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Show SPSH. FORK S31DM o 51'MiBS 1'uMUInd every Siturduy the basement of Malcolm btoie 'by SCOTT EuteicJ at the & Democrats Electthe HOLT. Postofllce iu Entire City Ticket s year..,. JtS-- L. Scott Jos. L. Rawlins Elected Del eeate by 3,000 Majority. LOCAL JOTTINCS. Attend the theatre t. for a theatre tonight. Tiik town is billed Nett Thursday is Thanksgiving day. Tiikateb Play t, The Con-tic- ts Revenge". Get your turkey ready for Thanksgiving next Thursday. Jos. L. lt.u lins is elected by n majority of about 3,000. Tub Democrats hate made the greatest August weather in Election is aver and The Scn gives reflection to all. Observe tlm election rctu rui in another column. Jeiimiaii MfiiUATand familyof Ashley ire visiling In our city at present. WkaiPINO paper tor sale at Dlis idUce at live sents per pound. Don it. Coray loan money on farms. Address. Provo, Utah Atsend the Friday night dances in Nielson & Crccr's Hall, They are luluos David SxInoer has been very low for Us is troubled, with several day dropsy and heart disease. All tlioso desiring to exchange produce for lumber or shingle? call on Jex and. Sons aud get a bargain. , Have your wedding ear Is and party invitations printed At 1'llE bSM ollfce. , Samples on hand. SiiHCiUBEH toTuu Scn failing to get their paper regular should notify us aud we will Cud the cause. A vat improvement is being mad on the Dajarauson lull ; a number of teams 0 worked there for several days I i?t wee k. . 'Ellison Mciirav, Andrew Dudley 8r., and Andrew Dudley, Jr., alt of Ashley, were seen on our streets this week. Assn advertising medium The Scn stands with all other papers in the valley, as it reaches 300 homes every week. Stir A II01.M, daughter of Anders Holm, had her foot severely burned yesterday by the upsetting ol a teapot. Mr. J. T. Jvkeman, late of theouce-upoIndex but now of Ptovo, a is rusticating on our streets this week , The way the jolt work Continues to come iu at Tub Sin reveals the fact that good work advertises. All persona n idling a la,'gin on building material, call on Jcx A Sops; they will give you the best ptico possible for ca.h dowo. I- ,at Wednesday we had the pleasure of meeting our old friend John Angus of Ashley who is spending a lew days in our city. Died. Anuiu Selena, infant daughter of DoC Atwood, boru Oct 31, 18113, died Noy. II, 1892, of bronchitis. Was buried Tuisday alternoon. A grand feast for the old folks Thanksgiving day, Everybody lend a helping hand and asit in preparing a bounteous repast to glad ioli the hearts of our noble veterans. it and William Me.Ko of Ashley, w itli their familitl have be, a spending s IV w.liy sin our city. They atarteJ on their return to Ashley a few days ago. J. V. Scott, the renown tonsorial in m tit of Provo, and wife w is visiting our town Sunday last. They returned home i t tlit chilly breiie of eve. n Jo-KC- . Wk au not i tlie habit of making in v t vetises on the ucr mint of being lute with our paper, but on account of election and o nulred with job Work, lateness , rcvsils, I Mis Mary Lewis of (hi place has t.cen engaged to teach sili 'ol at Teasdle, Wasue County. She will soon start for In r field of lalmr. W wodther . evirj Miertss imaginable. St uo tuiiEus wishing their paper discontinued will please call at our ollice aud settle up to date. Arc r ling to late postal laws, subscribers have to psf up io date or the pabluln-- r will coutinue the subscription. . tnoct.ug Tim Republican dub held Hsll last M n dry uig'it lor In Hilda' the purpose uf settling up tilings and pnjingof the dept of which it had Jnentre I dating the comptlgo, and for the arranging of a grand ball nnd Mi. Jo, E. Wilkin tendered HUpoer. of Hie teslgitathtn as vrss Mil Dtvid mint Mr. and du't, oil.ee. Mr. lmiortiit to that il.alrd Jos. Ui"t r, secontl vice president, him resigned and Win. P. Hale elected In were then ids place. Arrangement