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Show urn. a jl . ... X . Jtfwvi - &1 :'.. v ''ft xx- i j Utahi TrbVieeSdy lUpcrier. t f f i ? a,- - V b a , .? THURSDAY lORNIKO, NOV. 11. fcs; covcanoa of dtao, given the Company Messrs. Gra ham, Maurice & Co., that takes the freight from Corinue hence to Mon tana, such rates as will enable them to compete successfully with any J river company.Card from the Helena merchants - Hzlzna, Sept. 17, C3. aek ,ThcPdet Is unlvdrsalfyr nowlelgedj to le one of. tlx divert and spiciest pnjers In the country, It Is always brim full of tho Tresli-e- sl and most Interesting news, tt eonxniercial ami market reports are full and reliable. It is vnotv ixiue. of the ablest best, largestnnd cheapest paper published In the West. What mends the 1ost, now specially cbm 'i tlie fact, that in to Republican, the bitter conflict lix Chicago, be tween thollepublicuu party and tlie Peoples, ... or .Johnson-Democrati- c pnrjty, the Post Is the. only English dally that stamls tlrm,witli -- a i face without tattooing Gexzlxuxx : Learning that yon intent would strike him as being insipid, i.lAbibiig a fast freight line from New anil In like manner Young llrig. York and. other cities to this aud other could see to admire In the A. AVininnifon, ;oinl8 in the Territory, m railroad to fair classic nothingthe delicate roundfact's, Goriune, V.VOP. COIUNKE. ; by wgon train, we desire to tender yon onr support, with a view ed outlines, the'arclied Instep, the to the success of the enterprise. Naviga and? the ' tasteful tion oii the Missouri rivensso precarious graceful carriage NOTICE! of the ladies Quaker we are noxious to avail ourselves of dfe Notice I hereby Riven to every that n route which offer a guarantee for the eiiyr, celebrateilthroughout the world subscriber to tliff .Iteporter, whether prompt delivery of onr consignments. for the eultlvateil styles of beauty. or Thia we fee! can give by the mean daily, yon attributed noremark coolest Hut to tlie want them of trauRportHtiou, which yoti propose to weekly, that Hve n subMcrii-tiontheir.. ho wt YouitglHrig. is a fbllowsf tify his at one whether employ. Yoiir xerience in this branch to Stand ; they - arc be- of bitNiucMaj t getherwilli the probability We think of sending inissloiiaries In of amount of hind, or whether they liavej paid freight, wlargH lauding yur to convert thet '80,000 unmarried or how should m a decided preference iu advance, and if ho, how long givey a far ahead or behind ithey-- re. All contrnctiiigjwiih the courn cling line, and women of Massachusett, anil bring not answering to this notice will be ennble'you to make a through rate which them to Salt Lake where theymay deemed delinquent nulwcribers, and 'ill cbinpare' favorably wilh the coat of find husbands. ;r Those who have by water. This ac? lived their paper stopped at once.; We delivering gisala here o shall-blong enough in Utah to witas we to this obllRed course, glad Co extend take are eomplihhcd ness tho ten thousand' device of we have recently taken a lease on you our patronttge. i,; 'the V He porter and can tell nothing Higgins A Ilagadornllall & Miller young '..women liere to escape the L ivy, Sherwood A Co miseries and degradation of polygafrom our predecessor look how Johu Kinti.tL the ubscriM?rs stand .with the pa- Lehtnuu t New rtanh Henry Cannon my, will appreciate this without 1itrrlien & jpayntir l! W CaiiUoii ltesicct fully, per. comment. If the events of the lost A Rliu J E Vawter A Co Phintehs Publishing Co. (Jana A Travia lfro Nick Millen are to Ik taken as any Indlca-ioyear A U C C II S, Hiracliiuan Ira. Pratt. all their missionaries will be