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Show ' vJ N I I MStT e PUBU8UED ETERT : Tuesday, Thuusday and Saturday, ' !. v 0 w Sit Month..,. . .1.. Three Month. . . I....... .......... Week, (auplled by tba Carrier,) ... ( .1 itf I 'HR'j r q V f' 20 Voi.'-r-r LI j. 1 ft if I uy, ) f in I J., o.'U'j - 1 I.; SKli . 1 foNr' ( ! in.l (Jpfi rx1sri2, u. 11 tU ix J A. S S m. m. in. 8 n IS ' 14 WEEKLY. 94 f9 1 7 ihitw m. m. 7 9 14 24 69 99 - M- t 31 17 18 34 41 42 60 t;rfj t- reline-inent- Z Taana-Bi 11 i" to 75 100 nioit iieifoct IRitd. tf JtftKfetnt Mith un anxious, y uestionlujr t?hmW It is tlte.RiudversaryV' sluj re plied to hlHiinioken inquiry' .'the of, rilif anniversary jwtd Uid Moetor. v, ttAliS-esC- eulturetl home. HO 07 97 ISO And yet, nt tlie moment ivc look 34 S oi. 11 150 I HO 37 M 406 V ,in .niyijdm one August ufternoon, iQn.rf as ne oeeupieti Ids library tiio pro Tranakht advertisements to be paid for In ad- prietor of all thii4 wealth npteared mnends-r- . v.'w .. t vance, of all men the most mineral le. nnVtheri Itbf terrl oftluw Ycsj, for In Iie ble the crieil hunker iihol: pMw, n days. ,IprtflUlrt.l)Ie1 - ie. No taadlug advertisement Inserted in! the many years nl ending hanker or San low doctor, -open epeet! thdkvhole ami I r.lirlrnrtpt wllltelHyMi ? Editorial NolWi set a reading matter.' Ami FriuiyhsoioT t Thrond bnv- - 1 can thiuk of nothing else story. It was fn Vafii thkt flie I on local or editorial page, 25 rent per Uieauutli end of the and iun almost wild .with1 line lor first lucr)ion, ,aud Ueutf-fo- r kvery 'yJudoxv . u l.ll U.tunl time. - Cecil roonthud Hit down. I1 smened, trivimr Isn ceuU per line of Uil type frato the tiie sunshine aud drew Hutton 'Dr; n up a chair and for every Ineerttot , flowers In of vaiiTtliat Jaoe expressing hU seated grance Adrrrtleer cbnua rnr? himself,'. Yterly my mente t )lnro, with the adtlittouel vLrgo (4 the enlls were lined with richly the double solicitude of ufr'e.ul and 35 rente 07 -- -- 16-w,- . - 1' T - . -- I , wluspcr-rA(itr-tiow'n- --rout-act- y to-da- y', luni-rUx- ty.' apppre-hcriHionandanxic- in-irre- ss e tfit-f- f r4ln pr eijner , provldd they tlio orlglttei .pece jncoupl tl tSIOSAli p. E. juu.140 lv-rll- only eilrvbd ttook-Chsand paintings in vain that soft couches and luxu- physician. (,' ua You know fourteen years niro, doctor said Mr. Preble.'. We lived then where we do now5 in a cottage on the siteof tliUgrcat mansion! There were but the 'three of us Helen and I: and our three-yea- r old .Jessie, And it was fourteen that our little Jesyears ago es 44 rious'' chairs luidlieen, gathered around him. , j CA11U.H. . f" Jle was wretched. lie lay on asora'. ln flic dcplliwtlf the great the wreck of a once powerful man. 1IU figure i t. bay-windo- w, United v " Attorney t end f Depmty United HtiUee Attorney for UUh., Ll, i . . K 1 White to-da- - And thejiext 1NS7. VAiMfoRt ISTOV-JCB- ? to-fda- y 1 The physician cmokeil np ami fixed hlsJhougltfultgaze ujxm the bereaved hiTliandand'trife.1 , you?' bedeniridtiL'ij t . . y f i -- 1 iI - - i j Xroouv, .I. . friend-y-Zovcr- Sl: , . t the-prett- y '4 e. I f , , 1 .... . ; . i - , f rn' tn;i. IIKtU-aEtD- J-- J , n-- ' JLrtflyil , IH-'i-- One cleR So vast i m J imdiL-tai- ts. - fore-hea- ! il i:ct'.cukc ,r 'ii ' ! iv Srifoml . 1 oi.Iy fttrt l, m nrr, DAVIS . . rt s COll.V . . r ; . ; ' n, , ? . t if - S. 4 x J -- i , . 1 -- col-t- , 9XH. M on-th- -- i . A . 7 , .' 1 - -- iruui.n - - jiol-t- f , : , . a CO,, California Fruita p , t rA-Ut- n; tpifi v it. pSj j i: H1i4r7 ; f. an f ftHail emocLUi LIQUORS , I , f j, WIN ES, 1 h l T' , s - t ? t . f .7 w. , RAFFCifTlis . REGSILOON; L i 1 f 1 1 $ 7 t IXPXTAXA STItRET, Ei A siJeJbtftcftn 44 amt 5lh Street. CORINNi:, UTAH. , btv n .THILI ,jMi, I Bsfe, iff Wlne,: Liq nor, aud Clears in t W'alk ri(ltt In, and bun yunraJiytw, ,varU a ' jn-ea- Btottertien. J to9-t-f fj- ,4 r' ? 