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Show rf4' Y 0u ' OI SUUSCRIPTIO.V. ' TMItM Hit Jtfonih Tjjrws ftj per Week. (aupplledpy gmgle coplea. ikimim i One Year. "i Six Months..... Tbre Month Single (kqdes. rm Mmm m .. J.,...,.j. 60 INVARIABLY IN AD VAN Cl. Rates- of Advertising. CHANO, THE CHINESE GIANT, AND TIIE BOHEMIAN. ' f The coming tnau ntul brother John Chinaman i going through a con two of iaapection and being interviewed" in the Ekatin true American style. The native AmvrtcAU cdrreajondent is not long go,Ind ing, through" a., man vices to his and virtues showing up the f. 1 Id. Id. ,d. I 1 w. I. , m. s m. now-day- 1 I w. I W. 1 m. m. 1. 1 3 n. If. i' Transient advertiaemenU to b paid for In adt J' I vance. , A square consists of ton tines of typs of thia 1 w rv v 'tu fir eJ f va advertisement inserted In tbe No Weekly edition except upon apectal eon tractand s. public. The following from a correspondent of the N. Y. 7We;mm'tens the story in a nut shell," and as we are becoming Cltints t verykat herein Corinne, we ex tract the following in order that our people may be posted upon Johns" views of America, Americans, htu American institutions. The correspondent says ; X have noticed a great deal of interwith viewing, great men," going on recently. I believe it is reckoned a big thing to interview a big man, so I thought I would try my hand at the business. ' I have interviewed Chang, the Chinese Editor laUlotlcee, art m reeding matter, Inserted on local or editorial page, 15 cents par for every line for drat Insertion, and 15 canta ' t giant additional time. lie is the biggest man I could find. Spscial Notices ten cent per line of Utla typo for every Insertion. I question whether there is another .Yearly advertisers m a jr change their advertise--ofJ questiou of such vast importance just mania at pi sure. with ths additional rharge 35 eaota par square, provided they retain only now as the Chiueso question. The Chinese immigration agitation is the original epaoa oooapltd. " -- a big subject ; the people want light upon it, and if Chang is not the big subject to furnish it, who is? Before proceeding further, let me remark that those persons who favor Coolie labor, snd thos j who do not, will be somewhat astonished to learn that ChAng considered it a downright fallacy for either party to suppose that they can interview GAUDS. PROFESSIONAL E a P. JolISSON, United tUaioa Commissioner, Attorney at Law. , I . j and Deputy United Statea Attorney for . UUl. coiunne utaii run: J apSO-t- f him without paying the usual admission 4aMiniwatMI TOOIIY, Ittalrney find Cowiacllor at Law, MONTA M4 HTRET, CORINNEU. I apIO-S- T. m ATTORNEY AT, I AW, CORINNE UTAIL Office In Ullifah Ilouae.' "aug! 3m . II. IVODKATSON, . aud Solicitor , in Chancery, Sait Lake City, Utah Territory. . - rrlatAOSON, w. - ATT0HXKT AT Law oyezi. AMD A0L1C1T0H apM . be-iu- Attorney at Law 1 Mr. Chang, j I asked, what is your opinion of Chinese Immigration?" Kikl piki brokee daddeo taipl Chaug amuck kirukee.", muck orgolango I was rather surprised to hear Chang say this. I had always entertained a contrary opinion. Let ns hope the Celestials will become better informed after a centurys sojourn among us, and instead of working for one dollar per day, for eighteen hours, will strike everv other day for five dollars for a day of eight hours. Are uot tbo many dangers snd disgraces which stare your people in the face on their arrival in this city such as g elected to the Legislature, or being mNtukeu for Husan B. Anthony, George Francis Train, Horace