hall completed for grand In Dr.hlo's Hall and supper to bo given tl'Xl. ft Tills hi' pte-dd-- I! THE MKETINO. Yl.TCdy' fa lT"iv aiTVpi ickI7j a t n m e d ind shouts of Rawlins, Rawlins, shook the building from belfry to foundation; the young ladies sang Good Bye Youug Canuou Good-Bye- . was called to order by Pres- Meeting ident W. 0. Crcor, Musice by Lake Shore Band. Tue chairman introduced 0. II. Berg ItepaLllrans .Still Id the Fight Hut Away of Provo as a gentle i an who Lad been Drill ml, Although They Claim a a life long Democrat. (lain of loo Her Cent Over 01 Hallies Sleell ng Mr. Berg delivered a very retreating lecture of which a and instructive synopsis would in uo way do justice. Glee club sang the pi izc soDg, written Tho election in Spanish Fork wai a Republican entitled For He is a by indeed an exciting one. Probably not Democratic. Music by Lake Shore a nulch interest in any ono town iu the Band. B. Mustard read a letter writcounty was taken as was indulged in tenDr. J Charles J. Hurrah, a life long by Great 1)0111101308.' our local by Republican, to the New York World, before aud were made long preparations why he would vote tie s botii parties giving Wm. Creer spoke for Grover Cleveland. up to the day ol electlod by each one's efforts vicing to outdo escb a short time. Mftrinui Larson being Called for The Demecrats , elected the ollies. in a neat little speech. responbed entire city tickets, dospito the great Glee club sang Billy McKee McCa w. fight made by tho Republicans. Twelve Meeting adjourned. Liberal votes were cast in Spanish Fork, REPUBLICAN RALLY. which were unexpected by everybody. Last Monday nigh was held the last The following are the duly elected Un- Ropnhlican rally in Spanish Fork ot this anil Fork ot officers Spnntsh city campaign. Dahles hall was vote which elected tiiam: with spectators, that wished to h'ar Mayor. Republicanism. Chairman Wilkinscall-ethe meeting to order, ami Elias Morris, 219 Minimis Larsen, D the 11 sugar man fl ora Lelii was introduced ltufus P. Suell, who stioke for an hour on the principles Fur Councilor, anil issues of the day. IIis remarks wrre 214 Robert V. McKcll, D earnest and clear. II? closed with 214 very Wui. 11. Hughes, D a good word for all. 217 Nicholas Smith, D lion. Andrew Jensen; the historian, 218 was Jol n J. Bunks, D the next speaker, who took tip the 199 Willard O. freer, D i.. cause ot protectiou io great shape and 09 John 8. Tlmrass, R Republicanism to tfie core. ... 107 expounded Rowland Williams, R After meeting, the club held forth to 101 Lars Nielson, R. transact private business. It Jouce, Llewellyn rea-on- Victory in its history. Tilts is certainly the south. Young Ladmi cming bium-rDcmoctats boning Mich lights with bmuors distiibuleil along, reading as Democrats and Vote tor follows: Better Days for Winking Men.'' -Don't he Uuffed by Bats and Rils but vote the ticket straight." The proc.-.-sioin irehed down Muin street one block below Dililos and countermarched to City Hall, during which time ft huge bon fire was lighted and sent its flames high in the air. 1 November io, isos. Saturday, MAJORITIES LARCE BY CO Editor Manager P. IloLT. Milton 2.00 1.00 ...... months. 'Ilireo mouths fctix wusjirtd several times while the procession was forming. About 8 o clock it moved as follows, Lare Shote B rad. . morning in & Hughes Spanish Turk City, Utah, tor transmission second-clasmat through the mails as ter. Ouo to uo sotuo Carried . election is over and all is again Councilor Creer thought a have water running I h themselves tho fall and if there ansC ?lf'lM There is many who express is tax it should bo npphej i v ,!!' as being pleased that the campaign ' ditches. The committee ended. was asked to lookb.o the ml t8lt' she is a , matter. On motion of Salem has demonstrated that CoinciloiL'j.jJ town. meeting ndjournod Republican f over Benediction by councilor The Democrats have met with Boj, a man