1 . ej fn , ( K a :i .iff t r Art,! 7, i t I', , Ho ttmulm 77 akso U - I trade H J 'e deal r tuy T tl y,r, in ! m BD DRIED FRUTS, yu ' RAt ES, u nt SIT COCOA the ir Linen, i tti p. . ! 1 1 fj A l it - t t 1 t M 1 . J 7 t rwiis sires, r Dont 'foteiTl'.o. t MB - pi J tl Plnee. P'p iph.rj j '4 j- ! jJ PATENT ;0I!EICE: . ! ;" 1 - li5 71(0 riroslx tO.vstor.si) .served rao in , aV-auy Op found at tbo Dr ituini a. etle, Oyster aup- Icra gottau np tu tits beat ty Is and short notice. ' '..l 7)3- 'US t.! ,P it iD By - ofo. lr. , .. r - .. 7'n( i, ?!; iHulblaiid'ml uj if . o ,,,p A ,7 $ BITTER !: I .)t TheWt Purtfltr I W fp" I $ I i ' t JDriA IT! vcrytgrsttbl m7 ll fee ssraty but of the (tenily.on .ths stomach kindneja. TRY ForUrest sale at all wholes! and retail atorea IT!'it liquor, if i A Ploaaaht Tobic I . A f I 3 tl & , - , GELEBR A TED i a AiU) t 3 l .. J w- 1 UtuotrvaMMd , acUna aocrsUona bowels, 1 r!cn, I CrorrrUs- Wine ' and Llqoan, - 409, 10. 413 A 4J5 Oay L. Sin Fcanoiec 1 A .; 1 SJ J . i Jn niw COtlSELORSATTATENT LAT a wodeftoem 'ilSysirttexpertswce at Ytsnts,! y a ... s'fSf'-- (hi UMKU f C f SKVEN.TU : - sw- kTEEFT, opp. thaPaUnt Office. u C; Yaihintlb!lkin l h into stw...9if. .it..,.a.;hn or. t f.rn tr lpK Pkss ouemu couced VII UUCP DELAY. , r red:,; 1 ! X ' - . A u ) tiaailaationr Of ttarPaisat 6f2e& rii' of titer, rad tuMWkttUfriMU Wdfet. ppSif, tut hat tttahdwwg.wy.d rswefttba M .Kcndfot-C- W i refereaeM. I.. M.. . 4- - P? ryOblo pjaJt emx: tatinMinA Wd fp I iwl, 1 Ll'SttVIf i"t'n.a 4i OTIttlllW ! TOuTS. VADrvn.nri4 ws am MW lrMh prepared to ynmlah aU ele wt xlrvy and grocery I ,, r, j. i i 11 ,f 1, il NOBODY SHOULD DE WITHOUT IT) Ah ir h j, J. O. Proprkktr! ' TAYtXMl k fiENDEl Holsf AgtnW I lf And Wholesale Dealer In . & Alexander' o; pi ' 1 .e??4?1?0 'iwjrr ; AMEBJGAN &EUJWKAX PATXN.TB thaeau.fW, L ! I Ca irom tOo. to k pef ,stmUiq, ,nttd,'WJ sunt by drvottag thrlr whetf sees, Bor and glfto lana i Then. That afi who 00 6 bi)B?n4frtefaatir ddrsss, sn Iasi tbs bactnagw saha tUs -kwialWod oCarf To fddk.aa nciLsatUfiad. nr do to CoWtoesM&e wo4r oo, r ldTatstppar tTAe ibspfaa- - 4iMwiy OsyiwiMiwsMttt i lamst and. pest XamUy-newajMM- sent pttbUahah-a- U free by mail Reader if you .Vent permanent profitable work, addrrr E, 0; kljJtn k Oo ao-3Aughaks, Maine, i , al 1 V Taft j, i, cp ; , JlU tti . lrttprtelur. ( I , j ii l yf J j .11 oi ; J ! ; !AlcAiEYm',Y'Ani. f; ; - ,a i J1$TREET;t Notl y 3, i a. aRERVEWaLS.) ,f ' Vfq'ftr l 3 tl 2u U J' V - cratllfliis; jil t. Ip ffl,V, T - I- 4 Iil' Frttlivcndlck4Al9r ? t4 "i L)-- TO b'r 4M1a I rie--- f i t . ' Mrrchiiaf f ommlssifrfl ip, li Gcnernl i fat IS Uto la- j fALF. H. fur-u'-lo'- ( 4 fjFi (. i f. , "I'' ! 1ty SWISS' STOMACH t Ust brtifhU)? , j 0 TiB Xccocja AlUS ml QL.l.S8.VAUK. ( Pi a ' if I K, t i A j,,f "t 4 , 1 . j. - vn 7 I - pi. ilt- n vjf i : .fd I v i iy rmhO r I i Pop a?ett for the Producer rtimuitiiw. Rrtkvrdeeed from Lim MU km put y) where growu, thmrn bciniR rR fail (uniDtiMl il rrodacfr;rlcM j - r J MAIN STREET,1 S p'. t J7 tjf luf, TO If ' . di; I1 1 1,1ms (! AH , i - , VICTOR, C0RDELLA, - m J, ! .i f - (ttreotlon (he present prr'prirtor completely r. po viitrd and newly rurtiiidwd, and U now the niai fcotvntica' and oonilortablQ FAMILY qutt ll IKL In the City. j 'itm Ismae It situated in tba ooatea ot tb City, aud in tbe bent aud most cojireuicnt locatiou r P i si for htislnea tA(U. . The l.ible are constantly supplied ' with eTcry " luxury the niarktt afford. S" ' The mowi are t large, well ymtUated, and with tvefy couveniruic tieceanry for the t'oiufnrt of lodgers, ir In tba Del.vAkMco offr th bi'kt accom woiutionu to tbs xtuvaUNa ' r ' , PC LK? of any House In tbe city1. !' at all hours. Day aud Nlght-C- B 1 - '. it ui it t lijn L? !Xt!O A-1-, ec, . r1 e ,, ,oii SJWha la the only CO J 1 X w I 1, t i tip rirto" Ji k. ( 1 rniNHFD HAXPft JATINO PrrEXTT.T Hi ,Imii Rwilrr ue of t .? ' M-O.