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Show ' - ' I s t 4, y f z . tl'ah TrJA7eklj;Tlrttr. SATUBDXY lldltsillof VoV -- T Foil J. t . TT , ( NOTICE! Uhe-Bouthwe- ; Notice is lerely given to every su'wertt!1 to the lUqsirtor, whether Hcmlweekl or dally, them to, nowant we that weekly,at onco how their ulwerli-tion- s tify us stand ; whether they are behind or ybether they have jmkl in ml vs rice, Ami if w, how long or how far ahead or behind they are. All not answering to this notice will le deemed dellno dent subscriber, and stopped at once. jWe tri-week- ly, ...I. ler. enso on iind'ctui tell nothing predecessors liooks Imw stands with' the PRINTERS 'Jji Kespectruliy. to-d- ay 4 New York. t ..1. 1 I , transportation. . . NcwYork, Nov. 12. -- The entire custom frauds are estimated at $800, 000. They wbrq committed during offe-i- d 1866-- 7 and Hr. 1 llieprineliml Is nnu not et his name yet arrested he?Uali gfportfr, - TEI-WEEKL- withheld. It appealed, a few weeks' ago W. J; Korn and W. H. AYliImtetl were arrested on a charge of being engaged In'f.nudst Korn made a statement implicating Blatehford, Mulleii,aml three brothers named Caldwell, r The District Attorney demanded the documents and evidence against them from the Treasury Department, and on Tueswere brought In. The day papers guilt ofi Blatehford depends upon of Ills inuitlals The examclaims. drawback upon ination of Mullln was adjourned till the-genuinene- ST CCy.HILLttTiSO'V. Should anybody ask why we IKrt Gen? WllMamsorf for Governor f 1tnh In preference to any other man, ' we can define our position and explain ourselves in a very few words. First, he Is a young man; second,' a western liinn; third, a genileinnn;fourtli, an honest man; fifth, an ttblonian; sixth, a fearless man; seventh, a business inan. Hint lie is the leoples mull, ntid the man of all others that should govern thtsTerrltory, through the struggle now setting In lx.' tween the (jeiitllcs and Mormons and the Mormons themselves, If all signs do not fall it will require a man of rare ability to mnlriialn' peaeonnd prosperity, lnfUtnh for the next two yea s. From the drift of things at present it Is more than likely that summary measures will Iks employed to keep the Mormons from another "should no othr trouble ensue, mid as Gen. Wlllmin-- . son Is inj direct sympathy with the administration, lie will Iks far more likely to obia.1 u what the Gentiles of tills Territory) have been praying for so long protection mid Justice than nnyother mau tho people could have chosen. Iet us with one accord then support Gen. WlMIum-tso- ii as tlic peoples choice for -- -- e. lie-sid- es ly.Ioii (aim Tb. r t THE LARGEST AND FINEST FITTED UP ROOM IN THE MOUNTAINS. . GENTILE NEWSPAPER I IV UTAH. " FOR 1870. r v - ( . Friends ! 1 A1 Presidents' read It. rend riTt. X monTon P. II. ZVII.nUXteaahlor. Sent! your, Orders for . Tor, OOUINNE, XJtnb ir x Senators rend It. Ccspedcs, in California Fruits J x Collection made on any otot hi tho i'aUcd States r hy older to keep tho Spaniards from using it, will cost tho United Btates nccoiding to Cuban estimates, from lfty tnj sixty millions of dollars In lie customs, revenue and. income from commercial transactions. Prominent Cubans in this city are ire pa i hig n memorial tq Congress, raying for an earlv recognition of lie lm ependence of tbe struggling llepub Ic. The memorial will be extens; vely circulated In a few days. - Congressmen read It. AND Clergymen rend ft. I p jl O 1 UO in hours from Office DI8T BCIG3T. 1!YD GOLD C0I1V 9 a. to m. r. 4 m. Correa ponlrn let - P. 8. Wilson Cheyenne. I'irat Natloiul, Omaha. Western Saving tn.Utule, And Everybody Should ! Read It St Inia. .V o., Chicago. Henry Qrrenbeum Co., Salt Lake City. . Hussey, liable