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Show 'Kr,u AND A NEWSY PATER OUR AIM SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1892. GONE TO REST CHEER, th,tr: m E. i Hi and Notary Public lAW ,r it Main Street, cui den Dj ' fyr.! Fork, J tbu ptftb KENNER, lt ii Mi; tint itlihim if Attobnbt-atLaw- . hit j) of the Territory. all the Courte i'n nudcoi; sat, Iba W. Kbnwabd I,rnbb. mrakenward, pabk iche, ao. AnoBNKro at-La- Schools i. big for' rdwwG: of Ohi bookW IT Ma lioomt, Union Block, . . . Utah D., SOHOEON. AND jpETSldlAS J- - ,it all Cdle, l)cty rcliut, fi. Co. and iL ie dale )fC.Wt nercUk, or Night, Utah BAKERY. FORNIA Cake, and Bakers' Pies. esrt, irectiuory made (Veil lisut. Fresh Daily, ding and Birthday a Specialty. Cake Lawhencb Jur:.son, Prop'r. Fork, . . Utah 4 Sink BAILEY, it. Land and Minino Attouney. Public. sker. xbiat tL promptly Mijieral Applications 'cot sod for (ill Agricultural it lercbirt uercbu. !,. Makes Maps,' Tracings J Deoils, Drafts all kinds i, igeot r. M.O I. 3. Co-c- f TV i ,1 . of Incorporation, fcarclns titles, cttmns for Pensions, etc , etc. at 3m, ai 128G, , Hearj with i , tbaer ejlrtH mot get io thiw LOIS CLARK. is Drv jQoorla c. direct from the goods are sold umopcl ?!. now ad b , prices. FO tibob H T,W ,r. r i , e . THOMAS, Tailor, foil 11 West. f' SPANIII FORK. , RENZO eu- - East or cheaper than I defy competition in 1TREKT, :e for and Notions, Ladies' Underwear, Boots. I'iei. sail Children's Slippers, Drws Goods, Groceries, Tin-.etii opened to Store. icago MRS. g eld 8. Land office, Boom SCO Salt Lake City, Utah. to U. i dusted i rtih'cs of ogriHMuonfs, ft line of samples of DomeMic Goods. "tdemn shrrt notice. For-- i Clothing and Pit Guarant- 'Kship eed. full lino J for Machines. bta, OeO.O.Q '! for J Marths 8innett died at 8panish Fork July 22, 1893, and was buried July 24th. This estimable lady was born August 10, 1810, in Pembrokeshire, South Wales. Her parents were John and Ann Wstkiol. She was married to George Sinnett in the year 1841. Ehe embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSsinta at ao early day, and proved bet self faithful to her God all the days ot her life. She emigrated with the Saints in 1850, bringing with her' twelve other Saints, who were too poor to pay their own passage. She settled in Spanish Fork iu 1857, and resided hete until her death. Her Character seemed spotless, her life puts and her highest smbition seemed to be devoted in the interests of God sr.d right. Rest. The funeral service over her remains were held in the meeting house Sunday, July 24th, at 4 o'clock p. hi. Bishop Marinus Larson presiding. 8iogin by the Choir. Prayer by Geo. W. Wilkins. Sinking by the choir, Go to Thy Rest y SHORES, M. Bieic.f! orTair Iinpreaslse Services Held in the Meeting IIo me Last Sands, Utah - h r) Martha Slnnett at a Good Old Called Home. ' II.BKttT t. DE. Mohky Cashier. BANK- 0f SPANISII FOBK. - ITAL '$25,000 D. Bn el I, John Jones, Thomns, Guo. 0. M-- bill, -- J, g4 ' tk 'cts general business. ' nJ f.irtigo hanking exchange bought Mid on lima deposits. 'JjFOlilC, UTAU . fa 0. King; DEAL2B IN GROGEBIES abd MOTIONS, ,6 Underwear, Boots, and Children's Blip-1- 1 dies Dress Goods, Etc. ! 109 call sell 1,B ths Cheapest. I defy MOAlily and .rices. t , (r0m s ,f Wfd nf fiorlcy Drug Store, . UTAU in Peace. T. C. Martell was the first speaker. lie said: It is many yeats since Sister binnelt, in connection with her husband came to Spanish Fork. You are most all acquainted with her, but my acquaintance with her extende further Imck, pet haps, than any person present outside of her own family. It was forty or lorty-nn- e years ago when I first became acquainted with this family. 1 wna called ou a mission to Pembroke-aliire- ; this family was very prominent there at that time. Among other prominent persons of that place I might also mention Brother SDd Sister Rees, futliet and mother ot Jos. A Rees, and Elder White, of White & Sons, Salt Lake city. I remember of going the first )i:ne to Brother Sinnett, lioust! and tliero Uiyet ing the lady whose remains lays before me. Shu was very glad to see me, amt bid mo welcome to Iter home. She was full of the spirit of God, and very H'I'J at all times, and her house was ever open to thu elders. I have seen this obi lady her led many times ftlien the elders have lain their bunds upon her bead. But about two weeks sgo I was called in to administer to her, and alte said: Brother Martell, I have received blcshlngs from J ll1 'U1 your