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Show foreigiOews. DULY COIUME REPOIiTEU. FRIDAY, DENNIS I 'ill J. l1 3IAY 5, 1871. Editor. TOOIIY, BTTBK WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. 1 . THE PRESS IN COURT. indictments havo been many u the Grand reported by Jury at SamFrancU-e- o agalntt tho Daily Chronicle, and one Afainat the Alta, charging those Journal! with the offence of libel. The mission of the ( newspaper is one that is limited only by the decency and goodudgement of tho editor, but in his criticisms of tho acts of public men and measures, it often happens that vituperation is substituted for just censuro and admonition. In tho case of tho Chnon-icl- e we are inclined to believe that, while tho .Jury were governed wholly by the ex parte u evidence of tho prosecuting witnesses and thus compelled to indict, their inquest is, nevertheless, poorly employed in tho presentation of thatoumal for libel so far as it is affected by the pair's animadversions on the conduct of Sinton, at whose instanco tho first - indictment is found. IIo was a public officer tho Chronicle a public agent, and by tho obligations existing between press and people, was bound to mnko noto of what it deemed wrong. Our recollection of the matter published is, that it went no farther than that, and if it be tho intention of courts to muzzle this style of criticising tho acts of officials, the change will bo unfortunate in the extreme. The right of tho people to talk of malpractice or maladministration in their own affairs, has always been among tho inalienable- - privileges, and wo hope it will ever remain in that catogoryrif newspapers are to be circumscribed to tho narrow limit laid down in San FoancLco, it would be as well to say that tho press is no longer free to act with its mighty leverage In aid of tho public welfare. flvo Am -- CANNOT liE TRUK. THE LATEST DISPATCHES. 1 Dead Wife and a Prize Fights Heavy Firing: Kept up the Vcrsallllsts Against Issy. ALL HOPES Or PEACE AGAIN ABANDONED. Versailles forces Versailles, May 4.--have carried by assault o insurgent position at Sagnet Mill. Onhuodrcd and fifty Communists wero killed and ten cannon and three hundred prlsonrs captured. - Tho mill, however, was evat&tcd by tho Versailles troops, os exposed Jo the destructive fire from tho insurgent fdifientiona. Buenos Ayres, April 12. Tho yellow fever rages dreadfully; 7 die daily. London," May 5. Tl Times says all hopes of pcaco is abanmed by tho Freo Masons. There is a con ant, heavy flro between tho forts y. , Favre, Pouyor and Qi rticr have gono to Frankford to meet Blsmrck. Y The Dally News says to Versailliats aro Montro-tron- t. shelling Autcuil from a writery at Tho Frisians dow provisions to enter Paris. Tho castle at Issyis mmt. Tho Telegraph has a letter IVomBussel which tho conduct of diueret. Tho Republican Union Leadcsdemands a twenty days truce. Tho railwr station at Auten Is damaged. Tho inhabianta havo been flying since Friday. Tho Isurgcnts lost 2,000. London, 31 ay X. Tint Communists still hold Issy, which rcceivialiail of projectile?. Tho Versaillists nVnasked a formidable battery at Montreal. Tho Versailles have taken St. Gcrmtffi, and established a battery to shell the gboats. A naval J ) combat is expected. ll. New York, May 4. Gold steady at New Orleans, May 4. A tornado swept over Baton Rouge and vicinity on Tuesday, cau-in- g great destruction of property. Tho north aud south walls of tho penitentiary were blown away, and a largo' number of buildings unroofed. Boston, May 4.