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Show I, Have OF THE PEOPLE, ELrABE 'aflce, UJ '? I I a - J ... AND A NEWSY PAPER OUR AlSi . . . i ,'j V OcL 'X' I Gnu, -T- o; SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY. AUGUST 11, 192. i jpa ybjE ' ktt'mj iser i; empire to her son Aspasia. Her motto was, "Peace with all the world "end time for internal improvement.' ' 'I We find no' female in ancient history A Biographical Sketch of an wbq so prudently conducted he 'affairs Op, Iain Strut," of her kingdom. She was, in fact the Vtth Interesting Creek kFork, Pericles of Halicirnassui, the Bolop ' ' 'Caria, the Solomon of the Vrsfaa of RENNER, ' the most famous .mazoa' the The Moit Famous Amaion the World Baa Empire, ' lAnoBNBTATEAW. " d . 'i ,t , ... t . has ever'1 produced. wot-lEvf r trodaoed. J. I. Haves, the isi nil (he fiwta Territory. CBBEB, Itoot ich, I, Ilian ? graii mtuba ni Womn tc tlDJt iejf ie tr. 1 1 Gral $ j irji. ir br - e las' Utah 1 L i h I i)- - icago Store, - 3E & tailor, E- t. "IBANK- - hn C. King, Its IrobuMs Value. .What is in thq package? asked the clerk at the express office, proceeding to fill out a blank. ' ' Old letters," replied the young ' 1 ' woman. Value?" mechanically Inquired the clerk." Fifty thousand dollars. And thb plaintiff in the breach of promise case of JoOnP' vs. De Cdraber, who had just emitted a hatih of documents to her lawyer, walked out of he express office with a vivid but gleum in her eye, 'Chicagq ' ' Tribune. bus!-aess-li- A ltoltuble puinestlo. tn In this Counthry? Mistrgss (modestly)-- My ancestors came over with Miles Stahdlsh. "Domestic (proudly) Oi come over wid Miles O'Roopey. lie's a New k News. alderjhoh 7. PFiff. r 't li- ; . J.Otflf JOljlBS, SuperintenJml. ?mm fek f or-ric- d nmv.--(joo- . CRSER. Preeiient. t qt ft Nliio Ltn-i-, Forbspo. Curio Dealer Heres a skeleton f George Washington's pet ct. Collector dont w ant one eo large. . What's this siuitll one? Curio Dealer That's a skeleton of the same eat when it ba a ' Stationpr. Ouo y I- - . i. ap - rrscUcsl Father. shouldn't Mr! Qoodsonl make q uice husband for our daughter? IIiVsMRd-iJVo- nlt do. He's a miserably paid, producer.' W4J, Jiow about Mr. Kindheart? Ilq p'on't do either, jit's a poor, g consumer.'' jlurp! The only other oqe she cares for is Mr, Hardhead.'? "He'll do. llqis a middleman.! N. A Wg:j-W- hy g wage-earnip- mouey-spendin- y. it wkiy: Time for RtptnUnAi o - , Wife ifohn, dear, I wish particularly that you would come tylth pie to church v this morning. ' Husband Why this soliciiJdc regard- Manufacturers t of- - IAMB Boots and Shpes, is a note I want you to hand tq Mrs. Lively when ypu ure sure nobody ' is looking, bind a New York society ing my spiritual welfare? Wife (gently) Because I overheard man to a colored servant at a fashion' you putting up the hall stove last evenable Fifth avenue residence. " Yes. sah, replied Sambo, shpwing ing. Pittsburgh Bulletin, his ivories. Inrchsugeablo Engagement fling. But mind yon, dont lyhlsper q word Isabella This ring that Charlie to a living sjuI. gave me is yery prejty, but it is too You kin jess rost qasyabopt dat, tight boss. Yisterduy I" fotelied dat ar satnd Arabella WflJ. you see, your fingers woman a letter from anuddur gemman, are somewhat stouter than Alice an I ain't said a word bout it to no; ronsonbys. Jewelers Circular. body yit. You kin jess rest easy erbout 1 Feehlon nnd Food. Texas Siftingsjl my opening my mouf. Ilusband Mrs. Tiptop's dinner was " Citizens Only. m grand, wasnt it? Wife 1 didn't enjoy The desirability of care in expression Can hardly be too forcibly impressed IVhy not?' My new dress was so tight I couldn't upon those who write advertisements N. Y. Weekly. , ' circulars and pub.jc announcements of eat anything. all sorts. Commereletly Decapitated. A very peculiar effect was produced did Putts this ticker Why you pall by the following announcement, con; guillnt;ueJiubt pow? tained in the advertisement of q county Margins Beoause my head t'jvent fair: into the basket" after the when Among other attractive features we came over here. Puck. tape, of this great fair there will be highly and amusing doaiey-raee- s fn tbf Wings. , Competition in those two contests Lowgee (the basso) There is a critic the to of citizens county pqlyl' open over there listening to the music. lieisee (the