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Show JJH t. V i x i ii 4 t The , IlxroBXEB toys tender thsuks Reporter. Tor the Reporter at one. We to Harry Creighton for pasi favors, aud have advert 'sod for canva-aer- s abaM solicit, a continuation of ttieaame in and ' CulJNhRtV T., tionum 1 ,1849. i.OCKDAY MOliSlSO. NOV. 13. keep them oat till the Reporter jien. fut nre, provided they come iii boUie u vff.itiLo tratea every household in the Territory. labeled' California" Wine' that Wholesale .WehaVd no athii.horiud- traveliuj agent Oar paper goea t the tnue of poor, last donation was the best Bitter," We J tf pi'V0m mriBTMXNT, ruTevI debts A M M tbiug yet l,ier downtrodden Mormoniam an a herald of are a can and of kiud of that judge good, PROPOSALS iVH.fK l!tah Division. troth, I'ght and justice; a a guide to th recommend it to the pnblic a quiet tbe Oreen ft ft 9,S10o at tbe Contract Office of tbi De ill be received Dried ft i;noanland protector of the wek;iua thing for an appetizer, r .. natimeDt until 3 p. in. of Mnh 1. 187t, for ; f . . ' BUTTER. , mat's o' th United State from July i ......A0A3o 1. 187m. the preeut tune schedule No. word, aa the champion of cqaat and inft Ze ft........... to June 30, 1874. In the Territory ol UtJh at tbe Business. to Bent lvom dividual a BACON. follow: right iertw the wrong prrpc-- t Uintah roato ca and tbe " by the schedule of departure f rain u e due at Coiiuoe ' I t House, State V ft ...2S and arrival herein fird. rated half fanatical by mad, hypocritical, '1XICND WEfcV. BEAKS. . nn- unced by March 14, 1870. Dvaiaioti and ....... .12 tyrannical rnlers; as a tiiend to the Justice Sevrell is fixing np Winscbells California, wbtte and pink 05 A. ' fic ipiTM BOOTS A HHOES. .4 55 F w and to and an people a for Balls and calaboose. Csve." Col too wood liberty, enemy chains, 1CC01 Lake Salt j;prvo. Front . 00 CL, by Big Men's Broini dot... ...... $21i28 ... 0 05 A. 11. mountebauka and America Fork, - FT Mixed... J j. llzroirr-eIM n. Uu; LhiCit. b Tbe Draper, cane. boots 15 bull modern V tbe and all Ft Boy M. 2 despot. rings, bracelet, K. Vuy l k aeart Orrve. Provo vUjf HprtngvUkj, Meu beery kip p coee......... v.... 4iGOOU has done a good woik iu" dispersing improvements are in tbe cave. Halt t reek. UO r on. Cre tttKe7 ean'.aqr.lm. Mona, Mine east. round I, uiN Vatk-yand Hoi Round Chicken k. nob and 7J800 rn kip, heavy douple eI. auperation educating the mind of tbe 150 mtiend Flllmm-to 7 City, den. 7 8 45 r. V 0o &(q aote ca U kt.antic Expreea f, tip maasea to a proper appreciation of it ina week to rro.ot lty, 54 c0 back, 'x tin-9 05 A Wiill paper at Holts, 35 cents a 2rci.th Buffalo Fur lined, boot. rft. Men. ' Express., timea a wtea the rvaldoe . Wnit 00 50 o thne dt II a. 0 ft Mixed ra t. Ladtea dou,)le 1, heavy dividual We worth. shall continue tbi roll, o bi!y oc27,2w Leave Provo City Monday, WctnedAy, .. 10 15 1 ac fine aewod alioe. fl do...... St(g,fi W ' do f' and Friday at 8 a m ; work tilHbe last of COfTEE. ito-a Tliurs-vest'go sopenitition tuuuc Express wjUlrtTo Promo at Kill mo. Cty, Wedownlay, iri blacksmith Arrive Montana The shop ...45o Java V ft......... and tyranny disappears i ke the shadow of ouly . and Sunday by amt. day .3Cc , me Express will leave Bryan Frida;' only; turns out the best jobs in 'Corinne. Rio choi.e....... . ;. .... Leave Fillotote Cly, Monday, We 2u.aday, .27o before tbe sun. at and will night Ordinary f rising '. CHEESE. ' meeting atop only at It p mi.-i iraiua passing fi and Friday B. J. Osborn Is tire a .'list anil . ends of divisions and for water and fuel, c.tv. Tuefc!aywFriday and n P at 5, Arrive VW? ' j WC V Sunda- - by it p m; rain No. 3, 4, 8 ud T trill ran dally; 8 dally We are under obligation to Messrs. shop Lh located mi !Fr6nt street. (Jo - Jji IkaaeAa i CANDLES. except dauday, Beat Salt Lake City dally, Saturday j 5 a tly, excpl Sanaa;. I r E. VT. WEED. D.V. Brp't . $30 00 at 8 a m t Creighton A Monro and Raosohoff A and see yourselves,1 box. Star per ' J. R. NICHO M, Aaa'ISupt Arrivovt Provo City by 1 p ; CREAM TART A B. Co., for assisting us In makiog np oar W. MEAD. Aas't Oenl 8upt j.ravon a Provo City daily, ex ipt Sunday. tSi1, the Foh Balk. An jArion Plano, ft a........ rU.llAJSfuND.aenl8ap,t. in ; at . report, which will be foand pretty j CRACKER. llie lest iu Sod Arrive at Hdt Lake City by 11 in. ............lflc the figures are based on actual standard piano, one of ft City, bj Weal Jordan. h ............ . .. .10c 16C02 From Hull Lake Butter ft ft... . the world. Ijook over tli 20 mile aud back, once a sales. Uvrriti.an, Corinne Directory. ............ .I5e Water ft ft, - k. a or wioffice 1 at tills call A 1 , CASED GOODS. t 4 a m; Lav Halt Lake City Thursday ' 11 00 . V. P. B. B. UTAH DIVISION. cam Heaviest raiu of the seaaou fell on piano. fUnUtlon Bitter Arrive a U.rri nu W 12 n5 j. 10 00 Bed tACket Leave IIrrUnm Tbtpaday at I p m; t 2J Wl t. W. WeeJ Haperiotendent ; head-jirt- Wednesday and Thursday, which leaves AD(Oi(tf n Arrive at Salt Lake Uly bylpw. is Baloon the )8(0 at Wasatch. oar streets in n terrible condition. Look .Batrertys Keg 16G03 From Biighm City by Welavi'le. 11 Wl Bourbon Wnl$ksy Coca tab. 11. Morris, Engineer ; headquarters of to best the Mi.lvtlle, li oc00 yourself II to it, citizeus, aud see that this dont tolielp place COClaUO. DrCily .aaeaeaae4eaeaa 11 00 aud 1'aik. 8ml hfltl . Wasatch. hah Tri-Wee- We want every Mormon in Utah to tub-scri- . kly Market Report. be wtrwatmyu fTfri ti ikigjftn' UTAH. i Ilarket. . rf $ . con-veriu- g - u,.-rd- i 145 p-- c - f , I i , e ' ..... t 1C 1 1 , y I i ls .. . 1 L ' 1 , - cor-rect- ,a .. adver-t'seraenta- nd i 3 t , a cr 7 4 0ti0i liquors and cigars. .The KegMia 02(1 Tom Uin, common on the south side of Montana, CUrt.... Cat wo Wise, MiMouri VI iti3. would make one and 5tli streets. Baflbrty 8CbtdQl Bcl)UlPt t CAK FRUIT. to cur again. CO BIN NR OFFICE. 'rank Ilnnb, freight aud ticket agents S. WaUoo, baggage agent. Taioter, telegraph operator. GILMCa AMD bauldipuby's i rataua stage linen, carrying the U. 8. ; ilia and Well. Fargo & Co. espr lie daily for Virginia City, Montana, intermediate to lot at Sr.v.; erery r day for Helena. Diamond City, ckfoot and Deer Lodge ; Tim Ueuder-ageu- t. Offlco near IL U, depot- - ' 1 If it was necessary we the people more appeal th's morning in regard to that cross walk t) tbe depot. Ilut alter tho recent storm, and the fearful ' condition of our streets,, common sense ought to tell any sane man That further neglect is a crime, much less folly snd uselcaa. The 'whole thing can be done in aq hour this morning by meeting UNION TKLEOBAPH WEMTlcn at tho banking house of Wilson Jt Morton i Montana and and putting down, yoorpames and sufcorner sting Office, - b at. ficient cash to oomplete the work. Well I ward Conway, manager. meet you there at , 10 a. m. and plank . F. llrowu, chief operator, H. GioacoU, cashier and receiver. down our share, audjwe want every lusi-nes- s O. Pratt, L. 8. Wild, Frank Knigbt, man in Corinne to do the same. i Kini'ier and I. Kqaruey, 0ratora. co. btaart, battery man aud rt pairer. Gooils delivered in any part of the , counts post omc. city,1 free of cha-ge.by baying yoar titans t, be! ween Fifth and Sixth ; Groceries at Creighton & Munro. noll-t- f Dreht llolt, Fust Master. 'laits urrive from tbe east and aoatb Brother W. 8. Calahan called on ns L p. m.; from the west, 9.10 a. m. ; Si tbe north, 8 50 a. ni. yesterday, all the way from that fabulous a. 30 8 for south close aud esst White Pine country. Brother" Calahan jail ; for the wet, 4 p. m.; for the north, sys White Pine is qube a place yet, bat thinks Coriune good enough for" anybody. He was on h;s way to Salt Lake, but rrliala t ibe HcttopebUn Betel couldut rexist the temptation to stop M Keroal, Indianapolis; awhile hi the town of the mountains. ov. 9. s K A Morris, Indian poiis; Capt. 11 "Brother Calahan has a good many Bobrin II. 8. A.; John Cummings, friends here that wonM Fke to welcome leal . ov 10. J D Her, Omaha; L K Mal-l)tj- r biiu as a res:doul in the Queen of tLe - - -' Uintuhs. Lodse; Fhil lktrlioer,-lleena- ; H Itoam, Loeb, Helena; Wd Gamin, i Houn; C O Naaon,. Gold Our enterprising townsman, Capt. Bam Vek; J W Mng iuery,Aistii. Texw; He'll Iloae. is xpectel borne Jlegenth, Hu, f.ike; Dr. Grego.y, Fro- t he back. when to A gets' spinuing thing ntory:, M 5n-r- , Frouiou o .v; is there too. Ad. Kuhns new building Is nearly . ! i Sam L. Tibbala, comer 5th and tana atreats, baa just received a stock of brandies, whiskies, Golden ding wine, case godds and cigars. city; II Jdlrown, iinia City; T Comer, ilcleint; Ma. h, Kterlintr, lU.'rtom; Mr. Coyk. III. ; JT Watte, Hah Francisco; Ster -- large Wed- 9lf Gam TrfgchiU Gam oium, ItIcvc fowuer. loaid POUHlinl t Tor Snlt or Hcnl, a la llartK! & MIMO, CllEllillTO. iiu. biii Jel bit..AU deep. ixdtJw good roofed bipldiug, 12 feet HUop. Enquire at the, premise. , WtaUkey ft nxl. liquors. - sia00 i; 00 4 IK) ft can of 0 6e J Corinne, Utnli. CTUye Bread at the Union Bakery, , .. , - j le $33 3 50 ...WHO - , ce ap-aran- ..22&28 tin-war- e, 50 ,,...$2 ,.,.,2 00 doi-th- -- S3 ' 1 25e 50r ! We noticed several stylish on attention CAuroBNu Fauitaj-i-Speci- al itreet yesterday. Straws show which mammoth' advertisement Uc&lled to wind the blows. the y of Alf. in our paper y, Cummings rBsnaohoff A Co., wholesale gTocers, General Commission Merchant, and agent onUn street, between 3rd and 4tb, are for the produoers .of CaUforaia Unite in XlfACnmmisgti combines ;Uing in the largest stock of grocenee Sacramento. 