not deftat; whelming J T have akeman. party is elected; they defeat As we go to press the folio:., n thing but irretrieveablc to hand and appeared in th &'fr! have met with their of Thursday night MR. HARRISON'S DEFEAT colors diimantelftd, they willSaltevermore Rucr. J, t. j akeman, sail up that noted stream James T. Jakemau will find For a,, The vote in Salem Is m follows advantage to call at this office a to Congress Delegate Greatly countv In His Own 43 possible. Any person who know,sift Frank J. Cannon whereadouts will confer of 37 DeploredOutIino L. Rawlins Joseph communicating reformation to 10 tho Official Result Clarence E. Allen establishment. The advertisement Total.... bLS0,.ne1'icnd nfljkelSr, Surand precinct vote stands: desired to m range a cnmpri,e ,, IrcDldent UarrUon Interviewed Ills The county tn New total 92. trouble but the publiwti.. h, prise of Democratic Vlotory Republicans, 54; Democrats, 38; Vote. effect of warning Jukeman Hut Jr tho was 92, vole The total municipal were upon his track for a wiwtlant getting 88 as against 23 fof last night Republicans by detectives hom J Grover tiustses and over school is The election tho Democrats. The great hall failed to reveal anything J of were elected by as great a majority . , President elected bvsu has Cleveland whereabouts and he has presumaLi, will ' Of course Salem is confident that the oity. the United States, and' the Nation the Harrison will be President for four years Jakeman's operations extended for the next four years dwell in i'. Salt Lake, be giving y, hence. j,', hands of Democracy. a of un- that city check for $13 npo th p Mr. HarLeaving out ftolitics, nothing Nearly a week before election in our burg for Commercial and Savings bask i taken has usual from place information rison received certain The health of our people proved worthless. some time. His checks drawn in Provo sejy the West which led him to believe that better, generally, than usual ut this A'ere bank sad , upon tlm the Weaver vote would be much stronger tint of the year. to the holders with the k returned lif tho pubhad been anticipated by than Our band is somewhat Hisorgan ment no iunds thcreom lican managers early in the campaign, ized; it could not withstand the pressure From parties in the latter city sad before polling began on election clay of political mania, "a fling here aud a tamed various small amount!, r Politigating $75, ami in Provo biV the President expected to loso a dozen fling there especially hot.angiy. -- r ' ' something not are over $1Q0 in coin of th cal productive fiings lie did or moie votes iu that section. Other small checks on Trim!s, feelnj good mony'aud NeTARIOVS. think, however, that Weaver would get will bring the slim total up to about The result in 1892 more than fifteon votes. Oct. 9, The people of Spanish Fori Salem, Nsw York wai a surprise, and upon the remembet J. T Jakeihan of the result tl.e Prtsident remarked election which now, nlas ! has gone the wu 'City Council. which no news paper caa return morning that he would have to carry New York to bo elected. The President A special meeting of the City Council iome of our people, we beleve, fair uever took any stock in rainbow chas- was held iu the Council Chamber Tues to they had have known bn ing in the South, indulged id by the day evening, Nov. 15, 1892, Mayor Wc regret that any ce hsvitj Republican National commitUe, but he Jones in the chair. Councilors Hughes, connected with the newspaper made no meution of this Und had no Creer, Boyack, Holding and Larson great educational facNyU criticism to make and no excuses to offer present. Councilors TSnall and Gardner stsop to such illegal bu?nes; at. for tho result. IIo asked many questions absent. no one but htmelf to blame, i and was evidently BDxious for informaPrayer by Councilor Larson. Minutes wonder hrw hi few ftienliij J tion. He shows no feeling except on of last meeting read and accepted, who