OCR Text |
Show '' n4i M ,, , ,' -- "V - ''"-.-'- ' ' j , . j i ;, i, J ( v : - . ' ( ,. t ,11 i 1 vl v. , i v1- - L r - - - - iV t S I . k M r rf m H ' ' t s ! x?;.f t , ) t !Tol3 &( - r$ i S? I tk. F" cu 4-i- : iv r .- rowlfi u: h- The Price of xxtxrtxt) r run o i UKJTAI GUILDER, UllPllEGEDEUTED (Julted States, City and County. OmT. f9 TJiff. terms pr sunscmrnox. 9 CORIPtNE. Month j 190 bj Oil etrrlr) per Month (euppUed Single Copies Society Having reoentlv Ukea tuo boos tad thoronghiy rnfltud Md rwoThUd It. I jrarpoM to knop It m h UTAH. The Only " k uagBlfloeBt variety of EAST CAHYOH. " OniiB, May T 1. 1871. tv' DAILY CROWDED. Hotel, A ? " - MRS. VICTOR JCORDELLA, Propss. bargains po-t?n- . d . SCHOOL HOUSES. HiLSO inti all other Elifleti of tho Latest Styles ' of Architecture, 40-ho- re S k , , , w Hetropolitan Hotel, On band for t tamsd after, tf the Udted States, ISO Broadway, New York. Herad Cask Isscts. X-- 81,011,141. . rooms ere neatly end eomfortsbly furnisbod. Tbe tables ere el ways suppUod with tbs best the market affords. - nded be-co- OCCIDENTAL RESTAURANT, II. F. FUL.LEU, ( I ilillltimisglsssis Proprietor of e DEP4RTMEr(T 4 iv4 4k lfftalaA u better. Among tho live moan dealing in goods aro Auerbach Bros.,' who aro doing well. visitors still throng our and strett hotels,' and quite frequently familiar faces from Corinne. A town company is organizing, and get ting up tho necessary papers to locate the town site for tho people and keep It out of the hands of speculators, and not have .it kept hack "and throttled for a couple of years REMEMBER you road from Omaha to Ooriune, which are great inducement are offered being told cheap, and to all wishing to establish business and bnlld for themselves a home-- There ie a great demand for will save r twenty-flvejpe- General Town Bita Agent, U. F. t FURNISHING J It JONS S Tbe EaUroad Clothing; Douse, ; M. 3I13YER, M. apl-t- f DAVIS, BlR-RO- aceommodatlons for with good beds and travelers. f comfortable, well lighted rooms. aU hours. Good A two story house, al7-dt- AMD (East of Creighton A Muuro's), Wholesale and Betall dealer CHINA, OMAHA, NEB. lick. IS CORINNE IL LUBBESv Proprietor, Whole! and retail dealer ca r ' In all kind of FOUIITH BTBEKT, COniNNE, Variety of tha beet MeeU, eur cured Bama, Bacon, sausage, dried beef, etc! BLACKSMITH SHOP, Robert Better, Central CtacktmHb and . Wagon Maker. M1NYRS and Merchants, fitting Waft Dtstacs . i CSrtet, . - 0A1T W.f Oneida Count,-- , I. T. Vipn to I at tow figure. "V'e invtt all de a!Tin salt - Of elsepurchasing dll and eiamln our stock before whsr. Sacks furulahed at St. Loul prtoea. For j offer SMITH St DKTTMER. Evanston. Wyoming. 29-l- m . poll t DENNIS J. TOOIIY, Attorney A Counsellor . i CKU3KZ, Wines, Liquors and Clears. mi-ti t i I atLaw . nj.i. j U'... CIIAIKS 9 rooms aod collar, w. wall finished throughout and tot 44x12-- . The pramlsea now rent for 124 pT X mu mu m - . J J . i. "aS5af,.ww. .. .....I E.O.Maday,i C.'A. Broadwater. arroll A Stoel. TABLES. .LUTE, E. O. IIACLAY & CO., Prop's. . f - This is. the only Express Line f DESKS, . SOFAS, SPRIN Through, 1 ' t F S, a having Eastern ConnectUns S, BRACKETS, MIRRORS, . r ; T MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, COMFORTS, . & BEDSPREADS. U011T DAYS FROM C0RIIU1E TO IIEUI1A. i ; Teams Leave Corinne Expm . every other day. . Repairing tlviyi promptly done. Sv I am bound to sell as cheap as any house in Utah, uy ,.. lArt and let Motto Live; Qalek pre.u. ' peedy trwupftrtBtbn mark, Te bxtafe packare . I XlllX VIA FAR FRIIOIIT COUPAHY, - - UTAH. CORINNE, ' apl-t- f ' HOUSE Self-rakin- J, N AND SION au24-l- m W. GRAHAM, M. D., Q QQ ODSe EXAMINER OF PKN8IONS FOR UTAH. seT--tf FELT ROOFIN Or . ll And . le - .Utah,1 i la its ea pood v r... emoOac lavltedtaartKd. mhk-t-f , 4 JEW iiumdut lii ; Ccrtnn. a 2 t LRY V oaqgie on o o.. ' J 'i r j t Montana Street, i t - UTAH. coiunne, v ; I 1 Whotoaale and Bataii t I O. r. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE Falnten, daeorators, plain and ornamental paper 0. 'corinna Odd FaUowa Aaeociation are held in I hangeru, and ImHatorm of wood and mnrblca t ' B . ( la Pistols knd musical tnatrnmentei lwaya on hand. al 41 with dispatch sad warranted, k. J.CAOGXS. as Corinns,' Bepatrlng-dot- . nnt f.r et, manufacturer of fins native GOLD I FOR SALE CHEAP AT THIS OFFICE. Maun n i Dealer CORINNE, UTAH. i.za S i sf Fsurtb aod RsaUiut ttreetf, acmxLu 4 John Eupfor f Montana ....orrtcK.:.. TWO LABOE ROLLS OF 1 - , a37-9- m etc. Paper-hange- r, toto, Comer Rmiaaa 8ti . PAINTER, Work don with neatness and dispatch. Order left at th shop, corner of Front and TU& will receive?. empt attention. . G-G-IST- SI -- FURNISH IN g 'f WMilR&4IUUU Craer rsnrth CORINNE - Glazier, J. o Jt Bar Furniture AND GENERAL liniJRP ' II. II. H1IEPIIERD, . W. HeNUTT & CO., 03E4.TJ n- c - alO-dfim- es REFRIOERATOItS, 9 ' MATERIAL, . min. . SatfiMKa 84, laa Fraaelsao 215, 217, 2f) STEADS I I Woods, Wtron and Carriage al8-d3m- OOOD DWELLING- - tb cUkcst ITURE ,.. I I pricesdeecnpUons, for tale atmthfulllowest cash en bua supply of Mow- I Reapers. ' juipera Mower, l"ro.hlnrMcbtn.-DriQ. Oang Flows, and all kinds of U beet atd latest improved farm machinery. . . . . wansnovn . . . Corinne, Utah Near th Depot........ nsctaoB titreet, (between Fourth and FUlh.) f ., ? UOZHLOi Wagon Covert, all Uze, Corbxae Tbe Car Is fbretbed Fancy - TZODD uu or.... RECEIVING AND OPEN-lo- g out a full stock of plain and fancy t urol- ture. such s . 'I chandelier! s, Alwsve on . I IV- Also a full etock of min.. wWssjsjssa HEIL 6 PI80HBA0K, f HaUnf, . .North Froiat Qt., Corinne. pEkratfnJ , ; Ger- . full stock of the celebrated hand and for tala at ore thoroughly mat, of tho These nrlcet wsgoB aDd are known aU through the FAINTING, and General Repair Bhop. where aU I s order and on short West as the beat sad moat reliable wagon mado, and work will be done In notice. Hone Warraated la ETerr Retpeet. DtUsi .iud Raraeu sehMf Cin I p 8ta ....BLACX8MITHING .n THE LOWE, bPTTH.N first-clas- Heats, Etc., at Lowest Prices " A CORINNE. - AM CONSTANTLY WHAT-KOT- MIRRORS, CUTLERY, Corinne, Utah, LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT Spicir. MARKET, WAGON DEPOT GEORGE A. from leading 8. F. Percnssidn Match Company's Matches, t American Net and Twiu Companys Twines, Boston Flax Mill's) Twines, J. C. Conroy A Companys