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Show !' DAILY Tlio Ycrsaillistsaro massing with the appar- D' CORINflE-REPORTE- ent intention of making ha attack upon Fort : . Isay. v New York, May 4. A dispatch from Paris last night cordlrn'is tho statement that Issy has been rooceupied by tho Common ists Torpedoes aro placed, near the aouth cm forts. On a trial of them, fivo houses were blown into. tho air. General Raise forbids all communication with tho enemy. No flag of truco will be attended toand tlio firing will go on as usual. 5 Apeclal correspondent t&Wgraphod from Paris at a late hour last night, that the inhabitants of tho , Avenue Dcylaus hod received ..notice to leave, tho nrrondizement within, twenty-fou- r hourly The, Versailles and decisive acare actively, investing army i tion imminent. A balloon with letters left tlio Hotel. DeVillo New York May 4. A special correspondent with tho Darien Surveying Expedition, seitd.i under dato of April '25th,' full details ' regarding their operations, although tho survey of tho Naplpo route has not resultec favorably, it is hoped it would still bo practicable. It will undoubtedly bo found that .the dlslfuico from : Cupie Bay. to Alrado, along tho bends of tho Napipo River, Is sixty-niu- o and a half miles in a straight lino. Tha Napipo River flows through a moutv tainoua .country i. for about thirteen miles, from tho foot of the divide, and is supplied from tiro pognado River as a tributary. I is proposed to mako thirteen looks from Ih'nadc, eighteen miles from Atrado to tho divide, then turned through and descend to tho Pacific by nine locks. Tho survey occupied twenty-seve- n days. London, May 4. A News correspondent at .Versailles, says that oh Tuesday night three divisions commanded by MaeMahon, advanced toward tho cnclcnto through tho IJoU BoulogneT The entire army corps was ordered to follow. Owing to circumstances, which it would bo imprudent to explain, tho advanco was not made. London, May 4. Tlio Times says the decision of tho Supremo Court, respecting tho. Legal Tender .Act, is unjust, and a vio lent mhfortuno to tho Union. Versailles, May 4.- - Tho approaches to Issy are completing. It is impossible for tho garrison to escape. J THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1S7J, DENNIS Editor J. TOOUYr DOUBT FEE'S I for TBS WE8TEBN UNION TELE0RAPII CO; IN ZION the people arc wakloar np to a dUcereir In Uie way that ju it Ices of the peace ibnre been fattening on dishonest ipoili In Chat city. The preu has opened at grape WTdge tfi Ii few of thV ofTcnders who havo rof rectitude. It ap- long assumed Ihef-rol- e pears that Clinton, particularly, has had a thing; la all cases, coming before him; , and, ihitead of stimnilngup hlsVlITs of cost, according to law, the feo billhai invarlt ably incrcac4 the charges to any convenient the legal limit! figure tip as tlgh as ten-fofNot for themselves alone, but for the acrvlc-- s jea pf constables, marshals and other servants of the courts do these priestly functionaries s. go down deep into tho pochets of their Where the statute, , for instance, pre--' scribes; the several Items in an "ordinary civil action, at about two dollars, for court and constable, the unlucky loser Is frequently mulcted iri sums ranging from fivo to Bat so long ns this twenty five dollan. species ef legal larceny to uso a wild paradox was