were ready to Fork Harrison the result in his own State. by him through thick and tV Ions. m pe had hoped that his own county, in which re: were willing even to tdws A petitions from Gccccly Bjaranson mean for his Indianapolia is situated, would give him t: no fed support, a majority. Diets was read, asking truth i out. ' Commenting on this be and nineteen said: If my good friends out there that tlie ditch running through Tos. A. had only carried Murrion county for hie, Rees and Andrew Nielsou's lots be John L. Sullivan I would have been content. The changed and moved further east, out. SSI overwhelming defsat of the Republican, licit rred to committee on streets and But Oran Lewis is in tli raj was due the President said, party, alleys. Petition from Beniamin Evens pice a little store as Spanish mainly to the position of the party on and fourteen others calling attention to Call and see his reninsntt it the tariff question. Republicans fotced the street in North east portion of city Ladies dress goods, In A. the issue torn extreme which did not along old rail road track, was read and Gloves, most and everything found i: Anmeet the approval of the people. referred to coinmitteo on street and class country store. other iinpoitatant the President alleys. An application was made by said, which had much to do with' the Jensen & Mukohm for license to carry cefoat of the Republican party was the on business of retail liquor dealing for Force bill, aud it was felt in the North three months. ovi On motion of Councilor Creer the STOC; license was granted , providing they a s&tisfactarly bond. Salem News. rwrrvxy2fei d W. P. Bowen, 4 It For Recorder. ... I)......... ,,,, Jesse P Holt, ,. Jos, E. llklus. It For Treasurer, William Robertson, D Charles W. Bootli.lt For Collector, Hubbard Tuttle, D .... It. A. It, For Marshal, 217 Benjamin Williams, D. 07 Wm. J. Thomas, 11 reace the , For Justice of .210 John P. Jones, D.'. 03 Goo. Hicks, R...V You set by the above table that 32.1 votes were cast in the city, out of 401 registered voters. The Delcgato vote in Spanish Fork Cun-m- a gave Jos. L. Rawlins 253; Frank J. 105; Clarence E. Alien 12. DEMOCRATIC PRESENTATION. A meeting was held Suturduy evening, 1893 at the City November 5, llall for the put pose of presenting the boautiful banner prepared by the committee appointed at the Democratic convention held in this city Oct 1st to take up a collection ami purchase some memento for the young ladies who so ably mid loyally cntertulnjd the doe-gnteAbout $10 00 was subscribed and expended in tho purchase of a beautiful amt artistically designed silk banner. The house wai completely HI led by t:30 o'clock, when W. 0. Creer entered, Carrying a buudle containing tho banner which was nnfurled amid great applause isn't it Many were the cxclatnutions bei.utiful." E. A, Wilson la ft short speech of well chosen words and in behalf of tho committee presented the banner. Which was responded to in a neat little sm-- by Miss Emma Crcor. Song by a group of young ladie. Mr, Itobeit Itvtno of Provo was introduced nud delivered a short speech Said he wa proml of accompanying the gcDthmen from Snringvil.o and Provo to present the banner to the young ladies. We want to let them know, that though w may lie far away, yet we think of them. Ha then took up tl.u subject of home industry and aaid Republicans claim that Demociata are opposed to home industry, but it is not so Democrats nr in favor of nome) industry, but are not in favor of tho large industries receiving bounties from, the pocked of the poor. Tho Nugget of Truth wore refered to amt highly conjoined by the speaker. In closing he said Young meu go to the polls and vote Democrat!) ticket, aud you will find tn a ttw ycats time that it will be for your own good ami to tli advrntage of every workman in Utdi. 8ongThe Infant Industry" by the glee club. They weto encored and sang Good Bvo Youug Frankie, Good