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Show f- - litah Tri-WeeklJpc- EVERT PUBLISHED 7 MY, ,TmrMMr 'I f r rvrilV' 1 I , ' r i Me i 4 af 3 i t TJ6UMS HU T Urr ft pFSUIlSORIPTUIJU. XJL4t ffllOlSe O f 4efr y-- frt M Cartel,),,,; I I- r- " rf rrrrrr- r Wcrk, 4 Hlngle copte INVARIABLY IX ADVANCE. ( 9" THE 16 x 6 DAY 1C SIS ,a '5W hfi 3 4fl RTi 38 r rr 4 6 79 110 163 130 168 240 MO inf ON SCHISM. ul ; t PI10FE8SI0NAL CA11DS. v v 11T THE AUTHORS Of UOHf, BOHT, ri 7r Chapter ' s 4 1 k jAn appeat mon. . r and uBcsrrr. - - L. A T cnrJ from i Mr. la ibo TRUTH 7 Ta'lidqe. 9 li 7 iopo by E. L. T. Har0ruE Utah MaoazIink. 18C3. I am. Sir, Edward W. Tuludge. PKNNIS'J. TOOIIY, rlIftornry ntu Cou.i(I!or at Since the datW Writing hW4nM Editorial, a startling change has taiieu place in my aitnalion, although not in my feebngs Or sentiments towards the members of our Church. For writing auch ftl tides as Our Workmens Wages, VTbo- True '' pevelonnssut of the Tarrrtery,t, etO., A fcTiargo'lHisTicerf preferred agaiust me of apostacy, on the $ ground that I have no right to public!' l,aVy discuss the wisdom of any raeasu e or WtST.tXA STJIKT, COlUXXEf U. f T. policy ofjhe Priesthood nud expect to apjo-'lrretain a membership in the Church at the u. 1 same time. For asseuing my belief that ' !i tbo (Ito-pe- l H H. HUIlUftTSOK. gives mo tle feredoru to differ with t4e leaders nf the Chufchafid Uttomey at Law of stating my difference of oj i and . . Holtritor in Clianrory, , . I do it houestlv and respect-ullprovided Belt Lake City. mU Territory. I have been deprived of ray membership in the Church the doc In ue le-u- g f ISAACSON. ' HLNltY W, positively laid dowu ou the occasion ATTOUSET AT LAW' of my trial by President llrigbam Young i'i ASO f Is and Elder Gca"ge Q. Cannon, that souaroit .v aiASvxnr. Priest-hotto iclih the' honestly differ aitoslnry SA 1 LA KE i t TV, UTA IL in any (f thir meaioies.,r - v " ap2t)-t- f If this dedui'ion of spostaev be correct, of course, I uin an apostate, Leiuuse it is HAN U. HEMrSTEAD, lue tlmt l do not aee rye to eye with' our AttorarjJ at law ' ' fcclesiavtual leaders on the subject of and the Kaluction of our wot k mens wages, Urifrd Siatea AlUciov for Utah. uiiueral development of the Territory, the SA LT 'LA KE WP, UTAH i hud.Kimilur matte's. iM.Eiatrhd rf litdoa Kow, 2dTSou' h at, I wi.sh to give, in a brief wav. a slate ball Work Wut I Main. of the circumstances attendin' my tneid 4 expulsion, and tbe reasons by width I Y. UK A II A 31, 31. have been guided in the conrse I have takciv Mf that all my frieuds tuny jnde OFFIUK, for themnelvea. In doiug I is, I shall Carar JVarfA ami Mtwa SlrtrtM, have to ouiit most of the preliminaries 111 connected with the case, .inasmuch ns UTA CO 1:- I N t 7 tf they occutied at thvS(hool of the Piophets. Hnlllce it to s;iy that, on Sat& urday., lGtb October, an, fuiupguorinuiit UAUiKIt McNUTT, that we utd letn violent! denounced by Wholelaale and Ttatail President Young reached our ems, aud on the following Saturday, we were publicly cited to apenr before tlia High Council nmpbe tried tor our standing." Corner vf t lh, nlnt Montana Greets, On Monday we 'appeared before the COKLNM UTAH. High Council. at the City Hall, vtbich v an!4 Dn was densely parked with the authorities of t. e Church no ordinary members, t xcept those who appeared ( os wituesscs, IIURLDUT BROS., Nr were sjwcially invited, being allowed ' i I to Is ptCM-nt- . WboteaAto and It- tall The followiiy? is a brief aynopniH ot the trial, ffoui minutes made on the spot. Alter the, charge of Vpostacy had beeu prefcired ty Elder