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Show V mns VICE. Published every Thursday ia the ing just north of Malcolm & , Hughes' Store ly Imild-- f ANDREW JENSEN & J ESSE P. MOLT Duiunci the heated term tho anarchist is in his native element. Tub President has approved tho act to 'inforce reciprocal commeicial relations between bttowa this jfua ahead. Mu. country and Canada, does not so approve, and there is - Caiiheoie has decided not to interfere in the Homestead trouble. In lliia lie is making a mistake, and we nonestly believe tho great essayist feels that he is, The Italian government will send the statue of Columbus to this country on liourd the transport (hrujliano, convoyed by an Italian warship. Well, Columbus was a good man. ' Bah City, Mich., had a fire July 25th, in which over four hundred buildings were destroyed. The great Pine City may easily built up again;but it will he with leis pice this time. I 'on no Bill, granting twelve a m!uth' to army nurses, was passed in ilc Senate, after being amended. Tho measure will now bn subject to tho setion of a conference committee before so thing further can he done. The nurses should get their pensions if there is anything left in the strong box' ' 0KCIIETAItT OF TUB THE 'BURT FOSTER favors the appointment of alditional inspectors at Ellis Island to prevent the jaudingof tin polled contract lahores, the iuspectois to lie chosen from ninoug the labor organizations, llio bchrmc, however, must Arid have the appioval of , Wkbeb of Immigration (omtuis.-ione- r fhe port of New York. If labor is down at Homestead, it is growing stiong in New York. A Dill for good country mads is be- fore Congress. toi s national It provides Vico is a monster of such frightful mien, As, to be hated, needs but to be seen; Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then embrace." Alexander Pope, one of Englands greatest poets, fully realized and understood the character of the terrible destroyer of peace and happiness, when he wrote the above lines. He lived a great deal in the large cities of Ins country, and there had an opportunity of witnessing, with his own eyes, some of I the fruits that spring from it. As be hae so truthfully portrayed it, we find it in almost every case.corrohorat ing his words. For instance, let us take an innocent country lad and take him to the city, place him before the gambling tablo and ask him to take a hand, ia almost every case he will shuddcnngly answer you with an emphatic, "No, sir," while in his fuce you cau read disgust and ' loathing, and a certain degree of shame that he has allowed himself to even come within the confines of gambling den. But the first lntroduc-tioover with, we will soon find him there again; a peculiar magnetism, which seems to attend every form of vice, has drawn him there to watch the fallen victims engaged in their facinating pas time. Bo he continues to come again and again, until becoming familiar with the sight, it do longer has that terrible look that it hud w hen first he saw it. lie endures it without that instinctive shudder which passes over his frame when for the first time it broko upon his innocent view. Continued association with the inmates of this ruinous hell breaks down every barricade with which innbcence was fortified, and vice con quors in the struggle. lie begins to find excuses witli which to screen the partici pant, and cover up the more glaring facts beneath an artificial cloak of justi fication. He begins to pity the poor victims who have given up to its devour ing grasp, and ut last entirely firsakes Ids former life of innocent bliss, for that of vice and debauchery. No longer does he look upon the new gilded serpent with a look of horror and disgust; familiarity lias changed ttie once disgusting spcctailn into n gaudy, ficinat-inbuttcr-fibunging him on to the brink of that yawning abyss destruction, and so enraptured Is lie in the pursuit of ds favorite pastime his eyes are so en grossed with the apparent beauties of his chosen occupation the glitter of the worshiped gold leads him on, on, until lie sinks a wreck of w hat was once the makiug of a man, into the yawning gulf, ruined, disgraced, and utterly lost. g jioard to take charge of the project, and to be composed of five Senators, five Representatives and five privi to citizens. Immediate