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Show iPrkie,: P ad artisiic i tliorrt'Jgd' prices 'CK 'i to Tim Su'i saMsfact ton, kfp?A fENi Job Work Bbml your cinl'.y: A n"11 1 quality. f V.' 'f: 4 r & rss?;SES2 3Z321 i t'f - te --- ,- - V .L- -- hi: Mil f SUN slmicp fifty-twfor J .Oik It shifts readers facts every Subscribe Saturday morui.ig. for it. THE ' - ' Ua Si fiCT22SBaSHS&!EE?SSE2. i! V-'- XK &fir k xrs SPANISH FORK, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER jQ, 1892, J.-- ,o wwj 'f - ;vrt ,,17-7- EPITOMYISMS liiEEB, k ,JiX uw AK (ijf:, Huin OTAT Stmt, k, 1830. BESEB.VY, M. D, Tho first air pump icroa iti best Pmi gtt, su mi,,, j IsICIAN and " Jlcalls day Of fltlie: nd wu Office at Fork, iweepiti, SURGEON. or night. foyack House, Utah. PRCIINALI7IES 1854. IN BRIEF.. was . The first lqeiltr match 1798. tvas made in W-I- CUE Ell, Bmident. Dron-nliiR- JOHN JONES, SPANISH ' Safa from 1702. Item of Interest Culletl, Clipped aud Gleaned From Vurloiu tiourres I'p to tlio Time of Going to Press, ' made The ii Mutual Wariness AtlyisuW. -- -Van Letter Laura, my child; Je careful; that man isn't a lord, I'm sure. Hes just a cockney. Laura Why, mamma? ' Mrs. Van Letter Didnt you notice how he pronounced the Thames river? Re drops his hs. Judge. , Euveliipes wer first used in 1 839, Auaes'hesla was discovered in 1841. The first steel pen was made Scissored and Sifted Down for Our Readers, Fork, oth wuJ USEFUL INFORMATION. ?rr,u ffk, 0 NO. 25. 7 f B , Winter Visitor (in Florida) I should love dearly to go sailing, but it lookq very dangerous, po not people often get drowned in the buy? Waterman No, indeed, pium. sharks never let anybody drown. S'lporintendenj, Tho N. ' The first iron steamship was built hi Y. Weekly. ' 1 83 J. A Great Success. r the n lUA W. IvKSWAHD ViSSEK. Mabommed wa born nt Mecca about r Jones I see that ten thousand copies lay 61 1 550. of Miss Maud Esteos book have been rcbemo a jiERSKENWARD, sold within a month. You met her once, Bower The first balloon ascent was mado didn't you 8ilwer, 84ic: lead, $3 85. 1798. ring . Arronrrv. vs Adams Yes. 5Vhy, I never supposed ch he Chairman Carter left Washington Coaches that she would write an immoral story, wens t for Mont. Helena, yesterday ct Roomt, Union Block, In ' 1569. if ' ) parted Judge. seems It that Ohio will probably The Oist horse Utah eas'f iiuiu: its electoral vote for Cleveland. coming It Little Too Fine. 1820-27- . of Ik, Madison Squeers It has got so now Bunatop Carlisle denies ho wilt that abore The Franciscans artived in England that you can't ask ia policeman a quesenter Air.' Cleveland's cabinet as Stcie SIIOHEtr, M, D,, 80UC tion without you have a permit. in 1324. tnry of state. Upson Downes What kind of a per was ei in Silver The at first the steamboat SuRCEOU. tlio quoted Hudson mit? day PHYSICIAN ANO, plied ' oetuie election. Yesterday it was in 1807.' Madison Squeers A permit to live tois. (X quoted at 81 ic. c.r CitlU Tlio entire Ilebiew Bible v.as Dan , tiiaU Night, Tuck. I $25. J printed ' Whitolaw Reid aud Secretary of State in 1488, An rnprodtable Traite. )$10. attributed Foster defeat the to Republican Utah 16007, ' "Why dont you go to work? Slpps were turilF agitation, There aint much doin at my tradq ripe, J; n 1783. " Eoglieh papers say that British fiSfc, now." Gold was first discovered in California and wqikmeu rejoice may What e, gold trade? is BAKERY your IFOpXU at the cKctiou of Cleveland. iu 1848. Pickin flowers off er century Mclias md saj( elected fit st teescope vyp used iu Life. Republicans Thq plants. Bakers' and EagDread, Ties. Cakes, Connell . QvV.nior of Idaho, the an d ii) 1608. Ctieerfullr Granted. tfetlimiery made Fresh Daily. earring tfmir electoral tickets. Whibkers Boss, cant Wedding and Birthday Breezy was introduced Cbii.tianify jnto Clt veland is 6ure to hare 263 vote me Cakes a Specialty. help in 1549. in the electoral college, and will proba Japan Suave Stranger Certainly; here is a Lawrence Jon:,sps, Propr. The (list watches syere mndq have 291. Ouiy 223 are necessary at card of the Dully Trombone. Our