only subject to tho crilirism of the hierarchy, all went well, , and the tithing catuo out of tho wholesale filching. Now there is an Argus among tnem whoso hundred eyes aro watching the maneuyres of the hypocrites to expose their nefarious system'. Hitherto, as tbo Tribune observes, tho pious carpers found pleasure in looking at the - workings of tho federal courts, only to find fault and condpipn,' for. tbo practices which prevailed alone in Jho insatiato tribunals of Mormondom, ' Tho( tables aro turned completely, and tbo probability is not remote . that a few of tho county and city Doghorrys of Salt LkT will bo called to answer for their little tricks before n bench whore Justice is superabundant. They will bo brought to understand that tho Territorial fet'-bi- ll is sufficient for its nd when an that jtirio?e, officer swears to obey that, as well os other Jaws, ho cannot overstep its bounds with tho statute Is mado for the impunity at peoplos benoflt, and not 4 cloak whore with dinhonot officials may hide their raeal ity whilo making tlio outride world believe that Utah litigation Is ro very eeonom leak Tho District Court will explain the meaning of exertion, and perhaps at tho same timo giro an opinion of tho men who aro rto THE LATEST DISPATCHES. -- 4s connriUED sef FiuiiTina around . . i , i PARIS. . .t BUier Feeling , t v fNpv n&filists f ; 5 Bchreentiie Vcr- - f and: Parisians JL vie-tim- THE ; PHEStDENT TO t ENFORCE THE XUKLUX i ?! V7; V' DILL. whole!....... Boekwheftt floor 100 hs ''Of ICO lbs WbMt Ofltf Hll.MttSsslMMMllSSSSSS 1 753 00 SI imss4si HARDWARE, 2. sss.sissi o.ou ammnui,....-im IUo cbok SUGAR. f $; r.. lCX7c I ft Id ! STRUP. Betobar. Ooldeu ft gal Sugar Houm ft gal....... SUvet drip, f gal............; -- . , ay ; HUte. ft IVcittra , , ft., V. Y. Factory Frrth .1.. . ........................... 22 .boo BUTTER. ft ft.,!. Keg BACOX. BUto . 10! i ... ' f Freight, Hnnt, l(k21 $1324 oo 00 72 00 & ; 72)C0 6017800 .... 1820 CANDLES. Star per box. 87 between ltl,t( I 809860 50 ....88 757 10 ...........a...239 i6of0 i h 1; GL AJ3S WAHE, : Uh PUH SJITHHB, LAMPS, H A N D E LI E R S, . t y John HLupfer . 1 - . HB s I . ; v GOLD JEWELRY. " 3 . m, 40-pou- Stock of IN"ow rose-color- ed , a- 4 -y ng a r v. . . s 12 Admliiion Us of Skald. , a. m. from u a,,,.,, , , 3 to 5 and ;v, 'tt FiiAsnuti t j, Cenii, .... - ttitii. Ccunty right, in tbo patent for a.!?. ' ! j Aiowr.u, .12 dim FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. X FRDIT DENIIOLTERS S Coriir.-- , Corner Montana and Fourth etroct, ,Fi TROPIC Dry Gpoas! A I. F1UTTS, NTIt AWlIEHRin nuts, CAsrmiCb, v. PAST FREIGHT WE HAVE ADOPTED A SCALE A. reicheilleflM., Pins Arpio Tomatoes Ptrawberries PRICES $7 60 9 60 ......AS 6 0$ 7 6$ csss CvfluberriM fMssii,MM,a,,$77 Blackberries AND OF .y4 FRUIT. CAN HO LOW TO MARE. Competition : Absm d. 10($950 60 007 EXPRESS niGII ? -- V. J CALIFORNIA BLANKETS, wood. ; t . 9C0 BOOTS DRIED FRUIT. f 16. .................... ............. ...,25a , ,30 c a SHOES, -- ALL, ALL TO Bit, UAD AT SURPRISING! -- Oreen t Ik.... Dried ft lh . ft box, 8x10 and , wife - 0LAS8 HELENA & DEER - ? HAMS. l jr Prim. Canvaad fi tt ?. . ATf'a9 weaaa f t , - r , f 812$1400 Montmm street Corinne. EVERY - DAY. NEV COME ONE! . LUMBER. : ...7o Flooring ft foct......V Saab, prime glased f pair, alzea 8x10 to 10x16 from. ... $3 78 to 88 2S 83 00 to f S CO Door, rained pannel, from " moulded both aide, from ' to 8x7 84 00 to 8 89 i LATD. ' ,, j s ...,2i3lo SOMETHING LODGE EOW PRICES Ifext Door West of flcirspolKan Dote!, ....t8&8 00 HAT. LTV, . , CORINNE FOR KAHN BRO.S ..H17a 10x13 ' 1 1 ATS, Ij 25c 200 (A.PPLE6. & . 