r H Moutano. Hussey, Dahler M Co., Iloit-nHussey, Dahler k Co., Virginia Montana. Alliance Bank, London. , D. La Touche, Dublin. Bank of Calif oi nia, Sa Kran lsco. Ocean National Bank, New Yik City. t). Drew exchange oi pnm ipai ntUe of the world Time Checks bought. j Wailiington. ' , a. ALF.lH. CUMMINGS, :o:V ; j v.2.t f 1 - 111 l. ! , t ; the-gol- ; a-- ct ST. MARKS ' Gr rcimm .ar SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. School, V.irtl Ytar. to-la- I . Open oil M., M.Un T c i ehnrg.j I of.llt-ReVr-Drnt- Rmtianaiolbcs. For Mole. . -1 I f 4 J , TRI-WEEKL- ! , . nt . la-eo- 1? ill i i e f . is - s t - I ; NEU . ? d BUY -- , .. . ci iul.r- - , k t ity. $20. . J THE ONLY GENlHNE.ilf "RDVf D ' f J Oroido Gold Watches ' JMaitti(aciuml by TIIK OltOIDK WATCH COMPANY. best make, IlntUing Cam-- , finelliay ero.sH theand wear like fine gold end ? ly cii4Jsef; lok equal n apnrarance to the best gold watrhe nau.lly nwfns lliitt Full18 Jewe'ed Lcwrs. each. (ient'H and L'tdh a size. St OUK DOUBLE F.XIRA B. FINED Solid Or-'-Id- ' r. (told Hunting Cws Full Jiwclrd fa are eqtlal to f3mi Gold Watches; RrgnJsted and and to keep correct time, and not tarnish; with Exlro-Finliases, at 9JH each. NO MONEY ,1S ADVANCE We send by Express anywhere within the Umbsl States, payable to agent on delivery, with the privilege to open and examine before paid he and if not 4aUefe!tnry retnrned, by esytng mad a. Expreu charges. Gol will be sent hy rash In Registered Package, prepaid, hy MUdlng ftdVKOCf. ' An Agent .ending for six Watches p ts an, extra Watch fsee Making .even $15 'Watebra Watches for $130. for $90, or seve 30OROIDE-GOLCHAINS, ALSO ELKO ANT of la'est and moot costly styles for Iadiea and Gentlemen, from lOto 4tf inches lonArat $3, $1. $ and fseboli, sent with watoties at lowest wholesale prices.' Rats knd sod sixe of watch wr Ou-rautcf- a fr, 6 -- (V. i " required, ai d order ony fom THE OROIDE WATCH CO., oclO Sm , lot $ allon Street, New Yo-- k. , PACIFIC HCUSSE, Wk 1 MAIN STUKKT, t '.D 1 SALT LAKE CTYV UTAH, i f m , F. REICH, Proprietor. X w-- ir ?4 j Irikc'-boaUcoul- : ic - ! STORE, V '? GET THE BEST. y. )- J Salt $15. ' t I ?. ' 4 iw'3-2r- u ah. 3 it tcbM,t Desk and tej.lsiu u Innalre of T. W.'IIASKINH or HUSSEY. DAIILER k ouly two years. , 1 i Higher Depar nnnf. B For further partieulnr ay f , Inb'rmeltato J to-d- Tu"le, 1. i'ls. .Terms: Per mouth ol 4 wwU Primary Depart ment I . rti, wl 9 Miiil.y, atr 4. betw . n J i ml l.l . - It nt. New roonu ut hi'Mui thrgh'Ut. Full oi tourticn. uiub-- r the inimwllale a. Oen-tlle- to-lta- Good board and lodgings, and a .pleasant and comfortable home for travelers. Board and Lodging $10 per week; Board, IS. a acg7-3- .1- - OH-ent- al .;VITY K flre-orackersa- nd of . . . J , Meat Market. ! I , - , THE-STANDAR- I UirJTAHHOUSE ; r J -- -- . S 1 . uaker; . 1 1 I - . - ! natu-xallrik- ln D 5, ' . J. -- , 7 v-f- ' T w MS American Exchange Hotel, SlIfSOffE 8TB LET, (Extending from. 8sb Frantbto, Sacramento at to Halleck st) I laving been reoent'y renovated and newly forI I nlabed, mokes tt the most quiet, economic1 and samfortabU FAMILY HOTEL in the, centrally located, it offers every indictment for bwslnees men end the public generallf-Tbtables will oonstently be supplied every .nxnry the market affords. Tbe Amencoa the Exchange Coach, with Red Lights, will be t wharves and depots, ta aaxrey paaacngpr to tne Hotel free. Sul-Bein- s PropriL TIMOTHY SARGENT, jan38-l- y aS"wreiwsmeOsWMww e t esa es f tit nERCIIAUTG EKCHflHGE, VA M SippND SOUTH " QT.'RAnv i ! A iS!ffif3S,affi'S3S to-d- . ay A X . n a8 g 1 nyf? a. V i . THE J 1 II it3 f! 1 LI j5 i I- - 'CHOICEST i -- . CIGARS L1QU0R3V VflilES AMD ALWAYS ON HANlI-iPAULENG E LBIIKOHT ;- 1 STKEET, SALT LAKE CITY, U. I -- - g ng -- V t. non TON, iW. wilsom, wxLsoar i eligi-blelocatl- on 7 . n . L, ADVTS. :.or.. H P KUNEY, Prop. BANKING HOUSE. Read it and send It to yont ue ' C, MISCELLANEOUS BVBRYBODY ! roaxt ATTENTION forIt! J. . Was dngtonjNov. 