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Show - H 4 && k , i f ' If, ! mr la. jf - T . f 1 Reporter & - J t 5 t m m .. mSHION . tux 1 fi-- CV k i r J : T V " it. f !' important To Roth sexes: y . ; i i ,!M .? f- i ' - 1 -- m , in - f ..r V . t f let fn4"V:,TIIE ,4 ' 4 GREAT.- t f 1 - J,v 1 PLATTE . ' VALLEY , tt oni u.it - ROUTE -- '4 : f ' and dally running bow coapletM piwugir In connection with trsin, formingFucifie u KaUroad tb tl J 0ntrl r vm- - All Rail Route to California b i h ; i 3.f A i?i iri- - ; r' and the 7 , J?AOIFIO COAST I Through to fUn Francisco J , aj sut it . - In Xets Than Four JJays ! 4 f 1 f , : 1 jf : ; , - i ,.r. --- . " Tbtre'exlala a false delicacy and irkle amount-- , in regard to consulting a ing almost to prudery, maladies. The medical certain in physician faculty recognize it, and are dumb, Ihoae of the truth of it, and public atlllc ted acknowledge the of tbla circular auffr in alienee. The province ia to preaent ' the subject in ita true light. Hundreds of Uvea Are loat every jvnr by which havo been neglected or Improperly treated. In the case of young men there eeema no apology, and yet in many caaes they attempt to cure themselves with vile nostrums, and in consequence shorten their Uvea, and paaa the miserable remnant of existence with their blood tlUcd with the poison of e stifled, but not cured disease, which must inevitably bo transmitted to the third and fourth generations. With young women there aeeme some excuse, and yet their Utmost aecresy will not Conceal the facts. Any intelligent physician who walks time streets can recognize among the ladle, by certain' infaldble token known to him, and of which the sufferers are often totally Ignorant, the ravages of that white spread scourge, the whites. Any intelligent physician can point out In his daily walks scores of this ana kindred comIn both sexes, the existence of which plaint.cannot The educated sufferer they ignore. knows the physician can detertthis. The phy sician knows that the sufferer knows It, and yet, in Line cases out of ten, the afflicted lndlvidual fail to consult the man whom be knows Is cog nixant, both of the complaint and the means of cure. Knowing that health can be restored, and who can restore it, they deliberately allow themselves to become mere wreck of humanity, and to transmit diseased constitutions to .theis descendants. Avoiding the danger of the Sea. k ; ' i .. i i STAGE t MI(BTcIhBWi (D8ddMiiM88iBm l S. ' i I . J v , i, - f f ,L1N ..4 : ;$ 6' r .14 i 1 ,117 ...... AN O ll i - a From Wnd after JtHE 1st, the uni, 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAII; j , t 4S J : . JLii ; i slfoed will .rtui yi 1 - a- i . , A- - r , I ... DEALER XN" r. 4 f -- j I - -- -- r V 1a ioAHOADD OREeon m. iBiLiLETnr . ,v 3: dis-cax- ca f' HA .. r I v - l , t i . ti . tA etc. STATIONERY, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CONFECTIONERY MIBCELLANEOU8 ADVTS. t PACIFIC d-- A 'S 4- - ADVTS. MISCELLANEOUS i- - ? ti 4 ,4JC ' ! Utt DAILY OF COACHES J 1 U r f V ' To Connections Direct !' ' '(1 . i. made. at Young1 Men. lIn every community men i f thero are vast numbers afflicted with seminal weakness. nocturnal emissions, lassitude, debility, and the otRer attendant symptoms Of secret disorder, uUderinining the coheUtutio(n and totally destroying its victim, mentally and physically, sooner or later. The disease la progressive, ana if not diet ked, dizziness. Joss of memory, uncontrollable procrastination in business, pains in the back, side and knees, yellowish drool from tbo mouth during sleep, and failure of all physical energy soon fallows. From this stage Is a series of short steps to an early grave, or the confinement of hlunatlC asylum. Many of these' young men have responded to Benevolent advertisements of- ciatlona, or unscrupuloua qaacks In distant cities, and after having beet swindled of their mbney by one and another, have abandoned hope and pronounced themselves incurable. pr. Stoddard practice on the no cure,no pay" principle, and propose to forfeit f 1,000 and ait fees if he fails to cure any case of sominal weakness where his treatment and directions are followed. He uses no secret remedies none but vegetable medicine, and