'A liquors ever brought to this country. yean of experience in the fruit business, (rnner prices with them are quite forgot-The- ir with a universal acquaintance with the facilHies are such and they growers which gives him the advantage of snob immense in Jp quantities that they most soy man in the business on the Pa offer better advantages to close buy- - cifio coast. Orders from abroad, the than any otberhonse west of the Mis-u-ri mountains in particular, aremade a special ity wKh this house, and the most careful river. ! . attention is given; io proper packing for Ckakob of Toes. The U. P. B. B. long lines of shipment We have had ptade another alight change in time bn the dealings with Mr, Cummings, and can re-pOth lost Scheoaie for the Utah divison, commend him to tbopnbHc. Don't fbrr vrith th4 timo train are dae at Corinne, get the place U3T J streeCSacra taenia. " Hill be fonod in another place. " I re-pl- ys MATCHES. torn-oat- s it to-da- .C: , .. l.,i .... ToMpnph N hos. DecaesUalaO . . ,25e TEAST POWDEB8. PreSon A - Cninsti t 'Mwrtl box. . u. - . DRIED FUKT.. -.-- A, ty.J. 9ft..: Prime V Blackberrte V !b II 5 12 ' ' ...2te 2.1 , 22u Pina t . fMetefe,eiie Apple.......... Tomato. .. BRANS. 25 is ptnk,M POTATOES. ft, j.L BOOTH. ' a MMts4nf (to 1V175 5J 2 00(a2 .tifl 3. On railroad aud steamboat lint the rout also tho British aud agents oi the Dv)i tno-nt'jf Wc aro off.i g for ottered, and th agents acat beat market I rice, tuada mail-- , when are to be on vejed without lliu companying them, 4 and for the use of the United States f charge;a commodious car, or part of a car, proagents JL. t pet ly ight-- d, wirme I and fu n shed, and adapted to tne couveute) t aepMrati m aud uue accurity , inall-iG LAUD is be the to tlie of contractor, provlilod by under the dim tlou of the Department. 1U1 road aud eteaiuboat cotn)u ca are reiuir-c- d to take the m.ol from, aud deliver it into, the offices at the bejiuning aud end of their ;mt J OAT TH audanlya'.a. aud to and from all office not more than routes, n 1 Aroe-cor to a rod Lorn station 16flo From Alpln City: rork," - eigli y landing. Propos oe.s ni'lce and back, eucet luay be aubmlttod by th cviupauiea- fir the perj 4 t ' form me of nil other ride service that is, f r Lcavo Alpine lty TiuvtVv et p m; office over eight) rodi fr in a station or Dnling. Artivo at America I For ;v 3 p c ; v There wil be waybills prepared by pot-ni- a Leave American Fork Iburaday at 3:30 to a, or other agi i g of the ieparmn nt, to pmi 4 ac om)itny ti e mails conveyed oa railroads and Arrive at Alpine City by C p m. steamer, a; ectfyiug tho number and destination 10010 Front Ra t Creek, by Sianitih Ford Canyon, othr principal route, .'FoiuiUiu Orecn, Fair view, Mort.nl, Mt of the several bags.w'll On be ritpiircd and way bills THEY AMtnVY IN ALL red ipta PleuNimt, Spriiutbwu. Ephraim, and likewise, forward d : tho bitter to bo exuiuln d by tb Baud milt Mauti, to Ouuidaon, 87 back, ' xorimirtora, to-. insure r guLrity iu th deiwe aw ek. .. of uukUa Leave Suit Crtt-- Monday and Wednesday livery not perform4, Nomy will be mad for trii ut Ua in; ed; ami lor each of such oiuuiisrion, uot Arrite a1 OunniHon next days Itdpm; erpiaiiUHl, three t me llie pay of the Ounui u Wed need y and Friday at be wilt For ariivria so far behind trip 6 am; aa to connection wits d e pencil g lime xt Arrive t Salt Creek ti days ly 6pm. imilrt, irtid lot sit ill :h iitly vxcusd. one fourth ant! pay 10811 From Fillmore Cttv, by Meadow, Kanoclv, n for the trip ct lo for linn ol the Beaver l'arag null, I'arorvan, and Hum-m- :t ieiturocoin,Sha'b re p .ated d lit cjnei.Ch a of tb kind : INTEREST! t 4!clar City, 125 I'.ilea and back her n pocltied, propo toned A J twice a week, x to fh iiat'iro th leo, aiul ih.- i'ntortsuec af the Leave Hllinor City Monday aud Tli ars mail ma;. be uind. or ti rowing off t..e mails day aU am; 5 For UMving nrr ntprn Jiomht of One Thousand ' Ihnf A rive ut Cetlar City Wednesday an 1 hatur cor ou f or the sil.ussion of i .hvin, atiy ;sit Ihilbir each, and are nay bv p an ; . or ini cinccut d in si tiing np or Leve Cedar City hui adsy and Monday at ruhiiiug it tip cssigcon cy ng iiitcTipence iu scent ed by a 0 a in ; of ti m. .11, a ijua t r's puy uuy b . on about , r a Rage Arrive at I ilnioreClty 8lurdav and e bi. e by M p in. 8. Fine will br imiMvcd.rmlcsalUcdelinijuen. 1 i t ily iixiaiuol by From Fil..nore C.ly to Deseret, ft)' miles cy lav cunptly an c.tilliV t a 01 postra t rs or the sffidavit of k. and back, om-- a r ojiln-- r crilihc jors ms,-fofulling or arrive in Lave Fii.tnoie- By Moil By at 8 a m; conuartiiui ; f r ncg'ccting 10 bike tbe mail Arrive at D ret by 4 p tn ; it iun, an st offic ; f r stiff - ' foiu.ordIh liver . Latc Deeeret i'tcduj at 8 a m; w t, injur'd, dctd'.OJod, rubbed, or it to Arrive at FI linoro Ci y by 4 p in. ; u:d f r icfi siiiC, af cr demand, to convey 10013 From Cwiae city, by Kanaaravilla. Bidle. it mall at 1'ic j icn ly a tlie muT- c r runs, or tlm Wash and vae, crntHl iu running, a coach, or, or Mttuiu-bocom Being sll the Land which tbe Union Paclflo. is C3 a ingtii,a lo St lleorgc, inllt aud back, rood Company now have or shall hereafter Btii a route. f' , oil twice ttick. from Hie United State, except tho taod afni'iro master nul l'csr The the at rtlma.' 