live." E A, Wilson spoke fora short timupon the issue of the day. Pong Rally Boys for Gr nor Cleveland," by glee club. io W. O. Creer made a lw remark which after to meeting regard voting, adourueJ. PKUOr RAT I I.OMXII TUE CAMPAIGN. Great tnthu.M itn prevailed in our city Monday night, November lit. It had been announced that a gram1 torch lijht proceiulnn would take place, and a the evening aha low began to enchrond th earth tlm people left thi r home and crowded on Main street. Tlm caunon - A Sumoteous Repast. Last Tuesday night at the homo of Mrs. Mcllor was given by Mr Charles Booth wh.it might be termed a political oyster repast, supper, promised on the result ot election, Mr. Booth chanced to he tho loser, but a gaz-- into tlm dinning room about 7 o clock on that night b:oughl to one's tuiud the fact that Charlie was no loser. About thirty or fnr!y invitations were sent out f r the occasion and fully forty smiling peisous were present and fed. And oh! my wasn't that a beautiful stomachs parly zer for the hungery. Oysters iu every style imaginable ami seasoned ahead of date, chicken and turkey in pies ami in roasts, celery and all varieties of pita were' terved. It would take to much .space so mention even what The Sen scribe ate. Mrs Metier the main hostsss, assured by her daughter., Mi.s Monk nod others could not be excelled )n c Hiking If you traveled .from ocean to ocean. Tiicse ladies deserve unbounded credit for the genial way iu which they prepared the fenst ami waited upon the gucatvalso Mr. Booth, whs so pleasingly took earn of tho visitois and seated them at each table. Alter supper the lime was spent in cracking jokes ami singing duets and base solos, It was twelve o'clock, before the guests turned themselves lmme wi rd, and of a nice little si'cablc tints one need not want much better. Those present wore, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph s, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, E Creer, Mr. A and Mrs. Jos. Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs Wm.B Hughes Mr. Divid Msloltm, Mr. and Mis. M. L. Scott, Mist Morga u Eliza Roosrtson and nnny others. R-c- Political Points. tr Clevc The solid south want sdhd land. Provo weut Republicans by about 33 majority. all lb publican otlicers Ncplit except collector. Dcmoirats will control the next Semite without tlm aid of Populists. D. T. Miller is a candidate for (lie liou-- c Spetkership ot the Idaho ol Representatives. It will requite tho olllcal couut to dctermiuo the comnlcxion of the Kansas Legislature. Chicago Dcmotritic j merchants are opposed to nn extra ssssiou of Congress to lower Ilia tai iff Lord Roseherry, Minister of tho Fortign Aff.iit in Gladstone's cabinet and the eldest daughter of the 1iincu of Whales, are said to bu betrothed. Wlltlim C. Whitney, it is sat I, will bc Seerctary of 8tite in Sir Chvelandi cabinet, ami Benjamin T, Cable of Illinois, Secretary oi the Navy. , Mayor Y"Ung of Ihllwm-- Ids, Friwas iu a dull tied beaten am) night day by two men who tltcu n bbed his lafu of $223 and a gold watch and chain. ed It seems a thing way behind the times for a eit as large at Spanish Fork to j nit bsVft a sign of a coal depot. Siico the cold snap star?,-at Tm i lay njor than a score of people have limit ruaing all over Man alter Coal, hut failed to getnny. What's thn matter with the of tin or,-a-i coal shed at the It. U' W. depot, Some one tait tip a coal depot. Thcto' money in it. DEMOS RAQY'y -- Sweeps the Nation By Surprise, - York-Elect- oral ;j" h r W.P. BOWEf FINE J REPORTS. Committee on streets , and alleys re ported their consultation with Mr. Mar tell in regard to tho ftrect corner in south west part ut city, had arranged with him for $00.00, and ask the Council to appropriate the amount. Or motion ol Councilor Larson the report was ac cented and amount appropriated. Report of finance committee on Justice Jones report read, and on motion of