hands many times, hot 1ms Slis ia am going, but it all light. been a fuithlul worker both temporally and spiritually, always up early in the could morning hustling around. She bad she In hell if was She not bs tdlq. towets she and if living nothing to do; would sits called, and the bUbop day willingly g:t up at 4 o'clock to ptepare breakfast for the elders of brethren. She was a fimv friend to all in the cliurdi, but among the enemies ot the church she would soon tell them, "I nor not your friend. She lies gone to the spiritual world whero she will be faithful still. Elder Thomas Evans said: It has fallen to my lotto appeal before you to Referred to day as a public speaker. came 1o some passages of scripture that Was Martell Brother while his mind : As it luid ami then apeaking, you with Bister Sinnett so will It be with on a When I was first called aud me. with mission- tft Pembrokeshire I lived was the Brother sr.d Sister Sinnett; that I when harvest time. But there fifteen jnrt ago it have tramped gleaning. Many times I Brother Sinnett tired, footsore ,ome " huogrv, and I ilwsji and earnestly Isbor eat. Many persons esura of truth, for the workers hard ate in obscurity sod ts scarcely Lotto till they SS who knows them tells of the good extol the to ant are we nd have done, they sr dead an sc' of persons whan too much can Bionstt or Sister irons but sincere snd wee she not be said, for soul honest, end her whole Aod It tto tru J the cftUio of troths L esid Of her: ''When I J0 fed mn, hefi I w In prieott you reloeied me, when I wm - ',$ me, when I was beaten with many tripes you dressod my wounds; for whosoever doetb these things unto the least of my servants doeth the same unto me. And all of these things has she done unto the elders; for she has fed and uothed me, snd when I have been beaten by tho mobs she dressed my wounds. Bishop George D. Snell said: If It were possible to say that it is s pleasure to speak upon such an occasion as this then 1 might claim that it is a pleasure to me. 1 have not known Sister Sinnett as long as tha brethren that have spoken before nte, but I have known her ever since she came to Spanish Fork, and I hays found her, in every respect, n 8aint of God, who has used her meaus without tint to build up the church and kingdom of God. When I wae ordained a bishop, Brother Tburber, in retiring, gave me an account of the people ovci whom 1 was to preside, ami he made special mention of Brother and 8ister Sinnett, snd the report he gay, me was this: If you are ever in need of hieao to carry ou the church, either great or small, you can tie to Brother sod Sister Siuuett. for they have never failed hie " And I have tried thc.ni, or as you might ay, put them to the test. Afier exhaustresource ing every wiiliiu mv to obtain hav'e 1 means power weut to Brother and Sister biunet and said, 1 waut sums money and have tried in every way to get it. All right, bialiop, you can have it, was ail they bad to say. The last time t visited tins sister was a couple of day before she passed away. 1 asked her if there was anything I could do tor her. She said, Yet, there are lots of things you can do What ia it, 1 said. lorme. Yon she repeated, aud 1 said, If I kuow, I have lubjrud ai kuow, I do know. the beaJ ot the priesthood for eighteen years aud I have ever tound her faithful iu all things, and when I am calied be lore the judgment bar of God, I can beat leatiuiouy iu her belmif, that she died lull of faith It is well with our sistei tor aim has gone to her rest.. Drotliei oimiet feels grieved. They have walked the path ot litu together for many years. All cuu bear Icsliui ny that she liua been ever ready to help the po,r and metly Aud 1 Would say to Biutlicr Sinnet, beai up, trust iu God, for your wile has on-goue beloro you for a few days or yearr at least, and you will aguiu bo united, wlieie DO m olis can muleat, but wliere liey will bow their heads before ynq in shuutc. God will smooth your pillow ami. make your paths pleasant., Bishop Larsen here liis testimony to what had beeu said aud made a few closing remutks, after which tlieclmii sang, Nearer, my God, to Tlieo." Benediction by BroJier Geo, W. Brnnliull,, After which nearly three hundred and the meetin'; fifty persons passed lioiiae and viewed the remain. Just be mre the ltd wae on, the old unm looped, down and impiessed a long, earnest kies upon the cheek of his loved partuer, aud hit whole frame shook with down Ins grict aud the tears clien ks. Sltakespeai'e says, Talk