George Q. Cannon, on 31 011 (it 11 11 Street, H the ground of articles in the Mugaziue - containing views on financial (questions i a7-li- n differing with those of the President, as , ell us on account of nn expressed belief members of the Chinch Jcld; not that HUSlNIiSS CARDS." m: ouly the right to think, but to express their ideas on such subjects, the question was put td Elder C.inuon whether It was liERUISn l & MILES, ak. tacy to difTer honestly with the meas. t , , i .,1 it ures of tbe President, to which here-plie-d Dealer la , , , , ; It is apostacy to difTer honestly with tbLtticaureR oL thp 4resident. A man mky be hdnest even iq hull; This Hnrtlwrf, Iron, Nail, Stoves, idea recftjifttiaed PjreeilcntWella' by M we as that well ask the marking might !' t ,i whether Amau bod the right io question V t orrr.H AND TIN WAR IT, a! iffer houStetiy with the . . Almighty." Thna the doctrine asserted voqnalifledly -. vMoutaUa Street that the Almighty and the Priesthood, so yj . j t . . .1 far as its official dictates were concerned,, were to- be Rccpted As ottVaud the same COHINNK, UTAH, ' S, , thing, on pain of excommunication from the Church. Villiam 8. Godbe stated that his elsim PITROXiZE HOME INDUSTRY. RMsmseientieoaly differ with the TieRW of tbe leader- . of the Church on certaiu questions,- could not be apostacy, inas-- : ranch as 'he had "always believed that auch were his righta, While he bore tea- timoay to the divine mission of Joeeph Proprietor of tho a the-'rlvileg- Jllt y, a ? r el I JiL 1 !., n, 3-i'tr4ri- T Tt TJO (LISTS' t tSS 1 lieht7IrontJ I. K -- 'I v v. I I T v 3 n --- f -- . - I J rfbnresESAtVMii'.i; , J- - 1 niean tf eiat- r ft 1 1 V7.B.'BRADD, fr J s I -- 5 'Of-bv- I TI 0nLEAH3; : 1 r I . I Tit t 31 CHOP-HOUSE- . fntAi.ojTtt; 7 The proprietor aanafaetiwv to, 1 1 paoona, premia pnmlwi to leap s well prexaned table and make It hie hAa to pMM, . ' at all hour. "IPS Mla aetrta proerpUy well m to evry maitloa'of R tfre! All that ha claimed As his right' trai and temperately Urdiscusc any diCaeawca of; opinio a he might eotertaia. ! m j ' t. - MmawgaiT t HI NJ CO D B LM O t HOTEL t tif j . I J . ( , nOk.ce , 4 v 4 ctmr,N, - m. (kccckmor to a. Proprietor. I t 1 (ft s I I 4 h 1. . ; , ! - prat d the proprleter boea ootnpletely sad newly furnlehe1, end le now the moet ulrt, economical .end . comfortshle. FAMILY reno-'vete- S otel l tj ; eiy, , The houee is eltuetea In tbe centre of the city, and tn the beet and moet convenient locatlou , for buetneee men. The table are conetantly eappUed with every luxury the market affords. The rooms ere large, well ventilated, and fur ntfehed with every convenience neeeeeary for the comfort of lodger. In fact the Dklmonico offer the oxer accom kodation to the tsaykumo . rveuo of btf House ia the clty.i VuMTlfeals at all hoar. Day and Night. tlbond 4th) (between Street, ri xvr.esh,-.Oytor- 3 1 , , the can, or served np la any style, con el at the Delmonlca. Oyster w) e be found ud ehort notloe. ttp I The beet style - U I ' ., t'ZSfd & I !'- t - i 'i'-- U ( 1 k if A iff ! - j-- i SOUTH STREET, j 3UI. ,3 lKm SALT LAKE CtTV, U. T. lit L.1 I T U k 4 w r ? (I f- 1 . , Retail Win fit sole end i ? , , , , , , . - T 1. ft , BOOKS. , ft i ( ,DELES s s r T t TO THE WonKINO V f t f rt Y I - tf i 1 j I ) f P- - Wholesale and RjUll DeaU T7TT i I i I , - . i M i 4 STREET. m CORUiriE, t UTAH- - .I Ui ,r II y If .f'f.3 4 t t al i 1 7vv U 7 ' Tba A nest Imported Liquors, Golden and Pearl Crown Cigars, I'om 4 ferry, Hot Punches, etc.fc i htitou always osi hand.- -' I m , , r ,f as. , Coil and t t f, , Open Night and Day.' --ft .1141 no9-t- f i f . 