- ; t i y ; j i.u.iT The fin'-a- t Imported r.lq.iom. Golden and pearl Crown ClRara, Ton k Jerry, Hot Pune be. t on liamL. ' alw p ; Cad and t r, Sir Cpctt' N'tjht ami Day. --ft. RoO-t- f o. I. tr'CCVEfaoa . . i 1 t ! . VUu, h A li il ' uv it, i 1 X i. ; 'i A Jntn iltl H i Kafr, of New tudfoid tri u av ifnat Nteiii way'a aiul nu.f oihtrr IJ .tew, vardt-- l B 1) 1 i wilt . . n. b. rtmr.kr MONTANA STREKT, ; UTAH. CORINNE, 4 1 --- fr " tl f' ! . f it rf on I'.D ,lfl..7ti Pitt ilfr.tl rn tx up w. fccud your p4rn(frr-1.-- l f l 1 t ,u,j s i ' ir. "! nm v.i bfiurf , 1 8. RILET. s . ex-3- " y . t ... , I OSCEOLA SALOON- Cl TIBBALS, - Oi ( f - o sr.wiu. R. 1 - t- 'J bm 'f. . The Only (Jontlle Hotel work-tn.tnlt- olr, . T n t i , ; I f i J : 1 ! J !i ir Salt Lake Citr rtnli. I 4 note-boo- k, mo-inc- ut US ,r . It P a-ent- UINTAH HOUSE ira.TII).V. lilltltVMH! i fto ' Pi 1 wat-R- e clfr. ml or .f.iix ltu.hr 4nrr!ran Ina itnte J ; bf all Mind ami all iiiok Altai, nun ttlmcv, k i r aril I m i:c)'ul.liu d no In Uio best ...mm-r- , Mid'ail work wafranted, , , C I qrida, , acp 7tf J iat , , HOTEL ASD RESTflURAHT, : ci ulnnUr on, bowil fin j.welry, pun. pUtoln w rt a'rinnniUon ri-ceiv- ed oc7-3- m hii'k-ri- nt - .Kef'p !5C3Tn..;i .in; n in i Wareroom aud Ofll.e, No, 554 Broadway, A 189 1Viw( ry, Xew York. ManufarMry, 187 . hu - i , .j JEVEIGRS & GUNSMITHS, Ahuitmuk Slreii, 0 triune. XI. . eCL9 W3T ! A G K VTS ir.t XTTD --t?X t i.kVi',1 ' In pvjry C1j ml Town wRer w latv not ' p kpiotntrd tbrm.y ! OC3 j , ' fer a () (f) WntcInnaUcru, i.j j,,u ,yfb 1 COVEXL . tt s utth oit'l, ttAlM. , I . ,, t 18 .7 the t j . tM4 ka j- , irnnL 1 , Per-liai- an7 boors from Offlc Patent )ri n t fii'Af Premtein.' Wnto Hu utlldvit,i,ainlile and Clttldir, and elate ka wL.it payvryou L advorLeo- - - . - . lii PflBPE & BOESSEL, ,It -- In . 7 u i t tithti'v I,j ! ' m ; et ,H l k if, '?, PIANO. THE STANDARD. ' . ECU ,11 1 1 I. 5 r-1- r e , K jtom'.'.fi0ar4..'! t Vork. ' fw r f . Piano fa th( CHRAfErT,' Voerf Don an Lit. leant com i'LIcati'd. require lea, tuning ' and do, not get out of order, it la . it t ; P"f .( Kwp rjinaUnUr on liaml frMb tlye ndll otlidr kl .1 of llri nd, Abo an m .rtnii-n-t ot jx riainliiff to onr line. Uutniner tlT 5rtk-I-atu iuUd oc7-3tv prumptlj' i j i tm the Iron Frame, hrti'o and parallel with the Kteui strtuv UMiKU TU oVKiidiUCNO ? , 11 a COW DID Ammw r MiiiiE.: i mi b''J 13 coUtetUtM Batfe ira I. i . ti -- - .coitnnTiE, ij.tah. -- , it. ;t . noiH-- i . i '. .ii j ( OOBINNE,UtalinT4F: ! ! t VWvni-kA- Jijtj. it -, re tffiifn fl. re lini,in w.L' A; I . 1 I 1 il j 1 Tl B. Wilson UheyefiiM v lit il ily Flret Natioual, oiuaba. , Western Harlnua tOMtitule, SL Lottig; Uenry lirMaiaan kio., C9iicga f ... u: ' if ! A Uo.. 'Salt LjO City ii d Huey, Dahter Dahls A Oe., 9IeteniMttCMaMni(q Th naAeralirttad will rrcelr tnck for a wittier iluaaey. Dahle A Co.. Virginia Moatana.. IXusaey, Iierd. on and after this date, at the P Iflo Stal rr m:1 t,m,i M titaua Strrrt All fttork returned on thfr Aliiaure Dank, Loodoa. .. DuLka.! Totacbe, q, Li , If 1 ftirtpf Mv, Mwnr a ordrd. I ltauk of Callfoi nla, San Frahclaco. of Lerdtr, and bare Ocean the r'fl)MniHtbnitli National 1MMI Nw,Iork pty.u lit beat Sanch. lu tbe coiuvtrjr . , McUANE.. A IIEVTI1, , WSu Pfaw(fj4Mbren9lndpsJft4s UM ' at world. . to i Hrfcr, by pcrml-lott. ' ' ltink ChediS benghk.' ; i S. O. Srvffctu-OljL ' Ixuott, J.s.,McNamc)L vf"',!-- . E. P. Joiixa.,8, D. shout, C. It. Oars. 1 I , , r AlH, tl ' ?, , nof-LJ4 I : nit Fit i. uiLDbuEf uT. rrop. 'Montana. Strccf c. V-U- TAI1. 1. r j i m i ;J Hrin ,liq ii ttf a TUB ONLY ' WAGON BtlOP IN TOWN. t ' . , ; j , XU" Repairing promptly altoodod to. , . PRIMW dreatlfnl-problcrf- .gr s 1 UEdlON' BAKERY', , v- - CJ ' ' K.lLBOA, CathUr, it i 1 Front amt MofUtna, COHI N Ml UTAH !. r P T , 4 1 t M . 