rates uiy Utah . Fork, to a choice. Nuremberg in 1277. for Help Wanted are twenty cents a The first aaw maker' line. Puck. the show returns that anvi" Incomplete Democrats have elected J . E. Osborne, brought at American in 1819. Ill Dinner Ruined. CASH, Goveynorof Wvoming. The Re)ubicno The first almanac wis printed now do you Buppose the Idea Riggs ticket. fleeted their electors! arose that thirteen at table is unlucky? y.m Furbaclt in 1160. Attorney t Line Of the States supposed to be doubtful George Probably an invention on The first newspaper advertisement theBronspnof the Cleveland curried VYiaCousion, Indiana poor follow who had topart m 15, National Bank Block. .. New York, Connecticut Delaware and i.ppeare l in 1653. a v4UH wr iereussiou arms were used in the West Virginia. . eekly. Utah News comes from Scofield, Utah, of Uuited States army in 1830. DHapnoIntl.ifC. he accidental dentil at the Pleasant The fiiat locomotive jn this cpuulry George I am one of those who never mine of was Coal Companys t in 1829. Valley jay die; you might as well name the day. James Wl.i$ ock Christ anson at Wintei Jessie (the daughter of a congressman) OmnibiKt were first inlrodurcd in DAILEY, Quarters yestrday. It appears that the New Oh, well; make it sine die. Munseya in 1S30, York deceased was engaged on a column of . Weekly. SffPrtRMC. Land axu Mixing coal. In order to light a shot he was Kerosene was first used foy liglitii.g Not an Important Lois. Attorney. compelled to use a ladder. In pa'rjing purposes iu 1820. Chappie I lost my head completely the ladder away after having used it, promptly Mineral Applications .he explosion occurred, and ho was The fiirst gbe-- factory in the United lost night. Patent and for all Agricultural Maud Indeed, I dont notice any covered completely and terribly crushed Stute was built in 1789. ads. Makes Maps, Tracings lifference in you. Munseya Weekly. Ha was of coni, fall a heavy by and Deeds, prnws all kinds were first introduced Glass window or Spurned. removed from hi perilous position, hut of agreements, A) tides afterward. The into England in the eighth ccntuiy. "I spurn you with contempt, hour lied a few of Incorporation, the proud, imperious girl in ieeeased arrived in tli country from Tho first steam engine on this confcnrchi'S titles, tones. about one native land, haughty his in from Belgium, was tinent brought Fnglaud .lications for Pensions, etc , etc. clerk in The spurnce was a base-bor- n wife and four children month ago. 1753. nincty-ninc-cestore. her death. father's Ins mourn tregio are left to .V,xf to V. iTTand offer, Boom SCO The flrtt complete sewing luncl iuc His head fell upon his breast at her Neat Dntrti box liSG, Salt Lake City, Utah. words. cruel iu New Elias was Howe, Jr., patented by J.F. Borkelow M.of Brooklyn, of tl.e But for an instant only. 1816. and Conroy Frank York, Then he hoisted it aloft once moro, same city left here two week ago to exThe first society for tie- - lVmotjon of dwellers defiantly. amine the teiritory of cliif Thats All right, he said, coldly. 1he former Christian Knowledge was oigniz-- d in along Nino Milo creek. with than hotter your horriMtf tO'J 8. being spumed .1 tells nerd and tins just ret nr 11118. LOIS CLARK. boot." fathers trail narrow fM manufacture to first While following pin Tip attempt story. Ho had tried both. Detroit Free in Brv (ImuU and Notions, adore the gorge, Conroys pack mule in this country was made soon after Inn Tress. nd Ladies Boots. and Conroy Underwear, became fractious and he 4 war of 1812. Ladies' and Cliiblren's Slippers, went over the Afltattonat Itamemtorance Conroy lighted la precipice. The (list prayer book of Edward VI. Brers (loads, Groceries, Tin- - on tho ledgu of a rock, wounded. It was What shall I get you to remind you near an eagol's nest and the old birds came iuto use by outliority of Iailiment of mo whilo 1 am away? asked a New York dude of the young lady to whom attacked him. tearing him with beak on Whit Sunday 1549. iy direct from the EnstorWest. fell off the he is going to be married, on the occa gnmU arc sold