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Show refuge, and.tho three where sho had taken oars on Michigan firm walked to the street One of them paMed rode in, nuo, and then and the other dinner, after over to Windsor on Wood-War- d offi&j JntuUIfrenne an at were two to securo tho afternoon avenue during to reservants, calculating house place a some better until arrangetho in city main j ment can be made, Y Orinttc portly. n FOVXftft&tnr DIALECT.,1 foe yotlt 1in feat priAcp$," eMadL Be i fd wm tboroeg bred acemp, s .but. In way of deceit; to bigamy, gTn mak it polygamy 7rt " Hoieit ilu( ef his rod a, vulgar gang; corse iMoa th blarphwuy, Urd him with hive mi hot la hit "dialect" vers ttm Preset It dionnl. he'll excite a sensation. Am ticil. the tete of our delicate nation. CHICAGO TRADE. coxk MAHUFACTOnl Incorporated February 24, Capital, $90,000j Saporiort ffa&is? Manufacturers of RAILROAD. ?roprltirv TaKi A 513, 13lli COAPfl i ! CANDLES,;,r 1 , I 1 o f Scene. J An Amusing ' A Httlo , dealers in J, , ROUTE TIIV ,i ' made et ng For through rates on freight to Montana, 8wetwater Mines and other point, apply to JKF H! J JUST RECEIVED iwo Silver Mjjele Farlor end beat Church OrganOTA STATS FAlB?lW19. . & ; i . -- Imjn'oved IPortablo , N.B. Every Intlnunent warranted for five years, wci WTRVRT, each t SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR THE REDUCTION OF THE nr cimcvLAJtsi ADDRESS ! tnm of no ! i Northwestern Railway BOOT EOTABY STURTEVANT BLOWERS, rubintt.n Itrctl, ! tf still V v.-1- and rcs'i llu bf'J ur 'ten , ! which combine, ail force of otlwr f.rs. and tho tiftin expioalvea now in the nairr pijurrnto rwni n, t. u ru.Ur.,' ,i vastly superior to aty ofber comiiouml ew nee. i A circular containing a wcwmn rrj.t on aj cal ot w thi. Ponder can be (obtained our Office, or of any )f onr Age r ta. ' ' e 4 m 10 be I in JOHNS F. LOT I SIS, J a51y M Secivlaij. ' AGENTS. Corinuv n. uobok i. at U. T, ir ub rrXULua. COMMISSION FAMILY SRWIi(! MARINE I J e The Old Established Line. Fast Trains and 6 arc PULLMAN PALACE, DINING AND SLEEPING CAES BETWEEN OMAHA AND CHICAGO. PORTABLE i nicbiuik In Chicago a largy share of the patrons of the Wilcox A tiibbs am those who have liel other popular machine f wt and exchanged them for the Wllicox k Olbbe, thereby adding very greatly to their cent fori and happiness. AND SHINGLE MILLS, MATCHERS, '1 AND 1SS OW Through Tickets end ell information In regard to Freight obtained of Dawn O. Cauk k Co., Agents, Balt Lake City, or of Agents of Union Pacific Boat. . WM. B. STRONG, Agent, Connell Bluffs k Omaha. O. L. DU.NLA P, H. P. STAN WOOD, Gcnl Mupt, , OenlTkt. Agent, mylT-t-f Chicago. :ii & OOu iNABE Sc ! COS a o o h r n n :k: vt 'v itVi J V - if 4; L 4 i ( ' i HHiilfBfiP iniiinir f MONTANA, m rmwff a ' AND A Wells, Fargo f , Co.s Express. Thi coach ea leave Corlnne doily for Virginia City, Helena end il i Fort Benton. Montane. Connect with both 'ways, of the Central Podflo trains, gswmger it and Oood for the women them, ana determined to come to this city. The missing one was found & tha , wood house, 1 MELODEOrJS, ETC., 'n. t r ManafAClurerg . - 'ttCOWNNB, I ft I'. ; i -- - , and Importer! of f si Co.., CAUFOnniA ASSAY Malkjsrteet, SALT MSB KmCEOTS, 8TRIXC8, HB ETE3T DEgCRIPTiai OF NJEWTOKK:inf 650i Oroadtrar. 1 I(f , ' . l f V j 60 Wathlngton St., CHICAGO. r,( J EVtRl DESCRIPTION DONE at the Rsfoute i, promptly and cheaply wSSSww, i j 5 j i 1 Extending from Sacramento Sire fo Jfalleck Street . f TIMOTHY 8ARQENT, Proprietcr. onzj3xno hotel, POST STREET, ABOVE KEAitN'L i. SAN FRANCISCO. UTAH. - ( BAN SOME STREET, AOaMnr (ka Bank1 af California. - tX hsve opened an Office at the above named am now prepared to do all kind o aaaay- tdaoe.1 plea of Ore received by mail or expreea promptly assayed end returns mods the following day. Terms reaeonabl. j, Pl i I! J.B.MEADX&. U- 4 AMERICAN EXCHANGE DOTEl , omc, MKEjnPY, - TTOB WeRK OF JaolS.