- - Returns show that nearly every town which voted Tuesduy on tho question of licensing tho sale of beer and alo voted no by large majorities. Valparaiso, Ind., May 4. A fire here iat night destroyed the Post Office nnd contents, the drug store of3lcCarthy & Dunham, and the grocery store of Bradley & "White. Loss, 20,000. Buffalo, May 4. ers were in town Joe Coburn and train- on their way to the former received a tho when fighting ground, dispatch stating that his wife had died at two oclock. Cobum left for New York on the 0 r. m. train, but before starting no an- to-d- ay 5 California, wholesale...... Buckwheat flour 78 100 fta Itje flour.... i I 752 00 21 ? - . , Oe 22($ ....18 Wo KkSlio Crushed.......... Powdered. Belcher I A bg. Extra IS',0 .'. 226230 $18 TEAS. 16001 0 Imperial'll Young Hyson ft lb. Japanese Tl lb Oolong 78 lb Gunpowder ft lb, best ...16H2b 154 Bilver drip, 78 78 gal.. 40 $1 SO 6992 1 gal. SI tb... 109li ' 8tatea T. Factory Western Reserve 78 ft- - N- - 18 78 dog. .21 i'r.ih. IV ih j BUTTER., GREAT WESTERN II BUte COMPANY i P ft ...........16917io California, wblto and pink. CANDLES. 33 . 60 ....$0 757 1060 23926c First I H . CHjets and (heap. byvxail. 9 ft. to Orders N Schlap ft , "Sv New Stoclc of CASE D OOOD9. case.... I9 60 8 30 0 00 22 00 Bed Jacket Angostura Bokcra 20 10 00 and Summer Spring 7 76 Bourbon Whiskey Cocktail 7 73 Brandy CoektatL 7 75 Old Tom Gin, flno.. 7 00 common 00 Claret ..$7 00(312 Catawba Wine, Missouri Viutago........,..,., 10 00 10 00 Schiedam Schnapps Dry 0-ood.s- ! wap - 87 60 960 6 00 L the day T - rrlJ.) LtruLir. froin 10 SKafe 3 "iuhI Ia5 au! n Jot to eeeeeejeeeee irrr Lis of SkAtcfia I of tl Jll.atto NU !, County righU In tho ratout for Kiw fk asi:h & 3iowr.it, IroprifloN A al2 dim hu s Inti ', J Omi day itan FRUIT ST.l!', DENIIOLTERS Corner MouUua aud 1ourih strei Clothing (h C r i ' F. 1...U . buy .................. ...f7 S0(S060 ...7 003j, 760 Mai . i or 3 her. :iti FikST PfiSISHT Wc r,,r AND itn th e HO LIME, civ n t f Competition Absm d. HUGH to-tha- t Bank of Ooriimc. I - j KiRKEXDlU, Of.' Proprietor. dm pa i CALlFOItMl BtASKETS, WOOD. corJ. 8900 DRIED FRUIT. ........... ....... ......f10o 16s 25c 20c 20c prunes.'... APPLES, h $68 00 HAMS. to-da- y. I W ATOI-- GOLD e 3S, JEWELRY. HURLBUT BROS., DRU pro-wo- TS, " oaef 0ut. W. W. HULL, - tf 4 in i Prime Canvassed 7 ft pr- r- N ...,......,.232ic ton. LODGE KAHIMBRO.S Oi lint of StfopoIlUn Hotel, Montana street,' - Corinno. J NEW , EVERY la On ami after April 10, IHl, '.m(! continue durint; tlie - ' DAY. 00ME ONE!a?5uC0NE ALL! Flooring 78 foot............ 7o Sash, prime glazed V palr.jdao 8x10 to 10x10 fTora.. to 375 8825 Doors, raised panned, from ...83 00 te 86 00 moulded both side, from 2 6x0-0 to 3x7 84 00 to 86 60 th fo th et TO HELENA-- ' at th . i. , V ' - 0 . CREIGHTON at i LATD. i 20921o per case.... ......200 r LIQUORS. Whiskey gal Ilrandr. , oin, IloUaudg genuine domestic Port wine, Imported Sherry , MILL FEED. Bran and Shorts, talxd, 78 ton...., V 00&6 00 8A10 00 $4 69 89 60(318 00 - H.K. i ! 4 00 3 60 AND !l ' MATCHES. Telegraph, , caS Merrill A 1, do.. ....... ,.,.,,,.,,.82 30 NAILS. 8 4 78 160 ft.... 8 10 , 2(6lfU0t . . Ik-- 9 CAQOf ,.3 e POTATOES. 