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Show ! train might pass, and ior two nours MISS RUSK.'V everybody was kept the closest I J worosTwho I the Light ef er. All the doors and windows inprison each car were closed and locked, and niI Jerry' Household. special ladies cabinet L fcw of the sentries were posted to see that no one 'Lliington that the diplomatic attempted to open them. During the '.kely have energy enough to preparations for the czars trip there The Blaine was an almost total heir social rounds. cessation of postal ' Mor-- : President Vice and gay; telegraphic communication between since trans- i, household long and thence Moscow and tU Petersburg for two Ju to Ehinebeck whole days. Ll:TTY 1 A Sound Institution. Bank Director I am surprised, sir, to learn that you drop into our bank every day and whisper tips to our cashier. Don t you know the information must be a great temptation to him to use the bank funds to speculate with? , Wealthy Broker Yes. And yet you are a heavy stockholder In our bank." Just so." Then, in the name of common sense, whats your motive?" fcil, the fact Is I don't know whether your cashier is honest or not; but if he isn't honest, and if he does use the bank funds to speculate with, I want him to keep on the right side of the market. See? N. Y. Weekly. ' , For Callers. Mr. Upholsterer, I would like to IflM JtABT EDITS BUSK. buy a nice reception chair. Something new." rpcjMrs. Wanamaker and hei We have just the thing, inadame. rhave also gone to Europe Here it is. Made especially for our etor is in Vermont; Mrs. Wil is go trade. Take a seat on it f Mr. Tracys daughter, Dear mel Why, this chair is awful! t married; Mrs. Noble is goinf Mrs. Attorne;. I fcOuklnt sit on it five minutes. I never Seld Springs; sat on such an uncomfortable thing in Miller will go for awhile U my life! lf, as the guest of Mrs. Harri Mrs. Jerry Rusk, like the gooc Exactly, madam. That is just the that she is, is idea. You sec, it is made for callers." ,ible housewife her beautiful rural home at Harper's Bazar. Wis,, to put up her fall pre-i,n- d A Good Reason. r. Mrs. ltusk At a social gathering a widow did not .Teat deal more interest in her in tripping the light fantastic at Viroqua than she does in engage toe. A gentleman approached her and mil's fight with Emperor Wil-- . , President Carnot as to whether asked: Are you going to dance this eveniran hog shall be received at road. Mrs. Rusk cares nothing ing? Not until after midnight" ie tog, except as he appears i .'Why not leforc? ill in her sausage machines or y Because is the anniversary arrels. Her charming daughter of second husband's death. Texas my i a less. She guys her amiable Siftings. a his agricultural fads, and tells she and her mother can make Ry the Card. utter at home and give better cnollie Er aw Miss Figg, may I ir it than can his wisest of ex dare to offeh my heart and hand to the he' fairest of her sex, the wose without a department of agriculture, thorn? i ary Edith Rusk, says the GuiMiss Laura Mr. Sophleigh, you are ld, is the only living daughter While governor of the fourth to propose to mo in those 'cretary. . .a,and when the family were very same words. Yai-aAll of onab fellahs use Chollie Madison, another daughter jt I a Rusk is the light of her that fawm of pwoposal. dont'rherknowr. I household. She is about Indianapolis Journal. j if pretty figure, cleanly molded Gambling Item. 1 1 and quiet demeanor, yet when First Police Captain I am going to she is very vivacious and ever f ' put a stop to this gambling business in repartee. I'.eman laughingly observed the my precinct. Second. Police Coptaiti A good idea ."If Uncle Jerry Rusk, with It is a disgrace to the city, but I dont Is and balloons and all that sort think you can stop it. J, means to bring clouds and Ill bet a hundred, I can. Id wet, I'll bet that if he takes Ill go you, old man. Texas Sift,ter along her smile will upset ings. plans. No cloud could with f sunshine of . Fower of Will. that smile, even e of Uncle Jerrys own make." Expectant Nephew How is my rich ' i. uncle to day? , i JACKSON STATUE. Much better. H!s Family Doctor will keeps him alive. Wrk of Art Recently Iuvelled t Letlngton, V. Nephew (sadly) Im afraid thats so. toe, which is by Valentine. Is Ho mado his will in my favor twenty nze and of heroic size. The yea?s ago, and I dont believe hell die Good Jackson is clad in a full suit while that will is in existence. crate gray, the Newsshow-etllace gold on his coat sleeves - Ills tfev. rilnk Flunk oh Donation. aeased in a pair of heavy cardo membahs of dis