hi peculiar treatment must receive the endtrsement of all who Intelligently pursue it. t, of young W: - i with Chteagejond Northwestern, Chicago, Bock Ialand and Pacific and Ht. Joseph and 83 r (haadl Muifa Railroads, and Mia ' V aowri River Zdne of Packet and rota all prlnci- -' ' I and south I tl'U ,o etern a (a 4 zT, am citte. t, , J TONE, -- 11 1 ; : HJTAJH - -- CHEYENNE, 1 ai BRYAN, with Btftffe rat V ;; r uuict , , CORINNE, , n i 7 i , . , U 4 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION for White Pine Silver Mine, Sacramento, Man Francisco, and principal title in California, Nevada and Idaho. With Central Pacific Railroad V I v ' INO HOTELS AND HOUSES at convenient polnta onjthe Une. tw rnwrCLATO t 61J No. Tenth Street, (up stairs. Room Oeneral Freight Agent, Omaha. V i AMO c t- - 3 , $ i J i V K and saha, 1 r ' Montana Street, i ' DOIID CAST - MB i KLil, ::i TB11X9 I Cash Prices. IDiowest ii7 - r , J I make it a point to Orders from adjaceut cities promptly at Fruit received DAILY bj Express from California. V-O-- order none imt the best and freshest fruit. tended to. WS3 t i " - Forty! iiUiS WHt i OH It OIV I C If 'V H: f - ment. . - ibr James 01 & FOii TIIE PROMPT EXECUTION OP appointed them. ,t oovau & oo. zr i P bI fi Vs A j A TRY IT! i . - I.- 4 - 1 naC33T ' . Blood A ) Tonic 1 Agreeable Drink! - " ' " i ; TAILOR It BENDEL, Sole Agents, ; Naeli pealarx In ldf 8B WbH LHlWI, CrNrilrt, AlIO01ayxA,iaa Franelaee Cal (lHI?NaXEWESJ,; Dealer is j ( G &RW t f ' ... . ....iW-ito-aB- l.,. ARS AND TOUACCO. ' CIG of Boouo. U. Art. r V T 4 I t ' P B IN T mift A s vk I t r v t ' t r v f i t 'I Crccexicm'hnd- - Ciquora, . ed throughout the country in tba successful treatment of PRIVATE DISEASES, can be consulted at his office and parlor, Ol and OS Randolph Street, corner of Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111., or by letter, enclosing stamp for return answer; Post Officer Drawer 6853, Chicago, HL Da. Ja tnm treats Ch ronic; Sfemirial, Syphilitic, Blood and Skin IHsecue, and all disorder qcon-tapioVmrrral Character, which he cure without the use of mercury, Iodide of pots!, arsenic, or any poison, but with hlaNtmuLaca, a positive cure for all humors and blood poisons. Organie Weakneu, such a .Seminal BVaJbwwt. iVecfumai and Diurnal Awijirionr, brought on by abuse of the organs, early indiscretions, excesses, or entailed hereditarily, causing loss of memory, confusion, .depression, dimness o' vision, and oftentimes insanity, with adeplora bie train of other symptoms, treated and radically cured by an infalUbla, nmthod, --saving time and expense. Alldlsea peculiar to thesexual Old disease, of the moat horrible Where the blood has become poisoned, clans, producing blotches on the face, smell watery Mirier, pain la ithe head and bones, ulcerated throat and nose, soiyi tu tbeilmbsand.body, aorofula, together with an endless number of sufferings, effectually and permanently eared- - t, , u Dr. James is recommended by the pres oi country, by professors of medical colleges, and by the medical profession Those xfflleted should apply, to Mm,generally. and. fix cured at i r.o- , 2 A - t '1 '; t ;i i , r , V j t i i A r t,1t f CALL AND SEE OBR SPEOmBNS. 4. n ;u T i t its i 4, t W X ii A " n't ' r once. c n , i t treatise on Spermatorrhea, Syphilis, and other diseases of his specialty, sent in sealed envelopes, Address Dm. Jambs, P. O. Drawer 6888, f s r -- z . , t 4 , t i 1 kvly-dit- w ; - Jf)! v r -1- - ' f 4 If Mn nJk. . A i , 4 s i f a V c t ' .. 1 . - , I.,-.- . . ' ' h ... , ') K I) t (V , ' i .,i 4 , ; BATE8 I M . .. I - ' r tt t,n '?Tf ' rr- - ?! ' .V!, lA.i 1 a roc f all part of the 7 ;;mi - wok-ld-. , i,. . . . j1, L f j x 5 ) p (CCSa) PARE TIME. 1 )t f ' f 1 i , x i. ? 7i . ! , .7 ? , 1 ; . : -- 7 , ,1- - L . v i Mortgages, Subpoenas, Bills of Sale, Agreements, Leases, Receipts, Ao. UmOUI . DHOvTUI II DiaOL J i - 1 y27--3 - Vl Indian . f i f Creek to bote City,' " ' Baker City, ,Mt Union town, j J I " ft til Il,) fS je2-dA- w It i ? t I4NMKL V . i ' 1 i . ' f , i ' rr11, 4t I - ( ; '.ire ' ? UmatlUx, tf 85.. wSxWsli, PorCxfd, 85 t iy T; - Jo 1 il- - JOhSt ilAIUEY triei pyvj - 4 ' 1 Periodicals & ; Newopapers Magazines, A,;, I ,4 ;0P 8TA0K !., ( U I, ,'JLlways on hand tlie latest 1 J'", oil t f,T. '?f ! i f "ii 1 t " iJ. t i .r ,1) , ft I mmM J A Chicago, -- Ts o.