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Show V IlKPOItTEii D.HI,Y COIUNSB MAY 6, 1871.' . 11,1 4 " II v Jottings About Town. 1 j for tho belt- - X, Skating tonigbt oro fifty cents a basket Strawberries will Tho llollM'T m&n.ion neat week, v City ftiitihfci .Lb- - -- ? . returned from 3alt : I.nko f njcf.-ndor- )T JT . half It . Ut evening. , J ? - , 'v out with hi ice wngon to julin bo say ' ' t" t).mrrow, bo is to club M Incorporated Tli Olympic clock company. j.,int Tlio" mercury this afternoon at, 81 r tluble. the in pf Fabrtnlit:U at Willard leave TliJ excurIoniits for morning. igbt t.iock loll taxes nre pairing in now without Lnny . snore law Miit, os thcyliould be, In great' tmm-ler- s Curlew ore on the wing, to cher the eye of sportsmen. hi ldg John I feil hui been workiug-oihi week and U getting out fluo oro. JJ. W. Stewort lm a big OuMwbcrgjijpo 1 1W1 Is 1 tol 1 4 P Ror.Lcn Pkatisc;. This pleasant and novel amusement I thd ruling palou with our young pcoplo just now, and tho Opera IIouo D an object of mbro than ordinary .interest on.Mondny. Wednesday and Friday aftcnioon and evenings with tho zealous lover of gyrating locomotion; on wliecls. Our reporter visited tho hall on 'Wcdnciday cyeningr and found a largo number of merry katora of both, eCtwon' tho floor and tho benohes arotlud tlo haU filled with spectators, who had a fund of enjoyment. In the awkward movements of om now beginner or the misfortunes of thoso who vainly ! endeavored to imitate tho utastic figures of tlie Professor nnd lost their Cqulllibrium; vibrated for a moment in tho wihl hop of recovering a; steady position, ntul then fall with a thud to mako' tho windows rattle and the building , shake. But they : no sooner touch the floor than lxdpuig hands asUt them to arise,, and away they fly ashefore. t, lljtltor and tUQiek. oounod tho Intrepid arm m arm with Bomo fair one, steering hi? lovely companion through the breakers that beset his road with an eao to elicit fniquent adinfAtjiifaomtlio observing audienco. tt Is not quite a montlrelnco this j4i.Ume hns .tboon introduced hero, yet tho uttembinco i.r very largo, nnd all nro in love gal-lan- ; m CHAtlEKOE COMPETITION. f flneat Mock Of , Witics Liquors nnd Cigars, A k ince-chau- m i . -- market My good oro from tha loading houaoa of the Faolfio coaa and the Atlantic 8tatra, and my abrtment of both English ales and porters, specialties. The ing, ith other brands, always on bad: i WEEKLY Staple nnd Fancy J WHISKIES Year Old. Virginia Uyc. Crowder Doarbon. Miller Doarbon. Miller Extra Doarbon. Cotter Dourbon. Onr Favorite do. In bbls Ides, and balf bbla. Old And ! .. , , ( 1 THE WEEKLY REPORTER column sheet, contents of resume the of a eomprislng tha Dally and a vast amount of mlscella- neouaeeadtnglmatter carefully selected for Its columns for readers in the East . and tha West, where It la received with universal favor as the true and only exponent of tha Infamous proceedings of the Mormon hierarchy. For years this Journal baa battled for the right against the mountain of wrong built up by r!gham Young and his sacerdotal associates, and It win oontlnue on the same course until the last prop has been knocked from under We rotten structure of Church ruling State. We desire to present the claims of tha Wkxxlt BxroaTXX prominently beforo the reading public, and hope to aecure lor It ae wide a circulation as Ita merits t f j deservo. llo, - " ht ? Gents Furnishing Goods, HATS AND CAPS huu-eun- D00T8 ) -- nro-ecutio- to-d- ay ici-cl- huge derrick nnd pile driver have armed here by rail from tho West. They A H r HATS, puny. We are - JtN pieded to state that nil wlio lire e.eneyancq m Willard City t attend the base hall game, should nppiy to Jolm Stone-- W. T. Field or F. 11. II ir'.emt, as a limill number of seat arc T.