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Show O Published every Saturday morning iu Jlie basement of Malcolm & Hughes Store by y f. present the successful is a good deal like the center of a rotton log lie weighs nathiug Entered at the P,stoflko in Spanish 17 hlmeelf, but draws everything else to tor transmission 1nrk City, tali, second-class mat as him. There are so many societies, so mails the ilnough tor. many churches, so many isims that R is almost imposible for an independent writer to succeed iu a political way. Specking in a local way, and of the Spanish Fork clecton, will say that there have been good men elected to fill tho offices be they Democrats or Republi cam (but this event recalls a Democratic SCOTT & politican. HOLT. office-seeke- At r - Wk beg lexvo to annouuco to our that Tine Sun was not issued t ,st week, ami for which wo have many have i oolong. Tho force of our office been very i ie.k since tiio election, and so the malinger, who particularly for several days. I. as been bed-fas- t Obtaining help w.n impossible, for we smt to Provo for printers but none Ciine. Our busy run of job work previous to and on election day was nil uiiNverted cause, and the last, was ttiut i ur compnsitois failed licavywaight p sliuw up four or live days last week. We are not in the hahbit of making spnligies ono way or tlie other, but sickness preveuts the wheel from revolving. Tho foreman and his fores aro on deck ibis week, and will eontiuus right ahead with Tiie Scrr. is cuthusi-rstiewav- Headquarters for (H S3 IQ Wafeehes - Jgwshy, boat IK 32 Dealer iu Poultry, : Fish : and : Gams, I carry a full liue ot . Wha-wha-wh- I-- Iia and tier ITenry (as HU, el cntr'r.s) Tobaccos, Cigars and Fine t Candies, f.ovor. My darling, it 1ms been years, centuries, since I saw you last! Lthcl's Iapa (up d airs, calling to servant) Mary, whom did you let in just now? Mary Mr. Littleton. Ethels PnpaC c l gracious! that's the sixth time hes been here tins week. Harvard Lampoon. Satisfactory Explanation, American Heiress All is over bo tween us, sir. I heard Gen. Knowall H'lIEX THIRSTY THIS IS THE aav you were no count. Count Dollarscel: Ah, but you haf SOLID SILVER SPOONS, FORKS. made irieestuko. Gen. Knowall not say Tho Largest and Best Stuck ia Provo I no count, he say I was no account. Diamonds set and I Oh! am American Heiress yours. ALL COURTESY SHOWN TO CUSTOMERS. Loose to select from N. Y. Weekly. all its iu Repairing A Chivalrous Lad. Branches, First-Clas- s little said "that Willie, "Mamma, Susio Harkins called me a donkey today." "What did you do? THE JEWELER. Well, of course I couldn't slap a litUTAH tle girl, so I told si .tcr Mary, and she PROVO, just Bcratclicd Susie out of sight." Harper's Bazar, , irIEX PUCK TO DRIm n vxgrYch.il axd see me. , JJrov' fcasei Jrov Julius Jensen, Not Interchangeable. fcholly Cholmondeley The wowwleS of this world are past cowweeting. Tub The Art of Kissing. Harold Harrington Wot a misan-t'vuph- e has taken iiscalmy departure. Kissing is, or should leone of the have become; wherefore you flue arts. While there is no imineiiute pbilo-vi- j hizing? lost Tub air is as pure ami Tint Sex shiucs danger of its becoming one of tne Cbolly Cbolmomlclov Tho wing I arts or cveu lusting into iunoxious disas bright as befoie eloctiwtf? fought for Alico Scott don't (it Minnie quietude, still it is just as well to do penee. Jeweler's Circular. stand to art to Thank J. Cannon, who would have what we can keep it up urd. Why He Didn't Cct Iti Degree. V of this made a tine representative Torritoy For beatens sake dont make it bud f;.Prof. Digamma Will you inform the was defeated. ucssofit and dont jump at it with Class, Sir, Porter, where