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Show TTi 3(A VL ! 4 if f S 9 J I i 3'. " : : r fi, f , l ' ft i s 9 ; i ,Sr" gL... jrcnUij 6oiBtm f,tlU4 LITTLE . urt p.um f4. i Capital, $00,000, or - 4IS -- rr . ON THE Tlie ibltoving nrticle from the Chicago Tribnoe k in strong terms, coming as it does from the lending Republican newspaper of the Great West; Popular government cannot be maintained by the aword Insurrections, rebellions, disorders, and personal, violations of law may be suppressed by tho vlgoroui applica- force, but the real strength tWofmflitsry and defense of popular governments is, the -- ROUTE and tha ' ' . fAOXFXO COAST! In Less Titan - Four Days whr!; ' EZeU!Efi2 orders instead the Utmrnr .. . thUffh and lodges i EUGIUES PORTABLE AND STATIONARY , ' i 45 If j w lh?.7h u averting general anarchy. iasterh and southern n. first-clas- s Gilmor i The Rocky Mountain coal is to be tested in our-mil.A lot of fifty tons arrived yes- -. to'PfcVfc'e& Bowie's mill, on terday CaHon, and some of tho mills at Gold Hilt have made arrangements to use it. As it irfiKtnd tq answer well on the l Central Pacific Railroad, where it is in constant use, we no reason why it should not give equal satisfaction when used under the boilers of our mills and hoisting works. Breed and Crosby, agents'of the Rocky Mountain Coal Company, have had a number of huge STAGE AND Six-mile MJEdTiNO! FURErADES. " REDUCTION OF TIIE ml" G-AXjEW- A , STURTEVANT BLOWERS, ' , . , I IS , J. i . s For taking Ores from any depth Mine. GRIST HILLS, SHINGLE PLANERS RILLS, - MACHINERY, SHAPT- ING, PULLEYS, BELTING, ETC. , , i , a US Lake Street! 1 49-Be- WOOD-WORKIN- G , Dalisburyo & WM EXPRESS LING ' - I s FIRST-CLAS- w-- f l i . jiol4-C- a CiCO., Z. BOWER ' !,- . Importer and wbole.I dealer r Olioloo- 1 - - j WINES AND LIQUOES, 73 Front Street, Sncrnmeno California. , r ' if ( l. rowxss, TIIE C. Vi t TOOK nj WARMER) . t ! f . i Da It j;SxIio n niTO City , Agent tor Nevada t'tah. jurnlS tj if ) V AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL h v n. w. wilcojc, n. n. crt:i Jr J a? SANSOME STREET, i Adjoining the Bank of California ' Extending from Sacramento Strtti to Jlallcck Street. 4 SAN FRANCISCO. ? I all .the , , , V HinwigiF ' minriiiE- m O ft - : Uelisj Fargo A Co.'s Ml v t kava Cortona dally for Virginia CUy, Tba Catena and Fort Bantoo, Montana. Connect with paaaenirar trains, both ways, Of tke Central Pacific eooefce Ballfoad. I lt - ' 4 , R. E. Needham -- I I ' i'V' 1 & Son luitl A .V , M e Mannfactnrera , and InjpoUcxs.of , Dinixmi, uanci, ? rfwii f. , 4 f T CAUFORtllA fi30AY , OFFICE,1 ;,r Iaitt Hrteet, j. SALT LAKE r x it ; ztr 1 , r crir, .U-- L. or u tli itJ V "J hkv opened n OfficV t the above named jdaca, and m now prepared to dqaUlUi of assay Sample of Ora redelved by mall or expresk prompUy assayed and tfOtcffiM seada tka following day. Term reoacrftabl. JI1 i ., F.8. MBABEB. apltf ' , -- t I A0. o,' als very steep 4 ? urru. ro, 050 Rroadwar NCW.YOtlK, st tkts oCSoo X I g- 1 Jr - 1 1 09 Wnibtnuton St. ' (JllICAtlo. I done T0B wrx of rewtv description . efr i. IW ft'--: MU !t 'i i in I V i I h r i rii.