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Show . V r - i 4 ' I rh i : n Straw bats in every style and size, collars, neckties, premium linen shirts, linen coat3 and durters, boot and shoes, furnishing goods, and piece goods in great variety constantly arriving at Ad. Kuhn & Bro.s, corner Montana and Fourth streets. - mttf REPORTER, DAIlY CORINNE THURSDAY, - MAY 4, 1871. . Jottings About Town. The Corinne Rsro&TEfibaa been enlarged r.cflJ our intereiting Ophlr correspondence and greatly improved in appearance gener :t ' ' ''' , is a sharp thorn in the sido of the It ally. : N Y. Globe., 'o tiding;9 from the .Cariboo Jigging lor Mormon Hii, rt i n wA t "Broadbrim hat are tho rage with fashioni A'"'able young men;'.. ' . are to he put yp In tho Some K ' V' BATS, ; to-da- y. Ku-klu- x. r il. , wind-mil- ls short time. , city Work on tho Alger Reduction "Works . on without ceasing. 1 falls tho above g reported as now. cxeeedingly good Just has gone to talco a look General Ilcffi-mavAt the mines beyond the lake. ball to tho line a ill run u Ugo Pace Cad "Willard on Saturday. preundsat ira InOn dit: that the Great Wtt4jrn house. m1ncss a erect wiU surance Company Ji Xb Kuney it bentorf building hlih A mat cottage to live in; and hell do it when 1 ' jje says so. The snow has almost wholly disappeared from tho hills yonder, and tho miners can ' I go to work,said is to circulate hero Counterfeit money in large quantities, and people should look . out for it. 7 . admonished was local by his iA miner, contained his cropthat good visage iponso pings of brass. -- Doctors Graham and Cass, now attending a medical convention In California, vdll return ou nest .Sunday. The boilers and tire apparatus of the steamboat are all ready to get up steam as soon as ; the veal ahull be,launchcd. TW I ir, rolllrfg rapidly, quoth an kuss yesterday afternoon, as he dropped into the odorous ditch. The 'Kprcsn trnin from San Francisco wa two hours behind timo this morning when it reach'd the station here. , in his wareJfayor 3Iunroo Is house from morning till night, by the rush of forwarding budnus dono there. ; TIh Itocorder bloomed like' a two fathom last night, .under a magnificent sombrero the gill of an admirer. lianmlioink Co. have just roceived their new t.mo!ing tobacco, tho Prida of Cor-inn- e, prepared solely for their trade.' ' During this dry season' ft well organized fro company would bo a great Ixmetit to the city, and the best source of protection! In a M J. , : U - . T - ,JV" icnx AD. Trout-fishin- r ; , t - - J -- . . & D BROTIIXB. THE nndertlgnd take pleasur In snnounctng that ha has just rttdnd and has in store ths larg t st snd ftaatt stock of , . Old taozs. nye,3nd 7 Years Virginia All tiers f 4 4 .. f 1 ( p i , . J FIRE INSURANCE t " c . x , j my BRANDIES. Adri Champ V .P, Hoard. 71. " of .llulburt Brothers are set in and givo an idea of th splendid stylo of that establishment. Ono party sold seventy ounces of Hnako River dut Dahler & Co., yea-- t rduy. Plenty more whero that cornea f The hew drugs torn show-windo- w , from. for ice has sale he had better anybody If to scatter it around among tho scorching inhabitants. Trot it out, yo princely 5 5 4 A Drnncla . 0 wo are now orp.ntzej la our for btialn, aod e.rnestly city, solicit public pat- V. II. df Co.. 1U b kU Ore risk ronage, guaranteeing that rcy r W. II. OLA SCOTT, Manager. Oil 1 1 aw x, D CO CHAMPAGNE. P. Caves (Kragg), K. Cnblaet, .UTAH. Chne. lleldetck, lleldetck A Co.. I f tb The atovkholdcra - California. . U Exchange Collection will receive prompt attention. I it: t I lui 000T8 AND GROCEIUEO 8II0E8, . ' v!! (jrn bbq'3g JLIQUOIIS, TOD ACCO, CIGARS, M:. CROCKERY, i I I A j 3 'I 4 . t r : , ' f x , f , GLASSWAltE, PAINTS, 0110, CROCKERY, r? r . ; . . HEAVY i HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, 'I ! .thl GLASSWARE, HORSE SHOES, i WALL PAPER, 1 iniLE shoes. : t tji i WINDOW SHADES, li'li' x r . NAiLn nonsE-sao- n