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Show w. mi ywarir fifing TW intn!rnTaiiiiiirmrrrMnMrirTBI snd bo they did. Their labors can to seek a home where they cess, Fi1 The following program was then ren- Missouri be too Ligbly commended. not tune this to might rest in pence. Up who dered : Bhould The ladies say Dave Malcolm there had been but a few explores Assembly called to order by Master of had visited the valleys of the Rooky have a nice feather in his hat for the exMountains to obtain furs and trade with cellent manner in which he fitted up his Ceremonies Joseph E. Creer. esIndians. None bad sought to four gray Lories and the Car of Beauty. the John Stsrk Lose, i Binging by the Spanish Fork choir. could raise where a they tablish It wus by lar the prettiest scene in the place and Stock of cl' Prayer by Chaplain Geo. W. Wilkins. wheat and make themselves homes a entire parade. A Vast Congregation As Music by the Castle Gate band. tuileB from civilization. Brigthousand semblo at tho Orchard. One cf the wagon among the HorriShort address, subject, The Fioneers, ham Young was the first man to think bad a mule hitched to it with a bles the lead to pioneers a thing as by Don C. Markham. He said in sub- of such of overalls on his front legs and s Damage About e,000, till they, footsoro and weary, entered pair stance: bonnet on his head. The boys carried a Covered bjr In,, themselves a established and and Music, these valleys Eloquent Bpoeehao e tambourine, an old drum and some toy Ladies and Gentlemen I am not one In Salt Lake city, where they could s Housing Time for All, was inscribed, of the pioneers, but the son of one of themselves end thoso who might horns, and on the wagon Fork band. the to Successors Spanish the coming valthem during follow after that noble band who came into these was did and the first thing they This morning about leys in 1847. The pioneers were part of winter, 11 of it! j LOCAL ITEMS. Ai the first faint glimer of d&y dickered a class of men who had embraced an un- to plant Borne potatoes. Think store owned by JohnSUrj in that desert soil for potatoes Plunting in the east the cannon, under the manThe choicest butter and cheese for was in the thralls ot the popular religion and gathered m the the purpose of obtaining seeds and perthe prompt action of the agement of Joseph Boyack. began to state of Illinoia, where they mado them- haps a little food. I mention this to sale at the Springville creamery. pEEi peal forth its thunder, calling the selves homes and began to gather around show the faith that they were possessed The creamery just this side of Spring monster was kept iB Red we now stand the ville pays ninety cents per 100 pounds vented from slumbering inhabitants of our fair city them tho comforts of life. About of. Near where fit-- spreading to Man lived. In Payson canyon was lo- for milk. to action in order to prepare for the the buildings. Douglass build year 1840 the people of Illinois be- cated a band of warriors known as the Of coming events of the day. With light gan to make complaints against this peo- Walker band. When these red men met If you have any extra milk get your but one toot away, escaped ir and can a with to club nod happy hearts the young hastened on as you, get such men met neighbors they the pioneers they Bgd. ple on account of their religious belief, Jork, met before, men who extended take it to tho creamery, where you will tho streets to gather in every sight. As Mr. fctark sustained a uot understanding that their motive and had never each of cud at same difor cash receive and hand of the them tb friendship old Sol peeped above the mountains the their desires were to benefit the human $0,000, with an insurance off EES vided with them the provisions they had month. cannon aguin rang out, and the start and and them them and gave family, so they came against brought across the plaind, Take your milk to the 8pringville ITI stripes were hoisted to wave io the compelled them to leave the (late Of Il- io understand that they had come here Where you will get ninety cents creamery Salem News. to of but thrill a and furs, their to ponies morning breeze, causing buy 100 fur same, and can get linois. Early in the year of 1840 they not tad! who was per canspounds with sour milk for ten Did we celebrate Pioneer j, filled patriotism to spring up in the bosom of crossed the Mississippi river to go west- build homes, und that warrior; your and iu California noted surrounding cents encli. yes; I believe we tried to doi every byal beholder. ward, but for some reason they were not country as the great warrior, hid them measure succeeded, but oh, The Castle Gate band, which was visitis the Remember that drayed express