4 H t vjl . utl , 1 l nt' 5 3 . beluretn Sirftl, v i mIxhh'I B L BCKSfil I TH . - -- i-- . - t r4i I i . & XL MQBTOX vrxtaoty aU'l;r3oncotT; 1 j-U W AGOfi COBINNH, UTAH. J $ i fJ t J f ; , 1 ,? - Montnuu' st it t, ' J - ,11-- j T.St S' I.iVA t j ,.i CAtiFonrjiA Hoots and Shoes, , - x a u : .b , r. DRY G00D3 & CLOTHING. s x . -- a. -- IN.AVAC$,l(tf BAlTKIKQ vROUflK . js stkeet T "7 , 4 - Fob irrn . y. ull-l- G3U n .1 -- CmKTRRRE, lil cciLruH is el rs:.s. i , - iri LtJBiniHy ut '1 ' t ... ' !,! , mwcellakeoub, ADvm WMJ ft.WILPOX, -- BUSINESS CAIID8. m j. i pj INVARIABLY ?iit iMiA DASS. , VThw Ant - A f t , . U . ' t eat ,;iuiProprietor. ivi . T!u j . . , . , ! - t sc-in-l t' 4 f r - t , f ,. 1 IS o.. 2.,: i j ' 4 ,'s ,, ; in-for-e JU-foroih- e f, ( Urt-I.- - 1 , Ter.,. Month. rt . 1 i f 1 ' 1 . 1 if I William street, New publisher; York. The Ledger pay mpfe for original contributions tlnui Any otlidr periodical in the, world. .It sururmu m.tl pite will publish none but the veryr jiusnts rock ' 'l. f .711 '! very best. Its moral' tone Is the it q, . vd purest, mid its circulation the larg, est., livery ,boly who take it, is Patent Peecr.ed V.' ooden AraHc Bridge i. Leon for it. Lewis, having happier retains thin awuctuea of the old Mrs, Harriot Lewis, 'Mrs. South-wo- tliroiih'.nt, wocm tint ortais the eolUfiy w tko h , Mr. Cobb, Professor Peek . Aj(falIo, wituwl It pivi action. (i Mary Kyle Dallas, Funny Fern ami , PaUnt ank F Wrel ComponnS t f ' Mis Dupuy will write. only for the ' uUlch hold Is the Toni ix mi of layer Pin, Ledger hereafter. Oinuing dlffuronUy, THU run Mr. Bonner, like other leading Mapl(ETjttri4T,i. publishers, might 'issue three or Patent ruil Jrt4 Frame J i,il five' piqiers and magazines; but lie m ceneentratew rwvY of the plnM, Tiwilftp tlt prefers to concentrate all his ener- Ik rotoi ore ilamaniii; Iron fwitlrb m other Piano gies upon onv nml in tiiat way to h.nfiilly eurrouiK the Tuning Pin)- and make it tlie lost. One Dexter is tenbiitia" into the front (rdro of ih Plank and f, tbo went ton" strain. tually wortli more than three or five.ordi horses." Patent DuLona Sostalnlng Bar nary J gar-de- n, f 1 fi 1 to it r.wiscELLAOft'lba. : 1H2 o pur-jMs- . f mIS. Mill had at any news oflioe or bookstore. If you are not '.within reach of a new olllcc, you can havotlio Ledger mailed to you for one year liy send- ing three dollar to Bobert Bonnerf 5 , X 1 i j,; 1 m 1 - ( ! , x ; 4 , , . s , ! arising. 5otitttk! As the last stroke of the hour ' resounded. the door leading from the " hull again ojicncd. One long and horrified glance cast the banker and hi wife in that lr. ,r direction, aud then she fell heavily nul to the floor. .Her senses had left ,licr. The above we publish, as, a Hjmcltnen chapter; but the continuation of this story will ii found only in the N. Y. Ledger. Ask for tho number dated December 4th, which can Ik? , , j ;nro', I l(, ,i 1 - - ; day, said Mr. lreble ; will tlie message bo ?' - Tlie niotlier averted hir face, Her brave heart faltered as that question eehoeil in her soul. . . m t . Tlie writer of tliese letters i. unquestionably tlie abductor of your Have child! (said Dr. Hutton. idento as his. vou any suspicion i ' V" , tity .Not the sllghest," said Mr, Preble, We have v puzzled over .the problem; for many years, but .we cannot guess who hels. Think, sahl the doctor.. Have you no enemy? I do not mcali peo- y ple with yhont you arc not stirring man has plenty of these but a downright enemy ! Is there no man whom you knew, in tin? Kast who hated you?.(Noone you.wcro called-tagainst whom one no whom you possibly testify y t . ho-spok- ( , . . 1 t r . . . 7C! i:f 1M .Is (1 . 