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Show Wire r m " Ih. "orll, Wn.tJita.tcr is the vf fir4 duke of ti West-- i thirty-fou- just "iL There Her r. actual is no he is not He owns This London of part one of h was bought by i . the sixteenth century, farm, 7 only an outlying' rental of something Jr, or W, 83S.MO a year. (.confirmed miser, and attire imaginable. !TonIy hobby, but he haa won the Derby no Mr. Glad-w times It was him a duke. This was Cthen he has gone back Grosvenor 0id man. Ui I ' town residence, is one L of London. The private Lj is one of the most mag2e Tin Week, that the world. &g U I Some have on u mat einm. A SCIENTIFIC much higher. Silver i., TREASURE. wts, spurs pruns, conchas, and so on, cost not a Town Skeleton of the Anoraodont Reptile little out here. IareiMearo Balniu Among At th Marriage Boreao, rJT the. recent illustrations in Black and W bite is one which is the Elderly Gent I want to consult with of a photograph of the fosrou about getting me a suitable we. silized skeleton of the Pareio-aurAgent-- All right, birj I think I can Bamn, which Prof. Seeley, F. R. S., lateiccommodate you. ly exhibited at a conversazione of the What are your charges? Id like to Royal Society. Prof. Seeley in 1889 unn that before going any further." der took on behalf of the WeU you see that society an depends on your-lel-f. of the Permian, or Trias Do you want a wife with or Reptilia in Russia and the without a mother-in-law?- " Texas Cape Colony. European Aa one of the results of Siftings. his labors the Natural History museum Will now have Its valuable collection ! a leading past. enriched by the addition of a nearly i perfect skeleton of the gigantic lizard which was first brought to the notice of the world by Mr. A. G. Bain in 1838. In that year Mr. Bain, who was constructing the Queens road at the Cape, stated in a letter which he wrote at the timC that while encamped on tho Blankwatcr river in the work of carrying on the road through the forest of the Winterbcrg, be discovered during some blasting operations which were necessary, the skull of a huge animal with fifty-sifluted or serrated teeth. This skull was found In the Beaufort beds of tho Karoo series, which, it is said, are equivalent in time to the Trias," or Lower Lias" of Europe. An extremely interesting description which illustrates the wonders to be discovered in and around this part of the world, is also given by Mr. Bain, who states that in the same formation which Tommy-S- ay, Tubby, wanter Join included remains of Fareiasaurus Air theatricals? whole forests of calcified trees of large You bet I do. Tubby (delighted) size tire found in the neighborhood of Tommy All right; come round to the barn Were goin t play A Sunday and Bushman's rivers in a most perfect state of preservation imbedded Moonlight Crime," an we want you horizontally in the rock. Ferno zamias stick your head up over a fence. and fragments of wood in a lignitic Tubby What for? state occur mixed up with fragments of moon. Judge. Tommy-- Th gypsum and reptilian bones, together with marine exuviie, Trigonia, AmmoA Counterfeit. Hicks I take my dinner now at May-lew- s. nites, and various other molluscs." Prof. You ought to try some Of his Owen, on examination of the skull, gave it the distinguishing name of English plum pudding. which ia a word derived Wicks I have tried it, and all Ive Jot to say is its a confounded humbug; jot the real thing at all. Why, I ate swo platefuls of it tother evening and ohen went home and slept like a baby. Ifo indigestion, no bed dreams and nd aeavy weight in my stomach in the morning. Its al confounded humbug, I .ell you. Boston Transcript. .1 1 us to WM though WOMAN. CjDSOME . aim sung out of u ba.-';ho aire luichair crawling aor, ti,o throat of one suffering with qulu.y or the hands of a person who has licked or even rc cently handled one of the little creatures is thought to be a sovereign remedy for that disease. There Is also a prevailing idea that the aire luiohair is always on the watch to crawl down tho throat of any person who happen to fall asleep out of doors. SHAKESPEARE If.LlSf RATED. x f ;CHI39 or WEbTMISSTES. Among the palnt- Bine' Boy," by the 1,msboroughs ie 1V2 world. glori-j:- ! of Mrs. Siddons as the Here, too, is the Holy Raphael, and many other t-- s by all the great masters, jijbens, Rembrant, Murillo, To fisqaez and Vandyke. e, the duke throws the gal-'- o the working classes, and il specially in view, has al-t- o it on Sunday, an exam-IrsBt- y and consideration t he followed by some of lionSires. The