permitted to go farther than Winter welcome, and the policy then estabwarm almost hot. Our r do Pacific ing our city ascended to the top of the Quarters that season. Early in 1847 a lished of feedirg and clothing the red free to and from the Union published last week wm r, a is reliable who II. W. Jones, aud been pot by maintained, city hall, and filled the air with sweet band of 147 left their wives and all that man has sinco most literally. to ship express though at times we have had some little man. Peoplo wishing rnuEic, during which timo tho committee was near and dear unto them A couple of our pugilistic i this his upon trouble when the Indians arose and are respectfully requested to put it in io a fisticuff while the, was preparing breakfast, which was gaged in W.E cure. Hutchings. at all westwnid timea wou.d go to wnr, the counsel earth, turned their faces to the and the crimson place taking beside ved on the the lawu; bit City bail, to ua possible, and blood shed little its whs srinfewhere where to find eri Not only were there a great many freely. Not a word pawn k go asylum and a sumptuous feast it was, consisting in a few isolated places no bldnd many kinds combatants during the meV diuiiksbuthe24th,butagrcat they could rest in peace, but where, they except has been spilled, quite unlike western of drunks. There was the of bread and cake, boiled ham, canned knew drunk, the thirty yards away knew so; sleepy not. Yet they trusted in God to eiiiigiatioi) generally, where they have happy drunk, tho noisy tlruhk, the mild affair uutil all was over. salmon, tomatoes, pickles, tea, coffee and lead them safely to a haven of rest. So amse in warfare and shed the blood of dniuiqtlicquarrclsonie drunk, the musi- became entirely exhausted beer, etc. After satiating their appetites they traveled on toward tho setting sun, liieied men. Among tin curly pioneers cal diunk, and the common every day tarily quit. The affair was the band serenaded the city. 5M us such Or the philosopher persons no arrests were made and none drunk; making roads snd bridges end preparing wtie the orator Enisles Snow, the Min About 8 o'clock the people began to their Piatt, scanty meals by the roadside tili poet Eliza R, Snow, and the great orator The heat is terrible in the eastern States This was an act not down c, crowd on Main street, and by 0 o'clock they came to what is now know as Fi t Pailey P. Piatt, who hot only lifted I is at present. The tliefmniiieter registering gram, but it took well by it. the sidewalk was jammed for blocks with to ninety-nin- e degrees. In Bridger, where they met one Col.Bridger vohe in tiie sandy desert, but also in the ninety-siE. E. Edwards ii Tho genial and streets tho were lined Inst pedestrians Tuesday seventeen people who declared thut it was useless fur gi.d d halls of altnoBt all nations, aud to Chicago cheek. He engaged u ; peeled and from died eighty-thre- e sunstroke we suffer the with Vehicles, nod it was with difficulty them to their blessings enjoy with tho tie pout in front o- FOR go outb the valleys of the Great ditj mg brought about. Men who trod the were carried to hospituls or to their ffice. Mr. Edwards that the procession wits formed. By Salt Lake, saying that white men could ilienry pluius, hungry, footsore and homes, canujuut but he is ns genial as ever. 0rl5; under the efficient management of not live there and iu God for strength nod offering them $1,000 w nrv, ti unceasshowered are Congratulations There was a Imp in the ; the marshal of the day, Jcs. E. Creer, for the first ear of corn I see before me many that they might raise ingly upon us. We ofien hear Hie re- hall being crowded nearly ton hud to wait till tlm tains would liavt Esq , with his aids, Morgan Warner, Jo- there. President mark: The Index fcnmpary claimed Brigham Young said. Non liud clothing for them that their bad printing was due to worn seph Brofcklwnk and Erastua Hansen it Wait till next season., July 24, 1847. imiiic to get shoes 27,1893. Salem, July selves and children, and how long to out was all ready and moved fromi the square type. But now they have bran new they entered these valleys Where they wait! like waiting for the ship to coma and ha? their old Sun The iu the billowing order: type, type, could dwell in peaco and buildup a irom Bui. The trains hud to travel 1,000 and yet we notice The Sun print shows Polica Court 1. Banner bearer, David T. Lewis. across mil's the over and the plains thoso Commonwealth for who much plainer. great snow covered mountains to bring plate-ri.i'- s up 2. Cast Io Gate Brass Band. Tuesday morning the fulloki might come after them. It was said Our business is growing to such an ex- ers were to clothe the inhabitants 3. Pioneers as they