GENERAL WILLIAMSON. Kinting A AWatson - 8 A, A heeded at home to take care of the luther Crocker J It Wilcox' Co Gen. J. A. Williamson, the peo- Zumuermati A Co ofWntspn A lfros . unmarried women already here. II S Hale U tah Deer of liOdge Governor candidatoyfpr ple The mere fact that this polygamous Clark, Co rad A Co N S Constable, A Q lrf ainan so well known to the citimass of flesh is at perfect liberty to A MrPbirKOU M.USA zens of Corinue that It is needless for JSpark USA T Sullivan McOiiinis, ravel and talk suclt stud In the k; J T 11 his A Le ltoau Dounell in , J (jJIark to us praise, say anything East effectually gives the lie to all Pro , E S Mansfield llut as we have hoisted his name at Taylor, Thbuipson the Mormon statements that they Jtro AKoenig-lairgfor the head of our columns J : j1, Tntli MnrpbyANeal are persecuted on account of their Co A Co W T Governor of Utah, wo deem It nec- Weir A Pope Iii wiiat otlicr country L ach A Co S L WhIkoo, Collect-lt- religion. essary to remind the people of the Toot?P Word. a confessed violator of would C D or Internal lUv. In to Is take about place law. he allowed to travel at will chango'that C It Donahl TO Co A U S Utah aflidrs, and' to. say to them that O P Ts iacH Culdadl ' and publish his will and intention, Walcott A llursch s c are al suit to have a Govkhnoh W I. Isaacs )Mssible to convert the women to In .Utah that knows his duty and religious prostitution? THADK. will not Ikj afraid to do it; a .GovHere isauotherof H rigs : Tlie ernor in reality well os nominally. icrir vexeliimges, partlcu-th- e Mormons number 200,t)00 souls, and A Governor that will not disgrace grain .States ofUhc licir lielicf in the divine commisthe mark of honor assigned to him NortliwesL eonipiaiit of a continued sion of their Prophet and tlie divine a several of ids predecessors have. and steadily Increasing stringeney autborityof tiieii? Priests and Eld-- . A Governor, that will not 'follow' in in money knnttei, anil assign ya Circumstances er$Js absolute, Ac. to any mans tracks 4 ri duty pertain ous rcasoi tell a very different tale to those of according Itjjg to the governors ofllce.' A Govthe politl ;al orbtlier bias of the us wiionre hear enough to overlook ernor that has governed as many journal, The Chicago Tribune the afliiirsof Zion. If the Mormen In the heat of battle as he Is of the 5tl Just, makes, this ntntc-'h- mons number 200, we wbiild simply likely tojgovern fhere In ence for meiit: k where they put em? If tlielr. agricultural interests; aonie iiine to conic. A Governor of tlie N irthwest have lice n in a published Statistics of twenty-tlv- e that has received the highest enco- Htrnighten ed condition for three years ago are to bo relied on, they miums of the preas and the people years, and the recent heavy' decline are certainly not as numerous as they that know him. This we sayj the In prices o f grain is seriously disas- were then.- The concentration of kind of a man wu are to have for trous to thousands. "What Is Hel- their forces in the United States lias, Governor of Utah, or at least! we ling for con siderably less in currency deceived many Amerlcans as to tliei r to very soon, ns there Is a than it brought bcibre the war In real strengtli, nhd startling as the bel n g circulated to that efleet', gold, whe u taxes were light and assertion may seem, we arc prepared and we doubt- whether; there Isa lalxir was low. "Western barley lias to prove from their own records that good loyal citizen th Utah that; .will fallen in a few wV.kn from $1 20 they are not as numerous In the not sign It if he has an opportunity. per buslie to j cents. as they xvefe world at large We have not time, space or dates at .While tlidsQ who have their farms the year before.