-t- f , i T igtol far !feffi4kd - Being located U offers to bu.Ie men andcratrsOy families raperior InducemenU, to as to emiventeno. comfort economy, wb ail the wants of its gueeteand are anticipated ai cheerfuLy , applied. The American ExcbtP whl be at the whrv CoJc5L.th.1d depots So eonveyjieewg.re to th ' : - - B. CCTIES. SAN FRANCISCO. ' i WILCOX, V. lUk. ' l; ! ji1:!- R- - W. C. C. WUXEB TO X Stock, New Coaches HI and Quick TIM HENDERSON, AQENT, J! ; ,2 looked over their pin money,-- found Jtaf dollars between wVy had about ye WINES KIMBALL, Proprietors. Offloe at Well. Fargo A JA R. E. ISecdham ASon aml B. Slioningei & Co.g ORGANS ... , OPHIR. . UNITED STATES MAILS , i f1 LIQUORS, , , ' f CAERYING TTIE ' - j the Country, took in s VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA, and POET BENTON, u fifc L. POWERS, 4 r Salt! Lake City - AND Sacramento, California. finest stock: 1 TO pownrto a. go. WINES I wrra the v in Boli-f- n v I ; i Y. I ! ! i VT 1 73 Front Street, I t J SAN FRANCISCO C?loio DAILY j COACHED, f CX)HNtn Importer and whcle.ale dealer. 1b u i . cir- M jj ' FBOM x. Jeg.dAw-- f ' i r Frio Uat and Boot Canyon AND OTHER FHIST CLASS LINE AND EXPRESS I r; Gilmer & Salisburys STAGE CBlflCO. ; IS, m w i, riANO MANUFACTURERS, AND GENERAL AGENTS FOR WM Comings, ' CLAY AND SANSOME STREETS. - & tSead for an, Uostrated r MUT8KA.T : BAUER J- - a Lake Street, cular. i ROADS. Wr Cornell, BELTING, ETC.' ING, PULLEYS, Make eure connection et Chicago with ell the GRIST MACHINERY, SHAFT- WOOD-WORKIN- G UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AND SOUTHERN I S, PLANERS MILLS, Two dally trains In connection with train? on EASTERN SAW-MILL- I i s. For taking Ores from any depth Mine. MERfllAMV i Count rj Produce, Over one hundred thousand of these machine, have been raid, onfi almoet exclusively to fanit-lieThis fact prjffe the great merit of tho Connections. t: And dealers in lf. far FamUy Is fhe Best STEAM BATTERIES, DIAMOND DRILLS, The celebrated MOEON & MILLER, SILENT Ore Crusliers, Stamp Muls, otl to our ,1 Shortest Line between Omaha and Chicago, Itlo' - i i TfRL BOCIKTY f rorncU over til other., 1 ,w CREIGHTON & MUNRO . THE YILLCOX Si GIBBS I and ,min -- ' rr BLOWERS, INSTlTrTF 11 M W. W.'IMBALli, S .at ;t HERCULES POWDER, X. fob MlVnANI of our pi periorlty We aeo call attent Ever brdaghf to th West. SMELTING FRjmNAClES, day Of SUPERIOR QUALITY, FREWLFROr THE MILLS. It being oooatautly n-- i vd r.dtct tran.pcrted into the Interior, 1. consumer withic a lewd of the hm.cGa manufacture, and i in every vnyturtria any other Powder in Market. We have been awarded buccckIv?!, By the STATE PIANOS FIRST-CLAS- S dd i THREE GOLD MED Alt a. Also, the Wrge.taMortment of 'eH-dkw- Chicago M,ri v I Prices, from $100 to $1000. FRANCIS COLTON, lose the a Premium fare been awarded for fldk, Organ. Oen'l Ticket Agent, Omaha. i Klb POWDER i 45 i city AN1 BLASTILG ARE Kbw IN USE. . , H. BROWNSON, General Freight Agent, Omaha. T. K. MICKLES. Oenl Bup't, Omaha. C. W. MEADE, Ass't Oenl Bupt. ; W M 25,000 linve, been Sold and SPORTING,! MINING. WATER WORKS r XOAOHINERBr, Lead 3?ipes Wrought Xi'on ipes, Sa Hose, CUA8S Pullmans Palace, Sleeping and Drawing room Cara Accompany aU Trains , . ij !: n twenty ' t S3 FIRST Sfo forme A.3VCIHCO, j BOTARY PUMPS, j HOTELS AND EATING HOUSES et convenient points on the line. - 314 Cal fornia Street, Creat Fnlloeil and CampletencfS af Manufacturer and have Constant and Daitktty (poi on hand Taoch. jf PUIVIPINC ENGINES, AND A. WORKS, . HOISTING MACHINES, H . With Chicago and Northwestern, Chicago, Rock Island end Pad ft c and ftt. Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroads, end Missouri IUver line of Packets to and frotu all principal coat-- t era end southern Cities. ACil ( HOISTING ENGINES AND 1 O ENGINES, tic:. s STEAM PUMPS, JSL J&: XX BtT , TI1E CALIFORNIA1 LODGES cii nt are arrxDxoR i . Avoiding the dangers of the See. Direct GOODS FOR' PARLORS, CHURCHES PORTABLE AND STATIONARY C Slngt 1 i AmericAi. Organs, POWDER In Less Than Four Days! t communication Thr'' yvr ( CALIFORNIA TRADE r Route to California Through to San Francisco 1 CniCACO TRADE. end the .. AND j OL33tc: FAOXFIO COAST! jOoTisr r 11TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 1 m3 1, 1 All Hall R U OS OVwbx.ftVTKKV ; ' i OIL CLOTHS, ETato, Damasks, Hops, Ie now running daily paaoeug? connection with the Central Peciao Railroad end incident Says the Detroit Pres happened at the Grand Trunk Jnnction Frl-- i day evening which pavo a hundred passon- gera any quantity of fun and merriment, resulted In tho reclamation of three i , - and women who havo for icveral years boon livinw in Salt Lake City, in tho capacity of to a mormon elder named Coleman, wive seem that Coleman left Salt Lako City It orao day agq for a trip to the east, having imue church matter to co to on Long Island. " What is a little unusual for mormons to do, tho elder decided to havo hi threo wives' w accompany him,- it being his intention, a is learned from ono of tho wives, to use them to assht in sccuripg tho conversion of other ' women. The party came along to Chicago and tliero stopped for a day or two, taking . ft look around tho city, and the elder making aome purchases to send to friends at Salt Lako. They left Chicago Friday, it being tho intention to change oif at tho Grand Trunk Junction, and toko that route through, tho elder claiming that he had friends at Port - Huron. Tho four occupied seats as near together as possible, and, to avoid remark or ridicule, each one was famished with ft ticket, thus seeming to bo going along liko ordinary travelers. At Chicago only one of tho wives was registered as Mrs. Coleman, the other two giving other names and bccu-pyia separate room, Coleman stating to tho cfovk that they wero his nieces. It seems that while tho elder was out trading, during their stay in Chicago, tho women got their hcadt' together, ana determined to give him tho slip. Ono had been married to him flvo years, and tho other two less 'than a year, ' one being bom in England, and tho other two natives of this counUy. They planned to don their things, take to tho street, and stato their case to tho first policeman encountered, but wero met by Coleman Just as they wero descending' tho stairs. Ilfs inquiries wero answered with tho statement that they wero going out for a short walk, and ho was thus suited, although appearing suspicious thereafter. In coming over tho Central road, tho four occupying two seats close together, Coleman went forward to take a smoko, positivo that there was no such thing as losing his four hundred pounds of Inatriinony on train running thirty miles an hour. Tho women wero thus given an opportunity for another 1 confab, and they improved it by laying another plan, llo had. informed them, previous to nis depaituro from Salt Lake, that was now a recognized institution polygamy in the land, and that Congress had sanctioned it. While they did not believe, they could not refute, as nono of them wero ever allowed to read any other than Mormon publication. They determined to rcfbso to proceed with him any farther than tho junction, and trust to tho chivalry of tho passengers, and tho law of the Stato to prevent maltreatment or being forced on. --When tho - train arrived there, tho elder found ho must wait a couplo of hours before connecting with tho Grand Trunk. -The quartette sat down in tho hotel parlor and tho elder proceeded to lay down the programme for tho balance of tho Journey, t ' telling bis wive that tho least show of in subordination would result in their arrest. They did not reveal their plan until the four were on the platform, and the train within a few minutes of starting. Tho oldest wife then plainly told him their intention in a quiet way, and added that If ho wanted to create a scene they were ready for it. Coleman was at .first thunder-struc- k, and then gave way to a burst of rage. While thus excited ono of tho women t and the other two walked into thodisappeared