came in 1847, un up before Justice that a killing frost visited these valley? the winter, bm-- were the hurdthrough times tent thut it has become necessary for os who whs nrrest Jones, tier the mauagemeut of Don (j. Mark- encli month,' hcuco nothing could be tn.it our curly settlers lir.d to endure and to seek more commodious appartments. day foi dumbness, whs fined L ham. . . I , raised, but God tempered the climate a iliote who came during ihe first ten We hiive theretorc made arrangements John Sigmnnson, who m 4. Utah, represented by Miss Emma years might lie called pioneers. Fiom with Malcolm A Hughes, whereby we Sunday for dtunknus, depiai! and caused streams to gush from tin Salt Luke city the population extended will occupy the basement under their the Cteer riding a gray horse, with four es- mountain side and the soil to city treasury. becuu unlit it has reached Arizona on the store; and before our next issue we Lope Alma Roy lar.ee, r.f Spring"-focorts, two riding before and one on each productive till the land is now teeming smith, Idaho on the north mid Nevada tn he located therein. faat driving Hiid fined f3. lido. with wealth and plenty. It seems to me on the wist, where comfortable homes William Boyack and It ger A representative of the Sun strolled twen5. Twenty-fou- r men and young that the remarks of the prophets were have been established. Then all honor through Spanish Fork on the 24th from up for EghtiDg, and the fnnutr to tlio-- e noble men who faced famine ty four young ladies riding horseback, applicable unto us wben they said, an suffering mid the snvuge red men to the eastern to the western and from the $7.50 und the lattei $1. ladies being dressed in uniform, viz: not them to these uthern part, straining his Surely tho Lord God liveth who brought give us these our beautiful homes. We White skirt,' red waist find envy blue the children of Israel to the land ot can Irving to see a representative of the eyes NOTICE. not revere them too highly. They blneksinitli sheet, but ala; I nowhere cit were the i cap. means f saving thousands could one be found promiso and made the desert become ns IIow is that for beThe firm of Kenuer 6. Mormon Battalion, frepresented by lives of the gold seekers who flocked a fruitful garden," for this was once a ing devoted to the interests of Suanisb Ushers of The SrANtsn Fmii westward and would have in Holt brothers, consisting of baggage desert and has now perished been dissolved this dnjhy iaum become, by earnest he desyit bur for the oasis they found Folk! W. II. Kenner retiring from wagon and soldiers with their knapsacks toil, os a fruitful garden; and may ail here mid the wheat they received nud It is not unfrequent to see a crowd accounts due said firm ou march. fre-- li horses. were Hint d trad-, for their gathered in front of the Boyack House those who come in here be blessed with t! lected by Audrew Jensen, The tired ones. Referred to the Mormon Ih.t-tal- bar, aud 7. Bishopric, represented by four hapfiinesq and among them are boys of tender pay all debts owing bv the 5m plenty. n and said, who dares to accuse age, bishops,' listening to the fowl language, and Spanish Fork glee club rendered a them of disloyalty, when they left tl.oir quarrelsumo wrangles. As our reporter 8. Relief Societies, with finely decorbeautiful selection. families and their all to go forth in their "trolled very c. by there the other day the sideated car drawn by four horses, and carSpanish Fork, Utah, Ju'j 3, countrys service, marching day by day walk was blockaded, and among the of orator the Gardner, Bishop Henry on rying the various presidents. aud after finishing gioup glittered a policemans star.lt seems delivered an eloquent oration, pay. theirscanty rations, in to these valid's to us that lie would not have overrented 0. The M. I. A.. Tho Y. M. and Y. L. day, Market Report Eervice, coming and where there were nlieady morn pco-pling just tribute to the pioueers people bin duty if lie had dispersed tho crowd. ennj lintly in a nicely decorated car. wLo had come to these valleys w here than but they were gladly Children should not be allowed to stand Corrected weekly by tho 10. Handcart company, consisting of Co-owelcomed and nil shared alike iitid mancould God to nroqnd saloon doors. Woke up police-meworship according 5 carts, under the management of Cap- they to live by digging ti istle roots and acd be not afraid to do your duties. Wheat the dictates of their conscience in tlmt aged tain Isaac Bowers. trusting in God. In this in inner did $1 8U f like the Tilgrim fathers, but un ,,ur iatjiirs cstntd.flli our regard Just after the procession Monday, 8 Oats Civil homes, and 1 officers, consisting of mayor 11, like them when they banished Roger again I iay, All hnuor to those venerable few of the twenty-fou- r ladies took a riJe Barley and city councilors.U Shelled Corn.,. men , , towards Payson, and when on the other Williams. We have never banished n Butter 13. Woman Suffrage Association, unside of C. O. Hansons tho Glee, by Castle Gate gleo club. Williams from our domain our F boys began Eggs Roger Sp.