Fishing Taekla. Hollingsworth and, Whitney's Paper Bags, Sherman's improved Clothes Wringers, C. E. Griswold A Company's Feather Posters, F. McLaughlin pushes. OUR stock is Aho largest on tba Pacific Coast, and our facilities for manufacturing and importing enable us to soli at lowoet market price. BENp FOB CATALOGUE. FUE3HTUEE. GIi ASSWAHB, jeiMir alO-dlm- &2JL ....aokxx ron thx la J 270 Farnham Street, 07 WARE, myl2-l- y la QUEENSVARE, STORE SHADES, a Cl ' - CRIBS, LOUNGES, . AND Utah. Direct importers of basket man and French- manufacturers. KITCHEN SAFES, Walnut and Silver show Cases, P. O. BOX 194. WILLOW House Furnishing GoodB, Main St, 7 Pearl Sts., R0LLAMD8, FICTCRES k RIRRORf Oa a, OF BUREAUS, WASIISTAND8, Mnnuflicturcrs o t 1 J at Meals W1VDOW CORNICES & DECORATIONS, WHDOW SHADES -- WRINGERS, FEATHER DUSTER8, ITS PINS PISHING - TACKLE, AND BALLS. ETC. ETC., (AND GENERAL. an8-t- f IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS, g0;e ifent for tbe Orleatal Powder Co. 1 L. Simons, - - Proprietor. l nyUK I mwres axd picitbe fribes, JIm II. Johnston and myself ate our din- SIcntaua Street, Corinne, Utah aS-ners yesterday on top of tho highest peak northeast of tins town. Although our repast consisted only of bread and beans, yet IIENRY L.EIWE8, tho po&bU" wo occupied whilo crowding "VVe outside of it rendered it high living. sat on tho topmost summit," surrounded by TTboictale lad Retail Dealer la glittering snows, looking down upon Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake yes, even so and more, too, upon Corinne City, Ophir GIlbcEUIES, LIQUORS, Cy; upon Rudi Valley, Goshen Valley, and Bear River 'Valley f upon American CIGARS, TOBACCO, JETC. Fork and Promontory; upon well, now, kingdom that were shown to another person, a long time ago, by a certain chap who F.srth Street, Near Montana, made insulting proposals 1 Knowing the . immense wealth of tho kingdoms that lay outstretched before us, extending from Cach Oorinno, o Valley to Pioche, from tho silver mountains of Nevada to the Uintah range, I am afraid OVERLAND BLICHSUITU SHOP there wonld have boen a bargain struck at once if any such chap had. made tho base proposal to us. W e are but mortal, and le and seduceable, and we (wxrr nna or ttucx.) mighi have told bim he could not make out his deo Diamond R Freight Depot. the Opposite tal-liab- ProprUtori. Ophir City, Utah. Dealer In tf N 8t a ' FflEIICH RE8TAURAIIT, . as Corinne was. Lumber is still a scarce, article, but as soon ns that steamboat on Salt Lake Is running, we expect this wont be the case, : PAHH. TUBS, CHURNS, BRUSHES, BAHKET8, TWE8. CORDAGE, MATCHES. STATIONERY, ? PAPER BAGS. CLOTHES GROCERIES XL XL, Local Agent for Corinne. a 1832. J AM) WOOD 8. P JOHNSON Staple I tf M. LANGSDORF, Valises, 'Blankets, Etc.y Trunks, - XX MANUFACTURERS .Belton Call and examine specimens. GO first-clas- s OMAHA, NEBRASKA. GOODS, x f Wholesale dealers The only Heuse. Large, oommodioue, a!ry rooms, famished In a style equal to any hotel al7-din the mountains. M. EDDY, mar28-w.8- a nsn if Impbrtora, Jobber, and STEELE & JOHNSON, UTAH B. F. Butler It Co., . & Corinne. Louthak D. M. STEELE. ailAUD HOTSLy 0P0IR f