- n i t located It offer to burin1 Being men andcentrally families superior Inducements, as to convenience, comfort and economy, all tb wants of It guest are anticipated113 cheerfully supplied.' The American Excbs Coach, with Rad XJgbta, will b at tba wharf and depot to convey passenger to the Hotel, free- - afilf t .TIMOTHY 8ARGKNT, ! . ozumAroro DOST BTREET. ; - Propriety, s elotel, ABOVE KEAK-W- . i SAN FRAN0I5C0. - UTAH. Z akd CTOf CKrzimos TIU IIEUDERtOACENV to transfor the boose to the Presbyterian ' ff t , im if B. Slioningci 5t Co.s ET C., ELODEOrJS, t si. f f 1 .j .r.T WS, Good StOClf, New Coacltei in the charter the property was placed t7 4 I. WINES k KIMBALL j Proprietors. al9tf Office at WellJ, Faifo JrCo.. Eipresa f I R. PH J, i f3 BJSraSiSf'w.as: dr t kHf SAX FIIANCISCO. it M must he paid by the consumers of coal in this city and vicinity, yet the coal It found to be cheaper than wood. The coal Is fun-!mining: eotapantail at 2( lhedmilUjmd per ton, in bulk. Nevada Enterprise. i'll; - CLAY AND SANSOME STREETS, Price IJ.t and cir !; S - largest wagpiled upon ons bringing one wagon up at a time from the foot of the Geiger Grade, of course. The timf On Mr . SOUTH KAFT CORNED . r J CARRYING THE I Country Produce, CHIflCO ' IN THE COUNTRY, FROM Boon, AlaTge number of these huge' wagons will be put upon the M 1 daily! coaches, 1 bf,Cv0 pounds, , T- - I And dealer in 1 I a FINE making the total weight hauled by each !f 1 . AND OTHER f MERflllxTS, ; V ' -- a I. r. COMMISSION Comings Bast Canyon ' KN A B E &...,C,6.S ," I MUNRQ, AGIJNTH, Corinne, V :. !, PIANO MANUFAOTUBERS, AND GENERAL AGENTS FOR , Sc MORON. Is. Je9.dk t tu M0R0N & MILLED, 5 ti I J. BAUER ' $ Zllwotrated for'an nd cular. 4 CO-- . & Cornell, jWdid AND MATCHERS, 0. &tud - AND CREIGHTON Over one hundred hjkiondof three macblnee have been eold. andiklnioet exclntlvely to farnt lie. This face prOfvd tLe great merit of tbo naclilne. In Chicago a large fbare of the patron of the who bve uxt other Wilcox k Gibb r exchanged them for popular machinea the Wilkox k Glb thereby adding very greatly to thel eomiwt end happlno w fI ( Sec ref ft i y. i i - Ii the .Bctt;fir Family i i JOIIN F. LOIISI'. P.1MILV: SBVIM HWIIISG STEAM BATTERIES, DIAMOND DRILLS, PORTABLESAW-MILLS- , i SjltiNT Ore Crushers, Stamp Mills, roads. KIMBALL, . tn, f rm-iuTiov- THE VILLfeOX & GI1BS I It A circular containing m.L thla Pea dor can be obtained on applioail. onr OfQco, or of any of our Agents. ; j . r,hi compom,.! . a51y BLOWERS, , use. Warhlnf tan Street, Chicago. X ROTARY , C3 i , which combine all the force of ether .trow . s J j w. W. crffjAJX ROOT- h ADDRESS 4 f for five INNTRUMEXT, SrECIALLY AD ArTF.T1 T'nn I HERCULES POWDEh, f They carry 40,000 pounds of y . thi K.T Rnsrno roVnV-rron cxacutani oiMso rnxcit awn mrtK or vastly superior to anjr th.r OACUf VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA, ' Rad EOHT. BEirtON, ' Mlv!Vff!1!'V"itonnlTeJyterdr' I By the MECHANICS INSTITUTE ni ... STATE AGRICUI.TUR h SOCIETY t t Ilf . of onr products ever all ott.vr.- perlorlty . We a'o call attention to our i. Vvert. InoWuraeut warranted yeL-- ? x in52ac2bse4 OerauuthasCharchof Bt'John, recoved its house In West Philadelphia, and property by ja suit at law. The church i , THREE GOLD MEDA1S of Ever brtntgbl to the Wwl. , i pianos IfT'i : , . Against this grave assumption we protest; and wo trust I Tickets and all information In ra mat, upon the reassembling of congress in j awThroogh to FreJghi obtained of David o. Caldxe k Co., lwcember. thi law, so sweeping Jn .its us I Agents, tuut Lake City, or of Agents of Union . t umptloris, and ao dangerous as a precedent. I Xaoiflo Road. WH. B. 8TRONO, may be repealed by an unanimous vote, ana Agent, Connell Bluff k Omaha. that meantime