1 wildly around. Mrs coming here?? cried ' Preble, also arising.w,JIt seems s0, Maid Dr.! Huttoii,hW eye again reverting to the message. He will he here at six oclock, and see! it'ii! six already ! .! the clock on Kven'as the mantlepleco commenced striking the appointed hour, and at that Instant heavy footstep resounded in the hall, approaching the library It Is he!' crletl the doctor also to-d- ay , 1 -s- 1 . . , Tt I xoo m wr Three Uratbf.Vd. IMl 25 Simle Copies.. re copied, to one address, 920r n Clt ILta TV eopfea, one aMna $3S,blijn:iP'i mi . , r u; hCOlllKM lTAII, i Au UH9.18 'X. '.At'rif t ti!l ea!tr ,' TadelYof the fXiw!ini,liaiil XrtU, luatitr, npr cuixj liauu, JUcos. tfe,t .A slioOk'. of , wondcr. mid liorror freti SJT rrticuL attoutfon pOJ to EeUil cualom! shook the three siuiultamiiisly P if q mi.: ,n Mr. Preble, .Will, ,tttlW",;'eried V. starting to Ids' feet, and glaring iv. Johnson A co.,; : 1 1 , Tills IJne was ns follows s " ' 1 .It icirtlU" i I-- 4 'well-known 1 to-da- . - , 4 well-know- ? Invariably by pot, replied Mr. Preble.- - UsUHliy to the house, but isometimeatn ihe ortlcej And you liavo never seen their .' mithlirrV tv..n 7 V AttNeVvrl'KlOf tr.tt ' inTvf r !.J. d4friie last of ithctn ' is dated, 1! see, ! a year ago hi j I ti4.Yes;'ycR,'Lt'altered' the banker, .und the time hna 'conic.for anotlier. message.'. Tills is the Dth of August, 1SG8?'? T" Kip see.said Dr. Huttoif,, And this ikthe secret of your terrible e. eitoment! Y'ou an? expecting to another of these strange celve messages !u m There was a brief silence. Mrs. Preble. hand fiutiered 1n its task, and; her lace grew very pale. The bunker breathed gaspingly, The phytiuian regarded tfiemiioth in friendly sympai-hyWo shall hear' of ,hor again to- - .. f ; How diil tli esc 'messages, eo me to . H nj! 27V ' 1 8tJ9.-- I AVith an eagertgazc, tlie banker glanced at thesuiiereription of tiig missive., tui-.- ; Ja from him!", he faltered. - He. tore tlie envelop oiiem t . j j i.It Contained a slip or .paier,.,of n shape and appearance, upon which was scrawled n single line, "'in an equally handwriting, which the banker ex- hibited tahis wifof and tho pliy- u at handf! Ait d SvlAit idinil we gel: I ;.(ft E '- ' My reward 0, .. .1 l", . st .all ex-- .. sie was stolen from us. UTAH TEH., Hin IOHfXXm of I remember it, said the doctor . . ' exnot have of dreadful harrowing anxiety, softly, fYet might she Hlie Mr. went, Preble? been pectancy. lost, was a at no evident It I that to in out the If glance iiKNMS garden, play was never seen made and ailment had merely physical him what he was. Vttinrnf)' ntul 4 du ie!lr t L.ttr, Hho ralglit liave by- you again. MO STAX A STllkT, CniilXXE V. T. lly wiiat witliering secret, by st raved away what destroying afllietion. had he So we thought for a whole year, been tlius agonl.ed? tlius haunted? doctor, .interrupted tlm hanker. 'WI-2LI-thus limited? lie so noble and good ! We never dreAYned that she had Kit, he so wealthy and distinguished! been stolen. We searched . every a r r p n v.y, a a Of restlessly uism.his where .for hejr, and ollVred impiensc , As he moved Hock rewaulsxor JieV IxjCVcry tt' em Juxurious cushions tvnix.xK. vrMi.y, on. tlieiirDuutle-piee- e struck five, ployed detectives, but all to no When our little Jessie ran injured? Otili in niitah JfmifMh : every stroke seeming to fall like a a hammer um)u the heart of the nerv- down the stiprf inhbthat flower The banker slipok hls head. He su.. uounur.oON, to 'aroused He of invalid. asked Jilmsclf till tlieso' quesf lie the front had Iri and ous' himself, pointed R. ure. toa limit .Auuth.had tions reiicatedly sitting struggling feebly thehouser;HS-4- f ,,the liw Attorney e fatal will no tliis such j have and'NNUowei never, heiup,-wend day opeTici! enemy, doctor, ,X .Oh, never pass? "he murmured; nor never saw her again. ho answered with sincerity 'of voice Hom'd r !n t'liAnoery, - tUit f.i ki f tty. Until Territory. 