-theloft Nuuvoo! this writing, (9 p. m.) to give such paid for h ay' bareiyLlive, those who Hut'. Young Hrig.Vseenis to be hava sketch of Geh. Williamson's life have run n debt for them aro not ing a good time in the East, and, and act a we would yhd to. Sufe interest on their debts, whether he succeeds In convincing; fice It to say that he has occupied of thingsdepresses in turn the people that jMilygamy Is a good! within of honor nearlyyevery post tlie business of the j cities of the thing or. not) lie will give them some the gift of the, people" of his native Nortinvt one and all. A condi- information In regard to the mine to next the and State, Iowa, highest tion of severe stringency and pres- and other resources of. Utah,' which1 point of honor lyid trust within5 the sure 'characterize every branch of will result in good. WhutVe lu gift of the Pres hlent lire' vet Major trade an unusually largo number this Jittlc corner of Hrighams - General command! np a corps. Gen. of unem want Is, to have iloyed young men are Williamson acquitted himself ad-- 1 seeking n val n for months some the laws principally so enforced that American mlrably during the late war, having ttVenue t eniloyment,. Ac. Ac. citizens may have' full protection itk been engaged In many of the The TrIljunc thinks this shite of tlielr in every jart of Utnlij; battles under Grant, Sherman facts line to excessive taxation anil anefaslights terthe minor vices of Morund Thomas. In 1802 he was deleprotection, also to the 'policy, of mon ism, suclCiis nieluineas,- trench-eryChicato front Iowa the at gate large Secretary Hoii t well; From thes73uth duplicity, poly gamy a ml Incest, go Convention. Hie has, been we have nore ......... flattering rejiorts, and we are willing, if tlie Government several tlnus to accept the all writcj1 agree that that section Is is, to leave their solution nomination for Governor of Joiva, recovering from the ravages of war asking that we le and , might have Hel knap's place with surprising rapidity. Hut In 'shilded from .murder, assault mul III tlie Cabinet had he sought that; sectioiil of the .Union with Oppression under the forms of law. r. 1C Uen. Williamson Is no which wu are intimately connected, GOOD PLACE FOR PAUPERS It was through the with- this is ce rtainly the .winter of J TO DIE. drawal of Gen. Connor in his favor, That class of erpakers we amt then at the urgent reipiest had here a few months ago would The Helena Herald is exercisof friend that he would accept the Ik? surprised to learn that we alone ing its fault finding power to the nomination how.- - Any one who have lmu n tolerable prosperity and fullest extent over Dr. Reins hoi knotty Gen. Williamson must know built up a cl t.v while otiier places pltal bill rendered on tlie 2nd Inst,, that tlie power and perquisite of liav.Q barely held their own. Yet for expense of the Lewis and Clark a Territorial governorship Is nothing such is the - fact. If there Is any county hospital for the year lajit to a mail of hi record and nbilty. other city, cast or west, which has somo ojf the expense Items As pat. Let us congratulate ourselves that thrived ao steadily uiider the ad- extracted will show the 'Herald ' Williamson Is not Secretary' of verse ci rcumstances of the past sea- is hot altcrether in making jpn. wrong Wlir or Governor of Iowa, and Jet son, os.haa Corinue, we have failed considerable ado about j the n of the mam that ciuf rejoieve to It hear ojf through the press. It every and extortion praetlccil j h toadalsni In Utah Is close at hand. Wa