'r . 1 ..mi .1 rif T I AND ri . 1' .1 ; rrl 1 4 TRY IT! 1 UTAH. i Qn enx4r: ri j ,, ') ri t J ; ' t V SHOUIC BE WITHOUT ITr t ,H i. O. Fam-M- , Proprietor. , TAYLOR 4 BKNDEL, Sole Agents', NOBODY , , Uelo- - - J'IT: ; ri- - - a If order. 44 ri-..- - 4 s; GET THE j. BUY THE ONLY I? ReiHembor rri r 1 v Oroide ri.ri! 1 Primary Department,; is ikvCMceee J 12.80 4 4 ...34.6060 , For, farther particular' e drcnlara at , , lf. v i 0 t ; 4j n School Male. Desks i4 in and For - 8eate, only two yean.- - Inquire of MAT . L .T.W. HARKINS . j j or HUS.TET, DA H LEU C K. ae3.9mU.ri ) Halt Lako Utty. , , . rrrr iJ . . 84a FrajntlKO) , 1 , " Livery mid Dale H.f JiO ) f .( Ii f'f. i vu f . Qold t7atchos9 ri,' i They are all the beet make. Hunting Caere, finely chased ; lock and wear like fine gold, and or equal tn appearance to the beat gold watches usually seating 9190. Full Jeweled Levers. Oents and ladle' efxee, at 111 seek. OUtt DOUBLE EXTRA REFINED Solid Oro. ids Oold Hunting Caaea. 'Full Jeweled Lever, are equal to R2W Gold' Watches; Begaleted and Guaranteed to keep correct time, and wear knd not tarnish, with Satire Fine Caere, at $90 each. NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED IN ADVANCE-W- e tend by Express anywhere within the United States payable to agent oa deMvery, with the privilege to open nnd examine before paid for, and if net eaUafkctory returned, by paying the Express chargee. Ooods will be sent by mall a P gletered Package, prepaid, by sending cash In ., advance. . t ; , j . alx Watches An Agent rending efor gets on extra Watch free Making eeVen $15 Watches for 100, or seven $30 WaLfaes for $190. - t , AL80 KLKG NT OROIDE GOLD CHAINS, of lafeet and most costly etylee, for Ladle and Oentlemen, from 10 to 40 tnrhee long, at $9, $4.' $6, and $8 each,' seat wHh wstokes at lowest wbolessle price. State kind nod alas of watch ' required, at d order only from ' ' . THK OBOLDM WATCH Ca. ode 3m L. 148 Fulton Street, New - . York. f . ' -- F tl Mats '4 SO 1 ..JOorlnno Tyttilkrri 1m sep8 t MliH g f I i ) r ) f (Branch mt Meaae.yJ I . hi j . I . street. ri f ri( CTAHi SALT LAKE CITY,' "ri. j ' ' t r. ;ui . c BlontcipnUfafaJlbtreot, ! - i 1 Ml j. , ' PACIFIC 4i,HOUSE,Ait h.u, - i'1 m J ,: - M r S 4 - i Imrrican 'Hotel, Exchange ri ill riin riri 4,: . $20. ' t 'A ,t (Manufactured by (f, THIS jOROlDK ; WATCH COMPANY --1- lab-char- , Intermediate Department Higher Deper.nieni.... BEST GENDiNBimPBOVID r.th, at 9 o'cloc , Opens cu Monday, --. Main street, between 2d end 3d gouih U. New rooms end r furniture ihrunghut. i Full carps oFi teamen, undrr tho imtned ot UL I lev. Dan 8. Tmtle, D, D. ' i Term i Per month of 4 week m i $15 - X 413 . 4. Bepobtui office. ' . i In and Ufatn, irotrle,4 416tint Clay t. Ban Wooster Oal ... Gamma,r SALT LAKd CITV, UTAH. , .'And Wholesale Dealer J '409, 410. JSdliool. n l-- tf 1 ST. MARKS i t i I . t.,t ,4 4.Promyt attention given to 1 u -- i The beet Purlfter of Ike Blood t , A Pleasant Tonic t A very Agreeable Drink I Unanrpaeaed for acting an rely but gently on the seeretlona of tbs bowels, atomach and kindneya. liver t Fur sal al all wholesale and retail liquor, drug and grocery a tores. ( i IT! " I tRY 1 r f - Aiul Genrrul Ontfitllng Goorlx. I , , f 1 1Ui and re, Maodwi ry ri f , , i , t f t - tt SWiSS STOMACH;? RITTERS! 1 i " ; i ' tM DUFFiSLfi&ClLLOn, U 1 CELEBRATED, - m el-- re t f, ! . . Ti. liufolaiidN , The niJeralgnet win recefve a toe from Ebcnumeat aL to Bollock eO Herd, on and after this dote, at the Pa. ifle Sta- (RxtrudiBg ' H V 1 ble, M ntan8treL . AJltok xetiifned, on. the J JbeenX reov---nt y renovated and newly fur- sving flnt If May,1 er euoier If ordered. 