Greely aud other strong minded women, Are not these horrors a gteat check to immigration ?" Chow chow sise Stopoui pilan Chang - iVELLS SPICER, HKNHY 1 i J. RRNfMB Fact fee. I Cl ! A SC E nr, .V - I always thought so. ' J . . t t . hetdo.. H i I . J. PACIFIC TBXTPPBH, ,r" ' ' MEAT; WILSON .4 t young woman of Memphis has fol- loo wed the advice of the' Revolution, propoi sed" to a man she liked, and mar- ned him the next day. Why is a beefsteak like a locomotive ? It is not of much account without it's tender. ' A man, supposed to be (he Last . of the Mohicans, or some other extinct race, has been discovered in Michigan. He pays his debts, particularly the printer. I sii.vkii irvri;i) wakR, & WATCHES, CLOCKS. &c. ' I .i In Town! 1 LnrjscHtiKlook ns , J. i i J. SOI coil ofjhe celebrated E 1CKYCY r - t, self. I heard that the and will uot work they can steal two. whoever Chang Sm WALKER & McNUTT, 4 and lUtal! DRUGGISTS, If 4 thl Corner au3t Montana Stmh, ftnr I COIUNNE, UTAII.i 1m 4UinLBUT s BROS., jWholeaale and Retail BRUGGHSTaS, 1 , . Alontaua Street) J T Is this so?" says so is a self-proclaime-d Ids emphatic reoly iu the most any-sty- GEO. L. HOLT, im- proved and terse English, surprised as well as pleased me surprised to hear Chaug Use such good language and pleased to knoV that he had becu only a few weeks in acquiring it. I think 1 drear you say, This is only half an interview" Tlmt U just what it is. Cbttng is so big I couldn't interview him all in one day. I am gotug back to finish Yours. him. aup-plie- e and habitual Imr!" '1 COHINNE, - - - UTAII. ' eeT-l- Chiucse are indolent for one dollar when always with the boat the market affords. Freah Oy.tcrs always on hand and served up in on i hort notice. , The Hvr la stocked with the fincat Wines, not-t- f Liquors, and Cigars. notlre, WALLPAPER, Post Office THE RAILROAD. o4-t- f . I a j L Ii 4 UTAH , on hand Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Lumtx r rough or dressed furuiahedat Hit- iwer. oc7-Sfaoh rricea. Always !ntrme Higher - Hate Dvi'T.iu-n- t r R COIINNK,! UTAII, : s ORLEANS CHOP HOUSE. BUY , BUSINESS CARDS. i GERRISH & MILES, NE17 DRUG STORE, Dealers In Darduare, Iron, Nails, Stoves, I Mlioet s Iron, CUPP UK AXO'TIX v , b4 f i - ' i 4? 4 DUFFIELD G MILLER, Livery and Sale Stable, V nD. Montana Sired, .. DAY da NIGUT 4 t- Oorlane, I . TJtn.li. Wholesale and Retail . WINES, LIQUORS, 1 cent per an- num, which is a good interest on any investment end justifies the predictions of its friends who first urged Its construction Helena Herald. H. N. Maguire, editor , A xtointkect. of the proposed Pick and Plow, about to be Aarted at Bozeman City, has been appointed by Judge Warren as Clerk of the District Court for Gallatin county. Iltltna s I i and Repairing nsatlydane, CUaslag no9 tf i B. O. srwzxx. V 7jcnariair:23 ahd cioaro - JAS. 8. J 4 One-Atwood's Improved passenger Elevat-.rlias been introduced for conveying guests to the ' i different flo rs. of Montana Street, RXXJET. MONTANA STREET, K UTAH. CORintiE, , . s JNO. 15, ' DRAKE, American Exchange $20. G EN UIN EJtM PROVED f W5f& ?-- ? ? ?r? h w ?'