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Show Vol. 3 dOEINNE, gaily Corimtt gfportw. rvBUna ktxbt stzkho (scvoai'g H O Ij kchto) STAND FROM UNDER, The Price of OFFICIAL PAPER or TERMS fituTur. Bit Month,.., , , Still Falling. t i. or sunscRimoy, Jr $10 00 0 00 3 00 1 39 10 r.TACE-CODU- magnificent variety of PUBLIC NOW Offered to lliote Uetlrln, to Metiolitan Purchase. CORlfl BUILDINGS. J Style - of Architecture, Wo mass meeting in Stein way Hall, New York, May Eminent speakers aro advertised, 10th. with a prospoct of a raro meeting. Nor Assortment so Complete. Plan order. Washington, May 4. President Grant New Inducements ConBAiJ this morning that it would afford him tinually Offered. much pleasure to attend tho meeting of tho army of tho Potomac in Boston next week. but ho would bo prevented from doing co by New Customers Hourly Gained tho extraordinary mooting of the Senate. Ho designs leaving Washington on SaturCom along, com along. day for Philadelphia, to return on Monday Make no delay: with Mrs. Grant, who Is now on'a visit to Com from every nation, that city. Come from every way: Buffalo, May 4. The Mace-Cobufight Bring not oen core along, is tho absorbing topic of conversation among A trace to all year wood, For M. Meyer don't charge much tho sporting men here. A largo amount of For a good ult of clothe. money has been ' staked on tho result. , Steamers will leave Detroit, Buffalo, Erio (Pa.), and will rendezvous at Eric. Tho Tho Clothing: Combination Is lighting ground named is a blind. Tho UP in A BALLOON, place selected will not be officially announced until tho day of tho fight. simANDmm President tho 4. May By Washington, M. Meyer I Triumphant. of tho United States of America A Proclamation: Tho act of Congress entitled an v RF.MEMBEB you will twenly-flvact to enforca tho provisions of tho Fourtfper to Constitution Amendment tho eenth of cent by buying clothing tho United States' and for other purposes, approved April 20, 1871, being a law of extraordinary public importance, I consider it my duty to Issuo this my proclamation call, FURNISHING GOODS, ing tho attention.of tho people of tho United States thereto, enjoining upon all good citizens, and especially upon public officers, to Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Etc., Ihj zealous in tho enforcement thereof, and It The Railroad Clothing (loose, wnrningall persons to abstain from committing any of tho acts thereby prohibited. Tho law of Congress applies to all parte of tho 31. United States, and will bo enforced everywhere to tho extent of tho power vested in Montana Street Corinne Utah the executive, but Inasmuch as tho necessity f therefor is well known to havo been caused thiofly by tho persistent violations of tho HENRY LEIWES, - rights of citizens of tho United States by disaffected combinations of lawless and persons in certain localities latoly tho theater of Wholesale And Retail Dealer In insurrection and military conflict, I do particularly exhort the pcoplo of those parts of the country to suppress all such combina- GROCERIES, LIQUORS, tions by their own voluntary efforts through tbc .agency of local laws and to maintain tho CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. , rights of all citizens of tho U nltcd States, and to secure to all such citizens tho equal protection of tho laws. Eully sensible of tho Fourth Street, Near Montana, responsibility imposed upon the executive by tho act of Congress, to which public opinion is now called, and reluctant to call into exCorinne, ercise &nfzt tho extraordinary power there- CLASS HOTEL, CENTRALLY m odious and well arranged. The and comfortably furnished. The supplied with the beet the market r on hand ondaerved up in any with the finest Wines, liquor, , feb!7-t- f UNION PACIFIC IJ. F.FULIEIl, ' nlt There te a great demand for (r will contlmin years settling up the rich agricultural sod mineral lauds. Applications msy bo mode to agent on the ground or addres 31. LAXGSDORF, JONBS & DAVIS, 3Inniifltcturor oi STORE SHADES, for Meals at all hiirs. Good accommodation A