duchess, too, ghter of Lord Cheshami is o lend Grosvenor house and 1 Matt, proud man, dressed In a littli brief authority. Jury. A Poor Rule, Etc. Papa," said Mrs.Overdoit, as papa returned from his daily toil, Sammy He has been a very bad boy broke my triplicate mirror, gave yoilr box of cigars to somd bad boys, and tonight when I told him to put your slippers by the fire to warm for yon, he replied that he didn't have to. " Neither he does, said Overdoit, P11 promptly picking up a slipper. warm them myself. Come here, Sammy." Jury. to-da- A Painful Case. Mrs. Gotham Dr. Brownston says he has a patient whose heart is on the right side, and all the digestive organs are wrong side to, and, in fact, liis Whole internal organism is topsy turvy. Mr. Gotham Is it Mr. Bullion Mrs. Gotham The doctor did not mention any names. Why do you think It is Mi. Bullion? . Mr. Gotham He alwUyij rides in a cab. Good News. - - Warm Sympathy.' Father (who has Just returned from Carved by a Barber. do you charge for a trip off, and finds his boy howling) Hows this? What shave?" Ten cents. 1 But I gave you a quarter." "Yes, sir." rime implies for charitable handed back only ten cents." roesiL BKELEIOg or THE riEEIABAVDUS s. The dukes eldest son, . And you sir. I dont make a cent on Yes, Bua. who nor, died in 1884, was the court-plastebut Ill have to charge eccentric,' and for check or many Chicago from two Greek ones pareia, in engine on the London & you just what it costs me. cheek piece of a helmet; and sauros, MaiL n railway. His son, now lirard. Tho skeleton forming the The Boot of the Evil. serfage, will one day be the our illustration, was found by xh. to He While the choir was trying matrimonially, in the Prof. Seeley on tho 12th of August, 1889, therefore tolerably safe to master the new To Deum the other at Bad, near Tarabocr, in the Pareia-sauru- s be will marry an American. night at the church rehearsal, the beds of the Karoo, Cape Colony, suddenly stopped, and we found and hs proceeded to have it carefully irgan pWBOYS SADDLE. the boy who had been blowing it flat on i quarried out and. shipped to England. ( , The fossil was chiseled from the matrix Aoktomiai. uf but Also High ais back, unconscious , V Ornamental. She What did you do, send for a by Ricard Ilall, In the workshops ol !,J 'saddle, illustrated here-iraw- n loctor? , the geological department of the BritHe No. We stopped singing. Life. ish museum (natural history), and it is from a photograph 'ontanar due to the skillful way in which this correspondent who It Wee Peculiar. t lCwboy, says the American very difficult work has been done that about something Theres peculiar He describes the saddle nation is now In possession of so the Tim-tns , Mrs. remarked Jennie's sacque, s as follows: An of this huge reptile to Mr. limkins as they entered the perfect a fossil ordinary i never on earth stand which belonged to an order that flourthe hall. limly lighted w work. died in the triassic period of You see, When a I should say there was," said the old ished and -I guess in the east world's formation, and w hose size the you man. Bif anil the something peculiar t "lassoes" a In life must have been upwards of ten big, healthy rapidly took the form of a young man flyJ steer, which is lighting down the front steps into the street. feet in length. utor gait, and undertakes ing Boston llcralil. AbJUSTABLE CARS. with, a Jerk,, he has a big Concert. oil hands, Choral At t ie When a steer is and of solo? they Ar Peculiarly Conjtrueted d Jon Mr. N- .- Whats this-ano- thcr rope him he runs still Convenience. Orest Miss G. Yes; do you prefer the JJo take your tmnsV A car of peculiar construction i run. ' twist the end of the lariat, on the North side cable line in Chiw in your hands, around Mr. N. Well, I dont see the use in ning : cago. 5 tke saddle two or three dribbling the music out to us In solos, It ta built so a to serve as an open ahd layout cay nse up short; the and duos, and triosns well quartettes, in the summer and a closed car in car em all 5 to let the end of the rope or when they can just or in very inclement weather. winter ":a,y turns a double somer--odao- n ing together and get through with it! used as an open cur the seats are When his back, pawing ths Life. turned with their backs toward the betta es that it takes a good. , . The Difference. aisle, leaving a space or passageway is the difference beGazzam-W- hat ttam. tween tween a poet and a plumber? The accompanying cut.sliows one side Maddox The poet is generally poor. of tlie edr open and the other closed. It That isnt the answer." Let's have itt tiled." ' The poet pipes the lay, but the dumber lavs the pipes." Life. r, Rub-jiet- ?