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Show v v 4 '4 N v? r ,t. . s-f- ri i f I a :. ,1M w. , xeada oa an Np BuwjUK.,,,--N- el inritxiloa to come and heir him lecture it Yonkere, N.iV , Says ,hc, is giving the Tmuohdav moiikinOj soy: ;n. Mormone kprtichlar fits' dowi tberf. He received and read a jRapxich . agent hie da authorised trsvelimf weho duo ' audience the other night In regard to tuie djlw pir. the murderous attack upon Mr. Beadle j iu Time. Brigham City. The audience 'Uiani Chang of '", f f T t Jj fested considerable sympathy for uk, Ned Ko. Tbo .Ut E.H. which assumed the nature of Bays, of time' on Tuesday last, and un a for while." .Wuke tnem p to adled art Atlantic and Pacific ex the real v truth of affairs o at hcreJ Colo to tho schedule, besides a coupler and send ns the nel," The time table published ay a .fiahTrl-Weeh- Reporter. ly 'bi-for- wade-anothe- - Wxix.. 'The frieud (of ,Mr. Beadle will be pleased to learn that he 1 recovering very rapidly under, the skii -fat treatment or Dr- - J. W. Orulmm. The evldenco shows the following state of facts : Mr. Beadle was just leaving the court house, being iu advance of the crowd, when he was strurk a terrible blow iu the back of the bead, which caused him to fall forward upon his knees. The crowd of Mormons surrounded him while his asKttilatit, Bmitlu continued to beat him npon the head, only two blows touching his face, one on each side of the forehead. , When reduced to complete helplessness, Smith fiuishcd by a heavy kick with his cowhide boot, which took effect on Mr. Beadle's collar-bonmaking a complete fracture near the shoulder. The whole sffuir was', over before any of the Gentiles who were in the company reached the spot The' Mormons followed their. Usual rule tq take no chances strike in the back and avoid a fight, a refinement of cowardice in this instance, as Mr. Beadle is about half the size of hi assailant, aud was entirely unarmed. During the entiro affair he never saw Smith, andjwould not be able to identify him, nor did he havo a moments warning or tim to.apeak a word. The whole affair was put up after the most approved style ofJtho Saints," and having tho treble advantage of numbers, surprise and attack upon weakness, they gained h victory of which they no doubt feel unusually proud. Such prowess should not chivgo nnhooored among the Latter-da- y alry, and we expect a proper presentation will b made to brother" Smith for his skill nnd darings When Weston was w hipped. Elder Stenhouse and a dozen more brethren seized him at midnight, took him to Temple Block and carefully tied him before they began ; the last attack show quite au improvement in the. Mormon sense of honor, We ought to be thankful that our gracious government peVmlta'us to live here, even with broken bones, as but a few years ago death wax the portion of those who spoke against tho Hierarchy. Mr. Beadlo was at ouce brought to this city and very kindly cared for At the residence of Mr. John Closser, hi wound dressed and the collar-bon- e successfully adjusted by Dr. Graham, and at the cud of a week he is able to walk about and rVjoice in the troth." Under any less skillful, hands Mr. Beadle ,Would have been compelled to suffer n month oT confinement, but with the new shoulder-brac- e, scientifically contrived by , Dr. Graham, this is rendered unnecessary. Friend Beadle expects to recover soon, and Lope ta live loug enough to deal many more blow at the despots of Utah, besido wbieb tbo htices he has so far given will rank as mefe flattery. e r, , fni-jhti.- tells the story i i. pacitid Exp., due lo ally. f at Co (Thnrsdaye only) 9.10 nmifl. j Atlantic Express, Tues- 8. p, m. days , only o. 3 IVsenger Exp., daily, 4.25 p. in. 4 t.10 a. m. J. . 2. .(.. A head -Freight, daily except 10.40 p. m. Sundays Xhsed passenger and .U-4a, . freights d.vtlyr. . i 2 20. p. in. V V ,i Freight, daily except .10.10 p. m. Saturday, lo. 5. ............. C. j Iiu 5 r! i V Corinne Directory. ' JL i XU UTAH PXYXHIO& ft JJ ?( tVeed, Saperinteadeab head at Wasatch. Morris, Engineer ; headquarters 1 W. . J T. It- - Wasatch. cobin net orrtoK. , Frank Rush, freight anti ticket agent. J. K. Watson, baggage agent. L. l'atnter, telegraph operator. ' GILM, AXD. NACLPMirilT . a . a. " Mails arrive from tho east and south .'It p. in. ; front the west, 0.10 a. m. ; rnt the north, 8 50 u. m. Mails close for east aud south, 8.30 a. ; for the west, 4 p. tn.; for the north, t Wo want three or four r k'svl, honest, energetlo young Mor-nmto eunvuHH for tho JlKPoitTKlt, '? jo whom good wages, or a lllerui Jiscount oil Hulserlitton, will he I'judd. Apply nt thlH olllee. Noriri:. ns mw -l t ' snb-Vrjplio- t us tiy. i ! to-o- Was Some good, pliable mu, living In Salt L'tke City) to solicit, and ad vert ine in Cuts for the Itx-- ! n