necessary that this time of the good people of Lewis mid Let Hgit the petition for j stringency should come; no matter Clark. This make; no diirerciide, fliunik wiionilgpit Ik? Becretaryofthe Trcas-ur- v however, in our opinion as to Heleor wiilch party In power, the na being a good place for;pauH?rs to CORIXNE AND HELENA-- A country was destined to go through die. Take notice paupers of tluo In getting items i REVOLUTIONS --THE CA IP 4.rcmYfphig' process ba-is. to down time COHINNE TRADE HYING 09. Nov. tliepld J. H. B., for laying 2nd, ' THE rOINT OF ...DEPARTURE have; passed It successfully in but paujicr, $10. Win. MeS., for and will lK?ghi another season digging , FOR THE NORTJ" I EUN gTaxb, $10. W. B. pauiers withHinusual ; advantages. J. It., for liauling pauicr to grave, $15. I. AM., making' coffin for Bhourd t anybody still loubt tlie OF UTAH. THEPRIXCE pauper,' $24, L. MeF,, for hauling Tra porflioe of Corliine a a halfWe observe in the Eastern impcrs pauper to Balt Lake. $05. Curtin way houne.bttweenthe Missouri ami $10 GO. tlie Pacific coast and as a pMttfcof sundry notices of the heir prcsumjit-iv- e Ilros. boots forG9.pauiH?rs, J. T. C., hauling of the Mormon kingdom.1 Nov. 4th, Ingress iitul egress to thejnorthern Y oung llrig lias been traveling I n pauper, $. J. T. C., for hauling iteriritoribs" of rmitiuiaand Iilaho, A. J. M.,i making cofw?e refer to tlie nceompany lag ext ract the Atlantic States and lias Ik'CU pauper, $5. interviewed by varioua reiK rtei's, fin for pauper, $20. "B. N. T., for taken 'from tlioTIelena(M. T.) GaChinaman and frozen inan, zette of the Sd Inst,, Wc have boon and their accounts make decidedly burying $80; and soon till the' Doctors bill wmltlrig to hear from this source for amusing reading. Among other dome time, and are now pleased to statements Hrlg. is reported to have aggregate upwards of$l 2,000. What think you of thatCorinuetheans? And that the enterprising nierctinnts said that lie had not seen a good If this dont plainly prove, that looking woman in Philadelphia. ofHelena, ahvay true to the best Bliadcaof tho Utah Venus ! Where blcased be nothing, (no paupers Interest bf: that remarkablo Terriwero tin? elegant waists df Salt Lake, we mean) then we dont know tory, havo wheeled Into lino and fashioned what doe. We advise mil paupers on the pattern of a rain- to go to Helena to die, for Helena is pledge their support to tlie Corlnne a the models for Classic bow feet evidently the pauper paradise. route for Montaua as being tho brick machine, the horror of cheapest, safest and most expedi- patent and the artists, despair of shoemaktious; and all thing considered, the Uxc red arms and faces, and the routejthat . should be .encouraged ers; n in DOOT AND SHOE MAKER, a over; ell ethers! .The military will dressesto rivaling which the young Prophet J enfant brf, heiviem td and ith. , support lt the - people will support June accustomed. He missed these CORIIVJYE-7 , UTA1I. It;; ry )U; P. R. R. will iupport it; was .. : ... ., A in Philoso..... feature Philadelphia. add drerybody will support it wiien 8hoc and Gaiters mulo &nl.repird In phers may find In this fact fresh theBoots, most approved style. Custom work It advantage are once known. spe. JK0-m o n d has proof of the theory that all ideas ciality. Her hat,' ,Cot . - (fraham, Maurice A Ok .. Gfhljf. thi-ne- e of-th- tri-week- semi-week- ly, e ly ite CHICAGO POST. of beauty are only the result of association. If a mam wero brought a up In community witliout nosel. he would no doubt think, that' fea-ture it hideous deformity;i if In Central Africa he I would be liorrois stricken at the delicate lips and pale colors