it to Your Frienao I OIL CLOTHS, ! f; : 1 5 I. fits, etc. I? I a full ana complete !' & . ! Persona who desire to send noms token of remembrance to distant frlonda, or who dssirs to Inform thorn of svsnU in tha mountains, should f send them tho Wr.rxt,T RxrosTxa. Tho coat is a mer Tbit stock of General Mercnun- - tho Igrgeat itoch ef 1ft (1 ( - h a. MfrcbaaAlM ever ecatygd s trifle, compared with .bo necessity of frequent correspondence, and furnishes mors information about affairs In this region than could bs given by constant and unceasing lettar writing. f dlsex any homeri;weai of ' tho tUtimri h I af which has been earsfully sleeted, and purchased after tha late decline in pries of all ths leading articles, which enables ms te offer superior Inducements to ths public in prices and quality. Girs ms a call and bs convinced. All ,1 jut - l i MATTING, iOUTER. - :l niTT.. A k j; i, . --4 il (j ... t ; - s, cpl-t- f ITJ. Full suit of fine linen and Marseilles, hat of the ruling fashions, and tho moi stylish necktie of tho period just received and for sale at greatly reduced prices by Ad. Kuhn & Bro., nt the great corner. 4f Cal. Wine, i Proposals for Forage. Angostura, . k f Send - CASE GOODS. t:. ?- - Titer is reason in all things, especially in the fact that freighters, farmers, country merchant and miners continually J crowd tnemselves into G. Goldbergs store for Kxvl groceries, flour; liquors, cigars, to- -j baeco, and outfitting generally. Goldberg is the man to make a fine bargain with. - a29-t- f be by Ihe Post Quartermaster. or before November 90. 1871. Separate proposals for each of the above articles will be required, the proposal to be accompanied ,11 a copy of this advertisement, and a statement sign In case a by two responsible persons, agreeing that wUl bind cun tract is awarded to the bidder they themselves as sureties for the faithful fulfilment of the same. A $5,000 bond will be i squired. Bidders will state their prices la United Btatee currency. The right to reject any or ail the bids is reserved. or covering : Proposals will be marked on the strrelop addressed to Proposals for (here elate articles), and ths post Quartermaster, Fort Hall. Idaho. Tot particulars Inquire of the nndersttgned. GEO. 8. WILSON. a33-i- t 2d JJsut. 22th InC, Act. A.Q. M. fur-the- A Cold Reception That opening at r the Arctic, whero 3Ir, Ftone handed up to hu friend such delicious ice cream and cake A would make a gluttoa of tho most deli-lenin the lady land; but the soda water Tushing, purer than Aarons spring, from Nous but I marble fountains, lip liko fabled nectar. IV e tried . them all, and topped off with a Golden Crown cigar. If we dont go there often it will be because wr dont know what A good place One I Brltklajer and Plasterer. -- i. I Boot . r and iW, .tho to tho best custom clothing house. Jlut received, at Geo. L. Holtf, at rstofiicc. 5,000 roll of wall Paper. wan' to get your moneys worth go J. Straus & Co. for boot and hoe, hat And cap vgntiftimishing good, , I a2l-t- f 1, 1 For Sale. the most judicious,- effective and' Indlspcnslble ever 'invented. No' buildhipT Is without them. Apply at tills Offlee. 27-f SALE. Three good clty Lots ncar the business centre,' suitable to erect shops- or- dwellings on. Terms ensy, , Apply to - ! Di X Tooliv. Preysrri Cxprewy for ' CfiSfl I?!-': out- and " - i fitting attended to at greatly . i ill reduced prices. ... b t (, r If Sold at Ctlcage rrlctN, i r r! f 1 j 'V; I:. 10 Gallons. - , Pride of Corinne. La Marnvsllo, ftsvadk J for mailing. wine. - CtaUSA t A j; . i ? j . r : . i- - i r !- . vld. . , l - it t . - stock of i lS u) . I I) j :i ! , fi, ' t t - 1 . ' . I T i The Jobblnff tttkO of ho REPORTER. TERMS OF WEEKY t V COiltlETO 'AND NATO, v 4 QttG North and Northtrest, Zkufiem . xb . ft J . - i .- . "-- Corinne and vicinity. F j W i '4 ADAH AULBACH 6.00 Publishers'' ! , Jill HdBllllesSMSItfllMMM4 I :ri J j ' it , qftzcp tj., 1 j 1 . , and Ccnthera . ; , Utah,7 iii'i; i Esncklne: '.ow. ' . r ; f '?'