congregashun If s the tops reaching midway who are so liberal in donatin buttons e knee. Ilis sword hangs by to ,de basket, do ah breddem, would a its scabbard. In his right de program A little by ttrries his Held glasses. The only chango an thread once In needle in a u and his long hair is thrown droppin awhile fo de purpose ob sewin on dose his broad forehead his buttons de pastor would feel deeply N. jrateful for dere thoughtfulness. Y. Herald. Four of a Kind. apple-butte- . to-da- - s. i HW HOW CHEESE IS MADE. Facts Which Ara Not a Widely Known They Should Re, The first stage in the making of cheese is that by which the curd is separated from the whey, says liar-per- s Young People. This is done by heating the milk to a given temperature, varying according to the season, and afterwards adding a certain proportion of rennet When the cheese is to be colored, the dyeing matter is put in before the rennet. In less than half an hour after the heat has been the coagulation has so far progressed that the curd, from which the whey has been drawn, is ready to be cut. Almost the only instrument used in the making of cheese is the curd-knifa curious looking arrangement something like a double comb with long teeth. The immature cheese is both cut and stirred with this, the curd being separated into small bits, none of up-pli- nr u MALOLM & HUGHES, JC f A Frlund' ' , ' "v Hardhead I sea. Hammerer Well, the unexpected rounds startle me so that I forget the aotes and get thrown out Hardhead Well, I think thats pretty rough. They might tell you to stop, or or something, hit you with a chair-lobut I dont think they ought to throw rou out N. Y. Weekly. a ltuneo Steerer. man rushed up to a quid old gentleman in city hall park and . said: How do you do, Mr. Jones?" , Excuse me, but you have the ad. vantage of me." Are you not Mr. Jones? . No, sir; yovl are mistaken's tbydilnie a Smith." . 4 Are you sure?" (.. Of course I am. You are mistaken." Are you quite, certain, Mr. Smith, that it is not you who are mistaken? May you not be Mr. Jones after all, Mr. Smith?" Texas Siftings. mjmmnow, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc. Main Street, SPANISH FORK. red-face- d William mn "s-,- CHEESE OUT 6p IBESS, tliem being larger than an ordinary walnut. The stirring and heating must go on until the curd has reached a proper stage of what is called digestion. It is then torn Into narrow strips like ribbons, for the curd by this time is as firm in fiber as the breast of roasted chicken, and indeed looks like it These strips are then fed into the salting mill, where they are thoroughly mixed with salt, and made ready for the cheese press. Enormous pressure is applied in this cheese press in order that all the whey that by any wssibility remains may be squeezed out. From the press the cheese is taken to tlie drying room, a large airy chamber, where it is left for days, months, or even years, according to the quality desired. It is frequently turned, and much care is expended on it. All cheese must go through the same stages, the different Varieties being made by certain combinations of cream, fresh and skimmed milk. . At tpe Restaurant. 1 .George (toying with his spoon) dont think much of the oysters we get out here. Theyre little tasteless things, and half of them never grew in regular oyster beds at all. .They were ust picked up anywhere. Oysters ah ways ought to be cultivated. Laura (yielding to the force of the argument) I. think I could cultivate another dish, George. Chicago Trib- . A Monument Erected at Nice by th French Government. , The city of Nice recently honored one of her most celebrated sons, Guiseppe Garibaldi, by erecting a monument to his memory. The renowned revolution aty leader, who helped to unite Italy and proved himself the most bitter enemy of the petty medieval despots who reigned in the small principalities of Italy up to the middle of the nineteenth centuty, was lorn at Nice when it belonged to the kings of Sardinia. He lived, fought and died n Vegetables, TStCi Sash Paid fep )rd Preceding copper run after the pants: The culprit pants sftcr the at sea In Obedoor South oi Itnckhill Hotel, gale of wind became very much ' , , frightened.we 'Oh dear! oh dear!" 6he cried, shall all go to the bottom! Mercy, how my head swims!" Don't be afraid, madam!" said one You never of the sailors, soothingly. can go to the bottom while your head iwims!" Harpers Young Feople. Spanish Fork, Utah; - . Pillshury isnt as black as he is painted." That's true; but neither is ho hs i white as he is washed., Judge. - d Hard to Schedule. Minnie Ilow can von say that Marriage is a Failure when you have Ethel ami me, pupa. Papa Ah. you sec the trouble is that I don't know yet whetheryou two ought lo figure stnoi'g the assets or the liabilities. Life. A t u Modern Solution. BKAVt FELLOW. FOR t No One So . . Antique, I suppose this love with in lady 'you are old family? good Van Rents Oh, yes, mammal ncK. Of tlio oldest in Chicago- .