OCR Text |
Show ri i i iu11cKLi,Ait-.uuaA- . Jtali' Trl-7eli- 1 , i m S,i f MISCELLANEOUS ADYTS. ; MlfPAtlFIC if J, a & IDAHO ADD OREGON ; M1 I t ll t ' 'W1 " ; V ' ,; r i - t .,lr . ml " 1 i STAGE-ON- - I K 1 . . . i I M , , offering for ash4, . t i 4U 1 f n f ifr n ti i 4 1 j "'i ' f 1 ' V and after JTOElrt, the wUl ran a I ,t 1 I 1 Co. ! JL, in .l j A ' , ' ." , ., ,S" Tkm INTERESri; on ""- l 'f i I u i II TIC i , ' ,1 !l ' t I I,?, , ! THROUGH A the Lamlt aU Being hich the Union rciftc k,.... ... ,.k .It ke..e flea -- t . s r; f m I i . ! 'i r k I t is . ' , r f " C.t n i f Its: ) ft "i 1 . f i ft MjO M.l ii l! rt t -- i t , r)j . fo1 ' :t t 5 t ji r. , j I k s. , to , . f , it t I ' J ' - v . t- - t OF EYERT DESCRIPTION "- in t v - Uh, ' fj 1 fi I 1 ,i, "it- 4 h r a f tii . jh t t, I ( f $, jt 'S & sa k t ii J' Lowest Cash Prices 1 " the Sea, Avoiding the dangers of 7 s J. r 4i;i if H5 of , tf Forty miles weal of Promontory. with Chicago and K orthweatern. Chicago, Rock 7 Island and Paelfie and 8L Joseph and ri . Council Bluffs Railroads, and Wver Lina of Packet to and from all prtac. ' pal eastern and aouth-- Z J ft 4 . ..1 ' 7 tf t v - I and most direct route This is tbe'shortest " N to tho . ' i, t r rt s' n . i x li , t i v . I . F, 1 p. j Wo Possess Unequalled Facilities A 4 it !t ih1 I , , e e 1 4 1, ,4 5 .itu T- - - . 1 . b T - unti I ty.ft,! 4 -- Oil t t A I s' AND- - 4 I f h -- n ly, RUDD, ,4 f , - .).!, i ? . f r - tf V if . t I f U j I t 1 EOT f STAGS FAME r t r 1 .'t, . t f r f jp , ' . ' i I at SS of rooma with Baths, water, ft ' f - mV . t ' ; .u' CSLL 1ND SGE OIB ( t J f ., j L' i vt X. . I 't s,. , v ,,f 111 t if vc . i 4 d 1,4 ; ?nU4i 16 b IA . t 0. SFHB. ! , , .! i ; .i. l ; " , i .f i t X . 4 f -- Indian Cmk to II : t &,& . 1 . ; w mm m mmmmf ' . i , r f ,, , 4y ! i i to '"tv .. . . . 5 v ! : jez-d&- a u 7 s ' f p ee-vwi- w t . i , m rt 1 ,'.! T -- Uli3 - i ! it . t " "I ' i It a v, It I j, M v k tfm.st e y 4 if . , , - il I foil, ' ' A nil .1( ! L in . v )- - - It "d t.MV'OMMOttttt'tt f I !. 7 r.l ft it fdAM - t ,iiJ r , 3 . 4 . I stvasto. i a 1.IVH rfsouu.s jM.i.,l m u,mmt9X r r,, Jbr nth. pvt J rj 'ir!'l jjt 1 u 1 4 4 h n fa 11 L rr ,t Uni lit i ift loti, i t) f r ft I c? J 1 f froRtlallvmita of ?.h ,1 r ' V I ! ixttd v 1 vJm4-t- t nlvpivyj . ..... J,.f ,ntn 4tnU 01 ) ussf'ta rjl i nf u jh H 3M f li H t a f ; j 0 ' 4r 4 i the-.vrok'ldY- 3'ma j 1 I , I 1 I hvoij. s or? Jianct tlie' tlLI waiy 0. UV i latest no! LtJ ,4 ; Ji!T fit'.f ci JpwasnneoPeiioiKir daps - SS.M...t rT tJtlJ fi lilbine 1 I tV I f ,'ih 'U" It 4 j f f Atf if v Zi nvl f dl rl j simi iiitfibdj JJoolta MdtAlioner Z),,iVr.t .tSonsrstinjrc i(ziap, J , i s V'" i V 1 . - 4 . . . i i 5 M 7 1 t ... 