'We assnm Blahad, makes It the moet gtitet. eoonotftkal the nanal reaponaibilitlea of lerden, and have and comfortable FAMILY HOTkLIn the Statebeat Ranch In the country. the ..7 Being centrally locate 1,- - it offers every fodue. McBANE, RTAJT At HEATH, , meet knot no menaad the pabhe generally. joy Refer, by perraission, to ' I ah lee will eonatantly be MuppUed with 8,0.E.Btwatx, O. II. Eixiorr, ysS- - lCoNiseca; affoida. Tk Amertoea everj mxnry the market P. Jofisaox, D. shoot, C. B. Osecw. Eaekange Coach, with Bed Lights, will be al the nog-fee. A T. wharves and depot, to oouvey passengers to the Motel free., n;r , , !' f f fl . TIMOYhT SARflkNT, Proprietor. jan28-l- y 1 r COVBLL L CO.f end 0(11 e. No. 664 Broadway, IVariWmi Man'-f- a tory, 187 4 ltt D.w.ry, New York. ocll-.-lg. .( , M:it(iHNT. v; smons 9TREET, 5 j d Floiir, drain, "Piodticp, etc, - f , r !. f C., Pwrtrsv - e e ii . In every City and Town where, we have not idy appointi-- tiiem. i ( nrtff6rt, . m si I t I fof nrewer, Remit j iV Agent " nn! tra ted fAle BolAt , e 4 s AUESTS WASTED D,fler.lti :1 a. bxlkt,-- S. O. BEWELU MONTANA- f tn t.Jl.gL n the tmrriren Ineiilute Fair of New . Staple mil Fancy 'Groccrlua j . 1 t 1 it i fn Jas. 0S0E0L AS ALOON, lit ;r. T . 18 uient. Hut. til ' i tuning 14 Ii .mlMd trial against Ktolnway'a. and n any oilier llano, awarded the Patent Arl-- b e Hrt Premium." Write for a(R lax it. Pamphlet and rarculaf, and aUte tn whafe Pajior you saw th a advert! j . f v ; ) In Chirk-ring'- y f S.L.TIBBALS, ' tf .. du-nt.r- York, after a Corner t f f CLSS.We are now V nulrr 1 -- a , CORINNE, UTAH. no4,tf .v. jt. . o.iuibsiot 4 s ri , 'i . js; i " . KOTIOSS. OK. AI,L KISH?, ' $Pot fffUf, Padding, ; ' , 3, IN rt iu WALL papuh; roiKCT.ipmiiV'tsn ' ' '3 v i) . fonfaim and ' i'J (V ri''.' ST.1TI0XBRY. KIS CORIIiXE, n: ,, , THE STANDARD PIANO .1 G-RO-O GEO. L. , ITQLT, i.t 3 I -- v Propftrter: lkakt J. A. GASTOM, t. ' t w riano 1 the rnxtrvrr, most U - pJ5-l- (of the best brands) TOBACCO, CIGARS.aod GLASSWARE. m f - The Aai"N 'tnr It lniring carefnllj done, end satisfaction gfurnto-f- 1. i GH OOERTF ' t tf t ' . JJ ii j 'v I am now prepared to do all kinds ot work, at tbe very lowest prices,. Tea rasters and freight-er- a will find It to their interest to give me s coll ... n. , : t j before gntn eeeWbere. t Dont forget the place, , se294f i 11A83. Now Yoi'U Pi'looi 1 BHBOHN, qWntohcs, Wliotcsdif!, 1! (i - j AT 'J i, 1 i BLACKSr.llTH SHOP V6DobA M( anyther reOabl V Jt b. AgenfurfflL w 8end for Circular of Terms, Instructions and ' , celrbrated. l J J I Patent Full Iron Frame concentrate la iiovt "f tbe Tutting Pin, that heretofore damaging lrn (which In other llano hortfuily etirroun a the Tuning .Pin)andandefbutte into the from tgrt of tin Plank fectually rralata tho irmly toua" strain. ' Patent Diagonal Sustaining Bor park of the Jro Frame, next to and parallel with the vttfel atrldca UNDER THE OVEIWritUNa Howard and Waltham Watches VICTOR CORDELLA, , , uiiiE,;trTAn, MEVXB SPLITS. and done not gut out of order, u of-rud- il6 - Front Street. , -- .A Alt Patent Revcr 4 Wooden Agtaflfo Bridge ot ib4ll Ihrotiffh mtf bktaika tb uiNtn Bridge, anil oiirAiN tiie solidity of tho M ETxi. Agraff , without P ou cnoa. ' Patent Compoonf Wreal Plank which hoi la t) e Tuning lina( le six layers of Matl , ohwh ruuuing differently, tup vlaks ' The fine el TVatchee now mannfatured. Ala -- The andi'rsUued luvlrg purcius-'the shove, r psr.d io To a firs cltas ' LIVhRV imp. rty, are rr4rir itin SALr, bUHiiic ana. C rrlngc at ck con .Tiie b at SvMitiy vn hand atul for hlie at rvaaousble rates. Also S iKkI T uter Rauch. eorncr M Elvaa Office and HtableS, south-cautl FiCb HlmaU, Curinui, lIUli nolMf , HOLLAND 4 8ULU VAX, ; - OHO 1 , ; f n PACIFIC: STABLES. 