ladies sitting-room, filled with passengers, and sat down. Ho followed them in, threatening them first .with arrest, and then with instant doftth If they did not immediately get aboard tho train with him. Having taken tho first step tho women were enough not to back down, and defiedplucky him to do his wont. HU loud and passionate conversation at length attracted tho attention of a railroad man, who walked up to him and in his EnSee ere, you feller, glish way exclaimed; wot you fooling 'round ere fort Hifyou dont hexorcUe a little care, hlll knock you hintothf middle hofnexi Monday! Coleman saw that ho was and was fairly whito with rage. helpless, He tried to : and promises, but mim;.0fare4;tnmey the women were firm, and waned him that if he did not quit their presence, they would expose hUn tOrthf passengers, and secure his arrest. What would he do T Any whito man would have mashed hU head in a minute, especially if asked to by a feraalo in dis tress, and Coleman saw that to use force would end In bis arrest. Having said they wouldnt, he felt quite sure hi wives would not go on, even though the trunks in tho baggago car contained all their finery except what was being worn. He was making ono dtift appeal when blufifttohn 'Bull c too back See ere, you blasted again and stormed. swell hof a pocket-pitcher- ,, hif you dont be efl'crs 4a . two5 tnlautaV hill break The hevory bone in your, body, hi will I a the 'conductor yelled OikUe CARPELS, r trains, forming in - - jf!A Uohn M. EDetwiler, -- lu Michigan .1 i. n pro-.Utntia- VALLEY i, iaacv ( to-da- PLATTE J A Our facilities mancfiectariBg an sneh tbat wa can compete with any i faotoryEast Gli w acalkIn mica and quality Satisfaction guaranteed atreet. 13th R. B. Office 637, Factory 19tb street, sear U. iii at heart, they are pious and pestle. for example, how solemn and rich Is The sermon we gather from deer JUttl breeches I talk. Isn't it charming that sweet baby Of th mrchla who chawed ere bs fairly could welkr Bure 'tie no wouder bright spirit shore of love I Jiugiid him oute for their"- errand I suppose I'm fogy- not up to the agi Hut I cent help recalling an earlier stage, When e post intact someth! a g beyond e report. And hie lines could be reed to e eistar or daughter When a reel inspiration (diwimti aflaiut) Could be printed without ever sarin Aiaui; ' When rumor wee decently shrouded in rhyme, A. N. TOWNS, Oenl Bup't. Ae suited the primitive ways of tne time, And we Ml would havo blushed had we dreamed of T. It. GOODMAN, Oen'l Pass r end Ticket Agent, the rules Sacramento. Which ere taught ue y lu our "dialect schoola. . Jt may be all right, though X find It ail wrong. Tide enter of talent In song; PACIFIC RAILROAD. UNION i erhaps, ta out market, gold sella t e toss. And the public will pay better prices for dross. Weill 'twsre folly to row 'gain el e tide that bee turned,. And the lesson that'e set us has gei to be learned; Hut I'll make one more deaperate pull to bs free Tlio Greet i I swallow the brood of that Heathen Chinee.1 c NlSSilU. Q V fr i, Si OMAHA, . urn A SCATTERED IIARE3I. Three Wives efe lUormon Elder Desert E EIK8ET, , I869- - aMsxi, COERELL u Ulna -- or mother English he twaddled enough s ' a language the!' ready ead rough! .Who reree. tuet ow, for a eubj.ot Miltonian f 1 bond by a style Addiaoalan 1 Popular heroes must wear shabby clothes What it their diction is cumbered with osths t That's hut a feature of life Occidental, Old dire Candle m77 oxxeSL 9 i CENTRAL PACIFIC Vsdlk8i UMcPdcaurdls Uhtbm Great West TJTEW110HOU8E, Hew fundtnre end new hc;l room, gi and water In each: 1(V RMla, wet! lighted rad airy; dlnlDg-nwn- j car table excellent; location of house central ; and from steam book passing the door: coad eonveying paasengeah and bapgage from ftf n). boat landings and trains to the hotel, free - Best hotel for families and merchant visiting 8sn Prsrcisco. Price, $2 per day, , nolO-l- y f. POLLABDProp-ieto- f l - . J ti (h4 ."s, if . t '.I- |