tenor) Oh, no, he isn't, A New I'te for Nlae.ir. Ilusband Let us go to Niagara Fallq lie is listening to the discords. Dpek. next week. I should like very much It Wne In Thin Cnee. J. P. JONES, President. for you and I to spend a weak there, I Time is money, remarked Broke, hink I should enjoy it very much. with a sigh, as he gazed at his watch Wife It u very unusual fovyou to be and steered for the pawnbroker's. r aq considerate towards me. Why do Life, you want to take me to Niagara Falls? Posted. Husband Smith took his wife there I asked it she knew bow to bak, last week, and he said she was speechShe looked st me nnd smiled: less with awe, and I just thought, perHJ know when tnlnirs nre done, 1 miesi; I let Can't hair. Ouch you gd my haps Wre ool bait linked, tag child. -J- ury. take a joke? I et go, I say! Ill get you that new bonnet and a newspolskin aacque, Texas t il'b'gs. JHQMA3 HILL, it Warning llvimpls. You will be confined to jail for thirty days for drqult.'nness, said Justice Contractor and CyUder. Duffy to a chronic ease. Ah, jedge." responded the latter, solemnly shaking his head, let this be Utah a warqing to you. Now you can see Lake Shore and Benjamin, hatchet-facefor yerself what whisky nnd a sou of a seq cook of a justice will do for a man when they have him down." Texas Sifting t, VITere ' pnr Dealer! in d?f(0)(D)iD)! GROCREIES. ! it Hardware, Clothing, Fur niture, Fancy Notions, Farm, ing Implements, Roller Mill Flour, Grain, Etc, pig-race- W. II. DAVJ8, Secretary . YOUNG MENS tAt H5 U W'- m F B & W I TZ li 35T23WIHPinOTIIT3. d UMON Tom Men. Paterfamilias (fnrimi-.lv- PA6IFIS You scoun- drel! why did you clnjw with my da ugh-ter- ? To avoid the insufNew ferable fuss uml uouseuse of a society wcMintf, Thank Paterfamilias (beamingly) Ileaven, my daughter got a sensible husband, unyhoiv. N. Y. Weekly. SYSTEM, Son-ln-Lri- CrMt lias Mother self yet? Mr. Goslow offeredhlm- LOft&I. T OS No. not yet; but I expect 001 NO SOUTH, OOINO NORTH La I evening he said he No. 3. No. 1. soon. to him No. 3. No. 4. oncl was looking around fee n a. m. p. m. m. a. m. stations. asked tue very pactleuiarly it I thought p. Lvi Salt Lake. Ar. 10:00 0:10 mar-y7:40 4:23 to venture eno-.v- i to earn I could 7:03 10.00 Ar. 8p. Fork, Lv. ,7 :1 3 3 :47 11,00 !..VU i.ll-- OU. 0:10 ll:59Lv, Juab. Ar. S:201:4q TbliiR. A lie ;ul Tcaeher-No- w, -l chil- dren, what do you do at night Wjust t. and Fa. D. E. be- fore you jump into bed? Willie angle, you r.iay toll us. -tluJ tai1 ol Willie Wangle St P wight-.iiiirtudge. my Oiit.lirr l4 ho li There's a man u I..itiaiorc of Benjamin I rank- tho lucky lia's wata.i. who That'., nothing. I know a man Jeweler a Cireulsf. n . M OP Boots and Shoes. OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEAT. Harriet Sunday-Scbo- WE MAKE A SPECIALTY - the J diref t from the cast, and cao soil Tbebattlo of Salami ended Mrs. De Stylo The expressman has The Artemesia. of ths cheapest. J defy ,r achievements with my box of Worth dresses-tua in qmiity end prices. devoted to the come remainder of her life was Tell pa go down and pr.y him. Little Son Pa can't go down now. eternal improvement of her kingdomb Forth of Surley'i sew ing a patch on hl pants. her of capi Drugstore. lie's and to the .ggrandizrmnt Ne"'Uwd left and 1311 She died at the age of eighty UTAlt rORK, . . war-ik- o f o Vi In Good Company. Domestic Ilow long have yeibeen ' ; - klttsh.--Amerio- Artemesia, the most famous and joter Kenwatid lean IA Y(. fcun. citing Greek woman, who ever possessed ill tv sovereignty, was born at Halicarnassus kserakenwarr, loiiji the capital of Cara, about the year 523 e it n B. C. Her (athej1 Lygdamus wai of AnORKEM-AT-LAi 1 it a Dorian origin, and by Lis moderate polity ion tO Op $ omt. Un secured thev prosperity of ills kingdom. Utah He . . paid ready Obedieoca to the Persian Uliou SHORES, M. D;. emperor, who in return added the Islands laireL of Cos, Calydua. and Nysirus to iji the fHTSICIAH AKD SyBOEOt. Carian dominions. land The kingdom prospered greatly durthat I Night, Calle, Day or nil all u , t It he ing his pcignl Public edifices a powerful Utah navy, many cities, and many atately works of ajt were reared b lygdamus. Tli Thougii IfOJtSIA BAKERy. powerful and prosperous, Of 'waned before that of his his fame a less : Bread, Pies, Cakej, and Bakers' daughter, peiig placed in the