Homer was your hat in one band and yodr overshoes born? Tho tidal wave of Democracy reigns and umbrella in the other. Forter (reflectively) There are eight Dont pounce dow n on a woman's lips which claim to he Homer's birthon high, and the Republican admiuistr places us you would on a pcica of watcr-meloI believe, sir, it is now well hut : ion slumbers for tne wxt four years at place, back head her aud bend or a ripe tomato, settled that only five of them are really least . till you hear the bones cruck in tho back Life. of her neck. Dont glue your face such. Rawlins majority would been consid- aguiust hers and have a good time all to At an Arlgotm font. erable small hi Utah County if it had not ymirsi If while you're flattening her nose iThe Lieutenant (pointing to a canyon) If you dont accept me, tomorrow I been for the Democrats and Liberals ail Over one of her cheeks. Dont take her by both cars atul look (shall bo down at the bottom of that .Tilling. it and then try - to grab eves into her a Ut'Bvo fuMKciuin: nariattv-- n "MKT colonels 'Daughter y J j a few of the things to are l liestj aroid, McKixi.ev dead? to the fact due the that is iory rules will now be tew tariff law effected the voter, hence lie which general at all times be given t The Lieutenant No fishing. Puck. may safely voted tho Democratic tickit. observed. Stand a little bit behind One Load lie Carrlod Alone. Her just on the right aide, place your let! , As wb have always said, Joseph L arm diagouially about her foitn, extend Mrs. McBride George, dear, when Rawlins is a smart and shrewd man mg from her shoulder down to and partly wo were married only a year ago you and will from our judgment niako n good around her wust, until the tips of your said I should help you carry your burflog urea touch her belt buckles. If she dens. . representative of young Utah. don't wear a belt buckle the arm will McBride Yes, love. there just tho same. "Then why didnt you let me help get Now that this campaign .is ended Jot ' Take it easy, Uou t get excited. Take you yesterday? us get right down to business and make your right hand and gently brush the "I dont understand you, love. f her our surroundings prosperous betoro an- guldeu riuglets from the leftside "Why, papa says he saw you with a uiuoaster brow, looking meantime into heavy load on and you never let me help other avalanche strikes ns. iheliuqid depths of her azure ryes you with it. Epoch. fake It dont get excited, let your The Salt Lake lit raid nest day aflei naud resteasy, Too Ha l. gcutly (or a moment on the Miss de Muir (at reception, to stately election was crowned from top to bottom warm velvet of her iiiuk and white left with roosters and other emblems ot cheek. Then gently work the muscles ot young lady) Miss Highup, permit me ihu arm until her rigid cheek tests to introduce my brother Slaj. de Muir. victory, and felt proud of its incensing tii rigid Miss Highup I am glad to meet yon, on your left shoulder just over the inly work during thu cimpaign. watch ocket. Take it easy, 'dont get Maj.de Muir. Are you in the army; hi a hurry, itll keep. Send a little major? Tiie Salt Lake Triou'tti although a einegy along the line of thu left arm. Tho Young Man No, Miss Highup, Hepunllean organ in imtiouul Hues, gave Now f.tHiid still us long as you Can Major is my Christian name. (Miss Highup faints, j Chicago a splemled reiert of election of Gmovem Then Tcmnvu your right check from her left check letting it drop gently umier Ct.KVEl.ANn and the victory of the Dorn lo r chin, work thu muscles id the right Vv anted More. , tho Lastcin arm oevatic party throughout gently. Take it easy, dont Iitu r v ; .. Little Johnny Fizletop