. VTft ndVatitiSeft ' '! i ! ' t;l zrji it ' U i i layltod ,to V I nt the Ladlea .Bacofi, Call ' ' i I 4 ! O ds-sigu- s, T. -- i - ! , Of the latest styles and of bsantlfal and novel to which she calls attention of tho ladle ef IMoDmfts t " 1 , , '! I of' a large she Is In receipt .. : v" Ann-aminaii- rtah r' would priceitrhich nootherextabllzta , Liquors and CIffors, Id rtfik ttUf CtftoWi determtneato sell nt 1 Flgarw ail dcalxs f with., respectfully announce that meat capf compete -i ' TZDBASO, CSX f We nro . EYERYTHINO need by tbs trade always supplied at tha abortset nstim, and to parsons ordering from abroad X promise to giro my personal attention Pries as tbs selection and shipment of goods. for low as ths same claaa of stock can bs bought tpboxjbsalk.abd ,t j ii; MRS. . REGGEL l Cabana, IsladsCuba, V ? - i v5 either to the AtUstlo States or California. of goods and prices respectfully , . M n; TO TDE LiDIE3. Va- - Specimen copies con be seen at the olSce of publication, ready ' , ;v ,i.Ur . Bergoehsa ( I.-- CIGARS. , i j i W' 1 f . . WITH FREIOIIT ADDED. r' KEGS. Cupplss Best, 1, 3, Tobaccdp" Smoking $ - . ITOR y , Magnolia of Babcocks celebrated Fire Extinguishers; price, $G5. These machines arc iu2-l- w yu to . i 7orb cvtr Ihc Territory, elegant ilirprr and gents fumisWnjr GochL at Ad. Kuhn & Bro.s wholesale find rriil tbs Beat .Wosktnsn Employed. , Brandy, Gin and Whiskey Cocktails, Old Tom Gin, t Cntter Whiskey, Oraps Brandy. tlic trade. Freighters Ccrisae or W. W. HULL, to Superior. Inducements to it Everywhere. Cvsryona who is anxious to assist in spreading correct Information concerning ths resources, products and prospects of ths ooontry, tho political, personal, social and industrial condition of tills sod neighboring Territories, should subscribe for ths Wuxit Rstoxtsb and send it abroad. j t'jd f The; Pride , j. Orrrcx Torr QUASTrmwxrrxB, Antsstts. Curaccoa, kyoHT 1Ilu Idaho, March 29 1171. I Vi:o WILL V IN LED 161 LL'PLICATE, E LH, Maraschino, Absyathr, be rcoetved at this office until 12 o'olock m. The finest suit of French cassimcre, Wednesday, Juna 7. 1871, for the delivery at this Bjrmps (Gum and Fruit), beaver and broadcloth made to order at the poet of ths following supplies, to wit: Vermouth, Cherry Cordial pounds of Burley, 100,000tonspounds of Call Irnia Tailoring establishment on Mon-tan,l- t- 100,000 140 of Straw, tone of Hay, snd 40 more or less, according to the wants of the Post. Jam. Ginger (Browns), opposite Knpfers. All .kind of All to bo of ths best quality. Delivery of the earns wi , (Turners), of ths trimming on hand. Perfect fits to comnisnos an soon after theascompletion be required such may in and quantities contract; antoed. Es. Peppermint, Ginger Wine ml-t- f delivered on tjr All to f . a tltlr ftsek of BUILDERS5 NAILS, Bend , I, Haver oa t rsselvsd ! v navigation on Bear River and Great Salt Lake; ths new fields of trads and enter- prise springing np daily on every elds; tbs alkabsorblng Mormon problem, all combine to afford novel, antsrtalninw s and Inatruetiva rsadta tot Xaitern States. piopt s t HATS AND CAPO JBXascatelle Angelica, C t White, kpl-t- f - rM j i- - Bank of Oorinne, ", oil-cloth- t CALIFORNIA WINES. nOUGIIT AND SOLD. t i?.-- HI CARPETS, Itti Goltl Bust, Coin 4 ! . v Firat National Bank of Utah cMiu Keep away from litigation with your three dollars. ENGLISH ALE. The Nilsson concert troupe will pass UTAH. CORINNE, Tennentn, Pints and qnarte, through hero in a day or two for California, President. Byass, Pints and Quarts. A, tho prieoof tickets is from $1 upward we O. D. CASS VT. T. Cashier. at no one cares FIELD, whether presume thoy stop 1 IVinne or whhk by. ' BUY AND SF.LL At a meeting of tho Corinne Baso Ball ' Club la.t night, arrangements wero made Goferctaent Vouchers,for the grand contest to como oflTon SaturGold Dost, Coin, and Quarts, Galnsen, Pints day nt