of EurojK?; if among jthe.Fe-Jecan-s, UaTqJortcr, TEI'WEEKIY i! Tl .irw UI , ; Tho Onljf .lL, ' GENTILE NEWSPAPER - . IN UTAH. - :v ... . MoiUann Street, Corinue. FOR 1870. PROSPECTUS :o:- - THE LARGEST AND FINEST FITTED HP ROOM IN 1 tsMegraphio. n, ' v er to-da- Washington. y McLa-oi- l . ui na-.ion- Gni-ho- al n I " Cleveland, Nov. 9. A freight train on the BandurtkyY Mansfield and N ewark rai I road was t hrovni.from tlie track: near Mount ..Vernon on .Sunday, badly .1smashing the engine, ami ten ears. The conductor was killed, the firCimui severely hurt, ami the engineer slightly. .. i ( s 1U. Fort Henton, Nov. 9. office-seeke- dil-eonte- ntr -- V ? wklt Tm-WEiK- tr COKINNE, Utaii Tor. EIl-RITQRII- . J 9 r k.- "I '; ) L.l HOrrSAS'T, Ie reliant Taylor, . Brig-fohtn- L, f Re-xne- m : . U hours from -I- - a. at. to 0 -- ' r 8 i Western Having v ) ; , r, if. ' ,. j nml lnp ;1 9L Louis. mil if (' JA. 8. O. SEWCI.U , a.- M. 1 The finest Imported Liquor. Golden and Port rl Crown Cigar., Tom & Jerry, XJot Iuuches, etc., always On hniut. , ' Caliahdsee ns. M Cicn Night and Bay. -- hft UAFFEUTTS KEG - CDHINNE, UTAH. no9-t- f , PACIFIC STABLES. The underljrrfcd hsvirg pnrrhased the above s LXVtUY , are prepared to do a pn'perty an-- i S.VLK busincs. The h st cf Sadd'e and Carriage t ck con stantiy on hand and for hire at reasonable raU s. hrsi-clas- . Also a Good Winter XUncb. Office aud Slablea, soutb-ca- t comer Montana x and Fifth St rest, Corinno, Utah. . j IIOUN 1 k SULLIVAN. hoSSif w (iCllUlSH k WILES,: T- Hiirilirari?, froii, IVniN, Stoves, 1 i WU TIN (vnv, iPlRll . W v. i ' Montana . i ; , I- ; BIiool fIron, OC7-9- Street, i'" X. , Proprietor of tlm . ECLIPSE t t 1 ' ; -. ; SAW i - eai s. e ?t School fioKks aftd In juirv of T. W. fh'at. VHIif 's H CUT THE BES :j I rosl laLoCtty, S20. IV TIIE OXU'tiENUiXE:!MlBOVKD BUY Oroido Gold U7atchcs, ' by . t -- .V o ' t sit the fim-l- , b m . , -- - D treat. ! .f-- , sale r u D. , of bowels, ell wholesale ' i different floor. 1 I . x :.y ; ) : v, " ' Proprietor. 1 ra c r i c a n ' E x change T"-- 7 !. '. Hotel, .... S.I.1S0SE STRCCT.9 San t (Extending from Bacramsnt . rrancicffy at. to Jlalleck U NOBODY SHOULD BE WITH CUT IT J new!y tar recenty renovated and economic1, Having beenmakes it tha most quiet, v . J. O. Frisch, Proprietor. ? and comfortable FAMILY HOTEL la the . TAYLOB k BENDEL, Sole Agents, Being centrally; locate 1, It offers every 1 i . . fl ment for business men and tbe public gtdirra.iy And Wholesale Dealers In , r vThe labiea. xrill eonstamly be supplied . VYlnci and :. every .uxury the market affords. The liquors, WJ(;I10, k 4Ig Clay sk. Ban Franciac Cal Coach, with Bed Lights, will 1? l lJ wharves snd depots, to oentey passijngt-- to 10 , ,s.d. , Hotel free, Prop-TIMOTHY SARGENT. Janag-lj ; ! t t firorlei Aiucrg'-Exchang- e r HENRY LEIWES, Dealer 'in ; . Grocoiioa and iZdqtiors, Wholesale and MERCHAIIT8 .' EXCHANGE, SECOND, SOUTH STKLET. "y i . SUt 1 street, corner of Montana; Corlnne, r ,,f V.i augl5-t- f ? CLASS NEW HOTEL com-fortib- . y JiNO. II. DHAKK, ' . CIG AKS AND TOBACCO. Tr oprtctonu . Blood ' Retail. ,,v.r I - One of the largest and best Hotels In the Went Bebuilt, remodled, and- refurnished In thv richest and ' most luaurious - manner in Baths, wur. eujta of rvomxwiUi I Ac. it One of Atwoods Improved passenger Elevst'-- r bas been introduced tor conveying gt eats to lie .. on. I ILLINOIS. CHICAGO- - BITTERS! Tonic! vary Agracabla .V c v i Trcmont House, - beat i - UTAH - cbRlNNE, H1LIH k CREEW ILD - r i Parlfier of tbe TRY Ths k Plaaaant r ITI kCnrarpaaaed for Drink acting surely but tho secretions genuy the stomach and kindneysj TRY Forliver at retail IT! liquor, drug and groceryandstores. 