rs.it, collect - for llns1 s.trao, and take vf our bUHiness generally in that r- 1 1'of Sole ur Ilent , i ' JacX- Gilmku, the stage man, called in to see us the other, day. and during a very pleasant; but brief conversation, told us what he was doio&atid wherhis headquarter Was for the present.! Now that is just what we have L eeu trying to find out for some time., Orio day we see him lu Corinue, the next wo hear of him at Halt L ike, Virginia, Helena or Ft. Benton, Montana. Jack in a "russler, sure, and has got a partner, Mr. Salisbury, no less ouc. JackHuysh )' going to put on a line of stages between Cheyenne and Coriuuo this winter, soon a the B. B. gets snowed up. We hoe bo wou't do it, but if"' be does have an opportunity we know be i equal to the emergency, aud As a we shall patronize him, ctoo. ho i a sUcceHM'iHt," and we jitgi-t- " doubt whether ever, tvro nuch raUting stage men as Gilmer k Saliwlmry got line. Jack' gethcr before ou an) headquarters lit pre-- ut are somewhere between Corinne aud 'ort Benton, where he c.ta be fouud aim pet any hour of the day. ' - - . t , ith sts. , n Iward Conway, manager. .. F. Ilrown, chief operator, W, II. Glased!, cashier aud receiver. II. Or Pratt, L. S. Wild, Frank Knight, .in Kiiu'r and P. Kearney, operators. (Jeo. htuart, buttery man and repairer. I'coiunne jsst ymee f p t mtana stA tst ween Fifth Vud Sixth ; fcorgo L Holt, Post Muster.- f ' Uintah IIouse.f prating Office,' corner Montana and , -- Lodging Booms to Bent at the jjr-fl- r ither day for Helena, Diamond City, lack foot and Deer Lodge ; Titu Hender-- u, agent. , Office near 11. K, depot. WEHTEBN UNION TX LEU RATH e, op tiie Times. We got a little ahead of the times on Tuesday in saying our freud John Tierpau would leave th.it morning for the east, been Thursday morning days don't make pmjpbJdiffdfence.1 but then we dou't like to get too far ahead of onr cotemporaries in the way of news for fear they might quit the race alto ether. Mr. Tierusu goes east this morning, and nodonbt will be tho first to convey the happy news to Gen. Willtamson in person that Gon. Connor has wi lulrawn his name from the Utah Governorship in favor ol Geu. Williamson. GeuL Connor himself considers Gen. Williamson the more elb gitle man Elther wofild have suited ns, but we must agree with Gen. Counor that AVillismson is the man of all other fot the Utah Governorship. Ilurrsh for Gen. Williamson. vi. llontanu stage lines, carrying tho IJ. 8. nails and Wells, Fargo k Co.'s express ; ra4 da:ly for Virginia City, Montana, nut intermediate roint at Slp. m. ; every f Bye Bread at the Union 'IJdkery. octC-t- f ue AVull jmper nt We aro pleased to notice New Firm as one of the many c ideuce of tho pro-e- roll. xt Mon-tui- a The, cstublish-n- d Barber Shop. fa good , substantial gressef Coiiuue the .t .Sullivan, who Irninc, vliui hd ns.fed building, 22 feet metit of Messrs, llolln 20 dAcp.' Eiitjuire at the preaiites. baye 'the entire proprecently pmchnsfcd I noil 2 w erty known u the Puri tic Stables. These We noticed oih of our citizens round gentlemen arc both known to pofwas the n u y.surd y gtting subscriber to the energy nnd persevtrauco that surely lead lltnk walk ki the depot,' Wo hoje he tofoitnue. Their etables are rapacious ill wioreetlT" We mNsjm like to see onr whilst their horses and cariiiges include jpiLpriug prosper. Every citizen ought the best steppers and neatest rigs iu Utah. takepridain this plank walk.it 1 Bomc-l.sti- g In bnying drugs people can not he t neluully iM tdctl aud nm.t go if wo t go and collect the luouey and careful in selecting bo beat druggists to man died once mltl it tmrstlves, w yon might a well deal with. Them 4: oujc tlown Imudsotncly it once and nave after purchasing n bill of drug. Tlurc lk hiustgo Was another inaq di'd slout the same this trouble. TbopIrtk o salk" up and plank repre- -' time that didn't buy drug ; 105 do that, your there is a good tnnnj drvgi on the market V.t.itive, gentlemen, . . now,- and it stands the pe pie in hand A 7?!", Business Booms to Unt at the just to bo mighty careful wild they invest in. jjhuUh lloiihe. The East India Company's share are a , Times.