7; 0m Lcv Cedar Ctty Monday and Thursday at un to wlitoh are or slnll lie Included In the Railroad for rcvV'to! failarfi.to 'agroably ' Cams' contract i for vloUiing t! jnist office J.ws, ordis-oU- y and uph JAue of said Comp vny, or used Arr vc at Haiitt Clara Wciu edy and 8tu or uinra'iun thereof, or for Ho- Inrirnctioiis 01 the ) 'cp.irtiiu id ; for for too c tiis'rm-tng m ; 5 day by or refu-l- n the to a r dts t.ack, When gMuuds, depit 1 yd.i. liag" Mon and quindby Leave Hutta Clara lay liuraday ibo Jh'i ariiucr t to do so; ior rnnni if. th r erections .tn ' express ig at 8 a in ; ihclr Isind Grant Bond The Com piny afor. scidtor lor transporting jHTHunc or pack Air (to at t vdar City Wi dneeday and Satur as ca for their face an a fried interest In pa; ment of onvctT" g iiitibilil waiter out of the mill. a; day by flptnri 8. Tim l'ostiuantcr Gem r il mtyord'T an In- - all lauds s 11 by them. 10C1I From t edar i lty, i.y Pinto, 1 in Valley, crease of IK IIAV N k BIT)., i vice 0:1 a r ut allowing tliercfor amt Bulimy, to Ht U orge, so utile amt a pro rata lucres,, ml tbe o by Deal, rs iu Government Hocuritles, t utra Ho may l:o k, onco a week. riillatlelphla. ciuiuge silKiluie of d' psrturis and arriv iu 1wve C dvr City Momliy at 8 a m; all cases, and ;arU ulariy to make them conform XL First 1L aud Fsclfio Uniou Culral 8 OtH at Mortgage' e Arrl Ht, ge Wednesday by p m; toconncctioiiswi.h railroads, without iucr uo Bought and Hold. L av Hi. UHrge Thur 8day at 3 a ui ; of pav, provldml fhe niunliw tlmv iM itiot sbrldg. U.Bonds Bonds lkU(,ht Kohl and Exchanged. Arrive at Cedr tlty by p m; cl. The ostmaster General may also discon- iGoldH. bought and Soi l at Market rate. Coupon service invitad.' w Bida lor e or t in r in halo tinue curtail service, part, Clsh'vL , tLo on lit order to place route ntijicrlor serv lc, or Stock Uo icht and 10813 From Tmpierville, by Virgin City, Duu 8j1J oq Corn miss Ion only. ( mi" ltcircat, urufton, and lto kviUo, to whenever the public iurn ta, iu bis' Judgment, Accounts rcc Ivo f and Interest allowed on dally miles and h ek, oncj a shall require such di contiuiia) ec or rurtatlni'-nSpiingdain, no2-t- f balance, nthject t- Check at sight fo ary oilier cause; he allowing as foil Imhm-nli- y , w.k. to umiractor ou ruout'iV xtra pry on th Leave ToqnerAill Friday at 8 a ni j amount of sotvlcs oispens-i- with, and a pro rota Arrive ut Kpriugdaie bv 3pm; Leave Hpr ugdalo Saturday ttHim; ci'inpeiiKaUun for the anioutit uf service nU ned and coutiUUi'd. , Arrl veat lo,U rTti.e by 5 p m. Whobaala .and Ac tail. Dealer ta lc lions from, be will made 9. 00 by lsymenta f.o ICO'O From Nepld, (local.) by Vti'Vy I erwi-.e- , o or or draft r afn ou, tin local to St poa'iiLrter, ) cal) aud Fort Uuuitiaon, once a w ek. expiration uf ba b iiarh r rsy iu November, George 425 in lira and buck, aud Aug n t 3Isy February, 7 Leave Nepld Monday at a ni ; lU.'Tb" lisiance .aro given aeo'nfdtfig to tho f pns Arrfv$at rb ldrg Friday tn boat Information! but, li lu ra.ist'd pay wl 1 lei 1 cave SI XJeorge MondaJ) at 7 k for lirflvcrfUrfiili At Co., Ccle- sll w d should th) be great t than u lver 1st d, Age Arrive atNepbl Xrilday by 7 p m. D the point to b. up, b d tri correctly Ut d. krotetl Ale ii1 Dorter. 18817 From IfOgau to Oxtorl, (local,) 25 mil a thddert mot inform form lrr on tii iiut, and . nol-t- f aud hues, one a w. In also the lifer uce to th weight of tlio mail, . Lave Lgan Monday at 7 a in ; condttonof bills, ntr nm, &e.,- - and ad 5 n ; Oxford in at Arrlt by toll bndgu, ferries, or oh .true: ion of any kiud Leave Oxford W, dneaday at 7 a m; tuav be incnmnl. No claim by which exp-m- e 6 m. Ai rive at Logan by p . . , fur adLUomd pay, ba-- e 1 on enth ground, can be cuiuudcred.; uorllut afltgJd mistakes or misaj, 18818 Front Huntsvilld to Bennington, 90 ml e The tindcrrlgned will receive atook fora winter hcua.on xs io the dtgreeof aerv'ce; nor for Herd, on aud after thia date, at tb Pacific Staba wee. one and b.tck, ' ' Leave II uit avllle M ndjy at 8 a tn; rtograd strojed, ferries dlsconb lined, or other les, M ntaua Suwet All ftoek retumsd pa tb obstructions increasing dlstanc orexixmse, fii st of May, or aooncr if onlorcd. Wa aaanm Arrive at Bennington by 12 ra ; d Leave Ucnniugtuu Monday at 1 p in. tne uvual res; win sib till i a vf herders, and hava during the c infract terra. Office s if lr r this adv, r'i men is and also the best llauih in the connty. , Arrive atllutiDvil1 by 7 ( m. the e ntra-- term, are to be visit xl with. Mi: DAN ET CYAN k HEATH, 1 C19 From Lo.fan to Wixton, (local,) 25 mllca dcrirg out extra pay, if tbe dis'mu c