cheaper thnu at d falons, and lie finally in this Tho first temperance soceity Iogttn of his talcing tho steamer for I defy competition in mck ami wa dashed to pieces. slon eaHst, countiy wasorgnized in Saratoga county Europe. aud prices. Journal . March 1898. New Yfk, Do you wont to get me something XT"1, " (She' All Klltht. J Street, . Spanish Fork. was that will always make me think of you first mSottlanl coach Tlio atmut the mean is nothing There w hen Queen when I look at it? woman uvlw borrows mono from her brought thither' Ib 1501, t'Yes, darling." a him It present, to from enmo belonged France, buy husband Nary Then buy me a monkey to play LORENZO THOMAS, to Alexander Laid Sentou. with." Toxas Siftings. Too Much ChrUtmaa. The manufacture of porrctiin wa It is as bnd to have too much Christ Beat Them AH, mas as none nt nil, hut we never uppre introduced into tlio Irovinre of lleziti conversation turned upon oped The next the day. 11c elate this until tin people. fries full line of samples of For My grandfather," said Japan, limn China, in 1513, end Hurt for ml Bnmeslie died at tho age of ninety-four.- " beat Chinese mark. Goods. were still Clothing rrrptrl(l ta aider on shi rt My grandmother was one hundred Mrs. Cublmpe The now minister notice, The first soceity for tins exclusive this throo when she died," remarked cull evening. and would lie mid was la tter dust purpose of circulating the Bible GuarantIwnship and Hostetter McGinnis. Cnblmgr Then you bad nano of the And In uiy family," put In Qustla eed, the Bible mid torn down u few corner orgnized in 18t5, under the Foeeitv. Bible not to be outdone in boasting, J and mige. Smith, of a British leaves. Foreign full Hut, of attachment of tho ary are several who aro npt dead yet!" waa insliunumt first Tin? Sewing Machine. f'ligrapii H Pi Iiltrolier. Texas Kiftiugs. :..r. 1 1 Io' n,t hi muc'.i cu pronres sua esalu'ly opuated by S F. B Morse, i i1 A or roeagno.t--Voinventor, in .835, through tho be uluv I fa V aa not deimmslrnfid t the mttUJ To utility w Geo. O. Oiuikut iirooktyn Lira, ( world until 1812. B. E. unfuiUil on the A Defeellv Mrmnry, Muuey Cashier, Th first Union Is one thing I fear you Ethel-Th- erc the ramp at over first of January, 1776, ten, Mr. Stnl.ite. have llilit-e- n stiia of it had Cambridge Stalnte Y. hut Is thut'. d retnim the Engsnd Herald. N. end red, wldto Ethel Tim way home. corner. one lish erobs A,reeal'd. When Captain Cook first visited wn tW In M all1 often I -O- F-f,F of Ti at a treasure tol.lni lout licra gt'CBj Thiti, the native wero using nail CJLXliD I'T t M Ido Yet' t u Id I 3LiOOA.Ij wood, bone, shell snd stone. When they i ft ftMiirf in ITofttm. SPANISH route itmoluyn Lifo. saw lion nails they fancied them to be GOING KOIITII ?PITAL A Sportive 5aiu shoots of some very hard wood, snd, OOISU SOlTtl. cannot he such a vnhisbh? of Edison is a great wag. He desirous securing No. 3. No 4 No. 3. No. 1. of .veil-hooI Sn. n. Jon... serious, oven, with hi I means to luako commodity, tlp-- planted tliem to thilr . m. p n m. a. III. htatiosg I. He bn leen m,wn fl"citiiii I, J. s. Thoinns, Gti. O 6 17 Lv. Salt Lake. Ar. 7:40 4:35 gardens. ,l of elect rlei'y. l.iivL''' Lv. 7:15 3 4' light 10:00 Fork. Ar. 7:03 8p. gencrat lanking business. Ar 5:30 1 :n Juab. That' "by He d W " 9:10 ll:59Lr. l't" ort'Mn csclmngo bouVjht Si'iM itihK Bt Tiik Si S D "v'i SUP -- But, Mr. MnilTohl. really " D E Rt'tu.KT, luvu no cloudy days this winter. 1. CM pi, id )U hard! vLuow yon. lis t 1 asked nil winter. bliinn it that (im9 deposits. Gvn'l Agent, Suit Lak )"?. (. He -- Tbufs jut why route, Lite. ' Die . aw ! 85c Nnufactrers of m : . r Fusi-ouis- Boots ts ftncl Shoes, in i-iilers 4 'A E a.r'C.fe4jf.sw,a4.Jsa Tsa f'--S B PLs & Fa r. UnV P5 K). F-,- Fa Fs, Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa F5 PS V j , .... s licago GROCERIES. Hardware, Clothing, Furniture, Fancy Notions, Farming Implements, Roller Mill Flour, Grain, Etc. mmia Store. 11 HE FOR- - TAILOR, y, fit wURION PA0IFIG SYSTEM sob-nl- . AN K-r- - ! wu TIM ' - - z - $25,000 J,0 d. . y ONLY $2.00 PER YEAR, |