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Show - Sot Exactly host. said the younpr Revere frown, fTwitli I ' lady's "you kiu from you last gphalct steal a - it. i'm sorry, nw. l should say you would be. man idea of permitting any young kiss from you! ma, said the young lady, Lis Ill, with latent air. it isnt as if it was to me ,.ij niaie him give it back N. Y. Press. '"j lie comes A Mere Suggestion. 1 . Theory mid Practice. me worst of it with beaux who of Love and n cottage ever chatter r that while they may find the love eun supply the latter. 101 seldom Chicago Mat (T ' , International Halt. Say, czar! I protest lAit your heartless, unjust, inhu-- L cruel, brutal treatment of RusAn i , Sam ettCie Shut up, or Czar Ill ship O'Beese em all Eaysredge Helping dad test his Fat How did you manage to Preventive. get so stout? OBeese Helping my dad. Eaysredge What was he doing? OBeese Nothing. Puck. shuts up.) Puck. 1 Strain l'ioit the Cheerful Giver. 1 iVhat shall tvd give Cousin Ilelen? Lis to be married again, on the 17th( church, Chicago. a silver time, you know, and Life; c can't expect very much. j St. James What We May Expect. pen-holde- r; The Probable Cauae. Xrown leasers lVliat baggy, Ilcnpcck wears! jrown, sloppy-lookln- g Jr. I heard mother say that I wife wore the trousers at his house, that is the reason. jd I guess Puck. In the Long Ago. bpinsterre Don't you think modi v a society is altogether too wild? How Jack Dashing I dont know. it compare with the kind you used know? Brooklyn Life. Miss Finding Her Out. Trotter I was sorry to find you out then I called. IIow did you find .Rosalie (hastily) I i Herald. It Isnt There. rPa, said Tommy, the paper says what fr. Bjenks is an able financier; I Then an able financier? . , said able financier, Tommy, is a man who is able to mmy's pa, rrow two or three million dollars of her peoples money without being exacted to account for it until his estate Somerville laes to be settled Up, An fcurnaL The Same. The band that roclts the cradle. As tt" years go speeding by, I. ...U Ami Yo1''' ' I Adoring adnt I Youth (moving uneasily) t fo? C.iri SiVect -- . 1 ,j, stay. don't think over five dollars of .Good News. try to It jU the first t v 'll Fro. WbatV v U I :h- - ? . ' i' Tue w in .b Nng;r.by everything op ,e! a i y mad .hi uni of t Mrs. "Ct'ng this! rvo n tl.rlll; t co.l a I Iter tbj biL Puck. 'uck. ui. ..lit r to know 'I"" Hole slio's got; i .i' 1.' urora, though, When she's lost It aud knows It not.Uiooklj'U Life, Tbi.t It is ..I- - C i - to Natural History. ''There is one curious fact in natural istory 1 never saw specially referred As o." "What Is it? "That wherever you find the rooster "on also find tho crow. Philadilphls fines, El US 13 & II Wanted. c. Enough. What Billy Billingtou (tenderly) would you say if I were to propose to WHY SHE SEEKS FREEDOM. you? Tb Terri bl Ordeal to Which a Wife ffa Coochy Cooington Guess. Subjected. Billy IliHingtcn How many guesses A story with all the interest and suspense may 1 have? last wife waa r of Lluelieards of tbs story Coochy Cooington Only two. Puck. eently tokl by Mrs. Margaret J. Whelan is her superior court hill for divorce from Jaitinihle. James Whelan, at Chicago. Front her mar fear (who drimxs to spite his wife) rings, Ang. 13, 183, until Nov. 7, 18ti0, her Shay, strangr, dont . you think a (hie) story dor not materially differ from tb person's sometimes jus'ficd in keepin' hundreds ot similar talcs. 6b was beaten ' self tossic.ited? and ubused by her husband, who twic ah d tempted to kill her with a Luif. Stranger Certainly; If he is Once he cut her dr-- ss from her back a dl to be in your company. Texas was escapg, and again stabbed a neigbboi Siftings. wild Interfered to save her from abuse, 6b Pcrvlce. left him, Rut returned on his promise of betMcFingle I understand thatGamy ter behavior. 