'otc.v Noti6ns, E N D K Si V A K I 810o Peach ca. Rail Lako ft lh Oronnd Ckorrlc. lb.. PmcLci, paatad.... Pear,, oaled, ft lb............... LllftCkbmj, Pranea.: j - 1 ft cord , , , WILL. LllAVE CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS, $1 LIME, IURKGNDALL, Frop:ifli. COAL. Dlttar Creak ft ton uxc. Ii Montana AND 25-30- 1 On and after April lO, 1871, continue durins the nod Scnoa- - EIGHT DAYS FE0M C0RINKE TO HELENA.- COME- ALL! , - . f ft. ..a.,. Wholesale arid Re rail ' 1 Mark .300 Caro Gooclsi ot 1 H.IC. J 209310 Fairbanks per caea. MUNRO, Vs - Incan, :k: CREiliHTON .................. LIQUORS. Whiskey ft gal Brandy................. Oln, sc iz:. 83 00&S 00 815 00 $4 so $3 60(g)3 00 4 00 8 60 Uollandg. gonnlne..., domestlo, Portwine, Imported Sherry . MILL FEED. Bran and Shorts, mixed, ft ton...........,...40 00 MATCHES. , ............... J , ft Telegraph, y nst . i AND Preston Merrill, V A COMMISSION 00 ' 3, ft NAILS. 4, ...810 10 8 9, 10a ,X Kn Corner of Montana and Otti Sta 6-- 1 6t 1028 t - Ooriime; iXJtiili. 8 00 9 POWDER. California Powder Works (mining) per keg 88 7504 00 Oiiental Mining, (beat) per keg 8 6 Western aporttxtg, perhalf keg 8 00 Sporting in eas of 261b. cane, ....is 50029 OIL. Coal can of 8 gd... 604C9 TiInaeeA 19 gtl. Neat foot W cnof 6 gala...... POTATOES, Wft new.., ,.3 ......m ' LCCtf DEER . AHD .SHOE - MAKEEr Montana Strost. Corinno, BOOT. . - , , j (OppoaUe -- A. Kahn A Ero,.) ; t to order, and tion gnaranteed.' Flr,t-cU,- a cn,tofu boot,, pegged and aewed, alway, on ham). apt-t- f JAMES PKTLR. ENTS BOOTS 7 - ri X .... LordWgal... AID mar24-t- f t i tt 100 i BELCH coan-TE- , M! 80 ,m orncEs in MERCIIAflTO, y ........82 , I. i do...,. ' Contract, made for lb delirery of freihi t "jr point la MonUna. Term, wtll bo, u cbep Vl , cheapen. mtr Will ,Uo rant DAILY LINK from" Be' to Deer LoJge. : , TKA8T POWDERS. nd HURLBUT BROS., D i Open from 10 to Ilaa Alt, ay. on hand frnh k or - Rond ay, Wednesday and Friday Emta, .' COME ON! IIUBBAH! . - Skaiii- ; 1 I s.4 apl tf We Are Heady v I CREAM TARTAR. CHINA, . to Orders attention paid . Particular mail t T. D. CONWAY, E , UTAH. : Improved Rockers Couplet o and Cheap. , UEEtlSIVAEt - ;ir -- at Ku-Klu- 5tl, eoxr. par box..,. . Roller nmlt - ' CORINNE, CO 2430 00 Gibbs letter with attachments, the, the Ku-Klux-Kl- AT T1TC. of Prospect 4 ll 42$64 FOR SALEj ? ROLLER SKATJ.(i 0PER1 Montana Street, 1218 i ftn :i ? t gnOES Touth". brogan. ft dor Doy'.brogaua y do... Men'. Brogan, ft doa Men. hetTjr kip ft cm...'...., Miner,, nailed French kip, bevy doubt, sol. French elf. top solo. Ladle calf, bevy doubl. aola, ft doa. do fin. awed .hoc, ft do Morrell k IUmo, Chemical Kra.lv, CmUIo, French prompt, i on band a lot of roamk.i for Er,r,thlng for a compute outfit to California, whit, andplnz. i liar. a,o cub. telgrih . 17io BEANS.. ROOT8 AND Ordara by mall or Goods. .... .v. ? ft T. PUOUlc; Constantly on band. Furil aning 230 Goods, AND.COUNTIIY d to. House : Grocer! i CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY. PBODy;; . Quicksilver, Picks, an I . .21$, i Outfiting Gold Scales, , J .... ................... and Family Farming Implements .22. ,21. lium i!o2... 