12. Thc eon-o- f dition the Treasury shows the-. of J as benefactors. The lalanep gold on hand to lie $114,- - The Tri.Wmxlv and Wekklt RironTr from (icucral romniission KIrrcYiaR1. foreign piicf public y 1U authors and tho parties repre- which amount of oulstamlis In 'gold, governs shipments of (KM), I'he a be ond acted a. a Artt-csented in it. We shall publish onr produce. Therefore the price for ex llg gold touincales tu kS IKlO IKMI- Family Having recenUy changed hand, Newppr. bci-a a of remodeled a , A alxiut column mid half of now balance offer It and which No. 2!U J STREET, Jr82)0OO,0OQ; is remains the s.ims leaving enlarged. day port iu gold, -no other that Mountain. the VArintions A of lmlnnec paperln all oil the of 'nugeor la liko y to. Among other tnaUeraofln- greenbacks - dooe, currency t till Monnonlsm ic vivos to Its thiomh i.n,l Vv 211 rwi non tercet It will contain a correct premium., If. this rises the farmer gj-of Brig- o mer standard or until It disap- more SACRA M E:TOj VAh. Robert J. Walker died this morn- - ham Young and the Mormona, hiatary cnrreucy for hi grain: but giving aelection from the latter 111 their the fore it being pears altogether, rorrepondenc. ppbilc njHohe., price is not pflVctcd, nd then iff, Aged 68. drlivareU in tha Urrat TUruul. at most likely, so wo Vould advise our makes no difference in; our competition sent a aermoaa Rolicson y Sc'cietnry, Saltlkke; alaoan account of tboir.dolnea In with tbe Black Sea. and acruca fr,m their private live reatlcra to peraro It carefully., ' It enbloMIspateh to Admiral Itodfovd, puUltc, Who la the agent for Iho Pro ico- - I will oouUlu a history of their foil a and crimes Sacraruin.o. otjlr Ail art clesOr,!, ml Jiom lMii wR oomnianditig the U. B. European of tho pant and .proeeut o far light and Unto be put up where grown, Huts being itxmu ntul J. Q. LAIGiDOUF Andrew Johnson dies tmrdTIi friends fleet, directing him lo detail one rt veal Ultra. furuished at prodawis p. cos. ' ' of vessel to tlic rcnialns miullii-latiYigowill Hive a the It and of the rio convey have been trying, without much hUcress, progroa and of Cotinne the coming Chi-A petition ;vas presen toil us yes- to get his riviil, ileury Cooper, ruled out Geo. Peabody from Londou to this go ofintheUtah, C eat rail Lake Uaain. ) It will !so rental n a full and correct history ineligible under h statute of Tennessee. country. terday signed by nearly or quite ev- as fft Fruit tills sell parkrtl for trotula trade Hon. Aiiios Kendall died of tne Oold, Silver, Iron anl Copp r Mines of But ns Uie United States Seimtu in not Sevier Rlvt, Cottonwood and Egau Canons in v ery business man in Corinuc, asking governed by the fawn of Tennessee, this ). 111. and weatem Utah. ' Mr. Orr to appoint J. M. Langsdorf ditScnlty will not trouble Mr, Cooper Secretary BoutwelL, officially an- southern It will mat k tho developcmont of the silver JIo also deals in ns his deputy for tills city uud viclti-- I greatly, Another chance for A. J, is keen nounces tlie death of Robert J. re,'in or White line and the Cpe District, the Gold nilues ol Sweet Water, the Oil and rich Ikj will in fecbleuess Senator of Walker. Busiiuss the Browulow, suspendcy. It Is needless to say we signed who, it is declared .can, not live regiena of Hear Hive- - aud Hitter Cre k, aa and ed in tlio Treasury department on Coat long, as well the vast Coal and Iron Oelda along tho til AD BRiED FUtlTS, 3Mr. this petition at sight, knowing if ' he' dies, Jobuson will succeed him. the day of the funeral. i