-icder tho direction of Mrs. Jane Finch. Father and the horse rodo by Miss by Georgs Washington racing, .. on higher principles. Brim tin I . elands platform Hay Ilattio James became 13. Car of Beuuty, consisting of a unmanageable, We attribute to all men the right to worMusic by Castle Gate brncs band. and amid tho dust snd her endeavors to beautifully decorated car drawn by four A very God In Ilia Shd. he ran so close to a telephone eloquent speech was then do stop him, according to tho dictates of white homes and loaded with over one ship Frank What haa becoms their own couscicucc, and though our iivered by Andrew Morgan, of which a post that it caught her sl.ouldct and hundred of Utal.a best crop. The tittle hurled her to the ground, synopsis would tn no way do justre. and poodle? . . I enemies malign us, say that we hold all ones looked beautiful indeed. This was Song, Thu Old Brigade, by Mr. Jos. on examination it was found that May Oh, poor, poor Flossy outsiders as titter enemies, I say that it Phillips. her shoulder wna broken. Dr. Warner to give licr up; butr-b- ut the special feature of the procession. Wm. Creer, in behalf of the is false, and pu3t history says so too. committee, attended her, placed the member In order Frank But will Edur at ional carriage, under the We sro here as friends, Mormon, Jew ana thanked the people for their good turn and she is now getting along as well as Blucfcrn did.'t May of A. out. Rees, management Principal Jn. could be expected. would match hcr.-,PuGentile. We have many things to be that On motion of Mayor Jones a vote of finely decorated with pqpila works, such thankful for. The outside pressure has thanks was given to committee and to as maps, drawings, etc. , caused ua to move on with steady tread the Castle Gate band for their excellent 13. Uncle Sam, represented by fathei . . and we will coutinuo to move on, grant- service, George Washington Brimhull will his Benediction by Chaplain Geo W, Wil to all mankind, as is kins. ing equal rights two little grandsons. , in the constitution. Such has Tho rfternoon sports consisted princi-nallengrafted 1C. England and Scotland, reprebeen our aim and ever will be bo long as of racis. The first being a match sented by Henry Tilley and George do stand, and we will perpetu-at- e raro between Thomas Creer and Joe earth the . . r, the tamo to our children after us, Morgan. It took them ft long timo to 17.. Wales, represented by Thomas get started, but Joe came out way ahead and will not only help mankind to preThcuext rsco was between Fenton . Davis and Win. B. Jones. for this life, but for the life that is Boyack snd Ephraim Ilowe, tho latter 18. Germany, represented by Wm. II. pare to cone, and we will help them. If they winning by ntwut two feet Darger and family. The committee then took will not let us labor for them while in chnrgo of 19. Denmark and Sweden, reprek. ' distributed various piizes we will labor for them after to the little this life, ones for races. sented by James Hansen and August And so closed the they are dead acd lift them up to glory. day's sport:, having Swenson. been as lively and , . Fi.iag of cannon, . Interesting a day ns 20. Iceland, under the management Spanish Fork lias seen for a long time. H Davis Wm. and chorus by of Geectly Bjaranaon, consisting of footSong The whole was capped by a tlnncc In Creer A Nielsen's man, and a nicely decorated car, repre- and company. hall, which was well Geo. D. Snell, of attcuded. senting the mountain women. , , Sprech by Bishop 21. Jcx A Sons broom factory. They which tho following is a ay nopsic: My NOTES. made and distributed brooms along the friends, fellow citizens, brethren and lisThe Horribles were is Utah! day. The 2?th of namo Impliw. road. Their Car bore the inscription on ters one side, Tatrenire Home Industry, July marks the period when acttlera first Through some misunderstanding the and on the other aide, "Wo need no pro- entered these valleya to establish a place cannon was fired during the prayer bv ; b of pence and rest for all who might wish the chvplain. tection, ' y Vfe In celebrate The plotter gave a good 22. Antics and Horribles; to coifie after. The procession tx arched from city htU commemoration of that day. when the !eD'i 'UfVt,WTlli liav,.bwa ni0rc rcalia ? n instead of ucJ to north end of Main street, them coun- pioneerl