1 Mf 'i She must luivu found tlie gate and manner. bring us rfilief?'i ... .. u nervousstiirt tlmt open, and wandered out, suggested with Mrs. Treble? suggested Noticing W. ISXAOSOV. was a lie bell lie touched . theiluctor, , HhNItY have in iupidug to her. alone, Huvg Iluttoii,-D. iglvt,. LA U(on r , She, ATTOHAii;ttr the table strolled, down to the waters tvn.d been you no rejected suitor win? might him, and calltHl : , 'V0 be revengeful enough to desolate Helen, Helen .where are you? drowned. , 50A in TO K. .V ,rz I XQKti T. o voice had echoes , "V flits 7 iixedbls banker The bonie? burninged'es s.'t.r hake died out a step wn' heard, and his upon the physicians face, and Whis- jjoir t ir the said lady.; 1 yti marj, No( wife entered hU presence.. was niy first Morton i ried . pered: eaily. ' r lll left yoa.only.forjiL juoiniyit, I safd we never tlftS It. the jsor lover!, ' Morton, hesaid. iuI vanning to the child again. I did not say we Imd ..This Is strange very strange! ; , 'Attsrtivj tt Mde ,Y$it wore doing, not heard of her. She was lost on muttered the doctor. ' You me not bankers . , ti . ' - VhN . I think. I wished hi for tlie the Oth of August, .TfateVxttmSy for Oteh.5 .For a year conscious of having un enemy in the doctori we thought her dead. But on the world, and. yet you have an enemy ALT LAKE ClTYrVIAU. Slio xvas a licautiful woman, of anniversary , n.l f l.ittii! 'Hallow, tE Sou ll rt., of our loss we received a hidden foe a fiend In human on). some six and thirty years, graceful, a written message concern big lqr. ' liklf bl'Vk wi M ! MaIII. form who is working out agnin-- t witli broad white brows, and loving ' 4A 4 message 1V.crled Drliuttmi, voti a fearful hatred! And' you u a eyes, ltis which the brightness ami starting, w. have pot' the Mightcst suspicion l liatiire4Vetc of in line "A mere serawha single Astinsh1ny ioVhomheis? pveetnesA OFFICE, t still perceptible, tiudciMi giief and a hand evidently disguised, said tlie Not tlie slightest, ueelaml ' CvN(r Fourth amt Montana St rtf hi, i' Here It is. anxiety no les ioignAit than that the hanker. banker. hcrliuilmnd. e!need of paa . He by u4NotUio slightest .'koed Mrs. Tf N It C. O I sernp lZrA produced dingy --.Tlie . in the and doctor. he echoed half frouba drawer table, PrHfie t . My liulnndfiadfastep-brojlie- r per Hvbo inigbt liave been ca- Jiiehl it up to the view of the physi'"Yt-fi- ; dear,1 ' hc said, In (A.iAlm cian, who read as follows 1. WALKER & UcMVlT, puble of 'this infamy but he is a and ' cheerful ha ! it .sbg Jenit. ISIS, jjliyw ha, title, 9, r is not familJ Nolcey.ns dead!. ' l or the. sofa, aud sat , I)r;Au'jti X'hlcilo cliair to the side, The' hhndwtUing piiz-zla with Ifuttoh looked, ,l ' 'I down, stnikjng tboi corrugated all",' front the1 scrap of .paper, iar? uro-'o-1 of tlie invalid with a magnetic No.'cit is nicrely a rude scrawl, he turned over aiid ovur,;to Tt IIe .will be hercilUliWdi-ntol- 'wkiyb touvlb as you See, said the banker. tbrmT ilh, ul countenance Sirota, of the banker the Is .Xour ..last, nervous crisis It II oiui make nothing of thishhe suggest nothing except that alarmed tn6. ' You may' become se- declaretl. c iiu x x ! " disguised ?It h nve rely a date, with "Js, ' It evidently riously 111! there was a profound lost name of tlie Again ualighTef. your Mr. Preble bestowed An nftVdtibn-- 1 tells me silence. , nothing. ut lfHik upoiLhisYify, but said desH UiilQUIo BROS., VQur child is seventeen yOars old Nor did it us, at first, said Mr. pondently:" Preble. Then that naine'aml tiiat miw, at, length murmured; Mrs. The doctor JIp ttnnio .minjr date, Whote&ata n.l IL tail with the demon laugh con- Preble, her voice trembling. Flic to a mind diseased! Oh, if these Is on the threshold of Womanhood. necting them, set us to thinking. N0 long 'hours .wouldffKily pass! If I A'whole 1 T tt.T.J;0-JSrjUS- ; ootlbt, during nil1 these4 years, year yre Agonized over the she lihs yearned for' us; 'wherevpr only knew what the day has in store