- fy ernes e (-rn- LtQCORS TOBACCO, CIGARS, : J toft 1 5 : ' - Uorki!-- were engaged a hs-piv.rth R ; f llysass, Pints and Quarts. CIDER. Cruli Apple, today digging i f I A q I, GLASSWARE, HORSE SHOES, !; I WALL PAPER,- jo1: - i :HITLE SHOES, r WINDOW SHADES, V.'j ; ' ' lii.'i r I NAILS, - HORSE-SHO- E ji - ; it to Your Priends. . OIL CLOTHS, i - 1 LS. S BUILDEIi NAILSEtai, Etc And a Dili nnd complete v) IJyass, Pints and Quarts. shoes. m4-t- i i ! navigation on Bear River and Orcat 8alt Lake; the new Aside of trade and enterprise springing up dally on every aide: Mormon problem, all the combine to afford novel, entertaining and Instructive reading matter to the people In the Eastern States. Send ENGLISH ALE. - R ; r . . ' MATTING, 4 K PAINTS, OILS? !; . Macatclle. Angelica, Uulnnc, Pint an d Quarts, 11 4 : T hoots, : I PORTER. I , HEAVy HARDWARE) ' QUEENSWARE, Claret, White, , i . ; ' i - W - 1 t G LASS WARE; CALIFORNIA WINES. Tennent, Pints and Quart, B BOTHER. CROCKERY, , la especially adapted for circulation in! the East. The discovery and development of our silver, gold, lead, coal, copper and Iron mines; tha opening of '' : I Persons who desire to send some token of remembrance to distant friends, or who desiro to Inform them of events ta the mountains, should send them the Wek< BxroRTxa. The cost Is a mere trifle, compared with the necessity of frequent correspondence, and furnishes - more information about affairs In this region than could bo given by constant - and unceasing totter writing. .Cutting 'ON, I : sock of General Merchnn- - i i H i Mr: Merchandlflo ever " disci any HI! t :! IUver. and purchased after tha late decline In price of all the leading artlctoe, which enablea me te offer superior All of which haa been carefully selected, i ecelred by - I ri n ! , of the Alittourl homto-Wes- t i i , . . ... , Inducements to the public In prloea and quality. Give me a call and be' convinced. BITTERS. 1 ? i - Si Co. gutter to drairtitlio pond on tho An editor of a Sunday paper in Philadelidj of M mtiuia street, between Third phia announces thnt.hohas ft rod in pickle ie.nl loiuth. A similar have fon certain dopoliticaltheadversary. nndWe jo1 of water are we 1rtmng on the other side of tho fetrout, with to, quarrel, Red Jacket, Fourth and Fifth. Drain it nnd nothing to Hcnly's I XL in or Home, jiumalim, opposed I ho Cal. Wine, j'Mjvrty owners along there. ebe wo would toll that political adversary Angostura. he following arc tho first nino to tho what to say. to that editor. A Vc would ask llay Willard City club -Hodgmnn, him to rcecommend that editor to take that f'touv,, Aulhach, Huey, llurlbut, MiW, rod out of pickle, and to plant it somewhere , CASE GOODS. -of until the wood gbt thick enough for tho editor jrm, uiith and tinIlarnbh, A lrumber party, leaving here in to tako it around and have a new and moro Cnraecoa, Aalsctte, Riyoinpany morning, and a grand time is in store efficient head turned for himself. Rut we , tor everj bi.lv who enu Maraschino, Absynthe, becauso spare time to take declino to print tho .suggestion, the ph , arc ?uch 8 trip. wrong. things y raps (Hum and Fruit), While the Tho new mansion for the governor of Mistrain stood nt tho Vermouth, Cherry Cordial a gentleman on board souri, nt Jcffi-mb expected to cost iU,.i city, Mated that he vra ouo of a party, in fifty thousand dolhirs. Four granite col- Jam. Ginger (Drovrns), the