-ns told Goon A f drug $ the Sue cannjl Caused lhat. Pangentlemen yesterday thiilf he could Hell one Impel red ama Haiti Oftd stock is a drutf enterile'usaudv?) feet of' Inniher hi two hour prise caused that. The P. M. H. 8. Co If lie could only get the lumber. It dull share are a drug ; the Pacific Railroad caused that 8alt Lake corner lots are In Corinne is it? a drug , Corinne caused that but at T. Mon 5th L. and Sam Ttbbals, corner J. Edington's rext door to Gaston, yott bum streets; baa just received a large will find drugs thu t aint a drug and are the best drugs you ran buy, too. Excuse ytock, of brandies whiskies, GoUJeu Wed Olf the diversion,. Mr. Ediugton, wc was going ling wine, case goods and cigars. t to tell the people where to get their drugs V H. Lubbes, of the Corinne Meat Market, Fourth Street,1 keeps a very suand perior article of Meals, Meats We our it popular prices too. get whereof we know and speak, when ;bere, Ve say Lubbes k$eps the1 best in V?wu. f' 'int, u-i'- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. v - , 1 l , Meat, HOWE, BUUHESS I GENEHAL DEAI.EH3 V Game of Bo4tf" IS ! ' Vegetables and fresh Beef States Lumbcr9 ... ,Vr. , noil-t- f I I The Metropolitan, nder its enterprising managers, is nht only one of the beat hotels in the West, bat is ,fat assuming the palatial. Metropolitan Hotxx More anon. .1 Tibbals is the place to spend yoojr j Sam is odd, time and looee change. agent for. the celebrated Brewer, Bemls & Ca's ale and porter. ' B&m. kk b. Csiifornla apples for ale cbekpftnr cash at ElHMt's. T . m' q JL0Q0, A i , - k-- a t T. i 1 .................... al ..... tE (? k la-sa- he if C i N- -lt v9 jlweiVe 4 ...15 - , to-ext- eud , !fT uJ tt, tte iilMMlilirMi 5 i -- -- m I Wholesale Market. Ib............ i i i - ' , ot J , i ij k ), - i '1a ........i............... ....... i, ! ilte4iisltM -- post-mante- s, fteeie4eeee4e rVib..4 4 ivc-awM- a e e t sxtte-fnctori- ly , 6am;. e e ft 4 paa-sengei- 4 r - e .., ! 1 1 - ft ft s ft tlo-i.o- y 1 in-iU- his ve t ice-a-we- Mouldings, Lime, s, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING FURNISHED TO ORDER ON TIIE SHORTEST, NOTICE. MA-TEHI- - .Ptoro Houso: Nortbwe.t Corner MonUna and 8lxth Street, Corinne.' Utali. no4-t- f ...... ..... ...... nRU llUv .......$6 - w ? - e ............... Salt Lake City, Utah. of-xn- e ? The undersigned will receive etock for a winter Herd, on and after this date, at tha Pacifto Stab-leMontana Street All stork "returned on tbe first of May, or anoner if ordered. We assume tbe nsual responaibtUtle of herders, and havo the best Ranch in the conntry. a, from Salt Lake, Uintah, Echo, Wasatch, Ogijlen and Promontory, and even a sprink ing from onr rivals Omaha and Chicago were in town yesterday. They called round aud paid their respects to the Bipobteb severally and jn little parties of three and four, till all tad congratulated us on our lucky strike.' Dick McGeath came back from Salt Lake where he hadteen a few days on business.1 Mr. Barrett, of th firm of Boss k Barrett, Salt Lake, called in to protest against boaatiful ploce of os murdering such-l- a poetry as" tkat ol T. B. Bead's Closing Sce'dtf" with typographical errors. It Sir. wasn't altogether our fault, Barrett, we took it from wtat ought to be a first-claauthority,' errors and all ; bat if you Will come up and seo ns often erewill guarantee they shan't make any more such hnmitigated mistakes. By the way, we think Barrett is cojaing up here to estate iish soon. We saw him looking back very wishfully at a certain cornerlot" as the train moved ofi. -- Come back, Bar rett; we'llfc6ViiCf the lot for you. Joe Iler, of the great wholesale liquor house of Iler k Co., Oraiiha, is in town, and wants to sell some Igoods or boy some lots, he dont care which. Joe says there ought to ? bo large wholesale liquor house iu Corixme a I.once.' We think so too, Joe, ind would be glad to baveyou esUblish 'Vit. a -- t k HEATH, McBANE, RYAN Refer, by permission, to 8, O. Skwbl u O. II. Eluott, Jab. McNamkb, F P. Jonirsox, D. Suobt, C. B. Gsxxx. noC-l-m j Gentile Hotel in the ..........J. ' - I , PATENT OFFICE. Alexander . 5k. AMERICAN Sc Mason, boucxtors op . k EUROPEAN PATENTS ; COUNSELORS AT PATENT LAV, m solicitors of Patents,) SEVENTH 8TREET, opp. the Pstent Oiflce. (16 years axperlence 4 CO repentlt d, - f--r L s ; AND Washington D. ss yxr-- Good, dclirend Id an, part of the city, free of charge, by buying your Groceries at Creighton & Munro. J....... L-a- Doors, Sash, - oeJ0.2w of all shades and kinds. Called. Mr. Taylor of Toland k Tay- of oar friends k. ) i Marawnfimb, vi, & CO., If lour, Grain, PRODUCE, ' bit i PROPOSALS Ni j i i, rueeivevi 15X) rolls of wall papar, lor's and Banjo BillA called in a few minutes last evening to pay thelf'fespects to the Bepobteb outfit . They came farmed and equipped as the law directs, 'oo, you bet Taylor never travels any ther way. He wasn't only loaded to he guards with the good thiugs of this We ife, but plum tojthe smoke-stacint going to tell whsdie brought but t was something that has a highly exhile-- J gating influence 6n the feelings of a poor listracted local, and often helps to con-- J re a flighty" local item. Taylor has ot plenty of these good things left If on don't believe ns go down and look Betail Family Zlarket. 5 I eno-trac- ts, sd ek Prf ....