was in a .States. Use neck work muscles chin rises, and is store with Ido mother. She et your hand fall gently forwatd, now a Candy Minn; Jlgures ramie of chocolate. bought Tiik Republican party concedes a vie ittle inora emotion down ths left arm "Here, Johnny . tire the three Grace tho as bountiful like uid twin for ripu lips tory In tho late election to the fact tha you," uid Mrs. i , part revealing pearly "O, tna, IM rather have the twelve they liavo made enoimous gains in tin rates behind, through which there steels There arc more of them." west. The chairman of tho Republican apostle. lwct p,rfumt) (lf ,lt.r fr(lgrun, Texas Siftings. clniitiB that I,, rrHl,t thrn well, you know thereat Teiitoiial Central Committee kit? NW iheg, o.p. liavo gained over 100 per a well ns I do, only, take it easy dont it caut got wy. and would r.nt mi Wluwi Whut enn Ik the Cioorc ry, thin in i cut ia Utah since Taking emud, But if youve been drinking matter? Telegram Rays: "Come home to consideration eventually a vic tory hai fit bur, chewing tobacco or eating an inline. !i itch-- . been nude for that party. Tbit tier Italian dinner, this don't Into his Kuhlirhan go, you can Gen,- for n few uo on cou will tin that. iet home b. ter) Tell mo quick, year gains i" my dour, what I ; it? promises the Uquil lican party a majority Monthly Deport. lr Youu r Wife The buby said "mamiu the Toni lory ot Utah. The numbly crop report say the ave- ma." Lite. nge yield for cum iu auveu butts was Let iu Democrats and Republicans Ohm, i la, k Horner. 2!) bushel; Indiana, St; Illinois, Little J i. a I'.arner shako hands and b, friends, now that tin .LX; Iowa, 28; Missouri, 28; Kalian, Sot in a ermr greatest c impaign In history lui been id 3; Nebraska. 28.7 The average yield lleKtauruit mtlng pie; Tlc ptu tt w mince, fhuckwloat ialt.I bushels per acre. s being (ought. The bitt!o field AnJ J v loo )u ntneo New York 14.7; Pennsylvania, 14 3; rlea.od and let friendship once more In Taken vp to uIkhIo In the xky. 12 3; Iowa 10 7. Tho yield Wucomin, Chicago Time. feign iu tlu It arts of s!l citixan, Join f corn average in ,,ovembor return A Hrntlble Ilelurtanr. . Vin I in baud in nuking tint11 pros .2 4 bushels per acio, and promisee ah DeGarry Iiu afraid you nre only P roui and help cieh other in tin iggregate production of a littlu more Inin COO.OOO.nOO bushels. The Atlantic trying to to: cynical when you say that we ot that our welfare linuo, general coaatcropripeiii.il well. In the cotton all girls are mercenary. my n t in tin future cry "lur l lime. state it was iijurud somewhat by cx Merritt I dont think ao. The only ert-iv- o moisture, causing rot aud mould; present I ever made a girl that she 1 THE SUNS" ADVISE. iu some district it w shortened by didn't want to keep was a Uiarv In Ohio the crop is well Judge. drought. Our country will never bu filled with cured, but from drying too rapid tho Imditutiomf of learning until there vtold is very uneven, ranging fiohi 10 to 30 A Combat with Oljrrtloni, per acre. Tho Indiana pto. ' Is mi ftlebU'te dif.ucc between tliureb iuet t in goo I condition on tlm cotly Pc Yout He l)oks like a Greek I tin mutilated no met State. A planted arena and Letter than expected god, M you ay, Augeline; but be Is no man for you ho is a perfect heathen! trends uf a batbaimi people ere placeJ while planting and Iu view of the drouth the local yield arc Angelina Well, aunt. Isnt that all by p'icst aud luofir-o- r abort the tenon voluble, Them is nmdi com. the more reason for my going as a misof mankind, we Shall reap but lilllebt nelit extremely plaint id' tho lightness of the ears nml sionary to him? thick. in a political or leligbou ndrniic, ment I Mto 4 