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Show Ribliahcd every Thursday iu the ingjust north of Malcolm $ .Hughe's, Store by ANDREW JENSEN " & - build-- ' JESSE P. IIOLT ' . AUGUST 11,1808. THURSDAY, PFfICERS or SPANISH FORK PITY lityor, John Jones. Wui. B. Hughes, W. O. Crccr, Rufus p. Snell, onucilors, Thus. C. Holding, Niel Qardnor, Murenus Larsen. . Peter F. Royack. Marshal, Benjamin Wiiliama. City attorney, ym. Crccr. Recorder, Samuel Cornuby, Treasurer, Win. Robcrtkon. Asa'r and Collector, Iluhburd Tuttle. Jexton, John Robertson. City inspector, lluolmrd Tuttle. Pound keeper, Iteea U. James. lm:int justice, J. W. RoLIon. City justice, John P. Jonei. Consfubio, Rccs'D. James. Wutermaster, James Warner. Roail superviscr, James Warner. ' r LOCAL JQTTINCS. CoOt.KH. Helona arc getting ripe. A tine pair of ladies' shoes tor $1.31 at . phiengo Stofp. iy. 0. Crecr has resumed work on bis pew building. Rnssmus Nuilson stalled his steam thrasher going this week. The creamery just this side of Spring pile pays ninety cents per 100 pounds for milk. Mire Grace Gtenfluld of Salt Lake City is visiting for a week with our postmis tress, Miss M. E Bhkubton. Boro To the wife of Bishop Marinus Larson a bouncing baby girl, on Tuesday night. Mother and child doing well. The Iron pillar for W, I). Creer paw building was made at the foundry in Spanish Fork by Mr, Larsen. All sizes of satchels and valises at . the from 50c. to fl.QQl i nch in connection with all' grades of truuks from a largo traveling to (he smallest. Co-op- Williams & Paterson are still in the lead with a full lioe of groceries, vegetire ables, fine candies, summer-drinks- , cream ini hot peanuts always on haud. We are now located iu the basement of Alalcolin and i(ughe)' store, where we have pliiuty of room, apd where it ia nice aud cool. Call in and see ps, and subscribe for Tins Sun Tommy Creer is building a neat dwelling house on bis lot io tlio northern part of the city on east aide of main atreet. The brick stork i completed and Uej are putting on the roof. - A.T. llestuiHi k of the Ogden Standard hccompaiued by his yrife, formerly Mis .lost of this city were in town a few days last week vesitipg with friends. Tie gave ui a very pieaaant call. . .The Spauiah Fork bares sway in the land with prices and quality to bring trade, to guarantee satisfaction and keep in the lead with a fine line of cysrything needed and useful. Clearing Out Sale. In order to make room for our immense stock of fall goods we will l all goods on hand wen cheaper than our usual luw prices. Chicago Store. Co-op- ac-l- William Crecr and wife. Mayor Jones and wife, C. W. Booth, sod the editor of ibis paper went to Garfield beach last Saturday with tin teachers excursion, where they had a most enjoyable time. B. F. Woodward's new house is nearly ompletcd. It is a beautiful building aud an ornament to our city. Mr. Wood ward should be commended for his taste and enterprise in errceting so nice a buiMimr contributing aa it docs to the Iwatitifyieg and building up of our city. Grand Excursion to Cacuk Vali.ky. All who desire a cheap and ploaaunt visit to Logan Cash Valley ami intermediate places can have this pleasure by going with the Scandinavian Excursion, Fare for round August 17th and INth nip bv the U. P. R. R. from Spanish Fork $4.00. For the annual Grand Lodge Meeting A. O. U. W. to be held at Salt Lake City Ang. 17 to 20, the I'onion Pacific will c'.l round trip ticket from all points on their lino at the rate of on ami fare. Certificate plan. S. G. IlmviJON, Agent Spanish Fork. About aeventy persons went from panisli Fork to Castilla last Saturday evening. There must have been at least 1500 there enjoying themselves dancing and Lathing. Col. and Mrs. Pat kcr were present. The Col. addressed the assembly for a short time, and Mrs. Parker recited in a very realistic manner two Irish pieces. one-fift- h The other day our reporter called at Hales Brothers' planing mill, and found llyrum ail wreathed in smiles. On in-- l Hiring what could las the cause of his happiness he said: "You should see what a fine boy we have up home, by lixotgn it is enotigb to make a fellow smile." The behe and mother are doing writ end Uy. Is Improving fast. NEWS SALEM motion of It. I. Sueli $10.25 appropriated to cotnmitteu on public grounds to pay for one lawn mower. the The marshal called the attention of council to the ice cream and summer Correspondents Semi drink parlofa stating that the?1 were kept Two A in he Met Regular Session open all day of a Sunday and that They Us Item Thi Veelfr i .i believed other goods were also sold. Tuesday Evening. Councilor Creer moved that it be the sense of the council that the marshal be fl. Taj lor Writ Jo Poetry-- Z, instructed to enforce more strictly tbs XoUrlus Deferred what was ofe red hup, prefering to wait for what lit Conslrieratil Ilculon Over Malcolm A laws of Spanish Fork city, and close ice Meet With an Accident, Wa,: I Carried. O'clock. 