bi not inereiand. Itc'c r, by pemU4ea, to- - ' ' aud lack. orco a week. li. Lii"t'rs are caut oued to mail their pmpHt 8. G. Bewkll, O. II. Elliott, Jan. MoNashkb, Leave Logan Mon'iay at7a u; ? ala in Jmo tu reach th Iej rtmei t bY ttm E. P. JomXSoN, JX UHowt, C, B. Qslsxi. , ro 5 Wdxtrni ; ; Arr'.v at by p ' ' ' ' noC-tLour named, (3 p in., 1, 1870. )' for t at a ta ; 4. Leave Wax n Tneadajr j P hr eonridnmi I'liliLVcft d after tlittime rl Arrive at Logan by 5 p m. in competition With a bl t of reasonable .amount 10629 From Lehl City, by Cedar Valky, 4o Fair. received in time. Neither can bid bo c milder-e- d Cs LMLLEOwhich ar without tho gxurx tee req ilrcd by field, t5 milt a and back, one a w ek. m-a ficato and 7 of cert aulllcb such l.w m a of ; the Lave Lehi City Tuesday at o. l Arrive at Fairfleld by 12 m ; ' ' i i 0 F2. Bidder should f r cervic Leave Fairfield Tnemlay at i pm; prop Arrive at Lehi City by 6 p ra. trb'Uy according to the a lvcrt sument, and ' MaHT'neilos,"1' then, if they desire, trftarafrty for d.flcmit 18821 From Beaver, by AdtmsviUe, MiuersvUlc, and if wlie rrgular bt 1 by ftie low t ottered Jfotijui Street, 11. aud Panaca. to Rico, 193 miles and hack. for th advertised service, tlio oilier prujwsitiona one a week. , be considered. may Leav Beaver Monday at 5 a m ; 13. Tt ere should be bnt one rout bid fur fh a Arrive at Hie Wednesday b 6 p m ; sep8-lpropo-a- L Conolidatel or combination ldls Leave Rico Thursday itCim; sum for two or more routes ( projo1ng on ZT J Arrive at Beaver haturday by 6 p m; . are furiddden by law, and cannot b c maidered. V KZWXLL. JAB. S.HLXX.:t 14. The rout, tbe service, th yearly pay, the proposal to end at Miners trille, 29 miles, Invited. j name and residence of tho bidder, (that is. hl usual post office addrm a.) and tbe name of each 18822 From Iudiaa Creek, (Utah.) by Boise City, of a firm, tyhvre a company offers, Mattius till, 'Emm Itsvide, Middleton,' xnmbr , v TYbUcr IUnoh, 1 Idaho,! Express lUocb, should e dbtinctiy slate I. . . MONT A NA!, Bltt'ers are a far aa fo AW. , rewiW Powdet-Baker Anburny City, North' farnislttvl the practicable, by printed G prcioa! Ion, La and, Orodell, Cayace, Mitch: ' ell's --Department, to w. ito out in full the turn of Htatlon. Wails Walls, WaLuD, and the . io ra. their tht and of retain bids, copies Umatilla, to The Dalles, (Orevoo,) 705 ; Altered bide ahould cot bo submitted;- - nor r mile and bark, six time a a week. should bida once submitted be withdrawn No n t J Bidder to piopo schedule. albe a will of w.thdntral or bidder guarantor The finest Eoiso to at end impa'unl Liquors.11 Gohtott and Pearl. Fropoala City, (Idaho,) lowed unit a tbe withdrawal is dated and receivCrown C'gar,! on k 9t Punches, etc., 280 uriles, invited. ed before the last day for receiving proposal. on band., xlr.ys Each bid must be guaranteed by two 16423 FYom Tagle Talley, (local.) to Fanaca, 20 Call ami Nana.'. ' '? w xnllea and baok.ovoa a week," Tbe bid aigl iar-n- t ahonl4.be ' Dt and AF - Lav Ojn N'ght Dy. slgtaed!? plainly with th fuUriamo of each par- - . no9-.- f VaDey Thorkda at 12 ml atJtanaon by 7 p m ; V Ja, 0 JPAJrive Egl Leave Fanaca Frblay at 8 a m ; 'Tb Department reserve th rignt tv reject Arriv at Eagl Talley by 3 p m. any btd which may be deemed extravagant, and 18824 From Pinto to Panaca, 62 milos aud back, alao to disregard th bid of fal ing contractors i bidders. (Act of July 2, 1838, section 24 ) and ooc a ' 16. LOREN The bid AV CO.,- ' ' Leave should be scaled, superscribed Piuto Monda at 6 a m ; ' f ' ad-- , Mail Propo tala. Territory of Arriv at Panaca naxt day by 5 p m ; dressed Second Assistant Postmaster General, y Th Leave Panaca Wednesday proprietor beg . leave 1 1 mokte4ltaan-nouuaeae- st Contract Of floe, and sent by mail," hot by or Arrive at Pinto nxt day by 6 pm. tiuti tkay hav op oad their new Reto an agent; and postmasters will not inclose pro aro prepared to rv a ehoio Ucsl 1CC23 From Provo and staurant, .Midway. Uebcrr la their quarter! poeal (or lottery of atrr.by -f soU-la- i in a true eptcurean styto. RoehnrfU WaiuAip, tan4t Kama, Peoag ' , iAfiT DOflDS 0e' $1 1 90 .10 "Ownoj JJj (it 70c t ' ,.....,.1 25 ; (9 00 ft dox. .'...I. .$3 00 ...,.22o ,.........25o PATENT! OFFICE. fi ... a Alexander f $4 60 ' a 1$1 5 - 4 , t gi 440 SEVENTH STREET, opp. ' tb Patent O.flce. .Washington) D. Fwprs CASEFULLT FLEPARED, aeeuiwd WITHOUT DELAY.- - - h t T ACRES OP LAND. ct - i 11 I t S. L. T1BBALS, f -- -- , WINKS, . ,t fl -- ro-'ils- , UPRS.& CIMRS I Corinnc tucU X , 1 es'ah-lisho- is-ue- d, . la-a- nd M-r- ch ui ril sf .-- i . ,- DUFFIELD y gua-aiite- flt - m 1 h ivery uixl Snle,t Htablc. day a i- er-.vje-e; U 4 OSCEOLA SALOOKi nv -- STREET, it m4 Patent 'f 1 and no8-t- f tf S . 4 r JJ .