14 or parlor at ry , .... XQG8. FOR SALE, rcct cuxese. ; strata. S4 i firing: Point Shovels, 10401Xa anj i 1 1 . - . 18 .... I i-th- .SI ,..1 8002 00 Corinu,' 24 k So RICX. s - 1140 CaretUna. fk Tt China fi Ih. i Fancy Sheet Copper, Booker Irons, Gold Pans, Booker; Dippers, t ii m kinds of ) i 71 78 ....1 782 h best Ouiipowder.ft if, Clwtta 'AMO 0 85e(?l f I SHEEP; TIH, COPPER, 7 WARE. bf IEOIf IS2h 1 SS ..........1 C0t , t Montana st., 4 Alio, iInuTctnrer of p.ism41 Imperial ft D...r......r. Young Hyon ft tb JSMDtM tb pnovisious 'it - - l ...y - t 9 i s' $ TXAS. Oolong PRODUCE ADD ......s....... ...... ..18 O . r ' AND - & Ii, . OROGERIES, Iron, Stoves, Iffaila, o. M Ordinary. lxtr ' I k . Cruihfld PowtlerM. Belcher A ' ' . M COFTXX. Nev Orleuif GUTHRIE? J y jl J. W. wboLotAu axb orrsn. nuixxs 400 OK AIK. ' V "Wholesale and Ret a Dealer to SHELF AND HEAVY SCO 8 00 ...... ......... .... . me!. OS ADVTS. f GERRISim GILES, 79 .. 11 flour....... .... . .. . . By Cora , sub-treasu- .MISCELLANEOUS ! HOME NEWS. to-d- . 4 wtioli?sfe. 9ti)i OUlfonts, y. San Francisco, Iny 3. Tho loss by tho destruction of tho Government storehouse, on Yerbn Buena Island, and contents, consisting of the engineering instruments, stores and pontoons, is from $30,000 to $50,000. The sparks from tho horpltal chimney ' caused tho firo. Baltimore, May 3. Supervisor Fulton is investigating 'tho alllcged revenue frauds, Involving over a million of dollars. .Thus far the testimony shows that a largo amount of illicit whiskey was put on tho market through tho connivance of certain revenue officers, who demanded and received a considerable sum of money to suppress informs tion concerning fraud . New York, May 3. --Tho bids for Indian in thcrcacncc supplies were opened and tho Indian of Commissioner Patker Commissioners, and a large number of merchants and contractors from all parti of tho country. Ono hundred and forty bids were received from all tho lending cities extend ing west to Cheyenne. Tho prices of beef on hoof ranged from $2.00 to $0 per hun dred; bacon, 10 to 13 cents; flour, g J to 6 cents per pound for Western delivery; cotlle, 1 to 15 cents; Qyi to 18 cents; sugar, 10 to 59 05. considering tho quality tobacco, of tho goods offered, both in thero supplies One ot Smith;? American and annuity goods purchased lat week, tire Tlie best In use. D1 above prices arc considered very low by tho Organs. from I lie Factory Suit trade. ; ofit. guilty able for Church .New Orleans, May 3. The use. Applv this Ofllcc. located In tbo old mint building, has been ALL SOLD. robbed of from ilvo to eight thousand doA sad story has boon going tho rounds of tho employes ii tho supposed One tho press, lately, that an old man named llar. and of the police are on his track. Adam Sekoh was taken from hi house near thief famSan Francisco, May 3 Tho America .Wilcox & Augusta, Georgia, one night, 7 and mcrci-leMl- y club Jias arrived; no demonstration wni nil Machines ily Sewing skinned nil vo and then burned to a cinmado improved der by the.. Tho talo was in price from $S3 to 4. Tlio Tribune's "WashNew York, 3Iny ranging well told and many , believed it revolting facington special says, this morning there is $3?50, direct from out turn it Now, however, particular. for tlio report thnt tho Prestory. Never used. Apply