line of the Union Pacific Railroad, not n g oct ng the old mnn has made up his mind sent the rapid sale and se'tcinrnt of tho ltallrou Langsdorf as, we do, tobe.oncof our But Thp Russian Minister oaiktLS lands and the henntiful valleya along not finds when be die to nnt and nt Company Consul to a tlie Russian just yet, best ntid .most respected citizens. telegram . e- the greet natural pastures of the Conite linhis that Johnson is waiting lo step into Ban Francisco, instructing 1dm to tinent. We trust Mr. Orr will givo this pe- shoes, 4oct i ha will cling to life nil the more. have thanksgiving service obsci vcd. It will contain Its share of general newt from i' t aU parts 'Of the world and wilt be just such a tition, tlic attention 1 1 "deserves j as It brougham thought it added a phng to ; neper as rhonhl be otr tho tablo of every home Lines we arc already troubled with dlsor- - death' to have Campbell write bis biograboth east west and 4 Maryland. phy, how wretched Brownlow most feel Baltimore.11 12.; Tlic funeral of As an advertising medium ' It offers superior derly characters, and from our to be succeeded in the Senate by Johnson! a. advantage CADirS, arc likely to be flooded the But we hope for better things. Spring. Geo. Peabody .was observed IUVIC1TI01 OF BEIR RtfER. 1 buildare at half mast, Flags many coming whiter with a cet of thieves, Jiehl ( Ma.su,) JfepabUcart, JUTS, ings draped In mourning, bells tolled The lato arrival at this jKirt of tho humhiorsmid jead loafs' generally, &c. . , issue ordered tbe has Bontwell chdOher I Blister, loaded with ill-- cr wlio will endeavor to get a footing of Secretary .j . TERMH: Mnssaclimetls. another .instalment, of government WHES, - ' , 1JV5 !. . fit 00 from thdBtocktoii things arid here and llveofiof the thousands bonds to tha.Uuion Facifie railroad oom 12. men There were per annum . : Boston, ' Mix 7 00 mouths...,, ; PICKLES AUD Sit CO. lath fiom Black Itock mill, is a of honest freighters and miners that pany, on the section of their lino euding aitaehed to the construction dejiait-me- NTEl1 KLY, per annum . fi.00 ike L at which in the Sdt Orfden, basin, of tlie ilischaged navy yard future Indication of CLUll RtTES- Five Copies to one oddrtas.$J0.0ff : pro are bound to pass through or remain wili 'probably complete the insUluaents cheering The engineer and other Ten : S3 00 yes(erday. ' tho Copier, to one addrras Dont forsret Bear tlie In Place. or de until us. navigation, o( of the winter with gress (he companies ngrre Congress nro to be cut down. Fifteen Copies, to one address 48.00 s21-t- f agoodjiart departments ! fin to GO. oue hnd the cides of lof d on 00 sddreaa... Coidea, Twenty river.1 During, the dryest part permanent point Our city is increasing and Improvto And extra i Club. of Copy getter np ; Ogdeu has genernlly been con; Georgia. ,imt Kunimc ,Mrtl J. It. Bmedley ing very fast, but we must not for- junction." TERMS INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. sidered hit the most probablo location of n New York 12. A letter from sounded theeiUIrc channel ffom thc get that tho elements of .discard are the future junction station and shops, but u of evidences the wtys returning railroad bridge to the i.ake, finding multiplying also. Corlnue is rap- Corinne,. a tU lying place on Bear river , 1 cl are to Bonth tho espeand twenty-fir-e miles' ftirther' west, has prosperity novlicfe,'"!cM lhnn,rflftcen feet of idly becoming a city of nosecondary become b 't f a rival. It is tbe point cially noteworthy. Although the prominent cotton is watdr. Tlio- - banks arc so abrupt Importance in this valley, and It is of departure for the Montana less was much than it THE Bt crop mines, and Ii liav thV tould bkve is a trnffie. planters exacted, some t)iat(iilglepUi.is foyud eveowhere quite necessary we should gaining Vigdrotvuihd important i Is nnd tho smaller price event, tbe sooner the controver- gathered, within toil fbetof tlio shore.' There resident U. S. officials hero to pro-tec- t, Iu either CO. is settled and Promontory" Junction thaVi was hoiied to be 'received, yet PRINTERSt PIIBLISIHNG sy se . , k are no bars In the river, and none at it ou?., interests ry wcilas collect abolished, the great deal better it will le tlid country is generally prosperous, UAinERS FOUR SUIPLIFIITC PATEtTS. 