- 2 utaii. m" Jry, , r 4 a Corinne, TJtuli.In - rcapon-ibl.i)MooB- d'lrv, i?.f ri'uU AftncT.. ttond for jCirchlar, qf Tens. JLuti ruction 611 nfmens. ,uirii .11 i . I First Mort m coniimE; COUNSELORS ATPATENT LAV, (15 years xprienc as solicitor of Patent,) ., IfI 7 per cent. ($1,000) ad-van- , re of ExajtloitiiOar ta t2vo Ftwt Office charga, and no Individual fe asked in kny cut, $100 antes a FaUwt Chart a veasanabia a say other relikbl 60 j .',:'! 6 00 10,000,000, iy k & 3IasonT; a 4 st 20 Yuhts jss-scn- , S P. Railroad Go; IT. .1 ; jh j ft ft department of our paper a specUlity, and hli reel it from day to day a important change occur. Parties out of tb city sanding order, cm rely upon the ftgurea being correct in tb main. FLOOTL 7 t, 150200 1 ft...... - A li! $27 45 ff r 2 50 State V . 4 173 150 ... AND , Domestte N ft. CAJlIonita white mid theBE-porjTE- R. J- ; (k) AM EltICAN A EUKOPEAN PATENTS Goes. Blackberries ft $2 souchos8 or a f 50e 25 - ky, chaige. 1 ...i.. Shot fft Oreeufleld Btarcb ft W Intend to mak .tbl 79 t, a.' - - 2 IK SUNDRIES. Red Lead , 2-- 24 YEAST I OWDERH. Merrill CO o,,- a woDd, I Jt . - 0 3Ji' TOBVCCOE gal....,,., Preston Hcvenminnto are allowed to ech intemse-diat- olfi v, wheu uot otli rwlao specidvil, for aa sorilug the mail; but uu rollroad q aeani-boa- t routes there is to be no m to d l.iy toau i anffictebt for an extbauge of the mail o coca. 2. On railroad and steamboat lima, ami other 10 t w htro tlie uimle of conveyance admit of it, the spectat agent of thi Post Olfi e Depart-nienicka at o jxiet ofho blanks, tuuil hj-are to b conveyed without extra and 1. twiee-a-wce- k f'J ...4i ! ft cord Land Grant Bonds. prvitr. 1 uo ...$0 - ft...., ...... ... VTJfEGAa. per incoroofaird in the Ht may dr m 1 it i(., Bemla k Abbott. NaLral Lea', Flit out per lb.. Ordinary grxde ft ft.,.!..... i.w Nvy Y U a FRUIT. CAN can Peachee 4.335 lb Oolong Y ft Gunpowder Y lb 44 !. .SSo 23c i. . 7.. Owssssssseaeas 35c Salt Lake, beet, V 1001b We are constantly receiving OMOOttb' 100 16 our our from patrons regarding Pxxr aixno fob Ckbisthas.' We noticed BROOMS. to to subscribers the notice Each, Fdtaa flock of turkeys, perambulating beet....; TtM. .Thats right, gentlemen pteee town yesterday. We expect to PAHA far .Christmas if they come ask all the, questions you choose, wo jveone t ece. t 4.r round our way. . t will answer them, j f ' t . 12,e Babbits.... T. , , . ,15e SODA. ; be f . MASTERS. Containing alto comliiioi $ to cont, ad to tht rttfiit the Ln'-td.ug- IMlDk. ; t .. ( r i TEAS. Lm tv t ........ Imp ? 1 7$ ft .... Young Hyson ft Japan-- lUILIiOlD . Y ..box . Ilarket. WIN 1IU, TO U1DDEU4 AND rORf- - poo-tra- RAIM(B. Market Report. Eetail. p tu. G-lr- ? -- lNRTHUUilONS 7 c .20 1! 5, (a t r tbe t best of wines, and both whoesale and Family , liquors' V reinil He's got a" ver pleasant ' little Cormnctheann, take notice of tbe ante room fi'.ed TEAS. up for the boys to alp Imperial lb. , Yon U. I time on It. of ibe It. isnge their toddies thi raw weather. COV7XE. ill find the t'oie-tabin its proper place.' J Rio choice ft BUOABS. MHes A have just received tbe Gerrish Belchers A. The river presented quite a lively invoice of Ac., stoves, largest SYBCP8. Sail' bosU, row that ever came to Corinne. In atoves Deleters Golden gnl. yesterday. at, sleam boatamVfe:ght boats e yon can find everything known to the Sugnr llooss pL.. CANDLES. river as far we could see np and trade, from the dainty sitting room" to BUr ft wn. the mooslr hotel range, and they sell Nomll A Ramsey's VSOAP. ft. CeetHe N ft them very cheap, too. , City by iiriDh.-u- at d L c-ar- s, ill pm Arrive at - i Goldberg keep - - 1 75 r, to make contracts for advertising id receve subscriptions for us. - U TiKpierv-l!e,llarrlburg- 1 nicz Ih. Carolina lh China , ; , s , 1 5 . ... 20i Tito time la upon us when a mini's Rabbit per ex. SALT. ' become uncertain. footing mighty NOTICi:. 10 ft ck.. Ul 1 pretty constant, SOAP. Soiieo is hereby given (lint I have sold Old terra ilrmu k Rnmrey' per Ux uiy right, title, aud .f merest !u the of-- but she will not stand everything, on hand a good assort- Morrell couitAntiy Eraetl v. .......i.. Keep Chemical the Utah busines and of uiaterisl nml snowsdncluded. rains trade. for the ment Caatil jobbing toO. in Elliott, whoi author-- d Orders by mail wilt receive prompt aud Si n j. ,, BUaAJt, to collect all debt' due the office up lire Informed by private letter careful attention. Patent Iztl ............. We New Orleans.. ......... I .October 31st 1FC9. . east and went on tbe Crushed........ that our esteemed friend, John A. lineGood shipped J. II. BEADLE. of tbe lUUroad the same day orders Powdered. .. , (histon, will return In a few days, ars received. .... Belcher A ft lb. nol3tf i Extra 0 his amiable wife having so far reNOTICE. STUUP. We have engaged and deputized Dr. J. covered from the railroad accident Belcher' Ooldnn ft gel. 4 Sega; Uou.e ft gu...... Gregory to travel east in tbe interest she met with recently as to be con Sorgunt ft gal.......... toe Dr. Gregory is anttior-- d sidered out of danger. BAUDINEa. CORINNE. 