6he entered the house aud folbas received un appointment to the sig- lowed him to a room. Too late she noticed that the kuohs of the door had beed removed nal service. staples, McFangle Gambyf Why he doesnt and their places taken by heavywires eud tnow anything. What sort of a position which were fastened with tclecrapb padlocks. The terrified woman asked her hue does he hold? Laud what he meant to do, and ha turned on McFingle lie flags trains at a cross-,ng- ! ber and, seizing her by the hair, dragged bg Boston News. Your minute arenumberedr to Die floor. for havo bat exckumeil. h now, you Pray Willing to Mollify. minutes to live." Stranger Here! Here! Hi) halloo! five ho knelt on tb floor, with her hands Call off your dogs! In prayer, aud he opened a bug knit Farmer IVe dont want any lightning clasped and flourished It above her head. The time rods or mowing was getting short, and Whelan turned to a Stringer Woo! Ouch! Im not A shelf to rhange the clock to a more'eonven-len- t peddler! Im a candidate! place to watch the minute as Hhsy Farmer Oh! Well, bein as youre passed. As bo turned bis back Mrs. Whelan only a can li 1 it?. IT! ill off all the dogs prang to her feet and leaped through thk window to the street She was seriously tv but three. N. Y. Veikly. ured by her fall, but wo cared for by neigh-Mrs- . A Snrint C fpchHm. Judge Jamieson entered an order Whelan from in auy way annoytnf And what do you mean by a wise 4u man? Grandma's Classes. One who can do without the world." And by a fool? Freddy, have you seen my spectaclcsl" Your gold rimmed glusscs, grammar' One who fancies that tho world canYea" not do without him. Judge. Wbat you wear on your nos and see I niirri roiu X.. VviiiUono. throughl" Belle Dont you think a ffentlomaa Yes; where a re they!" Th glasses that granipa gavs your should always wear a dress suit when Yes." he makes a call on a young ladf ? present!" Fr a Christmas Welt, I don't Nell (doubtfully) Yesj toll m where they arc" know. If ho wears a full dress wdt his Are they the glasses that you read the bhirt bosom when ho gel l homo gives Dibit) with, grammar lim dead away. SomervllI j Journal. Oh, ycal I'm geltiug impatient, Freddy. Oet them for ma" Tragedy. Clause that you read about David and cr.ch nro darling? you lie Why cj Cerliah with, and th three children in the , Cea.t-1Unnkiurv She I wu:i just r fiery fumai-ethat this was the laat cvcuirg va co.W Yce; the same glawea Tell ino where Llfi. bo together till they are, and quit asking so many questions" Do you want to rsad with thsm now, WHEN U I mhmwmmmo Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, GOING -- TO PROVO Hive your taken photogiapli by Etc., Etc. Main the lie ua reputation of turning out the finest Ilmtn-graphi- c Niniili of Salt Work l.ske, or veil in the Territory. ('n!I on him. Street, SPANISH FORK 0. A. CONKLING MANAGER. PROVO North J Street, Msrm CEO HARTLEY JEW PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. ELEIUnJ OPTICIAN., VYslehei, Clocks aud All work 3f lewclry Repaired Warrsntsd. Also dealer in til kind of Instruments, Violin, Guitar and Banjo Stringr Orders Promptly at tended to Z2 Box 243. F. UTAH PROVO, PYBE&MAIBEBI ions PRE'GRIPI COM. CAhBFULLY Is POUNDED. MONEY LOANED' . Certainly Not. Bmgo (who lives next door to Wick-'tail1 liuve bought my little boy a !rum and 1 A Woman' Revenge. hope bo won't keep yod make. . , , . tlusband-Mer- cy on us! Where did lViekstaff Tie wont keep me aweko of royal Worcester you get tills set 'the doesn't play on It. Judge China? . , . Wife (ealmly)- -I bought it. ProverbUI Mleoee Ilroken. snakes! Great itl llusbnnd-Bou- ght , Hlhat is to be your place at dinner?' Why did you buy such ruinously 'expeniskcd Bivalve, of his brother oyster. "In a select circle, I hope," returned sive ware? Wife (with suppressed emotion) I Half Shell; should be awfully cut up f I had to had to buy it to match that nickel saltgo in with everything In tho cellar you got at Joblots for ten cent! rommoa stutllng! Puck'.