11 at cream . License parlors Jensons Liquor Councilor of motiion Hughes On Tele meeting adjourned till the 10th isnt. One Stormy night young Pqndtown seef the Belie; Benediction by Councilor Hughes. to out village Struck The city council met in regular session Shaved up slick and dressed up neat, to the side of little Nell. Tuesday evening, August 0, 1883. Mayor The Springville Planing Mill. lie flew Jones iq the chair. the maideu cried , Roll cull showing Councilors Hughes, On August 1st Harry Brooks took "Pete, old boy," Creer, Snell, Holding and Boyuck pre- chiiTge of the above mill as proprietor, Of pleasure you know Tin very fond, the matter with taking a ride, sent, and Councilor Gardner came ia a having succeeded M. Klingler & Son. What's tho few minutes later. that Ou body of water known us a time for was Brooks superinlong The minutes of last meeting were then Mr,' old pond. tendent oi these works under the read and approved. management, and now as owner, having art navigation was new to Pete, petitions . thorough koqwledgo of the butiacs--Hu The feared he'd find it watery' grave, He Jensen A Malcolm'applied for a retail he will undoubtedly be successful. but It w as safer to walk' in the street. of and kinds the does all not licence, planing, having presented liquor ouly Than tossing about on a surging wave. required bond Councilor Hughes moved deala in lumber, lath, shingles and all a that the petition he allowed, When con- kinds of building materia1, and keeps lady found a more gallant tar" siderable discussion followed. general assortment of doors, windows, TheWho did not fear the surging wsve. Hue Snell' of nuul lings was a full blinds and Councilor unalterably opAnd though on laud there's a brighter lie fills orders promptly posed to granting liquor or pool licenses, and casings. fstar, lie thought the council should be nu n and guarantees satisfaction In all his For aayigable purpose there is a Duve, enough to set their feet upon the matter work. In addition to the above be is a and stop the liquor traffic in our midst, contractor and builder for which plans did float, and estimates will be furnished on ap- With musical revelry they lle'said he would vote against it. Tno wind did howl and the water rave Councilor Creer' was opposed to plication. matter which will Floundering about in the rolling boat, licensed saloons and liceuscd pool tables Qna important Washed ashore by tho raging wave. is the fact that in the iiis success or to add tame room, buildings greatly being ruq in was he an tin to weeks with cnteiande frorij galoou holy pool iwo joined ago Warm was my love, but now 'tis cold, table, he thought the council would do bonda of matrimony to Miss Violet He gets it in a few days. We want Tireshcrmcnt opt Was the lovely ladys lonesome lament well to remit their pool license aud clove Robinson, an estimable young Indy of held to my hold, I bold With epumge 8un in Tiik would he Then vote Summit that part down, Coalville, county. Or to the bottom Id surely went. ter examining it and the wori it can accomplish, Theta favor of the petition. wishes him 11 the joys, happiness, pence his io com success Creer saiu the and other every Attorney judiciary prospciity, a calm on of sea, fond sailing mittee hat) a bill prepared providing that married life that he has enjoyed in his "Im In the strong arms of a lover locked ; as good an advertisement as no minor be allowed to engage in pool business career. But Im not so fond on the waters to be game or to frequently visit saloons or When passions wave is roughly rocked. pool rooms; had bbserved minors goiu Court. County in and out of these places nearly' every This lovely maid with auburn hair, dy. The following business was transacted ' Councilor Complexion fair and actions sweet, said: Mr. Malcolm Holding a wrong she can't repair ou Committed last: court in Friday tiie pm.ity is present, aud I would like to ask him tho heads" of J)ave and turning By what liia intentibnk are iu regard to don of r a of tbe The mitib change necessity Pete. to referred the law. iu he office of county jailor was forming Mr. Malcolm replied that he had not to Judge Joue and Selectman liolduway. the weather was stormy and rough been nvyare that they had been breukiu This committee subsequently reported Again And again in glee the maiden cried, of the becu notified the law, had never on the putter, aud also iu relation to . iTs there (mother village tough fact, had heard more about the matter paying the sheriff a sulary. The mutters Who would like to commit suicidel to night than he had ever' hearij before. had beeu carefully considered, and the the Manufacturers, or ourselves could desire. IU He desired to observe the law, aud bad county attorney had been consulted and tio bartender not to the committee whs ot the opinion that