4 DR JAMF.N, t ' 4 i util -- i t ?t : t t! id 7- J.1(i i, y , . o i '.I 'Jljl.' t t Of Ji Vh 'Ui J ."'! n, it us iU .uunhlfA iri y titm 1 1C4 4 , j M tl til 4 4. o. ta. i ri t( j .df "V 4' I. ft i'll c'rt s I - I . N f, f 'CHICAGO,-lIL- j 1 w I i r t. i tf vdivi4 If? .)( Clj j t tfl ' ; Y '4 K m ... . ;itt k r 4 I it I A f RANUOLPirSTftKKTs ' , , ,J 54 Vt , 14 ' ti4 Lt r t ..4 ' e o , n , r t it '" Ylu VuvxJS AcJtld s 1 WaUaMIfttfto.l.,,s ywoodl . A nl , ' , hU I f ir, , , i ...... . o, svt eiguh year juubwu u wujvjmfcv,, DCr ed throughout the country ill the canb . treatment of PRIVATE. DISEASES,anil Aden tially consulted 'at hi office F;,. of VI t land 03 Randolph Street, comer lwnut Street, Chicago, XII., or byletter. cmDravcf few return : auawer. t Post Office ' V Chicago, flL , Dit. Jambs treats Chronic, Mercurial if Blood nd Ski. pitcuca, oud c . lajioua Venereal Charactef, which he t out tholnaa of; mercury, fodd l??Lv aenio, or any po'aou, butwmhis a poaittve cufe for all humors an dbloocjl lOffaanif Weakmm, aueh as Atm uw , ,, v s brG tf Ifocturnal and piitmal . abuse of the organs, early Infiiscreta u Iferoditaiily, aeajor aataijed memoty, confusion, dcpresalou,wit arfl . r,v , vision, and oftentimes insanity, ui bie train of other symptoms, treatoa hE74j sfer SI ld disused oMemost nm Yrio oimu the blood, has' , become !) . ii t blotches on the face, small watery in dtie'head andboUea, body. 47utf.fi'7 nose, sores on the limbs aud .... . gekuer wjiu u chuh. f Dr. James is recommcoaca w .YSuari oountry, by professors of by the medical prof easiou ftu4 c urJ. H , H afflicted should applj tn Wfb once 'i " on hand g vplU A.freaUaw on 8perraiorrho. I Books, Letter Paperj !Note, Fools Cap, Le gMOAp; Bldbnijili6iif?; binYEntfilopes,1 other diseases of hi specialty, 4 n j peig;i Pencils, A Also a flue tm tefgo assortment of BancrtAYd (Blank Deeds velopea. Addres" Da. JAbs, y fiAlLEi) Bills of Sale, Agreements, Leases, Receipts, Ac. J Mortgages, Subpoenas, Proprietor ' ) loorn6gM4'i4l v r - 0 cfc w f . fl 4 V'f l eTainqs J)l. i , 1 J , Ia 1 Dr, 1 K,h, . r S' lit , 4 I, 1 -- , i .i j ' ... . .UA , jrs8EA! . i , Bom, Baker City, i UBiamlewtv ii iA b widened - '"or (il , f' . ! M I f i M 41 -- '' . Jit Jl Hi a rVAiiivnzvuo ' mm J It J 'nt ; ; : , l i,-;- 1 , i. I ! " m iin1: ft lit 'f . tn ..t4f j r J t fi ii lb Ul i . i km.-jbmjI0tt'- s , i aijuha A td v,tnuhit , J ,, I ,I v v .4HU0 . ... I a H Id "J)-- (CVKMUCy)' AND ,t . t .. 1 . . ......... f . , , . , .j, 1 : . A 11 lLLLiSfOIS ' . , Jn ' S f 0,54 J.U.M ,, , j C ..4 .. , . ' " I - ! 7i' 1 , .j... j f " i",: sa. i'M r.jrtfA'i ?..;Vfu4i.i iU ,ij , - """4 j T j! - ' f , , 3 L4 r iX . ) v fr , , iu, i i I" t if vtotuss "vwewi jswtnuto i . ,, . 