action ia expicted to follow the passage of the idil. It is proposed fo make an ixhibit at the worlds Pair of ad the latest devices for intelligent and economical ro-- ihuiiding. Everybody and then should get ahoai this wug-mwe may all take a ride. the furf ituro of LisT life, at one time,! beyond a doebt, would have shuddered and grown sick at the atory of such a crime as he has, after years cf aesoceation with vice of every name and nature, at last committed, and'now stends on the brink of eternity with a soul as black as no of hades, ' and the shades save future r.f a beyond, hope it he one of torment and torture. And o it a with all the various forms of vice; at imt they appall, but after a time their hidebusness wears off and they begin to fake On a more mild form, until at last they appear almost attractive, and before the victim scarcely is aware of it he finds himself in their grasp, and irrev voenbiy lost. It is ody by constant vigilance and a strong self will that humanity can hold themselves aloof from this universal plague, for it has so many forms that, unless closely guarded against, they will find their way into the heart, F. W. Jackoi the Olmtaclr. "Fair charmer, exclaimed tho raptured youth, "bo miner1 1 WILLIAMS & PATE 3B SB EJ 33 S , Dealers io Poultry, : Fish : and : Gay We carry a full line ot Tobaccos, Cigars and Fine NOW READY! . Winged Words I'ltiloned. Primus IIow do you like my translation of Iliad? Secnrdus Well, sir, you have removed the impression that Homer.some times nods Primus Oh, thanlc you-Becundus According to your version he seems to do so habitually. Judge. Starvation, of American Politics, as applied to Utah, reduced to Plain Language A Handbook and Easily 200 pages. s. HANDSOMELY ... Opposite the Harrison Louse. AND BOUND. U. S. GRANT, Prop. Springvillc, The most useful book of the kind ever published. Indispensable as Ready Reference on all local and general Political 8ubjecU. Utah Saturday morning a cat ran its head into an empty oyster can, in the rear of our office, from w hich it was unable to The poor thing was extricate itself. when found by our new reslmost dead lie attempted to aud rescued, porter write up the rat astrophe, but being new ia the business did not explain matters properly, though Lis style is quite simple and unique.' Hero is the wsy be do scribed it: Saturday morning. At ten. A cat. A can. Cat into can does crawl. Head tight to ran did stick. A man. Head out of can. Its condition made it sick , nr C F. McCaw. m pi p V r 3 : The Histories between of and Differences the Parties Plainly Told. Watches, Clocks caPEc ixLZjrs", Sr, .. cjL Dealer in Main r I Paysok. n - PRIBTBD KIIUTSFORD lute-pUnt- Chili has agreed to dollars ns in thousand pay soeeuty-fivBoatswain's of families the to demuity Mate Rioaur and Sailor Turnbull, and were injured iu the jo the sailors who summer io Valparaffair last laltimore I The body of Riouis has been aiso. exhumed aud will be , brought home for burial. The affair which almost led to war is thus amicably settled. It is even announced that Minister Eoan has at last become acceptable to- the Chilian Gov srnmeut. Chili is to be congratulated upon doing her best to bo a fair, square republic. Under- stood Explanations, of nearly THE UTTLE TRIBUNE Tub government of US. . "Hello, Cad! Wlmt are you eating?" ' Toothpick., That nil? Ye Ouly got thirty cents, and after I've tipped the waiter I'll only have five. Cca't get anything here for five cents." llurpers Bazar. THE SALT LAKE the explanation. dl POLITICIAN tampering vice. Thus she at last embracer this Daily, 333 issues per year.... $12 00 We 'y, 12 pp. HO col., peryr. 3 00 mo, ister so hid. ona nnl so frightfu. In W ...!y, six month 1 50 med whoso those eyes. fom depths ic,. months three 73 Weekly, forth the light of girl: U iiinoceu , now Addrv, THE TRIBUNE, dwells a lc k of shame and soil Cr ..in Balt Lake City, Utau. nation, and in her face once the mirror of purity and virtue can now bo Laced tho mark of debauchery and vice. With a reikletsuess born of dispair she yields herself up to the degrading occapation, and in the depths of the fatal wins cup seeks to stifle the torments of a guilty For there are times when every to crime ot any name or addicted person their eaitifiy surroundings, nature, forget and in solitude pointers orcr the action