rei, anrl thcrrwc for uslffU'U'I ns ceived yearned, for MuiitanaStrcct, which another shemaybCr message, you - wo have ' Look up, orton! enjoined shall see. '! her! Mrs. Preble, with axetbrendy trustiiut whore is she?' asked1 tlio iYiUlMNK, Ho thrust a second slip of paper, ' I si-m ful glance upward through the open identical and now his voice was lihyslcifln and nppcuranco fiVoken whitlow utthobluoisky; and as if with the in shape ! his lie fore by the gaze of Dr. deep' sympathy with first, looking beyomt. the azure clouds Hutton, who Where can the nudiNEss iAnts. It agonized read aloud: parents. therein. Let us nmicnl from tlie ' she be? , f .August 9j85GsZrKr,XliW p injustice and .wickedness of earth to i The answered Heaven knows, only physician started,1 as if elect the goodness and mercy of Heaven! & MILES,-,- ,in Sah Fran. tiERUISH A . thoinother.lerhnps trilled. 2, Tlie a banker n low, cisco gave some sobbing in rtuip hut In -" peril pa I this is something definite; , - witli so!ne Hgh. interiorotiscuro Pfilcra In the. I cannot lookuiplelen, lie an- sometlilng declslve; he muttored. farmer, and umlerti: name that is convinced you that your not hers! I with a passionate tremor J Ihiuk her abductor flarthrare, Iron, Nail, Slorrs, swered, was still living. hir voice only downj dotvh at the daughter, would lmvo curried her to some Ycs ttoctor,Vi mUU Mr.Prbhle, ! it is tliat me before grave Sheet Iron, opening lonely region of tlie Interior, among every anniversary of that day the J 'Mrs. Preble eoutinuetl, to stroke anl valley and mountains. Yet I eom.n5AXD tin vvXtiv, his forehead softly, while she lifted lias brought us some message. Tlie never see a young girl in the streets of tlie child, mysteri- without her paleface 0 thcsunlightstrenm-iiigfiit- o disrtpjienrunce turning to look at her. I ous as it is, docs not seem to me half Montana Street, the apartment. ft girlish voice without Look up, Morton always' look so strange as that the villain who nuycr.hcar listening eagerly, half fancying that she again enjoincdiipofi the took her, away could contrive to it may prove UTAH. COIUNNK, up! tlie voice of my Iisd pc7.3m invalid. .During all these fourteen .eommupicato with us every year Jessie and always on a 'particular years of agony,4! have not once since, the dhpityinglicavenJ" tlghed llr. anniversary or that on Hutton, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. doubted either the goodness or the day a flood of tvtUn Was stolen without pur from Id dashingWill which she till long agojustice of Heaven. Blessed are comthey lading aide to discover who lie1 Is. ny never eyes, that mourn; for they shall Ikj . hoover? forted. yl believe tiiat we shall yet And a still greater wonder to me is . We hope so, nml even believe what can bo Ids motive. It seems so, answered Mrs. XIOXIS41U. rejoice more keenly than we have incredildo. Pjvlile, with the If it was stateil Jir a firmness of an mourned, and that we shall come to novel trust in unfaltering beProprietor ot tlie jieople would not' a glorious day of joy lieyomlall this lieve it.many last (Jod Tlie message mercy. But truth is stranger than 1 HE S AW 51 1 L L long night of sorrow! from our enemy seems ,to fiction.1 The face of tlie Invalid lighted up of a change. Mrs. Preble drew from lier hus-ba- imint tq sometkind Dr. com x.xx rr.ii. with an answering glow, and he Hutton, lookTrue," bmist-ixieks bis murmured : In nt It the message question. proper page,' ami ing (Jlorious faitlil My wife, you opened It ittoto the is that others. unlike It the says . tlie physician. , s, presented LomW, Lh inRhloglei, are indeed a blessed comforter ! ilwtjri on hinj his .reward lmiid.4 He means Dr. ids Hutton tnmW rough or drrMed furuUbed th lower. spectaadjusted i all are after to marry your you either intends right he that wh Price. cles, glanced ovcrhc page, and tliei? A