78 ft new... ' t!l f 60(jr-4C- e . : Keep con el an, ( i if on baud a good aaeortment for U Good ehlpped. aaat aud'weet on! the line or th Railroad th tame day order are received, a 17-8 AND (Opioalte ' Jobbing trade. Order by will rtcelVt prompt and careful 75 ' r attention, 9 (iri Q I? Xi A IlCER YD tOllkf- - SHOE-MAKE- r R, t , Montana Stre&t, Corinne. Ooriiiiib,5n? tali. XT POWDER, California Towilcr Work (mining) per krg 73(114 OO OairaUl Mining, (best! per keg 6 6t, , .. Western sporting-- per half keg-..6 00 Sporting kweaee of 26 lb. cans, ... ,16 6029 ' OIL. 0 a11 Riar24-t- f BOOT A nELETl t ri Corner of Moutimii uud Gtli Sts -- TapAP connfic. ! t t 16 25 e aL to OFFICES IN ......21010 6t6 i.iti,.,i.,....t...,.,..,,., 6s o HI cor.iMiosiori nknciiAriTo, 86&9 00 78 v.in.v Ac , .....840 00 TEAS? POWDERS, Preston F. J S Contract made for h delivery of fri iht point in Moutana. Terms will bo mUla-ii- ' L cheeper 99- - Will also run a DAILY LINK from to Deer Loge. , I 78 ll j ! iib 3R.3 , : IX ot xr Renakt I ( Cnto N od XVboleaal. UXurlc Goodsi 5 j.C -- ft tl 8 MUNRO, &- ' -- 78 KD tw LUMBER. Incan no ri SOMETHING .812(3114 00 Fairbanks - - lu! HELENA & DEER EIGHT DAYS FROM C0RINNE HAY. 78 Tl BE UAI AT ffext Door 10x12 1 I) L 1 5 S St VAll ETV, I. SURPRISING IX9 w PRICES 120 box, 8x10 and N ALL, ALL 14I7c i John Klupfer , GLASS 78 IN E llv 10-i- r Ion bto., - ro. 1 1 T?1 ,d- 1 ft cx-nmi- no I OO iiats, k S5i6i:s, USTotion?vy .25c -- , boots i Peaches, Salt Lake 78 ft Ground Cherrlee i lb. Peaches, pealod Pears, pealed, 78 ft Iilackbcrrys. Green 71 Dried V WILL lAlAVU CLOTHING AND. DRY GOODS, i Bitter Clreek V ton 78 . V U Vi f COAL. (I M 1 1 T d oft. LOV EXPRESS PKIOEH is to makE..:... 760 V v ei-e- TJL t wwO of J v TKOPICAIi FRITTN. KTftVVt ItliHItU NLTN, CAM)1I, i:T'. u ' . j : ............................... to HAVE ADOPTED A SCALE SVE e CAN FRUIT. 10 AilUllfllOU eeeeneeen AND CO geuulnc.. imitation. Peaches 78 cae.'. Piuo Apple 11 Tomatoes " Strawborriea 78 ease Cranberries Blackberries. . . i line Always on hand fir.h ..14c ..13c Butter 78 ft Water 78 ft 'UtSfZjJm Open from .139 T8 HOIM : f ) Hi . ' Holiday, Wednesday and COME OK! flURRAH! CRACLER3. Kelt-lou- d bo FRUIT AND CONFECTIOHLiV, W c Aro Heady ! .60o Plantation Bittera Cafi wart Roller uxttl Cth, - UTAH, paid i C . SKATINO 0PER1 J Particular atteniidh " bh i l X Improved Boekeri Tl th lot. :i $ i Legi-lntiv- y. CORI3VNE, CREAM TARTAR. c, E3 ES, Si, box.... Ci ....AT TUI.. S - ed 6098 50 - 60AF. Morrell & lunacy's per Chemicsl Eraalvo Castile, French... Uto i between 4th !? ............. 87 Fr wf th . I ROLlElt u ptonv f CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PSOBUCt i n Tli to-d- 1 " Ga has Orders by mail or telegraph promptly ,, , Have also on hand a lot of t cxmlcna ? for caab. Ui e Montana ptreet, 78 Star per box. ; 5 - . heavy kip 6072 00 Miners, nailed 729K000 French kip, heavy doable sols 60 78 00 French calf, top sole Ladies calf, heavy double sole, 78 do. .... 1820 00 do tins sewed shoes, T do..,. 2439 00 -- Hussey, DaMer&Oo., i 1218 do. 16 21 Boy'abrogona 78 dos.; ................. 78 Uo&'i Brogana do. 81824 00 78 case Men's 4264 00 Yonths brogana Goods, Couatautly on baud. i tlelig d to. Everything for a COnipUts outfit to t i if pat-rjnng- t t ANDDOURTUY PROUD Goods. 