?? ?? ? TO THE WORXlXo CLASS. We are now prepared to famish all claaaaa with constant at home, the whole ef the Uma or for the spare ms meats. Busioeea new, light and profitable. Pereowe of etthar sex easily earn from 60o. to $S per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and glria earn nearly as mech as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and teat the business, wa make thia offers To moh as are not well satisfied, we wiU sand $i to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on. and n eopy of Th topis' Literary Ctmpmmim one of the largest and best family newspapers published U sent free by malL Bander If you want permanent, profitable work, add rets E. C. ALLENaoft-3-k OO., a Augusts, Maine. eat i ' t y 'renovated and newly fur-I- I laving been nlsbed. makes it the most quiet, economical and oomforUblc FAMILY UUTbL in the State. cl B. LOREN A CO., Props. Being eentrally locate t, it offers every Indues-mefor business men aud the public generally, t f" 1 r ) h j Th tables will constantly b supplied with Tbs proprietors beg leave I . rn.ke the every uxury th market afford. The American that they have oped tbelrnew Exchange Coach, with Bed Lights, will be at the to c a serve boles Meal wharves and depot, to ocuvey passengers to the and srs prepared . ' . -i ae31-lxu , la a tru epicurean alyl. t Hotel free. . . TIMOTHY SARGENT, Proprietor. , iauJS-lL ST. LOCIS BJRBElt SHOP. reo--c- at t t - i- y lACIFIC IICttSE, f H. tV. P. SPENCER, r i IWoutnnn i t (frostl si 4 ssSSlm ft Strict, Iwm.) f (mk r ' . UIUTAH HOUDE, j i,4 a ' i 1 r 1 t i V HOWE, ,? i ' . V , yeno-vate- -- U'resb. 03Tsters rj or served up In any style, can Bytborsn, s be found at the Delmonica. aL'.i sup- - Oyster waj gotten up in the best style and abort notice, ' pers ocu-t- r . . ' .. e t d lime ' a (Cotitmc The underrigned will receive stock fera winter Herd, on and after this date. At ths Pacific Stab-les, M ntana Street' All stock returned on tbe first of May, or sooner if ordered. We ssrme and have the usnal responaibillties of terders, tbe best Ranch In the country. . McBANE. RYAN k HEATH, u Refer, by permission, to v B. O. SxwrLL, O. IL Elliott, Jab. kfcVaMia, . E. P. Joubson, D. Shoot, G, B. Gaxxx. V rtM : I ,1 Alexander i fe 4 Y Tr'-- ' . - 4 States Luffiberr Doorg Sash, : J Mouldings, Lime, 4 AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATE HI AL FUKNI8HED TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST, NOTICE, , -- to: "i Storo ! ZEToxxWo : Sc. I Mason, i . ' i ! ! , 1 , years cxpcrieooe as solicitors of Patents.) SEVENTH STREET, opp. the Patent Office. , (16 4C9 Washington, D. i ' ' ' g-- j ' ' U, tr 4, ' '. , t f Papers CAREFULLY PREPARED, and Palents secured WITHOUT DELAY. ? Examlnationr In the Patent Office free of charge, and no Individual fee asked la any esse. ( unless a Patent Is allowed. , Charge a rsassnable aa any other MreUobla , Agrncr- Kend for Circular or TesrmS, lnsruottoaa and a references. , , . .ir j .'S.L.'TIBBACO, - ? : , COUNSELORS" AT PATENT LAV, i t . , AND and fresh Deef Vegetables ' ,sr' W - , . , j Flour, Grain, PRl.1 ODU 013, 1 ' PATENT ' OFFICE. GENERAL DEALERS IN . 4h. - .. ,1 - noC-l- v AMERICAN A EUROPEAN PATENTS ( i Wholesale, sod Retail JMfiW - fcg ,( j . 41- - Th -- WISES, LIQCOItS & IffiffllS ' ' ,f fi ni'n Hfff v) s pleasant and North we t Corner Montana snd Sixth Streets, for Banal A Brewer, comfortable boms for travelers. Agent Ca.y Otis. ' V ft Board and. Lodging 8 10 per week ; Board, to tbelr brated Ala nnd Poriar. Corinne, Utaii. nol-t- - "' Ths proprietors promise ta ha OOOD t guests. (.- thia elegant Hotel, has trader the direction of ' d tbs present proprietor been completely and newly furnished, and Is now the most r quiet, econoin leal and comfortable FAMILY HOTEL in tbe cliy. The house is sitnstsd In th centre of the city, and In the boat and most convenient location 7 for business men. The tables are constantly supplied with every luxury ths market affords. The rooms are large, well ventilated, and fur' nlsbcd with every convenience necessary for th comfort of lodgers. In fact th .Dilmokicq . offers tbs best accom wodatiows to the Taavxuwa of any House in the city. , , tfiietlt at all hours, Day and Night. 