1 t Between Third aud Fourth Streets, i CO., ill HBTROrOUTlN- 'HOTEL : Mil a ft f-t'- Montana , CELEBRATED SWISS ; TO THE WOHKIXCL CLASH We are now prepared to f urn tab all clasaea with eeMtant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare memeuts. Business new, light and rentable. Persons of either sex easily earn rrum 60c. to $3 per .even.ng, and a proportional um hy devoting thGr whoe time to the business. and girla-eareh a nearly a men. That all who sc o this notice may send their address, and teat the business; we make thlftUK paralleled offer: To such as are not well aatisfied, we will send f 1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full i articular., a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The JVeyXes Lit rr ary Companion-on- e of the largest and best family newsp ip, rs published all sent free bj malL. Ueader if you want permanent, profitable work, addres E. 0. ALLKN it CO., no8-3Augusta, Matpe. n ' , f tt' V. brt msko, ITnuting.ra's. y and wear like fine, gold, and re hif bvd; equal m appearam to the best gold wvit. li: Tliey tire Xi. tLullaiidw y ' . J."'-,.,- TIIK tmOlDK WATt'H ,( OMP.i.V ' COillNN IS, ruiAIL ' V" nol-t- f t Wat-ch- NEWS Cfrcc Tld Mng,r . c .! GOVXSLIi WAZiL 7A7Z3IL, : ' , .. U A . V " mu A . Halt , ,r ; or HUSilF.Y. DA.II.I ; 'mUitt A-ta- fTj irS. i le Si to ',r .' I. 'HOLT, suo-plie- -- only 4 ? Unow . .. the publio. The rooms are neatly i and epn A fi furnished. The tables era always d with the best the market affords, i l. ? I resh Oyaten always on hand and a erred up In . , Always on hand Lnmbcr, Lath and Khlrtglea, any atyle on hort notice, ; The Bar da stocked with tho. finest Wines, Lumlrr rough or dressed famished at the lower. Caah Prices. . ... - : not-t- f andCigarr. ..ccWut Liquors, t J it , ,ti ' I, ; x 'COT? .V4VJ? UTA IL Fur h ) t.fgi sec ei'CtiUr. THE STANDARD PIANO. m MILL B ; POCKET ITJTLKKY AND NOTIONS OF. ALL KINDS. PATUONIZE HOME 1SDDSTRT. i . H.-'- Full Jt'wc'ed l.in r; usunlly ci.tng, fl.O (it. Tils and Ivni it a six.'., st 81 A eeh. Oil it iHHHtr.K EX IB.V KkFINED H Jid Dr -BASS, Gold Hunting tasea,' FnU Jrweh-ide vrr. . Dis Tha Atttotf Plano la cnKArr.T, Mnsrr equal l 83oo Odd Walches ; Br gulutcd a d lsust coMtwTiH, rnpitrus it s tuning are On niuevd to keep correct time, aixi w sr anl ainl does not get oift of orvler, it is i not tarnish, with Extra Flint Cases, at f.u each. NO MONEY S IGKjUI BED IN vADVA N OK We send by Express anywhere within th- - Fuihd Slxlf, paabio tu aveut m delivery, wttli the ' , privilege to open andexauil&e before paid f v. ' Iii I8't7 tho A met lean Instittrto Fair of New and if not kitiafactory nlorml, by paying th York, after a 'blludfold trial against Stein way's. Express charges, (looda will be sent ty mall OhiolMring's and. many ottier llanos, swarded Kegtstcred Package, prepaid, by sending rash in th Patent Arlon tho First Prruilura.' ; , advance.;1 , Write for affltlavits. Pamphlet amt Circular, Au Agent, sending for six Watches g ts.sn and state in what Paper you saw thS adrrrtiso-tucu-t. extra Watch free Making vevru 1 14 ... (4 j;; X for fW, trr seven f'iO AVate'ufN for fiat. ALSO ELBOANT OROIDE GOLD CHAINS, A (JESTS WAXTED ef iateot and most rosily styles, for Indies and In every City and Town whora ws liavo not al- Gentlemen, from 10 to 4(1 inches long, at tl, ft. $6. and f each,i,eut with watches (at lowest ready spjH)inln4 theui. wltolrsalo prices Htats kind and size of watch dL required, at d order only from T, THE OBOlDfc WATCH CO., Warerooms and Office, No. to 1 Brndway, oclCSth 148 FultomSGeet, New Yorky 1ST 