-m.-msmioT- ui SHOULD DE VITHOUT ITf J. O; Pxmow, Proprietor.' .1 AND mmmmmmmmmmmm d - llv for acting xnrelv but y on the secretion a of the and bowele, stomach v t i Hyifl For sale at all wholesale and retail liquor, drug and grocery atoree. rl ' e ' Formerly of James Look Hospital, iCnstom House Htreet, New. Orleans, (estabiishtd 1850) for tba last eight years located la Chicago, and celebrat -- IT1 t DR. JAMES, 1 I A Very ' 4, BITTERS! beet Purifier of the TRY ThePleasant JL W-- .CELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH I j. INVITATIONS Ixa Ktifelandw ) BAX.iL I Bite. A trChutmry of Salmon octlMta i . I - and Office, No. 854 Broadway Manufactory, Wf 189 Bowery, New York. Wareroom 1 Eldorado h&h Loon CrceL Arew Books ! ! 1 r v: i ILLS. CHICAGO, - ! RANDOLPH STREET. 1 , i & 93 i f to Ibe , ? a patAQESTS F l Wo PossessJUnequalled. Facilities y, WANTED direst rsrt Thisjs tbeskortest ssd most ' V O r' we have not in every City and Town .where ' s $ 1 J American InsUtnte Fair of New .Bn IMT-lttt- e York, eftar a blindfold trial Chickertng'X and many other Piano, awarded the Patent Arion the First Premium. , Write for affidavits. Pamphlet and Circular, and state la what Paper yon eew tht advertiseagalnat-Stelnwa- $ - exf D I SE AS ES. l THE STANDARD PIANO. i a AT KELT CORINNE, UTAH. , c unr 1 r ( (.South Side, Velvet en 3d and 4th, ) Fkttftt Diagonal SostMnlng Bar part of Eh Iron Frame, next to. and parallel with the steel itotan UNDER THE OVERST. BARS. V The Anrow Ptano la the cnxArxar, woexDm-- , ooimacATXD. rennlree kae toning auA, I and doee not get out of order, it le i;- - 4 J . i - 4 Making daily eonuectu n wtth , -- j h Patent Bevaraad Wooden Agraffe Bridge thronghont, arratw the aweetneae of the old wood Bridge, and ohtxin the eolldity of the Mxtai. Agraffe, without it otuxenenra. Patent Compound Wreat Flank which hold the Tuning Pina, la aiz layer of a at running differently, tuw plaxk Maple, j vxvxx artrn. ; Patent PnU Iron Frame ecmcentrate ix rmcnrr of the Tuning Pina, that ; heretofore damaging Iron (which in other Piano Pina,) and hurtfully aurrounda the Tuning "butts Into the front edge of the aPlank end .effectually resists the "twenty tens? train. V-''- ! r. r J . , -- F OREICI, i TA5T EASTKRN srHPtirrwG pateyts. - - ! m M ror IP ; - (Donnfectionierj (DaimaMes, AND AT THU J iV LSO e t nLiilEfts 'f. U 4 aiemom t vr j IDAHO TERRITORY SEtOBTEST NOTICE OenT Bnpt, Omaha, BUDD, OeaT. Ticket Agent, Omaha. J. . THROUGH. 4 e!7-I- y C. O, HAMMOND, ' f I)R. STODDARD, n. imowNsoN. , 1 ! - UfiP For through rate oa freight to Montana, .' Sweetwater Mines and other point, apply to " ' i AND OTHER ad-P- EXECUTED AT Palace and PallMani aocompany Sleeping Car all tralna t". ORANGES AND DEMONS, ere are ladles who, from delicate' constitutions, indigent circumstances, or an already numerous offspring, d not wish to become mothers. . To such is offered a safe and sure remedy against conception. Success warranted in every case; guaranteed as containing no ingredients in the least injurious to the feeblest temperament i Leucliorrhae, or Whites, positively and permanently cured. Case of long standing, however aggravated, must yield to this remedy. Dr, Stoddard has also, infallible monthly pills for restoring disordered or Irregular period of menstruation. Sent by mall, secure from observation. Price, $5 per box. These are no patent medicine or other hum bugs, but carefully prepared compound, from formulas in use by the most distinguished and scientific physicians in this country, and which have never been advertised before. All medicines Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Strictest eecreey observed. All letters promptly answered. Call on or F'i a t,r N i City , and all point Staga for Helena, Ylrglnla Montana. t ' ' r . To Married Xadies. Stage leave on arrival of Union Pacific a for Salt Lake City and Southern Utah. S3 ' . - UIWTAH, l. 7 great Sweet water' Mining ' for tb - To &nd firom the C. P, B. B Ao so-call-ed with etagea for Denver, Central'City, Santa Tf TTZ points in Colorado and New Mexlce. . r- 9 i k |