CITY, tural and mineral land. Applications may be made to agents on tbe ground or address shoes; ' HOUSES J. ....iiranou.... k Mtnnto Hasagcr. OSBISTOS, l J. V - Liquors, Flour and Bacon, In all tbe towns, to supply tba Immigration which will continue tor years settling np the rich agricul- cent by buying clothing BOOTS & oSV. al7-dt- 1 ; Eirasusuxo ILL HEADS AND LETTER HEADS are mado a specialty it the Bipoetei ' Salt Lake City , lildCB & LRTVrCDCfi nfOprfc f I F. F. BROOMST. EAST TEMPLE STREET TOWNS ALONG THE LINE OF BU3IJSKSS - eCO&KU. aprd-dt- SALT LAKE HOUSE, LOTS Triumphant. Meyer Elxswoiith Tables served with all the luxuries of the market. The best Restaurant in town. Open for orders of a2A-t- f any kind day or ighk i t j CnztoBTox BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE JN the - Beno, January 1,1871. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Beard from $5 to $8 per wetk. Meals from 85 cents to SI. Ocala at all Hears. , TnE SET No charge fo; mining. Sampling or Assay Assays guaranteed to correspond with U. 8. Mint, Ore sacks returned to shippers free of Ballroed chargee. Ores asmpled by Battery r Crusher,option of shlppefa. ) TMUrj and WaaMngton BtmUg OOUPANYI rs sn unlimited number of both ALL I Com mission Merchant, Board by , the Day or Weeks XIs !!!I?!!!!!j ISAAC D. IIUNTOON, Oi L0T - mmimmmmi 'wwittitattiUtt iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiii mmiiummitu ( Heatsas Street, Corinne, n v mnrnmmmm m febi7-t- f K if ilmmliif iiHi! the etrong-ea- t, of Co., widely-exte- ( Fresh Oysters always on bend end served np In any style on abort notice. v Tbs Bar Is stocked with the finest Wines, Liquors, end Cigars. spl-t- f UNION PACIFIC T0WN CoitrAirr.-Ons- IIi!3 4v States.--Indeptnde- ' - RAILROAD r : i, mi, i ' X successful, end best managed safest, corporations of this character in New York la the "Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United Dr. Prime, editor of the New York Cbttrvtr, e tales i ' "The Equitable Life Assurance 8ociety of the United 8tates has been founded with a view to meet the wants of aU parts of our country. Its founders and directors are chiefly reUgtone and benevolent men, and I trust tbe day la not far distant when it will so widely known that aU our ministers, secretaries, and men on salaries generally, will avail themselves of Its rich advantages." mr3-2W. n. GLA8COTT, Local Agent. furnished to end specifications Plans drawn order. J me vscHAts ultzb oua T i ramp, at tbe fotiewlageea ratee, $is,eoo,oo. 7eeo,eeo. - Lin XNsvnAWCB most k CREOKWi LD, Preprletori. IS A FIRST CLASS QOTKL, CENTRALLY ryHI8loostsd, commodious end weU errengsd. The TO BEU7TT UiD COBfORT. LOOEIX6 A i JvMXxi&a MilloV: The Eqaltsbte Issues every dsslnble fora of policy and receives premluae only ia cash, neitber eooeptinf notes for its own claims, nor paring them out, in lieu of tbs money, when lie policies become doe. Tbe exostlenoe of this InstituUon ( Equitable) eannot be too warmly acknowledged. Its story Is tbs story of a nobis soeoess of a wise end generous design, prudently end thoroughly pllsbed. ft wee organised on e principle of novel end peculier liberelity. It propoeed to