There's' figurative method of writing, always sell to minors nor to drunken men. To interpret, our patience is tried ; the.pqblic would bo subserved by estCouncilor Holding thought we shouhl ablishing a fiiliiry for the slier. ff and the The verses above in the inditing, give them a trial under the new law, for employment of a competent jailor. Are facts; figurative and implied he had no doubt but thnt the amendment They therefore recommended that the Tho hum of the thresher is to be heard vyould become a law; hence would vote salary of the sheriff be fixed at $2,000 per in favor of the petition. in Salem. The weather is not so warm he and that annum, payable quarterly, as it has been, but we are having plenty Councilors Hughes, Gardner nod be required to employ, at his own t con petent jailor, provided, Piovu of wind which is a drawback to threshing Royack, expressed their views in regard to flie matter and wyr in favor of grant- city pay one third of the compensation of and liny hauling. Salem Ims the reputaing the license and then instruct the said jailor; the salary provided (or. to bn tion of being the Melon City of Utah marshal and police officers to more in lieu of all fee provided by law for couuty, and people fiom our neighboring servic-- in ciimiuul cases, the county to settlements are beglning to visit our st'iptly enforce the law. The question w as thep put with the pay all uecessury expenses, incurred in burg for the purpose of satisfying their Yeas, Councilors apprelieiol-nand rapturing prisoners; appetite for the luscious iruit. following result: Hughes, Creer, Iloldiug, Royack and upon voucher submitted nud approved Generally sneaking, the health of tho Gardner. No, Councilor Snell. by the County court. The committee community is good. Bounteous harvests everywhere, J. Frank Pickering presented peti further recommended that the rate of ti n asking to be allowed tp lease or buy board paid for county prisoners be fifty 35.8. Taylor has biyn attending the the old cannon belonging to to the city. cents per day; also, timt the employment Teachers Summer Schi,nint the B.Y.A. On motion of Councilor Creer the peti of a j mitor and gaidm-- for the caie of Provo. lie has nothing but words of tiou was not granted. the Court House and grounds bo re pra e for Col. Parker and aids; Monday ferred to a committee. Report adopted, morning Mr Taylor started for Proro and UKfORTS. and Judge Jones and Selectman Hold was riding in a road part, ns he was pasTim finance committee reported on tbe Mr. Robert Sheens residence somemarshal's bill of $110 . 5.j, ai,d repora away appointed a committee as recom- sing one fired ague which frightened the horse mended. ided that the same be allowed. The county rec- rder appeared and and in crossing the dam collided with On motion of Councilor Hughes the asked the court to build a vault in the a horseman, upsetting the cart and was and the report accepted aiqount basement of the Court Rouse for the nc violently throwing Air. Taylor to the appropriated. The finance committee had examined ooinmodation of the recorder. The court ground fracturing hi knee. The horse Offered to thp Threshermen in tlm trill of the chief of police amounting made a personal investigation ia relation and cart rolled down the embankment, to $127.50, and recommended that it he to the need of supli a vault, apd found breaking s shaft of the cart. there was sufficient room iu the vault Not a tats. allowed, Salem. August 10, 1893. Councilor Hughes moved (list the re now constructed to hold all the county on motion of Selectman Jones, port lie accepted and said amount be records; The readers of tho Enquirrr will the recorder was instructed to see (lift all Gained. per appropriated. talk The fiuanca committee reported on the the records of Utah county lm deposited haps remember noticing consul-rub- le about Air. Fred Cuson aril Mrs. Sarah in the vault or safe every night. report of the juatice of the peace, John Court adjourned. It meets as a hoard A. Hatch getting married. Some Jones, and on motion of Councilor he was no good, others on the lGth inat. of thought equalization same was the thought Hughes accepted. he would soon bo and a gieat The decree In tbe case between Span many opinions were paused about him. ish Fork city and Julia Hales was read, Ran She Away. Now I think it Is no more than justice to For further particulars call upon theowner allowing that the matter bad been comCarl Grotrgut is in a sad plight at the Mr. Cason to say that he is hre yet, promised and amicably settled, and that the said Julia Italei was to vacate the present time he being minus a wife sud with a fair prospect of stopping. His land in controversy ; moving all fences, child. A little over a week ago she desir- chhracter seems to he strictly moral . He etc ., by the 1st of October. The council ed to go to Salt Lake City to spend a doe not fear work ami my