two dory house, with good bed and a!7-d- tf comfortable, well ghtd rooms. traveler. . P. Wholesale and Retail dealer ! ' WAGON DEPOT e I... CORINNE. Baking, aU PAINTING, and Oenerol Repair Shop, where on hort and flrt-cla- a order In done be will work notice, Horae shoeing promptly attended to. PAT. ONEIL., Foremen. PH R P, Shu tilers Chicago Wagons alo at reasonable Always on hand and for mad, of the prices. These wagons orarethoroughly known all through the very beet material, and West a the best and moat reliable wagon made, and Warranted In Erery Respect I DENNIS J. TOOIIY, alS-dSm- premise wmu J. W. Bontana Street, tf10 . , ap30-3- m . lo. torouh. mouin. I00HY . rl alvaji AND SIGN J. W. GRAHAM ,' druggists a UTAH. a3t-l- a Meats, , Ele.,- - FAR' VEST FREIQHT yA u4 TIME FREIBHT," CORujinG, H Hr I 1 1 , - I principal , dwelling . r.i .i n . M. D. u,. tiitfrr rOLAHGEEOLLaOP EOOFlisT Q- nontaaa Itreetf, I feO-t- f - CHEAP AT THIS OFFICE." i )!. Fatten -- I Kj. vCl Cad tkh ExceUect for cificitoniTii ; chop, Nortn Front ;Oi., Corinne.; the Cimr 1 ak.HiasSUr, CAGGIE. busln mU FOR !(!' .,i I . -- I 1 I Sami Ciwarri!. uU Wafon Maker. Merchant, fitting foe th mine, p2pJ5Sig TteklfaS etc. filedgs. yaf,s Lr i Flaoer Plcka, . -- - til! 1 i (t I i1 It i I aOluv,-- . i if mm . lifl Pl- - a. 9. caooa. and Fourth and Fifth.) S2S WlnK Ulquow arid Clgnrs. Pointers, decoretora, plain and ornamental FOURTH ITIIEET. CORINNE. and tmttatore of woods and mrbtee I hanger, For refereno m th ehurcbm and all aTwave on hand a " variety of the best Meat, j jbetwn n,, CORINNE, UTAH.. t Lowest Prices. BU0UKLL C UTAH. - - 037m I 2 Lino, JR ! Munnu. Ftorrtetor, COMPANY, f! (pare J etc. ugar cured RemVBaeos, sausage, dried beef, i Li Expreiiti. Teams Leave Corlnne I spire ry oilier day. ....orrics.... Comer of Foartli S2. ! : V EXAMINER OF FBIIIONI FOR UTAH. eT-- tf ' ntilXtb FISOHBACK, to. Paper-hange- r, SKfi idecao-t- f Connectwus Eastern EIGHT f 1) AYR FROM CORItlllE TO ' HELENA. PAINTER, j t I 1 , prtBoptly done. Work done with left at the ahop. corner will receive?. nmpt attention. Q GOODS. having Througli? Wholctale and retail dealer In all kind of Wholesale and Retail COUINNE. - . Glazier, i 1 iSi S, Apl-t- . J j ( HOUSE FURH13I1 Prop'. lthe only Express line ;u,; This H. H. SHEPHERD, n. LUBBESv Cerner Fourth k Uontana Its., now rent for 1U - 31ABKRT, o f LINE, Ml Motto tie Live and let Livr. Qmtck Bale aad Small Profits. CORINNE ..Oorlnno, Utah MeNOTT A CO., & Steele- - . I am boundto sell as cheap as any house in Utah. I impiovsd farm Attorney A Counsellor at Law - Repairing AND GENERAL g waauaors.... i TABLES. SALE BOOMS: Alontana street - - Corinne j. W. LESHER. f Bar Furniture else-whe- re. Rear tho Depot j S, ; n, ltt BroadwaUr, rroll c;. A. MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, , COMFORTS, & BEDSPREADS. Plated Ware at the above wor MATERIAL, wblcn we rlor article of Salt lor table and daily offer at low figure. W invite all dealers In salt to Of all description, for 1 t of Mow HOUSE call and examine our stock before parcbasUig For Also, constantly on hand a full aupply Bcapciw, Rack furnished at fit. Lout prteee. er Keepers and Mowers, Rok, Ftwpraln particular addres Threshing Machine,andSulky. all kind of tb DKTT9IER LrUJ, Gang Flow, machinery. S9IITII Evanston, Wyoming. SPRING-BED- CHANDELIERS, Wagen Weo4s, Wagon a39-l- m It., fan Franebc o TT K. O. Miflay,; .BRACKETS, MIRRORS, ' . Belf-rakm- I alo-dfim- i WHAT-NOT- in LA M P 8 , foil stock of the celebrated nil Ue? Y7OMI0, Wagon Cover, 7XQDD Wagon Bovs, Ttlmble Skeins, Oneida County, I. T. and Carriage We are manufacturing .1 - DESKS, SOFAS, IVVSB, 3ST Also a full stock of ad-l-m Monro), e Corlnne Utah. A A MIRRORS, CUTLERY, GEORGE A. LOWE, FOR CATALOGUE. IOWA. ji5 ji7 snjrmment ? I REFRIGERATORS, r .OT e SED I BUREAUS, WASIISTANDS, GLdSS WAn By Jsia-dl- y 4 Muin & 7 Pearl St. BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS CHINA, OMAHA, NEB. s N KITCHEN SAFES, Montana Street, Corlnne, Utah. I CRIBS LOUNGES, E. G. EEitCLAY & CO., 270 Farnham Street, O. BOX 194. - Ptclflo on th the Coat, OUR stock largest and our focintl for manufacturing and Imporung enable n to clt atlowsat market price. 