183 Is Nsw York. Bowery, Manufactory, .. i octlft'ilm i f xi. bitott.su:, o J'' V: i Patent ru:l Iron Trame oonrentrotes IN kiiont of the Tuning Pins, that hen:tofore damaging Iron (which in other 1luno the Tuning' IlisJsi'd hiinfudy. surrotwi-butts inb the front edge of the Iltuk an t effectually resists tlie tsweuty tina stralit. Patent Diagonal Sustaining Bor 4 to. of next with Irou the and Frame, part parallel the steel strtuga UN DElt THE OVEKSIKINO ; DEAUtR TX V ; t 11 - d , t. I .. T COItINNEi UTAH. U '7'''-J - s r u By. In -- .. ,f 11.00 7 00 BOOKS.. STATIONERY, Best of Vines, Liqnom and Cigars In great tight iu, and Lclp yourtielves, Walk variety. gentlemen, , . best brttnds) ' V r GEO. 1 ' o'.-'m-- Higher Drjmr.nn-nt- . r For further particular hmumn tuber. X TODACCO, CIGAKS aud GLASSWARE.' MOrtTAN A? 8TI1KKt! r East xiJf, .Uhcetn 4th anti Ttth Streets. 1 V Yr.tr. Ttonl v. M'b.y '.Sq.tenl'r tii.st 9 Htrrct, - h iwi'VirJ I .hi!t ls.r,ilMK , WINKS, LIQUORS, ' '- I ........ ............ OROCE BIE8, ae22-lt- 4 1 ro.mi ii ui.iitur', ihrouuh'-uiimiu diis corps of touchers nul r ' vr nnle.-.DD. chnrgt of l;t. Jtov. Dant-'i . '.rius: lcr mouth of A .Wccl. , : ' ; . ... .. f 7 .... 1 rtmar.i- :r, I i .. 3 parui cui lu : and Be tall TVholewde J i ; M.dn Ni VICTOR COBDELLA, , - . t'K-adl- k, r .v ' . Opens on BY THE : - ' A.. A. M.. COItUVIVE, UTAH. ; no0-i- f f-r o , h LA 1; i: CITY, UTA II. SALT f : St'.-.;- OSCEOLA SALOON, . all orders. ysr U ST. MARK'S ' X3ialidliecl IttLCY. ... ' apso-t- PRINTERS PUBLISHING; C 0., 9IONTANA BTIIKET, UTAH. CORINE, - And General Outfitting Goods. rn. m m ft ' L i. .. Flour, Grain. Irofluc, efc, Clih-aco- - HKVKB HPl - m Tla arr, u J. i . fiuiriitg nrally : ilonc, 1( . ' 4 v4 Bi d2e Wooden Patent Rerrr-eW El KLY, per atmnm . 8.00 throughout, hktaiks Ihs sweetno. of tlie old CLUB K Vi E - Five Copi' a to oue address. JXO.OT; wtm Bridge, and oKraur. the aolb'by of the Ten Copter, to no addnsi.. ...... ........ MS 0t iilHTil, Agraffe, without is'oiuiu.ilo?is. Fift !!, Copies, to one address., .......... 4S.00 7 Patent Compound Wrst P.ank Twenty Copier, td one ad sres.. ...... i.. Go 00 And Ctpy extra to getter up of Club , bolls lio Tuning I'ins, Is six layers of wldh differ eutly, this iuank TEltMif 1 N VAHI A 6 1.Y1 X'AIJV AN CH Maple, omi runuiug ' COIUNNE. UTAH. CJ-rtn- k nswarr , Darduaro, Qncf Ilot-d- - . amm rout siTi?Livvau'' per annum sis months..... . . . .V .o -., Halt Lake Dahler Co., City. Hussey, lfusrey, Dahler AA Co,, Helena, Montana, Co., Virginia Montana. Sirmiuyt attention given Hussey, Dabler Jei7 Alliance Hank, London. . D. La Touche, Dublin. Bank of Califot nia, Han Francisco. : O- can National Bank, New York City. j 8 Draw eebaugo on principal cities of the world C.t Time Checks bought. Henry 0reentaum A v in . D-a- ler Staple and Fancr firocerips , in.titute, i - UTAH; - x O ;x.' Uorrcapondentei P. 6. Wilsou Cheyenne. First Xsltou vl, uinaba. . P , - Il.SlfS l', Montana S!rref, . - V, OIDce . ' - 1 u-- - I :V m ' , MD GOLD DIST.BOICHT, ' x.v, , " - , - i - fis'-i-la-- -- i v - . :- (hor icist from 0u$i6hh comer .r" j I ?.it COM , a otli-st- ., - COR INN E, In (he -- : , Pre-sriptioi- is 1 flower-garde- 3Ioiifnim ntul . i t - In-a- ct up-p- Co-rin- ne Celltrlloni made on any point flitted SUtei. .I ,:. Corner - tinent. f It will contain it share of general news from a all p u ts ot tho world and will Uo jut such a .hUld lx on the Uhlo of overy home -- MuRriUXT Oo.l!HISSIO FaiUler., Loth eiKt and west. j A an advertising mmliam it offors auinsrior advanUgiB, 4.,: evrrv ivnri'ty of conrtantly keep fn huod s XlrugM, UMUslly kept In a Drug Store. Amt