Willard City. Maay citizens will ' ; and Exchange accompany our boys hence. Bysass, Plats and Quarts. SIGHT DRAFTS DRAWN ON .tulles crowd tho New York Storo from morning till night, purchasing thoro new HcvTsrk, CIDER. Chicago, and fushionuble hats just received. All the San Francisco, Crab Apple, 08, Cutting dt Co. at.4 styles of parasol?, dress goods, shawls, Aad tb prlndpal cities East sad West.' fills, lawnf, poplins, ewlss, bernges and opening. Magnificent carpetings, Collections will receive. BITTERS. , t 'window-cu- t tains and shades daily Red docket, PEBSOAH. AND PBOHPT ATTENTION. " Home, Ilenly'e !XI ' a28-t- f arriving. lin-jCns- !' ' ' XsaspscUlly adapted for circulation In ths East Tha disco vwy and development of our ailver, gold lead, coal, cop-par and iron minos; tha opening of Sg P Ollil yseeosoosessoossss so DTUson A Horton), CORINKK,. - Gents Fumlshlnfir Goods, f THE WEEKLY REPORTER t (fntctiion t ' mantondJX. O.DJ PORT WINE. Hussey, Dahler & Co., i V Ckr-rie- d kt k t klr rate. ij Nt LIQUORS and CIGARS, SHERRY. CTUJ. ; ' Co.. Mixed. V i. my2-t- f deserve. At X : , G0UPA1IY .. Two gentlemen of this city have bet and deposited two hundred and fifty aside on tho success or failure of tho Athletic club of Philadelphia in its first game. Some envious miscreant has been defacing tho paint on Ad. Kuhn A Brothers buildings but.if 1m is caught nt his tricks there may bo n hew liolo for putty, Twenty-fiv- o Indies and twice as many gen- 4 r sstiSiWMJJ ill 1 r lJn'rU House last evening. Tho man who invented . roller Is a benefactor of thonce, " Several delinquents were yesterday ucd and by tho Supervisor for their poll-tain tele to come down, with tiro additional - ItAvlnff been Ix-gi- dealer. Dnpny, dales Robins of tills Sound and Ilelinblo , . - $5,000,000 ; t? eohuaa sheet, Is a Urge comprising n rssnms of ths contents of the Dnlly sad n vast emeet of miseeUs. hsoas rssdiagnnttsr csrsfuRy ssisstsd for its Mamas for renders in ths Eat and the West, where It is received with nnlrersal favor ns ths true sad only exponent of ths iafhmoos proceedings of ths Mormon hierarchy. For years this Journal has battled , for ths right gaind tha mountain of wrong built op by Brigham Young and his aaosrdotal anooiatss, and It win continue oa ths ana course until ths last prop has been knocked from under the rotten structure of Church ruling Stats. Ws desire to present the claims of tho Wxxxlt Bxronrxa prominently before the reeding pnbUe, sad heps to seenre for it as wide s circulation as its merits RIXSOIIOFF, President. NAT. STEIN, Director. E. P. JOHNSON, Attorney W. H. CLASCOTT, Hanaycr. ED. C0N1FAT and Sill. L TIDBALS ' s twsaty-fon- r Swan Extra. un-flow- er - OorFarorlto do. Black Iwan A, . Blaek twin B 9. f. i coiiiMD, THE WEEKLY REPORTER GIN. OF CHICAGO. I? ; 1 COMPANY i , n uudL-i:;;a- ii v W. - ! 7 Woodworths Bonrbon acotsb Whiskey. t t I 5f!-- lloss, ' . .. GfiociD h!iD Idosrln bhls and halfbble. GREAT WESTERN if- ' pt ;), - , W ' Ana Bstra Bonrbon. Cnttsrs Bonrboss. r 9 k ,1 A XXillsr's Bonrbon. Oorinno Branch. $ ji Old. 1 c . Xlys. Crowders Bonrbon. r m4.tf - J T K t , tmtoitn Staple and (Fanfe COmilllE fUTAni ilEFOUTEn. " - .'I lir WEEKLY t ff v j i WHISKIES. . imju-isonc- f , , E 4 - J English ales and porters, specialties. Ths follow ing, with other brands, always on hand : Moorss . 07 i Tirx. of both a f ssaortneat rt foreign and domestto cannot bs surpassed in ths country. California wines In wood and bottles, and V ,, A EVER brought to this market. My goods srs lected from the leading .houses of ths racifle eoes sad SUU, . - no Spring Stock of 1871 t as and ths Attutto BANSOHOFFS COLUMN. REGGELS COLUMN. rtWtj Reporter. Wines, Liquors and Cigars, - 1 y . 11 f ' lie ' The Only Gentile Paper la (he Terrltery ! , COMPETiTIOtl. , - , . , tII boots, ' I v . o , ' ' R n . N WE CIIALLEHGE , ' Gtoch'nnCp 'I ' ''i ri , 7: ; ; I? ' .. XZST .; J ! t i - i: tj; : i i - i i. vU ' i t |