that the whole thing was a" fabrication by good authority this Ofllcc or ident will very soon, by proclamation ono of tho papers of Georgia, so as to cast to tako activo measures for enforctho winds of rumor a narrative of liorror ortherwise, Ku Klux law, passed during the last that would travel well, which this ono did. ing tho circumstances tho Tho playful huthor explains that Sekoh is sessionof Congress, to only causo 1)0 delay, being Montana Street, Corinno, Utah. likely .to bo read "backward, thus .producing tho which will tho Secretary of War. Tlio of absence tho Word hokest and tho whole natno is renPresident remarked f Incc his return from ilia dered 4a dam hokes. Such is a specimen (Et of Creighton k Ifnaroc), ho should not go to California Lof the ingonuity of editors down Sonth, and West, that measures in accordit is probabla that many other talcs of until ho had initialod ance with the provisions of that law for tho Wholesale and Re UU dealer in x villainy are aa much in the charnc-- f protection of tho loyal peoplo of tho South. hoaxes ns this quoted. Tho samo correspondent also telegraphs that many efforts havo been made, it is al- Q LAKE FROM SALT CITY. k leged, by tho Joint High Commissioners to 7 . i Judgo Hawley has gono .East on n sixty, a treaty before band in tho minds prejudice .travel that and. will day furlou'gli : during of tho ' people, and to crcnto n falso impresU , i timo through thdtcaboard States. sion as to Us contents. The mot noticeable Tho Amcricu Club, of, Gotham, has been is tlmt which seek to convey tho belief that , roundly fwutod jn tho saintly sink-holetho American Commissioners havo allowed Elder Hooper, on his return from Wat-hclaims of British subjects to bo put down a Ington, was Cheered and1 consoled from Og- n ec t off to tho Alabama claim-- , and allowed CUTLERY, MIRRORS, den to Zion by passing through a gauntlet them W enter into a hash of settlement to of prostitutes who were ordered out to honor tho amount of about million dollars. thirty tho mighty elder ' v It ii aho stated in public print that tho Kp-glOn tho 15th of May the District Conrt ' Commissioners have presented claims . Will commence the. Spring term. to he considered for tho slaves owned by Tho Tribune Is making it red hot for English subjects and freed by tho Uuited . f i Clinton, and other J. TVs who aro guilty of States ' Government during our civil war; ns , robbery ,and prijury by charging more costs British laws inako tho holding of slaves by' than are laid down jn tho statutes. That is - a salutary movo in a way5 where the people British subjects, it folony, tho absurdity of C this report is apparent. It is also authority V, caq bo served. for the statement that all reports regarding Justice' Strickland and District Attorney tho counter claim3 of England are false and Plated Ware, Ilempstcad have goner to Provo to hold a malicious. term of court there. Louisville, Ky., May 4. The Democratic : Largo amounts of bullion arrive from Convention at Frankfort yesterday, nomiBar Furnitare, vStockton and East Cation daily. nated P. Ill LeJlc present acting Govcr-Uor-fTho fugitives from Camp Douglas. were Governor of Kentucky, by CSS, to till at largo ori.iWednesday; 'moroing, ' but AND GENERAL 432 for J. Proctor ICnott. aro sure of Tho ccrcAiony of .breaking ground for tho FOREIGN NEWS. HOUSE FURNISH HI Q GOODS. Southern