- 11'nfron, Prop. CORNKR MONTANA AND FIFTH STREETS. Always on hand the clioUost all kind, Dutter, Ejn;a, etc. itlpm Awtew-a-we- ll - j ff. UTAIL 4 ft ). j Paikh You n HousKS.George Holt, nt thoP. O. Bookstore, has ri' fLi Report. auUl.-teutl- : just JMCarlcet United States Mails e CITY Meat Marke J now-a-day- s, I Holts, cents a oc27,2v P ( J. , 25 17. Th contracts are le be executed and re-- ' Coalville, to Echo City, 83 mUee and tamed to tbe Department by e4 bsforntha le back, once n week. day of July, 1870) bat the servios tmastbe bedua Leave ITovo City Monday at 8 n m; oo that day, oc oo Ura nail day next efts It, Arrive at Echo City Wednesday by 12 mi whether tbe contracts bft executed or ftot. Leave Echo City Wednesday Transfers f rntitraata. as . at lntacl la 8 p m. at Arrive lrovo by Friday City CmKinaroN A Corrected Weekly bt Kpsau. , are forbidden by law, invited. for oqnswaoenUy wrk TTOpoaate cannot be showed. Bidder wtd thsrsfoift CORINNE, U. T., NovEMBxa B, 1M9. ' . 11 hiilee and I A 1663d From Teotde Id Grantsville, Ovrtcft DirAft-nncrrnotloe (hat they arlO be avyrtftd to psifoem tbe J . back, onq a wsek. t Washington, SepL au. 1KO. j 'f service accepted to them through tha whole term i J i Lcavs Tooele Thursday htlpm) , of the contract. 4 p tu j Grantsville st Arrive by Vs 11. rosmutmiiofirta J Grantsville Thursday at 4.0(7 p m ( lave mors than eighty rods feoas o atatloa, w2R, bat will to received at the Contract Office of this De7 At rive atf'oocle by p m, after th let f Marsh mat, rsgsri Immedlatvdy conS m. Manta for nnUl of 1, 187, p. partment TEA. 16027 From Franklin, by Fish Haven, ht. Chari- - their exact distance ficxn th nearmt station, to from State United mails of the the July ea, Blootuiugtou Paris and Liberty, to enable th postmaster Oensral to direct a auaU Imperial fl lb. .....$143" 00 veying 1, 1870, to Juno 30. 1874, in tbe Territory of Utah, COfTEE. Bcimiugtou, 69 uiilts and back, ouce measeager supply from th 1st of July next. n the routes aud by the schedules of tlfiuttiiM. w k. IUo choice V tb... , IV. Section eighteen of aft act of Con res apr fled. 33q&3e herein and srrivsJs sprc Leave 1'raukiin Monday at 6 a tu ; March 3, 1846, provides that contracts for . proved strains. ' tsious auuuoced by March 14, 1870. Arrive at iiennlngtou next day by 4 p m ; , the transports) ion of the mail shall be let, ta . tick her IA$ tb , ' Leave B nnlogton Wedneakay at 4 a m ; very caee to the lowest bidder, tendering Buffi- -' BTRVrtC " Arriv at Franklin m. by Lixtday 4p ton dent wood guarantee fjc faithful peHormaaca, with- -' Col 1CC0I Fait Lake From City, by Big Ueicler'R Golden V gRl. 60 to Moutpeller, extent service to ....$2 propoaala other out reference to the meds .ef auchtrana-port.Amertoan Fork, Union, Draper, UhlCltr 2 OS kluigRr Uour 6 milea, invited, ; ' gaL..... km than may be necessary to provide for. Provo Spriugvllle, Pleasant Urrve, city, CANDLES. Lake City, by Stoker, Centrs-MlJ- e, the due celerity, ceitalnty sad security of such Pay on. Santaquim, Mona, Balt Creek, 16628 From Sait SSe Star $ tb. - Chicken Under this law bids that proand Farmington, to Uintah, 39 trsnaporisUon. Round Valley, and Hoi Creek, f a snap. malls wtU hahrib, oar- - , with six times aud to the week, 150 intles miks and hack, pose transport to Fillmore City, den, ...... , . .16 twice to a weak Morrell ft UuDiiej i $ lb aide sad to Proto week a eocuvtiy. Kaysville talnty, having been decided to bft ; six supply times City, back, coo aimed as providing connection. era in Cm tile $1 It..., 60e or due tbe . btda, legal more, only a the wtex risldn. three times Lrsv e Halt Lake City dai.y, except Sunday, for Ure entire mall, however Urge, and whatever MATCHES. Leave Provo City Monday, Wednesday, . at 7 a in ; may be the mode of conveyance pereses ry to re V eleraih IS .... end Friday at 8 a m : ., 16e he clerlty, eartataty. and sec ailtor, nod Arrive at Uintah by 4.30 pm; Arrive at Fillmore City, Wednesday, yri PomeRue do 12, r all other, and nft Oth Luave CtutaU daily, vxc t Hunday.at 1am; prvferrue SODA. day and Sunday by 8 a m ; 4 0 p in. are ccovidered. ers Lake at Arrive hat. hy city Louve WeJn.aday, Monday, HllinoreCtty, Babbit ..35 30. A mcdifkcatioa of a bid in any of Its essen16429 From tun Lake Citv, bv iooele, to Stock- aud Friday at 11 p n ; TEAST POWDERS. - tou, 49 miles snd back, twice a week. terms is tantamount to a new bid, and cantial n Arrive at Irovo City, Tpesdsy. FIdsy -box. Preaton A Merrt 1 be not and Lake received, so as to interfere with regular Leave ait .63q 11 Friday City Tuesday p ni Kutiday by , competition. Making a new bid, with guarantee at 6 am; Leave Salt tale CUj dally, except Sunday, DutE2jntcrr, and certificate, t the only way to modify pft- .. , Art ive at ftt. ct ton by J p lu ; CurrcnU lb ..X)g tiflini: .'ifiti Leave Htockloo Wednesday and Saturday vleu a bid. lb iTune Arrive at Provo Clly by If