entered these valleya under very horses termarched to Beck's orchard,' followed trying circumstances, for the leaders of ,CmV' Y Booth w to be commended ly at 'east SCO teams snd numerous pe- Uils people had oft been driven from Hbli1' 10 ,t0rp'n the -- nor. destrians. their homes, and at this time their fami-Uwen making a racket wya were scattered from the Mississippi around the Tho seats were soon full, and so vast congregation. was the congiegation gambled that ih- Illinois to the Missouri river, many mJu8.ACran,lttM ,,borct earnestly to amusements of the day living in Iowa, The pioneers left the many had to stand. PAYSON THE 24TH. Published every Thursday i:i the building just noitli of Malcolm & Hughes' Store by ANDREW JENSEN A JESSE P.IIOLT JULY 28, 1803. THURSDAY, Flrat-Cliu- OFFICERS CITY OP SPANISH FORK pre-serv- detnB-b- Mayor, John Jonea. Wtn. D. Hughes, W. O. Creer, Rufua P. Snell, Councilors, Thus. C. Holding, Niel Gardner, Mare ini Larsen. Peter F. Boyaclc. Mnrshnl, Benjamin Wiiliama. City attorni y, Wm. Crier. Recorder, Samuel Cornaby, Treasurer, Win. Robertson. Asar nd Collector, Hubbard Tattle. Sexton, John Robeitson. City Inspector, lluobard Tuttlei D. James. Pcundkeeper, Preciut justice, John P. Jonei. D James. Constable, Watermitster, James Warner; Road supeivisir, James Warner. Ib-e- s R.-e- LOCAL JOTTINCS. Wind, Harvest. Hot weather, The 24tli has past and all is now quiet. See John C. King's advertisement in (his i hh oe. W, E. Williams took a trip to Trovo yesterday. The litfm of the (hrmhercan be heard ibis week. Milk cnnrf keuf for slide ht Ilia Sp'ring-- 1 fille Creamery. Who does the mmt business! Those Who ail vert iso most. Advert iso iu your local paper and thus , build up home iudustry. Subscribe for the Son. Office oho door North of Malcolm A Hughea. Smith and Co.'s thrashing machine was , the first to start up this soason. Bill Green furnished Hie fiist job for the thrashing machine this summer. .Wniinms .A. Paterson did a rushing bosiuess nl Beck's orchard on the 24th. There was no soda water in town on the 24t!i so every body had to driok beer. Quite a number of Indians Were down from Thistle valley speuding the 24th in our city, It Would be surprising if tho amount of beer that was drank during the 24th could be mated. The only practical mao of tho sheet up the road Ims never learned bis trade yet. Mayor John Jonea liqs been In attend anco at county engrt omit all week. but spends his evenings st home. Mathias Creer was arrested (or disturbing the peuce and placed in j nl Monday alteruoon anil released Tuesday evening. , Trof. Jos. A. Rres made another trip to Ogden this week to attend n meeting of the .board of directors of the reform school, Mr, Samuel Cornaby and wife went on I pleasure trip to American Fork on Sunday last aud returned home on Tues day evening. . IJpw can a newspaper be devoted to the lotereshof Spanish Fork city when its proprietors live in a distant c.ty aud spend most of their time there! I ' A citizen of Spanish Fork remarked; VI have been iu many cite s and iniuiug cauipa, but 1 never saw so many men drunk at one time as I raw in Spanish Fork on the 21th, Tho two devils, of the Sun and Index, had quite a squabble the other night as to the merits of each other's paper and, id course, the Sun's devil came out victorious mid groat applauso. Eraatus Hansen, ono of the nidi to the marshal of the day, imbibed more beer ttian he could well manage, and was thrown I mm his horse, bruiatrg his face ud head , , . one-aide- d , Tin? Tuwrom, a page J'Hirnal, made our desk thin week. paper, published official oigan of the three column, eight its Appearanco upon It is a neat link wcrkly and is the Tuscnmra party, M. L. Scott, an employe of the Diepnld, paid ua A v,ry pleasant visit yesterday, and fear tho blacksmith Sheet fails io come out we will state fur the benefit of their readers that lie called at my wife's f-- r office olao, , the (inprhcipled outfit d. ' who tried to up W.E. Hutchings, by maligning his character to his employers are quite generally known in our tity. and can be assured that they meet the just contempt of every honest innu. . . ' Look here ! John C. King ij located one door north of 8r!ryi drug store, w ith N full line of drygoods and grocer iw, and will not be undersold. Call and get a bargain. he will treat you with respect whether you buy or not. M E. Hatchings, C. P. agent, was called away last Saturday on account of hi fatherl sickness. Ho returned Sunday afternoon, hi father being much iteiter yvhen he deft Win. Mr. T. P. OVpening acted as agent during his x . r E 1 th 1 ii . g i ... ....... W Ct , , c't , y Rob-ertso- n. This Space Reserved fcH . , ' To-da- y 0 to-da- U ei - &T COMPANY: |