the dangerous powers it seeks H. P. STANWOOD, f , , O. L. DUNLAP, to confer may not be exercised. Ganl TkL Agent, Gan'l Bapt, Chicago, Chicago. myl7tf ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL FOR MILLS. J aortment AUo, the Ufgea , r if matters of life, property, and liberty f IIa ynpuiar government so far proved a failure that, in the most .profound race, When I The Old Established ll,e organ ixed force opposing the fWeral laws, or questioning federal aufWrity, the congresi of the gaot vTnms nnd Sore Cennectlens United 5Ute should provide for a military a take the place of the govern . dtoflm tsnenl eHoen by the popular' will and 'exist-- ! n ceIebr4te1 i Ing by me popular consent? What is there I theconditlon state of tho in of Illinois which PULLMAN PALACE, DINING AND I thfh anf I - SLEEPING CARS BETWEEN OMAHA AND CHICAGO, amed forces for the civil law? Yet both louses of congress have passed Just such a bill, and are only divided as to some of the details. Both houses have agreed to place I Two dally trains la ooanacUeu with trains on la the hands of the presiden this unexampled I ' power, wholly unwarranted by the constitu- - UNION PACIFIC II AIL. HO AD and tion, only defensible upon tho plea that Uoko sure connection at Chicago with all tha free government is a failure, that popular t tba MISM.S- - Prices, from , $100 to $1000. Hose, ANI BLASTir.'G Of SUPERIOR QUALITY, FRESH F!lCY THE MILLS. It being eonatalitly rerrUHifit trananerted Into the Interior. I deilMrod tu of the tiirtoi l consumer wlthlr a few d manufacture, and Is iu .very ay mpmerto any other Powder In Market. W havo beta awarded ucccilvely fr W Silver Medal JUST RECEIVED! Parlor and beat Chwvli;.gan OXA STATE FAIUj 19 !l iPaT,th,nrl?n hait been awarded for Premium JJcfy f)rgan Improved IPortoblo 1 I roxuDEH i ! Lead ' 3?ipes Wrought ' ABE NOW IN USE. PUMPING ENGINES, AND WATER WORKS BOAOHINER7, . ! : ... "' Iron Fipes, & on hand 25,000 liavfcM.t.hcen Solti and SPO,ThiPnVnc., ROTARY PUMPS, , Manufacturers , and have" Constantly ofj y . FILAIMCIWCO, HALPtf v : ' c?f!?J5SJ Grot Fulliwn W Tene- - KiprttiR preach ' -- STEAM PUMPS, ' ; i i iin $ nOlSTINC ENGINES AND HOISTING MACHINES, 5 aaa attrSMon is i , Shortest Line between Omaha aod Chicago. - i Jj I,ihM- - be found in general of , . , statute boot, and the I only form of justice I gweutwster Allnss other pwtasanoiir I shall be the proceedings of courts-martial- -t j tmrnrnaoN ttien popular government may be said td oahs. General FrelgM x. sicxles. have ceased, and the despotism of the bayo- - I t. I net erected in its place. . 0?L "? 0n,h aw ''fiuncis'Solton. People so retrograded fin intelligence, and respect for the law, that it is necessary to set asido the constitution and the statute book, the executive, judicial, .. people, and to and municipal officer the at aw that Ido president, any moment, ChicaEO & Northwestern Railway p and af his' own dis motion, ,vpkm t THE CALIFORNIA Americak; Organs, POWDER WORKS, FOR PARLi CIIURCIIES 314 California Street, ! ,Dd Dr,in- - jMi0tho'.h" da rfn1 joiicti haul ofouiarhonicatf ooal that can be the ; ? Through to San Francisco 1 a team NEBRASKA.. OMAHA, CALIFORNIA TRADE omTSfH'n SSStSSSSSSii. pOsjoL ! AND DOVQLAS STREETS. ilTH - i- T&G no-'he- when empty. AND CIIItjAC(l jTRADE. t V -- - 1 ? i 4 t ' ' OUItTAlN GOOD N. E. CORNER law which is enforced by popular sentiment. ' The very theory upon which free governAvoiding ths dangers of