pm; ..i, 21. Postmasters ars 6o be careful wot to certify at 6 a in p lb lUackberrle l.eave Provo City daily, tx.cpfj 8undsy, the sufficiency of gaaranto-- s, r snrittoe, withArrive st Salt Lake City byT p in.! CAN KBCIT.C at h a m ; out knowing that they are persons of sufficient 1CCJ0 From Corinne, by Rear River, and Portage Lako City by II p i. Arrive at 60c can a 4 , Pracbe (Fish), M abide City, Fort Rail. Eagle responsibility ; a disregard oi this Instruction ?S PiD6 ApplC 1C603 From Salt Lake City, by West Jordan, to Reck, huake River Ferry, Sturgis, a d by pitA!asters ia vtoisttoa of thetr oath of of64 ' llvrrlmau, 20 mile aud back, ouce a Tozuatoe Junction Rauch, (local, Idaho 'ler.,) to fice, suojecting them to immediate removal. 75 Btfiwbfirflcii week. ef (MouC ler., 320 luiles AU bidders, gurrsmer. sad suretiea are distinctYirgiuia City, 00 at 6 m a ; lrviit4i4 Leave Halt Lake City Thursday Cranberrig. and three times s week. back, ly notified that on a failure t eater Into or per6S 12 Corn Arrive at Hirriman by pi ; - Wednesday, and form Leave the contracts for the service proposed for Goriime Monday,50 Blfickbiniti Leave Hmitusn 'riiurKlay at I p in; j a in at ; ta the accepted bids, lhtr legal lUUlhies will he Friday SEAN. Arrive at Salt Lake City by 7 p mi Arrivo at Viiginia City third day by 8 p tn; enforced against them. 15 DometUo Para10COS From III ighntu City by WelsviHe. 23. Present cootractorw and persons know at Leave Mrgiul City Monday, Wednesday, OUifornU whit and plu. - and 1 at a m ; the Department, must equally with others, prodise, 11) rum, Mlilvdlc, Providence. riday POTATOES. A rrive at Corinne third day by 8 p in ; cure guarantors and cert ificates of their sufficienIxigan, Hyde Park, Hmithflell, and "IN Inter schedule five 3 V lb ltietiiuoud, to Franklin, 33 miles aud cy substantially Inthecrsaa abovs proscribed. days. -service to Helena, The certificate ofsuflhdanty most be signed by back, taice a we k. Proponal a postmaster, or by a inrig of ;eor( of record. L'ave ltrlgham CJty Tuesday and Friday (Moil. Ter., ; 123 tulles furtiief, invited. lb . at 12 m; 16631 From Brigham City, by Millard City, to No other will be admitted. 1 rLocn. 3 ' Arrive at Franklin, next days, by p m; , JKU. A. J. CJUESWBLX Hot Hpruige, 10 luilea and bavk, 6 limes 160 Balt Lake, p 100 lb . . a week. Leave Flunk hu Wtdnesduy aud Saturday Poetmnetag GenersL f 100 10 eseeeae5 00 CaliOruU . at 3 p 4i ; Leave Brigham City dally, except Sunday, XtlUlOH. Arrive at llrlgham City next da) a by (1 p m at 7 am; Cbf $104 at Hot Springs by 12 m; Arrive 18 miles lo From HnuUvin, 16004, ' Ogdtn City a week. 'TUUS. Leave Rot twice tipru.ga doily, except Sunday, and bak, 1 1 st 1 p III . $2jb2 60 Leave Ogden City Wednesday and Sstur plcee... 7 ra. at Arrive PAILS. by m p City Urlgbaui day at 0 s ; Arrive at Huntsville by 12m; ft piece . Leave Huntsville Wednesday and Saturday INSTRUCTION H TO BIDDERS AND POST- m f1 MASTERS. J at lpm; Arrive at Ogdtn City by 7 p ra. Containing alto cimdiliont tn U incni'jinratrU in the 16605 From Ogden City to North Ogdch, 7 milta contiactt to th titrnl tht itrjiai t merit mag Uutrt . and back, twice a week. , . . , proper, Leave Ogden City Monday and Thursday APpUtS. at 3 p m : r- - , 1. Seven mbmtes'tro allowed lo each Interxuo-diat- o Green $ 6 p,m; North at Arrive by Ogden olfijc, mIiuu not oth- raise specified, for as.ltK26e Dried $ lb Leave North Ogden Monday and Thursday sorting tho moils; but ou railroad aud steam-bo. DUTTXJL f at 11 a in; routes tlu re is to b uo more delay than Is ;.4X3.63o ft Keg lb Arrive at Ogden City by 1 p m. sufficient for ou exchange of the mall pouches. BACON- . 2. On railroad and steamboat lines, aud other and Slater, Ogden City, by States T lb 2e 1C606 From to Plain tit;, lu miles and hack, routes a hire the mode of conveyance admits of ville, , , BEANS. it, the a pec lot agents of the Post Ulfice Departtwice a week. ' ment, aDo post olfioj blanks, moil bogs, locks HUOES. Leave Ogden City Tuesday andFilJayst BOOTS sr to b conveyed ailhout extra aiul k' t 4 pro; 26 00 Men's Brogans (I doz.i ' 7 pm; J at Plain charge. Arrive by City 00 case boots 9it43t O Roys 3. Ou railroad and steamboat lines the route Friday at Leave Plain City Tuesd y caae..-.,- .. .... 48fsC0 00 Mena beavy kip ol the Departmeut, also tha Rrltlah aud 12 w ; agent 00 nailed 6iV7 Miner a, 3 ro. oilcred, and the agents acCanada at City mail, wnsn ar Arrive p by 00 Ogden 72x84 French kip, heavy double aole.. to be icnveyod without them, 00 Ilea and companying French calf, tap sole etae eeeeesSeaeee ftw 761,87 16607 From. Wellsville to Meudon, 6 of the United tttotes use the and for 64 00 charge; Men's, Buffalo Fur lined, boots back, once a week. car, pro-- t agents a commodious car, or part of Ledlee cnlf, heavy douple aole, V dos. 18&24 00 Leave Wellsville Monday at 0 a tu ; lighted, warmed and furnished, and adapt-e- d lerly do . fine sewed shoes, 4 4ox...... 34(30 00 Arrive at Mendon by 13 m;! to tne convenient acpartiti'vn and due security , Leave Mendon Monday at 1 fPm; California, white and pink..,... ...........12s of the mails, is to he provided by the contractor, a . 