large stock always on hand,. BTRUP. ciicuUre. Mcssi. F. A M. , represent luaJa a Rev. Daniel 8. 1. of Itt. D; charge Tuttle, Lor thi Goods shipped asm day orders ire received. trifle of we must tha likewise. But stop Montana ing right light Street, itroug . 00 . . Terms: Per month of 4 weeks Betobera 04tJF gal. t f .,r $21 75 T , note tf nud most reliable Life bouk' of Mu gar Hones und is still making it,. It is well here for thq present,- and let the people ga. country, $2.50 Primary Department -. 6 1 CORINNE. :bXAIL Morgmn nud Tiro Iusuiaucu Companies In the understood in Corir,ne whut a 'Valuable ak. tbeuisrivti what effect the junction is 3 50 Intermeiiate Department....... pi SARDINES.r . 4.50 DtyMram-nt...Higher we for T. worid. We know whereof nud rpeak, e needy elene, Repairing $27 45 Cleaning box Ooriujje. - For our part 3 acquisition our passenger auji frtight hayi? circulars at , no9 if t tee For furlher particulars Af TEAK. i e iisevl to bo ono of Vui. .Wholesale and Retail t ratio would be, and if any means what.would ilka to hate them move the juncKcimrtjtr office. .......... IS.. $2(32 50 Imperial A ever will secure it, they intend to have it. tion every d)y, if this is tbe eflVct it will For Male, V4 Reboot Desks and Meats, in us Young Hyson 150200 lh.. , m--DD08-STOKE1 00 taw years. Inquire of th.. only New Oregon Cider at Adams A Hvh-20-t- f Japanese Is The only wonder to uj. that tbo people cooihnn to have on ns.) 1 30(3175 RASKINS W. T. lh Oolong . .. . ... ... tuoudVs. , of Idaho bavo stood out so lone abcnl 2 002 50 lh orlfUSSKT. DAHLEIt A CO.. AND Gunpowder . .JOINER, (lIUEMTtU se3-2Montana Street, , Bait laks City, tho most judicious route to thir i y t t tobacooes A 6uo lot of furniture justlsdog otvecctl selecting 90 Ben-Ilb west from Gaston's comer. $1 Natural Abbotts. One k valuable and lapidly increasing r sources Leaf, 101 door Fourth Slrtet, Furniture litA entiles 1 30 out at Wilson A'MortMvs L'.inV bml ting of the interior. It is now well nnden-tooFin cut per lb.... ........ ........ L Varlrty ik2--j tf at Co. t Iiowe, Burgvxft i.20-t- f 70(K0o th.... grades by d. M. L&ngsdutf A Co. of depvr-tur- e CORINNE, UTAH. American Exchange Hotel, Ordinary thd Cirinne is to be the X will hand every variety of ae71m Navy constantly keep wa for troop, government freight and first-claa In VINEGAR. Drugs, kept usually Drug 8tore. Iluriuoss Room to Rent at the , SHSOIIE STREET, San rranUo, , the inThe Colorado people are agitating the all the freight and passenger f,r 125 Prescriptions carefully compounded. Ar per ' gal.......... " Ilouae. Umtab , 8o Idaho ,1102 tr the new northwest. WOOD. mt q v fpr ,f t at to Ilaijeek at) question of Chinese labor. They aeem to terior of (Extending from Sacrament well wheel iuto Hr a now as any as cord. $900 might think they can develop that wonderful other time. Corinne i the point of inV? - , TEAST POWDER. York State" Dried Apples, at Rnnso LI been twntV renovated and newly far-- Presten tying 00 the 1 more al , terrifor and introducing eoononik the by northern do.,.. .............. A toff Co. rapidly nolS-i- f , gress egresa .The nnderalgaed hating parchosM the shove . territory nishol. makes it the most quiet, - k Merrills v v --$3 v' ;property, ' ' SUNDRIES. are prepared to do HrRclan LIVERY In tories from the Pacific Bailrord. and oomfortabla FAMILY HOTKL In the State. oelestials UUmon-eje- d pigtail, .'. 92c smt SALE business. I , -)' ILLINOIS. Red Lead CHICAGO. IWing centrally locate I. it offers every induce$500 Shot bag... J. M. Lanpadorf A Co. are in daily re- ment The best of Saddle end Carriage et ck contheir mines and workshops. They can for buatneae men and th public generally, ........ ... .25c stantly on band and for hire at reasonable rales. One of the large! and beet Hotels la th West. lh - Finishing constantly be supplied with Greenfield Starch Clear ceipt of farnituro and house furnibing . Th table thwillmsrket Lumber, American try it for all we oara. Well sell em oure, Sidini; The Alao Oood Winter Ranch. afford. every .uxury and at We to Iiowe, linrgews Intend make this Rebuilt, remedied, and refurnished In the Mouldings, goods. n2atf department of our will b at the Bed I Office and 8tables, southeast comer Montana richest with Ughta. Coach, aad . looeV iuxarfeam jnaaner In 1868. Exchange no23-t- f and shall It from revise A Co. cheap. day VPr speciality, to th to UUh. , Fifth Btrests, Corinne. ocovoy pMeogr ' ; Nuneruai suits of rooms with wbirrei and dpot as Important change occur. Parties out and Baths, water, to day A no-- tf - HOLLAND 8ULLIVAN. UoUlfrt . . of tbe city eendtng orders, can rely npon these Act. ke. and Vagrants Vagrant 8ABOENT, is TIMOTHY matter Proprietor. A deal of received at Juat A. great J. ItL.Langsdorf Cos Jnstice Sewell I oat with a little reminder One of Atwood'a improved passenger Ttevatnru ImporUot janly figures ss being correct in the mat. &20-t- f to the has been tutvodooed fee eonveying guests llIT wTi ' necessarily crowded out of th Rnown a large lot of ftirnitnre. different ffiyws,v to vagrant that1 they had better leave S, - If basin eos eontisnea'tbis way DUFFIELO & MILLER, JKO. Bs DRAKE, ORtEANQ CilOi II6HCZI Presb Oyster Btewe aervtd Night and town at onee, or elae gird op their loin Ano to we aball be enlarge, compelled J long, Proprietor. n23-t- f at the L X. L Bakery. , and prepare to da something for the good A .1 f Hnle AM LANCASTER, Prop mid sure. The ada. and tuba, are coming in Day between Zd and 4th. ; Montana very ac. Street, We want everybody of the ooantry. I Je Wa Montana Street. GUARANI, MJ D., ' dt fklttUUT UEUD. pretty lively, " but we can stand itf awhile A fa!! asuortroeot of eased and canned (vagrants we mean) to pay ixgood deal ot UTAH. ; V CORINNE, 'OFFICE, a . , r Th prcpricor guarantees aahsfactiosi to I - Montana Street, J Goods at Ranaoboff A Co. attention to this little vagrant notice. If ii ...Xto table well Carmer Mutitmm Streets, f'nvrth patrons, promises keep , prepared' . ,t Boots, Shoes and Gaiters made and repaired In and make It his aim to pleaae. , Sewell will have j them imOverland Monthly for December at O. tha most approved style, Custom work a spe. MW Meals setn d promptly at all hour. 'EA Bye Bread at tbe Union Bakery. they .dont, CO R "Oopluriei' UTAH . ! ctfl-t- f wp-103- 8 StTtf clality. proving somebody else property. IIUI JhllHoU. judfftt.Rcport My 1 t. n s tfi v aw I'MIW i , - i were-enskln- J1 LandGrant Bonds. , Fine Gold Jewelry, 4 s - DIABIONDS, it s. 1 ..,,,.i .... . J ! D i W i 1 x oma .... to-da- y. -- U. P. Town Htook s Railroad Go. t 10.000,000, arrAii. ! good-nature- 1 , Ida. 'WEB-fEB- 1 , J , . S lrMort) In-I- . s , I i o W II tO iLlrVlII f tWM-sto- ry Tahs .. .i ior .i.Miaili Now York ...a. - m hv-ratur- C s -' i. a.. Market I2.cioit l.. .... ... than rio-super- 1 - ... kt tt . Saloon, J5i5 Retail 8sSff s, utr-ad- mJ V-- 4 y ,j j, a- - s -- ) tx-s- t Tai-W.KL- T , t(istt e Por.t-maate- r, e jff(l 1 1 j S e BLACKSMITH SHOP s s a e- 4 if i 1 tMittn ' Cold-no2S-t- s ;-3- ;motvTana t (n,htiiiiittMif8 j friv , J. W. GUTHRIE, , f 1 f i jijgS&CITY , Mciit Market t(Mtt(i.ts to-du- ys MESlCH'A'NT. 1 flouh, . e e ..., .. I ) 3-- t i GRAIH 1 1 y and , i ooTOTTiiir 5 . phoduob; V" re-roo- m -- Grocoiios and J I. Lii , Grammar fecliool, Mot-ret- - , f . 1 1 1 - tr 4 Ij. HOFFMAN, 4. Merchant Taylor, the-iskle-.- - - .,, 1 , - t 1 W. B. BRADD, J , m i . . s d I p-d- 4 ss PACIFIC STABLES. - ! j Tremont, House, ; -- - tr -- . - - I H.fQOBE, rdiiCfi' xiarer, d6ot - ! to-da- y. - , stable, : ? " yet. 4 i. W - - 1 ui .(,!! INNE, te-Jd-l- J t- - I t L .11 .O ! ! J .V t .F |