1 Jo 4,6o Freight, Hunt, Slijic or Prospecti s SHOES. i - blouse .?! i ofln J Outfiting . V If berr and Family (aroccri Fancy . Furu sning BEANS. FIRE INSURA ' T Keg 111 BACON. vnora Ci ITltia Quicksilver, Pfcks. anf 23c Hilda of . I "P fiU FarmiiHb Implements Gold Scales. i 30c i.....0FTn i Spring Point Shovels, 07e Sigbt Po t N: Rocker Diapers, 2io ) street. Between 2d and 8d i Gold Pans, j! . Tl. 1 Sheet Copper Rocker Irons, EGOS, Hi-- a rich. - 1 !f ThFr Coiilllir fct,, it:J - CHEESE. V Corinno 00 Montana TIN, COPPER, 'Alb SHEET-IROWARE. RICE. Carolines Tl China 78 ft PRODUCE AUD PROVISIONS Also, Mscufacytrera of 85c$l 7 t J ; Mining Ini; 1 75(3)2 73 SYRUP. t !!( lCie . I V 1 Patent Loo) New Orleans.!... Tl gal fiROCERIES, ' .Nil--. SUGAR. Huger House A Iron., Stoves. Nails, Oo h Dealer I Ordinary Belchers Golden - I HARDWARE, ! nounced that the death would not make it Tho Salt Lako Herald, and tho Tribune necessary for a postponement of tho fight OF CHICAGO. o to be what contain with Mace, arid that ho would bo on hand reports purports also, Jtho address of Judge Strickland to tho Jcry at tho timo appointed. at Provo. Both papers represent tho learned San Francisco, 3Iny 4. Tho 3Iedieal Asthis as JUdgo using language; , sociation indefinitely postponed a motion to IT. 6. ItmoiIOFF, Prudent. In your del iberatiorts you will consider construes tho constitution so as not to exclude !UT. STEW, Director. offenses against tho United States for which female delegates. I)r. Henry A. 3Inrtin, of E. P. J0I1.VS0T, fitter you will bo paid, and should I detain you a W. n. CLASCOTT, Ranker. few days On Territorial business, it may be Boston, chairman of tho committee on vacwithout pay; but I would ndvio you on re- cination, was removed for insulting languago ED. C03WAY and 8 ATI L. TiDBtLS-A- dvl ory Board. ceiving your certificate from the clerk, to ued towards the Association in an article accounts and an together put your I employ cm vaccination published in tho Homeopaattorney to collect your pay for you. I r want you. to have your pay, and do not care thic Journal. Elected officers for tho ensu- whether the Government, Territory or the ing year; President, D. W. Yandcll, of A Branch this Sound and uuv in- the moon pays you, so that you get Vico Presidents, Thos. 31. Lo! Kentucky; I till it. And wo shall do all in our power to pay C. Ives L. of of California, Alabama, you. It is true that Judge McKean dis- gan charged his jury, not wishing to keep men II. 31. 3Iichell of Alabama, and J. K. Bart$5,000,000 COMPANY from their work without pay; but these lett of "Wisconsin; Assistant Secretary, D. newspaper reports are not true, 3Iurrny Chester; Librarian, F. A, Ashford Uavlnsr been organized in cur city, we Ira nov tor business, and earnestly a illclt puVlia We think our acquaintance with Judgo of Philadelphia; Trcnuror, C. Weston realy gnarantec-inthat all flro rluka mU bo carStrickland justifies us in stating that wo do of , Tho Association will nice ried at a fair rate. Philadelphia. not believe him cnpableof tJuit style of lnn- - next TV. Jf. GliiSCOTT, Manner. yenrjn Vo cannot beTfevo thaf on tho gturge. Rochester, 3Iny 4. A formidable strike bench ho degraded his offico by the suggesoccurred among tho laborers at tho great tion of employing attorneys to collect jurors break in tho Erie Canal, nino miles from fees. It was not his plnco to give such counthis city; nil work has been and sel, or drum up, business for professional the contractor has to the ('urcctsors so Wilson & fflortot). telegraphed 3Inyor brethren, nnd wo think howould be tho last for Tho assistance. Sheriff also military man