'Arrive at Wellsville by 4 p iu. oorrzx. undt r the direction of the Department. ..46c 16608 From Franklin to Soda Spring, 82 mite Java lb lUii rood aud steamboat com pan ea are requirSP Rio choice. and back, oneo a week. ed to take the mail from, aud deliver it into, the Ito i..i Bidders to propose tchedule of departures post oificcs st the beginning snd end of their Ordinary..... ' CUEESX. . sml arrivals. , routes, and to and from all othccs not more than as mates $i ib 6609 From Alpine City to American Fork, 6 eighty rods from a station or lauding. Proposals CANDLES. mile and back, once a week. may be sabmitt-- d by the companies for tho per, form tnce of all other side service .that Is, for 10 00 Leave Alpino I tty Thursday at 1 p m ; Siftf pF box esbweeeeee oificcs over eighty rodt from a station or landing. Arrive at Amulcan Fork by 3 p m; C1UUM TAKTAB. There sill be way bills prepared by American Fork Thursday at3.30 Leave ft.. or other agents of tho Depsruueut, to m ; p citicxxxis. the mails conveyed on railroad and at Alpine City by 6 p ra. Arrive accompany e.ewe.lGe Boa v ft the number and destination ateamers, specifying Ford Salt 16610 Creek, From Canyon, Spanish by DUttfiP several bugs. Ou otiur principal routes, of the ML Futrview, Fountain Green, 10 1....: Wt likewise, receipt will be required add way bills Plcasnnt, Npringtovvu. Ephraim, and forward, d ; the 1 ttter to bo cxainiaed by the sevcArep goods. 37 aud miles to Ounutson. hack, Msuli, 11 00 eral poatmaitors, to insure r. guiarity iu lh do rUnUtion pittrr --'k. 10 00 e SHI e e e we lUd Jacket eek ft livery of malls. r Leave Salt Crcck3Ioii.lfty. and Wednesday 4. No pay will be mads fir trips not perform 3i 00 rimleitMlIIMtilMt AUfifOfitUG M nt6.ni;tlunnison next days br 6 p tn; 0(1 . lloker1 ed; and for oach of such oinmiseions, not ArriMLat the pay of the Dourbon WtoUkey CoclUllw li i0 explained, turee Wed. cad ay and Friday at ri'ivve ii v imta-11 00 For arrival so far behind will be deducted trip Brandy Oocktflil. eeee!eseee4e,eeee ! 11 00 Old Torn Gin, Duo time aa to break connection with depending n ei m ArrlVfl at 8alt Creek next days y 6 p m. ... 1000 cxeumd, one fourth molls, and net Cttv, by Mi adow, Kat.orh, of the cum i hHult"ii for the trip is ubj ct to forClrate t M MM I t M.I. .MM" . tt.l I .It . 0 oo 4MU FronTFillmore , Suiu-m- lt and Parag-nudiI'srorvsu, 10 00 Beaver, Wlun MUsouri feiture For rc)w ated dilinqucncit of the Lind Ctwt to Cdar City, 126 mtlus aud back, here n sieclfled, SchlOtUm 8chllfiP( Sseeeeeseeeftseeesseee , 1 1 00 enlarge.li naltke, proton boned twice a week. j tb reof, and th s iinportvnee ef the th nature h CANarLfrr. Leave Hlliuoro City Monday and Thurs- mail, ma) h made, $0 lid PfAcbfil CMOmmm.mimm 6. For le.tv lug behind or throwing off the malls day at 6 a ro; 00 11 UO Apyl IM.IMt Arrive at Cedar City Wednesday aud SaturMllijMMtt.I.Mt or any poit on of ih iu, tor the ndujHloi of 50 T e e e e TvIllEtOCI e e b t a p iu: or lor bring Concern d tiifSitiing up or b) day 10 00 i Htrawbcrrie V cm ie.tiit...Mi tie Leu vo Cedar City Thursday aud Monday at running on ax press ing inteii.-- ueo iu ad Craubcrrle $39Q9fto 0 a mt vance of tl'a rn.iil, .a qua ter pty my be de 5 00 BUckbcrrle. Arrivo at I tilmore City 8turday sud Wed dn ted. 1B1D FRUIT. noMlay by 8 p in. t 6. Hue will hr iniyo-- t 1, unit o the delinquen1 4 12fL e e e e Pfi&chcfif Rfilt Litkfi ft e e e to Deseret, 30 miles cy le , roinptly and ra'Lfai iily crplauiou by FlUmoro 16613 From City b 39 ( Ground Cherrir ...t ce tifliMh s oi lofttm vster or the isilblavits of and bar k, once a week. 2.H! M. t.t.M. ggt e trioiho p.rs u h, f.r f.iil.iur or ariive In ollir Leave Fillmore I ity Monday ut 8 a in; r-. coutiiMt tim-- ; f r neg.ee;i,.g to take the mail Ari iv at D w ret by 4pm; Leavo loeeret Tuesday at H a tu; from, or d liver it lut., a pvrt olllc ; for an (Breil, ruhbed, or Arrive at FUltuoro City by 4 p ra. injur d. ing it to tm and f r it fuaii.t', afur dev and, to convey1 let; 16613 From Ce ae City, by KannaravUl. Belle, n ly aa the ontrocr runs, or the tn til ax vuc, Tixpiervdle, llarrlaburgh and Wash is concernedfmpx In running, a coat h, car, or sliaui bar 63 milea and St k, George, IngCm, hi lioat on a mute. Ivtico a wvrk. 7. Postmaster Oonrtl may arnut the con and Tnttraday at tract Tbe Iwvs Cedar City Monday for repo i ted failures to inn agree ably to , .Cam; vkdaiit g tl.o post oillco lows, or disArm