- -, and gave me for a Christmas present.-- N. Y. Weekly. .No Doubt ot It, , . l,Ycs," said Satan, as he complacent-',- v Eteuil!fylnx a Provorb. surveyed tho see ue, I'm soul pro"bid you ever go to war, boss?" In ctor hefe." Life. uuirod a tramp of a farmer. to No, sir, I did not. I have enough ,, A Judgment. Tramp Madant, iui slowly staihlnf; do looking after my hogs. Thuuk Heaven. fervently ejaculat"death. , , , '. . Yc ed the lrnini hired Girl Servo JO tight. the astonished asked for?" "Whui fit to die nil tu ouet like decent 'iks. Life. granger. Because I have at last met tho man Is No Wornler They Fought, who really believes that the pen fexft Texas "How did Harkins get In a fight wifi sword." mightier than the lllU'h!ladolphia man at Asbury Jt.rk t lugs. "Each caught the other kodaking Li Mlatsk. Tvvrtbl A Me la her Imthlug buit." J dge. Bho Heres a letter from poor Carrie. A divorce want both ' Not tifil to It, and her huslmnd Mr. tioslin seems lost In and neither can get it." thought." What's the matter?" ."Yes but it doesn't take, much about to He, unknown to her, was 'ought for him to lose himself in. as she Just . governess the with truth, dope t ek.pe about was him. unknown to In the Naturally Ruggrattil ttarlf. ills secretary. They, met with Blink 1ms completely upset him." with cwli other. dark and v 'll hydou't they send him to auln-"tibrut- o Life. . ' asylum?" luek. ) . 1 . -' IMPROVE ON 0 rA Farm i Property clH . . Samvel Cubnabt, Notary Public, JHock Edrt OJJict at Jr'(frnrr, One 0 ih vj Store. Co-o- UTAH SPANISH FORK, Of Every Description at the little KNUTSFORDI Opposite the llsrrison Louse. i U.S.UltANrr, Prop. ISISirmKxnminii.fiK .J Sptingviile, grammar No; I want to sew." What ara you going to sew, grammar I want to hem a few handkerchiefs." Of course I can. 'ae, I cant sew without AND ISSTITUTKOr U-N- etc., and can Iguarantee in regard to both Style and price. Sat-lisfacti- ASHir them." ASt nHOHtllAkl). 1 thought you sewed with a sewlug mu and cvmlnff session. Alteroooo this'- -, gramma." n' 1111, Provo cH, Ljab. On, you iitgravatlng boyt Ixk right at (mop. " 1irf ere specimens tf ionmnhip oiet Now tell me where tbo--e glasses wra 0. W. DIX, particulars. . Duuno." principsl. I aseu them lately lluvent "Nora." WUUam IL Bivtter in Pink. . II Never flaw Any. The folio lug dialogue occurred in rout I . at Farmhighnin recently! n What day did you Bi up the lia fencer asked th attorney. Th7th of BrptemWr," saidfor llewilnnea the plainWhen did you go to work turr was the reply. Th Lt cf How long after that when you went to fit the line fencer About a fortnight." Is it a fortnight from the Ut of September to the thr asked the astonished attorney. Whereupon the wttnwu coolly repued. Yra, air, I think it is." . . A quicker wlttnd reply ws that given by a wit uet st a dor of a tedious cross questioning. Now UU m how many sheep you rver saw, under oath, now rsmsutW. I never saw a shevp umlec oath," replied the wttuera. which closed the siaahnaUoa.-Ne- w YMk Telegram. Emwisisf We are well supplied with Presses, Type, Borders, . For OH-- r No ; for grandpa. Where are those glasa. von littls tormeutf cau yo You cant sow with th grammar Prepared to do UTAH PROVO, g Yes. ma'am. Xaggsby Now, what's the baby ying for? Nora 'Case I dropped him, mum. riti "Wives Tuere Is one spot of the globe, at any rate, where there are not too mnny women, where, in fact, there ore not enough, and the one crying want of the community is for women. This region, favored or unfavored according to the point of view from which one looke at it, is in the new French Canadian settle dents of the