to uso tho words attributed to him. called on tho military, and General Chirk 3MT E5L That low and vile slang about tho man in 1ms ordered out two Nacompany of the tho moon paying the jury, must be an in- tional Gimrds. '' bblEINNi:, UTAH. ' vention of peculiar malice by some one ino ComHartford, 3Iay 4. Tho tending to injuro tho fair fame of Judge mittee to canvass tho votes for State officers, The stocbboldcn of the v Strickland, whom wo know to be incnpablo commenced work The Democratic of acting otherwise than with dignity, and members not being present, although their National Bsnlr of Utah respect in tho eminent station ho now honors. request to be excused fiom was not li-serving Compose tho Ilcnco wo tnkp pleasure in objecting to the the House. granted by printed report which does such great injusGold Dust, Coin & Exchange New Yorx, 3Iny o. The latent tice able jurist. how that the miners lmvo surrendered to BOUGHT AND SOLD- tho operators, nnd work at some of the mines apl-t- f Collections will receive proiatrt attention. FR03I SALT LAKE CITY. is alrcndyj resumed. All in repair will bo The meet attractive feature of Babylon in operation next week. now la tho filthy condition of its streets, and New York, 3Iay 5. A fovore rain storm even three daily papers nro unable to effect r set in hero yestciday, which prevailed all COKINNE, - UTAH. sanitary change in their condition. and and continue?. day night o D. TCASH, Pireidont. Tho Richards Iron Works vro advertising A Tribune's "Washington special . T. FIELD, Cashier. fbr a lot of land upon which u Guild a foun- Senators 3rorton'nnd Cameron, in response HUY AND SELL to a telegram nnd summons from the Presidry nnd machine Major Powell, the explorer of tho "Color- dent, arrived here yesterday. They came Government Vouchers, ado, U ia Salt Lake en route to the scone of in advauccof the meeting of the Senate, in ) Coin, Cold Dust, Ins labors. w and ith of tho to fntfiiliar become order Exchange. treaty 3llning litigation promises to bo heavy tho Joint High Commissioners, and to SIGHT DRAFTS DRAWN ON during tho ensuing term of tho court. tho papers nd documents which arc Xew York, Tho Tribuno aaja that one of the mystevery voluminous nhd intricate, relating to ries of tho kingdom of tho Lord sends the Chicago, subjects of dhcusion between the Engl San Francisco, grasshoppers, and tho Devil finds the gold Government and ours. Tho treaty lias been Aud tho principal cities East aud West. and silver.- printed confidentially for tho uso of the Comis HeaSalt Lako at last invaded by tho missioners, and copies will bo at once placed Collections will receive then Chinee, and soon tho celestial bagnio in tho hands of all members of the Commit-to- o PERSONAL AAD PRORPT ATTCATIOA. will flourish side by sido with tho brothels of on Foreign Relations in the city, and apl-t- f the Latlcr-Day- s. also members of tho Cabinet. Secretary "Wines Ss Kimbnjl aro prepared to run a Boutwcll returned yesterday, two days . double daily line of stages to Ophir xintil tho steamer to Corinno diverts tho travel over earlier than expected, in order to participate in tho examination of tho treaty, which is to . the briny sea, Montana st., Corinn3, occupy tho whole time of tho Cabinet ' Dealer In Thq Boise Statesman of tho 2d instant says: The Commissioner adjourned until Saturto to tho timo Cabinet examine all Tho exceptionable cold weather of tho past day, give