Extension Railroad took place on dec20-t- f Monday, withVicli and racy, religious rites. Bombay, May 3. Advices from Zanzi coach a bar say that Livington is alive and well, McKay, accused of robbing stage ; In Utah, was takes to Proyo for trial but doiditute. j natural from Only nineteen persons, New York, May 3 A dlspafch x . tho In month, died Lako Salt after that during causes, Montana Corinne Versailles, Tuesday evening, says st., gSr23 j : insurthe on 'of April. i the whita Issy, flag hoisting Dcakr in ' General Franchot, Solicitor of tho Central hauled it down.' They will soon surgents Faoiflo .Riiiroad and .Governor Safford, of render. , IsrEL'V C The same fiito will ; soon befall IP Arizona, were at tho capital on Tuesday. : nnd .Vanvrcs, Rossel, is much And manufacturer of fin satirt camp meeting Montrouge Preparations (or the great commanders Versailles tho dreaded more by r- - '7. .tan being perfected.. . than was cluseret. no ts regarded a much f - 7 : ... , . Pistol, and mnaical inatmmenlr lwjy, on band. A New Haven man reports that is he was better officer. . don with dispatch and warranted, at it Repairing dur house in a ids stair to tried Iho of eI up flight i insurgents ; going thunder-stori H At point pu Jour . . one evening, there Was u USI but Valcrein threw six a rrccl citidel, thero and a flash of lightning, immediately shells a minute and totally dostreyed rolled across tho hall at. the head of the ! ' 41 i; and blue, tho work. , stairway a ball of fire t ' ' and f j of a distinct spherical form, scarcely of tho troops against tho insurThe mWholstsU fcud QsUfl anger disor dissolved until it touching tbs floor refuso Our is inconceivable. troops gents that it was about as appeared. ilAay foot-ball and after its quarter, and it is useless for tho officers to an ordinary largo f were filled urge mercy. chambers passage, the' adjacent with s slight sulphurous odor. Then he fall-ri4 Communists are . V Paris, May 3.r-Th- o, " Montana Street," h fcjated : back. : ' f t i A judgement speedily overtook a negro .Tho Versailles forces on Tuesday jaight t i u .. - - - UTAH. some Missouri, thief in Knox county, hog CORINNE, Tho village of Issy ; pi-- tf nights sincsv He stolsa hoglfo the nighU rcoccupled Park Issy, and was found tho next morning, dead, was almost completely surrounded and; its 'O. F. RKQULAB XEXTXNOS Of THE O.T with his ncck brkep. ,Ho had slipped in remaining defenders closely pressed. Corinne Odd Fellow, AaaoctMiob or bald In - crossing a high fence, .the gfambel suck had v of HnMcy,Dablr k Co.a Rank, at 8 o'clock, Shells have fallen rin Ifuo ' Yangirand and the rear Wadneaday evening. Member, of the Order awry caught around his neck, and the pig had several tuh3Vtf parsons wore killed in tho streets. In good standing Invited to attao fldinn 00 one sido and bo on tho other. . advts. JiiscELi,Axi:oya I'1 FLOUR. . to-da- ld . , 7 Jiut no v, REPORT. MARKET VII0LE3ALE Vetpoo eafaii on hted Morta6&i for , tbejobblng trada. Order, by mall will receive prompt and ' eareful 78 .. i p m . i; i'j .' 228 attention. . t,; - 4 j .908 ' Good, ehlpped wall, on the Uue of the x d. Railroad the aam day order, ate IV nclbtf tA V I -- - - uitul reo-lve- : r av & FOK SALEA lVo. l Win. KmilHs Co. Piano,' tlireet : tefi torjy tie v e r used. App , at t hi Oflice,?.' 9 Tf V .1 f i i j' i. ri-- . it id . . , M.-- V i |