cars, who came we-- t to large go on nn cxcur-sio- n umns td'bmamenttho yoht have been pre(Turner's), user tlie lake; but upon learning nt sented by Oov. Brown, who own the quarry that tlie steninAr was not finished, from which they were taken. Peppermint, Ginger Wine, they conelud.A to go on to San Frnnd-co- , tho n randy, Gin and Whiskey Cocktails, The invinciblo Ijnonuaco of jmd wnl In buck in two weeks to carry out American alTairs is amusingly (azetto iijxm Uhl Tom Gin, Cutler Whiskey, tJV.r bv,igs. Excursion on Cr.mt manifested in ft recent paraganph among it tluuk, will be tho Grape Drandy. Occasional. Notes,, beginning:, Dittlo recreation of traveler this summer, favorite commisha booh yet heard of (fie Joint-hig-h sion sitting nt Philapelphia, TLadie crowd the New York Store , from Governor Davi lift issued ft proclamation till Right,- purcha-.iniormng those ncW quarantining tho whobj'i const of Texas after Cupple Dest, 1, 3, and 10 Gallons. nd fashionable hats just received. All Southern from vessels ports. tho May 10, ngqinst latest style of parasol, dress Fhu far twenty-fou- r Iowa republicans g.Kl, duwb, ilks, law n., p.plins, fwU, berag nnd lin-F- have refused to bo considered candidates for r. just 'eiimg,1 Magnificent cnrictintv, the nomination efdicutcfiant-govcrnoPride of Corlnne, ioil.clothswindov-eurtain- s and shades daily i j the largest stock of This ft; j & ! X') c - CARPETS, ! II - , KtlIN AD. i '1 N CA1S. I - ' ' u in' u-e- d k A D K . the construction of tho iu.il wlutrvcs of tho steamboat com-- , uy to d JST" If you wnnt to get your moneys worth go to J. .Straus & Co. for boot and shoes, hat nnd caps, gehts furnh-hln- g good, a27-t- f . etc. ' ov , Ileldstck California. every stylo nnd size, collars, neckties, premium linen shirts, linen coats nml dusters, loots nnd shoes, furnishing goods, nn'd pieco goods In groat variety constantly arriving nt Ad. Kuhn & Rro.s, comer Montana and Fourth streets. m4tf ' 1 THE WEEKLY EEPOETEE Si Co., In s ; Cho. Ileldslck, J. O' Straw hat r AND SHOES, CROCKERY, Just received, at Geo. L. Holt's, at P. Cuvee (ICrugg), tho Postoflico, f,OOU roll of wall paper. N. Cabinet, mlMw r j s, Ih-n- r. t Have fast pielved tlieir stock ot LIQUORS nnd CIGARS, fa.-hion- cr i 1 cr POUT WINE. i r 1 ! .SIIEIIRY. 4 UTAH. . r -- I.'B.tCnEAM Sai.oox. Stgnc & Tilton have fitted up tho Arctic ns a popular Diamond JR. O.DJ V. II. A Co., Luni!cr U soiling o cheap in this market resort for ladies and gentlemen, nnd will that it Is more economical to build a house keep l'mlt; confectionery, ice cream and m3-t- f of y..ur own than da without shelter. always on hand. . u We learn from Russell & Caggio that 15S. Full suits of fine linen and Marsd tdgn painting is nioro extensive po w 1 D A Co nnd tho llQriixid yf eille-, lints of tho ruling in the city than it has been for two year. J. I). Iter, "of the firm of Her Sc Co., of most. stylish necktie of tho period just reOmaha, arrived from Montana by yesterceived and for salo nt greatly reduced prices day coach, ami sojourn at tho,,Metruiul-itar- i. by Ad. Kuhn & Ilror, at the CHAMPAGNE. great corner. If f twenty-fou- r t and Jewelry Kumor tell of a lucky youth wlio drew a lottery prize la?t' night to, tho groat chagrin of those who hold the other chance. - - CORIME, ! - ? Is a large i Clot hing-- - j l Den-Imlt- i E3BS0HAITT0, to-nig- Cherries have appeared"'!! tho' San Fran-che- o market and wlltla) hcfo soon at fruit stand, where everybody should buy their fruit. River House, kept by Mr. ,T!io Stuhn, corner of Front uml Fifth streets, is nicely fitted up mid