to the insured, paying only legal Sve eU profile on its eepltel: end tt nes eooompllehed 1U purpose. Ine csreer of progress el together unprecedented, it bss distenoed ail com end esteblishsd itself upon e founds Uon es of sdement. Its expenses have been leee then those of any other new company in proportion to its lnoome. iVew Fork Cbavrrer. Osme la tbe City. Flre-prs- sf Llontana Dtroot, 0HUR0HE8, DWELLINGS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, now CORINNE, - - UTAH. the new imeltlng furnce of the 'WitshtcR SmoHinjr Compny will make mmenseT t4 TliU ftimico U upon ft it trill run. u ?, ;r principle, being the Fawcett patent Mr. Jawcctt, hlm-,cl- f, Offered; .to those Desiring to with in Iraproqemcnt. " it Superintendent here, inl this Aim-c- c Purchase. under his supervision, constructr-power engine, two cupuloi lthn I Never Were our Prices so Lon's Tnndc of met imn and lined with flro brlckj no but blast, cicH cupuhhas sistmi tuyeres the made of by injection the draft being Never Was our Stock so Larges tho After those run steam through tuyeres. ' I will tell you ill about It. t k ' r are ores still found in unhbeing Milling eard-of places, and the abundance of this Nor Assortment so Complete. ela.s of ores fairly- - astonishes those who first struck tho district. . All classes of ores New Goods Dally Received and that have ever boen found in Mexico, Peru New Inducements Con- or Chill, are being found here. Native silver ialso a commodity produced by the tlnually Offered. mines of East Cation. I carry in my, vest poclal h trifle of It, taken from the Ernest mine. That mine, and the Kip Van New Cnstoiaers nonrly Gained. T - M adjoining It, are producing the very i'ceimeris of iodide horn silver over Come along, coma along. t wli rth of Mexico, and there seems to Make no delay; bcdoU of it, which is bully. Come from every nation. Coma from every way; FTt grading Is progressing rapidly. 1 hit ugly bump In Main street, in tho cen-..rBring not e'en a care along, A trees to all your woes. the city; that used to make the dust For M. Meyers don't charge much bug from Corinne blow and puff to get up, For a good suit of clothes. Is belog taken down, and a good substantial vad hailt In its place.' For this wo aro in The Clothing: Combination Is ' . --J to Riley Judd, lato of the Salt Lake , , bCtt Line- UP IN A BALLOON, Trad and tfafllc are good in town, altlio teA!SDrt there aro not so many men on the streets 'f.sd tlo saloons as there wero before tho Is M. To-morr- r - 4 ; so-co- m Railroad Clothing emporium rr ' MISCELLANEOUS. . innsal lacsns, Rev EaflatM) ISO, Illuntratod Designs .M. r.TEYERG, THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURAITCE UTAH. t First-clas- s LOW PRICE SYSTEM Vfj ; JQH8E, - ...OF T1IE.... lid oo 00 $ 18UCCEQQ - V CORnwE s 'i 3ST6.18J. t If i s, IIOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Colorado Street OFFICIAL. PAPER ' -- . ADAM AULBACIi & CO. Still Falling. tv - 4 AIIO ARCHITECT - j- - , v . S r !;V r t THUHSDLY . MAY; 4, 1871. h. r.iorjHEir.'V i -- TJT.AJ3:, OOEItTNE, V , STAND' FROM VNDEB. gjullj jrau-ir- o ij t -- it t : i ' t t Vi 1 1 I 4 t ' c ! J, . $ ept-t- f x - f a I ft A |