1 RECEIVING AND OPEN-in- g out a full stock of plain and fancy furniture, ucb QUEE1J SHARE, , , AM CONSTANTLY t NO ; Wagon I Utah (East of Creighton Walnut and Silver show Cases . . . .BLACKSMITHINO . . . . Tb t JIIIIROR?. Ger- Itt F h. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. k Fancy FURNITURE. i A.TD HOLLA ADS, PICTHIES BAR-RO- OK Direct im powers of basket from leading man and French manufacturer. ...AofjfTS FOB TKX SALK OF.... 8. F. PrrcuBsiOOixstch Company's Match, American Nt atfl Twine Company' Twine. Boston Flax Milr Twines, J. C. Conroy At JApnye Fishing Tsckls, Hollingsworth oAd Whitney's wPaper Bag, myl3-l- y T. D. CONWAY, i DEC0R1TI0TS, WDDOW SHADES House Fliniisliinff Goods, Wholesale dealers in T PICTrilE FRAUES, WLTDOW C0RTICE8 Oppoalte the Dlnmowd R Freight Depot. LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT my hand and caused the seal of tho United States to bo afllxod. IXmo at the city of Washington this third day of May In tho CORIVtt, year of our lord one thousand right hundred and seventy-on- e, and of the independence of tho United Stated tho ninety-fiftBy tho President: ATD wire, TUBS, CHURN, BRUSHES, BAHKKT8, TRIKES, CORBAOE, MATCHES, STATIOXHUW, PAPER BAGS, CLOTHES W JUNO KBS,, FKATUEB DUSTERS, FlSBlXtA ITACKLE, TKX FINS KTO. ETC, ANpALL8, GENERAL. , j . Sole Iffcnti for ihe OrlcuUl Fmrdcr Co. L. Simons - - Proprietor. Opfalr City TtT.T.n t3. aid; willow WOOD 8. E. JOHNSON ' alryrooms, furnished In a style equal to any hotel sl7-din (to mountains. M. apl-t- f Dealers in PICITRES X UTAH. COUNCIL BLUFFS R. F. Batlcr & Co., Proprietors. Tin only firstclas H.uso. Large, oomuodlout, & 1893. importers. Jobbers, and kAN UFAOTURIRS OF FREHClj RESTAURANT, o Daklag and - tf EDDY, zmxxdf) (TIE R IJE S (rRO Liquors, Flour and Bacon 1 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. OVERLAND BLACKSMITH SHOP UarneM ' I nt t n dBUHED BROOM. Ykhltl Otaple GO mar93-r-3- -- ( General Town Slto Agent, V. F. It, It., Utah. (wur non or mcx.) ' Bangfer. 08BIST0.Y, lu71. Reno, January i!l 1 r-- STEELE & JOHNSON, HOTEL, GXIAXTO OEllIt C1TT, In all the town, l supply tho Immigration which a8-t- U.8. Grant. N ' Prnnrh. - ' milling. Sampling i Assay Assays guarantee to correspond with U. 8. Mlrt. Or sack returned, to shipper free of Sallrer 1 , charges. Ore Jtiajled by Battery r Crusher, option vf, shippers,i Corinna. . .Helton D. M. STEELE, ' I J V ILL HEADS AND LETTER HEADS ore mode a specially st the Repost as ofiVe. Call and examut specimens. saS-t- f I BUSINESS HOUSES 31EYEH, In testimony whereof I lmvo hereunto set nnmiinnmin ' apri-dt- f Salt Lake CHy cuv-- e alO-dlm- OnxtairrogA Mrano Eixswosth k Louthau KAT TE.TPLE STREET Local Agent for Corlnne. j , SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS t Ne chordal ft .narsaxMcaa. 94-t- TOWNS ALONG THE LINE OF IX theALLroadTHE from Omaha to which aro .uu i, gre&llnduoeiaems are out red TiiAu. cv .uia to all wishing to esUbliaU bualneee and build for BOOTS & SHOES, , EEimiuumimn; iiiiifSJiiiiiiiiiiis SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ... ... 5 SALT LAKE H0U8E, LOTS .1. Til. EZLTXR ORES jijmiiiiiiiflun; iutuimmuuui' ....roBNxa.... Board Aren $5 to $9 per week. BXenls A4n S3 cents to 1. Koalat aU Doori. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE themselvc a home. .On!i'' jCo iimlmmnmm Battery and Washington streets, Table sorved withal th luxuries of the market, the best Restaurant fax town. Open for orders of any kind dy or f i tn.iMH - tlillfililffilllllif: Commission Elerchant, Rear of Kuney' Bilard Palace. DEPARTMENT U re an unlimited number of both u entire country. on, 141. ISAAC D. HUNTOON, .Proprietor Board by ie Day or Week LOT and .XMITED. tn tt FUEOHAES T at the folm$ignat rate, m BAILB0AD 00XIPANY ( L apl-t- f . Montnn Street, Corlnne, rn co i UTAH, w OCCIDEirju RESTAURANT, TOWN Jacxary I, ttfl, tb$ IVerada Lacd 4 New Goods Dally Received and by conferred upon mo