6ft ' SOLICITORS OF BURGESS A CO., SALT JLAKE. CITY,; UTAH. t CORINNE, UTAH. ' J MAIN STREET. : EE- - C! , h $3, $4, long, $6, snd $3 each, sent with watches at lowest w holeaale prices. S.ate kind aud size of watch required, ai d order only from THE OROIDE WATCH CO.. 148 Fulton Street, New York- oclC 3m , Rote), Lovere of good Lager Beor will fled the very best quality dispensed to the thirsty, at Winch. 81 YSOfiF STREET, fean FrancLro, ell'a. Free lunch will be served constantly and all are invited to attend. set) lm (Extending from Sacrament at to HUick st) r f ciiltnlai; gfttftkurant. - i I I Proprietor. COKINNE, UTAH. - The finest Imported Liquors, O olden and Pearl Crown Cigars, Tom k Jerry, Hot Punches, ate., , always on hand. T Call and aea us. m ' -and Open Night Day. fftt ? , ' noO-t- j ; Gentlemen, ! r i- 1 ) i - Ac. F. P, WIKHCUELU, Proprietor, . OSCEOLA SALOON, m CITF, W m falcon, valent to about 14 per . ukxxkwa-d.- see cireulura at f -- to 4.60 Tremont House, Merchant Taylor, , crroprtetof. a. i , hold that to be the most valuable which is almost entirely within our power 4 ' of tht'Jxrt brands ) to accomplish, and which nature unassisted never yet gave to any one. I mean TOBACCO, CIGARS- nnd GLASSWAUE. a perfectly accurate habit of thought and ' ' ean-l. expression.' This is, as far as I can see, one of the very rarest acquirements, for a good deal carefulness close UECGimriTG EXCIIU1GE, itimplies attention to details, a certain power of memory, andthe habit of distinguishing SECOND SOUTH STREET, between things which are alikebnt are not identical. ' I lay stress on this because it V. T. seems to me the characteristically distin SALT. LAKE guishing mark of good aod faulty teach THX CaOICEffT mg, of real and unreal learning. The beft thing is to know your subject thoroughly; the next best, to know nothing about it, and to be aware that yon do not ALWAYS ON IUND. know anything; the worst is to know a little, and to know that vaguely and conPAUL BNGELDUECIIT, fusedly. Lord Stanley.. t,, i 1 ! pncPDnoh. are our setiments eiacUy. 1 (nee. a I' . . if' HOFFLX&NY; City. it. m. runr.ffi. - ; Herald. 4 r. AU sepS-l- VICTOR CORDELLA, . t . Salt Lake Oily, Utnh. The Only Gentile Hotel in the W. B. BRADD, , COUlNaNE, UTVIE. o7-S- m & i 1 , r A . ss WAAR,' Montana Street, t T MAIN STREET. Watches, - . 24 Heliool THE ONLY j 'w i i The Union and Central Pacific RailTlve proprietor guarantees satisfaction to it Oroido Cold road is doing an immense business, and patrons, promisee to keep a well prepare! table Ta J. EDGINGTONS to idm It make and his please. . as much of the freight for Montana will v , plauuUctured by Meals am v d promptly at all hours, -- aft Sir Wholesale Retail and come hereafter that route, by probably . YVATCII COMPANY. OROIDK TIIH via Corinne, it may txi interesting to our Tli ay are all the best make. Hunting rases, finepeople to know that the road is kept in ly chxsed; look and wear like fine gold, and are HAIIHEU St. HAIRDRESSER, the best possible condition and that equal in appearance to the best gold watches cotd-uusu-tllFull JeweU-- Levers, Montana St red, fl.V) freights are despatched with great prompt-nes- a Montana Street. and Ldis' six-- s, at gl-- t eneh. and at moderate rates. Goods now CARPE.XTKIt JOINER, , Onedoor west from Oast on's comer, OUlt DOUBLE EX1K.V IUFINFD