tha Bos. ment rests is, that they exist by the consent f the governed, jL v ' ! r The Amorlcanpeople, In forming their1 -t government, substituted popular representa- Bisect communication made at n and the fight, under certain restrictions, to change the constitution at their pleasure, in the, place of forcible revolution ; , but re have they ever abandoned the princi pie that the government is one law, and . th.t fore, mi only lohwdtaiU of Uw, w7-2dfS- SS to execute it, not to destroy it. When the time shall come that a gevernment of the law shall fee, done away with; when a brigadier general shall be installed astho maker of Ihw, and his quatermaster, paymaster, be0?m, th? UPme I tftr FIRST CLASS HOTELS AND EATING convenient points on ths tins. judiciary or each state; and colonels, majors, I bouses exerotsa ofl functions ha,n the ?1.cUilu wli 'H: : .rf i . . U'VVvO'I.a'V'E.'R.'Y Ronte (o California t ? OIL CLOTHS, i RUSS I itTato, Damaolso, Hopo, ,! ill Rail . - ; r-- t CARPETS, forming In la now running dolly poaaeogar trains, connection with the Central Pacific Ballroad and "s " -- IX ' -- if f M, , jpeiwiUr IJ. 'ifil': xi&AJUWte' IN I V VALLEY PLATTE ll'f .trt. ! TbO Great . r vi , And eh. whoa wear, may webaao bleat, Asul lak like the Innocent child to oar reet. And eel cares less deeped to tbo Infinite breast. TRIBUNE it! nSw"SarM.' Agent, tbo thing tbot wo do Are oo epene of a babe the viw, Tbot mark ell our reoknoM and pHoo M too. cnr TTay, God grant that when night oforabodo-eAnd we aboil bo eoUed to account for ear day, Xe shall find s oo pUlw aa Oetdenhalr'e lay. Nkrbasxa :V we can compels with ma0u, Oar facilities fot'piannfajCtnring are such that call. a Give factory East. quality, Batisfactiou gnfifatiteed in -iSffle M7. nth to v. PACIFIC J UJILU01D. I UNION . tfT, v t j St. OMAHA, . I a -. t ? n lCth 513, : . mure but children; KUKLUX JSILIt. ?rprleteri, CANDLES. t non! Passr ond Tl:het k masET, s : j ; THE CHICAGO . -- MD- x. H. GOODMAN, btx. I Bacrexnentn. i COBRELL . TCji UJ SOAPS S And Ui on I'e&uied homo and ootod my ten. And I climbed noon grandpapa's knee. And X joi m Ur d tired can bo.' jU j Washing k , . r ji 8 I I oldo of tbo ( Superior Manufacturers of , . . .n. I860 i j3o winxa .OoTiacSqLe ,w r3is. t t r:iyiJi7r Incorporated February 24j 0rcat Wcit h pis ; rM 7.68 pity tl with my dally and loaded my bnn, And then 1 Jumped with u,j U'Uo loop rope, And Z mode oat of tome voter end op BooUful worlds, aomn'o euUo'o of hope. 4 ! MANDFACTOKY 4.00 pm 4.42 P M : for Ootcdootb tltdo none by tbo MicFmreEs :7Jlrsm $fa5ft0jfo Bnnday excepted 1 iBiiorirtfdiroodtanypUtarobooii, AndE-JI titZ; w votttdlOda . Lp -- tai5 Coldenhalr ellmbed npen ana. Dear little Ooldnhir, Urci b cou5l All tfc fiay bnjr a bnr TTb la lit indiitBff M MMBM tw& U(bt Oa t tb t beWfA ud batlarflieof bright, tupping about till tbo coming night. CrandpApn toy! wUh tbo enrli on tar bead, 'WbatbM my darling boon g jtog. bo mid. Sisoo oho --jwo with Uo otu from boo bod 1 , 'CETlTnAl pAcirig v I ii-i- , I 1 TRADE MOJIADA CHICAGO TRADE. new furniture su'd new bej and water in each i .' ,rg! 1 ' hall, weft lighted and alryi dinlng-rtable excellent; location of houso central :cr and from, ateamboat pawling the door; conveying passenger and baggage from free v boat landlog and trains to the hotel, ohanga. Bast hotel for families and merclin . TVE' 14onOUSE, room, !' vlamngftanFrarelsco. Pxlo. S3 per day.; nolOdy A. POLtARD, PioprM- - |