0. T., Noybkbks 15, 19. f 7- v PUTTY. Ipeople. 1 t 0KION5. box...v... l'.w-ch- - .....it.................. ft..........f...PvTATlEM. Y e, e .......... ' . o'-flo- de-d- gal j 5 Weu-iud- 10 0U 10 0(1 Field'. ateamed V can. .,.1. . . Me Murry dt CTo.'s beet ft .wtt. ft r pre-vlouab- fd. r. ir .ftroo OYHTERS. i 2--t. bji-m- Linaced V gai. ...... ...... RCUUT8, Lard ft gl. ............... N t foot f gal . , . ..... Corner Montana and Gtli Sts. , - OIL. Coal J Fr 61 1 0o J,.. It e, ls-u- lo 50 8 10 mil, 8 b-c- ak 4 4 e HAIM it ft too AND i - eatis-laciorl- ra v nara m, t 00 oo fl MUSTARD. DqUaIi Durham Co MMISSIOX Me n- ....... MATCH. caae o cv-er- aaaarjiea Wholesale and Betail to Bent at the Fix up your Hldewnlks ' ft - - LAUD, ft........ In can u 1 r $23fe3fl 4 b, ...... Tultt0t'iph octfl-t- f so i Eraiulv Gill , UO'l-U- d pOiiwiio, JmjHir.eU Rherry other man. - 708 00 LUMDEB. Doxa coo-trac- ts, L-av- e 5uU ft pA'r. ............. ;.. busineas. Mon th ub8kntlal tin, bagu an; iv.t saaa!aaaa t 5-- ' 4 a A Coalville, to Echo City, toned to tb Departmnt by or bofar tb 16 luck, once a week. day. of July, 181b; but tb aarriea msl . 8 at Leave Provo City Monday on that day, or 00 Ibe mafl day next after it, m 12 ; Arrive at Echo Uty Wednesday by whether the contract b lecuted or wot. m Leave Echo City Wednesday at l'p ; Tranafeis of contract, or of talar la Arrive at Provo City Friday by 8 p m. ar forbidden by law, and eonaeqnsnUy eervlc -invjtcdraoao bo altowvd. Btddm wCI PiopoaaU (or tvdoMweek wt niUe and notice that they, will bo expected to perform tiva lOCia Frotooool to qrantavin,r I I back, on fc I U L 1 I t service aooepud ta them tliroagb, tE wted; term of thecontraii Leave TooriThnetoay etl P toi f j f; 18. Postmisters at office oa or near rallroiulU, Arriv at Urantsviueby 4 pm; m 4 30 but more than eighty rods from a station, will, Leave GrautsvlUe Thureday at p ; A. riv at Toot-l- by 7 p m. , immediately after tbe lat of March next, report their exact distanoe flora tbe tatatioe, to, 18627 From Franklin, by Fish Haven. M Cbarl-a saallr enable ike Puetmaster Goneral to Bloomington Part aud Liberty, toa rom 42ia 1 4 af Joly nazt, r 4. f - back, once CO wilt premenger aappir and Bennington, . 19. Section eighteen of an act of Oongrewap , week. March 3, 1845, provides that contracts for Leave Franklin Monday at 6 a m ; tbe transportation of the mall shall bo tot, tin Arrive at Bennington next day by 4 p m ; every case to tb lowest bidder, tendering aoffi-clc-nt Leave 2b nnlngtou Wedneakay at 6 a m ; guarantees fjrfailbful performance, withb Arrive at Franklin 1 ixt day by p m. out other reference to the mode of auch trass- . i Proposals to extent service to Monqadier, . portation than may be ncctssary to provide for 8 invttd. the due ceeiit) , cot tauity and security of such Ceutre-villFrom Balt Lake City, by 8toker. atir n." Under this law bida that pro- tranapor and FanniBKt n, to Uinta', 29 pose to transort certhe mails with mil, a and bn. k, six time a week, with tainty, and security, having been dcelerity, to bo lded aide auppl) to KaysviBe twiv a week the only legal buls, are constrm d as providing or more, in doe connection. for tbe entire mail, however large, and whatever Leave Hal- SunJsy, may be the mode of conveyance City dai y, except necessary to in, T a ; ui at ito celerity, certainty, and scout lty, and , sure 4 30 Arrive at Uintah by p ui ; h vs the prefert-ncvr sll others, and no voth-- Leave UiiHan dally. so pt Sunday, st 7 am; aro con idrred. rs 'Arrive at Halt Lax City by 4 Su p iu. A modification of a bid in any of it essento 8to k- tial tei ms 18829 From Sait Lake Ci y, to is tantamount to a new bid, and can. ton, 40 utiles aud back, twt. e a wrek. f4 be received, so a to inter fere with regular not Lwve alt Lake City Toeaiay a l 2ndy romiHTiition. Makings new bid, with guarantee ' , .team; , ckton and certificate, le tbe only way to modify a ... AnBoatat j by 7 pm; v i.7 " . AwvStuckJPUJWdBcaDytivln Saturday 21. Postmaster are to le careful not to certify , 4 at 0 a m the sufficiency f guaranto a, r sureties, withArrive at oat Lake City by 7 pm. out knowing that tin y are person o! suffic.'ent 10830 Frutu corinne, by Bear River, aud Portage n spoiikibl.ity; a disregard o this instruc :on (Utah), MaLd City, Fort Hall, Eagle bv postmaster i a violation of oath of Ferry, Sturgis, a d Lock, onak River t.um to. immediate r moxsi. subjecting , to Idaho Junction Ter..) A 11 (local. bidders, gurrautvra, and auretiea aradistiuU Virginia City, (klont. Ter.) 320 wiles )v notirt'wl that ou fsiinro A into t - w week. a and back, three timea for' the a vice proposed for the form contracts Leave UuriiiM Mem day, Wednesday, aud iu tlie accepteil bids, tlieie l'gal lisbtli fee Will be a. Jr FliJaj