1 a Its mouth or ficar lt, In the Laky. taxes. Mr. Langsdorf is the peo- for continental .travelers. week the last large projior Sprinqfitld During UTAH. COIUNNE, tion or (lie notes of the planters in . It th appears that the river is nav-itf- al ple's choice, and Mr. Orr will con- ( Mass. ) ItrpvlAican. this part of the Btale to their mer' t o Jo!3ibr: sclioouers of loo , tops fer a favor, ns wll as do his duty, . ji Women have become Doctors of Medi- chants and factories fall due, but f, Patent Serened Wooden Agraffh Bridge T. J. 'ED0!NOT0NS: burthen, or stemne.a not drawing by granting the request set forth In cine and (we believe) Doctor of Divinity they aro not protested and evejy one throughout, errxixa the eweeineoe ef the old ' nite" Uiati" twelvo feet'of water the petition. The peoples clioicoU hi small, bat, under the circumstances, will be paid In full at maturity. Wlioieahle nnd Retail ?; wood Bridge, end obtains the eolldby of tbe MrxaL Agraffe, without its yu action. Tho laborers are contented; nnd ; B ten me ik pan uoxyrunup tho Jordan ,tlio hplpe oftlio IBirouTKH pvcry considerable number,' and we fancy that we have beard of one Female Lawyer. notwithstanding tlio recent' labor . ; Patent Oompoonl Wrest Plank to Hot p;iri.Xakp, lv' nding.wUhtn time DRUG We now learn ht two yonng ladies, if we convention, are contracting largely which bolda the Tuning Pins, ia aix layers 6 ' 1 and e LLak ySa tli use City,' the have to same become stu , the work with another may expression, year Mapb onxvr nunlng differently, this wLaux f DAW2V 1H01G THE EXCH1XGES i ; t r? dent in the SL Lqailk Law School. These employers . ; j . t 'K Kxvaaarurs. The laborers who'liave j by a little enTurgerrient of iho Jor-difi- if One 'doir hui 'from Gotten tvedeswinnle Portias belong, the one in made these. engagements were well . i Pat ml rail Bren Traxne Trilet' WHliat The Owyhee Avalanche, Silver 8L Lou nnd the other in Brooklyn, the and fairly treated and liberally comt . )f fi;; concentrates in non of the Tuning Pins, that paW through and proceed to Jordan City, Idaho, of the 6tli has an small city opposite our own. When they pensated. wil constan'ly keep on hand every ra e.y of heretofore damaging Iron (which in other Pianos inst.y e class Drug 8toe. nsuaMy kept In h artfully surrounds the' Tuning Pins ) . and practice, we foretell that there Tho country is perfectly tranquil, Drugs, bridge West of the city. Great Salt account of a distressing fire hi that get into be a geat rub to retnin them ; for nnd there arc remarkably few eases . Ar Ireacrptioaa carefully compounded. r , , bntta" Into tbs front edge of Urn Plonk and ef.. fectually Lake is' of , courso navlgabld at all city on the 4tli insh Loss $20,000, the aide . f. . rboftlt. resists tbe twenty tons strain, , ,, tbe canoe which is represented of crime of an of characaggravated seasons, bjwhih we can reach the .no Insutancef The :flo originated by n ugly roan of an advocate wiU go to ter Politics oreneither Sustaining Bar Patent Dtegonel nor spoken t, the jary at a disadvantage. We anbmit Btockton mines, the Itusli Valley fn a China house where an of of. port of the Iron Frame, next to. end cotton; .The