nt Santa Clara Wedm adsy and Hstur-da- y contract ;t(ifor Jnbtrnetloiis oi the Department; for obeying by A p m to dis,harg. u carrier wluu ri quirt d by Lcavu Nauta Clara Monday and Thursday refuriug the D i artiuent to do ro; lor running n express at U m ; - twitl : for tratisjmrting perron or )ack- Arnve at cedar City Wedutflday and Satnr as afermatter out, of the mail. i ouvevi g sjea day by (pm. . Thu 1ofU master General ntxy order am in10611 From Cedar City, by Pinto, line Valley, crease of setvieu on a r uto by allowing therefor an Barney, to Ht Gorge, Nil utiles and a pro rata lucre. on the contrail pay. He msy back, imeo a week. schedule of dcp&rlims and arriv 1111 change 11 Cedar City Mondvy at 8 a m; cases, and particularly to make them conform Wodix sday by pro; Arrie at Bt. George to connections with railroads, without Uxtko Li nvo St. George Thur day at 6 a m ; of pay, provided the running tlmo bo notabrldg-ed- . Arrive at Cedar Cliy by 6 p m ; Tha l'ostmastcr General may1 also disconservice Invited. Bids for tu tinue or curtail the service. In whhle or in part, in order to place on tho route superior service, or 16615 From Totjurrvdle, by Virgin City, Dun lu Lis jadginent, can' Retreat, Grartoa, and Ro. kvll e, to whenever the public inUrc-tr curtailment shall require such Hprtugdalb, 23 tulles and b ck, oucu for i.y other cause; he allowing as full indemwot k. extra puy on ths c Toqnrr xille Fi ldy at 8 a in nity to contractor ou months amount of sorv Ice ciirpensud w Itb, and a pro raa at Arrive Springdale bySpiu; MUHTAItD. compensation for the an ouut of terv ice r tamed Leave Bpringdalo Saturday at 8 A in; , AOs and continued. English Durham. Ariive at Topierville ly 0 p w. 9. Payments will be made by co lections front, NAILS. , 16616 From Nenhl, (local.) by 8 vero Vali y (lo- 100 lbs. or drafts on, postnissUra, or oilier Ire; after tho 4s local ) to St aud Fort UunBiaon, cal) .... 1 6 Cs . say in November, ouce a week. expirotiou of eatli qu-i- ur George. 425 mtlea and Imck. snd August 1060 8s 7 a m; Fcbruaiy, My at Iwvm Monday Nepht 19. Th distance are given according to tha 1010. 10s ..I,, 7 p m,' strive at St. (Korge Friday by oo lest information; but n j pay wEl bo -- LJnXCI 12s flMHT C!4fl, DCTQXIIIf 1 oave St. George Monday st 7 a m; I HUlIMIf I a Le greater than advertised 'M U I tola allowed should they 7 m. OIL. 9 Arrive atN ptil Friday by p stab-Cji if the points t be supp d are torri tly 50 Coal V can of 6 gal.. i i. 16617 From Logan to Oxford, (local,) 23 miles VirmtrlrrtTm liiiUSrr mutt (hi inform atia i jtiint, Linseed V gal I, MAIN STREET, one a w.ekf rifer-hcaud back, to In of tlio the a'so the mall, weight a 60 t Lard V gal Leave Logan Monday at 7 a hi) condit ou of mods, hills, sirams, ka., and all 3 CO Neat foot gat..., y Arrive at Oxford by 5 pm; kind toll , fe rrl s, or obatruciiotis brldgei ' OYSTERS. mar le incurrevl. No claim leave Oxford Wi dnesday at T a m; by widen exp-n$8 6o Fields steamed $ can At Hve at Logan by 6 p m. addiUonal pay, lo.ro J ou such ground, ran be for 7 75 McMnrry k Co. a best can....,..., considered;. nor for alb ged mistokis or mlsatv 16618 From Huntsville to Bennington, 30 mi e i bNIONS. as to tint degree of seivlce) nor for TJic Only ami back, qire a week, r pn hension lb bridges d stroyed, furrles diont!nuei, or other Leave Hun sville Monday at 6 a rn; obstructlous increasing ijiisUuco or expense, ocPOTATOES. Arrive at Bennington by 12 m; , City. , Leave Bennington Monday at I p ra. Ih curring during the cneiroct term. OUK e estab7 is lished aud r advertisement tft also . tldi m. isuied. at Arrivo Uuutville by p PUTTY. during ths c ntriv t term, are to be vislbHl with.2Jc 1C619 From Logan to Wtxlon, (local,) .23 mile H lb t out extra pay, if the distanoo bo not increased. a week. once and back, 1UCE. 11. Lidocrs aro cantionod to mail their prop os 7 . Leave Logan Monday at am; CsrotlDM V fteeeeeeeesesAw als in time to rvaeh the Department by tho day MteiMMee 6 at mt Arrive p 1 Wextouby China V tb., and bonr .jionied, (3 p. m., Mvrcb 1, 1479.) for Leave Wext n Tuesday at T a tu ( 'J BA1SONS. bld receive d after that time mill not he con tide rot 5 at Arrive in. p by Logan in nompetitioa w.Ui a bid of r asonable amount ft box..-!.-.. ,..