Councilor Hughes, was accepted. Report of fluacce Committee ou eld'd Police. Report was read, and on motion of Counclor Creai, the report was accepted and $123,03 was appropriated in favor of police department. Report of finance committee on mar slnd'a report was rend, and on motion of councilor Hughes, the same was accepted ami the amount of $2(.29 was propriatvd iu f&vor of the muishal. committee on Repot t of iriig-itiocity watennftsjcr bill was' read, aud on motion of Councilor Holding, the report was accepted ami thn amount of $12,113 npproprated. Bill of Hales Rro's, amounting Mt50 having been 0. Kd ly commiUca on public improvetmra's was allowed and the amount appropriated. Bill of Petek F. Boyack of $7,73 for lubor done on'public square was allowed and the amount appropriated. Bill trout Skelton ii Co., of Provo, for deed blanks, amounting to $1.43, waa allowed and the amount appropiiated. Committeeion irrigation and streets aud alleys, to whom was refered the peti tiona of ill in ui Green anil Robert W McKcll, asking for Bupylyof water for i uliuary purpose, sk for further time in oreiur to more thoro Idji tho n.attt ''Mat ail. . Councilor Creer moved that tli. triasiiicr nod auditor be instructed to furnish a report by two week from to night, Nov. 29. Committee on (i inure to whom wa f I rred the petition of citizens, asking for an appropriation in pun. has a ImmI repotted that they had found it Would b illegal for tho city to make an appropriation for said purpose. Councilor Holding moved that the Total 414 303 1M 23 chair v. appoint committee tf three to Necessary for a choice, 223 invmtlgito Di soring in mov.h of canand see liov much water thn is Thanksgiving sstvics will beheld at tho yon and approkimtt tlm disianco ss to i Ir ibyterian Clispil Thanksgiving Day intelligently correspond wiUt Rhode at ll.it. m. All nro invited. Brothet of Denver a to th 9 I.iWoKMR John-on- , of tia baker, hul work. tlsO luufortutit) to le throun out. ol tuii water Coundlor Lnraun Inca for t short time b'. his anicr.ilcd the ocn cavin' motion by adding tho mayor to said in; but lin to inform Ida committee 'tin I th nmmidiuout wai tint lie will resume buisnrs he can sscur a luitable accepted a part of the motion. Carried. place. tieer, Holding and Gardner wit Gvo. I. Thompson and family, lune appointed as said rommitlte. time resident of Spanish Folk, wluna Councilor ItoMihg moved Dint tho homei now t Henysvllle, R.rfieM record bo iaitrudml to tnnkp out nr County, are x is. ting with relstives In onr iIU,?li nnR,,wly i, Vml7 I bakhig well and wisk highly of Southorn Utah. Councilor Lanon moved that tho com-u- t tf on street and alley Ire inMructe I ct ::W s f, Y. I. LX Bowen, Spanidi at the fair a very send lie Couch and perchetoa stock, s' of which slauds JhvoutVs imported Pctcln'1 thut took first prize, for stallion, nud time ot Io C voust bus been awirU paizos fir his get tlian any cheron stallion in C'tati, at J savery close competitor for tire fair of 1892. Sir. Bowen also swept ou u. for largest and best dnptsf bred Frenclt conch and lurcU' B an aebievement that Mr- well be proud ff, cods-which Cumpelitioo again't contend. All of Air. of bleeding ago were from France. Mr 8 for sale numlier one . pie-gray v Also gt aiL s of classc fi j CORRESPONDENCE ' Below i a list of Mr. IJ'iwen: For Ierchcron ForPu flrt ptiza; rid ':K'll,l! ! prise-Davouat, (No. 0' Betn'a,'n A melit, first P1'1 and under 3; iccond prize, $3. Best mare, Turbiuel I11 j by her ide; first ' ami $23. t Rest tlilcy, t venr flrt prize, gol I Rest atalilou, iijvuftt ., grt; first piiz. , . ' , (N1'-ol- - C' ,j-i- rreneh (No. 371) ' second Frenrli Coach K O onJ Pri' lor three of his get; For licit fired Perdu ron.snd frt first prie,g9ld , MRS-J'f'i!E- ; wi-h- cs M xKi Shoes- Boots, la tin lag varimis Beatly and woik guarantee-'always on ham quality and clicwhcfCo-op- . po-g- - ' - - j . pt'' Oil)- V8oa . - i 'US I |