nirs In tlm coh Iu Illlnnia aud the . JalUfaetorjr Indeed. Our govern incut should bn rntiiely siune variability iu thu yield and quality Chicago Mother (to newly-weddeUeAhere. It ts well dried out and ini Ltd purely secular. Tho religious view Ami is George tender, dear? daughter) e Sou: was drouth. by imaged be officii should Injured of a con lid itu any Brido of a Month Almost ns tender by being cut and shocked ton curly. s pupa's cekbratedcuuued corned bcifl .kept entiiely out of ight. lie lould There is much chaffy coru aud h aver Household Monthly, wot he compelled I" k'i'r" '1 npluiou a age weight will be light. olectiou ia over, amt tho j : It good government wc do not want, If we get good government let us have none at all. We all want to lire in a community wlice the law is suprauje, we desire to live beneath its folds, we desire to bo citizens of a government local or nationalso great and so grand that it will coir.maod the respect of alt our surroundings. We cannot exactly say that the election in Spanish Fork went off unitedly, for feeling prevailed between the two parties in regard to the city elect ioh. But good and beloved citizens let us now tako up our tools in our workshops and our duties at the farm, ranch and store and bo united iu our enteritises to build up our homes, and there by cultivate a good feeling in each other as wo walk Side by side a few days ago enemies, but now friends in the bright chunuels of business life. victory.) book which tells all about Come on. I'll rend the instructions while you steer. Both Youths (half an hour later) We're upset. Ooo! woo! woo! Second Youth (floundering around in bhull we do the water) now? First Youth (gasping) I dont n- I've lost tho hook. Good News. W. E' Williams DIAMONDS::. to the inspiration of the Dible, or the An t'liforeseen Linergenry. these All immaculate conception. Find Youth I know where we can things me private tud personal. A hire a bout. Let's go suiting. Second Youth I never sailed a heat, public man should sett lo all religious nor did you, I gw .vs. funciious privately . Youth No; but Ive bought a First the liberate Wo would like also to how to sail a 7171 o i ff if jdlg Miss fnsoc .Jack McCaw, F. iTrott Denlor in Hosal s Fino Watch aud Jewelry Repairing lr. Pa, Bjc at an SPECIALTY. "An mmy lerrow Old Bank BuibiiDg, Main Sr, - June?- JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. u I then Watches, Clocks JL it Ses I knot Tier p ted ' Paysob. taies kornai T Farm Utah Stock it . RASMUS Adorl Sweet NEILSON, Proprietor. 'Olsten Adori: adnt : Sweet ll try a the Who Wants This Spac IV II An, 4E&. Mrs. ' cop ev T - ie! Nora-Mr- i . s. ; . I ?ingl Nora- - ;iuck. ' ij i -- Jr - ?T Vv'-M--:-- v v " . IftSansi). i ' I vi I It ty Itl I T V "The istory oan-lutd- o. , , !.' , "Wh: "Tlia Importer and dealer in Pure Bred Horae of all kiuda. Always keep ou hand a xtoek of ns Fine Bred Horses us eiu lu found in the world, f,,r sale on olio an, I two years time. Hat Full Ilhiod ilolstien Bull for service t 00 season. 'on als fimes. tlingi awake. Wick t- - Wh "ked 'GHAND William Western fr 1 T. JaME "In General p. m. 03 I v. 4 3.20 " 3;U: " 3 12 3 30 " 7 03 Ar. "1st mrioN-- . Xalt Lake, mu no MEN AND cniLDRFNS uLftrillNft, l.TS, 1iHVrt, Pajoai. Eureka, " 8:33 h ,28 h.M gall 7;jo Silver City. Lv. 0:53 J II. Bknm.1 r, Gul Merchandisf Harden aurv I'fittor Iran '"dent Hirer ('UVt i 'lks- .- a in. Ar. 10.10 Xpiing'llle, Spanifli Folk. - Yes Groceries Dry Goods and Local time (aud. not m -:- ii Half S 1 1 hm rommo DEALER IN d d 'fhedt immi m It" " awwat Pssi. Agiul. PANL'ii Fork, add f CATS, 8ilo,;f f lc ,Vl "II, n ii,at Il: "Eac 'fa Iu "Mr. ,"Yc JlOUgli butk. . 'Tirl "Wh 'nibi f |