$6 60 receive d lu tiins. Neither can bids bo consider16620 rrora Lelii City, by Cedar Valley, to Fair-fielSODA. changed hands, ed which aro without the guarantee required by Having Hotel, has nader ths direction of 15 miles and back, onco a week. 00 Bsbbits per case. heeu a low and tbe to of a inch 7 cert.il of the suffiebney completely reno-vate-d Leave LoM City Tuesday at a m; proprietor' proeut SALT. and newly furnished, and Is now ths moat 12 m; Fairfield st guarantee. Arrive by 83 10 sck. 13. Rldders should first prop e service quiet economical and coiafortabla FAMILY Leave Fairfield Tuesday at 1 p m ; SOAP. J to tho a lv.rt semerjt, aud HOTEL in the clly. hi City by 6 p m. j strictly Arrive at ; 00 $0 serMorrell k Rumeeys per box... Tbe house is situated In ths oentrs of tbs city, for d if desire, theo, they iwaWy tdcmsvlllei 12 00 16621. From Beaver, by Mioersville, Chemical ErasUre........... offered snd in the best snd most convenient location vice; and if the regular bid by (ho low i 30o ' nnd Pauaca. to HU.o, 195 mile and back, for Ihe advertised service, th other propositions for business meu. " - " Castile.. i once a wee k. ' Tbs tables are constantly supplied with every be considerol. 8UOAR. may Leave Beaver Monday st 5 a irf t , r13. There should be bul one route Id 1 for In a luxury tbe market affords. Arrive at Hie Wednesday b 6 p m; Tbe rooms are large, well ventilated, and furConsolidated or combination bids .. . .. , .35 proposal. nished with every convenience necessary for tbs I'ave Illco Thursday at 6 a xn6; ( proposing ons Sum for two or more routes) .256 a... ,,, , .. .. comfort of lodgers. In fact ths Dklmonioo Arrive at Beaver ha'urday by p ni ; are forbidden by law, and cannot be considered. S,e ,.23 14. The route, tbe service, the yearly pay, the offer ths HKST aCCOMftODATIONS to thSTNAVXLtNa Proposals to end st Mlneravlllc, 29 miles, .12c ,.. . Invited. name and residence of the bidder, ftlist is, bis fUbUO of sny House in the city. v TIN EO A B. usual post office address.) and the name of each gryMraW st all hoars. Day and NlghtC 16623 From Indian Creak, (Utah,) by Bo!e City, of a firm, where member company offers, WOOD. ktartinsviUe, Emmitaville. 'Middleton. should be . distinctly stated. to Welaer Ranch. (Idaho.) Express Ranch. 6140 - 15. Bid era are use. . as far as $ cord. requested Aatmrn, er Cliy, North Powder, Un practicable, th printed proposals fnrnUhed by ton. La Grande, OrodeB, Cavnee, Mitch Departmmt, to write out ini full the sum of By ths ran, or served up In any style,' can alell's station, Walla Walla, Wallula, and the their bids, snd to retain copies o them. be found st tbe Delraonlca. Oyster sup 763 to Th Umatilla, Dalles, (Oregon,) bids should sot t e submitted; nor ways Altered miles and back, six times a week. gotten op in ths beat style and short notice. per No should bids once submitted be withdrawn ocMf Bidders to propose schedule. . . .. . alw.thdrawal of a bidder or guarantor will be Piopo-al- s to end at Boise City, (Idaho, receivdated and lowed withdrawal unless is the 280 miles, invited. r? ed befo re the last day for receiving proposals. Each bid must be guaranteed by two respon16433 From Fagle Valley, (local,) to ranaea, 30 sible persons. Tho bid and guar-nt- es should he miles and back, once a week. with the full name of. each par ' Leave Eagle Valley Thursday at 12 so t -signed plainly , RADt ' w - V sJS' jrt Arrive atPanaca by 7 p m ; Leave Pauses Friday at 8 ft tn ; Th Department reserves the right to reject y Arrive at Eagle, Valley by 3 p m. . I; 1 . Any bid which may be deemed extravagant, and j r Wi to also contractors disregard the bid of fai.ing 16624 From Pinto to Panaca, 62 milea and back, R. ODBORIV, Freprietbrv" and bidders. (Act of July 2, 1836, section 24 ) one a week. 16. The bid should bis sealed, superscribed Leave Pinto Mondas at 6 a m ; Mall ad Proposals, Territory of Arrive at Pauses next day by 6 p m ; 1 an now prepared to do ell kinds of work, at dressed Second Assistant Postmaster General, 6 m a Panaca Leave at ; Wednesday Good board and lodgings, and ft Contract Office, snd sent by mail, not by or tbe very lowest price. Teamsters and freight' had Arrive at Pinto next day by 8 p m. . to an agent ; and poatenaaters will not Inclose pro- comfortable bora for traveler. pleasant to give me a call ers will find ft to their Interact 16635 From Provo City, by Midway, Ileber, posals (or letters of any kind) ia their quarterly i . Board and Lodging f 10 per week? Board, )8. before going elsewhere.. ee39-t- f . I and-a, , Kama, leoa. Rock pert, Wanskip, and return.' : t Mjf Don't forget the place. y' , I AND KKTAIL WJIOLKALB U " f - j. U. - ..... ..., ............. .......... r , - -- B-k- Pspers CAREFULLY PREPARED, and Patents . secured WITHOUT DELAY. Exsmlnstloor In tha Pstent Office free of charge, and no individual fee Mked In any caae, unless a Patent la allowed. Chargee aa reasonable as ary other reliable - 1 Agency. Bend for Circular of Terms, instructions and references. nofi-t- f L. TIBBALS, S.Wholesale and Retail Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS & tllllES Agent nol-t- f Brewer, Bemla Ce., Cele fr bra ted Alee and Porter. At 1 O'TA J A BUlCltSUITII SHOP Front Street, 'I COHINNE, UTAH, J. .i. ... 'r , ftWw, -- f T J ( - . v ' II r i i .i.ljt m I , i 3 J L f aft 1 - |