Solid OroUtali. ordered from SL Louis or Chicago may Corinne, ido (oild Hunting Cases, Full Jeweled Levers, sop81ta Jbe laid down in Helena within thirty are Fourth Sheet, equal to IjiaiOold Watches; ltegulutcd and ' X will hand every variety of to keep correct time, and wsr and rautcc! constantly keep on (iu days from tbedate of shipment Since Drugs, MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, uot lariitsh, with Extra Finn 4'aaa, at f 20 each. Drug Store. usually kept In a first-clathe commencement of the regular busiUTAH. Mtr Prescriptions carefully compounded. CORINNE, NO MONEY LTtEQUlUED IN ADVANCE ness on this great line of railroad but ' -. no tf . We scud by Express any a bore withiu the Uni tod Montjma Street, MT,r few accidents or casualties have occurred. I States, pa able to agent on delivery, with the A 6th) t (between 4th Its management is complete and satisprivilege to opon and examine before paid for, aud if not satisfactory returned, by paying the T. TKlACY, Proprietor. factory. It is the longest continuous Xi. charges. Goods will be sent by mail as Express line of railroad in the world. Its cost Registered Package, prepaid, by Bending caah in the most to choice teps Liquor aud tlgara advance. and equipments and the magnitude of its be found In thf city. CHICAGO ILLINOIS. An Agent sending for six Watches gets an arrangements challenge the admiration extra Watch free Making seven $15 Watches ftTHot Lunch from 10 ta 13 a. m., and 10 to of alL We understand that already the 13 p. m., every One of hjilargest aud best Jlotris In the West for $00, or sven $30 Wat. ties for $130. j . day. Montana Street, income on the running of this road has ALHO ELEGUNTL OROIDE GOLD CHAINS, lieb.iilt, remodl(l, and refurnished lu the and mo-- t luxurious rnauuer iu 1HM. of Ueat and moat coaly styles, for Ladies ami richest been 10 per cent on the original cost-equiCORINNE UTAH. Numerous' suits of romi with Baths, water, st from 10 to 40 Inches WM.LORIMER, DELM ON ICO 11 ( i . GET THE BEST. $15. SAJI LANG ASTER. Prop., . Montana Street , The Company rccelv- - their Land Great iWds for their face aud a lutmtt In payment of, i all lands sold by them i DE HWl.N k BRO.. . Dealer in Oov.rnment Bur1He,' : 1'hiladelphla. Union and Central Pacific IL B. Flrat Mortgage ' Bouds Bought and fbfid. U. H. Bonds Bought, Bold and Exchanged. Gold Bought and Hold at Market rates. Coupons . cashed. Blocks Bought and Sold on Commission only. Areounts received and lutereit allowed lulally j no3-t- f balances, subject to Check at tight. V v HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, Desks and Beats, in us Junulre of T. W. HASKINS or HUSSEY, DAHLER k CO., Hull Iu.ke City, - only two j t era. ' , . office, For Sale. tlo-reo- f. ordera.lr .. i 5 all 4' the track, yard. dc(ot grounds, building, or ' erection J - 3 69 tf For further parthulaf m tt. J. OMUOHN, Proprietor. Tin and Opcrs on Monday. September 6th, nt 9 o'clock, M., Main street, between 2d nnd 31 Kouthsts. irnlture thruughrmt. New room and Full corps of tone tier, iimUr the iiumcdiat Hcv. Daniel H. luitle, jp. 1. charge of lit. Torma: pi-- r jnouth of 4 weeka 2.50 ' Primary Department.,.. ltKi-oBT- I am now prepared to do all kinds of aork, at the very lowest prices. Teamsters aud freighters will find It to their interest to give me a call before going e'sewhere. ao2i tf , MAT Don't forget the place. m " s a tv M 1 ii C0.7.V.V Front Street. Building, CORINNE, UTAH. ' i clips ' a. Proprietor of the u BLACKSMITH SHOP PQ( KET rUTLKUY ANI) NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. S, m , : r Third Year. tt m ' In, Gnunmar Saliool, SALT J.AKE CITY, UTAH. PATIt0IZK II0MK INDUSTRY. ' i Being all the Lauda which the Union Faclflo i) road Oimpaiiy ttpw have or shall h.rsafter acquire from the Limed Htatee, except the lands included In the Ballrosd which are or ah.ll Lin of said Company, or weed and for the construct! u or oeraUon thereof, or for ST. MARKS i y MONTANA DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, NEWS se3:t-:i- f on about OF LAND. .jtli-st- ., t'ft.rromi.t attcbtlou givcji to Now York XI. 3FX Flour, Grain, Fioiluc, etc. JeI7 'r gage And General Outfitting Ooh14. i JAS In the new store opposite Knney's Billiard Hall Come and see ns one and all; plenty of good things always on hand In the ry lino. Also a fine stock of family an 1 fau ylJrv Jka low . at sale for cerles. Provisions, figure. We have every accommodation to serve customers with neatneis and dispatch. Sir Traveler and partlus supplied on short , r It Dardvare, Quceuxuurr, Woodit ate, CORINNE, 'UTAH. fortably j K t 7 cr cent. nnv in rEUEHl 1 Staple fintl Fancy Groceries U .-- Yen nt and o - Titty are Coupon Jtond. f of One Thousand Dollars (SlyOOO) each, ami are secured by a First Mort- - UTA 1 1 , Dealer IDliii WixtolicH, ' m NNE, ' ' i Ruu HO - MkHHIAXT, Lave th I ' IN ALL TO 14, 000,000 ACRES Montana ainl 1 - HlOjOOO.OOO, U Corner i u 1 f n ' f'l 0MMISSI0X - - TULT AMOTNT AND MOSS AGATE JEWELRY! -- N- . - Kctaiif ROO 33 3r - P. Railroad Co. TJ. j Si. n- , p20-- Wholesale I. (. L. BAKERY, OIll e7 tf i k ' Corrctpoiulyntst ( .1 i , i Tia m. A. GASTON, UTAH. i UTAII. CORINNK, to 4 r, . i. . In great variety. l OT a. 9 - (between 4th and 8th) COIUNiNE. 2- LAND GHAUT BONOS t heyeuue. I t i ' We are offering foif&U. at beat market prloa, tho ' . I , xmiaha. Witstvrn Savings iu.titule, Ut. Louis. , Henry Orecnbaum A 4 o., Chicago. A Co., Salt LakoCIty. Ilussey, A Co., Helena, M uitaua, Balder Ilusrey, Hussey, Bahler A Co., Virginia Montana. Alltaueo Bank, London. D. Ia Touche, Dublin. Bank of Oallfoiula, Han Francisco,1 Ot eau National Bank, New York City. Draw exchange on principal cltlea of the world Time Chock tonight J Montana Street, 1 j r r Klrt National, V BAKERY, UNIONj IiTlLEBRECUT, L. HAF 0. i.i f fSNs hours from ? & Prop. Chopsticks aui rati supsi." Chaug ' 1 " marveled nt much this. I I thought, II. UEMltitCAD.1 Alontniia Street, as a general thing, they followndj writing QI1A8 The finest Watches now manufactured. Also stories for the Yohalmuia N. Y. Attorney at Law and for they always have a tale growing out ' United (Bates Attorney for Utah. Howard and Waltham Watches of their head. Between Third and Fourth Streets, . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. How da you and your fellow-citizeOffice fUat end rf Little's Row, 3d 8ouib at., regard the female anffrage movement ? Keep constantly on hand fresh It ye and all AT 11 half block west of Main. Wuttivuilun-kichother kind of 11 r earl. Also an assortment nt Yawataw i Chang to SULSn our line. articles other Customers GUmWILD, Proprietor!. pertaining chowachichi yebouottiforjoi. oc7-3promptly attended to. PrlcoM. After such au open avowal of the rights V. GKAIi AM, 31. I)., litvotution the of the ludits of women, -OF VICK, v; will surely advocate Chinese irmnigfutio.i gj-- Itepalrlng carefully done, and satisfaction spati-l' Corner Fourth ! ii union Street, guarantied. and espouse John's cause with all their This FIRST CLASS NEW HOTEL la now open 1 comto rooms are tbo public be nraUy and might aud peus, if uot espouse John himN N E , U T A II . ... V d COMMENCED BUSINESS IN FULL furnished. Tba tables are i -- DIST B01CUT. i CORINNE, UTAII. a t tu. NORTH SWK MONTANA STJtEST, DEY GOODS & CLOTHING. Boots mid Shoes, oc7-3r- v ZKEOZITOn, i!CD COLD T. S. Wllsou DEALKM Ilf Montana Street, - - i Office Buyers will do well to examine my stock befer i purchasing elsewhere. solid New styles silver sets, gold chains, rtugs,' plus, sleeve buttons, sto. DAVIS, & COIIN,1 A ETitiMim Iim. con PlilStlSBI STOlie. cat-fis- h Lana Grant Bonds.