-! ills Mamma ,tTle asd tedestal ahd his eagle eye fiicswih. t which the 'tktal on nv Ju, , tL, a,, i(u ox fee; ttie "r" l! tl' flfth Is 4x3 feet 18 th Is 3x3 feet, on which Tle granite base Isk .brotuo plaque 1 foot, and kto NTf hrl Trav.l hs tuatter for . ordinary l5v0ui.',e fzarof Russia starts thvr day, when ha 1 bt r ' i j, . tershurg to Moscow, a ,?CMnHo proceeding la fdcr that the Imperial Bound Advice. unlettered Brethern." said the is western preacher, ''laziness at t.nc life of bag makes the pantaloons tM In knees and puts h fringe ground i toms of the legs. shuttered Hopes. ' And has MWs .Amateu' jjwniy theatrical r.sp! ati..ns? art. she was wedded to liir even go so tar as a didn't It Oh. nt! i A XU. w s Jovial Spirit. Yotir husband was a great Whittaker? rendered by joker, wasnt ha, Mrs. Italian, but the assistance Awful, and such Whittaker Mrs. r the hrru to the French in slang; when I meet him Germany has also giventhus the idea wm grave I expect hint to push hi crown on ino on the the French heart, and uunt tho back of bis head, slap conceived by the French govern Ah, there, White and yell: back off rooting monument Wings." Jury. the rcn The statue was modeled by la Danger ol III Life. , sculptor, Deloye. Chappie MawD, Cliolly. Hows Tel CABnULDl STAlCE AT SICE. d ' Ilrat. don t you go to t where. ' Neglected Wifo-W- hy WOur"lnd(.nocro-wcil)-Iaintgo- t .Seine, you know. ham ; Cliolly Vowy low, ddah.bby. lie and more second a attacked was by iCtealt idea lawst night, and hes Life. ducadful weak ? . to-da- nNegloct'd offered you Wife-Dea- SinUh con. C It Naturally Follow. Mr. nun' 'u'ubfndVThe Bloobumper Young Ihdadulphla 1 A Mrs. Dix tlf Cugag'.'montl'jjjL Mrs- ' Good Meaaure. Customer You didnt leave any ice bore yesterday. I (lid. Didnt you no Icemart-Yc- a, ticc a small dump spot on the sidewalk? Customer Yes. Ieeman Well; that was your iee. It melted lie fort I could get it into tin Weekly. house. M umu-y. ' Verlll,e r - a tabby-ca- t What's the matter? asked mew was who of her oldest kitten, I heard Weare shamefully misused. look a tnan say 'a cat may for us to look and there U no king here at." Judge. s -- Curtailed. rrlvllcgr sr i She Oh, Charlie, here comes a bull! What shall t do? llc- -I will save you. Stay hero while I run for help. Munseya Weekly.- . Vi OalYi and dhiekanii ynericus What do you suppose FeteT did lifter lie found that ho had been roblied to pay Paul? , . Curt Probably he had Paul arrested os an accessory after the fact. Life. Identify Him. thto !I cant give yotf the money on Identicheck nnlfiss you get some one to teller. fy you," said the payingback the check The stranger took word. IIo and went out without a ne had case, knew it was a hopeless Imtod the of once been vice president Life. States. , Bali Bologne Fresh Every Day: In No IHuiger. A fashionable lady, who was A Happy Medium. STATUE OF GARIBALDI. M. Thomas, DEALER IN- - A thief prigging pantaloons, caught By S cop. the old sergeant appall By saying: "Putin your report: I'm ono of that cop's over hauls. That thief In the coolef he plants, the set by a pun-n- yon Lpplj Ban. Opinion, Hammerer Ill have to get a new piano. My old one is all worn out The action Is too uneven. Hardhead The action! Whats that? Hammerer I mean some of the keys go down too hard and some too easy. 1 become accustomed to it, and then when I play on a new piano in some one else's house I hit some keys too bard and others not hard enough. Under-Stand- ? y ?i: Tima 53 m S3 Good News. A 'H n' " DEALERS IN out? Husband I dug forty feet underground with a two-tine-d fork, and then cut my way through two feet of stone wall and ten inches of boiler iron with a saw made out of a tin diuner plate. Probably rVv;vfY) . . ! Same Husband (ten years later) Hist! Say, wife, Ive escaped from the Gimme some other penitentiary. clothes, so I kin light out again. , Wife My, myl How did you gel g, til iJlth to got to file fence his fix can no shariH-- hisroU- go- -1. it- - I - Not Worth Hearing. He Now, rememlicr, Miss Kit.,y what I am going to tell you is a secret, ind you must keep it better let it go. MJ F he Then you had What is a secret to mo H I cant tell it? Jury, , ft rn ONLY $2.00 PER YEAR: |