5,4 . , , ri L "A , ' t ? 1 ? , , ,.J; BATXS i Froprletar, ' t I i K ,Ii , f i ... .'. i ,1 U ..V f i t , JNO. II DRAKE, iM J4' ITtS h i - , . vSStoSu ii ' : '4 uUdbnoWaiw--Lthe .eflha remodled, tod iwfurniahed IfniiMi tuanrtooa manaar tn 1M8. I .. V- j 4 JC AGO I J . I I , . j I t A t I x ? f I m i t " V ft Curs ajromont JHdatfb, f , .11 C. G. HAMMOND, Omaha. Omaha. fe a . 1 ,s.f L ' . , 'mi" ,? t i i( n: H.f f deni Sup, Omtl Tteket Agent, 4 Yi , r ; . . through rate on freight to Montana, Mtnes and other points, apply to 'v"' ' H. BBO W M 80S,. x , I Freiijhf Agtok, Omaha. 0nnl I 1 v V Y . . ' . f first 2XOD3C3i , y il I ' . ..... , . I ...... r ' s CIA 88 HOTELS AND E ING ad ooQvenient points ontha line. iFilftNaadJIleeplai . , t ? T i ..ill ' o". t ' . A tributary of Selmon Hirer. v INVITATIONS IB ALL Wdti' Central Paclde Railroad for TThite Pine tlllver Mine, flaoiumento. San Francisco, in California, tod jdpal citie Idaho. Nevada and & il ' 4l '4 ,'1, ) i PliOtJOrjTOHY, . . s s CIIIUKMC . 1, , ..U 1 nelcntolteiaty, !1 7 j t ' 1 4 i,- -. II) t. iWIVC ..t and all potnU F f , 2 l EOR THE EROMIT EXECUTION OF ' ! 4 ,Wf.Ysl;'4- '-?4 ! , i i Y,4 4' , . k 41 jo - . flew Eldorado on Loon Creek, leave oa arrival cf tTnlon Pactfio for Salt, Daks 4City and Southern Utah. ' . , , H tf 1, llil'l, JJk 1 i A 1 2 las.1 l2HtfHisi! s5tr.G. 13 tf I - ' ' f I t "OORINNE, .rU a? t ! ,i Stic r, vCr .4, Stages for ' P ' f 11 ! . t UINTAH, . . - i ith,) t t Vi-'Ik- XI t ' 40 1 ) ! fbt I ' i 1 ff 1 1 , v with Stages for the great Sweetwater Mining Z , T; 1 'i t District. , ' 1 ' - b , BRYAN 9 - i tf " 1 fi- 1 Tcyih Street, flip stairs, ltootnh wiavcn litmukiannl Esrt mi. ft r i Nebv P. O. tl'a-- s Uyx U 3. 11''; 61 I UTAH. COfttlWNE; ,. Ji a'l ' v ,? tf Iie,r mi :o:- - era Cities. . xli. fTOt)I , klts-aou- 1 ' with Stagaa for Denver, Central City, Santa sad points in Colorado and New Mexlca, s '1 r tended to. 1 1 CHEYEWWE, iv3? Frnit received DAILY bj Express from California. , I pmke it point to Order none bat the best and freshest fruit ClrAora frmu mlmcent cities nromntlv at- - s f to wnrr.Oitml medit-ine- s 1 -- ',1, All or money r lundtit. tf,ci t tmio; o All Utters promyly auawr. d. i iul press ; 1 ht, s Ms ' -- r s I f .14' , i t if I flulv, run-again- j 1 1 nv,o3 i f Direct Connections made at V .. .1. t if S ! 3J and (fknrfh Sidr, behjcctn ' ft! bi , ' . i $ it; AT KEETON, , ) Than Four Days! In Less ' -- i BOUD EAST AID REST, rfTfii r s wliofuiu idi .tti' .m. IsiH'1 i-- ABEEi-- i i Through to Ban Francisco r r, i A AND AT THE PAOIPIO COAST I J 4 : and tha t ji are 1 - .i r i- - 1 I t iifM' (j 1 Makiag'dnilj connection with TR111S Rail Route to! California AB .i ti t (DoplfeCtlODllGry NOTICE ' J i. J' 3 i Of ' 1 i 1' S' I U 'I ...ii.i. f i YT( 14 bow completed and running daily passenger trains, forming in connection with Central Pacifle Railroad an ' the -- " - f ! ....ALO.t.. til I EXECUTED AT ' f 1 tr conception, - ! y 5, t fi I-- I . 