1 I wwi.U' dim . LIEOGI IflU TO. EKCI I AtlQ E, .11 .T J ,tl AS lilt SECOND ' ' ,t. ' Beat of Hinrs, .Liquors tn I Clpri in great v .tidy. Walk fight in, aud help youiwlves, uoMf geutU'men. 1 J I JEWELRY!- ' Elg-i- V . ' !, 1 3 jlWyerS rout snirLinrtYc patkyts. . t E IcrACY or the 8 (H ' Pisp. Papers CAREFULLY PREPARED, and Patents secured WITHOUT DELAY. ,, Laominalionr In the, Patent Office free, of no Individual and fee asked la any case. charge, unless a roteat le allowed. - i SALOONS ffirtcntnl glrriaurhnt. , I In great variety. I Lave the COUINNE, UTAH. B-y- W i . . . "j ;n nentlp done. lU-palrlit- nt , ' . r f r By ' MOSS AGATE prepared to furnish all 0 aaaee with oonatant emCOIUNNIVUTAII. ployment at home, the whole f the time or for the spire moment 'Buft ness new, daht and profttable. Persons of either sex easily rsrtf Levers of pood Beer will find the vev roin fiOtv to f 9 isr even ay, and a proportional beet quality diapenaed to thelhira.y, at Wltich-U'asum.hy (looting tU tv who time to the bmd. and girl earn nearly as luoeh a tYvs lanch will be served constantly and ness. mm. That 11 who see th't r.o'ice msy send thetr all are Invited to attend. aeli tni , address, and lest the business, we make this offer To enobts are not well oat tailed,' w will send 41 to psy for the trouble of writing., 1011 particulars, a valuable sample, which wiU do to work nn, and a copy of The C. B. LOREN As CO., Literary CempanUnionm cf the largest and boot fondly newsp .pi r published all eeni b mU, liadt r if voa want perm fit, Tbe proprietors beg leave V . m.k the ant free work. adJro; s E. C. ALLEN 4 CO., nouacement that they haveopoed tbelr new RenoCtA Main. ' staurant , and are prepared to serve a choirs Meal ' 4sh In a true epicurean style. teSl.lm sit n jl L l pins, aloevo buttons, tto. MONTANA STREET, ' East side, Mioeen 4th and tjlh Streets sej81tm , ap20-- UTAH. f -- IUFFEUTYk KEG f , -- K 1roprlelor, . Montana , Street, . . u r COUINNE, UTAH. and Clannlug no if , in , ri t f the t Buyers will do well to. examine my stock before purchasing Now styles silver seta, solid gold chains, rings, Merchant Taylor, Montana Keeps the most choice Liquors t ;id be found in the city. , , . arr-ll12 10 to a. Lunch from m, SDd 12 p. m. every iUj, 1 'V. ; ' vl 1 , r , . J L L. HOFFMAN,' , 7. TKACY, Proprietor. i ' COIUNNE, .1 4 - gfffnloou, r. NVINHUIKI.U ri u WINKS, I.IQtTOKS, t , 4 1 FCJi.L " J i ! , . . se22-l- r, i I &c. t ' k - ' a a e-- W,' ot ! t SOUTHS WE MOXTAXA ST HE ST, j This FIRST CLASS NEW HOTEL is now to tho public. The rooms are neatly and comfortably furnished. The tubl-t- are always sup, . plied with the boat the market affords. , Fresh Oyi k'r always ou hand and served up In any sty e ou hort notice. Th Bar Is stocked with the finest Wines, ,, .no44f Liquor, and Cigar, (between 4tli k fib) - U - . . - TJX All. A -- -- ! ' V w. to 4 A. ( Correspondents! , : t r - f ri ! P. 8. Wilson Cheyenne. First National, Uuiaha. Wtfstorn Harina tuaUtute, 8L Louis. Henry Groenbaum 4 t o., Chicago. Hussey, Dahter 4 Ca, Halt Lake City. Uiesey, Da liler 4 Co., Helena, Montano, llnasey, Dahler 4 Co., Ttrgima Montana. . . Alliance Bank. London, D. La Touche, Dubilu. Dank of Callfotnta, San Fraueiseo. IK can National Rank, New York City. 94. Draw exchange ou principal cities world ' j j Tim Check bought Lnuffont