knock resounded on aside-do: to de- or intends he r tiiat' at this juncture, and the next slowly read the group of entries daughter, money of you for bringing is mand Dr. Hutton, the family phisl-cia- aloud. The entry the first year lme or both." lur for whom Mrs. Preble luui sent, us follows: soon know, said .Mrs. Wc shall Corrur JlfJjitciM aJ Flh Elrttfs, Auffnil 9, 1973. Jee. ha, ha! Jtmit! , entered the room. ToPreble, with forced calmness And the next rear It Is .Pr He was an old man. ?vrtl in figwe shall ; CoiUlWE 'UTAir. hayefinothcrmessage, ure. with white half and beard but U.IEUI 9, IsYo. "our Jtttie ttdl litre day no iloubt. WJiat will It, be? t '.ja ; j next And the .with afresh and ruddy, complexion, She it i good haiultF Tho lumkor, turned restlessly jon "Aufuit 9, 157. a of shrewd blue -and with I it pair nexteyes, the his sofu. and ids' face grew cvyn SPICER. Proprietor , r&lRSO.I an exuberant boy ishnessof. manner And ru mr f. v7 9, 1934,Slf V Augti( paler, f, that sat well upon him.--' He had a Ami the next Whatever it is,: lot It come 1 he AusatlU, 1S39. Itawher yeetentay tie two dory briek kind heart and a elacUioad.'He ar'Thl Ifon ie murmured.; Anything can .be And the next building. rtntly erected, and being fitted approached the sofa, anil after greetborne better than 't Ills awful sas, Aurimt 9, 184(1, SSe'l yrowaig rapidly . . f cp fr a firLcla HoteL the husband Hftcnl and ing wflbyarui - t-- t I" rr. next "t the pene.. .Iet it cornel? tbe thin rest less hand of the invalid, And ' A If hi had wdrds pro-"Angnst 9, 1401- - She eontfimt f do wifi Impatient .; .. , L.f I ) , i A l .1 Ir.' feellhghlf'puls. was heard And the next toil ft crisis,-pita tp r VIS all he ferer trrts her again after Quite Jgh moment said, nt and ft walk this Wholesale and Aetail Dealer in a toief pause. the'iioxt door at followed,1 $nd the front Worrying .again, ring Vnlit 9, D53, breaming a leoman Mx.TrebJe? You are wearing ell, I? breathed the Another message 4 next-VVINESvLIQVOItS & CIC.1ES yourself out.- Medieluo will do you lvia the lHoL MI'oar child to thirteen ' J f 'jl' banker '" !' 9, Auut - fa..,., f ,i4 j A servant soon entered, tearing a And the tiext fto Mr.letter which' hbj extended for BrorcrZBonn &ta.', Cela- "Ancusd V FitlJcftJirf than erer ! i ' ' Ittfivlnrrf rt 9rel7e brateil Airs unit Pokfa. T :Aiid the next Shte 1844, . in hnl! neatly the charming' Augnt9, p2o-t- or BifiiskipnoBrk tkrjis Coe I- - 'UW) . XYXKY V Si ' -- 913 15 1 ?n) jij. '" a 'i t - sleep " SO Ur. ! 2 2 23 4tV bid Tf 24 42 r 14 iroi Q'Iiiv : rfev't- cju iXD - s 3. . iMUl ru. Id. QtdR vC ish ft; rtjfr,i It m n,t ifu T .PUXUHftSD j r hanker,.. vd'I.n cannot . yUft.not to i brood tolrty Ifor ItI need tell ur pvpt cannot Awake; now, 10 HC STR1TCCU THIS FICtlOY. TRtrH moment wluit.thoijiext may( hrliig tit; AW forth,! U nm lookfiu; for the eultni-natl- oj 9i :,sih IS 2S 'HMm,! of ungtUsh- sltlo of Folsom street ovcrltKikini; for Ufe cni,ftl ttiyjytats of the wlioei winnf aouy Mission stands a nlutinl resi Perhnpi even .what wannow Ah, & 37 x' 64 dence. 79 110 The Is tills interior of house even sfartedi lie up Mildly; mid rfheri, 120 105 imjre, bc.'uitiful than Its enterior. ev-r-y as thetoirud tlmthad disturlKdf him rtfiiftitftut biXniTldihKfty a wa1 nt;nrpeated,,r he sanlc Imek of inagnineenee'niui Kcm agoji) 915 923 j r , 31 33 pailtii --414 -- Tlvu trii Jlhraxy tisielaJJyrj'euJjzes the TRI WEEKLY. A'iH.M isiW irVh'inilvi.J! ,j .TDFLX-'V-IIjEISLX-,- ..1 ! imr-Tl- m j.C.tf if JlM W ,sbv . Id 4 htSp ( ili i aifion HZjrn J u I 7 j. 4 ( tl"'-(iow- l. ,m . 'Ml 5!L ..1 '7.d inm Mean ;J?up. IfI ..I Jl erf 1" . 8 iull INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. . I . 5i cple i IS'lUiH ,ii 7.f 0 4 01 r Single .! jQ - rtf OtlA ? ' tt - hn 'iv If rr 1 aa -- u I'm ;u coupaxy, tiu: rannas rmusnric BTU bn un jw;UP2thf c a. h I I |