except in cases of Imperative necessity, -- 1 do, nevertheless, deem it my duty to make known that I will not hesitato to exhaust tho power thus vested in the executive whenever and wherever it shall become necessary to do so for the purpose of securing to citizens of the United States tho - pcacclhl enjoyment of tho rights guaranteed to them by tho Constitution and laws. It Is my earnest wish that peace and cheerful obedience to tho law may prevail throughout the land, and that all traces of our late unhappy civil strife may bcVpccdily removed. These ends can be easily rcochod by acqui-eo?nIn tho results of tho conflict now written in our Constitution, and by tho duo 'and proper enforcement of equal, Just and Impartial laws In every part of our country. Tho failure of bcal communities to furnish such means for tho attainment of tho results so earnestly desired Imposes upon tho na- -, tional government tho duty of putting forth all Its energies for tho protection of Us Colonies of every race and color, and for tho restoration of peace and order throughout tho Tropi. to furnished drawn and specifications rpiHISI8i local rooms or n table are 01 Fresh Oyute: style on short The Bar 1 ekh' and Cigar. Never Was our Stock so Large Now York, May 4. Tho American mart Suffrage Association will hold a &1, K I !( lid thtr Oa $11,000,000. 7.000,000. Imsm. i ; Tho Equitable leeuM every desirable form of policy and receives premiums only In cash, neither accepting uotos for It own claims, nor paying them out, in ben of the money, when its policies become due. The excellence of this Institution Equitable) cannot be too warmly acknowledged. Its story is the story of a noble eaocese of a wise and generous design, prudently and thoroughly accomplished. It was organised on principle of novel and peculiar liberality. It proposed to to (he Insured, paying' only legal eve aUst profits on its capital; and It ha accomplished It purpose. In a career of progree altogether unprecedented. It hoe disUnoed all competitor, and established itself upon foundations of adamant. It expense have been lee than those of any other sow company In proportion to it Inoome. .Yw York Olxrver, Lira Iwsvnawci Ootcrkirr, One of the strongest, safest, most successful, and best managed of this character In Vw York la corporation the -- Equitable Life Assuranoe Society of the Cnited State." Independent. Dr. Prime, editor of the New York Observer, latest "The Equitable Ltf Assurance Society of the United State ha been founded with a view to meet the wants of all part of our wlds country. It founder and director are chiefly religious and bsnevolent men, and I tract the day Is not far distant when It will become so widely known that all our ministers, secretaries, ana men on salaries generally, will avail thcmselve of It rich advantages. mrfi-SW. H. GLA8COTT, Local Agent. Clityr XEAEWiLD, Proprietors. afford. TO REACT! AID C0KF0RT. LOOKING ' dc BALSa ef the Lateit Edifice Cash Assets, Hotel, (E, - J. ind aU ether Auburn Mills. Rev Bofiaca, IM9, tana Otroot, . SCHOOL HOUSES, - HOME NEWS. CORBELLA, EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE Annaal proof Douse In tho x MISCELLANEOUS. 1 , . -- . . THE 120 Broadway, New York. apl-t- f - Proclamation by the President Never Were our Prices so Low on Kukluxlsra ' k 0 HUE OH 33, DWELLINGS, BARGAINS - Society of (he United States Hotel, ss YIciR MRS. On hand for I " Fi it-ola- Illustrated Designs CO. PRIZE FIGHT. Rn UTAH. The Only A M. . r UNION TELEGRAM! - .. UTAH. Having roeell taken thl kou and thoroughly refitted and ray a ted it, I parpoee to keep It as a , NIGHTS DISPATCHES. Railroad Clothings Emporium Wll TKRX - k,, . CORINIt:, Colorado Street, 1 LOW PRICE SYSTEM - A I 07 THZi IMMENSE THE - 3STo.l32. r.n fi ND RESTAURANTS. tnimii SUILUEft. AHD 8UCCE88 CORINKE, DAILY CROWDED. BT TIIE HOTEL! - , and County. UNPRECEDENTED Thres Month. ..it.... Month (supplied by tho carrier) Single Copies.... LAST ' TH United States, City ' . ARCHITECT r MN h. lionheim, ng ADAM AULBACI1 & CO. PHIDA ' " MAY 5, 1871. UT-AJ- H, j , x . |