HtoolcInTown! . i k CtttEJUMLD, Proprletori. I - nANDs, changed Hating recently amder ot the direction Hotel, bu Omce bcmrs from 9 A fiii. Watches, clocks. "It . J riri id cold orsT ceccat con PLATED W(VKK, & - j (It ka pofaif ' I'nltcd SUIes. f k,..v ,v ! - L , I Tor. .t XJtnU fd!lf((l4n Mi4e on any VI (J ri J t - Streets,- ; rA 1 ytn j . COUINNE, ! ri 1 'i 1 MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, jMohtana Street,, ' UBXKSKWALU.), t ! s Corinuuy Utah. i Fine Gold7Jewelry, 1 Coriune, Ufulir CORINNE, ? i if.. eej:i-3- m Montana Street j fity. i . n .i Manufacturer bad dealer tn i . L -- Between Third and Fourth Streets, WM.b.w......r.r, iiAunhii & ii.vtunuKssi:u. The Only Gentile Hotel in the atatoan, ,, P. II. WILUUR, Cashier ,r MA-TEHIA- X&ontana Stroet, - i Salt Bake City, Utah. n. - ( s if'--laonTon, 1 ,.i : . ra hi, v BANKING HOUSE; ; ( hi, iimnwiN Kuii'')'. lt ne ouo and ill: l nty mie , w. n. mobton. . WIL30BT & , Montana4 HlLSH ri i r if7 Store House: Northwest Corner and 8ixth Coins aud of Rood tbiuRS always on hand tn the Bak-r- j.' line. Also a flue stock of family u 1 ,y Ur tor ease at low eerie. TroVUione, ttetotu-ere We have every arcommodatt n to serve t with nestnote and dispatch. TraVvlora aud parlies supplinl on ehor ' MAIN STREET, ' IN BUSINEHS uew store ppoeUv the Halt AMD RH8TAURAUT, ,1 ' ') - : - eats OF t t no4-t- f I v ri , ' I. )L L. BAKEfiY, " j iwawwBwwwwwa rosET s.wiL8ot cuaraNwa. , , ) . ! corirs, miscellaneous advts. i t , 1 Mouldingvllraf, 1 1 . 1 1 TQ BE CONTINUED, .! 00 2.09 29 49 to one oddrese, f 20; . . Ttvw a 4 9ms wxa. J,Q t 3t """ I mm Club Rarffi .XXUPPI3H. fLii ' 'lU Z, Ten ooplra, one oddrra, f 33. INVARIABLT IN ADVANCE , j 1 s . -n FURNISHED TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. ,ff , CORINNE, w 1 i'Es'O. (j$V 4l A AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING UNION BAKERY, THt CHOICEST fw IfVft j. withdot beiriguuf dff from Tho Cbdrch for oo doiig.( LIQUORS, VVirJEC ANO C10ARG ,.f re&oona for considering that ihU ,T Hi ' "LlWAYS ON:ilAND. T was hiat prinioi at t snomber ro( the y,f. Church were, that it was part of the gospel PAULiENGELBRKCHT, offered to hlm In foreign lands. Ha .was JT jUffti ut PROPRIETOR. told that io this Church tho utmost ap20-t- f'.yi -- j i r fj ! ! . utaii; COUINNE, L then stated that "if 4tktftrM, omor of Mo&Uoav Oorte&a it differ wnsapostoey to eonseientioosly Magl34f with the PrieetBood of the Church,.' he '1 r H I .4 i 4 f '1 It r. 4 must be consUU redden . apotte,S tor, he a if cartainiydid differ iwUhithesu on ooaie 1 )i matters. The point npKn which he'mosr . . . Ti' TinWT vl -to ed. wna th fir-fig- ht AND CARPENTER JOINER, partkularJr;ditjFef expel people from the Cbnrcb oecanse of 'STHlMnnM a' difference of opinion on matteru off JulmiUeiL thkt' they Churgh policy. m had alJitillM 5ichvad implicit UTAH;' CORJNfTE, . goapal oniiooo,'!aff obedietvoe to vry Mil i Door8,Sahr ; f.i:. v a. E. J. i a ? j 1 ri. B1, TERRS OF 8UR8CRIPTION. MISCELLANEOUS AD&. , J dealers in OENEBAL t jt i 1 pOiOi , State VyjAimbcr, s 1 AND TOBACCO A, CO., - Vegetables and fresh Beef mmm ..store;, - , f CIGAUd va f. PliODUCE, J , 4 A 4 ' 7-- tf san ft. tWtiiw Single CopieStf. 44 a4Jt Or aiii, Flour, iff f work-manli- - "J - ADT8. "r I a?: e' PATENT OFFICE. 