cateir.lly .coiuounded. lu.'Jtr ixipo-sltlo- - 1. AVIL.HOU, y . I ! , V jutf-oam- of ; f Montana Sti crt, I wjll OC JEl. . j..:-;:- . and from' The this on wiu b conducted aa a Srst-cla- a Family Newspaper. ; lUving rwoenUy, changed baud. rc modeled and enlarged. It now offers ad- jvsuUgcs thst no other psper In the Mountains doea, or ia likely to. . Among other matters of n tcrcat It win contains correct history ham Young and the Mormons, giving selections from their correspondencu. public speeches, and sermons delivered in the Oreat --Tabernacle at Halt Lake; also an account of their doings iu ptiblio, and scenes from tbelr private lives. It will contain a history of their follies and crimes of the past and jpresent so far as light and time ! WZM "DRUG STOREi ) 1 P. - - - Read It . J. ElMnXRTOS .- Gc , 'TT .. xifD ! One. - f Rctuil &. . i nORTON; A special Wholesale and l.cCtil CASTOW, Wliolesule i. ; - . ' WIXSOTT dt Sevier lUvcr, Cottonwool! and Egau Canons in southern and Western Utah. : It will mark the developement of the silver regions of White Pine and tho Cope District, .he rich Gold mines of Swett Water, the Oil and Coal regions of Bear ltiver, and Bitter Crek, as j well as tito vast Coal and Iron fields slocg tho not n gleet lig of Pacific Union tb anil ,la lUBroad, Mall Telefrraoh 7 j thQ B.aa aul 0 Cement of tho Kallmul " ( Com Jmnys lauds and tha I'eantifal valleys along iis lina-- r tbe grtat tutural pturoo pt- - the Cou- ' i ay ; ,oy.. And Everybody Should I , - totinieancl-civiiization,on- y to-d- icHocmr, :t V . mediator with the Great Bpirit the (llsenHC - . .1 f f des-jwra- te on--etfura- :. i C. KUNKY, Prop.' J. A. V"t W. D., MORTON, i . BANKING HOUSE rtvealtium. i It will ftive the rise and progress of the VJen- tiles in Utah, and of Corlnne the coming Chi- e go of the Ureit Salt Laka Busin. ; It will also contain a full and correct history of the Gold, 8ilver;fron and Coppir Mines of , j cHtrtm. j Clergymen read it. f ; POSEY 8. WILSON, ' . XlH J. MISCELLANEOUS" AD VTS. ; messenger to Gen. Bully, ImlianBu-perluteiiden- t, among (beneath iys'small-pox tho Indian froin number 5(K, or half the entire tribe. They are committing suicide, blowing tlw.lp l.mliw niif wltli re01CTH. They demand, the Indian agent to ay V 7' MISCELLANEOUS ADVT8. f Montana.. j 1 . no4-3- ... - j r : Congressmen read it. ; T,.. Li ..i-.- ; , i: Mc-poole-Al- lcn . , ct to-d- i' , Senators read it. The Ciucinnati,. mill' is oil, owing toa stakeholder imbroglio. Allen declines to tight with the stakes held y n 8t. Louis luanrMcCoole .will fight on no other comlltlon.vthmiglx several were projKised. A plague 1ms broken out among the cuttle in a distillery In Btorov ownslilp, and 40 liavo already died. - ' The disease is still raging. JsTbv. - 4-- '4 The proprietor ha ypared no pains nor expense In making thin the most comfortable place to jiass away an hour or two at thegreatNatiouai ' Gome. , jjssaS, Golden Croaui Cigars, and tho best of Ale, Wine and Liquors . always on hand. Presidents rend it ej ex-pe- Friends I I -- herefor, THE MOUNTAINS. -- r Read It niid send it to yoiir ? Ohio. V. . , j, S fils'-t- ; Suh'criUc for it I Cbicag(, Nov.KJ. A Wiisbington special' says Joliu.W.i Henson, of Iowa, hart lk?en appointed Government Director of tlie Uxiion Pacific Railroad.; r.,. , , ' - 4iVv . ! - f MA M M O WEEKIY. & V Vi the Republicans. : . , ly - ,i ST; LOUIS BAItDEIl SHOP. it f til. W. P. BPHKCElt, t IK B'l u j a23 Ira : i .pn (iiuaiiStrooti (Branch at Yij: ifoMrMue$ V SALT. LAKE CITY, U. THE CHOICEST LIQUORS, rVlKES - AHdMlGM!s 6 1 ALWAYS ON ILYND. 1A 11 L. ILN U I ; L H LC H T, vil.t 'T T- - p20 tf , PROPRIETOR, t |