eulargetl, mid i.s a credit to Front street. V'e hear of no two to one bets on tlie l.stio of game, but there i a 7J tile here, In favor of tho Corinnc boys wliiehtho ame wo aro froo to maintabi. Asthcru D no Iolieo Court in Corinno, we regret, for the fame of otir city, to see iv- n ns p.it'dtiu cniei of. criminal i d tv work In wmo mythical tribunal. Two Saints got into allot dispute 'eu tin street,-an-d wore alnt to strike each ether, when they reached the Arctic, wh Tenia second they becaina fool :i u Gnsczno i and conuisoion Rye,3nd t Moor hn . " i Tho Only CcntOe Paper la tho Tcrrttorjr j mrnmmm mmrnmmma 'ill .11 :$ Kodls. Eiry ' j . follow- a WHOLESALE I : ' 'r . -- CORIIIIIE (UTAH) nEPonTEn. v ini - 7, 4 c ' : '' EVEH brought to thi foreign and domestic cannot bo aurpeaaed In tho country. California wines In wood and bottles, and 4 - ,r . odn-wut- ; . t ; and very y nimble. tho-who with on fiiuly Oardcnitig goo a delight in cultivating their cnclo-jurcWoodworth Doarbon, Winter UrTgerltg In the l.tpof Spring, ha no application to the dimatjof Coriuw. v Ith Vn) oerjijij nnUic .nccompli.dicd ProScotch Whiskey. 'in town fessor (tho laflK'Tr' believe, prefer tho latThw arc ierbml to ;nul;e ter), who invariably entertains Ids friends to-- d ehanro for tlie around uy looking ami tho audience after tho regular money. practising Venus the from so called Prigga, hours with' an exhibition that sends every-on- e Friday consecrated ef the North to whom it was ly G1N ' home roiidering how so much Bkill tho ancient. .l at Sijin the feliuclt? could have been acquired in a foxy months; Swan' Extra. The thermometer ofllee on in this afternoon, which yet wo arc 'assured that in 'four months yot ;fd.y lllnck Swan A, " U Ugh and liot. practice' Professor Caley learned what lie Dlack Swan D down at Illngham takes Col. Johns has ploisuro in exhibiting now. Jlcssrs, ami will weik the , Cation during probably Fraser & Mower, thd propHetors of tho rink, be laane aro equally jopular, polite and agreeable, Runaway team on Frmt ctreet last evenniul vr the idoyt to accouuu(datc their ing, hut nob Jy hint. Tie up your animal t , whri you get till My. patrons 'hVd matferthem feel at homo while BRANDIES, to coiti;uii-.load in tho hall. Strict decorum is observed, and their up Freighters V .P, wagons fir into th i niglit at tho Diamond K everything Is fimngedViih perfect system Champ !. i van hmiulnd evening. , M, Onpay, and order. To-nigis one of tho regular S of at was! lutlun.iyj, Montana, f.eny Jules Robin St Com tho Metropolitan hi-- t night and loft on this evenings for practice, and thoso who dcairo Mixed ' " to spend a few liours agreeably should go to days coach for hi home. The hanhoiue?t garden iuMlie city is that Opera llousu and look at tho young pcoplo of John Kupfer in tho rear of id rosicloncu on rol lor. skates. , , ;f of fine RANSOHOFF8 COLU: Fiujir Spring Stock of 1871 DODdCOT r " v eittnd column REGGELS THE undenlgnod take pleatur In announcing bo has Jut received and ht in ators tho larg that . bo-twe- tn . The grille of Corkne por.