prices thought: that in snch cases there shoold be at least the eteel strings UNDER ;THE OV' are ndVeStthe iriarket of Tooelo V alley,' next the nnd the crop fertilizers, , ,, i . RASS. wedding w'iui being celebrated ft Female Jntoraii-jr,Tribune. ' Vf li f of aud sUbJects Is the Aaron tliought The And. the luniber and grazing .regloa With engrossing Plano most other, equally. sn, am.. utAST ooMrucATKD,CMirirr, ::&A dlseupsiou. h soutli-West'requires less toning the'Lake.. .But . for inflamablo matter. Silver Cl ly ought and doss not get oat of order, it is . rt t x ti HEW. ADVEKTISEUENTa , l the coming sumbie Uie principal to put a stop to such foolishness as i D. J. lleyfron. Prop. Nevada, j.. nse of Bear rfveiLVf 111 probably be this, when a whole community is San .Francisco 12. Important CORNER MONTANA AND FIFTH STREETS. PIANO. for cxcurelon parties to Salt Lake sdbjeqf to direbslatnities by, some j r developments liaA'e occurred at tlie In IMTlths American Xnatltate-Fai- r of New Comstock lode. , There is great exAlways on hand the cbolsest Meets, Game of J5fk .ConrnT'lUimlcin'tni F'flK ) i4rttUtJ bdodfold trial against Stein way 'a, City and tbe .wonucrful islands In trilling idiotic customs and thousconin circles citement in etc. all kind. Butter,' Eggs, mining aad many other Pianos, awarded the, Lakel ;We may challenge the ands of "dollars' worth1 of property stocks adsequence. All mining FltPrewinm." ' UTAH. CORINNE, : ; World to present oeno of natural destroyed,' It Is time tho proper auCfmilar, s4,i vancing. 1 I .. , .t., todatota tn what Paps you saw this advertisev.. !. .JJ J A memorial, slgncd,by nearly aU bcarity 'equal to tbosoirii tdght from thorities take tho; matter in hand menL i it. R rClRSOF )': the prominent citizens, and State htin the dec Sr of: A steamer jn BaltLake' and put aquictuH on such practices j 'Zl.i tin i", (tj STif ER, Frpt '! t , f. t officials, j I.l; aid' for the Sutro DOOT AND; GIIOE asking' Ls f . vaf l 'I a to 14 Ctfrtcfclties natural comparein (6 bq 'a .Warning,, toour In every City and "own wbero ws have i a mw iwo star brick Tunnel, will be presented to ConThiaoiight not ah . j " be found on the people, and rierVe them on to, can bnildlog, rrcintly .rtcteU, and l being fittea gress. id .i y o ready appolfiledthem. I I I 9 V riety wl th those t o islancUv BoUL . upforatrst-eloGold-bearicol if f, XJhurcli tion j shore" cndvarki8 i.,Vi ...roounBat-'i6o.'- i quarts lias beep; lfc UTAH, v eonirVNE, during tiieapproAchingwinter. 1 Bbetfrid, X J covered Los boar J. liotimd and cold In abounds Island I The samo pripe? sa'S that Mr. jQ.. Boots, Shoe end Oeiters made and reneired In fng in free gold. 11 as as the moot approved style.' diatom: wort a po. :unrr; .t , chMyheateMfw, Here we have Dayld t Dopseyf while jidlug alon .VftWlari Hj m V ' I. .;f u M nou-t- f clellty.f' ,i .Oacc7al CrcdcsoQ U Silk, epenery. . ,. p over the frozen reiid ou War' Eagle n La iCrossd, 12. Last might two mountain, met with a serious accl-defixjfD ju men. ' Parker Bliss and Chas. G. r . WELLS, SPICER, ...... ' t by Ihs Cxiiiag of his horse, on COninflOIpU,tIIEECHAHT, Wild, registered V i at( the St. Charles. vJ f ul,4 li iia.ri j Li Iftii II. W P, SPENCER,' -- V . Mr. had his las.. I--A Boreey loft O Wild j at, midnight, Thurstlay A and .Bliss N V. T A T B W R . ; , S GS. 1. . IR1N HOT UTAH. t f .it was found at 4 jx m. room in. At Montana leg broke in three different .places, betwediithB knetf atid ' Ankle, Dr. Mr Orders reivd br Malt ud.XMernph Lttuta y i; UJi WsckW ' ; fifled. nall-tf . a tmos him. .:nu Is him, promptly I i omemumtob Connolly attending aeW lm i,n r t t i Kxiiey and jfcsmpered by Gov-eniorofUt- , J Far-rng- ut Cuba, as projxjsed . J MISCELLANEOUS ADS. . - Subscribe . , m uolj-3- r :- i i The proprietor has spared.no pains nor expense in making this the, most' comfortable place to pass' awayjiu houror two at tliegreatatlonal Game. JCSST Golden. Crown lgars, and the best of Ales, Wines and Liquor always on hand. ss to-morro- w ' V; V PROSPECTUS x t I . Vi Vi JuL - Only Street, CoriHiie. : & WEEKLY. Y Is e then. 1 Kd 1 Gen. Nheaton is organizing IndUn scouts to oiierateltgainst the Apacnes Gov. BUifloid is visiting the north- Albany, Nov. 12.A meeting of eni pa.t of the Territory. The rain tUe.cUizensln connection wlth the which lias fallen throughout! llie Boanl of Trade was held to consider a nfopoHltlon to billd a railroad from I Lu'iv. ,u ! Albany to Stonlienton, thodco to six dollarstlour in gold pci hundred; butconnect with pio posed lines to Bos- ter two dollars per4 ikiu.iU; egs iwo ton via lloosae Tunnel. Freight on dollars Other necessaries dozen. per the Central Bailroad is so heavy in , proportion. that It lies along the line waiting i - M M,0 xs.4 . to contributo more liberally le lThe Cheyenne SSrOUTZU atros. roa fK r-- l fads apd scenes of everyday life in Mo. nondom, ?toid by thejnselycp over their own signatures. MorIs one of mon ism in Utah he great centre of attraction of the civilized world.' Our sfo.y begins' with the first rupture or schism in lm Moi'moiClinteh that ever assumed a cliaractcr indicating si length and success. Kvery one of the nuthors'of our story andjthe late forty-fivschism In Baft Luke me men well iiiown to the public, and men that e Svc meet evyry day. Mr, God be is ean and lll.ick Seas would liuve tbe whole one of llie:pineipal, and ono of the" trade, and our foreign d'bts would huve most enterprising merchants of Balt o be paid with gold or bond." Lake City; Mrr Harrison Is one of And Fisk puts it still stronger. Speak ng of Boutwcll and his gold drop bo said: he most ale.wiite.s aul publishlie did what be bad no business to do ers In thWed. Mr.rullidge, the n. Ifiterferiug with tho m irkeb.at alt. celebrated author of so many admiever was there such a chance for a narable papers, which he always pro- tion to pet ticb." " . ' So tt appears thst the' whole nation had duces with such remarkable precia narrow. eeciijM from getting rich by a sion, will lend jan interest to this old corner. .But nlthongb-wcan an story that could not well have been ersiand tbnt ns gold .rieM tbe currency secured elsewhere. The main Inter- irice of prodnep ries, we are nimble to that the rietin the premium on gold est and value of tills stoiy consists see makes any difference with tbe gold price n ils tiuthfulness and tlie knowl- of produce for shipment Therefore we edge that every word can be proven doubt it we eamaccept Gould and Fisk world,, which vtnskes onr piper of doable idiiol,,ndtonj;ht 'to donb'ej the s abac rlpl loo list nt once. Many ol the principal merchant here sn&poit that we raise the price of the J?puRTa to 75 per week io order to tolp us oat on the enoraioas expense we incur. We bH not do tbis, however, tor the piesenU We wjU try it awhile At onr own erpensei and should we fa'l to "get om even by our enterprise, them will be plenty of time for the-peop- J if Ihe new Assistant Treasurer, Folger, (will probably enter- upon hi duties on ahmday.1 1 is reported that the Eric officials have reinstated the old brakesmen, discharging the new ones., New York; Nov. 12. It is plain Bull) and Bean Enriching the Ceaofry. that In Fnrraguts claim for prize The Cincinnati Qaxil fellxhow FUk, money. lie set forth that Porter enriclt the country, Willi tlie North Fleet. did bombard Gould A Co. the rebel, position seven days .withbut Luis ifs doubts tv bout the happy tenni: out damage, nation pictured by the oforesald worthies. or doihg any appreciable