- 1 cho-rose- What's the niuttcr, Tommy? Son Mamma has just given me a whipping. . Father Never mind. Tommy, dont cry! From now on I'll attend to that myself. Texas Siftings. lie Enjoyed It Stoat. Tims Did you ever know anyone to laugh at a utory Springer told? Jingle Yes; he told me one and one man laughed all the time he was telling it. Tims Is that so? Who was it? Jingle Why, Springer. Boston to-da- An Anatomlral Proposal. Why did you refuse the learned and rich Mr. Stghence?" no is too precise. When he pro- posed he asked me for my hand and liver. lie says the liver has been proved to be the seat of affeetion. Fancy liv- ing with that sort of a man! St. Joseph News. Her Training. I doc't see how Miss Summit ever became sueh a good conversationalist. She used to be the shyest girl I ever knew.. Well, you see, she has been going regularly to the opera ever 6ince shs Puck. came out MATTER Or INSTINCT. ! li r She Chow Slavery. ' Ethel I have the choice of being ai old mans darling or a young man? slave, and Ive decided to be a younj mens slave. Clara-- My dear, I think you are fool Ish, but I wit.li you happiness. ' Clara (a few years alter) What be came of that meerschaum pipe Brothe: John gave your husband Christmas. Ethel- -1 burned it up. N. Y. Weekly TOOTS SADDLE. ,'i a scatinj on each side sixteen persons of capacity stand There U room for sixteen more sna side either on . Ing upon the stops about ten can be accommodated aupon of rush each of the platforms. In case cenAn Intlottfttloiv or twelve can find room In the ten copoc- a has car cahying The Mose Schaumburg I never lost aisle. ter itv of hbout one hundred people. scats arc whet not; Whod the car la closed the Customer No, I suppose outheal clothes backs of being solid suit a man the a reversed, you sell ernter the have in to to a you wavs comes hack ward sad leaving space car. A stitohei together ( again. Texas but as wide as the ordinary btreet stand the jerk. The 1 idlei here are made of 1 . Cautious But Bewonsble. IB toe strongly fixed to a ma Mrs. Primus I saw you riding and uwood tree. The whole this morning with Willy L pop bvpred with wet rawhide, park know your I didn't Bolton. Jack on, and then the leather let you ride , aluno with geatto sadA are on? Idle put to1 ?Mta weighs thirty-fiv- e Secunila He rioesntobjeet .. . t; nos, ana nearly all good til rival losers. are gentlemen addles ire made in ths . t The saddle I send the icya Weakly. ' U not irnsareeMfol Couching- puttieularly ornate fiff e Sul thirty-fivMrs. uaywfo (hi dollars for Was new) Fine saddle What bright 11 ?ht these lamp JJJJ y . !r cow Mr. llayscod every punchers are willing to pay big jets, Maricr; them aint tanv. u they are hot Mrs. Ilayseod (losul'.v'r' willing to 1 n after tley get them, Buying, what a bri jbt Ilglit the g a riding tutflt costing d fifty or t ro hundred i Good Now. w these are average, ah Is twenty feet long and has I j Munsey's Weekly. No Iloulit of It. r Teiwhi r Who was it that said fi. fci property Is robbery? Boy I dont know. I suppose It waa some follow who didnt have any. Texas Mftings. Anrhored for Keep. ' Teacher Miss Blithersorae, why dont rise for your recitation? you Miss Rollison Pleasci ma'am( she can't She's been sitting on her spruce J udgn. gum. . . Ths Old Gentleman's Prerogative. Lot me give you a weigh, remarked young Policy, as he motioned Misa Amy ' to step on the Beales. is the. person who father only My can do that, replied Amy, archly. Sffcvl. hVTWhLrf IttorjjbU. use fifty of these cars on won be will line and thi number operation. I Ths "I1! of th Rushs." the lizard Is called alre Iul2hir," which, literally translated, euratlJ mentis the Pff of tho Its held In great esteem for When caught the person who inxlous to receive the curative powe U luiohair in hi hand and ulrc takes the over head, 'feet, licks the creature all and the a.liv legs, tides and till; licks the thus who the of person tongue ever afterwards sire luiohair M laid to J Eiprrlrnlln Doeet. Wife Oh, John, If you marry Dying again, be very careful In your choice! John You bet I will, the next time. --Jury. Tho Modern Wojr7 c-r- I I -- I called to ahsk Cbolly tr . Her Tapa-- Yc, yes, you may have her! Take my blessing! I This Is my uck. busy slay! M Oct out! t ll-P- An EmhnrrnsiAng Question. lips never uttoVcd a word of ,.My love to any woman In fore. She How did yml manage through 94' i yor nose? J udge speak ' , y |