if their lives, and laments upon their deplorable condition . The drunkard invariably took his first !jV f.fr. glass at the request of some one else, and with a certain degree of rcpugnance.whiclt only tho continued importuning of his MONTnOSE, friend, (for such he no doubt considered himself.) could entirely overcome; but at Standard Bred Trotter, one of the finest last grown familiar with tempting winehied in America. glass and the artistic inUrisr of the wine room, be gradually embraced the horrible JUSTIN, fate which iovnrlubiy awaits the mao or woman who yield to its destroying in A Great Prize Winning French Coach fiuence. Bullion. Tbs pure light of intelligence is driven Each of above bortci $23.00 for the from his youthful eye sod replaced by teuton. the glassy, and in many instaucea, brutal Also aome prize winning Pcrcheron from $0.00 to $13.00. glare ot tlie detcrium tortured maniac. Stallion, ringing leaf-fol- d the The niurJorer, standing upon Rasmui N rimer, to pay lit penalty of Lis ctirna by Spanish Fork, Utah Is Prepared to do H CONTENTS. The Nalional and Loral Governof President ar.tl The Eietmr.d College llio Senate aud House cfRu preseutatives The Supremo Cuurt Piactical Politics Generally The Convention Foundation of the Parties The Tariff Public Ex pendituros and Collections - The Billion Dollar Coogrcsa The Reciprocity Question Political Legislation The Force Bill The Silver Matters at Issue Tlic Third Party -- The Great Contest of 1 GOO The Parties of the PnstAustralinn Ballot System The Single Tax Question-Natio- nal Committed and Platforms of all the Parties Presidential Elections from the Beginning, with Vote, I) te and Politics Cabinet Officers from Washington to Ilarrison inclusive Prevailing Political Term explained Tim Iical Political Situation and The Fiist Campaign History Appendix. PurFACK ment-Election , Is TO THI PRACTICAL i spread hygienic subjects PLACE Can ALL COURTESY SHOWN TO CUSTOMERS. ' niati-lrlve- d IS THE WHEN HUNGRY CALL AND SEE : Take an inmate of the brothel house, and in almost every iustauce, before site begau upon tlm road of prostitution, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. when innucence was her crowning v:rtue, hud you have imntum'd the dbgvace to Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing which she lias now fallen, 'her maidenly .A. modesty would have iLcn in disgust and such Imre of ut tho loathing prospects Old Bank Building, life, and with a fearful shudder she would have turned away from the horrible pict ure it presented. But the deceiver came, Tuts week end ng July 30th was the ami with fiuo words, eloquent love tnnk hottest rt corded In the United States for ing Hud gnllaut prnmsea broke down the many years. The late crops throughout barrier betweeu vice i:id virtue and tuth-cssl- y the couutry were forced ahead by the inrobbed her of diet priceless gi n tense heat, except io isolated sections Woman's only hue anrauicnt and 'lien corn was somewhat left her to faee the where the stigma of lard.s; ace Is a newspaper devoted to the lust in liDi ivi u wlmort .o frenzy, she fi jw teres!, j. the Wecteru slope, and partidamaged. Though the death -t was alone Urge in many places it was very slight iom her giilhood home, and in to i ron cularly to the development of the later-mnndo C"Uiitry . compared with that of former years under fines of a woman's H .1 sought to hide For idvc.'tis'ng purposes ineompar ibly The conditions. gratifying from therycsofhcrfiicndsand arq..,,nt-- , the best the samo paper between Ban Francisco of popular enlightenment on with and Denver. the fruiN of her 1 WHEN THIRSTY THIS en- "Alas, Adolphus!" sighed the lovely juson of the chorus girls, "there are obstacles in tho way!" "Name them!" lie cried, impetuously. "Nr.'snctto, Iphigcnia, Lucille, Helen and Arabella, my grandchildren, you Know. They might not like you. And the wild winds moaned and whistled without and the sun sank like a huge ball of frozen blood in the gloomy west. Chicago Tribune. hi . Question-Miscellan- Q s e Of Every Description at eous 0.YE DOLLAR A COPY. LEAVE ORDERS AT TIIF. SUN OFFICE. We are well supp-with Presses, Type, Bord etc., and can Guarantee isfaction in Regard to I Style and Price, . (RITO SPEHflJ TOSS Office, One Door Nortl Malcolm & Hughes Sto 1 5 13 I 'll I tl tv. t, y Ml Dt ii I |