at 8 a tti vu forced against them. Arriv 6 at Vi.giuia City thiid day by 8 p m; 22 Present coutrsetors. and know n at Lvave Virgiuia city Monday, Wednesday, the Department, must ninVty. with otheiw, pro-- i and k'rid.iy at 8 a m ; cure gu run tor and rt r.tflcat s of tbeir auffirlco-- j Arrive at ;onuite third day by 8 p in; cy subetantiupy in the form sboie nteseribed. five schedule .Winter j Tiio c rtidcato of nifficirn- y must be signed by, day, to Helena, a postnia-Proposals to r, or hY a Judge of a court of reeoaxl. (Mon. Ter.,) 123 mile further, I Vi tod. bo alm fitoi. No will other 18631 Fom Brigham City, by Millard ,'ity. to JXO. A. J. CRF8WELL. lltA grivga, 10 wiwaud bak8 time Potm aster General. . ' a wfek. V v Leant Urtgbfcia City daily, except Fatulay,' 1 7 a ; ; , MISCELLANEOUS ADYT8, ' ' Arrive atiuHotSpringa by 12 ni; Lcavo Hot Spru g daliy, except Buuday, itfiau; F)oo I04 V foot. CommoQ The new Uiutah House pat up a monaVNTtn. Some good, reliable man, ster afgn on a grand aca'e yesterday. This I jlng lu Salt Lake City, to ol:ch .vob- - indicates tbe liberal pln the houae is ptions and advertisement lor tbe Be romtueted on. No - small fry policy tea, collect for the same, and take around the new Uintah. The propriei f t rg of our bmotMs generally in that tors iv denty know how to pleass the eye and tickle the palate of the public. rA- - te aw 4 a 1k f .M.td.$ leeev m . litolimoml, to Fraukliu, 55 tulle aud back, tatco a we k, L-'- P 10 0o Brigham. City Tueavluy and Friday at 12 m; II 00 ' Arrite at Franklin, next day, by 2 p m; and Saturday Leave rriuikltn, WtdBdy 88 80 r .1 atop m; I 00 Arrive at Urigham City next day by JJ p m. 7 00 1C004 Trout Ogden City to lluntavrio, 5? aud back, twice a week. $7 50(ft 0 60 8 00 Leave Dgd n City Wednesday and day Arrive at Huntsville by 12 nil , Lave lluntsviU Wedueaday and Saturday at 1 p in : $ ) Ar. ggden City by 7pm. 18o IfifiOS From" City to North Ogden, T mile Ogden 66c a week. twice xttdback I 25 Leave Ogden City UuudAy and Thursday Mo at 3 1 m ; Wo Arrive at North Ogden by 5 p tn ; 100 Lean Nor h Ogden Monday aud Thursday 66c at 11 a m; 80c Arrive at Orfden City by I pm. 85c 75c IflCOd rront Ogden City, by Lynne and Water. 1 26 to Plain cit.-- 10 miles and back, a a a a a a twice a week. 4 00 Ogden Cite Tucarlay and Fi lJay at 4 50 4 p m; 6 60 Arr.ve at Plain Oityl by 7 p m ; 2 U6 Leave Plain City Tuesday and Friday at ' 12 tn; 2 75 , , . Arrive at Ogden City by 3 n m. 12(t14e 10007 From Weltavllle to Mt ndon, 8 miles and back, once a week. 20250 25c Leave WelUvtll Monday at 0 a m ; x Arrive atMeudon by 12 m;t Leave Aiemlon Monday at 1 p m; 45&50e Arrive at Wcllavillo by 4 p m. 10008 F.om Franklin to Sod i)ringa,-8- 5 yniter 68 and bnk. nt'o a week. ' 4 25 EiJdc a to ) r .pose tcbedule of departurea 4 00 aMtjtii .e4 fetlll..M ltu FUke j i otk'k. We want three or four The Montno i ta'es are arriving and d, hornet, enernetle young Mor-lo ennvnrtrt for the Hkfoutku: departing crowded row-- dsjs. Gilmer hotn gNHl wagttH, or ft llliemi HeMsbury are evidently doing --a good count mi suhaeilirttoiis, will d. Apply lit thlolllce. ' a ' George O. Bookstore, has Holt, at the P. Qulc kailver . '... Just received 180 rolls of wall paper, Qttiiifto 7 ouncePBtCD FBilIT. oc20.2w of all shades and kinds. Pf che 8c4t Xzke lh.4. Cherries V it. Ground Wonder If anybody would like to Peaches, pealed. . ZOOS. walk on a good plank 'walk . ovCr to i dot p,Md...MaJ ' rvovTu the depot these days ? 100 Iha CaMforni s Balt Lake A lady missed the train yesterday Common 10O lb GLABH morning by about fourteen minutes because there was no sidewalk over f box HAMS. to the deixit. She started fifteen Prim V ft Cnvd , HAT.t, minutes ahead of time, too. We have got our house bankt d at last, juid e are now ns independent hnd cozy " or any a a big bug in a Ixkling Boom Ulii sh l louse. n; Camphor GcinTitm r pure. Whie Glue, bflitf Glni common Gum Arabic belt i foot-rug,- San-- I lluffuer.au! lady, Montana; Mis. M.Hoia ed'ey and cudd, lliwfge'jvM' Icbld Totjsllsliv, llrrau O-eo- Mon Paper Your Houses. H-- Jlhal, S.m FTiincisco.' Nov. 11. F 11 Knigilt, TCnifttOCl , J0 to-dH- Apple i j ( tPA - Loan. llyde 10C0 8 00 i .. eaaaaaa.aaa t aJaa r a; is Peaches V ce. -- . 1 Pant-dD- e. J V completed. Mr. Kuhn has doiie BtrAwberee Cy obevriee Corinne an honor In this enterprise UUckberrici , M r COAL. 'that should not be .forgotten when Bitter Creek V ton he opens this temple of commerce.: DRt'OS. be Aloe Y Soe. will ft1..... finished store when Ads Alum lb........-.- .. the finest in Corinne, and his stock AlTOW fHoot Jm aseeaaaa LUm Sou Oopelr saa4a also. llcjrb n Loras h- H-en- r a a a eeaaaa4s4 be-twecn.- 4th i I s .. t .1 ! a e P a 'lT?Thn coefttcts EWtote n United States Mails i - i i i ii. wk. -- Offidftittti UfAtauvant. X! cm; Prop. attanp UtiiWAJiilti il iU rssr, m fe . ' t. 'i A |