them from de- -i incapacitating It says : fence; and that ho did not capture "Gould and Fisks story any portion of tlio. enemys fleet. It appear by .hat while making their own little game Porter puts In a paper stating that hey would make the country rich, if ho was1 tho first to suggest the atIrant hud not interfered. Gould stutes tack that he worked eight days to it in this way: get tho Farmgut fleet over the .bar, we haU nnd alsp that the statements by .With gold at about )e able to send produce to the Liverpool eoiieerning him have no founT and Londiin markets from America, but dation in fact. The burning of the sugar crop'ln with &old nt twenty-fivthe Mediierriin verr we commence pnblfahinf the latest telegraph now from 11 parts of To-tin- y the' r L st, itcrt PimLISlIINO Co. TELEGRiraT. .1LJKH 1 : -- -f ' J V -- b tb i 1 eprtffe J ootemptsrj sppriir gfancl d ofb 8 inti : ' DtSPBTCHES i kwjvmwb Arizona. AFHIO. M U S80C3ATCB.raC3B of boCee rio-ciC3- aic us-gntl- AS i IjTbe fjliowic Aryva ha gone dead. It espaed very qnietly a boot a vreek ago, and immediately after we struck it off oar exchange list. Nobody ba seemed ,ta miss it here. Now we see the remainH advertised for .sale by.tbe sheriff ..We never glory iu any ones mlsTmui'e, and luck perhaps this is only a stroke of some We recolkct leading to tbe editor. years r.go of two fast yonng men,, who, rnnoing not of fnndft made a compact with the devjl, by which bia sataoia inaj. dmlt dialog esty. was lo honor : all their jeoaside-raiio- n the term of tiicir natural life-ri- d of. which they weia to. become hh in fee k triple at their denth. Under tiu anangemeut everything went on swim rnitigly for Keveral years but at length tbe party of the first part beg iu to t;et auesay, and resorted to aU nuniner of contrivances to burst tbe old cn-a- ," bnt'all to no At a one lust day happy thought porpose. struck then they Mur ted jwpcr. Satan growled horribly at tbe end of the Jirxt quarter, and when aix months had expired he tore op the bloody compact in V rage, and acknowledged himself beat. have the'steanie. sand the Lakeflde - If the editors of the Aryua have outsaint alter the Ame hoiels and lie ready, to avail our- wittedwetheir patron and hope they atnUte them, cnngi selves of the benefits of tho river style wili take wurning iu tbe fatnre Anyhow I one would suppose the dettl might grow and lake. winer by experience, but it seems he dont, SL and B likely to lose Brother soul down oca noRAr there in the same way, nfter having fdrlv earned it. Pat he ean console biins U ns we With tblsi-sue- of t)ie Reporter did over hsr illegitimste child tbe commence oae of the mostlnlcresi-lu- g that giil it whs a m'njhty amtU one to make ' stories thnk e ppeiv cd in such a fuss about. Is print, Inasmuch as It made up of A. yilllnniion, OP COBLSME. UfertaaatA. sr h f r. jnd 13. OF UTAH (iOVERfiOIl JL$liL phero of such tenuity and dryness as to make the mere actof breathiiear ing an exquisite pleasure, minenU spring the by numbers of outlets from natures 'laboratory, where are prepared chemicals sufficient for the healing of nations. As a resort for invalids during .the summer season no locality can excel the Islands and shores of the Lake, liy, the opening of another season wo can have arrangements perfected hy which excursion pa. ties can charter a boat here to make the tour of the Lake and Jordan, visit Zion and the nilnes. of and view at their leisure the wonders of the Lead Sea of America. The Colfiix party blamed y wlieiHheyvere unable to secure a boat "he re for that purpose, but we oould not do all in oneseasoii. We had first tobulla'the town arid then attemltoits material" amLpol Ideal intcrtjdxTv. Another year'" We 'Will " ftpaa-t- f , PROPRIETOR. - , |