-onnirt- io l'h-u-- e u-i- pa-eng- .T E. Send ! Superior Inducements to it Everywhere. i Tobacco, SmoMing f , - Everyone who is anxious to ' ' assist In ! out- - the trade. Freighters spreading correct Information concerning the resources, products and prospects of ths country, the political, social and industrial condition of this sod neighboring Territories, should subscribe for' the Wxxslt Bxfobtks aud send it abroad. per-sofl- j iJi t added. with; freight t f - rk'm- . - n2Wf , Da Mararella, Fonigfi Proposal-fo- r -I ' : I Sfl ; TOTHE LADIES. (. r f to-cc- . i ( isu . IkioU and n29-t- f sW, tho bet custom Made work to the Territory, ith elegant ellprcw hnd gjnt '.fornUhing at Ad. & Kuhn Rro.s wholesale and (gods retail 'lothiogho1.o. ever-broug- ht 1 mltf Rorarato prbpeMi for each of tho above articlr wut b rrquiraJ, tho firoposal to bo arcoiuiautru by a copy of thi and a statement aliened by tao reapotieibU noraonor aRMMdng thattnoaao fostraot 1 awarded to. the UUtder they will bind themtelrca a anrt-tifur the faithful fulfilment of the Mtne. A fs.eeo bou.l will bo irquired., XUddar will tut tfitlr price In United orates currency. MRS. REGGEL Nevada, - . advdimnt; Th right to vejeet ao y or all tholrfda t renrci. Propoeal will bo marked on th cnrclop or covcrlas: : Proposal tar (hero a late ariici-s- ), and addre:d to tli lHMt Quartermaster, Fort Hall. Idaho. For further particular inquire of tho tmderatfirned. , ; u 28- - t . am. s. Wilson, . 2d Lieut. 12th Inf Act. A. Q. M. onn Fotrsm of baeett vetal tt thi offle. sale very cheap row tha asm class of stock can be bought for exlither in the Atlantic States or California. An low a amination of goods and prteca respectfully invited. DACX . TXBBAX8, , f noBtaa' ....conxxx.... anfl Fifth ff., Crlnnr, tf rtab T. stock of ! ' . 3. lif ' m S North anh North vrest, Eaitom il 'jflr th late at atylea and of beautiful and novel caXU f, v CortAAd and vicinity. - ft 00., k J ttdoUoa , A- f (h t fcdUe - ti and Soulicns Utah, Invited to , 4 . Ui ! - . - Examinot bar Stock, and tho '! I j - - offer. Call 'at the Ladles Bazaar. advantatpiiTS h Publiabers. alVM - v trade of tho M DOIItlETS AND HATS, siffMato wfclcbftl f ADAH ATJEBAOH i ;j , 7 Of , . irii f i TERMS OF WEEKY REPORTER. - R r - - ; f f ! .. mexst a ItV n h can Xi;:compete with. i she is in receipt of a large On Year.,.., Sin Heaths..., ' . to sell at ajto;4stcnalned .i i v t J L would prices'TvCrh no other establish t IS - WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALER IE f Wo respectfully announce that , Wines, LIqiiors 7 ftud Cigars, t i . Bit-toy- ito Goldberg's gtoro X'1 , flour, liquor,' cigars, o, and outfitting generally. Goldberg the man to make a fine bargain .with. i?1' 1 . i 1 X Specimen copies can be soen at tbo office of publication, ready for mailing. N Xwd tnemselvc - M' ;- (juarU-rmaster- . - - - The finest uit of French , , Cabanas, cossimcre, Orrrce Pont QrAftirRUAsrsni ' aver and broadeJoth made to . lDA.no. frch Xala de Cuba, order nt tlie 9or Hall, aliform Tailoring establishment PROPOJSAL8, IN PUPLICATK, u. on Mon-an- a CEtLEO 12 o'clock bo rvcclvcHl kt till oIBco until Figaro Dergochea t.f opposite Kupfers. All kinds WottuoaiUf, Juuo 7r t71, lor tho delivery at this Magnolia, of post , of tho following uppllcn, to wit: ifinimings on hand , of lYrft fit 100,000 wonntU 100,000 pound of t EVEBYTUINO used by tha trade always supplied Oats, 110 ton of lly, nnd 40 ton tf Straw, inl-t- f Foot more or Iom, act or ding tV th( want of tho at the shortest settee, and to pewona ordering from am All to bo of the best quality. PtUrcry of th U rca Tihcro lu all things,, to eoaunenco a oixm aftsr th completion of tho abroad I promise ta give my pereenal attention Kdally in the fact that frcAghWrrta4'crs, contract, and in such quantities a may b required as , All to bo dclirrJon Uia selection and ahlpnatnt of goods. Prices post untry incrchanU and miners IcantlnuaUy hythu or before Kevtubor 11. 171. 'x - t g - tlsli Flrna, gold at Chicago Prices All Goods reduced Prices; 1 - CIGARS. ' flttlng attended to at greatly KEGS. iu f.r Preparct icxpreaefy a. . tv - ' I |