1 , hut r case v guaranteed uuiUftirig no itrg-r-i Jki tv Gie least Injurious t the fibbst trniMism.t , . I Louchorrhao, or Whites Jy utia i iitivi stand n m luaneutly cured. Cases of Uong over aggravated, piuit jhld tba rtnn.iy , , i. Df. Stoddard has alsd Infallible nwii'btv fbr rcstor ng disordered or irregn! wfi- rt Bent by mail, onto . 'i it hi'im nionhtruutipi. boxw norvat on. Price, f3 i These at no patent lueiliclrert r c" ! i but oitrefiiUy prpaml omiii il , !iu bogs, i bn formulas in use by lie rnt-- t dsm jin aciemino phj slcUns tn this coutdie ml! have fnisver been advtrii4 b fore." r s 1 ,TIIEU'ZGREATV I If,f PLATTE VALLEY ROUTE , . or an Riff tsin i tlon. Indigent cirrrtu inerou oilsjs lug, ib r.orwMi touiiiiin'iai ng knt, its. To such Is fft ml lias S,fvwarrnidtil in . ." Aleii. 1 t" 1 I ao-call- ,t 1 . I , 1 r i IU" OF. OREGOM, i li Ji i ?(, ' f . i ! f , J EASTERIt PART ( i C '? i.mtii, v i Tropiottoj. r UNION PACIFIC S :. : f i 4A ILAIMtCiAB I To Yemuy J 1 hero 1 m i. r - , , " atak4 it . To MaviifMl Ladk, ; - " f t - . nu-r- . Union and Central PaciSo XL XL First Mortgage Bonds Bought and Sold. U. 8. Bonds Bought, Soid and Exchanged. Geld Bought and Soid at Market rates. Coupons 7 r IDAHO TERRITORY ef said Company, r naed for the eonalrucUon or operation thereof, or for the track, yard, depot ground, bu tiding, or erection thereof. The Company receive tlicir Land Grant Bonus for their face and accrued intereat in payment of them. . all iaada aold BItO., . , ,1)K HAVEN , Hecvirltiea, Beal am in Oovernment rPhiladelphia. - 1 - , j Dl mUUIHUH to forf. it l.o rifty' principle, and propose ai fees if ho fall to euro any case of mm a weakness where his treatment and dmai, are followed.,. Ho uses po secret renude . n t but vegetable1 medli'incs. and his pecu'uro.r msnt nmt reeotvwthe on Jirseiucnt tf lutelUgtutly pursue It. toad Telegraph Line ? F t vi In every community there are Taf nmttb-o- f young men afflicte-- t with seminal .westm nocturnal emissions, lassitude, dt bldfy, and other attendant symptom op iiisortir ' dnderminlng the cowutuUon and totally gtroying Its kUni, mentally and pbysU sooner or later. The SUesse i tmnm ssiv", if not checked dizziness. toa of ini nuTryX . oontrollablo procrastlnsUon iu buhlmW in the back, aide and knees, jeliowlsh ,r. . from the month daring sleep, and fsilnre if ( physical energy soon follows. From ti i is a series of short steps to an early gme, it n confinement of a lunatic asylum, i Many of these young fnen tmvS repundtj a Benevolent alrtirUsemmts Of orT unscrttiuloua quacks iu di, dationa,' efties, and after' having been swindled,, t t! , -0 4- m tf 14? f EORANGjfe''AND:''r,EMONS, 'iflf i' youjaid 14,000,000 ACRES OF LAND. v w . 