- made on any point to tbo tultcd States. Collection ii'V 7-- tf Philadelphia paper represents the in the ; Schuylkill as swimming about with tin cups iu their mouths, begging for a drink. . 1 O-- ' s A PAIIFIC RAILROAD UNION . COKINNE, Utuli Ter, Mumlftcturer sadjclowr la DIAMONDS, ill-br- ed ' , , I PARPEN BOESSEL, it" t P, II. WlLbdlt, Cashier. -- i Xn MOBTON, i 54. - - ARKET, Fine Gold Jewelry, 7-- tf 36 I a a ' 4 Beauregard hs gone skate business, and ie marry. W1 similar arc and Kiscs apples very : If. L.Uni)GS, Proprietor. they should never be tasted without pairt , ing. FOURTH STREET, Miss Asher, seventeen and handsome, is to lecture in Ohio against female suf COKINNE, UTAII. frage. Always on band a variety of the best Meats, fresh liutter, sugar cured Usms, llacon, etc. is cotton that The papers say going jfigr Particular attention paid to lie lull custom. tbo in about is worn still it down," yet usuaI position. Can a civil engineer inform ns how it is that the .mouths of rivers are larger than their heads. man is said to be like light-ni- n An because he does mot know how to , Watchmakers, conduct himself, If the newspapers keep on progressing, six children at one' birth will soon be the JEWELERS 4 ' GUNSMITHS, rule and one the exception. Montana Street, h Corinne. are the nobDiamond glove-buttonby" thing in the east. Keep constantly on ' band fins watches snd r, guns, pistols and ammunition of all A Texas paper says that if i those, conAlso, fins cigars, tobacoo, aud all sumk-er- a Jnda, articles. Repairing done In the best workfounded greases dont stop stealing catsnd all work warranted. tle, therell be some chawing np done manlike manner, California Btore. aep some night, and it wou't. be us tbatfl! git a a miscSellXeousadyts.' - XCHO CITT. - as OF . ' W. ost8MM BANKING HOUSE i Blent' ' ' ft. XVIL80H, CUKTXXXK. ' 8 MISCELLANEOUS ADVTS. ' PW8ET ' Iskasis t ao ft CLV '..;no....f.j5.; V. . - I MISCELLANEOUS ADS. Chicago hopes to govern herself on eleven millions next year. Wonder who was the husband of the f celebrated mother of pcarL j h . Mm-keTwenty million school books arc used . annually in this country, R. niRTttf Proprietor: Jenuie June doesnt believe the ballot 'Montana Street,' will cure all woman's woes. 4 i CStidon, has 24,000 streets, G,000 of UTAII. COKINNE, which are counted business at raets. st the lowest prices, Keeps the cboises kfesta ' ' oe7 3m Words, like muskets, moat be rammed wholesale and retalL serwith something solid ,to be made viceable. .v-- - ; , . BUSINESS CARDS. ODDS AND ENDS. Which profesaioti is the most cultivated by the Chinese at home?" SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ' i it istoVembil-ii-... t., TikiJBsrjvir. coRiisrisrEr tr. Voiv 1. 00 OFfitB8CnlPTIOB:v - 3 00 a.oaaaa4eseaet .....a..,,,.,,..,,., lUTXC.Flve copies, to oae addreee, 20; . Ten ooylee, one address, ..I INVARIABLY IN ABVANOK. 7.v0 tbo Carrier,)..,. rrcuao TCEnuYTcis tbc WiiTEas PrcLisniic coor m. jes-t- f k Good board and lodgings, snd sng7-3- m , ,,no4-i- f - f , 4 - i ft j Jr t i |