opinion at is that he will make a very good agreed that it would be well to notify all week with some friend. Cuit of course present other persons in like prcdicameul that readily consented wishing her to purchase citizen. We should not be too hasty ii a return ticket, but she insisted on buy. judging str ingers. ttiey also varate. Jesse Ilu tier of Spanish Fork and AnMr E. II. Johnson was present for an iug her ticket but oue way to Salt Luke. nie Sorenson of this pluce were united A few days after Carl for some reason answer in regard to purchasing lots be becaiii suspicicout and went up to Salt in wedlock on the 9th inst., by Justice longing to the city. The romniittee on public grounds re- Lake, to investigate lur wherealmut and Soren of this place. Tho health of tne people is generally ported that the lota were there alright imagine if you can his disappointment Co. but that they bad not decided as to price and giief when callng upon the friends pretty good . The threshing maclimc tins begun ,u or esle of tame, but as no time was she had spoke of visiting to find that hum and the golden grain to pour into designated for them to hand in tlioir re- Done of them had seen nor heard of her the farmers' bins. And up to the present time no trace port they would take tbe nutter under Success to Tnit Sun. can be found of tier w hereabouts. Rruub. further advisement. Salem Aug. 10. 1S92. fconlldent now ia she Rut Carl that has ORDINANCES. one James llarr who at one A bill amending ordinance lit), per- eloped with Ye have a limited supply oi Alinneapu'l time boarded with them and who for to of license hoard the and lodgtaining A full stock of men's been corresponding with has sometime heavy shoes at ing houses; 13d pertaining to license of but Carl who had implicit confidence $1.00, at Chicago Store-us- unl price hacke, calis, omnibuses or drays, agents hor; in his wife suspected nothing. fl.ld, or cauvassers of picture for eularging or she what have motive could And for Milk cans kept for sals at the Soring-vill- a retouching, second hind dealers, telecommitting so rash so net we can not creamery. graph, telephone or express companies: see for it appear that Carl fairly worsh131 pertaining to the keeping of pool Tin choicest butter and cheese for treated as and her as good could sale at the and billiard rooms wts introduced and iped her Springville creamery. i be and the por man nearly crazed read for information. If you have any extra milk wrtli grief. II had liecnine greatly git your On mstion of Councilor Holding it attached to his little girl; when returning neighbors to club with you, get acan and passed to its second reading. it take the to from hi day' labor was delighted with creamery, where you will A bill for an ordinance providing for receive cash for same at end of each Made by Walter A. Wood & Co . Wo offer same under ,,r0t the election of city officer wa intro, her innocent prsttle and loved to listen to month. of her little floor leet the the patter upon duccd and read for information, after Take your milk to the but now when the dim shadow of evening Springville which, on motion of Councilor Crccr it hoyrr over his home and be wends his creamery where you will get ninety cents was tabled. 100 weary footsteps thlthar, no childish voice per pounds for same, and can get CLAIMS. greet his ear, no toddling feet hasten to your cans filled with sour milk for ten A Carload of Celebrated Binding Twine The claim of James Hutchison for meet him, no loving arms encircle Ids cent each. celebraa banner the 24th lor painting neck, no rosy lip imprint a kiss upon Dissolution of Partnershlp. tion, amounting to $3,00, on motion of his cheek, there is no merry laughter Councilor Boyack was allowed and the ringing in his home, but a dread silence The partnership heretofore existing amount appropriated. reigns supreme. Is The claim of Win. Jex for lumber II enters! the tears steal down hi fsce dissolved this do-opgfatiday hy mutual coussut, W. furnished for ditches amounting to $28,. SI. saddness of raises in his throat Thomas will continue the business, lump on motion of Councilor Crser was r till it seems 'twill choke him, Ids heart is and wi pay all debts by the firm ferreJ to the committee on irrigation. broken and he can not le comforted, and collect all bill dueowing same. Councilor Crecr moved that the re- hut in the anguish of Ids soul lie cry out Wm.M. Thomas, corder be instructed to certificate "Ob I what have I done that eo much T. F. Axtimrt, Ojsxt. for tbe payment of city officers. Carried. troqbtc should befall me." SraNisit Ions, Aw. 1, imj. CITY COUNCIL 1 jOu sphii is a dais Whsis a , sa-sl- Steam Threshing Outfi RUSSEIA&(siOMASIM,( The Most PM s . r Threshing Outfit HHP&iBI i&EIID mit-ain- i Isaac Hanson ts tent. I).! Benjamin, Utah local items. Harvesters and Bind if, Ti "0 hi f u np b ii x: jut YG a0n ODELL, Oil Mah!It rei '! K U |