not ol gnef till thou hast seen the tears of war uke men, but we say, Talk not ol griel nil thou iisst seen the tears of a oor old man at lie imprints lbs laai kiss upon the cheek ot bis loving and loved companion. with whom be has walked liainl iu band through the paths of lile for ovci fifty years. i The lid was fastened down and and a a was carried to the goodly number billowed the minima u the cemetery, win re they were laid away to rest iu peace till the tiumpet shall sound. Two of Kind. ' An TtnratlsbU Man. "Look out for him," said Uostctter McGinnis, referring to a prominent Texas gentleman, he is a hypocrite, and will play you a bad trick some day, just like he did me." "What did he do to yott?" "What did ho do? I borrowed ten dollars of him, and the double-eye- d scoundrel tried to make me pay it back. Look out for him, I tell you; you cant rely on him." Texas Siftings. , KeaaonaUle. "What's your favorite stylo of summer girl spintuclla or massive? asked Ilicks. "Depends on locality," said Chappie. "When we walk and drive I rather like ths massive girl; but for rowing, and mounting climbing resorts, give me the light and airy girl every time." WM, NO. 10. CBS SB, rmident , JOHN JONES, mmm r fre r a oh, U ImJ Superintendent. prir1 lj Manufacturers of- - Jury. THE LITTLE KNUTSFORD Opposite the Harrison Bouse. t.S. GRANT, Prop. Sprin).viile, F. AM Man riot. A t'llow did you ever get Henderson to propose?" "Why, I declined to fro to the opera with him one night bccauso I was going with his friend Martin, and then 1 got papa to write to Henderson and ask if Martiq was a man of means. Henderson cape around that bight." Jury. an Art Crltle. Ths Duka - D'Auber (throwing down the New Review) What does the duke of Marlborough know about painting? V. Scheps Well, you must confess that his grace sold hit pictures, which Is more than we can do with ours nck. Dealers id MT d?rID)U GROCERIES. Hardware; Clothing, Fur-niture, Fancy Notions, Farming Implements;. Roller Mill Flour; Grain; Etc; - - - - Boots and Shoes, Utah McCaw, Denier in Watches; Clocks MAL0OLM & HUGHES, DEALERS IN , JEWELRY. SPECTACLES. ISillS3SlL ' 4 Fine Watch aud Jewelry Repairing JaL . Sj?ECIAX.TY. Old Bank Building, tlir-mu- Main Sr, Paysob. niff Lil THE SALT LAKE stu-aine- d the-coll- . r Johnnlo (who is biding a nicUel)-- Tll bet you don't know what It is thut has a head bn one sldo and a toil on the ' other. Ii s new apaprr devoted lo (lie beat in tenets of the Wet tern slope, and parti cularly lo 4hu development of tbs Intermountain country. For advertising put poses incompsrsblj tl c best paper between San Franvise snd Denver.-..- . Daily, 305 ifsuesperyear....12 00 Weekly, 12 pp 90col., per jr. 3 00 ISO Weekly, six mouths... 75 Weekly, three tpontbs Address, THE TRIBUNE, . 8alt La xx City, Utah. Boots; Shoes; Hats; Caps; Etc.; Etc; ivlaih Street; SPANISH FORK: Union Pacific Ry It's a rooster bet I do. Tommle-- Ill on the fence. TRIBUNE Light. A DltltBrent Set. ' oyon mustnt nvtociato with chickduckens," said Mother Duck to her LOCAL TELCD CA3R03 lings. . , , , j . Why not, mamma?' Bccauso they are not in the swim." -- Chicago News. A l ittle TUT. Marjorie I hnte n fool! 1 should never havo Augustus sup- - because Marjorie Ah! You say that with Uarpcr's so you. pro been patient Bazar. An I nllkply no. Van Puder- -I have such a queer pain be In my bead I believe it must growing pain. Van Miss Frost Impossible, Mr. Dudcrl Munaeys Weekly. A Cldmara-"- I No. 2. No. 4. No. 8. No. 1. a. m. p. m. In. s. m. stations. p. :10 4 :23 7 ;40 Lv. Galt Lake. Ar. 10:00 7:03 10:00 Ar. Sp. Fork.Lv. 7:15 8:47 9 10 Jush. ll:59Lv. Ar. 5:201:4$ FAEGY AND GREEE G?(0GERIES: We carry s fait line of Tobacco, Cigars snd Fins Candies, We make a Specialty of Fresh . ' , D. E. Burley, Gcnl Agent, Salt Lake. RioGrhndeWrn riawr. i. J. O (UDi ' LOCAL TIME CARP. understand that he U pursuing a east bound. most successful career." to ' p.m. "Yes, but the career still manages ahead." well Light. sdiSLv. keep pretty 8:45 The Latt froia IIJL 7:10 the like did How yon King Totem new missionary? me sick- .prime Minister Os made lury. Dealer in OOIHO HOltTH OOI NO SOOTH. wsflT bound , j Stations. .n. fislt Lake. Ar. 10;00 8.42 Spanish Fork. 7:15 Eureks. Which Srrivc daily. When yon sis frungry call and See us, snd whrn xro looking for. .. thirsty, this is the .... !l;you SUMMER DR1NR e . ON ICEl . Our Blsckberry Cordis) is immense; try k bottle ind be convinced. ( J. H. BxNNX'rr, ,V Genl Isia. Agent Lewis Btevyaet , A |