northwest. Tho success of the French Canadian as a family man is proverbial. It is a pity, therefore, when he has not full opportunity in this direction. Ws accord ingly do our best to give publicity to his pathetic appeal to nice Catholic French girls and women to come to him and his brother settlers in ths new northwest And be married at once, and be happy ever after, as ws hope. To show how in earnest they ore these stiapping jroung bachelors of the Canadian northwest have referred the subject of getting wives for then! to their priests, and their appeal has been scattered broadcast through the province of Que-ieThe girls will not, however, be Mixed to enter matrimony on the spot Places for an reaching the settlements. them will readily be found as housekeepers, domestic servants and laundresses, if they will accept the offer to go to the settlements, and courtship and Bfri'iage will nuturaUy follow. ' NorS, at once and come to Nora Mrs. Ittshi-rtf'r- (Eil!?, - My. ('.in patiently) BARBERS. IX MEAI.EUS Flf-n- nl So 'I i si Hunger. lark! What's that? Adoring Sweet Girl Tlmt sounds like pas .Swtstcps. -- com-pelle- o ut spauki tho baby; taut makes Ijc baby cry. Puck Is the Brother Jack About a month ago old Billions daughter promised to be a sister to me. Sister Kate bid she? Brother Jack Old Billion died last week and didn't leave me a cent. Im going to contest the will. Sister Kate Contest the will! Brother Jack Yes; if shes his daughter and my sister, then Im his son. Judge. tiell Choate Iler Affald. Mrs. Youngwife If you were Id choose again, dear, would yod select me for a wife? Young nusband I would. I dont believe you would, dear." "Yes, I would. I might find another whod fork over her cash without grumbling, but Id fear to risk it. Philadelphia Press. , the servant say I was at Scout? Did Y. jUef-- N. Say, Raysrudgc, how did you manage to get so thin? you! jiVnclc Sam MALCOLM & HUGHES, GLUFF & SGOTT hu-g- e He was old aud feeble but rich, and his niece, who had been vibiting him, was about to go away. You will not forget me, will you, dear uncle? You will remember me, will you not, dear unc le? In my solitude? . Texas Siftings. No, in your v. ill. Exehancrlng Notes. bto Lfa, send .(.her is is the third lese Clever Impromptus. Bulfineh That was a wonderfully clever speech that your husband jut made; and he tells me it was entirely impromptu, Mrs. Wooden- - Oh, yes; quite so. It is marvelous that liu could do SO well when ho looks so tired. Well, I should think he might look tired; he sat up all nl ,ht thinking what hed say. Boston Courier. St Railway Loeomotlvoa. Bteani locomotives ar quite extensively aed la Englaud for city and subnrbau team-wayor street railways. The Green patent engine, which is In use on filteeit hues, has a boiler of the locomotive typo, and is carried on four whty .j. Tb valve gear U of tho type. The engine is boxed in, and a casing, extradmg to within a few inches of the ground covers tho wheels nod running gear. It ie ertied with stoaux and hand brakes, and an autoinatio brake which conics intp operation when the speed exceeds the linfA allowed by the board of trwlo regulationc BASKMKN'T SAY COMMERCIAL On the roof is a surface condenser couipoeed Of brass boxes fitted with about WM 1NGS BANK. copper tubes; the condensed steam flows to the feed tank, and is, while still hot, pumped RUOVO CITY, UTAH back into the boiler. Eugioanrios Neww THE SALT LAKE (BMnS'HlS) TRIBUNE tlm Lct hewspnpet jlcvi.ted to nd J"' vr.cro tlm of ilopc, trrtsi th ! thcevvlopmsntof cuUrly f a :M (BMTLl.m In Iutcr-mountai- n country. For advertising puipoat'ilnronipnraidy tlm best paper bttacwi Ban Frnclco and Denver. . . . .112 W Daily. 304 ittnes peryear WceUf. Upp Odeol., per jr. 31 JO Weekly, six month Wrrklf, tlitre inoiithi Address. TI1E THIBI'Sr. , ai.t I.vaa I'Vst. JU on |