1 f '' iSiia'Op.' lif " dll t , "5 hoUe,uuuges t J t - i 1 I d j ' 4 MISCELLANEOUS5 t s sub-joc- ta 111 ., ...if . -, ' utXii. , . f , V Conune , f- 3 i MEAT MARKET, of Brig- -' in the Presidency of bam as his snccessor ppointmeot the Church, be denied hie right to enforce COIXSlUTJlL'i & Mason. Alexander unquestioning obedience upon all, mem-oer- a. ' J its as secular and .?.' fro t spiritual . oouciTosa or . ! . , believed die i the of preservation v , ,n tij our unity wa Worth any prieft uhort of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PATENTS Alwajm On tend Lumber, Lath and Bhlach. Lumber rough or drvaead fumiahed at tba lower. the concession of the right or thought and w " AND Oeah Price. speech of feny other trae principle. That 1 f i t t . even1 was for he 1! 1" to sot willing COtJSELORS AT PATE NT "LAV, price it pay unity. He claimed that he entertained jAifff! asperlence as solicitors ot FotentaJV IIENBY LEI WES, none but tbe kindest feelings towards tb ; U'oA'l 460 8 EVEN Dealer la pi STREET; opp. the PoteaLDUlce. Presidency andTrieathood severaly, add however much they miht object Orocoiios and Idqnors, trusted, to his views, that they would at least con- v. . fl rtrt 7'r, u Retail. rt 16( : .wij ,1 ,1 , T EE: , . 1 t I 4 i 1 V , r : , 1 utaii; s -, 7cIUNNB, R-a- V.t ! ... ' l.f i (h 1 Marliot. - con inn v v t BUSINESS CARDS.; it freeuuui of KMfecu Win!u i pfrmUletl. 'Z1 luui&letl autt oilier rr steni4 lojf . , f, ftttdciuof speech, lint in ihie Oh inch such oppiessiou was to be crushed fr-- i mt never raise agaiu its accursed evrf head He accepted the gospel on these terms not simply because the Elders told him these were his rights, but be 4 cause tbe Holy Spirit bore testimony that It. BiUTIlfriprietor.' t tbiy Jit Jittered the truth; wlfeb they so to was that atul there he day taught, Montana Street, 9 claim these privilrgut of jtheXIoscl. doctrines When he tvai examining-th- e UTAH. of this Church, he" was advised by the tho lnwet prices, chol' Kerpstht Elders to use his judgment aud bis intel- wlu.leiuUe ' i ' oo7 8m sail retalU lect to the fullest extent, and dispute ' ' kt evipry principle that he could not Understand. This had resulted in his entrance ' into tbe Church. If he had mounted np tbe ladder of his own reason and jodc-mei- it U i t6 git into the ChUrch, why should he now be called npon to kick that down by which he bAd ascended, and go along II.lJuBBKS, Proprietor.' without it 7 If it was. a good thing, and had ' FOURTH STRfcET, own opinbrought him blessing to use his , connot he should ion at the first, why tinue the use of that which had done him t coniNNC, so much goofUn) . s.,( Always1 on hand of beet the variety Meat, I He objected to the requisition for any etc. Butter, niKr cured' Heme, man to accept any doctrine or principle frU to cuatom. Retail Particular attention mr paid that he did not fully understand: such a I ee7-t- f .1, ;j by sound to was , it because" accept any principle, beautiful aud (rile. We were not required , ,i to accept God or Jesus because they were God or Jesus, bat because they pretil sented teachings higher, holier and more Watchmaker 'I heavenlyHblUi.any other beings ; How could e tell, that aoy principle came from God, except it was that it was better to our iulellect and judgment than other JEWELERS &: GUHSf.llTHS, doctrines. ihyond this witness, of the , Montana Street, (brinne,' light of tritb within usMre bAd nothing t ' to fall back upou to guide us. Keep contantly on band fine watrheaof and all we must pasj It had been argned-lhuanus, pistols and ammunition lnda. Also, fine ctKrs, tobacco, and slf amok-ersively and uouqiiringiy obey the Priestarticle. Repelling done tn Ui beat hood, because 1 otherwise .we .could not manner, and all .work warranted. build op Zl6tf He contd hot nee Ihi V A , CaUlomla Htoro. j , , aep nation built np on sach a principle could be no Z'on.