I IT KT ID .few, nights has, settled Jho fruit crop In this tho conditions embraced in the treaty, and And manufacturer of flu natira valley for tho present season. Fresh fruit if tho Cabinet suggest any amendment or i trees Is not healthy es- change, tho samo will rcccivo tho attention plucked from-thpecially frhtra there is a surfeit of it. Tho of tho Commissioners on Saturday. It will ristols and mnalcal tnstrumentr f lwaya on band. ircumstanco oft ho nipping by Jack Frost then bo signed in duplicato by all tho mem- Repairing don with dispatch and warranted, al tf of the young blossoms, is a littlo discourag- bers of the Commission on behalf of both ing, but it proves nothing against our valley Governments, there being no dissatisfaction at a good fruit country. Accidents liko this expressed by any members, and all being " are pliable to happen in the best. regulated Arlly satisfied that the treaty just effected is Wholesale and Retail fruit countries of this samo latitude. It honorable to both Governments. Every may bo years beforo wo aecf tho liko again. American member of tho Commission cx Besides, there are precaution which can bo presses tbo unhcsitatihg belief Ahat itwill bo n ratified, and Judge Nelson, who Is tho only easily taken that will prove effectual to . Democratic member, ia very enthusiastic In t disasters from thlacamo. Montana Street, his admiration for Its provisions. Ho says Wo have mot butt.no man, says tho "Walno fainnimled American who examines tho COUIKNE, UTAH. la Walla Statesman, who is opposed to the and with candor, can intelligently subject railroad and ho proposes to emigrate at an fall to approve tlio treaty in all its points. Tho of O. '?. F. REGULAR MEETINGS OF TTIE in aro body day. early the.pcoplo The report that Sumner is writing a speech CertuDC Odd Fellows AsooeUUon are held in this of which will favor make in great enterprise, of Haasey, Dahler k Co. Bank, af 8 oclock, opposition to tlio trpaty, ruut that ho will th rear Wed aeaday evening. Mecabere of the Order every tho richest eecmminlties or tho toko occaaion in it to vs tnb24-t- f explain his unfriendly In good standing invited to attend. Pacific . t relntfcsis With Secretary Fih, is unlbonded Baker county, Oregon, ha a Chinese Sumner h not ecn th treaty," and Bw will preacher, who has" been sent by the Presby not opposa it unless it shall appear to hi torians of Ban Francisco, to christianize the mind after an examination, that it is unwiso BrleUaytr and Plasterer. Chinese of that section of the country. We and defective. Morton will have probably Som bat the Deal Workmen Employed, wish him unbounded success; but this in a24-Senate. the tho of treaty Will find it an up-hi- ll business. charge to-dii- 8IIELF Aw'd! iieayV ;r ' 2.30 .......... .......... 29 j... Java 78 lb, Old Government,. JUocholoe..... ed 'VV'holosalo and Hoitt;, 1J I COFTEE. ! ADVTn J. W. GUTHRIE GlaiLES, it vJ w, MISCELLANEOUS WlfiOLOftAU JsKO KCTAttl DEALUU 15 GRAIN. f f J Cora meet.. 100 lbs Wheat Oata 78 lb Barley g ft flERRISII 25 73 A Cuh, wholeiil.... , do-fond- HOME NEWS. FLOUR. - to-da- MISCELLANEOUS ADYTS REPORT. MARKET VII01ESALE I tf A. Kuhn k Bros.) ENTS BOOTS madeto order, amt curtom niaaotiou guaranteed. Flrut-cle- s boota, pegged aud aoaed, always on hand, JAMES FLTtTH apl-t- f 5 C f I I EOLi SALE-A No. I Win.' Knnbc & Uic Co.. Piano, direct never uctl. Apply factory,Ofllee. at this ft-oi- n i 1 |