political of I afectionery made Fresh Daily, school of her father, she developed at a m tc Wedding and Birthday very early age a faculty for goverment Cakes a Specialty. ear! that had not at that time been equaled Laeexck Johnson, Propr. ' by any female. Even in yqutb, her wise . . Utah Pork, Mid answer were the admiration of the wisest ipk men in her father's court, and when her bailey, locks were silyery with ge (jpne of the i PoByic, Land Mining IE.' counsellors pf erxes spoke so wisely as Attorney. she. old. ei To her grace as a wotqen, to her promptly Alineral Applications iteot and for all Agricultural prudenca a, a legislator, to her energy eoa. inds. Makes Maps, Tracings a ruler, were added that intrepidity as ' eel) sod Deed?. Draws all kind) and bravery, wljich mallb of her nqt only u qfofagreements, Articles a gallant gcuuraj in the field, but also a Incorporation, uttl Bearphej titles, lie. daring and an qdyenturous commaqde): plications for pensions, etc., etp. -E p.n the sea. Tof to U. S. Land, office, Rooy 200 Being able in the field, she preserved weh hor 286, Salt Lake City, Utqli. intapt the bouqdrisi qf her kingdom, and to.BfiC.' by her fostering of tha arts and of literature, she made her capital the riyal pf Atbqqq. ion MRS. LOIS CLARK. Xerxeq, wishing to accomplish the ter in Dry Goods and Nfltions, overthrow of Greece, called qq Artemesia T a A !. I f , To Not to, fprniah her quota of vessels. her and to rain impoverish wishing with contest the entering kingdom by tc, etc. all her forces, she manned oqly two ships 7 direct from the Eaqt op Vest. for the service. TkinS. command, of dt goods are sqld cheapen than reapest. I defy competition in these in person, she, at tjie engagement ud prices. of Buboes, manifested her skill as sailor and was at ones recognized as the iStSKET, . SfANISR Ron ablest of the Persian commanders, fbe ORENZO Greeks now thoroughly alarmed, that the THOMAS, nvadera should have so able a captain, thousand offered U tewayd of tf should whomsoever capture t drachmas t m full line of samples of For-- p her ahys. Domestic Goods. Clothing 'o order on She alone was in opposition to figtbing short notice. the disastrous battle of Salamis, and yuns.hip and Fit GuarantXerxes would have taken her advice had eed. not been that all the remaning generals 7 full line of attachments for t in favor pf riskipg it at all hazards. ere 'hewing Machines. If all the Persians bad fought aa brave8sr,Lp, Geo. 0. Gilbert ly and skillfully aa tha warrior queeni dent. Greece would, on that day have lost her D.E. Morey Cashier. Even in the rage and mortifreedom. of fication dofct, Xerxes found time to notice the Ilalloarnasstan horoine fighting and bravely at the hoad of her equsdron SPANISH FORK, retreating manfully before overwhelming numbers Qd be exclamed i AU of tny -5ITAL $25,000 men have become womeu, and my alone fight like men." During the Qon. D. Snell, John Jones, women did not Artemesia pbhill, J, g, Thomas, Oeo. 0. disastrous ictrcst, but her or cunning oose her courage 1 . ,!ct general banking business. being purauod by a Greek galley she tad foreign exchange bought schome: Seeing adopted the following of Calydria, the of prince her, n head pd Paid on time deposits. at was enmity, she sho whom UTAH with . yW FORK, The Greeks immediately aank hisship. wrecked a Persian seeing that she had be aa Athenian, and ihip, toek her to discontinued the pursuit. Thua at tha dealer ir same time she gratified a prirste deceived a public enemy. vengeance and GOODS, this stratagem and witnessed GRO0EBIES ABD Xerxes sunken a hostile had she believed MOTIONS, lncreasod bis admiration of ship. This asked her advice the heroine nd,he 5 Dress aod when she Underwear, about returning to Susa, 'J00d. Lacs Curtains sod o Uine- counselled bis return he did Pdlow Shams, NO. 12. f i Bcrlet, Dry Goods and GROCERIES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Gen'l Agent, Balt Lake. Rio Grande Wrn RAILWAY. 0 LOCAL TIME CARD. WEST 1I0U5D EAST BOUND. p. tn. 4 :03 Lv. 5:43 7:10 Ar. stations. H. Bennrtt, Mens hrogans, hats and tea at cost. Horse shoes ready calked 10c. each. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED WITH TUE ABOVE NAMED GOODS. a. m. Ar. 10:80 Balt Lake. 8:43 Spanish Fork. Lv. 7:13 Eureka, J. I Gen'l Pass. Agent. Now is Your Chanco for a Bargain. J. S. THOMAS, Supt. |