- - The only glory or beauty that there could be in a Zion must result from its Kag composed pi f people all of r if whom acted intelligently in hll their operin thousand ations. Filly people acting & COliN, DAVIS Concert, building up excellent cities or ; 0 v,. else but it well, doing doing anything nsAtane I . meltnaikkilly; because they t were, told, no sight to be admired. A dozen persons, not operating half as perfectly as to DEY GOODS & CLOTHING. j the nature of their work, but doing what little they did intelligently, must be a fur Boots and Hltoes. more delightful exhibition to God and inltiontans Street, telligences. These were his views. If they consti, ' , t tuted apostacy, the Council must de,d with oc7-8' him according to their laws. One thing, however, they conld not do. They urigbt cut him off from his brethren, but they should never cut his brethren off from his C. HAXF & L. IIILU DllKCnT, Prop, affections. He had been twenty years a member of this Church, and he iutended Montana Street," die with them, aud no one to live should ever drive hta fiom Lbeir midst. He knew and could bear testimony that UTAH. was God. a IIo of Smith prophet Joseph could bear testimony that Brigham Young was diviuely culled to succeed Jcmeph Keep conetantly ou hand frenh II ye and r'l .Smith in the Piesidency of the Church, other stride of Ilrcnd. Ai.o en ertnieuf or pertaining to our liuo. Ctidomere 'and ho knew Ural the President was in other articles ic7-3, attended to. promptly mounto these to briug this people pired tains. He then r ad the following: - :. -- 3 H 'i 1 4 ,Sta4y-iugllib"Ark,- 5rMr.TO f PflHPEBOESSEL, Very reapectrully, Yours, 1 1 1 TDBD JlY,).. b, ' , ccrw. tdc rftixms Hi (lyT J P Three A. . myNcir to be neterodoi. For yi tried to shun the ittsue of this day, for. theoretically I have been a believer io republican institutions aud not in" a temporal theocracy. f! . '7. i 1 - ap20-t- f r Is PACIFIC AN AFrEAL TO THE PEOPLE. IV JOHNSON, United Ktitra Comm laid oner, Attorney at 1 jivt, 1I111 iknd.:: r: I1T Deputy United Htatea Attorney for Utah. VOItlXXK UTAH TEH. J. I 4 IN UTAH. DA-WNIN- w 4 - - ' P- - -- a; - fuoO Jiff nf J Irn CORXNISrjS, U:.V T..':STlJR33Ai ri $23 33 99 f 45 76 100 Weekly edttloa except upon apoeal contract. Editorial Notices, act aa reading mailer, and Inserted on loral or editorial page, 25 rente per 11 eonta tan every line for fin IfTftftioe, Aaa AddltionaftlOfo. t',r cent line of thla type tea Notlcoa per Special ' v for every insertion. Yeerly advertisers may change their anenta at pleaaura, wilhjthe additional charge of 23 centa per aqaare, provided they retain only r lhuriglnlipc (3:upUd. f f v y t , ' I ' Salt Lake City, Oct. 27, President Brigham Vourg: 21 24 Mx Dear Sir; Holding my connaoliou 30 wilU .tbe'. L?,aA Magazine', y6U dub no , BO i 'L, longer give ko me yoar fello 67 9J ISO can I conscientioatly ask it. 1H0 22S that yotf wonld manife sona Transient advertisements io bo paid for la ad- grateful. vance, I do not tblok voa wontd Uke any - A square eotmsu of lea lioee of type of this fornia, id my'krritiogS Ibil atnaimply exceptions six... an while you atrwibo leader--of-tatW, No standing advertisement Intoftedfnth6 IIS E. tH t, t ia V U '7ita, i - .f 1 -- ; 1 -- li 'H!), fr . $12 - ri a dj H 1. Rates ol Advertising. i ill .tit i 'n tin UTAH 1VEEIU.Y REPORTER. tf ri jn:'tirn wm IU I 1? rurrtmTEanBLismto conpmr ' JE : AN0-fcuTCa- a rr, .er f Ste t t J , P; REICH, Pronrietor. , - 6JiftSMftfi4i lodging iDft.4 jJAannf and comfortable home for trwvelera. ' Beard and Lodging ' $10 pee week j ang7-3- m f 1 A : Board. l. |