1 1 . V uv n m fet ( 5 ?JMhrtmMOO) laiK amlflrt tecurttl by a First Mort gage on about it't tine case out of ten, the aflitcUd eendanta. t r ' ' , o tltf it i? ' w y it . . ' fails to consult the man whom he know j((, Bizant, both of the complaint and the towa, core. Knowing that health can bereHird 4 Who can restore it, they dUilu-ratelslim, u,,, elves to become mere wreifea of humanity C to transmit diseased ccmatitutlons to ththl J f av m i'. i i VJ 1 7 ' rN. JJ ",itt'arp - f i Cbvpon Bondi of On 4 ! i 4 i'V. ; ' I . . U and ffrom the C. P. R. R UTAH. CtMMNNE, I t f r -- g- co xjf fcti i aim kindred u,ii) ,UK plaints, in' both sexes, the exbtne Wf in .:;:dkaler in 1 . f, i BU'-'v- t f p 16,000,000, , oi disease, which mttat ineyluUy be J , to the third and fourth generations. With young women thtre seems sona and yet their utmost secresy will not ioiiu. . fact. Any intelligent physician ho these afreets can recognize amcuglhe Ia3s,,T certain infallible tokens kmjatt to biu. u which th sufferers sre bften totally Jgnut-i- tk r 4, 1 i.. then-selve- s 1 i ! f 1 1 STREET, IN ALL TO .. :.f i;. j. 1 ,i!i OF COACHES UN DAILY Jn ' I W , .' RETAli AND WIIOLESALE t TH AM 01 NX , ' - i- . 'V r, d under-ilyne- r- - TBIT 5 ' ' l P. Railroad t t r4 1 TT. 5.4, i l in i i, or uiK J.M AM i M' r) ; f , j Frn LAND GRANT BONDS 1 v 1 - delicacy and bride A I ; There e6a almost 19 prudi ty in reuara ' ; Z, Tn.. Klrp physirtantia rorttainandmatUe. are duinbi 1 recognise it, faculty afflicted acLuoalcilgb the turn, (, j, a ublio suffer in silenetv 'lhe proince uf tui, 11ft. t, I v. a to present the subject in it tru inbt. rHundreda of lima are Wtef) O eases which hsve been lieglci t.'d r unj 8 ,f $ , case of men the In n 4)H treated. mhg BO apology, and y ft iu many raff th. y ilU 7 1 "ailh tile nostrum,. ig7 to cure - i f . 1 , S 1 f4 i ,i:AND. ' at beet market price, , j n , , M - - v A t t I t"-- ' A "t1 '? 1 . f r J , . t O i , i tor 4 t if , , , itvt).'i ;. ' ' 4" i ; . i O 1 I 1' j , (Ommiiim88nam f . ' 1 4 ,W i I. 1 1 t . , 'il m u . ' v jv .v, , ill , , f In ) ! r tf" i the 1 ' If ? f 1 1 ! t . ' r . 5 r i r i i - 1 vs nr 4 4 lyt-ORTANT- m. m.iLi(n)TT, , E. r ,. 4i . ( x . t r i i , v u Hi f: 5 V at ji-- 't f fN . V Land Grant Bonds. A . 1 i! , " n i dj IxdoIclIV RAILROAD i i r BOTll,;; TO it 'j-nlis- Wy I . Qepcrttr. ly 4 I M 4 . fj-27- - .i f $ f f |